Project One Report

Project One Report

Project One Report


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<strong>Project</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

Chris Barwick<br />

ECE 406 Section 1<br />

March 20 th 2008<br />


As digital systems become larger and more complex, it becomes increasingly<br />

difficult to organize, test, and debug. The development of hardware description<br />

languages (HDL) allows one to build an entire hardware system using a relatively<br />

simple programming language. <strong>Project</strong> one used the Verilog HDL to build a<br />

simplified version of the LC-3 microprocessor. The project not only taught me the<br />

Verilog language itself, but also how to deal with a complex system such as the LC-3<br />

by using a top down design style.<br />

The following report gives a basic overview of how I dealt with designing the<br />

LC-3 microprocessor. Section two summarizes how to take a complex digital system,<br />

break it up into smaller parts, and then implement those parts. Section three reviews<br />

the most difficult part of this project, debugging. Lessons learned from this project<br />

and conclusions are given in section five. Finally, an appendix is provided for some<br />

statistics about the project as well as the grading breakdown.<br />


Since the LC-3 is a very complex system, a top down design style was used. In<br />

this style, the first step is to define the top level module. The inputs and outputs<br />

were determined based on system requirements. Since the LC-3 is a microprocessor,<br />

the device has to be able to process and execute the instructions given. This was<br />

accomplished by implementing the system as a state machine with a controller block<br />

and registers. The system was then broken up into six different modules as<br />

displayed in figure one.<br />

Figure 1: Top level view of the LC‐3

ECE 406: <strong>Project</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Barwick<br />

Each of these modules were outlined with specific requirements. Once these<br />

requirements were defined, they were implemented as well as tested individually.<br />

For example, the Controller block, which keeps track of the different states of the<br />

system, was first outlined using a state diagram and then implemented in Verilog<br />

using a case statement and register.<br />


Perhaps the most difficult part of this project was testing and debugging.<br />

After each module was designed, a test bench was written for that module to<br />

determine if the module met the requirements detailed in the design process.<br />

Testing each individual module first rather than waiting to test the entire system<br />

proved to be extremely helpful. It caught obvious bugs and prevented me from<br />

feeling overwhelmed. However, it turned out that testing the modules individually<br />

does not guarantee that the over system will function properly. Once the modules<br />

were connected together, there were several issues some of which have been outlined<br />

below.<br />

a. Improper connections<br />

When the microprocessor was first compiled, several errors were received<br />

stemming from the top level module. The specific error was:<br />

ncelab: *W,CUVMPW (./proj1.v,30|74): port sizes differ<br />

in port connection.<br />

The error resulted from not explicitly stating multiple wire labels that<br />

connect each module. If a single wire connects the modules, such as the “clock”,<br />

it does not need to be defined as a wire. However, if it is multiple wires, such as<br />

“D_Data”, the label needs to be defined (ex. “wire [47:0] D_Data;”). I defined<br />

the wires needed wires explicitly and the program complied without error.<br />

b. Bad Fetch Module<br />

After the system successfully compiled, the anomalous behavior shown in<br />

figure two was observed. The system did not seem to be getting the proper<br />

memory address, which is determined by the fetch module. The schematic for<br />

the fetch module was reevaluated and it was determined that the “pc” signal was<br />

not being set properly. During certain states the “pc” signal from the fetch<br />

module needed to be high impedance due to a shared bus. A simple change in the<br />

code within the fetch module fixed this. This obvious bug should have been<br />

caught during the individual module testing and may have gotten through due to<br />

poor testing.<br />

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ECE 406: <strong>Project</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Barwick<br />

Figure 2: Waveform resulting from a bad fetch module<br />

c. Bad Decode Module<br />

Once the Fetch module was fixed, the microprocessor functioned properly<br />

until it hit the STI instruction. Figure three displays the behavior. Since the LDI<br />

instruction, which is similar to STI, worked properly, the decode block was<br />

checked to make sure the proper control signals were being set. The actual<br />

control signals matched the control signals written down in class. After some<br />

more debugging, I noticed that the address the memory was receiving not correct.<br />

This address is provided by the MemAccess module, which also was receiving the<br />

incorrect address. The execute module was not providing the proper “pcout”<br />

address because the decode block set “PC sel 2” to choose VSR1. After talking<br />

with fellow students, it turns out that I copied the control signals down wrong.<br />

The decode block was corrected so that “PC sel 2” was set to npc for the STI<br />

instruction. After this fix, the microprocessor then functioned properly.<br />

Figure 3: Waveform resulting from a bad decode module<br />

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ECE 406: <strong>Project</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Barwick<br />


This project has provided some important lessons; including writing better<br />

individual module test benches and making sure the design requirements are<br />

correct. While it is difficult test each module exhaustively, it is better to put the time<br />

into debugging a single module rather than trying to find the bug once the system<br />

has been put together. Also, before trying to implement a design, ensure that you<br />

have the design requirements correct not only for the entire system, but for each<br />

module. This can save a lot of headaches when testing.<br />

This project has also provided some insight on how to deal with complex<br />

digital systems such as the LC-3 microprocessor. Using a top down design style can<br />

help one break up the problem into simple, manageable parts. The design technique<br />

used in this project can be scaled to bigger and much more complicated digital<br />

systems such as today CPUs. The techniques used are very similar to the techniques<br />

that companies such as Intel or AMD use when designing their complex processors.<br />

