Liposuction Cost in India: Is it Worth It?




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Liposuction Cost in India: Is it Worth It?

Liposuction in India has become popular for individuals

who wish to achieve a more desirable body shape by

removing excess fat from various body parts. As a

result, liposuction in India has gained significant

popularity, as more and more people seek to improve

their appearance and feel more confident about their

bodies. However, before undergoing liposuction, it is

essential to understand the procedure, its cost, and

other important details.

Liposuction Costs in India

Liposuction costs in India can vary depending on

several factors, including the surgeon's experience, the

clinic's location, and the procedure's extent. On

average, the cost of liposuction in India ranges

between INR 70,000 and INR 2,50,000, making it an

affordable option for those seeking cosmetic surgery.

Compared to other countries, such as the United States

or Europe, the liposuction cost in India is significantly

lower. It makes it an attractive option for individuals

seeking affordable plastic surgery abroad. As a result,

India has become a popular destination for medical

tourism, with many people coming from all over the

world to take advantage of the low costs and highquality

medical services.

However, it's important to note that the cost of

liposuction in India can vary based on several factors.

The surgeon's experience and reputation can

significantly impact the cost. Highly experienced

surgeons with a good reputation may charge higher

fees than those with less experience. The best plastic

surgeons in India though may charge a little higher,

but one can be well assured of his/ her safety with


The location of the clinic/ hospital can also affect the

cost. Clinics in metropolitan cities or high-end areas

may charge more than less expensive ones. The best

plastic surgery hospitals in India are mostly located in

tier one cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore,

Hyderabad etc.

The extent of the procedure is another very important

factor that affects the cost. More extensive procedures

that require a longer time in the operating room may

cost more than less extensive procedures.

It's essential to consider all these factors when

deciding on the cost of liposuction in India. Make sure

to research different clinics and surgeons, read

reviews, and check before-and-after pictures of

previous patients to gauge the surgeon's expertise. It

can help you get the best possible results while staying

within your budget.

Liposuction Procedure and Surgery

Liposuction is an aesthetic plastic surgery that removes

excess fat from different body parts, such as the

abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, and back. The

procedure typically takes between one and four hours,

depending on the extent of the procedure.

Liposuction can be performed under general or local

anesthesia, depending on the patient's preference and

the surgeon's recommendation.

A specialized doctor who specializes in giving

anesthesia would administer the anesthesia. Once the

patient is asleep, the surgeon will make small incisions

in the skin near the targeted areas. He/ She will then

insert a thin, hollow tube called a cannula through the

incision and into the fat layer beneath the skin.

The surgeon will move the cannula back and forth

through the fat layer, breaking up the fat cells and

suctioning them out through the cannula. The surgeon

will use a suction machine or syringe to remove the fat.

There are several liposuction techniques that surgeons

can use, depending on the patient's needs and the

extent of the procedure required. These techniques

include, Tumescent liposuction, Water jet assisted

liposuction, Power Assisted Liposuction, laser-assisted

liposuction, VASER etc.

Traditional liposuction involves inserting the cannula

through a small incision and moving it back and forth

to break up the fat cells. The surgeon then suctions out

the fat through the cannula.

Tumescent liposuction involves injecting a solution of

saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine into the targeted

area before surgery. This solution helps to numb the

area, reduce bleeding and bruising, and makes it easier

to suction out the fat.

Laser-assisted liposuction uses a laser to liquefy the fat

cells before suctioning them out. This technique can

cause less bleeding and bruising than traditional

liposuction, and the recovery time may be shorter.

Water Jet Assisted Liposuction uses water pressure to

dislodge the fat, is quite a gentle form of liposuction

and does not cause unnecessary trauma to the area.

Recovery Process

After the procedure, the patient wears a compression

garment to reduce swelling and help the body heal.

One may experience pain, swelling, and bruising, which

can be managed with painkillers and ice packs. Patients

should avoid taking any blood-thinning medications or

supplements for a certain period of time before and

after the procedure to reduce the risk of excessive

bleeding and bruising.

It is important for the patient to follow the postoperative

care instructions provided by their surgeon

to ensure a successful recovery. The patient should

wear the compression garment as directed, to help

reduce swelling and promote healing.

The patient will also need to rest for a few days

following the procedure and avoid any strenuous

activities or exercise until they are cleared by their

surgeon. It is important for patients to gradually

resume daily activities as directed by the surgeon to

prevent any complications and ensure proper healing.

IndiCure - A Trusted Name in Medical Tourism

IndiCure Health Tours is a renowned medical tourism

company in India that offers various medical

treatments, including liposuction. They have a team of

highly qualified and experienced surgeons who use

advanced techniques and equipment to perform the

procedure. IndiCure offers packages that include

accommodation, transportation, and aftercare, making

it a convenient and affordable option for those seeking

medical treatment in India.

Is Liposuction in India Worth It?

The cost of liposuction in India is significantly lower

than in other countries, making it an attractive option

for those seeking affordable medical care. However,

choosing a clinic with a good reputation and a qualified

plastic surgeon is crucial to ensure quality care and

minimize potential risks such as bleeding, infection,

and blood clots. With proper research and planning,

liposuction in India can be a sound investment in one's

appearance and confidence.


In conclusion, liposuction is an effective way to achieve

a more desirable body shape by removing stubborn

pockets of fat that cannot be eliminated through diet

and exercise alone. In India, liposuction is an

increasingly popular option due to its affordable cost

compared to other countries and the availability of

highly qualified and experienced surgeons.

Call us :09320036777

Email id : info@indicure.com

Website: https://www.indicure.com/liposuction-costindia/

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