Understanding the Key Risk Factors of Oral Cancer Treatment

Oral Cancer Treatment Cost in India depends on the type of treatment required, your medical condition, hospital and the city where you choose to get the treatment done. The overall oral cancer treatment cost depends on the number of chemotherapy or radiation therapy cycles that a patient has to undergo. In some patients, the doctors might advise giving more than a couple of cycles of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to kill the cancerous cells. https://www.indicure.com/oral-cancer-treatment-cost-india/

Oral Cancer Treatment Cost in India depends on the type of treatment required, your medical condition, hospital and the city where you choose to get the treatment done. The overall oral cancer treatment cost depends on the number of chemotherapy or radiation therapy cycles that a patient has to undergo. In some patients, the doctors might advise giving more than a couple of cycles of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to kill the cancerous cells.


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Understanding the Key Risk Factors of Oral

Cancer Treatment

Oral cancer is a debilitating condition that affects

millions worldwide. Thanks to advancements in

healthcare and medical sciences, we now have various

treatment options for oral cancer. However, like any

other medical procedure, oral cancer treatment comes

with its own set of risks and challenges.

This article will examine the key dangers of treating

oral cancer and explain the possible problems that

patients might encounter. Additionally, we will discuss

the oral cancer treatment cost in India, providing

valuable information for those seeking medical

assistance in the country.

Risk Factors of Oral Cancer Treatment:

1. Surgical Risks:

Surgery is often the primary treatment for oral cancer.

While it aims to remove cancerous tissues, it carries

certain risks such as infection, bleeding, and damage to

nearby structures like nerves or blood vessels. These

complications can impact the patient's overall recovery

and quality of life.

Understanding these risks and complications is

essential for patients and their families to make

informed decisions and prepare for the potential

challenges ahead.

Infection: Following surgery, there is a risk of

developing an infection at the surgical site. This can

occur due to the introduction of bacteria during the

procedure or inadequate wound care post-surgery.

Bleeding: Surgery for oral cancer involves incisions and

manipulation of tissues, which can result in bleeding.

While surgeons take precautions to control bleeding

during the procedure, there is still a possibility of postoperative


Damage to nearby structures: The oral cavity is a

complex structure with numerous vital components,

including nerves, blood vessels, and adjacent organs

such as the tongue or jawbone. Though the surgeons

take utmost care not to harm the adjacent structure,

there still is a small probability of damage to nearby

healthy tissues.

Functional impairment: Depending on the extent of

the tumor and the surgical approach, oral cancer

surgery can impact the patient's ability to speak,

swallow, or chew properly.

Psychological and emotional impact: The physical

changes resulting from oral cancer surgery can have a

significant psychological and emotional impact on


2. Radiation Therapy:

Radiation therapy is commonly employed in

conjunction with surgery or as a standalone treatment

for oral cancer. While it can effectively destroy cancer

cells, it may also damage healthy tissues in the process.

Radiation-induced side effects may include oral

mucositis (inflammation of the lining of the mouth),

dry mouth, dental problems, and difficulty swallowing.

3. Chemotherapy:

Chemotherapy utilizes drugs to kill cancer cells, but it

can also affect healthy cells in the body. Common side

effects of chemotherapy for oral cancer include

nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, and an increased

risk of infections. These side effects may vary in

intensity depending on the drugs used and the

individual's overall health.

4. Nutritional Challenges:

Oral cancer treatments can cause difficulties in eating

and swallowing, leading to significant weight loss and

malnutrition. Adequate nutrition plays a crucial role in

maintaining the patient's strength and immune system.

Therefore, proper management of nutritional

challenges becomes vital during treatment to support

the patient's recovery.

5. Psychological Impact:

The diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer can take a

toll on the patient's mental and emotional well-being.

The fear, stress, and anxiety associated with the

disease can be overwhelming. It is essential to provide

psychological support to patients undergoing oral

cancer treatment, as it significantly influences their

overall healing process.

Oral Cancer Treatment Cost in India:

Medical tourism in India has evolved significantly over

the last few years due to availability of advanced

healthcare facilities and comparatively lower

treatment costs. When it comes to oral cancer

treatment, India offers a range of options at affordable

prices, making it an attractive choice for patients

seeking quality care without breaking the bank.

The oral cancer treatment cost in India can vary

depending on several factors such as the stage of

cancer, the treatment modality chosen, the hospital or

clinic, and the city. Generally, the cost of oral cancer

treatment in India is significantly lower compared to

many other countries, including the United States,

Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Surgical procedures for oral cancer treatment, such as

tumor resection, can cost anywhere from INR 2,00,000

to INR 6,00,000 (approximately USD 2400 to 7300),

depending on the complexity and extent of the

surgery. Radiation therapy charges can range from INR

100,000 to INR 400,000 (approximately USD 1200 to

4850) depending on the type of radiation beam

required and may vary based on the patient's


Chemotherapy costs can vary widely depending on the

drugs used and the duration of treatment. On average,

chemotherapy for oral cancer in India can range from

INR 50,000 to INR 2,00,000 (approximately USD 675 to

USD 2,700) per cycle.

It is important to note that these are approximate cost

ranges, and actual costs may vary. It is advisable for

patients to consult with their healthcare providers or

hospitals in India to get a more accurate estimate of

the treatment costs based on their specific case.

In addition to the lower treatment costs, India also

boasts of world-class medical facilities, skilled

healthcare professionals, and a strong focus on patient

care. The best oncologists in India are surgeons/

medical professionals who have been trained at some

of the top-notch institutions in India and abroad, have

several years of experience behind them and have a

wide range of experience.

Also, the best cancer hospitals in India have state-ofthe-art

infrastructure, most advanced technologies,

and experienced oncology teams specializing in oral

cancer treatment.


Oral cancer treatment comes with its fair share of risks

and challenges. Surgical procedures, radiation therapy,

and chemotherapy can have potential complications

and side effects that need to be carefully managed.

Nutritional support and psychological care are also

essential elements of the treatment process. For those

considering oral cancer treatment, India offers a costeffective

option with its affordable treatment costs and

high-quality healthcare facilities. However, it is crucial

for patients to thoroughly research and consult with

the best cancer hospitals in India to understand the

treatment options, costs, and necessary arrangements

for a successful and comfortable treatment journey.

Remember, early detection and timely treatment are

key factors in improving the prognosis of oral cancer. If

you or someone you know suspects oral cancer, it is

important to seek medical attention promptly to

receive the necessary evaluation and begin the

treatment process.

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