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fil(iHLI(iH I N<br />


VOLUME 8, NUMBER 3<br />

k ~<br />

F<br />

FALL 1961<br />

Agricultural Experiment Station<br />



Agricultural Research<br />

A Quarterly Report of Research<br />

Serving All of Alabama<br />

VOLUME 8, No. 3 FALL, 1961<br />

LI ~ I ~reAr~ , I(AAI<br />


in Alabama Egg Production ........................<br />

DEVELOPING NEW VETCHES - Work Underway to Develop<br />

Reseeding, Non-Shattering Varieties ........<br />

FIRE VS. FOREST REPRODUCTION - Presents Effects of<br />

Periodic Burnings on Open Pine Stands 5<br />

FEED PRICES CHANGING - To Keep Pace With Alabama's<br />

Livestock Industry Development 6<br />

FIELD TURNING SPACE NEEDED--Adequate Space for<br />

Turning Increases Tractor Efficiency 7<br />

THE PIEDMONT SUBSTATION - A Story of Research for<br />

A Depleted Soil Area 8-9<br />


Holly for Many Landscape Needs 10<br />


Changes During Grazing Season 11<br />

TIMELY PLANTING UPS OAT YIELDS - Production Effected<br />

by Date of Planting 12<br />


Select Plum Varieties Based on Research 13<br />


Good Containers Aid in Marketing 14<br />

SOIL FUMIGANTS FOR ROOTKNOT- Vegetable Yields Are<br />

Upped from the Use of Soil Fumigants ............. 15<br />

LEGUME INOCULATION- Early Research Revealed Secret<br />

of Legume Growth 16<br />

Of 44 MCo4 C This Meats Laboratory is filling a big need in the<br />

research and teaching program of the Animal Science Department.<br />

The 66 X 1 12-foot building has facilities for slaughtering and dressing<br />

experimental animals to more fully evaluate experimental production<br />

practices, and for chilling, curing, and processing carcasses.<br />

It also has a cutting demonstration classroom and a meats research<br />

laboratory. Included with the laboratory is an 80 X 100-foot judging<br />

arena, having a show ring and seats for 1,000. The Laboratory<br />

was constructed with funds provided by passage of Amendment 5<br />

in 1957.<br />

3<br />

4<br />

E. V. SMITH -.<br />

COYT WILSON .....<br />


KENNETH B. RoY<br />

E. L. McGRAw ...<br />

R. E. STEVENSON -<br />

Published by<br />


STATION of<br />


<strong>Auburn</strong>, Alabama<br />

- Director<br />

Associate Director<br />

-Assistant Director<br />

- - _ -- Editor<br />

_Associate Editor<br />

--Associate Editor<br />

Editorial Advisory Committee: COYT<br />

WILSON; H. J. AMLING, Associate Horticulturist;<br />

K. M. AUTREY, Dairy Department<br />

Head; E. A. CURL, Associate Plant<br />

Pathologist; AND KENNETH B. ROY.<br />


Listed here are timely and new publications<br />

reporting research by the Agricultural Experiment<br />

Station.<br />

Bul. 332. Management of Irrigated Cotton<br />

presents results of experiments on effects<br />

of cultural practices on yield and fiber<br />

qualities of irrigated cotton.<br />

Bul. 333. Financing Rural Homes summarizes<br />

sources of housing credit and problems<br />

in financing rural homes.<br />

Bul. 334. Rural Housing Situation and<br />

Needs covers present conditions and needs<br />

of rural housing in the Southeast.<br />

Cir. 139. Decision Making in Meat Buying<br />

reveals major factors that affect housewives'<br />

purchase of meat.<br />

Cir. 140. Bahiagrass for Forage in Alabama<br />

gives information on production and utilization<br />

of Bahiagrass in the State.<br />

Leaf. 65. Warrior-A Bruchid-Resistant<br />

Vetch presents research informanation on the<br />

new, <strong>Auburn</strong>-developed variety.<br />

Free copies may be obtained from your<br />

County Agent or by writing the <strong>Auburn</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> Agricultural Experiment Station,<br />

<strong>Auburn</strong>, Alabama.

J. R. HOWES, Dept. of Poultry Science<br />

WALTER GRUB and C. A. ROLLO,<br />

Dept of Ag~ricultural Etigifeering<br />

Call wXith statndt Sevecit st tiine 1cl i)cl itiot is<br />

bectteri that) mrost othiei aliials. TIie<br />

tcamelt's hbeat to~lerance has1 lbec'tt kioxx i<br />

ftti a long tunle, buit olnix i ccelntlv has<br />

tI is ciharacteistAic of the chicken 1becn<br />

learnied.<br />

Sitin iner strie(ss is a tet ii ctined to dIi<br />

scibei thle sti ess to wxh ichlilan atll' inv<br />

expttsed duinPg suimmet. It r epreseit,<br />

total (dis1ruptiotn inl lil aitnals norioal<br />

we lilceing caused'( i~x heait. huidiitx<br />

light radliatitnt and othter factoirs.<br />

Pt tit Il tl are I)CCom-ing' ineasittglx<br />

axi at of itt Ie en xi ott met t inl their ciftorts<br />

to ccot il inicalix, pitodiuce eggs at t (<br />

neat. This is cevidettced Ixv the itncreasing<br />

number 1ic of iiit tttihle(i enirionmet<br />

hoitses ht'iig constiructedi.<br />

One reasoin the Soittheastern Ultiftcd<br />

States is not at leatit ig eggu-pt iditctittn<br />

area is bccattse of diffhcuitx etncoutitered<br />

inl e tntt in icalv ixfroditciir nf0C t(h~diialitx<br />

eggs duiriing the ltong, liot and humid<br />

sit inn er ti 't' v patrts of the i atioti cxper<br />

ience hecat stress inl short periods<br />

xxhein temitperatture (roes xxell oxe c 1000)<br />

F'. WheItn this happens, it is itot wicommutt1<br />

fotr hundreds of ibirdis to (lie as a<br />

resl t of the sudden fiiiflux of ii ttei t x<br />

65<br />

60<br />

55<br />

So2l 4 5<br />

e<br />

90*F<br />

The graphs show effect of high temperature<br />

on laying White Leghorn pullets in <strong>Auburn</strong><br />

experiments. There were 80 birds to each<br />

treatment, all on 14 hours light daily and<br />

6000 relative humidity and ventilated at 1<br />

cu. ft. per minute per bird.<br />


aL1"NG POULTR<br />

cxpierieinced inl the Southeast. btut thi's<br />

airea i s liietd xwithi suniiflei sttress<br />

th at uisiaaliy h ists foI r sexveral m1oit tIs.<br />

The first lpritlit is ttt i(Iet tifx, the<br />

niin stress factors. TIhis is lieesxarx<br />

to ectulitttticatllx comibat the situiation ilt(]<br />

ibitdics -iiicrutsedt'l icit lotsses antirc<br />

diilced hecat proi t ctit U in th l li d vlx. To<br />

step-n i heat lisses, respira ~t iuon is ittcreased<br />

I panttitg ), lood stiilY ini tile<br />

skini is incireased. xxitigs are( flexed, and<br />

thle birds dlrink ire xxalter. Ruedutced<br />

h1eat pitodluct ion r esutlts frit it retiu ced<br />

prtoduce env'ironmnle ts iargex' free of thle<br />

factors that redtuce egg pirtduictiiin.<br />

Frtont wotrk at AXnhurit anid elsewhere,<br />

i .t appears that hiimiditx reduces egg<br />

prducrtiont and grtx l u~x at tile highlest<br />

tempileratur es. lThis, humidity protlabl<br />

s is otie otf thle lesser evils.<br />

Ptreviotuis reseatrch has sihowxni tat<br />

chaniges itt day ienigthi stimuliate egg produtetioit<br />

antd gruixxth. Sinice chaniges inl<br />

dax' length duiritig Ma "v tot Au gust are<br />

reiatixe 'lx small, patrt of tie aitx erse still)<br />

iner effects mnight he blamied onl lack of<br />

chanige inl dav ienigtht. Ilt xxexer, the extetidcd<br />

1 icrimtd of high termperaturte (at<br />

leatst 4 niionths ) xx iulci appeair to he the<br />

main cause of suimmer stiress iii tfhe Soithelist.<br />

Phx sitl ogists itt D~uke Uiixersitx haxve<br />

actixvity', afppetite, grit lt egg proitti<br />

ttiiit. egg size, aid t~ertilitx.<br />

Effect of high temper atiures tnt egg<br />

xwei ght andii egg fprtodu ictPit is iiliust rated<br />

bx thle graiph. Thetse datai sltixx that<br />

WXh ite Leghoin plicts 1 produ1ce tx a Ii,<br />

(plate goiod eggs at 80) F. It xx:is alsot<br />

ftttitid that these hit os pi tdlice its xxel<br />

at 80) F. ats it .50-60t) F. '[hiis is cotj<br />

trat x tt earlier, limited oiitrk elsexxhere<br />

that sihoxwed 5t0 (0tt F. its the btest tein<br />

petl re for layinitg p~lltl i It.<br />

USD)A xwork hast inidicated that birdis<br />

xwill itot suiti vxe att 100 Ft . atd 6I0%t' relatixve<br />

hittuidits . lliixxei r, ill Aithititi stitdiis<br />

fenliaies nott oitti ixedl under thiese<br />

condtcitiions hut proiduicetd eggs. Slttxx ii<br />

it) the photogiap )l iret liay'is pating ill<br />

cxrevele h imx catmels atre alct to slit x x<br />

ill ilitel ise deseirt lIctat. O il ottf the ilhaiti<br />

mlechailttills pe~rmittinig suitvxal is thle<br />

Based ott the Aitinit ri eseartch resulits,<br />

Ilarge ratnge iii bod 'iv t ciii utratu ite lietxxctt<br />

iiidax atid mitight ( 18-9;3<br />

F.) . Thie camtel is alte to "load" heat<br />

durinig thle (lax anid "uniloa.d" it difntg<br />

the cooiler ntight.<br />

Atubuiirn research in dicates that thle<br />

thicketi potssesses the satiie ltlilitx a is thic<br />

cal.d bu t to at nite lIiIesser diegree.<br />

Thits. chickenis call suiit ic andi prtidtce<br />

iti11IIh hetter if hot datxs ate reliexved b\x<br />

cooul itiglits thlt tlidter conitiinuouis high<br />

temperatures.<br />

Whlt exposed to heat, thicre aic( txx I<br />

actiions that hell) chicketix intitttaiit thetir<br />

col leter] titig heat "tress. inl pultryx itit<br />

heed lex isitig. Especiatllx, ftrint the stitndtpioint<br />

ot ft(e Soiutheatst. results ilioicteo<br />

tha~t lain lg Wh'lite LeglLorti putllets xxill<br />

adtl t~el) \prdutce P xx liii thett telitp)raitorIe<br />

is als high ats 80'- F. Sitce It nalt<br />

nott (eetinlg himtself ill lcix xwxirik lit.<br />

gills to) perspirte at abilitt F., the<br />

piultrx tnait catn seixve its his oxx] it territtiltem.<br />

Whl the itpinattit ht'gii s tio<br />

feel iitit'tiifoit,itc lit' call ainciif his<br />

htells art likesc n fifected. This xxoiuldi<br />

Ibe his signalt to tatke pra ~ctical steps.<br />

illix iatt high tettiptt ,titt s.


