IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

(one-quar ter the low est ap proved dose) as the side ef fects are dose de pend ent, along with the two most<br />

commonly used doses of candesartan (4 and 8mg).<br />

Com pe ti tion: Novartis also ob tained ap proval in Ja pan for its Co-DIO, com bin ing its Diovan (valsartan)<br />

with hy dro chlo ro thi a zide in Jan u ary 2009. Both join Banyu’s losartan + hy dro chlo ro thi a zide com bi na tion<br />

Preminent al though this is avail able in one strength only com pared with two strengths for Takeda’s<br />

Ecard and Novartis’ Co-DIO. Co-DIO how ever uses two dos ages of hy dro chlo ro thi a zide (6.25mg and<br />

12.5mg) along with the same dose of valsartan which it says will en able cli ni cians to se lect the more ap -<br />

pro pri ate one con sid er ing the risk of ad verse events due to hy dro chlo ro thi a zide. Takeda con firmed that<br />

data from clin i cal tri als re vealed com pa ra ble hypotensive ef fi cacy with Ecard (4mg candesartan +<br />

6.25mg hy dro chlo ro thi a zide) to candesartan 8mg and a more po tent hypotensive ef fect using Ecard<br />

(8mg + 6.25mg hydrochlorothiazide) to candesartan 8mg.<br />

Takeda’s Blopress was the third best sell ing AIIA in its class (C9C, To tal An gio ten sin II An tag o nists, Plain)<br />

in the 12 months to Sep tem ber 2008, with 11.4% mar ket share and 6% dol lar growth, ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>.<br />

Novartis’ (Swit zer land) Diovan (valsartan) is mar ket leader with a 26.3% mar ket share and 12% dol lar<br />

growth; Merck & Co’s (USA) Cozaar (losartan) is sec ond with a 16.3% mar ket share, down 5% over the<br />

pre vi ous year, and in fourth place, Boehringer Ingelheim’s (Ger many) Micardis (irbesartan), with a<br />

8.9% mar ket share and 16% dol lar growth. Benicar (olmesartan medoxmil) took fifth place with 8.5%<br />

and 24% growth.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In the year to March 31 2008 (fis cal 2007) ac cord ing to Takeda, con sol i -<br />

dated Blopress global sales were up 8.2% to Yen223.1 bil lion. In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep -<br />

tem ber 2008, Blopress Comp was Takeda’s num ber nine in ter na tional phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct, mak ing<br />

up 1.3% of cor po rate sales, up 7% in fixed rate dol lar terms, ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>. An a lysts at Mor gan Stan -<br />

ley (Au gust 2008) fore cast con sol i dated Blopress sales of Yen246.8 bil lion by the year ending March<br />

2013.<br />

CALSLOT (manidipine), a once-daily cal cium an tag o nist, was launched in Ja pan in 1990 for hy per ten -<br />

sion.<br />

Li cens ing: Manidipine was li censed-out to Chiesi (It aly) for mar ket ing in Eu rope and Brazil. Takeda<br />

co-mar kets the prod uct in It aly with Chiesi as Vascoman. Chiesi first launched it in It aly as Iperten in<br />

1996. In 2000, Chiesi launched it in Brazil as Manivasc. Chiesi com pleted the Eu ro pean mu tual rec og ni -<br />

tion pro ce dure in 2001, and in 2003, launched manidipine in Spain as Artedil and in Greece as Manyper.<br />

It was launched in Ger many as Manyper in and in Tu ni sia as Iperten in 2004. In 2005, it was launched in<br />

France as Iperten. Iperten was launched in Mo rocco in March 2006.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: Li censee Chiesi has de vel oped a com bi na tion of the Takeda ACE in hib i tor<br />

delapril and manidipine, with the trade name Vi vace. It was launched in Aus tria in 2005 and in Ger many<br />

in Feb ru ary 2006. In March 2006, it was launched in Brazil as Hipertil. Delapril, and manidipine were<br />

orig i nally de vel oped by Takeda, and li censed by Chiesi for Eu rope and Brazil. Takeda does not ap pear to<br />

be de vel op ing this com bi na tion product in Japan, however.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: With sales of Yen5 bil lion in fis cal 2007 (end ing March 2008), an a lysts at<br />

Mor gan Stan ley (Au gust 2008) fore cast a drop in sales to Yen3.5 bil lion by the year end ing March 2013.<br />

NIASPAN (ni a cin ex tended re lease) is ap proved a treat ment of mul ti ple lipid dis or ders, and was first<br />

launched in 1997. It is the only once-daily ex tended-re lease for mu la tion of ni a cin avail able in the USA for<br />

this indication.<br />

Li cens ing: Takeda (through TPNA) signed an agree ment with Kos (now Abbott, USA) in No vem ber 2003<br />

to co-pro mote the prod uct in the USA from Jan u ary 2004. An iden ti cal agree ment was signed for Kos’s<br />

other cho les terol prod uct, Advicor (ni a cin/lovastatin ex tended re lease). Both agree ments are due to last<br />

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