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Jesus Was a Sacrifice, Not a Survivor

“Jesus of Nazareth has become a universal archetypal figure in the minds of all

mankind. But he has thereby become more a part of conventional mind and

meaning than a servant of the Real. Unfortunately, he has become identified with

personal or egoic survival rather than perfect sacrifice of self, mind, life, emotion,

and body.

“Paul the Apostle said that if Jesus did not survive his death, then belief in him

and his Teaching is fruitless. Therefore, the bodily and personal survival of Jesus

became the traditional foundation of Christian belief and practice. But Paul's

conception is false. The Truth and the Law of sacrifice are not verified by or

dependent upon the knowable survival or immortality of any man, including

Jesus. The Truth of the Teaching of Jesus, itself an extension of the Teaching of

the ancients, did not at all depend on his survival, or, more specifically, knowledge,

on the part of others, of his survival. If it did depend on his personal or

conventional soul-survival of death, or the knowledge of such on the part of

others, he could not have taught anything of ultimate significance during his

lifetime, and all Teaching before his time would have been inherently false. But

Jesus himself specifically denied both possibilities.The Teaching of Jesus is

essentially the ancient Teaching of the Way of Sacrifice.

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