FinalAnnReport 2004 _artwork - Hugha.co.uk

FinalAnnReport 2004 _artwork - Hugha.co.uk

FinalAnnReport 2004 _artwork - Hugha.co.uk


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BSES EXPEDITIONS | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2004</strong><br />


The Council presents its report for the year to 30 June <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

Charitable objects and principal activity<br />

The Company is limited by guarantee and governed by a Memorandum and<br />

Articles of Association. The Company’s objective and its principal activity<br />

<strong>co</strong>ntinues to be that of an Educational Charity to provide the opportunity for<br />

personal development of young people through expeditions to wild and trackless<br />

territories overseas. This activity is unchanged from previous years. The charity<br />

registration number is 802196. The <strong>co</strong>mpany registration number is 2411786.<br />

Organisation<br />

The Company is organised so that the Members of the Council meet regularly,<br />

either by way of a full Council meeting or meetings of <strong>co</strong>mmittees, to manage its<br />

affairs. There are currently five full-time and one part-time employees who<br />

manage the day-to-day administration of the Company. The Council is also<br />

assisted by the many volunteers who offer their services from time to time.<br />

Members of the Council<br />

The Members of the Council are the directors for the purposes of the Companies<br />

Act 1985 and trustees for the purposes of the Charities Act 1993. The Members<br />

of the Council are appointed at the Annual General Meeting each year.<br />

As the Company is limited by guarantee, none of the Members of the Council<br />

have any beneficial interests in shares in the Company.<br />

The Council has the power to appoint additional Members of the Council. Such<br />

members are then required to seek re-election at the next Annual General<br />

Meeting following their appointment. Members of the Company are also entitled<br />

to propose candidates for election to the Council.<br />

One third of the Members of the Council are required to retire each year, but are<br />

eligible for re-election except that Members of the Council who have served for<br />

two <strong>co</strong>nsecutive three-year terms must stand down for a minimum of one year<br />

before seeking re-election.<br />

Development, Activities and Achievements<br />

In July and August 2003 successful expeditions took place in Greenland and<br />

Lesotho and in September 2003 a GAP year expedition ‘In the Footsteps of<br />

Shackleton’ went to the Antarctic. The in<strong>co</strong>me and expenditure relating to these<br />

expeditions is reflected in the Statement of Financial Activities.<br />

06<br />

In<strong>co</strong>me was received in respect of, and expenditure incurred on, expeditions that<br />

took place after 30 June <strong>2004</strong> to Iceland, Svalbard and Tanzania. Such in<strong>co</strong>me<br />

and expenditure has been carried forward as creditors and debtors respectively.<br />

The ac<strong>co</strong>unts for the nine-month period to 30 June 2003 included no in<strong>co</strong>me<br />

from expeditions. This was due to the change to the financial year-end date.<br />

Directors’ Responsibilities for the Financial Statements<br />

Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each<br />

financial period which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the<br />

<strong>co</strong>mpany and of the surplus or deficit of the <strong>co</strong>mpany for that period.<br />

In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required to:-<br />

• select suitable ac<strong>co</strong>unting polices and apply them <strong>co</strong>nsistently<br />

• make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent<br />

• prepare the financial statements on the going <strong>co</strong>ncern basis unless it<br />

is inappropriate to presume that the <strong>co</strong>mpany will <strong>co</strong>ntinue to operate.<br />

The directors are responsible for keeping proper ac<strong>co</strong>unting re<strong>co</strong>rds which<br />

disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the<br />

<strong>co</strong>mpany and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements <strong>co</strong>mply<br />

with the Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the<br />

assets of the <strong>co</strong>mpany and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention<br />

and detection of fraud and other irregularities.<br />

Transactions and Financial Position<br />

The Statement of Financial Activities is shown in the Summarised Financial<br />

Statements. There was net in<strong>co</strong>me on the unrestricted, restricted and<br />

endowment funds of £10 (2003: net deficit £178,806). The Council <strong>co</strong>nfirm that<br />

the Company’s assets are available and adequate to fulfil the financial<br />

obligations of the Company.<br />

Risk Management Review<br />

The Council have formally assessed the major risks to which the Company is<br />

exposed, in particular those related to the operations and finances of the<br />

Company, and are satisfied that systems are in place to mitigate the exposure to

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