Reseña de Valores 2012 - Bolsa de Santiago

Reseña de Valores 2012 - Bolsa de Santiago

Reseña de Valores 2012 - Bolsa de Santiago

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Reseña AnualAnnual Report2 0 1 21

Directorio • Board of DirectorsPresi<strong>de</strong>nte / ChairmanVicepresi<strong>de</strong>nte / Vice-ChairmanDirectores / Board of DirectorsSr. Pablo Yrarrázaval ValdésSr. Leonidas Vial EcheverríaSr. Juan Andrés Camus CamusSr. Juan Eduardo Correa GarcíaSr. Nicholas Davis LecarosSr. Juan Andrés Fontaine TalaveraSr. Pablo Granifo LavínSr. Jaime Larraín VialSr. Eduardo Muñoz VivaldiSr. Hernán Somerville SennSr. Óscar von Chrismar CarvajalComité <strong>de</strong> Buenas Prácticas l Best Practices CommitteeSr. Enrique Barros BourieSr. Leonidas Montes LiraSr. Lisandro Serrano Spoerer3 4Comité <strong>de</strong> Normas, Riesgo y Auditoría l Standards, Risk and Audit CommitteeSr. Juan Eduardo Correa GarcíaSr. Pablo Granifo LavínSr. Jaime Larraín VialSr. Eduardo Muñoz VivaldiSr. Óscar von Chrismar CarvajalComité <strong>de</strong> Negocios y Tecnología l Business and Technology CommitteeSr. Juan Andrés Camus CamusSr. Nicholas Davis LecarosSr. Juan Andrés Fontaine TalaveraSr. Hernán Somerville SennSr. Leonidas Vial Echeverría2Comité <strong>de</strong> Etica y Disciplina l Ethics and Discipline CommitteeTitulares / Head Members:Sr. Patricio Parodi GilSr. Juan Pablo Ugarte ValdésSuplentes / Alternate MembersSr. Mario Duque ArredondoSr. Francisco Ossa FrugoneSr. Gonzalo van Wersch Cal<strong>de</strong>rón

5 6 2 1 7 8 9 10 11Directorio • Board of Directors Sr. Pablo Yrarrázaval Valdés, Presi<strong>de</strong>nte / Chairman (1)Sr. Leonidas Vial Echeverría, Vicepresi<strong>de</strong>nte / Vice-Chairman (2)Sr. Pablo Granifo Lavín, Director (3)Sr. Juan Andrés Fontaine Talavera, Director (4)Sr. Eduardo Muñoz Vivaldi, Director (5)Sr. Óscar von Chrismar Carvajal, Director (6)Sr. Juan Andrés Camus Camus, Director (7)Sr. Hernán Somerville Senn, Director (8)Sr. Nicholas Davis Lecaros, Director (9)Sr. Juan Eduardo Correa García, Director (10)Sr. Jaime Larraín Vial, Director (11)3

4Presi<strong>de</strong>nte / ChairmanSr. Pablo Yrarrázaval Valdés

Mensaje <strong>de</strong>l Presi<strong>de</strong>nte • Chairman’s MessageAl igual que en años anteriores, <strong>2012</strong> fue un añocomplejo para la economía mundial. En lospaíses <strong>de</strong>sarrollados existe primordialmenteuna crisis <strong>de</strong>l empleo y día a día los gobiernos buscannuevas medidas para evitar el <strong>de</strong>scenso continuado<strong>de</strong>l crecimiento económico. Los problemas queafectan fundamentalmente a los mercados europeosson múltiples y se requerirá gran<strong>de</strong>s esfuerzos y untiempo prolongado para superarlos.En contraste, Chile y otros mercados <strong>de</strong> laregión, esencialmente Colombia y Perú, muestranun dinamismo <strong>de</strong> excepción, con un <strong>de</strong>sarrolloeconómico sostenido y mejoras continuas en susindicadores macroeconómicos.Precisamente, en lo que respecta a la economíanacional el <strong>2012</strong> fue un año favorable en términoseconómicos. El país finalizó con una tasa <strong>de</strong>crecimiento <strong>de</strong>l producto interno bruto <strong>de</strong> un 5,66%anual, cifra que es superior al crecimiento promediomundial y latinoamericano <strong>de</strong> un 3,20% y 3,00%,respectivamente, y anotó una baja histórica en el<strong>de</strong>sempleo, alcanzando una tasa <strong>de</strong> 5,2% a fines <strong>de</strong>laño <strong>2012</strong>.En contraste con las positivas cifras económicasque nos acompañaron durante el <strong>2012</strong>, el mercadoaccionario nacional mostró un crecimiento bajo,igualándose en este caso a la ten<strong>de</strong>ncia que mostrarongran parte <strong>de</strong> los mercados internacionales. Losprincipales índices <strong>de</strong>l mercado nacional, el IPSA eIGPA, terminaron el año con una variación anual <strong>de</strong>2,96% y 4,67%, respectivamente.En relación a los precios <strong>de</strong> las acciones en losdistintos sectores, los que terminaron con mejor<strong>de</strong>sempeño en <strong>2012</strong> fueron Consumo, Retail, Bancay Utilities, anotando un aumento en el año en susrespectivos índices <strong>de</strong> 14,97%, 7,48%, 6,79% y 4,70%.Por otra parte, los índices sectoriales con rendimientosmenos favorables fueron el índice Salmón, con un-25,95%, Commodities con un -3.93%, Industrial conun -1.56% y Constructoras e Inmobiliarias con un-0.12%.Debido al escenario plano en los precios <strong>de</strong> lasacciones, el año <strong>2012</strong> se mantuvo como un año <strong>de</strong>mo<strong>de</strong>rada actividad, tanto en número <strong>de</strong> negocioscomo en montos transados. En el caso <strong>de</strong> las acciones,el volumen total transado el <strong>2012</strong> alcanzó una cifraequivalente a US$ 45.812 millones, bajando un 16,4%Following the past year´s behavior, <strong>2012</strong>was a complicated year for the worl<strong>de</strong>conomy. In <strong>de</strong>veloped countries there isan unemployment crisis and it is an everydaystruggle to avoid the continuous <strong>de</strong>crease of theeconomic growth. European markets are beingaffected by numerous problems. Time and bigefforts must be ma<strong>de</strong> in or<strong>de</strong>r to overcome them.On the other hand, Chile and other markets ofthe region, essentially Colombia and Peru haveshow an exceptional dynamism, with a sustaine<strong>de</strong>conomic growth and continuous improvementsin their macroeconomic indicators.Precisely, <strong>2012</strong> was a remarkable year forthe national economy. Our country en<strong>de</strong>dthe year with an annual GDP - GeographicDomestic Product– increase of 5.66%, anundoubtedly higher figure than the worldwi<strong>de</strong>and Latin American growth, of 3.2% and 3.00%respectively. Chile also registered an historicminimum of unemployment rate, reaching a 5.2%by the end of <strong>2012</strong>.Unlike the positive economic figuresthroughout the entire <strong>2012</strong>, the local equitymarket experienced a minor growth, showinga similar ten<strong>de</strong>ncy as international markets. Themain in<strong>de</strong>xes of our national market, IPSA andIGPA, en<strong>de</strong>d the year with an annual variationof 2.96% and 4.67% respectively.Concerning the stock prices of the differentindustrial sectors, those with the best performancethrough <strong>2012</strong> were Consumer Goods, Retail,Banks and Utilities, achieving increases of14.97%, 7.48%, 6.79% and 4.70%. On theother hand, the sector´s in<strong>de</strong>xes with thehighest downfall were Salmon with 25.95%,Commodities with 3.93%, Industrial with 1.56%and Construction and Real State with 0.12%.Due to the mo<strong>de</strong>rated scenery in stock prices,year <strong>2012</strong> was characterized by a low activity,both in number of business and tra<strong>de</strong>d amounts.In the equity market, the total tra<strong>de</strong>d volume5

