IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Clin i cal Data: In 2000, re sults of a trial of Lupron in Alz hei mer’s dis ease were pre sented (go nad o tro pin<br />

lev els are higher in women with Alz hei mer’s). TAP was spon sor ing fur ther re search in this area.<br />

Li cens ing: Leuprorelin has been li censed out to Abbott for Can ada, Eu rope, Mex ico and sev eral other<br />

Latin Amer i can coun tries. The TAP jv mar keted it in the USA. Abbott and Takeda con cluded their TAP joint<br />

ven ture in May 2008 and Abbott re ceived rights to Lupron.<br />

In No vem ber 2003, TAP ob tained an ex clu sive li cense from Norwood Ab bey (Aus tra lia) to ex pand the in -<br />

di ca tions for Lupron. Norwood has been in ves ti gat ing ways in which LHRH can be used to boost T-cell<br />

pro duc tion by the thy mus gland, pro duc tion which nor mally de clines with pu berty. LHRH may be able to<br />

tem po rarily block pro duc tion of sex ste roids that are re spon si ble for this de cline. The two com pa nies will<br />

jointly fund R&D to as sess ap pli ca tions in fields in clud ing bone mar row trans plan ta tion, can cer and<br />

HIV/AIDS. TAP would have re spon si bil ity for fil ing any re sult ing sNDAs, and would pay mile stones and<br />

roy al ties to Norwood. In ad di tion, TAP ac quired a $2 mil lion eq uity stake in Norwood Im mu nol ogy, a<br />

wholly owned Norwood subsidiary based in the UK.<br />

Pat ents: In 1999, Takeda filed law suits against OWL Pharmaceuticals and Oakwood Lab o ra to ries (USA)<br />

with a US dis trict court claim ing in fringe ment of 12 pat ents re lated to its leuprorelin de pot for mu la tion.<br />

OWL had sub mit ted an ANDA in the US for a ge neric ver sion of Lupron De pot. The suit called for a halt to<br />

ac tiv i ties that in fringe Takeda’s pat ents and post pone ment of FDA ap proval un til those pat ents ex pire.<br />

Ac cord ing to Takeda, the pat ents will re main in effect until after 2010.<br />

Oakwood Lab o ra to ries (USA) has filed suit in the US Dis trict Court al leg ing that TAP and its co-own ers Ab -<br />

bot and Takeda have been and are in fring ing the US ‘542 pat ent by mak ing and sell ing sus tained-re lease<br />

leuprolide ac e tate prod ucts un der the trade name Lupron De pot. The suit fur ther al leges that TAP and its<br />

par ent com pa nies had knowl edge of the pat ent, which was is sued in 1989, and that the in fringe ment was<br />

will ful. The suit was filed by Oakwood Lab o ra to ries and the Uni ver sity of Ken tucky Re search Foun da tion,<br />

the pat ent owner and li cen sor of rights under the ‘542 patent to Oakwood.<br />

In 2003, TAP filed a suit against Atrix (now QLT, USA) and its li censee Sanofi-Synthelabo (now<br />

sanofi-aventis, France) al leg ing that the use of the Atrigel de liv ery sys tem in their prod uct Eligard<br />

(leuprolide ac e tate for in ject able sus pen sion) in fringes a Takeda and Waco US patent.<br />

In Sep tem ber 2007, Takeda set tled lit i ga tion amount ing to Yen37.6 mil lion re lat ing to the be reaved fam -<br />

ily of an em ployee who had been in volved in de vel op ing con trolled re leased for mu la tion of Leuplin.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: The FDA ap proved an IND for a trial us ing Lupron De pot to re ju ve nate the thy -<br />

mus gland and im prove im mune re sponse in pa tients who re ceived an autologous bone mar row trans -<br />

plant, us ing an ap proach de vel oped by Aus tra lia’s Norwood Im mu nol ogy and will be co-funded by the US<br />

Na tional Can cer In sti tute and the Na tional In sti tute of Al lergy and Infectious Disease.<br />

TAP, Takeda’s fully-owned US sub sid iary, an nounced in 2003 that LuproLoc be came avail able for use<br />

with Lupron De pot (leuprolide ac e tate for de pot sus pen sion) as the first prod uct in its class to of fer a nee -<br />

dle safety de vice on pre-filled sy ringes. LuproLoc, which was ap proved by the US FDA, fea tures an in no -<br />

va tive, in te grated safety mech a nism at tached to pre-filled sy ringes con tain ing Leupron De pot. The new<br />

prod uct is de signed to of fer healthcare work ers ad di tional pro tec tion from needlestick in jury, which is a<br />

cause of oc cu pa tional ex po sure to dis eases such as HIV, hep a ti tis B and hep a ti tis C. The FDA ap proval is<br />

the re sult of fil ings with both the FDA’s cen ter for Drug eval u a tion and Re search (CDER) and its Cen ter for<br />

De vices and Ra dio log i cal Health (CDRH). The de vice is the first prod uct to come to mar ket fea tur ing tech -<br />

nol o gies li censed by TAP from Spe cial ized Health Prod ucts In ter na tional (SHPI). Takeda has now de vel -<br />

oped a num ber of slow-re lease ver sions, in clud ing Lupron De pot-4, where pa tients only re quire an<br />

in jec tion ev ery four months and Lupron De pot-3 (once ev ery three months). A six-monthly in jec tion was<br />

awaiting approval in 2007 in Germany, Italy and France following filings in 2005.<br />

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