spring 2023 5.26

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HAYDEN REEVE - Bachelor’s in Political Science<br />

The faculty have such a breadth of experience that I felt like I was brushing shoulders<br />

with those whom history will see as giants in their field. For so many classes, I<br />

walked away with a greater depth of understanding for my subject-matter and a<br />

stronger belief in my ability to be an emissary of Christ throughout my life. I couldn’t<br />

name another university that gives this to its students.<br />

To date, the most difficult class I ever took at BYU was POLI 200 with Professor<br />

Christensen. The class required hours of reading and writing that felt like it was<br />

stretching my soul. However, that class refined me in a way that almost no other class at BYU has. It refined my writing<br />

and critical thinking skills in such a way that I have constantly refer back to lessons he taught. I was dealing with a lot that<br />

semester, but even today I am in awe at how much information I still retain from that class and how often I continue to use<br />

it. Professor Christensen helped me to self-improve and be optimistic about my prospects. I was not his best student, but<br />

he is one of my favorite professors and people.<br />

I will be working with the Government Accountability Project during the summer working on their National Security<br />

Whistleblower program. I will continue to look for employment in the national security apparatus with the goal of one day<br />

becoming an ambassador for the United States.<br />

NATHAN SEAL - Bachelor’s in Political Science<br />

I love the people at BYU and how so many peculiar organizations, and<br />

resources are available to support the various students. Interning during<br />

the 2022 general session, and working with Representative Maloy and the<br />

Legislative Office of Research and General Counsel full-time gave me so<br />

many useful lessons for life and the profession.<br />

I am grateful for CAPS and the UAC for getting me the help I needed when I<br />

was at my weakest. I’ll have fond memories of Student Development, EXDM, Swell, and Dance classes forever.<br />

I am so glad I took advantage of various professors’ office hours, excellent teaching assistants, the writing<br />

center, BYUSA (specifically the Mission Inclusivity Club) and the HBLL. Special shout out to the internship<br />

office, BYU Parking, BYU Laundry, Food to Go, and Aspen Grove for great student employment.<br />

LAUREN TIPPS - Bachelor’s in Political Science<br />

The best learning experience I had was participating in my research capstone class and<br />

presenting at the Fulton Poster Conference. My family and friends. I would not be where<br />

I am without the support they gave me throughout my college career. I am planning to<br />

start my career in Human Resources.<br />


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