E. D. DONNELLY, Plant Breeder<br />

E. M. CLARK, Associae Botan i<br />

ABlit XING li( l1l1-Sihilttii-ilig eCttli 5 a<br />

Iii(tX, that \xl proIn good~ viCeIsof<br />

fol 1 1, andit ee<br />

tCi s bahiX liCtldtl.<br />

illiCt these retjtiI Cillilits. I hiss CXCI these<br />

chllacteristics tio exist \XXitli ii thie fi Ililv<br />

or' gelios. I1fII tlesireCd trait tloit Sit OICcu<br />

r ill a speieis, oftC1 I it cll Ible fil] I<br />

ill anI othe<br />

I o f the sa~ile aem1ils. If tile<br />

two (I pCCics tall beC crosd i5 thtien tilt tdesirale<br />

ChaactritIstics of tile two 0iiiiglit<br />

Ie viC l1111ineI in to o1ne X iitS . Tius 11a1<br />

IICCII tile sttil Xo(f Xvetchl lllCedl) 1 researchl<br />

till.<br />

Le-gumer scetl Xvan 141 jtlX iii size. Se\-<br />

eral Xvetchi species fladX Cag 1s1eedXC, ( 1 iX-<br />

1114 ditIll t ccI Li ii advX il tages as pasturIe<br />

ipLilits, sIitl its gireater sCetiIilla g i 41)1<br />

.\lo st X(,tell) speie grCow1nIX I ill Alabama111<br />

p di e low1tCIIX seedtiX eltds btcauseC of discase<br />

and i5Cset s. Si illC produc i (ro1411d<br />

seedt X Ild bu Ilit mahke sCed ovXer ai 1o(11y<br />

resttti. 'Fie( sptties dhiffer glatix ill percCiita1t<br />

iif halrd seed mIid ili XX ilter ihardi-<br />

Species Crossed<br />

Sfiwic 195t ninerolts attem~pts has C<br />

Ittli III (to c tIcross X\etch ispecies. EII-<br />

phIias is XXas plieetf 0 oSil 114sin h ,IId seed<br />

spcies XXith lntlnlslltterig species.<br />

01l ICspcies 11 X 1 brid wiXXas (lita1iteI ill<br />

1958 coinlillI Cttli (V. siitita) 75 Ila.r-<br />

IoXXleaf \(,tell (V. (iwigIstif 01)0). st-t ifltistrlatiiili<br />

Elis biiid o ffeirs Osiliiitie-s<br />

fill tielo 1 )ii 1 4 aC~tI11 ii i lee '(,nnshatterilir<br />

14. X CCXii resistan t X .ritX, Thfie felliailt<br />

parentit (1), AI. 1894, is a XX bite HloXX-<br />

II edl liliC o)f tcommn Xvettb that is rela-<br />

CIXk Ilol-siI tterllg and)1 produc1Ies good<br />

tics (If forage alldt seed ill Albamla.<br />

HoweveCX r it hia's it lowX prcl~tl ta gt of hard1(<br />

Slit 1 . TheC itiile par-el t (2), I iarroXI ti<br />

fias pil-plt. flos s 15ailt is lowX ill 51141)1<br />

111111 slatteil 111 andit Ii ti lre IIIilifi l Ii .<br />

cal \cttli sImitte the fuir sci.<br />

Results<br />

The i~es ofCCIC I pirllie 1 )igliiCet ill the<br />

CIII1i4secdtlilqrs dlistingu4iishedt tile its<br />

brid iii! p ilt elitl', r lSefp I<br />

Parents, and first- and second-generation<br />

plants, of a vetch species cross. One parent<br />

(1), Vicia sativao produces good seed<br />

and fcrage yields but little hard seed. The<br />

male parent 12), V. angustifolic, is small<br />

but produces hard seed. Hybrids (3) were<br />

vigorous and averaged 39%o hard seed,<br />

Much variation was found among the second-generation<br />

plants (4 and 5), but some<br />

were vigorous and produced a high percentage<br />

of hard seed.<br />

'111c two pareni t~ts difter ili 110 llio'sille<br />

nI 1111r (tile strulcti II S tha ,t carIX tb C<br />

14eiies ) AXs a resu~lt, tile hirst-4cI eration<br />

CI sss XXe 93% steilet. Ill tle next<br />

14111 ittiiiii 1 1% of tile lailts weret li1iii<br />

hI ctik'.<br />

AIa. I1894 ( femal pd arenlt ) hiad pi at.<br />

121275 (iialt parenit) dX (Ti 0141( ilhoit<br />

that \a dl rol 11 19 to 60"7 hard( stttd<br />

iiitl aIX i i1ed 839. 'h iiis, first- 1clicI atilli<br />

tXX CCI the two parenit ts wXithi (spect to<br />

har 11( 1ct Iti ts. SteCd of Secid11-clicra1 -<br />

Setoi itel-(iiratio )i plani~ts \alied toill<br />

sidierail~l ill plalt t\TC; vSyr ca4Ol iiiiiiss<br />

of llatlilrits Shiape, size, and Colori of'<br />

1)101 a11( sizt and1( color of' Seed l .11(<br />

flower C. ThereXXC~ Swlilt Xom \i14Ioils sccolitl-aeClit1.tioll<br />

jplailts that pr oduiced a<br />

high per-ei itage (if hard steed.<br />

Thes (S rese-Icl) lCslts proXvidet cXi<br />

d iil iii g th a p r( 1 liC tivc S Ilo 1 1)1 t s ll" , I lV .<br />

1-1--,. - __ I !<br />

4,,~"p<br />

.-<br />

N5<br />

5,<br />


The areas here show pict immediately after<br />

January burn in 1952 and the same area<br />

five years after second January burn.<br />

F IR E<br />

a,.<br />


I B l LSC 1IL lit if\[-\(;1 titli b ill t itil<br />

rmt(it Itoo 11111( lorei IX atiiia4t'tieiit. I iIIX -<br />

IX t't it XX Ill(dlt o ((X t l ii('tdX tol ktioXX<br />

1h (11 a i t atiii pllc t'.ti. irsCal])t<br />

lit IX lit' I'r c l llt'c ailt llpii ilttblII.<br />

tstuc1ur t X (It' hill , 11111 tit' l~f %illt<br />

ifiloc fit(, icc clll\ or lil slbs1951li<br />

t Elc i oct 1c rditoi<br />

A 00 buf1l t-l llteU~e osa<br />

SHERMAN D. WHIPPLE, Associate Forese<br />

7.5%ol ,111 XX 111(1 X I' intjt 2t0 to %citlol '<br />

1)11lli III. l'ii X ('Atl liiti vItls d al-l two<br />

\\itsedl i llp' ti' tesnta Itl.' fit(,<br />

eooirotle ti (1acftr tilt' 1se5ft, e.d<br />

Suc lols itistis iti tlit ipp'dtpc ofa~a<br />

it I ('4111 litter 1111(11 t\ld ill glietllttsla<br />

\vitilt iii1,\<br />

rilt' itilt' fitli<br />

ll stiii<br />

2) ilie<br />

f c t. i [II 3.6 iii.<br />

l 19(. im d I t at afot<br />

I thed beet'itic 1951-52an 3 fi 1(1i5al<br />

v'arX alt't till \isiii fter t 94-5fie<br />

A i l i t ofitlti ste fli t hii tol 3.6till.<br />

Z"D 1956 = 1960<br />

I sw,1952 - 955 burn Aug-1 1951 -1954 ki,<br />

Gumn Got Hickory 31 Dogwood- Persimmo n Sossoiross Suaoc<br />

4. Maple Miscellaneous Hardwoods<br />

Reproduction stocking changes following prescribed burning in different growth areas are<br />

