Android™ Application Development - Bahar Ali Khan

Android™ Application Development - Bahar Ali Khan

Android™ Application Development - Bahar Ali Khan


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Using Internet Services<br />

Chapter 11: Advanced Android <strong>Development</strong><br />

Software as a service, or cloud computing, is becoming increasingly popular as companies try to reduce<br />

the cost overheads associated with installation, upgrades, and maintenance of deployed software. The<br />

result is a range of rich Internet services with which you can build thin mobile applications that enrich<br />

online services with the personalization available from your mobile.<br />

The idea of using a middle tier to reduce client-side load is not a novel one, and happily there are many<br />

Internet-based options to supply your applications with the level of service you need.<br />

The sheer volume of Internet services available makes it impossible to list them all here (let alone look<br />

at them in any detail), but the following list shows some of the more mature and interesting Internet<br />

services currently available:<br />

❑ Google’s gData Services As well as the native Google applications, Google offers Web APIs<br />

for access to their calendar, spreadsheet, Blogger, and Picasaweb platforms. These APIs collectively<br />

make use of Google’s standardized gData framework, a form of Read/Write XML data<br />

communication.<br />

❑ Yahoo! Pipes Yahoo! Pipes offers a graphical web-based approach to XML feed manipulation.<br />

Using pipes, you can fi lter, aggregate, analyze, and otherwise manipulate XML feeds and output<br />

them in a variety of formats to be consumed by your applications.<br />

❑ The Google App Engine Using the Google App Engine, you can create cloud-hosted web services<br />

that shift complex processing away from your mobile client. Doing so reduces the load on<br />

your system resources but comes at the price of Internet-connection dependency.<br />

❑ Amazon Web Services Amazon offers a range of cloud-based services, including a rich API<br />

for accessing its media database of books, CDs, and DVDs. Amazon also offers a distributed<br />

storage solution (S3) and an elastic compute cloud (EC2).<br />

Building Rich User Interfaces<br />

Mobile phone User Interfaces have improved dramatically in recent years, thanks not least of all to the<br />

iPhone’s innovative take on mobile UI.<br />

In this section, you’ll learn how to use more advanced UI visual effects like Shaders, translucency, animations,<br />

touch screens, and OpenGL to add a level of polish to your Activities and Views.<br />

Working with Animations<br />

Back in Chapter 3, you learned how to defi ne animations as external resources. Now, eight chapters<br />

later, you get the opportunity to put them to use.<br />


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