New Opportunities Intermediate Wordlist English - Dutch - French

New Opportunities Intermediate Wordlist English - Dutch - French

New Opportunities Intermediate Wordlist English - Dutch - French


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nerve-wracking LDå‰Wî=?êôâfÏL zenuwslopend énervant, angoissant It was nerve-wracking waiting for the test results.<br />

neutral LDåàìWíê]äL neutraal neutre Switzerland was a neutral country during the war.<br />

nomad LDå]rãôÇL nomade nomade The nomads of the desert move from place to place by camel.<br />

obligation L?flÄäfDÖÉfp]åL verplichting l'obligation You have an obligation to inform the police of any accident on the road.<br />

obligatory L]DÄäfÖ]í]êáL verplicht obligatoire Attending school is obligatory.<br />

OK L?]r=DâÉfL oké bon, OK "Can he stay overnight?" "That's OK with me, but check with Mum."<br />

on the left/right Lflå=a]=DäÉÑíI=Dê~fíL aan de linkerkant/rechterkant à gauche, à droite The newsagent's is on the right just after the bookshop.<br />

open (an – mind) LD]ré]åL open (een - geest) ouvert I'm keeping an open mind about what to do.<br />

open-door policy L?]ré]å=DÇlW=?éflä]ëáL opendeurpolitiek la politique d'ouverture des frontières Many countries would like an open-door policy on refugees.<br />

oppression L]DéêÉp]åL onderdrukking l'oppression They suffered years of oppression.<br />

order LDlWÇ]L opdracht; in order to: om in order to : afin de Plants need light in order to live.<br />

ornament LDlWå]ã]åíL siervoorwerp l'ornement There was a china cat along with other ornaments on the piano.<br />

overcrowded L?]rî]Dâê~rÇfÇL overvol surpeuplé Britain's overcrowded prisons need to be rebuilt.<br />

parking lot LDé^WâfÏ=äflíL parkeerterrein le parking We left the car in the parking lot.<br />

pass Lé^WëL doorgeven passer Pass me the salt and pepper, please.<br />

passage LDéôëfÇwL doorgang la passage They were the first to discover the western passage through the mountains.<br />

past Lé^WëíL afgelopen passé, dernier He's been pretty miserable over the past few weeks.<br />

peer Léf]L peer, edelman le pair He's a peer – Lord Foster of somewhere or other.<br />

pepper LDéÉé]L peper le poivre The soup needs a little more salt and pepper<br />

persecution L?é‰WëfDâàìWp]åL vervolging la persécution He suffered persecution for his political beliefs.<br />

phrase LÑêÉfòL zinsnede l'expression He always starts the class with the phrase "Good morning!"<br />

phrasebook LDÑêÉfòÄrâL taalgids un guide de conversation We bought a German phrasebook when we were on holiday in Berlin.<br />

pick sb up L?éfâ=ë¾ãÄ]Çá=D¾éL iemand ophalen passer prendre qqn I promised to pick her up at six o'clock.<br />

pick sth up L?éfâ=ë¾ãqfÏ=D¾éL iets oppikken apprendre She picked up some German when she was on holiday in Berlin.<br />

pitiful LDéfífÑ]äL meelijwekkend pitoyable We came across the pitiful sight of homeless children.<br />

pity LDéfíáL medelijden la pitié I felt a lot of pity for the dead man's family.<br />

pluck Léä¾âL plukken cueillir She plucked a rose from her garden.<br />

poison LDélfò]åL gif le poison The plant's leaves contain a poison.<br />

poisonous LDélfò]å]ëL giftig nocif, toxique Many household chemicals are poisonous.<br />

poke sb LDé]râ=?ë¾ãÄ]ÇáL iemand een por geven pousser, donner un coup She poked him with her elbow to stop him from falling asleep.<br />

popcorn LDéfléâlWåL popcorn le pop corn We bought some popcorn before going in to see the film.<br />

posh LéflpL chic chic The Ritz is a very posh hotel.<br />

poverty LDéflî]íáL armoede la pauvreté Millions of people are living in poverty.<br />

profession Léê]DÑÉp]åL beroep la profession I spent most of my life in the teaching profession.<br />

professional Léê]DÑÉp]å]äL deskundig professionnel You'll need professional legal advice.<br />

proverb LDéêflî‰WÄL spreekwoord le proverbe Mum's favourite proverb is "Many hands make light work."<br />

pub food LDé¾Ä=ÑìWÇL pubvoedsel la nourriture servie dans les pubs Sometimes pub food can be better value than in a restaurant.<br />

reggae LDêÉÖÉfL reggae le reggae Bob Marley made reggae music popular.<br />

relaxed LêfDäôâëíL ontspannen détendu She looked happy and relaxed on her wedding day.<br />

rent LêÉåíL huren louer We rent the flat from my uncle.<br />

reserved LêfDò‰WîÇL terughoudend réservé She's very reserved until she gets to know you.<br />

rib LêfÄL rib la côte She poked him in the ribs to wake him up.<br />

roast beef L?ê]rëí=DÄáWÑL rosbief le rosbif We had roast beef, vegetables and Yorkshire pudding for dinner.<br />

rugby LDê¾ÖÄáL rugby le rugby He injured his leg playing rugby.<br />

sacred LDëÉfâê]ÇL heilig sacré To Hindus, the River Ganges is sacred.<br />

second LDëÉâ]åÇL tweede second, deuxième There are two keys – the first is for the main door and the second is for the office.<br />

self-image L?ëÉäÑ=DfãfÇwL zelfbeeld l'image de soi Depression affects people with a poor self-image.<br />

sense of humour L?ëÉåë=]î=DÜàìWã]L gevoel voor humor le sens de l'humour He has a great sense of humour and is always making us laugh.<br />

skeleton LDëâÉä]í]åL geraamte le squelette We found the skeleton of a cat.<br />

ski-jumping LDëâáW=?Çw¾ãéfÏL schansspringen le saut à ski We watched the ski-jumping at the Winter Olympics.<br />

sloppy LDëäfléáL slordig détrempé (fig. bâclé) This was a sloppy piece of work, Smith.<br />

so that LDë]r=a]íI=aôíL zodat de sorte que Mum gave me some money so that I could buy Dad a present.<br />

soccer LDëflâ]L voetbal le foot A lot of soccer fans were annoyed when the match was called off.<br />

sound Lë~råÇL klinken avoir l'air (quand on l'entend) It sounds strange to say this, but I really like broccoli!<br />

specimen LDëéÉë]ã]åL exemplaar le spécimen He's a very odd specimen of the human race.<br />

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