shown above.<br />

%Xiiit Itlie- 2-o ito :3.6-iti. classes itl<br />

eteateti (31.5 to 45h Xt('ttlX)( iitt CTUe<br />

flX i195(5 of Ii iXtI after the X('t(itIl<br />

1<br />

acr Ier and these ( wilt mosi tglyilt 1)11<br />

tilt 6 pilXtlX iex tha h9 sc S 1 llil Xt't'li<br />

sprowXtti froXX Xtlkile Jiori' [tll pos (A<br />

brouhtl atis stcitill totts 10itttt0 and<br />

pcr acret ill101 ~ Iaur tlid l .5 s a bl1.1<br />

tlo stits 14. etil l-I ettill t XXit' lid l 1k<br />

Ica it' llo i)i I t' 24i tt .dlld Ill. llIs a<br />

prsiit rIIX (1111 oc iitig p It i 't('i~t' (lit'<br />

ti ill II' Ila 1~tedX pio( c(IX itiltil'lj\its<br />

coIllsllXX 11114 li Xi li tl f'or''t de ia ill i' it


changing as livestock<br />

industry expands<br />

TEN YEARS AGO about a third of Alabama's<br />

farm income was from sale of<br />

livestock and livestock products. Today<br />

livestock brings in 55% of the State's<br />

cash farm receipts.<br />

Growth in livestock production has<br />

greatly increased needs for feed. Since<br />

feed is the major cost item in producing<br />

livestock, price of feed has an important<br />

bearing on farm profits.<br />

Price Changes<br />

Prices paid for mixed feed and for<br />

feed concentrates (except cottonseed<br />

meal) went down in Alabama during<br />

1956-60. The change was both gradual<br />

and continuous for almost every kind of<br />

feed.<br />

Cost of corn meal for feed in 1960<br />

was down 16% from the 1956 price, but<br />

soybean meal dropped only 3%. Reported<br />

farm prices for broiler growing<br />

mash, laying mash, and mixed dairy feed<br />

were down 8, 6, and 4%. Farmers paid<br />

12% more for cottonseed meal in 1960<br />

than they did in 1956.<br />

Feed-prices fluctuated much less within<br />

the year than did prices of farm products.<br />

Prices tended to be highest in<br />

July and August and lowest in November<br />

and December. The feed having the<br />

greatest seasonal change in price was<br />

corn meal. It increased an average of<br />

10% between the low in December and<br />

the high in August. Laying mash had the<br />

most constant average monthly price,<br />

showing only a 3% increase between<br />

November and June.<br />

Price data demonstrate that there was<br />

not a close relationship between price<br />

of feed and price of the principal product<br />

produced. The usual proportional<br />

change in average price of eggs is greater<br />

than the change in prices for other agricultural<br />

products.<br />

MORRIS WHITE, Agricultural Economist<br />

Area Comparison<br />

Continued expansion of livestock and<br />

poultry production in Alabama will be<br />

influenced by the price of feed in relation<br />

to other areas. To show the relative<br />

levels, 5-year averages of prices for<br />

three mixed feeds and three important<br />

feed ingredients were compared for eight<br />

states. These states represent five areas<br />

of the United States (see graph).<br />

Arkansas had a price advantage for all<br />

feeds except corn meal, for which price<br />

was lowest in Iowa. Prices in Alabama<br />

were below those in Georgia and North<br />

Carolina, and were lower than in Mis-<br />

45Oune~ b H pIIe flfe i<br />

tion<br />


ares.Tosho<br />


te<br />


5.00<br />

toiii olhe<br />

4.00 1A .2<br />

li:0<br />

i.5L_. i...:.<br />

4.50:<br />

4.00<br />

3.50<br />


0~o oZOi; ° oZ0O4<br />

sissippi for broiler growing mash and<br />

laying mash. However, prices for broiler<br />

growing mash and laying mash were<br />

lower in Iowa, Ohio, and Delaware than<br />

in either of the Southeastern States. Soybean<br />

meal was most expensive in Delaware,<br />

whereas cottonseed meal was most<br />

costly in Ohio. Price differences among<br />

states were greatest for cottonseed meal<br />

and least for mixed dairy feed.<br />

Feed Use Increasing<br />

During the 5-year period of 1956-60,<br />

total Alabama feed sales increased at<br />

an average rate of 12.3% per year. Tons<br />

of poultry feed reported sold were 89%<br />

greater in 1960 than in 1956.<br />

Some states that had lower feed prices<br />

did not experience an expansion in use<br />

of feed similar to that which took place<br />

in Alabama. Among the reasons were<br />

lower feed conversion ratios obtained,<br />

existence of profitable alternative opportunities,<br />

less favorable climate, and<br />

higher costs for other production items.<br />

A relatively low price for feed is only<br />

one factor that contributes to expansion<br />

of livestock and poultry enterprises, but<br />

it is an important one. Efficient facilities<br />

for handling and processing feed are essential<br />

in maintaining competitive feed<br />

prices and to continued expansion of<br />

livestock and poultry industries in the<br />

State.<br />

0<br />

" :.o o2<br />


Shown are average prices per cwt. paid for selected feeds in various states in 1956-60.


needed or<br />


CAN YOU cultivate as many acres per<br />

day as you think you should? Does your<br />

neighbor get more capacity from his row<br />

crop machines than you do?<br />

Field capacity of farm machinery varies<br />

greatly from field to field and is influenced<br />

by many factors. Some have<br />

been analyzed and their effects determined.<br />

Other factors, such as turning<br />

space, physical condition of turning area,<br />

and turning time, are being studied at<br />

<strong>Auburn</strong> <strong>University</strong> Agricultural Experiment<br />

Station.<br />

Turning Time<br />

Time spent turning the tractor in row<br />

crop operations may amount to 25% of<br />

the field time. Any reduction in time<br />

needed to make these turns would increase<br />

machine efficiency and field productive<br />

capacity.<br />

The time needed to complete a single<br />

turn in row crop work depends mainly<br />

on width of available turning space and<br />

ground surface condition in turning area.<br />

A narrow space that requires backing<br />

the tractor will increase turning time.<br />

Turning on rough area will also result in<br />

longer than normal time.<br />

Turning Space and Pattern<br />

Width of turning area will nearly always<br />

dictate the type of turning pattern<br />

used. Space large enough to turn a tractor<br />

in an easy semi-circle pattern will<br />

usually result in the least turning time.<br />

A narrow turning space will require a<br />

longer than minimum time.<br />

ELMO S. RENOLL, Associate Agricultural Engineer<br />

Some common patterns used to turn<br />

tractors doing row crop work are shown<br />

in Figures 1, 2, and 3. The turning space<br />

in Figure 1 is wide enough for an easy,<br />

normal turn. In Figure 2, the turn space<br />

is too narrow for turning the tractor<br />

without backing. This pattern requires<br />

50% more time than a normal turn. The<br />

turning pattern in Figure 3 is used in<br />

fields having no turning space at end of<br />

row. This type turn may double the<br />

normal turning time.<br />

Surface Condition<br />

Physical condition of the surface in<br />

turn area can greatly affect the time<br />

needed to complete the turn. Rough<br />

ground, rocks, ditches, or other obstructions<br />

in the turning area will increase<br />

the turning time. The table shows how<br />

obstructions in the turning area affect<br />

time needed to complete the turn.<br />

Under the conditions of these tests,<br />

obstructions in turning area increased<br />

the turning time by as much as 29%.<br />

Ditches in the area increased turning<br />

time by about 25%, while turning on a<br />

rough area resulted in an 11% increase<br />

in turning time.<br />

Summary<br />

1. Turning space at the edge of row<br />

crop fields should be wide enough to<br />

turn the tractor and equipment in an<br />

easy semi-circle turn. A narrow turning<br />

space may increase the turning time by<br />

as much as 50%. In the case of fields having<br />

no space beyond end of rows, the<br />

turning time may be double.<br />


Field Field Favorable Unfavorable<br />

number operation Ground Ti GroundInceas tr in<br />

condition Time condition Time turning time<br />

Sec. Sec. Per cent<br />

A -------------------<br />

Cultivating Smooth<br />

B .................. Cultivating Smooth<br />

C Sidedressing Smooth<br />

D Sidedressing Smooth<br />

14.8<br />

18.6<br />

20.4<br />

26.0<br />

Ditch<br />

Gullies<br />

Ditch<br />

Rough<br />

18.0<br />

20.8<br />

26.3<br />

29.0<br />

22<br />

12<br />

29<br />

11<br />

2. Physical condition of the ground<br />

in turning area will affect turning time.<br />

Smooth turning areas require a minimum<br />

of turning time, whereas obstructions<br />

will materially increase it.<br />

3. Turning space at edge of field makes<br />

it easier to operate large machines, such<br />

as a cotton picker or corn picker, and<br />

also helps to keep ends of rows free of<br />

weeds.<br />

Increased field efficiency obtained by<br />

using a turning space that is both adequate<br />

in size and free of obstructions<br />

will make it possible to (1) handle more<br />

acres with a given size tractor or (2)<br />

to use smaller and less expensive machinery<br />

for a given acreage.<br />

,, I Center of tractor Rows<br />

FIG. 1. Average or normal turn pattern at<br />

row end where turning space is adequate.<br />

: :Forward<br />

3 1 D E8 m Reverse<br />

Rows M Center of tractor<br />

FIG. 2. Here space at end of rows is too<br />

narrow to make a complete turn, and requires<br />

backing the tractor. Turning time in<br />

this case is 50% more than that used for<br />

making the normal turn.<br />

SEdge of field<br />

SForward Rows<br />

M M M Reversem Center of tractor<br />

FIG. 3. With no space available beyond<br />

end of rows, tractor is turned by backing<br />

in a semi-circle onto the next pair of rows.<br />

Turning time is 2 times as great as that<br />

needed for normal turning.

c<br />

One atc'o of the Station before development<br />

is shown above.<br />

Iliii Pi' i(Xio\ i Aiil o Alabmd<br />

ilg( tlit half ccltlirv iftt'r Aiicrcss Jack-<br />

tla' plcslilt. fitrilers c'lt'arc'd the( l~iti.<br />

\s iltd l r it'l top )Soil Cari c'tl ,a \ by<br />

slit'tt clolsill. hld a st'igc' (If 1101 X ct'X ll<br />

lHic'sc' it]d otiher r eastons cauisc't llanv<br />

51fitirll ) llsl tot onelaseru the' iiti<br />

tfie t'5t.1fbishilit'iit of at sublstation I ii tile<br />

Piediiiiiit Area for the ipirpose of tieteimiin<br />

XX bat agricultural eniterprise<br />

01) en terp 1 rises \vuX 0!b( est slippl~llic 0I*<br />

reice inceome trin c0tottoni.<br />

Substation Located<br />

The PIEDMONT<br />


ilie sifstiatioI 5,.5siif)(Iflitti %its<br />

lo-<br />

('atcd'tlat Can llii Hill L illifoosil ( :0iii -<br />

tv. This Station is operatedf to sere<br />

thle Piedmont Soil Area comp)risedl of<br />

Cleburne Ic Clay. Biandolph. Coosa., iid<br />

Chainbeis Couni ties, the greater po rtionm<br />

of lilaflI osa, the iiort hen i ii f of Lee<br />

itt si0 oiler areas inl Elinore, Ch ifton,<br />

Shelbv, andi 'lal~ilegt couinties. The<br />

Station has 1.40)9 acres, XX ith about 60(0<br />

icrcs ot opein land and c the rematinder iii<br />

stanlds of mixed timlber.<br />

Sin ce thle e stal Iishmniit of, the Staltion.<br />

persouniel of' tie Agricuilturial Expeimiinit<br />

S tat1(1 io have been iii tei ested<br />

The combination auditorium and office made available by legislative appropriation was<br />

