New Opportunities Intermediate Wordlist English - Dutch - French

New Opportunities Intermediate Wordlist English - Dutch - French

New Opportunities Intermediate Wordlist English - Dutch - French


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civilisation L?ëfî]ä-~fDòÉfp]åL beschaving la civilisation The archaeologist was fascinated by the ancient civilisation of Egypt.<br />

civilised LDëfî]ä-~fòÇL beschaafd civilisé France is a very civilised country.<br />

clay LâäÉfL klei l'argile He made a figure out of clay.<br />

coffee maker LDâflÑá=?ãÉfâ]L koffiezetapparaat la machine à café She poured two cups of coffee from the coffee maker.<br />

come up with Lâ¾ã=D¾é=ïfaI=ïfqL bedenken penser à qqch. I tried to come up with an answer, but my mind was a blank.<br />

companion Lâ]ãDéôåà]åL metgezel le compagnon, la compagne One of her travelling companions became ill.<br />

confronted with Lâ]åDÑê¾åífÇ=ïfaI=ïfqL geconfronteerd met confronté à He admitted his guilt when confronted with the evidence.<br />

considered Lâ]åDëfÇ]ÇL beschouwd considéré All things considered, I think the day went well.<br />

contrast LDâflåíê^WëíL tegenstelling le contraste There was a great contrast between the rich and the poor areas of the city.<br />

cuneiform LDâàìWåáÑlWãL spijker- cunéiforme He was studying the cuneiform writing of ancient Mesopotamia.<br />

curator LâàrDêÉfí]L curator le conservateur, la conservatrice He's curator of fine art at the Metropolitan.<br />

definitely LDÇÉÑfå]íäáL beslist assurément, absolument I'll definitely phone you tonight.<br />

dense LÇÉåëL dicht dense They hacked their way through the dense tropical jungle.<br />

documentary L?Çflâà]DãÉåí]êáL documentaire le documentaire We watched a documentary about dinosaurs.<br />

domestication LÇ]?ãÉëífDâÉfp]åL tot huisdier maken la domestication The domestication of this breed of dog took hundreds of years.<br />

drizzle LDÇêfòäL motregen le crachin A light drizzle had started by the time we left.<br />

ecstatic LfâDëíôífâL in extase transporté When Beckham scored, the crowd was ecstatic.<br />

effect LfDÑÉâíL gevolg l'effet We do not know what the long-term effects of pollution are on the Earth.<br />

empire LDÉãé~f]L rijk l'empire She's reading "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire".<br />

eruption LfDê¾ép]åL uitbarsting l'éruption The village was destroyed by the volcanic eruption.<br />

excessive LfâDëÉëfîL overmatig excessif Excessive dieting can be very harmful.<br />

execute sb LDÉâëfâàìWí=?ë¾ãÄ]ÇáL iemand terechtstellen exécuter qqn They executed the murderer at midnight.<br />

fact LÑôâíL feit le fait I don't want to go, really. In fact, I'm not going.<br />

fertile LDщWí~fäL vruchtbaar fertile The soil was fertile and produced enough food for the whole village.<br />

find sth out L?Ñ~fåÇ=ë¾ãqfÏ=D~ríL achter iets komen découvrir qqn Jack found out that Suki has been seeing Norman.<br />

fit LÑfíL passen correspondre à That word does not fit in the sentence.<br />

fountain LDÑ~råí]åL fontein la fontaine Tourists throw coins into the Trevi fountain in Rome.<br />

fours (on all -) LÑlWòL vieren (on all fours: op handen en voeten) à quatre pattes He was down on all fours playing with the puppy.<br />

full of sth LDÑrä=]î=?ë¾ãqfÏL vol met iets plein de The glass was full of orange juice.<br />

fusion LDÑàìWw]åL fusion la fusion He plays an unusual style of jazz fusion.<br />

gadget LDÖôÇw]íL apparaatje, hebbedingetje le gadget I bought a handy little gadget for opening bottles.<br />

genre LDwflåê]L genre le genre (musical, littéraire) He started a whole new genre of impressionist painting.<br />

gladiator LDÖäôÇáÉfí]L gladiator la gladiateur In ancient Rome, gladiators fought lions in the Coliseum.<br />

go out LÖ]r=D~ríL uitgaan sortir They decided to go out for a meal.<br />

go up in smoke LÖ]r=?¾é=få=Dëã]râL in rook opgaan partir en fumée Her plan to sail to Africa went up in smoke when the engine failed.<br />

grandeur LDÖêôåÇw]L pracht la grandeur (noblesse) Her paintings capture the grandeur of the mountains.<br />

granite LDÖêôå]íL graniet la granit The building was made of grey, sparkling granite.<br />

graze LÖêÉfòL schaven brouter Tim fell off his bicycle and grazed his knees.<br />

grow up in L?Öê]r=D¾é=fåL opgroeien in grandir She grew up in Belgium but has lived in Scotland for years.<br />

guide LÖ~fÇL gids le guide The guide pointed out the cathedral on the left.<br />

gunpowder LDÖ¾å?é~rÇ]L kruit la poudre à canon Their plan was to blow up parliament with barrels of gunpowder.<br />

healthcare LDÜÉäqâÉ]L gezondheidszorg les soins de santé The UK healthcare system is free but we pay for it through our taxes.<br />

hitchhike LDÜfípÜ~fâL liften faire de l'auto-stop He had hitchhiked down from Glasgow.<br />

hold LÜ]räÇL houden tenir The play held me spellbound right up to the end.<br />

hooligan LDÜìWäfÖ]åL hooligan le hooligan A gang of football hooligans attacked the shop.<br />

humidity LÜàìWDãfÇ]íáL vochtigheid l'humidité It was hot but damp and the humidity was very high.<br />

impress sb LfãDéêÉë=?ë¾ãÄ]ÇáL indruk op iemand maken impressionner He tried to impress her with his vast knowledge of world affairs.<br />

impressed LfãDéêÉëíL onder de indruk impressionné I was really impressed by how well the team played in its first game.<br />

inclined to LfåDâä~fåÇ=í]I=írL geneigd om enclin à It seemed unlikely that her story was true, but I was inclined to believe her.<br />

indifferent LfåDÇfÑ]ê]åíL onverschillig indifférent How could a father be so indifferent to his own children?<br />

investigate LfåDîÉëífÖÉfíL onderzoeken enquêter, étudier Police are investigating the robbery.<br />

irrigation channel L?fêfDÖÉfp]å=?ípôåäL irrigatiekanaal canal d'irrigation They dug an irrigation channel to water the crops.<br />

kettle LDâÉíäL waterkoker la bouilloire I'll put the kettle on.<br />

key ring LDâáW=êfÏL sleutelbos le porte-clé She added the luggage key to her key ring.<br />

kiosk LDâáWflëâL kiosk le kiosque We stopped at the kiosk in the shopping centre to buy a newspaper.<br />

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