Ukázka katalogu 2003 - Svět knihy

Ukázka katalogu 2003 - Svět knihy

Ukázka katalogu 2003 - Svět knihy


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CZECH<br />

book world<br />

export catalogue<br />

Czech Writers<br />

Květa Legátová<br />

(1919)<br />

is the pen name of an author born<br />

into a countryside teacher’s family.<br />

She studied Czech, German,<br />

physics and mathematics and<br />

after a short spell as a teacher of<br />

German at a conservatory in Brno<br />

during the war she worked at<br />

a remote one-form schools in the<br />

Beskydy mountains. Deemed<br />

politically unreliable, she was<br />

often forced to move from one<br />

school to another. Her teaching<br />

career lasted for over forty years.<br />

The parts of Wallachia and Moravian<br />

Slovakia called Kopanice<br />

have for a long time become the<br />

main source of inspiration for her<br />

balladic and at the same time<br />

naturalist stories. In the sixties<br />

she co-operated with the Brnobased<br />

Host do domu magazine<br />

and her radio play was awarded<br />

the Prix Bohemia in the early<br />

1990s. In 2001 she made her stunning<br />

debut on the Czech literary<br />

scene.<br />

Winner of the State Award for Literature<br />

Bibliography:<br />

Želary (The Vilage of Želary), 2001;<br />

Jozova Hanule, 2002<br />

16 > news autumn <strong>2003</strong> / spring 2004<br />

Alexandra Berková<br />

(1949)<br />

Author of prose fiction and<br />

screenplays, she graduated from<br />

a secondary school of glass-making<br />

and went on to study Czech<br />

and art education at Charles<br />

University, Prague. She was<br />

employed as an editor in the Svoboda<br />

and Český spisovatel publishing<br />

houses. In the 1990s she<br />

ran a creative writing seminar<br />

with Josef Škvorecký at a private<br />

secondary school bearing<br />

Škvorecký’s name. At present,<br />

Berková is the head of the<br />

Department of Creative Writing at<br />

the Literary Academy. Back in the<br />

second half of the 1980s she cofounded<br />

an informal literary<br />

group called ‚Hejno českých<br />

spisovatelů Mamut‘ ( A Flock of<br />

Czech Writer, Mammoth), which<br />

brought together nonconformist<br />

writers. In 1989 she helped to<br />

found the Czech Centre of the<br />

P.E.N. Club and the Community of<br />

Writers. She is also active in the<br />

feminist movement.<br />

Winner of the Egon Hostovský Prize<br />

Bibliography:<br />

Knížka s červeným obalem (The Book<br />

with the Red Cover), 1986; Magorie<br />

aneb příběh velké lásky (Loonysm or<br />

the Story of a Great Love), 1991, 1993;<br />

Utrpení oddaného Všiváka (The Sufferings<br />

of an Affectionate Scoundrel),<br />

1993, 1995; Temná láska (Dark Love),<br />

2000; Dámská jízda (Ladies Only -<br />

TV play) 1992; Co teď a co potom<br />

(What Now and What Then -TV series);<br />

author of radio plays<br />

Hana Androniková<br />

(1967)<br />

Studied at a grammar school in<br />

Zlín, from where she went on to the<br />

Charles University Arts Faculty,<br />

mastering in English - Czech. Having<br />

finished her studies she<br />

worked as a personnel manager in<br />

both foreign and Czech companies.<br />

In 1999 she discontinued her business<br />

activities and has focused on<br />

literature ever since. Her first novel<br />

was published in 2001.<br />

Winner of the Magnesia Litera 2002 –<br />

Discovery of the Year and the Book<br />

Club Literary Award 2001<br />

Bibliography:<br />

Zvuk slunečních hodin (The Sound<br />

of the Sun Dial), 2001; Srdce na udici<br />

(Heart on the Hook), 2002<br />

Petra Hůlová<br />

(1979)<br />

Student of Cultural and Mongolian<br />

Studies at the Charles<br />