dedicated in December 1958.<br />

8<br />

A story of research<br />

for a depleted area<br />

L L. McGRAW, Assocoie Editor<br />

E. L. MAYTON, Superinterident<br />

ill ap~prilisiiig fte sitiiation, all illo<br />

en ilitii ig research tinder similar e 0i1tiitioi<br />

i s, ant Illing avilalible results to<br />

help farilicrs ilopi (IXe their fiiriniiig progr'iis<br />

l ( iiiereaise iiie()ines.<br />

F'romi 1840 to 19 930) elttoil \\its the<br />

mlain eashi c'-of) ill tile ara.)i tle cad Is<br />

tiirtit's cottoil ileaeilge coni trol s cill sc I<br />

at deelinie inl ioXX (rop itercagt'. Thle tottion<br />

iacreage (If it typical u liit X oe<br />

70,000)( ieres is iiow doxs n to less than<br />

(1,000 acres. This snggested It'e idea o<br />

research<br />

has is.<br />

oili a fliii ni-ali agenlient ii it<br />

Per 01 a itcot s egetatioli of, s erie ta.<br />

kudzu'i, permaiient pasture, Miit ss intei<br />

il i ti ills XX<br />

as used foIr grazling t:i , v<br />

coxss. , Flese foragre crops ss trt' stiple-~c<br />

Iiieiiteti \sith alill fa i 'oss i s hayi ill tile<br />

\eiln-i*111 fioriliage I eetlilig prograil<br />

Cotton-Dairy Management Unit<br />

The' tstafhlishinlt of1 ii iIilk planit ill<br />

the area inl 1942 grave t'ipetus toI the testaihli'iient<br />

oIf at Cottoii-iDiirx \laullige<br />

Intilt Ul it ats thle first tllillk Iorgiliiizeti<br />

projct o(il thc' Stat iin in I1947. Thiiis<br />

tinit inludeitd't 19,5 iert's (If laod s itli<br />

iltiifit'l 1M)) acres Ioll'ii anti 655 acirts<br />

I ciiiilliiig inl tiiihir oir tloo steep (Ii<br />

rouigh fill farinilg.<br />

\'ear periotd 1947-.57. 'is at fallliN ts p1<br />

11,.2 fill tilflt \voilke'is. \liniihficturilig<br />

grade 5th i ircs it csl iil 110r t'. rili<br />

psouirices of ash t losss ni ot tif'<br />

All i i<br />

axrgc' of 22 toss \vr mXtit<br />

~ilkedt dfillilig<br />

the' fast xc'.u (19.57) ssitli .i total (If<br />

27 hitifers or hit'ifc'r calis 'o(il iloec'itois\

~lcx<br />

I)c ill(,i c fcc xt 'xlix ia sac~i<br />

'ci age( 1 : 975 anid 'cpcixes S2.63.<br />

leavixing~ at net cashl ii coinc of $1 ,3,3T.<br />

I otcill xiltx f101 t cItI' 1* vci period1 1947-57<br />

as ci aCdcr S5,788 ciillialis xx ith aliical<br />

cash expen ses~ of $2,994, lea ili g an] axeritge<br />

oit (litslincome01 of $2,794. Thei first<br />

3- ,sear ax cracge shoxx ed 61%C of the iii-<br />

('011' ('dil' fro dtiirx inr, :3T% frcom cot-<br />

souirc('('. liii' I \cr ll xci ge slloxx t'<br />

that 71 fC colie fc1romn ciairx icc i 24% from11<br />

('ottoli.an ( W Irol 1101)1 l sou1r('('.<br />

Lxpciixcs xx ('1 high ill elitctioii tio ill-<br />

('oiii('(cliccili tihe ecui'l vcarlx cro(''lps<br />

Beef research at the Station includes the cow-calf system. One of the cows with her calf<br />

and a group of animals on a grazing paddock are shown here.<br />

The dairy-cotton management unit has highlighted the research at the Station. Here aniimols<br />

are grazing Starr millet and feeding an silage representing the twa feeding systems<br />

used in the dairy research.<br />

xxer e'i'staishiedi fe'nce's bu~ilt, itod( fexx ci<br />

-ox, mil)1kedc. In comi)e andi( expeinises stai i<br />

izedi afiter aboiiit 5 s ears of opeiaionc.<br />

Miilk prices delecd approcximately onefoirt<br />

afi cter 1948 and1( increac'csed prlclictii<br />

xx ci offset xcill~i ncxi t 1)5 ticis dec-<br />

('hule ill picie. Dlvixliii acccuiitedi foii<br />

morei'( of tie cc' h scid aes ats coxx nudmbiers<br />

MI( pi'odi ction in crieaised<br />

acreage \\,its limiited1.<br />

anid coet tcon<br />

AXs the Un it pr ogressedi the forage<br />

picogian\iitxs. siftcd froiicii ropx stlch ixs<br />

senCACi and kccchzcc tco stilliller id xx Iii<br />

ter iiaiils. Schi grcasses is Scicin cid<br />

Stairi iliet xx 'c' uised~ ill siilic'i, 111)11<br />

sidii araiis cocci ci'iniscic (cix er-i'xegi ass<br />

nIiixtiirc(s iii xx inter cand~ cccii splog.f<br />

The(sc' pircived to be 1 t'1 tter cropif)' for iclclk<br />

Thil e breeioig prc grcco ill ti)is herd<br />

iiacs in 'i(clne proti sires cor sirex prcoxedc<br />

xx itii thle herdf. TIhis hasi gix cii a trec<br />

illenicls ini cl cx ill p rodi icticl drinii g<br />

the past 4 \ ears. The acveciagce pc ciucticl<br />

per cox 1has in creacsed f rcont 6,40)2<br />

11). in i19.57 to 10,953 inl 196t0. The Iciahext<br />

imicicii incrcasc' per ('ccx 2, 381 lb _<br />

(1cnc il 1959.<br />

c'e i'(si uts of! the opc'rcat icon hav e ibeein<br />

(5cc 1<br />

videt' ccicirin1 icciicii\ lixving' Tle acicxxxer Tit' be't' utctit iresecirtch xx cok ait thei<br />

xx otilc bei yets iii iitnY( ii ixtc(''x piro- Stccticcic Consist in g ill tilt tclxx -(cut xx'ssided<br />

daiiry ing is hacncdlec il it a ccir tmiofil prcoduc'ticcn stcaited it) 19-49-50).<br />

roundlc ilis' s'iti l asicificicit iccili'e ccf Filt'cclx x airc sccld act 8 tio 10 iictils<br />

olf acge t'.c'igimc sliglls ccxe c .500)1ih.<br />

tco uctil ize l'cci il labr. ici Procfitcab le' (I ci i<br />

ilig micust be cil cc Conctininiig bisis ccl gclcld<br />

feediig, gcood breed in g, 1( c gcocod mcii<br />

bet't' aimaiils \\asc<br />

Ibeting 1 (coliip 'cIe<br />

stcartt'd icc I19J5.5. Piiits<br />

ccr' (Coastl ii 3rm ccc Icc<br />

igellicnit.<br />

graiss xx ithl ic'aiines. I )idlhixilcss xx'itic Ic<br />

Ill t'criv 1958 lice Mana c~ge'n t Lji it gullic's. liciiaiicss xx ill ic'giilc'x ilic<br />

xxcx c(ciotiicied. N\c'x fcc'ilities )x rc itIciic'/.i c'i cccl. Icc 19.56 anccc 19.57 the<br />

addiced tco prcvxide i imilkicig plrci andc~ pilisticri's xx c' gTit cc 'c xxtic x cciog<br />

cclciii'it, caid foucr silcos. 'TIe heid xxits xte'trs, and sicce 9.5S xx itfi t'ccxx andic<br />

coinver'ted tco a pi c gri o to cmpiie dlrx- cuccisiicg tciakes.<br />

lcit leedliiig. xx'itbj pastu cre cas feed sccurces C:oastal Bl-cccclcgi \ xitgr c it gcaliic'<br />

ill iicilk proi'cittticcn.<br />

hacs gixc~ tiht ticp it\icid of cecf pci. ien'<br />

Uicer tilt icexx pro'cgramii drl'oit cl5x'5 xx ith bocthi stt't'i , bircod (clxx\ ancid t'cix xe.<br />

art' fed cciii silacie aii ci alflf iii cc Icc ts At pr'e'sent ccfciticlccc xxiiik xx iticx c'cic'c<br />

rc ci chages. Pasxtcore (ClxxS grazuec Stacurr ili i Cciivxes is ccciitt'mphlatecf ti cae-iii x tic ill)<br />

let, smcchl gracins, ('rillisco cloxer-i's egrass oli tco 1heaviier' xx cigi ts Ibe(folre illccrkct iic<br />

ixitcur't' and( permalcnent pacsture' at dif- Icc 19.54, 60 breediig c'xxes cf' tsx'c<br />

ft'reint pe'riodls cf' tilt xYear. The cilipaci- breed tcomcpcoxitionis, Ria ic hcui i lt andct<br />

scoil is 'x cci i-i'oci i cixxitchc coth grup f)s fed Stcif folk- iicnioiilt't cro~sses, xx tie pitll-<br />

tile silt'e 14% ciileet'it citti'itii ac((cordc'ihased fiii r'ese'cr'ch. Iii 19.57, 123 addfcihng<br />

tol indciv iduld1) citicitticcl. 111i5 extionaill licclcfcciliet cxx cs cniuuf like cccmii<br />

fleilIiict is aipp rcxla ctelx' illf xx ccx betr ccof .i aglet' cxxx's xxet' cacdcedi. These'<br />

tilrc-lgil tilt projcl~'~ted' 5- v cciil fpcricod. T'hc exx cs hacve t' l e t cs(,'d prflirici tic tic'<br />

first 2- x ecr rc'suits inidica'tt' little duffer- t('ill cc xx ich br't'c xxicclii gixc fill-<br />

t cccm xxei' thle cquest ion - (Ccii tile t'i('t it) imilk proll((icicn ccii the txx'c forcdicppetd lambls fcoi the sprinig icccr-kt't.<br />

p rocl~ (ticonc(I of icilifict i iri cc iii ilk slipagt' sy ste'ims xxiti cly itc slighlt c'lst dlif- ELxx ofic tile~ IRiillilcict lreed hccvx coc-i<br />

pliel('nt tilcc ilc ('clnt 1 il (i) 'cttcli tio prc- f ei'ence iii fao c c fci t he paisturiie grcocp.f sisteictlv (gixeic iliccic fcchi diiclf 1 )e lcicchbs.<br />

