Student Council Agenda 30-04-08 - FXU Students Union

Student Council Agenda 30-04-08 - FXU Students Union

Student Council Agenda 30-04-08 - FXU Students Union


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<strong>FXU</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Council</strong> meeting MINUTES<br />

Wednesday 19 th January 2011<br />

3pm-5pm<br />

Seminar J, Daphne Du Maurier Building, Tremough Campus<br />

Members in attendance:<br />

Circe Bloom (Tuke House Rep), Fred Bolinder (Joint Chair of <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and UECC<br />

Politics Rep), Insa Burch (Joint Environment & Ethics Officer), Charlotte Franklin (UECC<br />

CSM Rep), Henrik Hildre (Joint Environment & Ethics Officer), Hidayaful Atiqah bte Hj<br />

Mohd Jeff Foriz (International <strong>Student</strong>s Rep UECC), Iyanu Idowu-Agida (Campaigns<br />

Officer), Omari McCarthy (UCF Open position), Sophie Moore (UCF Art Foundation<br />

Rep), Michael O’Reilly (UCF Media Rep), Samuel Phillips (Joint Sports & Societies<br />

Officer), Thomas Phillips (Joint Sports & Societies Officer), Tim Port (President<br />

Welfare), Eleina Priede (International <strong>Student</strong>s Rep UCF), Gabriel Rawlings<br />

(Promotions Exec), Thomas Rawson (Glasney View Rep), Daniel Venton (UECC<br />

Geography Rep), Kristy Wallace (President UECC), Beth Windsor (RAG Officer).<br />

Apologies: Henry Austwick (Joint Chair of <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and UECC History Rep),<br />

Chris Batten (UCF Performance Rep), Anton Constantino (<strong>FXU</strong> Ents Officer), Andy<br />

Edmonds (President UCF), Jonathan Green (UECC Law Rep), Rebecca Griffiths (UCF<br />

Media Rep), Ian Pogonowski (UECC Open position), Siobhan Pyburn (Community<br />

Action Officer), Chloe Smith (UCF Performance Rep).<br />

Total no. of members attended = 17<br />

Quorum (currently 14 ) = Yes<br />

Non-members in attendance:<br />

Janice Mitchelson (<strong>FXU</strong> staff, minute-taking)<br />

Item Title and notes Action to be<br />

taken by<br />

1 Present & Apologies<br />

As above.<br />

2 Issues arising from Minutes of last meeting<br />

Tim reported that he had met with Doreen Pinfold regarding<br />

increasing the opening hours of Woodlane library and a<br />

proposal had been put together for longer opening hours of<br />

Woodlane overall (studios as well as library etc) to start during<br />

this term or next.

Insa asked about Tremough studios opening for longer too and<br />

Tim confirmed that everything should be open for longer.<br />

Kristy reported that the OutRAGeous fundraising activity as a<br />

follow on from Exeter’s RAG group did not go ahead due to the<br />

charities already being decided by Exeter’s RAG group, which<br />

were not necessarily as relevant to Cornwall. <strong>FXU</strong> could still<br />

use the concept for a RAG event in the future though.<br />

Kristy has been following up the suggestion of being able to<br />

use student cards as <strong>Student</strong> ID. DOB would need to be on<br />

card. Although some venues would still not accept it as proof<br />

of ID, such as local tesco which only accepts documents such<br />

as passport.<br />

Action Point: Kristy to meet with Henry to follow up further<br />

and to look into what local venues would accept as proof of<br />

ID.<br />

Tim reported that UCF emails were to be become compulsory<br />

by the academic year 2011-12.<br />

Kristy reported that there was a new printing method where<br />

students can pay for their printing and take their card to<br />

wherever they wanted to print on campus.<br />

Tim reported from the TCS executive meeting that the reason<br />

of bad maths is what led to the shortage of accommodation at<br />

the beginning of this academic year which resulted in bunk<br />

beds being put in for students. As students were actually<br />

positive about having bunk beds in rooms once moved in,<br />

Accommodation are planning for next year to have more<br />

choice for students between bunk beds or single beds. More<br />

accommodation is also being built.<br />

Fred asked if the students in bunk beds received the refunds<br />

they were due. Tim reported TCS charged 60% of rent to each<br />

person to accommodate the sharing and that students also got<br />

free internet and a free t-shirt for freshers’ night out entitling<br />

students to cheap drinks offers that evening.<br />

Fred commented that the sharing put a strain on seating in the<br />

flats as well as fridge space etc, therefore if there is to be<br />

continued sharing, TCS need to improve this.<br />

Action Point: Tim to bring up more seating and fridge space<br />

in shared accommodation with TCS.<br />

As a Halls rep, Tom reported that he had not heard many<br />

issues on this regarding Glasney View. Some flats that started<br />

Kristy &<br />

Henry<br />


with 9 students, then went down to 7 for example anyway.<br />

3 News from the Presidents/Execs<br />

Future of <strong>FXU</strong> – You Decide referendum 17-21 Jan<br />

Tim and Kristy explained the different options for the<br />

structure of <strong>FXU</strong> across the three different key areas of<br />

1) presidential structure 2) <strong>FXU</strong> trustee board 3)<br />

decision-making/how <strong>FXU</strong> trustees report to students.<br />

More details on www.fxu.org.uk/future. All students to<br />

vote in this referendum on each question, which will<br />

then become the basis of a proposed new constitution<br />

for <strong>FXU</strong> to go to the AGM.<br />

<strong>FXU</strong> Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2 Feb<br />

