Estrategia Nacional para el Control de las Drogas - National ...

Estrategia Nacional para el Control de las Drogas - National ...

Estrategia Nacional para el Control de las Drogas - National ...


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<strong>Estrategia</strong> <strong>Nacional</strong> <strong>para</strong> <strong>el</strong> <strong>Control</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>las</strong> <strong>Drogas</strong><br />

Chuck Hag<strong>el</strong> – NE<br />

Tom Harkin – IA<br />

Orrin G. Hatch – UT<br />

Ernest F. Hollings – SC<br />

Kay Bailey Hutchison – TX<br />

Dani<strong>el</strong> K. Inouye – HI<br />

James M. Jeffords – VT<br />

Tim Johnson – SD<br />

Edward M. Kennedy – MA<br />

John F. Kerry – MA<br />

Herb Kohl – WI<br />

Mary L. Landrieu – LA<br />

Patrick J. Leahy – VT<br />

Richard G. Lugar – IN<br />

Barbara A. Mikulski – MD<br />

Patty Murray – WA<br />

Bill N<strong>el</strong>son – FL<br />

Jack Reed – RI<br />

Harry Reid – NV<br />

John D. Rockef<strong>el</strong>ler IV – WV<br />

Paul S. Sarbanes – MD<br />

Charles E. Schumer – NY<br />

Jeff Sessions – AL<br />

Richard C. Sh<strong>el</strong>by – AL<br />

Arlen Specter – PA<br />

Ted Stevens – AK<br />

John E. Sununu – NH<br />

George V. Voinovich – OH<br />

John W. Warner – VA<br />

Miembros <strong>de</strong> la Cámara <strong>de</strong><br />

Representantes <strong>de</strong> los<br />

Estados Unidos<br />

Robert B. A<strong>de</strong>rholt – AL<br />

Joe Baca – CA<br />

Brian Baird – WA<br />

Cass Ballenger – NC<br />

Joe Barton – TX<br />

Chris B<strong>el</strong>l – TX<br />

Doug Bereuter – NE<br />

Sh<strong>el</strong>ley Berkley – NV<br />

Howard Berman – CA<br />

Marion Berry – AR<br />

Judy Biggert – IL<br />

Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. – GA<br />

Marsha Blackburn – TN<br />

Earl Blumenauer – OR<br />

Roy Blunt – MO<br />

Henry Bonilla – TX<br />

Mary Bono – CA<br />

John Boozman – AR<br />

Leonard L. Bosw<strong>el</strong>l – IA<br />

Allen Boyd – FL<br />

Sherrod Brown – OH<br />

Dan Burton – IN<br />

Ken Calvert – CA<br />

Chris Cannon – UT<br />

Brad Carson – OK<br />

John Carter – TX<br />

Steve Chabot – OH<br />

William Lacy Clay – MO<br />

James E. Clyburn – SC<br />

Howard Coble – NC<br />

Jim Cooper – TN<br />

Jerry F. Cost<strong>el</strong>lo – IL<br />

Christopher Cox – CA<br />

Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr. – AL<br />

An<strong>de</strong>r Crenshaw – FL<br />

Joseph Crowley – NY<br />

John Abney Culberson – TX<br />

Elijah E. Cummings – MD<br />

Randy “Duke” Cunningham – CA<br />

Danny K. Davis – IL<br />

Jo Ann Davis – VA<br />

Tom Davis – VA<br />

Nathan Deal – GA<br />

William D. D<strong>el</strong>ahunt – MA

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