Abstracts - American Musicological Society

Abstracts - American Musicological Society

Abstracts - American Musicological Society


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ThursdaY afternoon<br />

that of the thematic surface, saturating the texture<br />

without being confined to nornal processes of rnotivic<br />

transformation and thematic development.<br />

Applied to the whole of the quartet, this insight<br />

illuminates a design that focuses on shifting<br />

inflectional tensions within one element of this<br />

"subthematic" configuration: the f-e half-step first<br />

presented in the opening measures of the first<br />

movement. Within this design, the precarious tonal<br />

modal balance of the Dankgesang emerges as a node of<br />

extreme ambiguity in which any sense of a stable<br />

inflectional relation between f and e is completely<br />

obscured, generating tensions that spill over into the<br />

follovring movements--tensions for which no normal<br />

process of resolution seems appropriate.<br />


R. Larry Todd, Duke<br />


Univers ity, Chair<br />



John J. Daverio, Boston Universicy<br />

The writings of Friedrich Schlegel, perhaps the<br />

chief early romantic critic/philosopher, have received<br />

little attention frorn musical scholars. While music did<br />

not much figure in SchIegeL's romantic programme (he<br />

was indeed a litcle suspicious of it), there are<br />

numerous aspects of his literary theory that are useful<br />

in assessing the more disruptive qualities of<br />

nineteenth-century musical form. This paper examines<br />

the concept that was at the heart of Schlegel's<br />

critical theory: the Arabeske (arabesque), a notion<br />

developed principally in his "GesprSch riber die poesie"<br />

(L799) and Atheneum Fragmenre (I797 /99) . In a limired<br />

sense, the arabesque refers to digressive<br />

interpoLations that intentionally disturl<br />

chronological<br />

the<br />

flow of a typical narrative; as<br />

form,<br />

a total<br />

the arabesque tempers a seemingly<br />

diversity through a deliberately .or,"""1"d "h"oti.<br />

process.<br />

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