directors - The Lion Group

directors - The Lion Group

directors - The Lion Group


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Property, Plant and Equipment<br />

Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost or valuation less accumulated depreciation and accumulated<br />

impairment losses.<br />

Gain or loss arising from the disposal of an asset is determined as the difference between the net disposal proceeds<br />

and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognised in the income statements.<br />

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment, except freehold land and construction work-in-progress which<br />

are not depreciated, is computed on the straight-line method at rates based on the estimated useful lives of the<br />

various assets.<br />

<strong>The</strong> annual depreciation rates are as follows:<br />

Freehold buildings 2% - 4%<br />

Leasehold land and buildings 1% - 8%<br />

Other buildings and improvements 2% - 10%<br />

Pulp and paper mill 2% - 4%<br />

Plant, machinery and equipment 2% - 20%<br />

Housing colony and infrastructures 2% - 10%<br />

Jetty and access roads 2% - 4%<br />

Motor vehicles 8% - 25%<br />

Furniture and office equipment 5% - 25%<br />

Computer equipment 10% - 20%<br />

Renovations 2% - 10%<br />

Capitalisation of Borrowing Cost<br />

Borrowing cost incurred on the construction of assets which require a substantial period of time to get them ready<br />

for their intended use are capitalised and included as part of the related assets. Capitalisation of borrowing cost<br />

will cease when the assets are ready for their intended use and is suspended during extended period in which<br />

active development is interrupted.<br />

Leased Assets<br />

Assets under leases which in substance transfer the risks and benefits of ownership of the assets to the <strong>Group</strong> have<br />

been capitalised under property, plant and equipment. <strong>The</strong> assets and the corresponding lease obligations are<br />

recorded at the fair value of the leased assets (which approximate the present value of the minimum lease payments)<br />

at the beginning of the respective lease terms. <strong>The</strong> interest element of lease rentals, calculated using the ‘sum of<br />

digit’ method, is charged to the income statements. Leases which do not meet such criteria are classified as<br />

operating leases and the related rentals are charged to the income statements as incurred.<br />

Property, Plant and Equipment Under Hire-Purchase Arrangements<br />

Property, plant and equipment acquired under hire-purchase arrangements are capitalised in the financial statements<br />

and the corresponding obligations treated as liabilities. Finance charges are allocated to the income statements to<br />

give a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining hire-purchase liabilities.<br />


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