2023-2024 Program Guide

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FEBRUARY 24, <strong>2024</strong><br />

10 AM - 3 PM<br />

Join us as we learn to challenge and sharpen one another to live out<br />

our calling of being men after God’s own heart as spiritual leaders.<br />

Raphael Giglio is the Founding and Lead<br />

Pastor of North Shore Fellowship in<br />

Monmouth County, NJ. He is a graduate<br />

of Pillar College with a degree in<br />

Organizational Leadership, and has<br />

studied journalism and religion at Rutgers<br />

and Harvard Universities. He has<br />

pastored churches in Franklin, TN and<br />

Zarephath, NJ and is ordained by the<br />

Christian and Missionary Alliance. He<br />

serves as a Trustee with the Ocean Grove<br />

Camp Meeting Association, and is<br />

involved in multiple Messianic ministries<br />

on a national level. Raphael is the author<br />

of the book “Soul or the Spirit” and his<br />

teaching ministry “Sharable Truth” can be<br />

heard regularly on The Bridge Radio.<br />

We believe in the power of<br />

worship to bring renewal and<br />

restoration to worship leaders,<br />

individuals, and communities. We<br />

seek to create transformative<br />

worship experiences that inspire<br />

and encourage, allowing the Holy<br />

Spirit to work in the hearts and<br />

lives of all who participate.<br />

Early bird through 9/30/23 $49<br />

Regular Price $59

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