All students to attend. Please can all <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

members go and bring as many students as possible.<br />

There needs to be 75 minimum in attendance in order<br />

for the meeting to be quorate. A vote on the proposed<br />

new constitution will take place where students will get<br />

the chance to accept/reject/abstain. The constitution<br />

(along with last year’s financial accounts) will be on the<br />

<strong>FXU</strong> website available to students from the week<br />

before.<br />

Last term activities/news & upcoming activities<br />

- Movember made around £364.<br />

- Fresher’s went well.<br />

- Education cuts demo went well in London.<br />

Kristy and Andy are doing some research with<br />

students on what they want for their money<br />

with the rise in tuition fees.<br />

- Kristy is looking into the relationship between<br />

Exeter Guild and <strong>FXU</strong> in terms of getting<br />

student views on what they think.<br />

- Tim was researching funding opportunities for<br />

another Sabbatical Officer, but the money he<br />

had in mind is now going to the Stannary.<br />

- Kristy reported on a £20,000 increase in sports<br />

funding. <strong>FXU</strong> Sports and Recreation Coordinator<br />

has been getting students feedback<br />

on a student wish list for things to spend the<br />

money on. Fred reported that international<br />

students can’t currently drive the minibus and<br />

so limits them in going on trips. Please can it be<br />

made more accessible to them, especially since<br />

international students pay a lot more in fees to<br />

study here compared to home students.