11(cide x cirictacc ti'sts ofi lilcli ., I cspedle.it<br />

xcica ('' siiciil gc'ciics. ccciii. gilciii<br />

xccrghciitll, ciicc xcci'gcl, r itt' ci f i iil(' c iii<br />

p~~''lacment fc cilccfilti peiccicmiii gilccx<br />

iclixtci c: c'ffect ccf se''c trc'ccticit oni<br />

stiiid and ii iiolic'tiilil of clx: tiilic cc!<br />

plilcictilig cnd ir-cticdx o clcitiliticig cccts<br />

cli x vllcit : cccccl ic 'cicfitci'ixc oiic ('cc]ii<br />

ccc l cighiluicils .ct dliffeent xilc'iic's accc<br />

i tes ccf fertiliticci for xilicie.<br />

ccl incomice tcc tile Stcatioci. [ti 19.51 cand<br />

1 961) ti 1111 r 'cii cds xx v're't ccuised ccc cc<br />

icicirkici 1h"x prccfc'xionccl tccicstc' i cit c<br />

fe'e isis. \ppccxiicctcls c4 lililiil liii.<br />

ft. of, xccxx lccgsxic scld ;it each ct'ctill1<br />


VIOL1<br />

Hollies can be used as a<br />

low growing hedge in<br />

garden areas.<br />


for Alabama LANDSCAPE<br />


Department of Horticulture<br />

IES . ADAPTED 1 to the Sou1th,Ma<br />

iiicet in a ji r laondscape neetds oif the aveci-<br />

a ge Albamiia h 1115e.<br />

V ariat ioniis in size in clutdiong stan dartd<br />

ii icltliiin large trees, init dwxarf cinpact<br />

planlts ai it vau iatioi is ill foliage alit 1<br />

fruit Liiioaden tI e range iif tises.<br />

Thle collectioln oif hollies iisetd ill the<br />

lanidscape plaii at Auuhtrui Uix ci sits is<br />

sin all inl relaitionl tio thle 1111011( oIf knoil i<br />

sp~ecies antd cuiltivatetd varietics. It is<br />

valuable. bowsever. b~ecause it inlcludtes<br />

nlativ e 11(1 intriiduiced species and cultiv<br />

ated xai ics.<br />

Native Species<br />

The n umboer of ex etli iil alit 1 decidoloIls<br />

species niativ e tio Noirth 'Nilcicis1<br />

llctxx cc 20) iid :30. NMoiv tif these ie<br />

inoportalit planlts iii laitlIscapilig. 0Of this<br />

iuuinber, the fIollowxillg hive pro vetd villiab11le~<br />

oi the campuis: All alical i Hiolly<br />

I Ilex ojaca ), I ahtiol aid Alabam sa Da.u-<br />

liooii 11(1v (1. cassii( an11( 1. c.. oogiisfi<br />

folio)', tdwarf and regular X auipm I1<br />

c (110itorio ). Iniklserrvx (I. 11abai , . 011(<br />

Conmon livreix J.i I ciiloto)<br />

Other species xxill Ise added perili lalix<br />

fiii testinig.<br />

Law Spreading Types<br />

lIs the Atihuiu collectiiin aire spreadlng.<br />

relativecly loxx txpe(s- Hellers,<br />

Stokes. andt Be:pauitlans tiiriiis of aa<br />

nest Hollsy. and Dwxxarf Yatipoui. 'Fhiese<br />

plauiits have prouvxed valul itas liixx boirders,<br />

griion cover',. all]id s eintiry, facinlg.<br />

Iigs. Ilor at liiwx, dci is effect iii xxellI<br />

10<br />

dirainetd<br />

peciailly<br />

Shade.<br />

planiters, thlesc plal its are eseffective<br />

iii full] stiii or par tiail<br />

Intermediate Types<br />

hitel osedliate. dfense spirtatliig, mit<br />

iiu iit-Iscadd tl 1ants inlud111e these j apa-<br />

Isese Ho1111 foris- ((Ill Xleaf, roanileaf.<br />

a11(1 I letz. A usabsle, p laiir Chiiitse<br />

Ilollv in this class is 1. eoi uta rotii<br />

do. All o f th ese pl ao ts call b~e easily<br />

ail effectix elx used ill the cuiitemporarv<br />

laindtscaple as spetiimeni mass, or groupif<br />

plaiitinigs . Little Clippinlg is reqfirIetd to<br />

(deve(lop ai denlse, xx li fornieti planit. WVith<br />

the smnall leaf. tdark greens foi ins, a"bx<br />

wxooid effect' cali fbe iiiailitaiiietl wxiths<br />

less in isect and dtIi sease probhlems th an<br />

xxiths fbioxwoiot. 1. ((Iitta rotunda1( is a<br />

coariserc planut xxithi the~ spread fbeinig twxice<br />

the hieighit. Plo its t0 tio 12 sears old airc<br />

2 to 3 ft higrh atid I to 6 It, xxide. liecause<br />

of 'spilliness aitf ifeliseliess,<br />

Lie uised ais it lowxx faia1er<br />

it can<br />

Upright Farms<br />

t pright formis of valuiie i the \iiuirii<br />

collection) arc: flex co ro ohi, Ch inesex<br />

Holly a11(1 thei cult isateti variety, Bfo i rd<br />

Chjiiese Hollx'; four of the lostcr's lix -<br />

hi ids. Nos. I through 4; 1. aqipernei io<br />

B~rillian t; lex ca(05si1, Daib o: I. casi<br />

s5 ie (1 ugnistifolio, Alab~aiu a I >11 (a; mitd<br />

I. vomiitoria, Yautpoii.<br />

With the excep)tioni of I. a(/iiiJcrniij<br />

Birilliant, all of the upright plants listed<br />

are siftable for back-grounid screens. Billianit<br />

teinds to grow loosCIX' and( picturesqiue.<br />

It is phirti ulhsu ix valuable for at linetracerv<br />

effect against a tall plaini paiiel<br />

of at buildinig or against a background0(<br />

grarden wall. Foster's Ilylritl hllies. Nos.<br />

1, 2. mid t3 are n arro"s iiprigi t forms thsat<br />

fruit heavily each year at At~Uls i. 'Ihle<br />

fruit colors early ani is heldiuntil newx<br />

fruit is set. Foster's Hvlbrid No. 4 ha~s<br />

n ot grown i as striong at Au bunrii as iin Bessemer<br />

where all the Foster's Hlybritds<br />

ri-gilia tetl. Tliese 1)1)11ies growv 10ore<br />

ci inpactl ,v at Auti iri t han1 at Molbile,<br />

but nottias Com pIact lv as they w\\iil](] ini<br />

areas fuirthe r north.<br />

Unusual Hollies<br />

Uniusuial Liolles iif valiie ill the Auiburn<br />

collection include: Lusterleaf Hlollv (I.<br />

latifolia). one of the lairgest leif osrios<br />

xx itli Icas es 4 to 7 us, in length; Longstalk<br />

Holly (I. ;)edliniie os ) , wxith pethi<br />

i icles and il Ieticl e drui itstalk ) upl to<br />

2 in. iln length pendutlu s forms of<br />

Yauipoi (1. coiiiitorio I; aiid several yellowy<br />

fruited svarieties of Aiocricaii 1 ollx<br />

I. oc'a).<br />

Peiotically select ionis fiioit 1ilalix<br />

source~s Suich as the UTSDA plant il ir<br />

(hi lt ioii statioil and arlsi eti ills, are<br />

altlet for eValatioli. Also seIlectedC seedliii<br />

gs froin sexveral liuirseries arie 1beillg<br />

ciiompared wxithi ciiltix atill 50rict iis.<br />

-t.-c~c -- t u oly mnay ot. uscd 0% as OCt p,fS, or -1t, 01 01 1tC... pilroon S it.<br />


(:owXs milk hcavilv whelo graz~ing litsh<br />

oaits, I X ve, Xhbe, I X Igrass. crIimson clo ttver.<br />

alid( Starr nlillct pasture('.<br />

A plemI~l1 XXitli annuiial 'i ops is X .1 iatill<br />

ill foirage quiality' (li g thie grizing<br />

5..scasi. Whleni thetse horages piss tjejir<br />

peaik and1( beginl decrea~sinig iii tpiailitv,<br />

cowXXs resf )(In( IX \ith it produlctioni drotp<br />

nless supp)lemenicltary feed(ing is (1o1ne.<br />

Nutritive Quality Studied<br />

Variationis iiillitritive qualityit oflSo sI<br />

eral aliiuiial forages have ibeeii studied1<br />

A gricuilturiial Exper i ment Station. Ociem<br />

age tli'% inattei have bc l)C deteillil<br />

dli(I, iII somie stuieis, for'age dri' iiiattei<br />

('illiied byX 'ows5 was1 iitasiiet.<br />

D atcs<br />

12/8-2)<br />

1 /7<br />

2 /20-26<br />

:3/ 12 : 1<br />

4/1-1-f7<br />

.5/4-5<br />

.5/31)<br />

(6/30)<br />

9/29<br />

10/ 15<br />

AA Ei 1151.1<br />

Oat's<br />

AX crigcs tiof it tials (iiiii the 1-ortHd gix ('i.<br />

These cows are grazing<br />

an Italian ryegrass-crimson<br />

clover test pasture at<br />

the Piedmont Substation.<br />

G. E. HAWKINS, Dep<br />

of Dairy Science<br />

E. L.. MAYTON, Pied-,<br />

Substation<br />

J. A. LITTLE and<br />

G. H. ROLLINS,<br />

Dept. of Dairy Scien-o<br />

Forage Quality of Annuals<br />

Varies During Grazing Season<br />

Somle ofi the paistulres ss tic (iiowni at<br />

the Pi('(iilon~t Sublstationi. ( iiipI Hill. and<br />

olthers atl tile I).mirv IRescarim it, ni .Aublurli.<br />

Siiice all we re not gi own at the<br />

Same locaitioni or II' iiig thle saiiie 5 Cal.<br />

most compar~iisonsi ar~e IiIlitehi tio (lialiges<br />

crease ill cru'idie i irtcii IXellbew n thle<br />

first amid] last samhiwiis.<br />

Crude fiber etoit cit tof a bruzzi i X<br />

Xits 17. 5 % or less fri 0 NIXvember to<br />

11) li\etis 6.1(8.4 iand 74.9, Ifromo I)i,<br />

(Celillbc 8 tii \Lareli ",)I. I IowiXXc CXI.(igistil)ilitX<br />

of oats, XX hat, amid ailinmzi IX C<br />

(cl('Ced~ rapidly fr ont \lcli tii thle<br />

wXithii Species din it palrt of tile girowing<br />

season)I. Forages gross i at the P'ied'<br />

jiolaiv. Al rtULzi I ye, oats, adl wh X eat<br />

I oi age samptles e il etedl M Iairch 1 2 15 Xh eat had ftu mlost raid.f~~ drop1 ill d(igsti-<br />

1111 t w ere graized ro t atio nal ly and(<br />

thoise atl Atil)Irn wXere arazed continuail"iy.<br />

All Studyl p~astuires we re fertilized<br />

with :365 11). or nillre iif 8-8-8 oi its<br />

e(ljlivalI'iai and~ at least 12 l. 1) of amhad<br />

si mil ar. crde fib1 er conlt Ciits (20.1<br />

tii 2t.9/), its comiparedl X\itli 14.2%4 fur<br />

Itil ian rvegrass-cri jason clovIXer du(1riniig<br />

tile saini period. (.rode fiber colitelits of<br />

oats. XX heat. and rs 'egi ass ci illisoli ('loXcr<br />

io('reasedl markedlX from tile Mlai'ch to<br />

Ililits . t)iicstiblitv oif Italli IX (')4i .15<br />

thriough l\ .5 and tlicmi (letr(',se(I rapi(hIX,<br />

to a liow lit 58.8% iu \las :30' Piaiigt<br />

oIf, (itestillilitX (If ea1ch1 foigi'c is gTiscli<br />

ill thet table.<br />

ApIril 12-19 sampling dhats. HIoweer LII age dri Xmiatter ilitakecs Iv cowXX<br />

