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Ladakh has some of the oldest Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in the world. At

the entrance of every monastery on the right-hand wall is painted an image

called the ‘Wheel of Life,’ a comprehensive summary of Buddha’s teaching in

picture form made for a predominantly illiterate people.

The Wheel of Life illustrates the co-dependently (one thing always depending on

another) arising, inevitable, always and only temporary, ever alternating,

‘good,’ ‘bad,’ pleasurable and painful karmas of birth and death, youth and old

age, disease and health, heaven and hell.

The Wheel illustrates the karmas (actions and destinies) of men, gods, demi-gods,

demons and animals, portraying the path of every sentient being who is bound

upon this wheel.

After Buddha was enlightened underneath the Bodhi tree, he thought he was not

going to teach as what he had to say was not capable of being understood nor of

interest to others.

Seeing his hesitation, the gods implored him to teach if only for the sake of the

few who might be prepared and to help others see the truth of Reality and it was

only at their urging that Buddha acquiesced and began his teaching mission to

‘Turn the Wheel of the Dharma.’

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