University Arts Faculty, she spent<br />

the 2000-2001 school year in<br />

Mongolia. This year TORST publishers<br />

have published her curiously<br />

entitled book Paměť mojí<br />

babičce (Memory My Granny).<br />

Petra Hůlová is single and has no<br />

children.<br />

Winner of the Magnesia Litera <strong>2003</strong> –<br />

Discovery of the Year<br />

Bibliography:<br />

Paměť mojí babičce<br />

(Memory My Granny), <strong>2003</strong><br />

Ludvík Vaculík<br />

(1926)<br />

Novelist, essayist, and columnist<br />

Ludvík Vaculík was originally<br />

trained as a shoemaker and factory<br />

worker. After taking a degree<br />

in journalism from the School of<br />

Political and Social Sciencies he<br />

became a warden in an apprentices‘<br />

dormitory, and then an editor<br />

at Czechoslovak Radio before<br />

moving on to Literární noviny. Of<br />

his provocative newspaper<br />

columns his „Two-thousand<br />

Words” manifesto met with<br />

greatest response. Vaculík was<br />

persecuted by the authorities in<br />

the 1970s when he founded<br />

a samizdat series called Petlice<br />

(which eventually comprised<br />

about 400 books) and signed<br />

Charter 77. From the late 1960s till<br />

the changes of 1989 he was not<br />

permitted to publish in the regular,<br />

state-owned publishing houses.<br />

In 1996 he received the Order<br />

of Tomáš Masaryk.<br />

Winner of the Karel Čapek Award 2002<br />

Bibliography:<br />

Český snář (The Czech Dream-book),<br />

1980; Dva tisíce slov (Two-thousand<br />

Words), 1968; Jak se dělá chlapec<br />

(The Making of a Boy), 1993; Jaro<br />

je tady (Spring’s Here), 1988; Morčata<br />

(Guinea Pigs), 1970; Rušný dům<br />

(A Busy House), 1963; Sekyra<br />

(The Axe), 1966; Sólo pro psací stroj<br />

(Solo for the Typewriter), 1984;<br />

Srpnový rok (The Year of August),<br />

1989; Nové vlastenecké písně Karla<br />

Havlíčka Borovského (Karel Havlíček<br />

Borovský’s New Patriotic Songs),<br />

1990; Stará dáma se baví (The Old<br />

Lady’s Having Fun), 1991; Poco rubato<br />

1994; Nad jezerem škaredě hrát<br />

(To Play Gross Above the Lake), 1996;<br />

Nepaměti (Biograspy), 1998; Cesta<br />

na Praděd (On the Way to Mount<br />

Praděd), 2001; Loučení k panně<br />

(Farewell to a Virgin)<br />

Emil Hakl<br />

(1958)<br />

Studied at the Jaroslav Ježek<br />

Academy, specialising in lyrics<br />

writing, with extra two years of<br />

drama at the same school.<br />

Since 1980 he worked as a window-dresser,<br />

librarian, petrol station<br />

mechanic and sound engineer.<br />

Between 1995 - 2000 he<br />

composed texts for various<br />

advertising agencies. In 2001 he<br />

worked as an editor in the literary<br />

biweekly Tvar and currently earns<br />

his living as a journalist.<br />

In the eighties he was focusing on<br />

writing verse and preparing and<br />

staging drama adaptations of literary<br />

works with various amateur<br />

ensembles. By the end of the<br />

1980s and beginning of the<br />

1990s he became one of the cofounders<br />

of the Modern Illiterate<br />

free literary association, which<br />

later attracted the collaboration<br />

of numerous other authors. He<br />

started writing prose in 1998 and<br />

has not stopped since.<br />

His works have been published<br />

in the Iniciály, Týden, Tvar,<br />

Aluze, Salon magazines, the<br />

Hospodářské noviny daily supplement,<br />

the Moderní analfabet<br />

(Modern Illiterate) revue, Dobrá<br />

adresa internet magazine and<br />

a number of anthologies. His<br />

poetry and prose have also been<br />

broadcasted by the radio. He is<br />

represented in the Anthologie de<br />

la poésie tchéque contemporaine<br />

1945-2000 (Gallimard, Paris 2002).<br />