Composition and Digestibility<br />

(:lude prioteini conltenlt of all foiriges<br />

Was icelat ively' high I t1 each sam pl ing<br />

perioid, laigilig front 26.7 to 17. 1%.<br />

li (XX CX C, theri 5545 \it proii oh ic de-.<br />

crude~l fiber ot ala ii,,i I- Xe remainedel eI-<br />

Staii I i l t inea sed ll eIiic de fibei IY<br />

2.7i% fron julie 29 to jtil\' 27.<br />

Average tligestiiilitx' oIf (uN mnatter oIf<br />

altl XXiiiti'i aliilial fill ages XXas high.1 ialo<br />

grilr ou ats coIIItiolIIlX decreasedl friom<br />

:3 lb. per 10tt lb. oif l)odX \\cigit oin<br />

March 12 tio 2.7 11). ol Apil 17 . liitakcs<br />

b\ '(X ow gra/jlw wg'sheat ('(lit 1111111 sk dce<br />

('icised ftrlom 2.9) tio 2.2 lb). pe'r 16ft Il).<br />

bok X tigh~t (1111 i)4 thle 51101' periodt.<br />

thuls. its ss hat aid oaunts oecai et the ci (I<br />

I)mIGES 1111 I IX OFI ANNUi L FORGE I'iiii I. ATi5(i5/ I)iFEAU]t-\I SEA SiONS<br />

I.- [HL 1F 1 1)1 i MATTERi BIISi<br />

tiii't iltak' tof (((oXXX \\ias r'educedl b\<br />

I)igestibilits ot echl forage' gi itt<br />

Itailian rN c'-<br />

Whcat Abri-izzi ry e gaIss Cril Iso IS)Sair i liet<br />

701.7 69.3'<br />

74.7<br />

7f 1.0'<br />

58.8<br />

Ciitiiniio'lsk (,<br />

gla/i ( pasture's it Aubu~trn, ill tither patijr's riutatmnill\ 14rau't at PIcd't<br />

ibunt Subtstatioun.<br />

68.0<br />

Starr iniiict X\\s.a aol Ilia 11lit' palstuliv<br />

I' (li'ji tile' Cl-IX pai t of Ht'e gri!<br />

'30. I o~c i.it bad (11(1easetl tol 5 7 . 7 %/<br />

o(f 34.5cc mi Oc)tober 1..<br />

ilIitt5 oaits. XXhea t. ilbrll,'i rXe c. taliaio<br />

IXV (ri 155cr CilIllil ClovXer. andl Stall Inilt<br />

pasti in's aire igh I palitv toiw ags ii it il<br />

thle jiltts lbegini tol lilitili CrIid]il H Fow<br />

ce r. qulalitX dcre'(ases r apid]lhA is,. the<br />

plaits 11111 thle peli id XXIliiii stitI heads<br />

ar(, toill 1(. ITl 111111liiil h id levI'sels it<br />

iiit'its Shouild be<br />

upuialit\ diflops.<br />

increaI'sed l as pasture<br />




S2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 91011121314<br />

1516171819 20 21<br />

22 232425 26 27 28<br />

293031<br />

5 '<br />

' 2 3 4<br />

'0l<br />

q<br />

2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

91011 12 13 14 15<br />

1617 1819202122<br />

24 25 26 27 28 29<br />

MAY<br />

SMTWY<br />

123<br />

1 2 3<br />

7 8 9 101<br />

14 15 16 17 I<br />

21 2223242<br />

28293031<br />

Timely Planting<br />

Ups Oat Yields<br />


SMTWT F S<br />

12 I 4<br />

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9,0 , 101<br />

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 iv ... . 15 16 17 18<br />

17 18 192021 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1920 21 22 23 24 25<br />

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 293031, 2627282930<br />

F. S. McCAIN and C. C. KING, Dept. of Agronomy and Soils<br />

P LANTING OATS at the right time can<br />

put more dollars in your pocket. Research<br />

results show that yields of oats<br />

can be increased by planting earlier<br />

than is the usual practice.<br />

Experiments on dates of planting oats<br />

were conducted during 1952-57 by the<br />

<strong>Auburn</strong> <strong>University</strong> Agricultural Experiment<br />

Station. The tests at seven locations<br />

were designed to measure effect<br />

of date of planting on yields of oats<br />

grown for grain only and for forage and<br />

grain combined.<br />

Two Management Systems Tested<br />

Oats were seeded at the rate of 3 bu.<br />

per acre. Two series of plots were used<br />

at each location with one series managed<br />

for grain production only. These plots<br />

received adequate rates of phosphate<br />

and potash fertilizers at planting. Fifty<br />

lb. of nitrogen was applied as a topdressing<br />

about March 1.<br />

Another series of plots was managed<br />

AUGUST<br />

-WT F S<br />

2345<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

1 91011 12<br />

16 17 18 19<br />

223242526<br />

.9 3031<br />


SMTWT F S<br />

12<br />

3456789<br />

3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

10 11 12 13 14 15 16<br />

17 18 192021 2223<br />

2425 26 27 28 29 30<br />

31<br />

for production of forage (grazing) and<br />

grain. These plots received the same<br />

phosphate and potash fertilization at<br />

planting as those managed for grain<br />

only. In addition, a topdressing of 50<br />

lb. of nitrogen per acre was applied<br />

when oats were up to a stand. Forage<br />

removal was discontinued about March<br />

1 and an additional 50 lb. of nitrogen<br />

per acre was applied. All. plots in both<br />

series were allowed to mature a crop of<br />

grain and grain yields were measured.<br />

When consumed as green pasturage,<br />

1 lb. of dry matter from oat forage is<br />

considered equal in feed value to 1 lb.<br />

of oat grain. This factor was used to<br />

convert forage yields to grain equivalents<br />

in measuring yields.<br />

As shown in Figure 1, forage yields<br />

for comparable dates were highest in<br />

southern Alabama. There was little difference<br />

in forage yields for comparable<br />

dates between central and northern<br />

areas of the State. Highest grain yields<br />

SNorthern Central Southern Northern Central Southern<br />

FIG. 1. Yields of oat forage from different<br />

planting dates during the 1952-57 test<br />

years are shown by the graph above.<br />

12<br />

FIG. 2. Shown above is a comparison of<br />

grain yields from clipped oats from different<br />

planting dates during 1952-57.<br />

on clipped plots for all planting dates<br />

were produced in northern Alabama,<br />

followed in order by central and southern<br />

regions, Figure 2.<br />

A comparison of Figures 2 and 4<br />

shows that yields of grain were decreased<br />

by clipping, but the forage obtained<br />

more than compensated for the loss.<br />

When forage and grain yields were combined,<br />

there was little difference in maximum<br />

per acre production of feed in<br />

all regions, Figure 8. However, there<br />

was a difference in the best date to plant<br />

for maximum yields.<br />

Best Planting Dates<br />

Recommended planting dates for forage<br />

and grain production in the three<br />

regions are: northern Alabama, September<br />

1 to September 20; central Alabama,<br />

September 1 to September 30;<br />

and southern Alabama, September 20 to<br />

October 20. Planting dates did not materially<br />

affect yield of oats grown for<br />

grain only in any of the regions, Figure<br />

4. The maximum difference, 8 bu. per<br />

acre, occurred between the September<br />

10 and October 20 planting dates in<br />

central Alabama. This indicates that<br />

most any of the planting dates in any of<br />

the State's regions is satisfactory for<br />

grain production only.<br />

Yield,<br />

pounds per acre<br />

3,20 0<br />

1400<br />

S Forage and grain<br />

Grain only<br />

FIG. 3. Combined yields of forage and<br />

grain from oats planted at different dates<br />

during 1952-57 are shown in the graph.<br />

Aug. Sept Sept Oct Aug. Sept Sept Oct.N S S pO ct.00 6.<br />

20 130020 20 10320 10 103020 10<br />

Northern Central Southern<br />

FIG. 4. Shown here are yields of oats managed<br />

for grain only from different planting<br />

dates in 1952-57 experiments.

Eight of the most promising plum varieties<br />

for Alabama are: (1) Methley, (2) Bruce,<br />

(3) Ozark Premier, (4) Giant Cherry, (5)<br />

Red June, (6) America, (7) Brilliant, and<br />

(8) Munson.<br />

piotLETItio i p it t.'t's aie ste firstt'<br />

se ll p ie iit't'dt'd qurlit\ lui 1<br />

Xc xadiptei itli ii e iloti (*\it S,i (roo<br />

pro dtion \iitic it Sepi \iisuI 1t<br />

ti. o til i iik alIII it 1 Stitstwi v pao.il<br />

()iark Prei tiii , Staikiiig 1)ehit'i<br />

itid ritilir's iie (i(5 l ilt'u tii<br />

\lt'thlt's ait' stIrit w~ high ietld<br />

eerlt' huas t'sc Itit Te ti is i, V<br />

wx it upright gr rte. Didiit't'<br />

Methiare l of<br />

t it'iiici hand .m5iiiis<br />

jige iis s i ll arii lyi i e lit i<br />

11i d uC high CXoVilt coor ' Sie<br />

Otark ivin iiu ha)' s lis firni0 1l011i<br />

I'itt, 1 1 'itx itBA EHiT I sis tit, oO i , I 1ilsEsT, ANDo Yll [A) l1EttiIi)S ituit 12<br />