Mensaje <strong>de</strong>l Presi<strong>de</strong>nteChairman’s Messagesus miembros a principios que, inspirados en unaautorregulación, nos permitan mantener el li<strong>de</strong>razgoen el mercado accionario local y a<strong>de</strong>más potenciarnuestro posicionamiento regional.En el ámbito <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> mercado, <strong>de</strong>staca lainiciativa conocida como MILA, Mercado IntegradoLatinoamericano, la cual cumplió su primer aniversarioen mayo <strong>de</strong>l <strong>2012</strong>, convirtiéndose en el segundomercado con la capitalización bursátil más importante<strong>de</strong> América Latina. Esta iniciativa <strong>de</strong> integración, queagrupa a las tres economías que muestran mayordinamismo en la región, Chile, Colombia y Perú,ha permitido potenciar los negocios financieros <strong>de</strong>los tres países miembros, ofreciendo una mayorgama <strong>de</strong> alternativas <strong>de</strong> inversión para sus clientes,acompañando a las empresas locales en sus procesos<strong>de</strong> internacionalización regional, generando nuevasoportunida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> expansión a sus intermediarios yampliando la <strong>de</strong>manda por los títulos <strong>de</strong> los emisores<strong>de</strong> estos tres mercados.MILA ha generado muchas expectativas, tanto localcomo internacionalmente, por lo que preten<strong>de</strong>mosseguir fortaleciendo este proceso <strong>de</strong> integración. Parael año en curso los esfuerzos estarán <strong>de</strong>stinados a laincorporación <strong>de</strong> otros valores <strong>de</strong> renta variable, comoETF’s (Exchange Tra<strong>de</strong>d Funds) y cuotas <strong>de</strong> fondos,ampliando <strong>de</strong> esta forma las posibilida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> inversiónen la región; a la mejora <strong>de</strong> ciertos temas operativos,como son los procesos <strong>de</strong> custodia, compensacióny liquidación; y a la implementación <strong>de</strong> una activacampaña <strong>de</strong> difusión y promoción <strong>de</strong> MILA entre lacomunidad financiera internacional.Asimismo, a fines <strong>de</strong>l <strong>2012</strong> se firmó un acuerdo <strong>de</strong>cooperación con la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Canadá, TMX VentureExchange, para estudiar y evaluar la creación en Chile<strong>de</strong> un segmento en <strong>Bolsa</strong> especial para las empresasmineras, en particular para aquellas compañías oproyectos en etapa <strong>de</strong> exploración. Esta iniciativaconsi<strong>de</strong>ra el trabajo conjunto entre ambas bolsas paraestudiar las perspectivas y condiciones requeridas <strong>de</strong>este nuevo mercado en nuestro país. Chile siendoun país minero no ha logrado generar un espacio <strong>de</strong>acercamiento entre el sector minero y el mercado <strong>de</strong>capitales, y creemos que este proyecto se constituiráen un aporte al financiamiento <strong>de</strong> esta industria.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> también ha dadoprioridad al <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> iniciativas vinculadas aampliar la oferta <strong>de</strong> instrumentos financieros en nuestrasubmitting the exchange’s and each one of itsmembers performances to principles inspired inself regulation, which will allow us to maintain thelea<strong>de</strong>rship in the local equity market and enhanceour regional position.In terms of market <strong>de</strong>velopment, the initiativecalled MILA, Integrated Latin American Market,is an outstanding enterprise, which turned its firstanniversary on May <strong>2012</strong>. MILA has becomethe second largest market cap in Latin America.This integration, which brings together the threemost dynamic economies in the region; Chile,Colombia and Peru, has allowed the promotionof the financial business of the countries, awi<strong>de</strong>r range of investment alternatives to clients,the support for the local companies in theirregional internationalization, creating newexpansion opportunities for their intermediariesand increasing the <strong>de</strong>mand for the securities ofthese three markets.MILA has generated local and internationalexpectation; therefore, we will keep on workingto strengthen this integration. For the year2013 our efforts will be concentrated in theincorporation of other equity securities, such asETF´s (Exchange Tra<strong>de</strong>d Funds), and quota funds,increasing the investment alternatives in theregion; upgra<strong>de</strong>s in the operative aspects, suchas custody processes, clearing and settlement;and the implementation of an active promotioncampaign of MILA amongst the financialinternational community.At the end of <strong>2012</strong>, the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangesigned a cooperation agreement with the CanadianExchange, TMX Venture Exchange, to study an<strong>de</strong>valuate the creation of a special stock exchangein Chile for mining companies, especially for thosein an exploration phase. This initiative means ajoint effort between both exchanges to study theperspectives and requirements for this new marketin our country. Chile being a mining country hasnot been able to generate a space in the capitalmarket for the mining sector, and we believe thatthis project will help the finance of this industry.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange has also prioritized7

