Abstracts - American Musicological Society

Abstracts - American Musicological Society

Abstracts - American Musicological Society


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38 Friday afternoon<br />

of an ornament) depends on the muslcal context in which<br />

al. rule is applied. Furthermore, Rousseau,s grammar<br />

of ornanentation turns out to have,,variable stiength,,<br />

rules - - that is , some rules must be applied in ceriain<br />

musical contexts, while the appiication of weaker rules<br />

is optional. This means thaL a given melodic line nay<br />

be ornanented in several differen-t ways.<br />

The paper also evaluates Rousseaurs grammar to see<br />

whether it can ornanent a rnelodic line in a<br />

stylistically appropriate manner. Several pieces with<br />

written - out ornamentat ion from the<br />

late - seventeenth- century viol repertory lrere selected<br />

and stripped of their ornaments. Rousseau, s rules were<br />

then applied to these skeletal rnelodies to see whether<br />

the original vers ion was generated. Rousseau's<br />

grammar produced all the original ornaments, plus many<br />

more, naking the resulting melody florid but in rnosr<br />

cases stylistically acceptable.<br />



Philip Russom, yale University<br />

Appearing as the second volume of his three_volune<br />

Musikalische Handleitung, Friederich Erhard Niedt,s<br />

Har.rdleitung zur Variation (170d) includes considerabfe<br />

information on "how the bass and the figures over<br />

nay<br />

it<br />

be varied, elegant inventions made, holl,<br />

"rid<br />

from a<br />

simple figured bass, preludes, chaconnes, allemandes,<br />

courantes, sarabandes, menuets, gigues and the like rnay<br />

be constructed. " Virtually ignor-a Uy scholars<br />

volume , this<br />

merits attention for a number of reasons. It is<br />

the most detailed discussion of variation technique<br />

found in writings of the seventeenth and eighteenth<br />

centuries. The second edition (L72L) was edlted by<br />

none other than Johann I,{attheson, who includes an<br />

extensive commentary on Niedt's work in the form of<br />

lengthy footnotes. Niedtrs variations concern not only<br />

composition and accompaninent, but also improvisation<br />

ac the keyboard. He reveals much about the art of<br />

dirninution as he breaks the bass in the left hand and<br />

creates arpeggios and passage work in the right.<br />

Finally, Niedt's treatise illustrates, more clearly<br />

than any other, that variations (especially when<br />

externporized) are integral to the art of thoroughbass<br />

realization.<br />

This paper fa11s into three parts, The first part<br />

summarizes and illustrates Niedt's variation methods.<br />

The second part places Niedt' s work in an historical<br />

context by cornparing the Handleitung zur Variation to<br />

other music treatises. The third part<br />

variation suites and partitas by Georg Bijhrn and """ifr"" J. S.<br />

Bach to show how the variation techniques prescribed by<br />

Niedt were used creatively by his contemporaries.

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