\It11111<br />

lil .o<br />

. D24 it)o<br />

Itiilliaiit I /3 . 6/25<br />

( Utt(liii is 3, 29 6/27<br />

Bu.1tt :3, 22 6 29<br />

licd J it I I 6 29<br />

uts atl :3 27T 7/2<br />

\Iiamiiillt ( Car. :3 27T 7,/5<br />

Bct ti :~s 3 :1tt T7 1 -1<br />

NI I I siii 1I - .5 7/15<br />

Stiu kiuta IDl. .25 7 26<br />

I I l.s5ki 29 - 26 )<br />


for ALABAMA<br />

J. D. NO0RTON and J. L. TURNER<br />

D , partment of Hloriculture<br />

i/t. flli\txt' i tN iii is-e fit-iiii' I<br />

tpil hll to uit 'iitI p. T he\'ctii<br />

t of'ex grothx tli lit x tk. IFrtuit rqit'its ill itid-<br />

Skiin Stollet ' llsl l<br />

rttltlshil .a<br />

rt ttisli por.<br />

itilk~ ti i<br />

I t'tl h ur<br />

Ic topil'<br />

Oitll~ ol~<br />

t (I to\\rtt<br />

(ttriugit<br />

I ittI<br />

s) ibissc<br />

\(,I.tos ciil<br />

is. aiid<br />

I llit i<br />

'Sl ilt'.<br />

igi iiitts<br />

wets ti,<br />

dili u pr i h thi lpi teet'it ,i 51 i ',t le<br />

ildst ip h i is I Iii i tllt ilitt' ne Iiii<br />

Althoill"11 hloolll (Lit( wcl C I It t I I' I It 4 111 cL )1' thil t It 'i I I' I I it I I I i It I I I'll t\ \\ itS to-<br />

latcr t I oil I I I Im I I I a I m I I I lost \ ill itticS.<br />

FrIlit i/r.: I 111allc t, 10 hil'-,cst.<br />

Stolw fl,,11t ": I lim" 10 fit.c.<br />

Yitld! I Iw 1\ it-ld, 10 lwt\i1lIlIlII \ w1d,<br />

't lidas<br />

corniniteial pi ss ibI ti ties.<br />

ijThei Mamt 'lii, i i a tit is iitt'tt<br />

tlin re (ii gin Low iz Sii e, iiliid- lii leit<br />

qull y. It i Tis i il iict hc a p l it' IIi rii 't<br />

bruitN ito i itt t pot aictts . Ir tlt'stii<br />

a ili itll ii.Frit illuuilt 3 xx tuko luite<br />

edrl Bty po us frh5 ,urth siittuhi<br />

xs'ilt ofphili th vairtiete.I dvlp<br />

i lilliat ls :dfut abiout i3tuis ibiifottitt<br />

hart. iThies high qaityItIit li gt'. ittll<br />

iiuit i's<br />

wit iprggr~h<br />

it ~ ~~RoItsl lhis i lit' fruit wsithi ei'(-et'lltt<br />

dll- to it lte Jout'.<br />

itt sioi- Gianit (it'h i I l i xig iii i ios. tupiigh t<br />

itths tiet' thait prodt,-,t' high it'lts. 'lT'e Ii it<br />

gutl is high iii siigar. Httseeri thei Iiruit is<br />

Coarse' i) tet'\urt' lat.kiuig ill Ila\ oi aiid<br />

ieldtI spa t'ildilt trieit that pi lhict's high to itetds.<br />

Fruit is high uquidiity ,iiit Iiglils ittoililtit';<br />

10 itu i sitt.l al m i Ii~'i (,I ,s tu s,,(p I ett'<br />

10<br />

8l fru n it wilnilii i<br />

suaitisthattt rls itlls<br />

10 fruit tIlil~litx is hto us low iio ist' is t'uuii-

C O N T A I N : R Sproblem<br />

C ONTAINERS USED in marketing are an<br />

important problem of Alabama's vegetable<br />

industry. Produce is received by<br />

wholesalers in a great variety of packages.<br />

Even for the same commodity,<br />

containers vary widely in size, dimensions,<br />

and construction. Produce grown<br />

nearby is often delivered in bulk and in<br />

open trucks without refrigeration. One<br />

large handler reported receiving snap<br />

beans in shoe boxes.<br />

Magnitude of the container problem<br />

was learned in an <strong>Auburn</strong> Agricultural<br />

Experiment Station study of procurement<br />

practices and problems of wholesale<br />

handlers of fresh vegetables in the<br />

State. A major objective was to investigate<br />

ways to increase marketing efficiency.<br />

Representatives from 4 major chains,<br />

3 brokers, 23 carlot receivers, and 32<br />

jobbers were interviewed. Most fresh<br />

produce offered for sale in Alabama retail<br />

stores was channeled through one<br />

or more of these firms. In order of importance,<br />

firms purchased from brokerreceivers,<br />

growers, shipper- growers,<br />

farmers' markets, jobbers, and repackers.<br />

Fresh vegetables from 39 states and<br />

foreign countries were brought into Alabama<br />

by the firms studied.<br />

Containers Preferred<br />

A summary of wholesale dealers' container<br />

preferences for major commodities<br />

is presented in the table. Several preferred<br />

containers were named for greenripe<br />

tomatoes, collards, cucumbers, lima<br />

beans, rutabagas, turnips, and strawberries.<br />

The 12 commodities listed in the<br />

table were selected on the basis of vol-<br />

14<br />

in marketing<br />

vegetables<br />

DONALD R. STREET and E. E. KERN,<br />

Dept. of Agricultural Economics<br />

ume handled from a total of 39 being<br />

sold by wholesale firms.<br />

In 35 of the 62 firms studied, snap<br />

beans were of major importance. Thirtytwo<br />

of these 35 firms preferred the product<br />

to, be delivered in bushel hampers.<br />

Of the 39 firms reporting cabbage of<br />

major importance, 35 expressed preference<br />

for the 50-lb. mesh bag and the<br />

remainder preferred crates. All 39 reports<br />

concerning head lettuce favored a<br />

fiberboard vacuum-cooled package.<br />

Fifteen of the 19 firms reporting new<br />

potatoes as a major commodity preferred<br />

50-lb. bags, 3 preferred 100-lb. sacks,<br />

and the other, which had bagging equipment,<br />

chose to receive in bulk.<br />

The 20-lb. fiberboard box was the<br />

choice of 25 of the 33 firms handling<br />

pink tomatoes as a major commodity.<br />

Two firms desired the 40-lb. fiberboard<br />

box, three the 60-lb. wirebound crate,<br />

and one each preferred the 60-lb. fiberboard<br />

box and bulk delivery.<br />

Firms reporting<br />

Commodity commodity to be of<br />

major importance<br />

Number<br />

C abbage --------------------------<br />

39<br />

Lettuce-.......<br />

39<br />

Snap beans ----------------------<br />

Red<br />

35<br />

and pink tomatoes-<br />

33<br />

Celery- - - - -<br />

19<br />

New potatoes -----------<br />

19<br />

S q u a sh -,. ------------------------ 11<br />

Field peas<br />

9<br />

Sweet potatoes--...... ..--<br />

9<br />

Corn-- - - - -<br />

6<br />

O kra.- - - - - -<br />

6<br />

Sweet pepper-------<br />

6<br />

General Agreement Found<br />

There was much agreement on container<br />

preference for specific commodities.<br />

More than half of all reasons given<br />

for container preference involved quality<br />

maintenance and standardization of the<br />

trade. A few containers for each commodity<br />

capable of meeting these requirements<br />

permits quick and easy trading,<br />

according to the buyers.<br />

Price discounting was reported where<br />

a variety of sizes and types of containers<br />

was used. Ease of handling, customer<br />

satisfaction, and ease of display were<br />

other reasons given for specific container<br />

preference.<br />

Facilities available to marketing firms<br />

for handling commodities were related<br />

to container preference. One of the chain<br />

organizations had bagging and boxing<br />

equipment to service their retail outlets.<br />

Seventeen of the 23 carlot receivers had<br />

boxing and bagging equipment as compared<br />

with only 4 of the 32 jobbers. All<br />

of the earlot receivers and jobbers had<br />

adequate boxing and bagging equipment<br />

for present use, but only 12 of the carlot<br />

receivers and 3 of the jobbers had<br />

adequate facilities for the future.<br />

The likely continued increase in chain<br />

store handling of vegetables may require<br />

better packaging of produce nearer the<br />

point of production. The trend toward<br />

direct marketing means that producers<br />

and shippers will have to give closer attention<br />

to acceptable containers than<br />

they have in the past. Inferior and nonstandardized<br />

containers are costly in<br />

terms of quality loss, cost of repacking,<br />

and price discounting. Packages will need<br />

to be easy to handle, stack, and load to<br />

be shipped with confidence.<br />

Marketing efficiencies achieved can<br />

benefit farmers, distributors, and consumers:<br />

through higher profits, lower<br />

prices, and better qualtiy of produce<br />

marketed.<br />



Major<br />

container<br />

preference<br />

50-lb. mesh bag<br />

Fiberboard carton<br />

Bushel hamper<br />

20-lb. fiberboard box<br />

Wooden crates<br />

50-lb. bag<br />

Bushel hamper<br />

Bushel hamper<br />

Crates<br />

Wooden crates<br />

Bu. and half-bu. hamper<br />

Bushel hamper and basket<br />

Preference over<br />

other desired<br />

containers<br />

Per cent<br />

90<br />

100<br />

91<br />

76<br />

89<br />

79<br />

82<br />

78<br />

67<br />

67<br />

50-50<br />


Soil Fumigants<br />

for<br />


W. A. JOHNSON, Ast Horilts<br />

E. J. CAIRNS, Nematologist<br />

L: M WARE, Head, Dept. of Horticultute<br />

o[I Oi ,l CAMt x\ I lot fo otkiot ctrolti<br />

tot' f priving x ,tlttalle ill the pt odittiott<br />

oft xcritflt' crop~fs.<br />

Alxt \-etitble l a crops are ,t ffecteti iil<br />

x itiit. degreets fb\ iootkitot andt other<br />

1(if) 5 tods Fit 4O' or th l'r sutietilei<br />

511(tssi\e ws 'ills So til ftt1iigriltits or othetr<br />

Research Conducted<br />

fIl 1957 ltl t'\fL'cilnclt to cotlpate thet<br />

tfects of soil filink tgalits oil N titis atnd<br />

coiltrol of rootkttot ItIt ct'rtititt 5 egTetaible<br />

crops \\,ias icctillo att the Aoboriit Uix ersit\<br />

A\griciturital Lxpe'tittictt Stattion.<br />

(Sx to ill tihe tafblt aire soil I ttiltig.Iits<br />

uliiltiiig titia', fot test croips gt ttxx t. [hei<br />

I iritis \\etre hiroadcast aiitalix.<br />

A fil Crop xx as ttioxxil tcitl x tlti to<br />

checck residual effects of the soil I iiirii<br />

gratit applied hefore plantttig it spiring<br />

cropif. fT'e I iitttgatits xxcr ti pplitti toi<br />

sitltte plot; eatil x cl.<br />

I ),ttes 1)1 itt't<br />

Various treatments with soil fumigarnts ore shown obov !. The four rows repruent Vapom<br />