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE1944 •1944 •1950 •1958 •Se inician en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> las transacciones <strong>de</strong> monedas<strong>de</strong> oro acuñadas por el Banco Central<strong>de</strong> Chile, constituyéndose la moneda <strong>de</strong>$100 en la más negociada. The <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange begins the transactionsof gold coins minted by the ChileanCentral Bank. The $ 100 coin is the bestseller.Se inician en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> las transacciones <strong>de</strong> dólares.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange begins itsdollar transactions.Se inicia la distribución <strong>de</strong>l Boletín InformativoDiario <strong>de</strong> la Institución. Theinstitution’s Daily Bulletin begins to bedistributed.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> crea el Indice General <strong>de</strong> Precios<strong>de</strong> Acciones (IGPA) que consi<strong>de</strong>ra a lacasi totalidad <strong>de</strong> las acciones inscritas,agrupadas por los distintos sectores <strong>de</strong>actividad. The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangecreates the Stocks Prices General In<strong>de</strong>x(IGPA) which inclu<strong>de</strong>s practically allits registered stock grouped by activity.1967 •1973 •1977 •1978 •1980 •Asume como Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>l Directoriodon Eugenio Blanco Ruiz, quien se <strong>de</strong>sempeñapor espacio <strong>de</strong> 21 años en elcargo. Mr. Eugenio Blanco Ruiz assumesas Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Board of Directors.He was to remain in this position for21 years.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> seincorpora como miembro fundador a laFe<strong>de</strong>ración Iberoamericana <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s <strong>de</strong><strong>Valores</strong>, FIABV. The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangebecomes a founding member ofthe Ibero-American Fe<strong>de</strong>ration of StockExchanges, FIABV.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> crea el Indice <strong>de</strong> Precios Selectivo<strong>de</strong> Acciones (IPSA), cuya carteraconsi<strong>de</strong>ra a las 40 acciones con mayorpresencia bursátil. The Stock Exchangecreates a Selective Stock Prices In<strong>de</strong>x(IPSA), a portfolio of 40 of the mostrelevant stocks in the Exchange.El Alcal<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, don PatricioMekis, y el Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio,don Eugenio Blanco, inauguranel paseo peatonal <strong>de</strong> calle La <strong>Bolsa</strong>. Mr.Patricio Mekis, Mayor of <strong>Santiago</strong>, andthe Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Stock Exchange, Mr.Eugenio Blanco, inaugurate the La <strong>Bolsa</strong>pe<strong>de</strong>strian walkway.Se realiza en <strong>Santiago</strong> la VII Asamblea <strong>de</strong>la Fe<strong>de</strong>ración Iberoamericana <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s<strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>, FIABV, organizada por la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio. The VII Assembly ofthe Ibero-American Fe<strong>de</strong>ration of StockExchanges, FIABV is held in <strong>Santiago</strong> organizedby the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange.1981 •1981 •1981 •En la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> seinicia la era <strong>de</strong> la informática, siendo enChile una <strong>de</strong> las entida<strong>de</strong>s lí<strong>de</strong>res en estamateria, instalando una red <strong>de</strong> terminales<strong>de</strong> computación con información en tiemporeal, para las instituciones <strong>de</strong>l mercado<strong>de</strong> capitales. The age of informatics beginsat the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange. It becomesone of the leading institutions in this area,installing a network of computer terminalsthat provi<strong>de</strong> real-time information for institutionsin the capital market.Se realiza la primera mo<strong>de</strong>rnizaciónestructural <strong>de</strong>l mercado <strong>de</strong> capitales, alpromulgarse una nueva Ley <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>y <strong>de</strong> Socieda<strong>de</strong>s Anónimas. Asimismo,nacen las Administradoras <strong>de</strong> Fondos <strong>de</strong>Pensiones AFP, entida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>l nuevo sistemaprevisional chileno <strong>de</strong> capitalizaciónindividual, transformándose en los principalesinversionistas institucionales en la<strong>Bolsa</strong>. The first structural mo<strong>de</strong>rnizing ofthe capital market takes place with thepassing of the new Law of Securities andStock Companies. Also, privately-ownedPension Funds Administrators, AFPs arecreated as part of the new Chilean socialsecurity system based on individualcapitalization. These companies were tobecome the Stock Exchange´s leadinginstitutional investors.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> poneen marcha el Sistema <strong>de</strong> Remate Manual<strong>de</strong> Instrumentos <strong>de</strong> Renta Fija e IntermediaciónFinanciera, a través <strong>de</strong>l cual13

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE141984 •1985 •1985 •las AFP canalizan sus inversiones en dichosinstrumentos. The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangecreates the Manual Auction System forFixed Income Instruments and MoneyMarket through which the AFPs channeltheir investments in said instruments.El Gobierno inicia la privatización <strong>de</strong>importantes empresas públicas, siendola <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> laentidad principal a través <strong>de</strong> la cual se<strong>de</strong>sarrolla y materializa este proceso.The Government begins privatizing largestate-owned companies and the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange plays a key role in the<strong>de</strong>velopment and materialization of thisprocess.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> organizalas “Jornadas Bursátiles <strong>de</strong>l CapitalismoPopular”, las cuales congregan el interés <strong>de</strong>las más altas personalida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> los ámbitosempresarial, financiero y gubernamental.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange organizesthe “Stock Exchange Popular CapitalismConferences”, attracting the interest ofthe highest spheres of the country’s business,financial and government sectors.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> dainicio al programa <strong>de</strong> televisión, a través<strong>de</strong>l canal UCV Televisión, “La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio a sus Or<strong>de</strong>nes”. Conducidopor Enrique “Cote” Evans, el programatelevisivo es transmitido en directo<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio y tiene porfinalidad difundir la actividad bursátil yel proceso <strong>de</strong> privatización <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong>sempresas impulsado por el Gobierno,<strong>de</strong>nominado “Capitalismo Popular“.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange begins thetransmission of its TV program “La <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio a sus Or<strong>de</strong>nes” throughUCV Television. Un<strong>de</strong>r the directionof Enrique “Cote” Evans, the programtransmits directly from the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange, informing the public about theStock Market Activity and the process ofprivatization of large companies that ispromoted by the Government un<strong>de</strong>r the“Popular Capitalism” scheme.Se autoriza a las AFP invertir parte <strong>de</strong> losFondos <strong>de</strong> Pensiones en acciones <strong>de</strong> empresasprivatizadas por el Estado, gestiónque se realiza a través <strong>de</strong> importantesremates en la Sala <strong>de</strong> Ruedas <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio. The AFPs are authorizedto invest part of the Pension Funds inshares issued by companies privatizedby the State, a process that is carried outthrough large stock auctions at the StockExchange’s Trading Floor.En este año se registra la mayor variaciónanual <strong>de</strong>l Indice <strong>de</strong> Precios Selectivo <strong>de</strong>Acciones (IPSA) en la historia bursátil<strong>de</strong> la Institución, la que alcanzó entérminos reales a un 139,4%. This year,the Selective Stock Prices In<strong>de</strong>x (IPSA)registers the highest annual variation inthe Institution’s history, reaching 139.4%in real terms.Especialmente invitado por el Directorio <strong>de</strong>la Institución, visita la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> el Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la República,Capitán General, don Augusto PinochetUgarte. By special invitation from theBoard of Directors of the Institution, thePresi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Republic, Captain GeneralAugusto Pinochet Ugarte visits the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange.1986 •1986 •1986 •1988 •La <strong>Bolsa</strong> crea el Sistema <strong>de</strong> Calce Automático<strong>de</strong> Ofertas a Firme <strong>de</strong>nominadoTelepregón, siendo en Chile el primersistema computacional <strong>de</strong> negociación<strong>de</strong> acciones. The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangecreates a system of Automatic executionof Or<strong>de</strong>rs known as “Telepregon” whichis the first computerized system for negotiationof stock in Chile.1989 •1989 •1989 •1990 •La <strong>Bolsa</strong> crea el Sistema Remate Electrónico<strong>de</strong> Instrumentos <strong>de</strong> Renta Fija eIntermediación Financiera, permitiéndoseparticipar directamente a los inversionistasinstitucionales: AFP, Compañías <strong>de</strong>Seguros, Fondos Mutuos y a los Bancosy Agentes <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>. The <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange creates the System forElectronic Auction of Fixed Income andMoney Market Instruments which allowsfor a direct participation of institutionalinvestors such as AFPs, Insurance Companies,Mutual Funds, and Banks andSecurities’ Agents.Asume la Presi<strong>de</strong>ncia <strong>de</strong>l Directorio <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, don PabloYrarrázaval Valdés. Mr. Pablo YrarrázavalValdés becomes the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of theBoard of Directors of the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange.Se crean los Fondos <strong>de</strong> Inversión <strong>de</strong> CapitalExtranjeros (FICE’s), transformándoserápidamente en uno <strong>de</strong> los principalesinversionistas institucionales <strong>de</strong>l mercadoaccionario. Foreign Capital InvestmentFunds (FICEs) are created, rapidly becomingone of the main institutional investorsin the stock market.Se reanudan en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> las transacciones <strong>de</strong>dólares, en la forma <strong>de</strong> monedas y billetes, y <strong>de</strong>monedas <strong>de</strong> oro acuñadas por el Banco Central <strong>de</strong>Chile, las que habían <strong>de</strong>jado <strong>de</strong> realizarse en 1982y 1983, respectivamente. Dollar transactions areresumed in the stock exchange in the form ofcoins and bills as well as gold coins minted bythe Banco Central <strong>de</strong> Chile, which had ceasedto be produced in 1982 and 1983 respectively.

