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Buddha was once asked, “How are you different from other beings?” He

responded, “I was disturbed by old age, disease and death. That is what made me

seek for liberation; others were not so disturbed.”

To recognize not just one’s own person or personal fate, but the nature of this

whole world is suffering (like Kisagotami) makes one a ‘stream-enterer’ (sotapanna),

one who has ‘heard the teaching.’ A sotapanna has entered into the stream of

religious understanding29 and only on this basis begins to practice the Buddha

Dharma and walk the ‘liberating’ path of life.

Buddha was once asked, ‘For the sake of awakening and practicing the Dharma;

is it better to be born in the heaven realm, the hell realm, or the earth realm?’

Buddha replied,

“In the hell realm, the suffering is so intense and the pain so overwhelming that

the focus of one’s existence is avoiding more pain and one either tries to numb

oneself or escape the overwhelmingly painful conditions. Because of such

circumstances, beings in hell have little interest in the Dharma and do not practice

the way.

“In the heaven realm of the demi-gods, the length of life is so long and the

pleasures available so exquisite that beings who live there forget their situation will

ever come to an end and are therefore not interested in the Dharma or practice

of the way.

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