Action Point: Tim to follow up options for<br />

international students on hiring the minibus.<br />

- Tim attended an Equality & Diversity<br />

meeting.<br />

Sports & Socs are holding a Sports Quiz soon, a fashion<br />

show fundraising event, and hopefully a Summer<br />

Olympics.<br />

Action Point: Samuel and Thomas to talk to Hanna<br />

regarding sports kit offers they had received.<br />

Tim is organising the Climax Ball (11 Feb) and SHAG<br />

(Sexual Health, Awareness and Guidance Week) 7-11<br />

Feb. See www.fxu.org.uk/events for more details. party<br />

can be fancy dress. Anyone who would like to help,<br />

please get in touch with Tim.<br />

Tim is also helping to put on a Free and Fair Trade<br />

Fortnight that is Feb 28 – Mar 11 and it was requested<br />

that recycled paper should be used for posters.<br />

Action Point: Tim to make this happen.<br />

<strong>FXU</strong> Volunteering Fayre is on Wed 26 January 2011.<br />

The <strong>FXU</strong> Elections 2011 are coming up for next year’s<br />

Presidents, 14 Feb – 17 March. There’s a design<br />

opportunity for marketing the Elections coming up. See<br />

www.fxu.org.uk/elections<br />

The Presidents are on with organising the End of year<br />

Garden party and there’ll probably be an after party in<br />

the Stannary.<br />

This year’s Presidents will also be starting to organise<br />

next year’s freshers’ aswell, which will happen each<br />

year from now on. This is because fresher’s organising<br />

can start sooner and better acts secured. The<br />

Presidents are looking to set up a Fresher’s Committee.<br />

The Creative Events Management Group are doing<br />

some research into fresher’s activities too.<br />

Iyanu campaigned for Movember, and gave out lots of<br />

info. He is thinking of doing something for World Aid’s<br />

Day, doing an event at Ocean Bowl, involved in<br />

promoting SHAG week, wanting to set up Campaigns<br />

Committee to get info on what students want. Issue<br />

with buses not turning up, may need to do a campaign<br />

on this, but Andy looking into at the moment.<br />

Action Point: Andy to update at next <strong>Council</strong> what is<br />

happening with bus service.<br />

RAG and campaigns could work together to do a pub<br />

crawl.<br />

<strong>Student</strong>s to go see Iyanu regarding campaigns ideas for<br />

campaigns. <strong>Student</strong>s can contact him by<br />

campaigns@fxu.org.uk . Iyanu has an idea of using t-<br />

Tim<br />

Samuel and<br />

Thomas<br />

Tim<br />


4 Halls issues<br />

shirts and putting words on t-shirts regarding issue.<br />

May buy plain t-shirts, then students can write on<br />

words. Still working on this.<br />

Mike offered his expertise in advertising and to contact<br />

him on or1966@gmail.com if they’d like any help or to<br />

use as a sounding board.<br />

None reported.<br />

5 UCF issues<br />

Mike brought up that there are no IT spaces that are quiet<br />

spaces. As a Media student, this needs to change. Iyanu could<br />

campaign for this, however, first the question should be asked<br />

by a President to the library/IT suites. A discussion around<br />

different study areas came about and it was decided that<br />

there needs to be stricter areas in the library including Quiet<br />

study (quiet eating/whispering allowed) and Silent Study<br />

(absolutely silent). Perhaps have silent study areas with all IT<br />

that is needed for UCF students.<br />

Action Point: Tim to follow up stricter study areas with the<br />

library and IT suites and specifically regarding Media<br />

students when using IT areas.<br />

If unsuccessful, could petition for this.<br />

Eleina reported of broken printers. Samuel and Thomas<br />

suggested to contact course leader first to ask to solve this<br />

problem. Eleina asked with regards to international students’<br />

fees, where does the money go as international students are<br />

not getting the services they are paying for. UoE can be<br />

requested to show where money is spent regarding<br />

international student fees.<br />

Action Point: Eleina to contact course leader to ask to fix<br />

broken printers.<br />

Tim asked for any news/repercussions about the voluntary<br />

redundancies, but none came forward. Any issues can be<br />

brought to Andy as UCF President. Tim can ask for another<br />

meeting between Anne Carlisle and Geoff Smith if need be.<br />

Samuel and Thomas asked about Woodlane Bar. The<br />

presidents reported that there is a new bar manager, Duncan<br />

Smith. <strong>FXU</strong> and TCS were starting a few nights a week there.<br />

Samuel and Thomas said they would like to let locals know<br />

what is happening to keep them onside. Tim is working with<br />

Tim<br />


Jilly Easterby (UCF Head of Public Affairs) about nights put on<br />

at Woodlane Bar. Current licence is until midnight.<br />

Samuel and Thomas offered to be security for events if<br />

needed. Iyanu suggested putting on more buses to help move<br />

on students after leaving the bar in the evening.<br />

Tim suggested continuing with the ‘Hello to your neighbour’<br />

event for next year.<br />

6 UECC issues<br />

Charlotte reported on problem with the type of graph paper<br />

used in exams as it is currently glossy and the lines are grey<br />

matching the pencil markings the students make. This makes it<br />

difficult to write on during exams. She’s brought up at her SSLC<br />

too.<br />

Action Point: Kristy to take on<br />

Fred reported that ‘My Exeter’ webpage/access to weblog<br />

kept crashing and creating problems for students wanting to<br />

log on.<br />

Action Point: Kristy to follow up.<br />

Charlotte reported that over Christmas period, students are<br />

still getting locked into the Peter Lanyon and geography IT<br />

suite building. Tom reported that all doors are locked in Peter<br />

Lanyon apart from one, however this was where there were<br />

steps that had not been de-iced, so very dangerous. Doors are<br />

locked at midnight in geography. There are no numbers to ring<br />

where got locked in. Need 24 hour opening to solve problem.<br />

Action Point: Kristy to follow up.<br />

7 International <strong>Student</strong>s’ issues<br />

Atiqah reported that the international office for Exeter<br />

students is not very helpful. Receiving lots of individual issues<br />

from students.<br />

Action Point: Atiqah and Kristy to collect a log of issues,<br />

which can then be brought together to take as evidence of<br />

problems to UoE to solve.<br />

UCF fund international society events but UECC wasn’t<br />

enough/limited time to get funding from institution.<br />

Action Point: Henrik to find out how much UCF funding has<br />

been given and pas to Kristy.<br />

Action Point: Kristy to follow up matching up funding from<br />

Kristy<br />

Kristy<br />

Kristy<br />

Atiqah &<br />

Kristy<br />

Henrik<br />


8 AOB<br />

UoE to match UCF’s funding.<br />

Iyanu suggested a ‘Taste the World’ event and Atiqah put<br />

forward the ideas of being part of Diversity week. Tim<br />

suggested that Rob Curran (UCF Equality & Diversity Coordinator)<br />

may have a budget to put in a proposal for this.<br />

Action Point: Tim to follow up.<br />

Atiqah reported that there is nowhere that serves Halal meat<br />

on campus. Atiqah asked for a Halal week to be put on by the<br />

Stannary and also for information on where students can buy<br />

Halal meat from locally.<br />

Action Point: Tim to follow up.<br />

Laura Haimes is receiving current enquiries for the UECC<br />

international office since Vivien van Deberg who previously<br />

ran the Int Office left. Vivien’s position is not being refilled.<br />

Eleina reported that not all international students arrive at the<br />

same time and there are lots of students that do not receive a<br />

welcome or help on arrival. Eleina likes the idea of an<br />

‘international’ themed event. It would be good to have an<br />

international sporting event such as Ice-hockey brought in.<br />

Action Point: Eleina to ask students to email her a wish list<br />

for international events.<br />

Eleina reported the language support was not good enough<br />

and went going to get support herself did not receive<br />

adequate support. Other students have been asking for more<br />

support in this. Daniel suggested mentors for international<br />

students.<br />

Action Point: Henrik and the international society can help<br />

with this and would be for both UCF and UECC and will look<br />

into with the society.<br />

Gabriel offered to publicise events as the <strong>FXU</strong> Promotions<br />

Exec, students can contact him by promotions@fxu.org.uk<br />

9 Date & Time of next meeting<br />

Next meeting is on Wednesday 9 th March 2011 3pm-5pm in<br />

the Woodlane Boardroom.<br />

Tim<br />

Tim<br />

Eleina<br />


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