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE1990 •1990 •1991 • 1991 •1991 •CTC inscribe sus ADR´s en la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Nueva York, constituyéndose en laprimera empresa latinoamericana encolocar títulos representativos <strong>de</strong> susacciones en el exterior. CTC, the ChileanTelephone Company registers its ADR atthe New York Stock Exchange, becomingthe first Latin American company inplacing stock certificates abroad.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>incorpora el Mercado <strong>de</strong> Futurosconsi<strong>de</strong>rando los contratos <strong>de</strong> Futuro-Dólar y Futuro-Ipsa. The <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange creates the Futures Market,which <strong>de</strong>als in Future-Dollar and Future-Ipsa contracts.Se suscriben importantes convenios conlas <strong>Bolsa</strong>s <strong>de</strong> México, Buenos Aires y SaoPaulo para el intercambio <strong>de</strong> información yasistencia recíproca. Important agreementsare subscribed with stock exchanges inMexico, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo forthe exchange of information and mutualassistance.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> seincorpora a la Fe<strong>de</strong>ración Internacional<strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> FIBV, organismocuyos miembros pertenecen al selectogrupo <strong>de</strong> las <strong>Bolsa</strong>s más importantes <strong>de</strong>lmundo. The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangejoins the International Fe<strong>de</strong>ration of StockExchanges FIBV whose members belongto the select group of the most importantstock exchanges in the world.Se crea el mercado <strong>de</strong> Cuotas <strong>de</strong> Fondos<strong>de</strong> Inversión (CFI) como una nuevaalternativa bursátil, siendo las cuotas<strong>de</strong> Fondos Inmobiliarios las primerasen iniciar su negociación en la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio. Investment Fund Quotas(CFI) are created as a new alternative1993 •1993 •for investment. Real Estate InvestmentFunds are the first to be tra<strong>de</strong>d at theStock Exchange.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>inaugura la Pizarra Electrónica en la Sala<strong>de</strong> Ruedas con información en línea <strong>de</strong>las transacciones, reemplazando a lastradicionales y centenarias pizarras a tiza.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange inauguratesan Electronic Board on the Trading Floor,providing on-line information abouttransactions, replacing the traditional,century old chalk blackboards.Con una emotiva ceremonia en la Sala <strong>de</strong>Ruedas y una Cena <strong>de</strong> Gala en el Club<strong>de</strong> la Unión, a las cuales asistieron latotalidad <strong>de</strong> los corredores y operadores,y las más altas personalida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> losdistintos sectores <strong>de</strong>l quehacer nacional,se celebró el Centenario <strong>de</strong> la Institución.With an emotive ceremony at the1993 •1993 •1993 •Trading Floor and a Gala Diner at theUnion Club, with the attendance of allbrokers and operators as well as themost distinguished personalities of thecountry’s different sectors, the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange celebrated one hundredyears of existence.Se realiza en <strong>Santiago</strong> la XX AsambleaAnual <strong>de</strong> la Fe<strong>de</strong>ración Iberoamericana<strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>, FIABV, en la cualel Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, Sr. Pablo Yrarrázaval Valdés,es <strong>de</strong>signado miembro <strong>de</strong>l ComitéEjecutivo <strong>de</strong> ese organismo. The XXAnnual Assembly of the Ibero-AmericanFe<strong>de</strong>ration of Stock Exchanges (FIABV)took place in <strong>Santiago</strong>. At the meeting,Mr. Pablo Yrarrázaval Valdés, Presi<strong>de</strong>ntof the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange, wasappointed member of the executivecommittee of that organization.Se publica el libro “Historia <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> 1893-1993”,con motivo <strong>de</strong> conmemorarse los 100años <strong>de</strong> la Institución. The book “Historyof the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange, 1893-1993” was published on occasion ofthe celebration of the institution’s onehundredth anniversary.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> migra sus sistemas a una nuevaplataforma computacional Tan<strong>de</strong>m bajoambiente Windows, lo que permiteaumentar significativamente la capacidady velocidad <strong>de</strong> procesamiento, y unmanejo más eficiente y funcional <strong>de</strong>las transacciones y bases <strong>de</strong> datos. The<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange adopts a newWindows-based Tan<strong>de</strong>m computerizedplatform. This implies a significantincrease in data processing capacityand speed as well as a more efficientand functional handling of transactionsand databases.15