Winner of the Magnesia Litera <strong>2003</strong><br />

Bibliography:<br />

Rozpojená slova (Disjoined Words),<br />

1991; Zkušební trylky z Marsu (Trial<br />

Trills from Mars), 2000; Konec světa<br />

(The End of the World), 2001, 2002;<br />

Intimní schránka Sabriny Black<br />

(Sabrina Black’s Intimate Case), 2002;<br />

O rodičích a dětech (On Parents<br />

and Children), 2002<br />

Petr Borkovec<br />

(1970)<br />

Having graduated from the Jan<br />

Kepler Grammar School in Prague<br />

he did not finish his studies at the<br />

department of Czech studies of<br />

the Charles University Arts Faculty.<br />

Since 1992 he was the editor of<br />

the Prague revue for Christianity<br />

and culture Souvislosti and has<br />

worked as a proof reader in the<br />

Dnes daily, fiction editor in Nakladatelství<br />

Lidové noviny publishing<br />

house, headed the Art and Critique<br />

supplement of the Lidové<br />

noviny daily and also worked as<br />

an editor in Literární noviny. He<br />

currently earns his living as<br />

a freelance writer and poetry<br />

translator. His poems have been<br />

published in German and Italian,<br />

English and French translations<br />

are due to be published soon.<br />

Winner of the Jiří Orten Prize<br />

Bibliography:<br />

Poetry books: Prostírání do tichého<br />

(Set into Silence), 1990; Poustevna,<br />

věštírna, loutkárna (Hermitage, Oracle,<br />

Puppetroom), 1991; Ochoz (The Gallery),<br />

1994; Mezi oknem, stolem a postelí<br />

(Between Window, Table and Bed),<br />

1996; Polní práce (Fieldwork), 1998<br />

awarded the Hubert-Burda-Preis 2001<br />

and Norbert-C.-Kaser-Preis 2001 for<br />

the German translation of Fieldwork.<br />

free cycle of twelve poems entitled<br />

A.B.A.F., 1994. Needle-Book, <strong>2003</strong><br />

Translations:<br />

U řek babylonských (By the Rivers of<br />

Babylon), 1996; Ut pictura poesis, 2002,<br />

poems by Vladislav Chodasevich, Juriy<br />

Odarchenko, Yevgeniy Reyn, Zinayda<br />

Gippius, Georgiy Ivanov, Josif Brodsky<br />

and others published in magazines,<br />

Jasná luna v prázdných horách (Clear<br />

Moon in Empty Mountains), 2001 with<br />

Vladimír Pucek; drama Oidipus Rex by<br />

Sophocles and Oresteia by Aychilos.<br />

Jaroslav Rudiš<br />

(1972)<br />

CZECH<br />

book world<br />

export catalogue<br />

Following his studies at the<br />

Turnov grammar school he pursued<br />

further academic career in<br />

Liberec, Prague, Zurich and Berlin.<br />

A graduated teacher of German<br />

and history, he was earning<br />

his living performing various professions<br />

- a Czech brewery’s<br />

advertising agent in Germany,<br />

baker in the Alps, hotel porter, DJ<br />

and sound engineer in a rock<br />

club, manager of a punk band,<br />

teacher, bricklayer and dairy shop<br />

assistant. Currently he is the editor<br />

of the Právo daily culture supplement.<br />

His works include short<br />

stories, poetry and song lyrics. He<br />

collects old railway timetables<br />

and maps. In 2001-2002 he lived in<br />

Berlin on a journalist scholarship<br />

from the Free University and is<br />

currently recording a debut novel<br />

entitled “Heaven under Berlin”.<br />

He is also collaborating with the<br />

painter Jaromír 99 on his next<br />

book - an original black & white<br />

comic book from the Sudentenland,<br />

to be published under the<br />

title “The White Brook”. As an<br />

editor he is compiling a reader of<br />

contemporary German literature.<br />

Winner of the Jiří Orten Award 2002<br />

Bibliography:<br />

Nebe pod Berlínem<br />

(Heaven under Berlin), 2002<br />

autumn <strong>2003</strong> / spring 2004 news > 17

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