treated, Telone, Nemaon, and check.<br />

Effect of Fumigants on Rootknot<br />

A~t the iiegioiiiitg of tile cxper-iictlt<br />

thert \\,xxts at loix ppiiiltttiiii of t ootktt<br />

tiitatodes. This is gix cl iii thti~ ihits<br />

iiitit' ri tliflogs oi-l roiots of fliliitx tof ftec<br />

firist ctrtp .gi'i x i ii the check piot . A<br />

reatfiig of it0 iitdicattes li x ixihie ktnots<br />

oil riits i io 0)) lietlls stciie kiiottii ig<br />

of iroots.<br />

fT'e itndtex readtlill for tlke tli i'tk p lot<br />

the first xYear xxits fTi. Fiot tite fill]c -iop,<br />

fit st-x ear t eadiog \\-ias 4.3 atnd for tue<br />

seitIlitl -\(cal it xxas 98. 'Ter efore, rootknotf<br />

oinatode populiationi morie tihani<br />

doublfdt hx t'iid of the sciittd x ear xx Itil<br />

hligiix suisceptif-lie ci -ops xx c groxxi .<br />

indcex t calditigs xx c reiatixe cix\ ioxxfu<br />

bti spr1inig iilfal curogips an\It af ter<br />

soii fiitatioii. ['litre \%-ias a siigiit illcrease<br />

iti rootkoiit i tcot'thd for fali tirop<br />

oxr tihtie spring~. cirop xx lo \t'iigoti,<br />

Dtt ione, Vapaiii. .uti Dixxfuit W-85<br />

xxic ti t plti itt f1'57 iid foir Neirtaoi<br />

,ttf \'apitii ill i1959. Ili nio cast' \\its the<br />

iFFECOT M-i Sil FM IG tANTiS ON YIELD AND 5\i OttKN0t<br />

Y~tik -iii tons pe'r acre alit riittkot intdex riatf iings-<br />

tilt1 t~(~95T, 19.58 19.59<br />

1)it Sitriog F"all <strong>Fall</strong> Sprintg itif<br />

fifcotit<br />

fiiiion<br />

201.1)<br />

5.0S<br />

4.S4<br />

Mt. 19<br />

9A.4<br />

(5.82<br />

17T<br />

f10<br />

If<br />

16<br />

10.8011I<br />

DD1 20.0 9.84 it)<br />

9.62 15<br />

Marti. I I<br />

\ilix 2<br />

Itit. 22<br />

Apr. 141<br />

4.'7'.; 68<br />

4.09' 1:3<br />

4.26 12<br />

4.:30 21<br />

5. 94 12<br />

4. tW f13<br />

41.62; 1If<br />

Miar. it)<br />

A 1)r. 9<br />

77 :..41<br />

i1) 4.92<br />

1:3 4.94<br />

'17 3).i7-<br />

17 5.17<br />

1() 4.96<br />

11 :3.98<br />

Nov. 41<br />

Apr. 12<br />

19610<br />

Spitail<br />

1 it ,ttt<br />

hTls hildctx<br />

'I vis ,tiiiiiiitt Iel \tritss itst'ti ii, N57 andtt 19.W8 1 .f pet icr' \\,its iil i) 19.59) tut<br />

19601.<br />

('rotix i of fplaltts aind prodctiontht of<br />

sp~rintg stiltsii tlit fir st Croip, xx i t illcr'tsetf<br />

b\ ifl soii f'litiatlits iixt't. Soitt<br />

of, tht' Affcts toul hil~ itrx itsitt'd frotit<br />

thte Conitrol of Soil pests other thitti roiotkinot<br />

ni 'iatioit' Yieitds fitorn plots Ittti<br />

ii ig soi fiii i i it tat -its gl ftotio 50) to<br />

25'/, higlie thatn ft oit check piots, se<br />

ttf l t'. Tht' xi oailest ini (' ease \x-its frIiom<br />

Netittagoii. 'T'fe wexrc ino sigiiificatit illieatsill<br />

x vitids of tit filli tiop fittxxet'ii<br />

tcheck fphots anid tittse I cccix itig sttil fuot-<br />

iatits,<br />

fIt 1958 the spr ing cio (if \xxits potattoes.<br />

'lt' tCheck plots ipriiduceti a it igh ori<br />

litcti-1 ix , iigi x idts is x\'ias prtoduct'd<br />

tttttt tciirdet fot thits tirop. Spin tg cirofps,<br />

ill 1 959 itfd 1960), xx tie dxxu- beant'tis.<br />

Ilt f959 betanis xx c tfittat'd ftrom all<br />

sil ftinio its t'xt'tpt \ apitit hetause iof<br />

liiitstti xx tatitet cotitlitiotts,<br />

Btccoise (If the datima~tge iii 1959 ftrom<br />

spi iti ti atititi ts, ftii~iii( ts for the i196))<br />

Y ie Itls of hicatis ill 1 96)) x'ee itnctrt'asetd<br />

4.5 to 50% from use of '['lout' Dlo Itic<br />

\ tpttin, andt DD) antt II tii f17Y, ft o<br />

use of Netiagi~oti andt f)oiix'itt W-'8.5.<br />

Thet inctrease it x itits of thte fall crop)<br />

it' Sqifittsft tatngetd ft tit 120) to 1 80% ill<br />

958 attd f t"ot .3101 to 6-3)1% ill 1959.<br />

'iteiti of stqiiasi it tit ftill] of 1958 xxits<br />

sIot' ie at lI)xx atd itaxl1 il! de, p~i'ltiailx vhb'<br />

ctts' ol tfoxxitx iitit'xx ,Stl-l is inore<br />

'litc hug! lost x itit i ech x eatl foir thet<br />

spinutg Criop groilixi after fttitigatiiitt xxeci<br />

hiotiuc('t friti lo fits 't'teix tug \ apiti:<br />

thtt st'tottt aind tftird i tiht'st x iclds xx ti<br />

Nenictontti andit fDox otime \\'-,5 pr'io'de<br />

ft'ss x itActs tftatt tt' otheti I Ittitiliits, tht<br />

Ilist' as sil fitottg~fiits.


Product of Early Research<br />

INOCULATION and its importance to successful<br />

production of certain leguminous<br />

crops is common knowledge among Alabama<br />

farmers today.<br />

But few know that some of the first<br />

research in this country with inoculum<br />

or "germ fertilizer" was done at the <strong>Auburn</strong><br />

Agricultural Experiment Station<br />

more than three score years ago. Its results<br />

provided the answer to the mystery<br />

why certain leguminous plants produce<br />

poor yields on soils on which no legume<br />

had been recently grown. Legumes used<br />

in this early work included vetch, crimson<br />

clover, lupine, lespedeza, alfalfa,<br />

Canada field peas, and cowpeas.<br />

"The subject of maintaining fertility<br />

of the land very closely concerns every<br />

tiller of the soil, whether cotton planter,<br />

tobacco grower, grain farmer, livestock<br />

breeder, or horticulturist."<br />

The foregoing paragraph is the introduction<br />

to <strong>Auburn</strong> Station Bulletin<br />

No. 87, published in the summer of<br />

1897, reporting early research on soil<br />

inoculation for leguminous plants. The<br />

words are those of the late Prof. J. F.<br />

Duggar, who joined the <strong>Auburn</strong> staff a<br />

year earlier and whose later work made<br />

it possible to condition the soil for growing<br />

certain legumes to supply much<br />

needed nitrogen. He is credited with<br />

having been one of the first researchers<br />

in this country to have experimented with<br />

"artificial cultures" for growing clovers<br />

and other legumes.<br />

In the light of discoveries in Europe,<br />

Professor Duggar determined that some<br />

Alabama soils had to be inoculated by<br />

the necessary germ-life to grow legumes.<br />

First with a homemade preparation and<br />

then with a patented concentrate from<br />

Germany, he launched a long-range campaign<br />

to get Alabama farmers to inoculate<br />

their fields so soil improving legumes<br />

could be grown.<br />

In Station Bulletin 87, Professor Duggar<br />

in the main presented results from<br />

greenhouse pot experiments in which he<br />

compared growth of inoculated and uninoculated<br />

legumes. His yield increases<br />

were dramatic.<br />

KENNETH B. ROY, Editor<br />

LILLIAN FOSCUE, Graduate Assistant<br />

Professor Duggar emphasized the<br />

value of inoculation in Bulletin No. 96,<br />

published August 1898. Reporting on<br />

experiments with crimson clover and<br />

hairy vetch, he wrote, "clover, vetch,<br />

and similar leguminous plants are able<br />

to draw much of their nitrogen from the<br />

air when enlargements called tubercules<br />

or nodules are found on their roots. They<br />

are unable to do this, or to store up fertility,<br />

when tubercules are absent.<br />

This is the second article of a series<br />

on <strong>Auburn</strong> <strong>University</strong> and its Agricultural<br />

Experiment Station Systemits<br />

founding and its contributions<br />

down through the years to the progress<br />

of Alabama's agriculture. The<br />

series is being published in conjunction<br />

with <strong>Auburn</strong>'s Centennial Celebration.-Editor<br />

"In order for tubercules to develop,<br />

specific germs of bacteria must come in<br />

contact with the young rootlets. In the<br />

regions where the clovers, vetch, alfalfa,<br />

etc. are extensively grown, these germs<br />

become generally distributed in the soil<br />

of the entire region. In a number of localities<br />

in Alabama, where these legumes<br />

are not grown to any great extent, these<br />

germs are absent from some soils or<br />

present in insufficient numbers."<br />


FREE Bulletin or Report of Progress<br />



E. V. Smith, Director<br />

<strong>Auburn</strong>, Alabama<br />

Permit No. 1132-8/61-IOM<br />

The researcher reported good results<br />

from two methods of inoculation: (1)<br />

scattering on a field some of the germladen<br />

soil from a field where the legumes<br />

have borne tubercules, and (2)<br />

use of a prepared material called Nitragin,<br />

"a concentrated germ fertilizer containing<br />

myriads of germs which are able<br />

to cause the growth of tubercules on the<br />

roots of certain leguminous or soil improving<br />

plants."<br />

Large yield increases in field experiments<br />

resulted from the use of an inoculum,<br />

as reported in Bulletin 96. Hairy<br />

vetch inoculated with vetch Nitragin<br />

produced hay at the rate of 3,270 lb.<br />

per acre, as compared with 564 lb. without<br />

inoculation. Using soil from an old<br />

vetch field as inoculum increased yield<br />

by 2,308 lb. of hay over an uninoculated<br />

companion plot. Crimson clover yield increase<br />

from inoculation was reported to<br />

be 3,296 lb.<br />

Long lasting effect of inoculation was<br />

also learned. It was reported that "'a field<br />

once inoculated, whether naturally or<br />

artificially, remains inoculated for years."<br />

Other information included the fact that,<br />

in general, each genus of leguminous<br />

plant has its own specific or adapted<br />

germ.<br />

Successful growth of legumes in Alabama<br />

was a major breakthrough that has<br />

been invaluable to farmers of the State.<br />

Use of these crops as soil improving and<br />

forage plants came about as a direct result<br />

of the early, basic research.<br />

Research on legume production has<br />

not stopped. Work has continued through<br />

the years on variety testing and development,<br />

time of planting, seedbed preparation,<br />

fertility requirements, and on<br />

other cultural practices. This ongoing research<br />

continues to provide information<br />

that enables farmers to do a better job<br />

of legume production and utilization.<br />



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