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE1994 •Se pone en marcha en forma oficial elMercado <strong>de</strong> Opciones sobre acciones,autorizando inicialmente las opciones<strong>de</strong> acciones En<strong>de</strong>sa y CTC-A. The StockOptions Market is officially inaugurated.Options on En<strong>de</strong>sa and CTC-A stocks arethe first to be authorized.total of US$ 11,146 million are tra<strong>de</strong>d.This is the largest trading volume in thehistory of the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange.1995 •La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio organiza en<strong>Santiago</strong> la 35ª Asamblea General <strong>de</strong>la Fe<strong>de</strong>ración Internacional <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s<strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> (FIBV), congregándose ennuestro país los presi<strong>de</strong>ntes y representantes<strong>de</strong> las más importantes bolsas <strong>de</strong>valores <strong>de</strong>l mundo. The Stock Exchangeorganizes in <strong>Santiago</strong> the 35 th GeneralAssembly of the International Fe<strong>de</strong>rationof Stock Exchanges (FIBV). Presi<strong>de</strong>ntsand representatives of the most importantstock exchanges in the world meetfor the occasion.1995 •Frei Ruiz-Tagle. The <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange and the District of <strong>Santiago</strong>organized this event.El Ministro <strong>de</strong> Hacienda, EduardoAninat, inaugura oficialmente las activida<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong>l Depósito Central <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>(DCV), entidad que cuenta entre susaccionistas a la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>. El objetivo <strong>de</strong>l DCV es mo<strong>de</strong>rnizary darle mayor seguridad a lastransacciones <strong>de</strong>l mercado financieronacional.1995 •En el marco <strong>de</strong> la 35ª Asamblea General<strong>de</strong> la Fe<strong>de</strong>ración Internacional <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s<strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> (FIBV) se realiza el Seminario“Presente y Futuro <strong>de</strong> los MercadosBursátiles en el Mundo”, don<strong>de</strong> exponenlos principales presi<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong> las <strong>Bolsa</strong>sInternacionales. El evento es inauguradopor el Ministro <strong>de</strong> Hacienda, donEduardo Aninat. The seminar “Presentand Future of Stock Markets Worldwi<strong>de</strong>”was held as part of the 35 th GeneralAssembly of the International Fe<strong>de</strong>ration161995 •Con la asistencia <strong>de</strong>l Presi<strong>de</strong>nte<strong>de</strong> la República, don Eduardo FreiRuiz-Tagle, se inaugura, en el HotelCarrera, el Seminario “PrimeraConferencia <strong>Santiago</strong> Centro FinancieroInternacional”, que fue organizadopor la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>,Asociación <strong>de</strong> Bancos e InstitucionesFinancieras y la Ilustre Municipalidad <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>. The seminar “First Conference<strong>Santiago</strong> as an International FinancialCenter” was inaugurated at the HotelCarrera, with the attendance of thePresi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Republic, Mr. Eduardo1995 •Eduardo Aninat, Treasury Secretary,inaugurates the activities of the DCV(Values Central Deposit), entity wherethe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange is a sharehol<strong>de</strong>r. The main purpose of the DCV isto mo<strong>de</strong>rnize and give more security tothe transactions of the financial market.En este año se registra el mayor volumen<strong>de</strong> transacciones accionarias en la historiabursátil <strong>de</strong> la Institución, negociándoseun total <strong>de</strong> US$ 11.146 millones. Aof Stock Exchanges (FIBV). The speakersat this seminar were the presi<strong>de</strong>nts of themain international stock exchanges. TheMinister of Finance, Mr. Eduardo Aninat,inaugurated the event.

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE1997 •1998 • 1998 •El Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Nueva York(NYSE), Sr. Richard Grasso, realiza unavisita oficial a la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>. Mr. Richard Grasso, Presi<strong>de</strong>ntof the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)came in official visit to the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> juntoa la Asociación <strong>de</strong> Bancos, EmbajadaBritánica y la Ilustre Municipalidad <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>, entre otros, organizaron elSeminario Internacional “Desarrollo <strong>de</strong>Centros Internacionales <strong>de</strong> Negocios yServicios Financieros, Londres-<strong>Santiago</strong>”,realizado en el Hotel Carrera. The <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange, together with theBanks´Association, The British Embassyand the District of <strong>Santiago</strong>, amongothers, organized the International Seminar“Development of InternationalBusiness and Financial Services Centers,London-<strong>Santiago</strong>”, which was held at theHotel Carrera.El Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la República, Sr. EduardoFrei Ruiz-Tagle, y el Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, Sr. PabloYrarrázaval Valdés, acompañados por Ministros<strong>de</strong> Estado y Directores <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong>,realizan una visita oficial al New YorkStock Exchange (NYSE). The Presi<strong>de</strong>nt ofthe Republic, Mr. Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagleand the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange, Mr. Pablo Yrarrázaval Valdés,1999 •1999 •accompanied by Ministers of States andDirectors of the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangepaid an official visit to the New York StockExchange (NYSE).El Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>, Sr. Pablo Yrarrázaval Valdés, esnombrado Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la Fe<strong>de</strong>raciónIberoamericana <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>,FIABV. The Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange, Mr. Pablo YrarrázavalValdés is appointed Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of theIbero-American Fe<strong>de</strong>ration of Stock Exchanges,FIABV.Se realizan los mayores remates <strong>de</strong> accionesen la historia bursátil chilena alnegociarse el 30% <strong>de</strong> En<strong>de</strong>sa S.A. y el21,7% <strong>de</strong> Enersis S.A., en montos totales<strong>de</strong> US$ 1.858 y US$ 975 millones, respectivamente,relacionados ambos con latoma <strong>de</strong> control <strong>de</strong> estas empresas porparte <strong>de</strong> En<strong>de</strong>sa España. The sale of 30%of En<strong>de</strong>sa S.A. and 21.7% of Enersis S.A.,with total amounts of US$ 1,858 millionand US$ 975 million respectively, werethe largest stock auctions in nationalstock brokering history. Both operationswere associated with the acquisition ofa controlling interest in these companiesby En<strong>de</strong>sa España.2000 •Bancos y Arthur An<strong>de</strong>rsen. Mr. NicolasEyzaguirre, Minister of Finance andChile’s leading economic authoritiesand businessmen attend the “Regulationof the Capital Market” seminar that isheld at CasaPiedra convention center.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange, The Associationof Banks and Arthur An<strong>de</strong>rsensponsored the event.En la Sala <strong>de</strong> Ruedas <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> se presenta el Libro“Regulación <strong>de</strong>l Mercado <strong>de</strong> Capitales”.La edición cuenta con el auspicio <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, la Asociación<strong>de</strong> Bancos y Arthur An<strong>de</strong>rsen.A la presentación asiste el Ministro <strong>de</strong>Hacienda, Nicolás Eyzaguirre junto ala comunidad empresarial nacional. Ellibro reúne las ponencias sobre el tema<strong>de</strong> los principales lí<strong>de</strong>res económicos<strong>de</strong>l país. The book “Regulation of theCapital Market” is officially launched at2000 •Se realiza en CasaPiedra el seminario<strong>de</strong>nominado “Regulación <strong>de</strong>l Mercado<strong>de</strong> Capitales” a cuya inauguración asistenjunto al Ministro <strong>de</strong> Hacienda, NicolásEyzaguirre, las principales autorida<strong>de</strong>seconómicas y empresariales <strong>de</strong>l país.El evento es auspiciado por la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, la Asociación <strong>de</strong>the trading floor of the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange. Present at the occasionwere the Minister of Finance, NicolasEyzaguirre and leading members of thebusiness community. Sponsored by17

