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Immobilized Metal Ion Interaction 29<br />

have been described (16,28). This is useful in screening different types<br />

of immobilized metal ion-protein interaction variables. These vari-<br />

ables include the selection of appropriate immobilized metal ion type<br />

(16), the effects of temperature and mobile phase conditions (l&,26),<br />

and free metal ions (7) on protein-immobilized metal ion interaction<br />

capacity and affinity.<br />

10. Immobilized metal ions may be useful for the reversible site- or domain-<br />

specific immobilization of functional receptor proteins or enzymes.<br />

Data collected with the estrogen receptor protein suggest that recep<br />

tor immobilization on IDA-Zn(I1) (29) and IDA-Cu(I1) (unpublished)<br />

does not impair receptor function (ligand-binding activity).<br />

Acknowledgment<br />

This work was supported, in part, by the US Department of Agri-<br />

culture, Agricultural Research Service Agreement No. 58-6250-l-003.<br />

The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or<br />

policies of the US Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of<br />

trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorse-<br />

ment by the US Government.<br />

References<br />

1. Porath, J., Carlsson, J., Olsson, I., and Belfrage, G. (1975) Metal chelate<br />

affimty chromatography, a new approach to protem fractionation. Nulure<br />

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2. Porath, J. and Ohn, B. (1983) Immobilized metal ion affimty adsorption<br />

and immobiied metal ion aflituty chromatography ofbiomatenals. Serum pro-<br />

tem affinities for gel-immobilized iron and nickel ions. Bzochemzstv 22,<br />

1621-1630.<br />

3. Monlon, B. and Solms, J. (1987) Group separauon of pephdes by hgand-<br />

exchange chromatography with a Sephadex contammg N-(2-pyridyl-<br />

methyl)glycme. Anal. Beochem. 160, 88-97.<br />

4. Hochuli, E., Dobeli, H., and Schacher, A. (198’7) New metal chelate adsor-<br />

bent selective for proteins and pepndes containing neighbounng histidine<br />

res1dues.J. Chromatogr. 411, 17’7-184.<br />

5. Yip, T.-T. and Hutchens T. W. (1989) Development of high-performance<br />

immobilized metal affinity chromatography for the separation of synthetic<br />

pepudes and proteolyuc digestion products, m Protezn Recognatzon oflmmoba-<br />

Zzzed Legands. UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, vol. 80<br />

(Hutchens, T. W., ed.), Alan R. Liss, New York, pp. 4536.<br />

6. Yip, T. T., Nakagawa, Y., and Porath, J. (1989) Evaluation of the mterachon<br />

of pepudes with Cu(II), Ni(II), and Zn (II) by high-performance immobi-<br />

hzed metal ion affimty chromatography. Anal. Bzoch.em. 183, 159-171

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