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ECE 406: <strong>Project</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Barwick<br />

Appendix<br />

ECE 406-001<br />

<strong>Project</strong> #1 Statistics<br />

Chris Barwick<br />

March 20, 2008<br />

Part 1: To be filled out by student<br />

Points Originality<br />

/ 4 Did you use the Controller from the HW#5 solution (yes/no)? - No<br />

/ 3 Did you use the Fetch Block from the HW#6 solution (yes/no)? – No<br />

/ 3 Did you use the Execute Block from the HW#6 solution (yes/no)? -No<br />

Points Synthesis Results<br />

/ 5 Number of logic elements: 319<br />

/ 5 Number of registers: 178<br />

/ 5 Number of tri-state buffers:34<br />

/ 5 Number of memory bits: 0<br />

/ 10 Please attach to the end of this report a print-out of all text from the Analysis and Synthesis<br />

Messages section of your .map.rpt file. If you have warnings and/or errors, please provide<br />

your best one- or two- sentence explanation for why each warning or error is occurring.<br />

/ 40 Total for Originality and Design Statistics<br />

Part 2: To be filled out by grader<br />

Points Execution graded by:<br />

/ 10 All modules included in proj1.v<br />

/ 10 Correct execution of proj1.dat<br />

/ 10 Correct execution of second program<br />

/ 30 Total for Wolfware submission<br />

Part 3: To be filled out by instructor<br />

Points Element<br />

/ 10 Technical Depth<br />

/ 10 Readability<br />

/ 10 Attractiveness<br />

/ 100 Total for <strong>Project</strong><br />

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ECE 406: <strong>Project</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Barwick<br />

+-------------------------------+<br />

; Analysis & Synthesis Messages ;<br />

+-------------------------------+<br />

Info: *******************************************************************<br />

Info: Running Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis<br />

Info: Version 7.2 Build 203 02/05/2008 Service Pack 2 SJ Web Edition<br />

Info: Processing started: Wed Mar 19 23:28:42 2008<br />

Info: Command: quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off proj1 -<br />

c proj1<br />

Info: Found 10 design units, including 10 entities, in source file proj1.v<br />

Info: Found entity 1: proj1<br />

Info: Found entity 2: Execute<br />

Info: Found entity 3: alu<br />

Info: Found entity 4: extension<br />

Info: Found entity 5: Controller<br />

Info: Found entity 6: Fetch<br />

Info: Found entity 7: MemAccess<br />

Info: Found entity 8: Writeback<br />

Info: Found entity 9: Decode<br />

Info: Found entity 10: RegFile<br />

Info: Elaborating entity "proj1" for the top level hierarchy<br />

Info: Elaborating entity "Fetch" for hierarchy "Fetch:f"<br />

Info: Elaborating entity "MemAccess" for hierarchy "MemAccess:memacc"<br />

Info: Elaborating entity "Controller" for hierarchy "Controller:cont"<br />

Info: Elaborating entity "Decode" for hierarchy "Decode:dec"<br />

Info: Elaborating entity "RegFile" for hierarchy "Decode:dec|RegFile:regf"<br />

/**These warnings are due to the assignment of the register, but the variable is not<br />

read in my code. These assignments were made to see what the registers contain in<br />

Simvision**/<br />

Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at proj1.v(532): object "R0" assigned a<br />

value but never read<br />

Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at proj1.v(532): object "R1" assigned a<br />

value but never read<br />

Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at proj1.v(532): object "R2" assigned a<br />

value but never read<br />

Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at proj1.v(532): object "R3" assigned a<br />

value but never read<br />

Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at proj1.v(532): object "R4" assigned a<br />

value but never read<br />

Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at proj1.v(532): object "R5" assigned a<br />

value but never read<br />

Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at proj1.v(532): object "R6" assigned a<br />

value but never read<br />

Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at proj1.v(532): object "R7" assigned a<br />

value but never read<br />

Info: Elaborating entity "Writeback" for hierarchy "Writeback:write"<br />

Info: Elaborating entity "Execute" for hierarchy "Execute:exe"<br />

Info: Elaborating entity "extension" for hierarchy "Execute:exe|extension:u1"<br />

Info: Elaborating entity "alu" for hierarchy "Execute:exe|alu:u2"<br />

Info: Generated suppressed messages file<br />

C:/Users/Chris/Desktop/PROJECT1/proj1.map.smsg<br />

Info: Implemented 501 device resources after synthesis - the final resource count<br />

might be different<br />

Info: Implemented 19 input pins<br />

Info: Implemented 33 output pins<br />

Info: Implemented 449 logic cells<br />

Info: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was successful. 0 errors, 8 warnings<br />

Info: Allocated 163 megabytes of memory during processing<br />

Info: Processing ended: Wed Mar 19 23:28:56 2008<br />

Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:14<br />

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