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10 Hutchens<br />

night. Elute the adsorbed proteins by removal of ammonium sulfate,<br />

that is, elute with 20 mMHEPES buffer containing 0.5MNaCl. Intro<br />

duce 50% ethylene glycol in 20 mM HEPES, pH 8.0 to initiate col-<br />

umn regeneration. Used columns should be washed with 30%<br />

isopropanol and water before reequilibration with column-equilibra-<br />

tion buffer. Collect eluted fractions. Immunoglobulindepleted colosu-al<br />

whey proteins (T-gel column flow-through fractions) and isolated im-<br />

munoglobulins can be concentrated and dialyzed using an Amicon<br />

Model CH2 PBS spiral-cartridge concentrator with a 3000 or 10,000<br />

MW cutoff. An example is provided in Figs. 1 and 2.<br />

3.6. Protein Analyses of Isolated Fractions<br />

and Quantitation of Eluted Immunoglobulins<br />

Monitor the protein elution profile during thiophilic adsorption<br />

chromatography by detection of UV absorbance at 280 nm. Deter-<br />

mine the elution properties of the various immunoglobulins using<br />

ELISA techniques, immuno “dot” blotting procedures (21), or West-<br />

ern (electrophoretic) transfer of the eluted proteins from SDS gels to<br />

nitrocellulose and immune blotting (22). The protein or immunoglobu-<br />

lin concentrations of pooled fractions should be evaluated as described<br />

by Bradford (13) (see vol. 3)or Smith et al. (14) to determine overall<br />

protein and immunoglobulin recoveries; these values should routinely<br />

exceed 90%.<br />

3.6.1. ELBA Methods<br />

for the Detection of Specific Immunoglobulins<br />

Coat 96well microtiter plates (50 pL/well) with afftnity-purified<br />

antibodies (example presented here: rabbit antibodies to bovine im-<br />

munoglobulins obtained from Jackson Immunoresearch Laboratories,<br />

Inc., West Grove, PA) diluted to the appropriate titer with phosphate-<br />

buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4. The plates can be stored for several days<br />

(at 4OC) before use. Wash the plates 3X in distilled water then add a<br />

100 l.tL aliquot of diluted sample to each well. Human plasma and<br />

unfractionated fetal calf serum (originating from Australia) should be<br />

used at various dilutions as negative and positive controls, respectively.<br />

Dilute purified bovine IgG (Jackson Immunoresearch Laboratories)<br />

with 3% PBS to a final concentration of 0.5 ng/mL. Use this solution<br />

for calibration. Incubate the loaded plates for 1 h at 37OC before wash-<br />

ing (5X) with distilled water containing 0.05% Tween 80. Dilute horse-

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