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE2000 •the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange and ArthurAn<strong>de</strong>rsen, the book is a compendiumof papers on the subject by lea<strong>de</strong>rs ofChile’s economy.Con la asistencia <strong>de</strong>l Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> laRepública, don Ricardo Lagos Escobary los Ministros <strong>de</strong> Hacienda, NicolásEyzaguirre, Economía, Minería y Energía,José <strong>de</strong> Gregorio, y Secretario General <strong>de</strong>la Presi<strong>de</strong>ncia, Alvaro García, se inaugurala “<strong>Bolsa</strong> Off-Shore”. Asistieron al actolos principales dirigentes gremiales<strong>de</strong>l país, empresarios, corredores yejecutivos <strong>de</strong>l sector. The <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange´s Off-Shore Market operation isinaugurated with the attendance of thePresi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Republic, Mr. RicardoLagos Escobar and lea<strong>de</strong>rs of the mainlabor and business organizations in thecountry as well as businessmen, brokersand executives of the stock-tradingsector.2000 • 2000 •Inicia sus operaciones en la <strong>Bolsa</strong>Off-Shore <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>, En<strong>de</strong>sa España. Asisten losprincipales ejecutivos <strong>de</strong> la empresaespañola, encabezada por el ConsejeroDelegado <strong>de</strong> En<strong>de</strong>sa España, RafaelMiranda. En<strong>de</strong>sa-España launches itsparticipation in the Off Shore StockExchange with the presence of leadingexecutives of the Spanish companyhea<strong>de</strong>d by the Deputy Counselor ofEn<strong>de</strong>sa-España, Rafael Miranda.Con motivo <strong>de</strong> dar a conocer los nuevosproductos <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>, la Institución organiza una fiestapara el mercado financiero nacional ala que asistieron más <strong>de</strong> 500 invitados.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange organizesa party to inform the national financialmarket about its new products. Over 500guests atten<strong>de</strong>d.2001 •podrán participar en el mercado <strong>de</strong>valores chileno y el Mercado Off-Shore<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, através <strong>de</strong> un corredor <strong>de</strong> esta Institución.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange signs aCoordination Agreement with Madrid’sStock Exchange. Un<strong>de</strong>r the terms of theagreement, <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangebrokers can become members of Latibexand operate in the Spanish market andother international markets throughbrokers of the Spanish Stock Exchanges.Likewise, members of Spanish stockexchanges may participate in the Chileanstock market and the Off Shore Market ofthe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange through abroker belonging to this institution.Un nuevo salto tecnológico dio la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> alincorporar, en el Redon<strong>de</strong>l <strong>de</strong> la Sala <strong>de</strong>Ruedas, Terminales Computacionales<strong>de</strong> Negociación que permiten a loscorredores ingresar directamente ór<strong>de</strong>nes182001 •La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> firmaun Acuerdo <strong>de</strong> Coordinación con la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Madrid, mediante el cual loscorredores <strong>de</strong> esta Institución podrán sermiembros <strong>de</strong>l Latibex, y participar a través<strong>de</strong> los corredores <strong>de</strong> las bolsas españolas,en el mercado español y en otrosmercados internacionales. Por su parte,los miembros <strong>de</strong> las bolsas españolas<strong>de</strong> compra y venta, realizar operacionesy estar conectados en tiempo real tanto alMercado Nacional como Internacional.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange ma<strong>de</strong>a new technology improvement byincorporating electronic trading stationsin the trading floor, allowing brokersto use both, manual and automaticmatching systems simultaneously, andconnecting them in real time to local andforeign markets.

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE202003 •the Superinten<strong>de</strong>nt of Banks and FinancialInstitutions Supervisor, it is officiallypresented to the financial market the newSystem of Stock-exchange Services andNetwork Applications of the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange, S.E.B.R.A., which beganto operate in 2002. The ceremony wasma<strong>de</strong> in the Trading Floor of the Institution.En la Sala <strong>de</strong> Ruedas y con la asistencia<strong>de</strong> corredores y operadores <strong>de</strong> las mesas<strong>de</strong> dinero <strong>de</strong>l mercado financiero se realizó,por primera vez, el evento “Vinos<strong>de</strong> Excelencia en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>”, con la participación <strong>de</strong> lasseis viñas que transan sus acciones en laInstitución: Concha y Toro, San Pedro,Santa Carolina, Santa Emiliana, Undurragay Santa Rita. In the Trading Floor,and with the assistance of many brokersand tra<strong>de</strong>rs of the financial market, tookplace for the first time “Wines of Excellencyin the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange”,where the participants were six winerieswhich stocks are listed at our Exchangesuch as: Concha y Toro, San Pedro, SantaCarolina, Santa Emiliana, Undurraga ySanta Rita2004 • 2003 •El Alcal<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, Joaquín Lavín, yel Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>, Pablo Yrarrázaval, inauguranlas nuevas obras <strong>de</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>rnización <strong>de</strong>lpaseo peatonal <strong>de</strong> las calles La <strong>Bolsa</strong> yNueva York, que conectan la Alamedacon las calles Moneda y Ahumada.The Mayor of <strong>Santiago</strong>, Joaquín Lavín,and the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange, Pablo Yrarrázaval, inauguratesnew works of mo<strong>de</strong>rnization of thepe<strong>de</strong>strian stroll of the street La <strong>Bolsa</strong>and New York, that connects Alamedaavenue with the streets Moneda andAhumada.Las empresas Cencosud S.A. (dueña<strong>de</strong> Jumbo, Alto Las Con<strong>de</strong>s y Easy) ySalfacorp S.A. realizan su apertura enel Mercado <strong>de</strong> Empresas Emergentes<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>,colocando acciones <strong>de</strong> primera emisiónpor un monto <strong>de</strong> US$ 258 millonesy US$ 23 millones, respectivamente.Cencosud S.A. (a companie that ownsJumbo, Alto Las Con<strong>de</strong>s and Easy) andSalfacorp S.A. open their companiesin the Emerging Companies Marketof the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange, withan initial public offering (IPO) for anamount of US$ 258 million and US$23 million.2004 •La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> enconjunto con Ernst & Young realiza enCasapiedra el Seminario “<strong>Santiago</strong>,Centro <strong>de</strong> Negocios Financieros”, conel afán <strong>de</strong> contribuir al <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong>lmercado <strong>de</strong> capitales chileno. Las exposiciones<strong>de</strong> los panelistas en dichoevento se plasmaron en un libro cuyolanzamiento se realizó en la Superinten<strong>de</strong>ncia<strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> y Seguros, enpresencia <strong>de</strong> su máxima autoridad, donAlejandro Ferreiro. The <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange with Ernst & Young, organizesa Seminar called “<strong>Santiago</strong>, Center ofFinancial Bussines”, with the purposeto contribute in the <strong>de</strong>velopment of theChilean capital market. All presentationsgiven during the seminar werecompiled in a book which introductionwas realized at the Superinten<strong>de</strong>nce ofValues and Insurances entity, with thepresence of its highest authority, Mr.Alejandro Ferreiro.

