Earleen Allen Francis Memoir - University of Illinois Springfield

Earleen Allen Francis Memoir - University of Illinois Springfield

Earleen Allen Francis Memoir - University of Illinois Springfield


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Ehrleen <strong>Allen</strong> <strong>Francis</strong> 12<br />

Q. Did this person change, or was it just one person all through high<br />

s b l ?<br />

A, &, no there =re probably tm or three. h <strong>of</strong> them d d m e<br />

away, or I 'd mve away, and then I 'd have to get another one.<br />

Q. %at sort <strong>of</strong> entertahwnte did you have?<br />

A. To the mwies on Saturday afternoon, to the mtinee. bk didn't have<br />

Mckey Hmse and Minnie Mouse and the things they have now. It ws saw<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gloria Swamon, and I don't r e . It cost a dim to go to the<br />

mwies .<br />

Q. It wts mlve cents for E. 'kat was in Chicago--high prices. Did<br />

you go on picnics and outings? Mmdng?<br />

A. 091, e wmt nutting every fall, out in the mods to pick up hickory<br />

nuts and wild nuts and pecans. My father used to go hunting for rabbits.<br />

We ate rabbits and doves. I don't hm if *k~ ate squlurels ow not; s-<br />

people do, Wild ducks, Of course w didn't go hunting with him when he<br />

wnt. He brought hane rabbits hen there tas snw on the ground, so he<br />

could track them. And rn had picnics too, but it was almys a church<br />

picnic. %re =re many church picnics &en the =ther ms nice.<br />

Q. ks youw life different when you =re in high school than when you<br />

had been in elementary school, or ws it just a continuation?<br />

A. Sort <strong>of</strong> a continuation, I wuld say.<br />

Q. b in your family d e<br />

the decisions about haw money d d<br />

be spent?<br />

Q. Did he make all the decisions? If you =re going to buy a new piece<br />

<strong>of</strong> furniture...?<br />

A. Yes, he's the one to decide howmuch R could spend and whether m<br />

could have it or not. Because his mney w all that wm caning into the<br />

hem.<br />

Q. And he took charge <strong>of</strong> his uwn mney?<br />

A. Well, he kept up with it, I'd say. k didn't let us spend too mch.<br />

We charged everything at the grocery store, and he' d get onto us every<br />

once in a while and say, 'Wt& out, or w mn' t be able to pay the<br />

bill." k alwys seemd to fear that veld go over, that the account<br />

FJoUld be mre than he could pay. The railroad, I think, paid him twice<br />

in a mmth, the first arad the fifteenth mre pay day. J3e was very careful<br />

&re I. d my sister mt, who E associated with. khen I grew up I<br />

used to &r if he didn't trust us, or if it m s som?body else that he<br />

didn't trust. Everybody looked after their girls in those days, different<br />

fran what they do now. They wxe nu& stricter. t& couldn't be out late<br />

at night, khm FR =re out, they had to larw *re m =re. And there<br />

wasn' t any kidnapping or anything like that. I don' t know what they =re<br />

wrryirlg about. Sex, I presunoe. (laUgt.lter)

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