The Developers Digest Q1 Issue

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By Etta Madete Mukuba

Affordable Housing Lead, Build X Studios

What is equality in your own words?

Equality is about ensuring that women have a

voice in spaces that have historically been maledominated.

Design and construction is one such


In Kenya, only 8% of registered architects and 11%

of engineers are women. Female representation

for construction jobs is even lower. Out of 138k

registered construction workers in the industry,

women only represent 3%. Equality in this case is

about coming up with strategies and policies that

ensure we have better representation.

In the affordable housing space where my specialty

lies, gender equality can only be achieved through

participation of women in all aspects of housingrelated

policymaking, design, construction, and

community engagement.

Why do you think diversity in the

workplace is so important?

The services rendered by any company affect

both genders. It is therefore only fair that there is

a representation of both genders at all levels. You

cannot come up with exceptional products if the

voices of all stakeholders have not been considered.

1. In your opinion, what is the nexus between

digitization and gender equality and how

can technology bridge the gender gap in the


In my view and from the context of the sector

I am working in, that is, Affordable Housing,

Architecture and Real Estate, digitisation is the

only way we can reach scale. It is the only way

to create a gender equal world, a gender equal

society of home ownership, of construction and

design. Technology therefore acts as that bridge

to truly scale our impact.

2. What sacrifices have you had to make for your

career as a woman?

I am one of seven children, I am a twin, I am

30 years old and I only got married last year. I

don’t have children yet so I think the fact that

I chose to get into the career that I am in now,

in Architecture and that it took me 3 years to

become a registered architect, 3 years of masters

and still doing a few more studies; I feel like I have

had to do a lot of education and self training to

find my place in the boardroom. I believe maybe

for other people, the strategy would have been


Back to the question. I think the biggest sacrifice

I have made is that I chose to be a career woman

and that means there are some aspects of kids

and family that sometimes get compromised. I

sometimes try to balance the best I can but that’s

the reality. And to clarify, it is not that I do not

want kids, I do want kids but sometimes you have

to pace yourself because there are only so many

things you can do at the same time.

3. What practical measures can individuals,

companies and society take to support greater

gender balance in the real estate sector?

We need policies that encourage and support

women who are often the ones underrepresented

to lend their voice to issues that

affect both genders.

Women who are leading in the sector also need to

come forth and mentor the younger ones

4. Are you currently working on any exciting

new projects? How do you think that will help

people and communities?

I am currently leading the Zima Homes team as

Co-Founder and CEO and the Affordable Housing

Lead for BuildX.

Zima Homes is an affordable housing project by

Adopting a Long-term Perspective in the Real Estate Sector

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