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE2004 •E n l a B o l s a d e C o m e rcio d e<strong>Santiago</strong> se coloca el 20% <strong>de</strong> las acciones<strong>de</strong> la Compañía Cervecerías UnidasS.A. en un monto que bor<strong>de</strong>ó los US$300 millones, constituyéndose en la colocaciónmás importante <strong>de</strong> los últimos4 años. 20% of the stocks of CompañíaCervecerías Unidas S.A. are placed in the<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange, amount thatreached near US$ 300 millions, becomingthe most important stock offering inthe last 4 years.la compañía. Cencosud S.A. acquired71% of Almacenes Paris S.A. propertyafter launching a successful Take Over.2004 •2004 •2005 •Se realiza la mayor colocación <strong>de</strong> bonosen la historia bursátil nacional, alcolocar Autopista Vespucio Norte UF16.000.000. The mayor placement ofBonds in national exchange history takesplace this year when Autopista VespucioNorte places UF 16.000.000.-En términos anuales, el mercado accionariologra un récord histórico <strong>de</strong>transacciones, acumulando negociospor US$ 13.123 millones. Los índicesIPSA e IGPA, por su parte, alcanzarondurante el año sucesivos máximoshistóricos. In anual terms, the stockmarket reaches a historical record oftransactions, accumulating <strong>de</strong>als forUS$ 13.123 millions. The in<strong>de</strong>xes IPSAand IGPA, also reached maximum historicalrecords during 2004.En la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> seremata el 51,7% <strong>de</strong> la propiedad <strong>de</strong> LaPolar, adjudicándose en un monto <strong>de</strong>US$ 210 millones. 51.7% of La Polar’sproperty is sold for US$ 210 million in the<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange Auction System.2005 •2005 •En la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>se remata el 18,4% <strong>de</strong> la propiedad<strong>de</strong> Compañía SudAmericana <strong>de</strong> VaporesS.A., en un monto <strong>de</strong> US$ 304millones aproximadamente. 18.4% ofCompañía SudAmericana <strong>de</strong> Vaporesproperty is sold for US$ 304 million ina Public Auction at the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, la<strong>Bolsa</strong> Electrónica <strong>de</strong> Chile y la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Corredores <strong>de</strong> Valparaíso firman Acuerdossobre Intercambio <strong>de</strong> Informaciónen línea y Operaciones Interbolsas(OIB), conforme a lo establecido enel Oficio Circular N° 253 <strong>de</strong> la Superinten<strong>de</strong>ncia<strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> y Seguros<strong>de</strong> octubre <strong>de</strong> 2004. <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock2005 •Exchange, Electronic Stock Exchangeand Valparaíso Stock Exchange signedan agreement on Cross ExchangeTransactions and On-Line ExchangeInformation as established by Rule N°253 of the Government Commission ofSecurities and Insurances.El índice IPSA registró en abril máximoshistóricos superando los 2.000 puntos.During April IPSA, in<strong>de</strong>x surpassesthe 2,000 points level, marking a newhistoric record.2005 •Exitosamente finalizó la OPA <strong>de</strong> EmpresasAlmacenes Paris S.A. en virtud <strong>de</strong> lacual Cencosud S.A. adquirió el 71% <strong>de</strong>21

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE2005 •Comienzan a transarse en la <strong>Bolsa</strong>por primera vez las acciones <strong>de</strong> laconocida tienda Ripley, colocandoun 15% <strong>de</strong> la propiedad en títulos <strong>de</strong>primera emisión, recaudando US$ 218millones. La colocación adquiere granespectacularidad por la presencia en laSala <strong>de</strong> Ruedas <strong>de</strong> la conocida mo<strong>de</strong>loCindy Crawford. Ripley S.A. is listedin the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange. TheIPO, for US$ 218 million, represented15% of the company’s property. Its firsttrading day counted with the presenceof Cindy Crawford.2005 •Invertec hace su apertura <strong>de</strong> accionesen <strong>Bolsa</strong> colocando un 23% <strong>de</strong> sucapital accionario. La firma recaudóUS$ 22,2 millones. Invertec lists in the<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange selling 23%of its property for US$ 22.2 million inits Initial Public Offering.Colocación <strong>de</strong> Ripley2005 •2005 •2005 •Colo Colo se convierte en el primerClub <strong>de</strong> Fútbol Profesional en transarsus acciones en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>. Se coloca el 100% <strong>de</strong> lapropiedad y se recaudan US$ 31,7millones. Colo Colo becomes the firstProfessional Soccer Team listed in the<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange. 100% of itsproperty is sold for US$ 31.7 million ina Public Auction.Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanascoloca en el mercado local y extranjeroel 49% <strong>de</strong> su propiedad obteniendoUS$ 460 millones. A través <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> colocó un 10% <strong>de</strong> las acciones.Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas sells49% of its property for US$ 460 millionin a simultaneous auction offered inlocal (10%) and foreign (90%) stockmarkets.Sigdo Koppers se abrió a la <strong>Bolsa</strong> alcolocar en el mercado un 25% <strong>de</strong>la propiedad. La colocación recaudóUS$ 156 millones. Sigdo Koppers sells25% of its property for US$ 156 millionin its Initial Public Offering.2006 •Se efectuó el remate <strong>de</strong> 73.205.259acciones <strong>de</strong> CENCOSUD (3,68% <strong>de</strong> lacompañía), las que fueron adjudicadasen un monto <strong>de</strong> $ 79.567 millones(US MM$ 150). 73,205,259 shares ofCENCOSUD, equivalent to 3.68% of itsproperty, was auctioned at the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange for $150 millionsdollars.2006 •Colocación Aguas MetropolitanasSe realizaron fuera <strong>de</strong> bolsa las siguientesOPA’s: a) Inversiones Sanitarias <strong>de</strong>l SurS.A adquirió 1.348.044.608 accionesserie A <strong>de</strong> Empresa <strong>de</strong> ServiciosSanitarios <strong>de</strong>l Bío Bío S.A (ESSBIO-A)en $ 117.707 millones (US $ 221,7millones), b) Etex Latinamerica S.A.adquirió 26.506.227 acciones <strong>de</strong>Empresas Pizarreño S.A. (PIZARREÑO)en $36.711 millones (US$ 69,1millones). En ambas operaciones se22Colocación InvertecColocación Sigdo Koppers

