Disordered Personalities 2ed

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Disordered Personalities — Second Edition

Present from birth, the id is completely unconscious and seeks gratifi¬

cation of instinctual (mainly sexual and aggressive) drives. The superego

forms via the process of identification with the same-sex parent at the

resolution of the oedipal conflict. It suppresses instinctual aims, serves

as the moral conscience in dictating what should not be done, and as

the ego ideal, dictates what should be done. The superego is largely

unconscious, but has a conscious element.

The ego is the mediator between the id and superego; and between

the person and reality. The ego has both conscious and unconscious

elements. The following are considered the conscious roles of the ego:

• Perception (sense of reality)

• Reality Testing (adaptation to reality)

• Motor control

• Intuition

• Memory

• Affect (visibly expressed emotion)

• Thinking (the ego uses secondary process) and Learning

• Control of instinctual drives (delay of immediate gratification)

• Synthetic functions (assimilation, creation, coordination)

• Language and Comprehension

The fundamental concept in ego psychology is one of conflict amongst

these three agencies. The id, ego and superego battle for expression

and discharge of sexual and aggressive drives. This conflict produces

anxiety, specifically called signal anxiety. This anxiety alerts the ego

that a defense mechanism is required, which is an unconscious role

of the ego. The events can be conceptualized as follows:

The id seeks expression of an impulse


The superego prohibits the impulse from being expressed


This conflict produces signal anxiety

An ego defense is unconsciously recruited to decrease the anxiety

Repression is the first defense used; others follow if required

A character trait or neurotic symptom is formed,

based in part on which other ego defenses are used


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