National Hardwood Magazine - October 2023

The October 2023 issue of National Hardwood Magazine features stories on E.F. San Juan, Classic American Hardwoods, Forest Products EXPO and more. The issue also includes industry news, business trends across the United States and Canada, and Who's Who in Hardwoods.

The October 2023 issue of National Hardwood Magazine features stories on E.F. San Juan, Classic American Hardwoods, Forest Products EXPO and more. The issue also includes industry news, business trends across the United States and Canada, and Who's Who in Hardwoods.


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For over a century, Corley has been<br />

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In the Southeast region, various <strong>Hardwood</strong> representatives<br />

from different states are observing the lumber<br />

market to be “Okay”, with White Oak showing notable<br />

strength according to one source.<br />

A <strong>Hardwood</strong> sales representative in Tennessee<br />

reported that his domestic sales of White Oak are<br />

performing well, but he’s encountering difficulties in his<br />

export markets.<br />

“We are doing okay. Certain species are moving better<br />

than others. White Oak has picked up substantially here<br />

recently. It had a little slow down for a while but that is<br />

trending up and we are selling more White Oak now. I<br />

would describe everything else as ranging from okay to<br />

a little below average. Most of our sales right now are<br />

domestic. Pretty much every export market has been<br />


On the West Coast, different sources provided insights<br />

into their market situations. Two sources mentioned average<br />

and steady business conditions, while another<br />

noted some inconsistency in their markets.<br />

In Washington, a <strong>Hardwood</strong> salesman reported that<br />

his markets show inconsistency, with one week being<br />

different from the next.<br />

“Things are very sporadic. We will have a week or two<br />

where we are busy then will have a few weeks where it<br />

is just dead. There is no consistency in my markets right<br />

now that’s for sure. White Oak is doing good for us but<br />

it’s not just all the White Oak that has some demand.<br />

For us it seems like a lot of people just want wider width<br />

lumber. They are not looking for the random and the narrow<br />

boards. A lot of these higher end flooring people are<br />

Please turn to page 66 Please turn to page 67<br />


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16 OCTOBER <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

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