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSEutilizó el sistema computacional <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio para la recepción<strong>de</strong> ór<strong>de</strong>nes. The followings takeoversen<strong>de</strong>d successfully: a) InversionesSanitarias <strong>de</strong> Sur S.A. purchased1,348,044,608 shares of Empresa <strong>de</strong>Servicios Sanitarios <strong>de</strong>l Bío Bío S.A.(ESSBIO-A) for $221.7 millions dollars,b) Etex Latinamerica S.A. acquired26,506,227 shares of EmpresasPizarreño S.A. (PIZARREÑO) for $69.1millions dollars. In both, the ElectronicSystem created by the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange was used to receive the or<strong>de</strong>rsfrom the market.2006 •2006 •2006 •Comenzó a funcionar oficialmente laCámara Paga<strong>de</strong>ro Hoy (PH) <strong>de</strong>l SistemaSCL, a través <strong>de</strong> la cual se liquidan lastransacciones <strong>de</strong> IRF e IIF con dicha condición<strong>de</strong> liquidación.The Clearing andSettlement service for T+0 transactions,begun officially operating for the MoneyMarket and Fixed Income Market.En Junta Extraordinaria <strong>de</strong> Accionistas<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>celebrada el 27 <strong>de</strong> abril, se aprobóla reforma <strong>de</strong> Estatutos en lo referidoa: a) Creación <strong>de</strong>l Comité <strong>de</strong>Regulación, que reemplaza a laComisión Arbitral, b) Modificación<strong>de</strong> las faculta<strong>de</strong>s sancionatorias <strong>de</strong>lDirectorio, y c) Hacer públicas ycomunicar a la Superinten<strong>de</strong>ncia <strong>de</strong><strong>Valores</strong> y Seguros las sanciones queaplique tanto el Directorio comoel Comité <strong>de</strong> Regulación. On April27th, the reform of the followingstatements was approved in aSharehol<strong>de</strong>rs Extraordinary Meeting:a) Creation of the RegulationCommittee that replaces the ArbitralCommission b) Modificationof the sanction attributions ofthe Board of Directors, and c)Publish and communicate to theSuperinten<strong>de</strong>nce the sanctions thatapply both, the Board of Directorsand the Regulation Committee.“Paz Corp S.A.” realizó su aperturaen el Mercado <strong>de</strong> EmpresasEmergentes, colocando a través<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio 40.283.600acciones <strong>de</strong> primera emisión (25% <strong>de</strong>la compañía) en $ 15.509,6 millones(US$ 29,4 millones aprox.). “Paz CorpS.A.” company listed for the first timeon the Emergent Companies Market ofthe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange, placing40,283,600 shares (equivalent to 25%of its property) for an amount of $ 29.4Colocación Paz CorpColocación Colo Colo2006 •millions dollars through the Or<strong>de</strong>rsBook Auction.En ceremonia realizada en la Sala<strong>de</strong> Ruedas se dio inicio oficial a lastransacciones <strong>de</strong> acciones <strong>de</strong> lasociedad minera canadiense “AurResources Inc.” en el Mercado <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>Extranjeros (<strong>Bolsa</strong> Off Shore). Asistieronlos principales ejecutivos <strong>de</strong>la sociedad, <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio y <strong>de</strong> Larraín Vial S.A.Corredora <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>, corredoresy operadores <strong>de</strong> la Institución.In a ceremony celebrated in theFloor Room of the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange, “Aur Resources Inc.”, aCanadian mining company, listedfor the first time on the ForeignSecurities Market (Off ShoreMarket). Important executivesof the company, <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange and Brokerages Houseswere attending.2006 •Se colocaron a través <strong>de</strong>l Sistema<strong>de</strong> Subasta <strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nes,un total <strong>de</strong> 1.413.983.995 acciones<strong>de</strong> Colbún S.A. en $ 117.643millones (US MM$ 222,5).1,413,983,995 Colbún S.A.’s shares,equivalent to US MM$ 222.5 wereplaced through the Or<strong>de</strong>rs BookAuction.23

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE242006 •2006 •2006 •2006 •Mediante OPA realizada a través<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio,Inversiones Santa Cecilia S.A.se adjudicó 12.299.302 acciones<strong>de</strong> Viña Undurraga S.A. en$ 18.547,6 millones (US MM$34,5). Through a takeover inthe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange,Inversiones Santa Cecilia S.A.purchased 12,299,302 sharesof Undurraga S.A. Vineyard,equivalent to an amount of$34.5 millions dollars.El día 27 <strong>de</strong> julio se registróla transacción <strong>de</strong> una acción<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>, <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>,en un precio histórico <strong>de</strong>$ 775.000.000. On July 27, itwas registered the transactionof one of the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange stocks in a historicalprice of $ 775,000,000 CLP.Colocación SondaFinalizó la OPA <strong>de</strong> accionesCCT lanzada por InversionesPrecis Limitada, adjudicándosefuera <strong>de</strong> bolsa 18.200.536acciones <strong>de</strong> Compañía ChilenaColocación Forus<strong>de</strong> Tabacos S.A. en $ 91.002,7millones (US MM$ 169,2), utilizando el sistema electrónico<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio para la recepción <strong>de</strong> ór<strong>de</strong>nes. Thetakeover of Compañía Chilena <strong>de</strong> Tabacos S.A. (CCT) wassuccessfully finished when Inversiones Precis Limitada acquired18,200,536 shares of the company, for an amount of $169.2millions dollars, using the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange electronicsystem to collect market or<strong>de</strong>rs.El Directorio <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, ensesión celebrada eldía 30 <strong>de</strong> octubre,acordó nombrarmiembros <strong>de</strong>l Comité<strong>de</strong> Regulación<strong>de</strong> la Institución alos señores EnriqueBarros Bourie, LeonidasMontes Liray Lisandro SerranoSpoerer. In an ordinary session celebrated on October 30th,the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange Board of Directors, agreed on <strong>de</strong>signatingMr. Enrique Barros Bourie, Mr. Leonidas Montes Lira2006 •and Mr. Lisandro SerranoSpoerer as members of theRegulation Committee.Se realizaron importantessubastas en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio, <strong>de</strong>stacando losremates <strong>de</strong> 18.372.209acciones ANTARCHILE(4,02% <strong>de</strong> la compañía)en $ 148.190,2 millones(US MM$ 280), y <strong>de</strong>31.778.049 acciones LAN(9,96% <strong>de</strong> la sociedad)en $ 165.881,4 millones(US MM$ 313,4 aprox.).Important auctions wereplaced in the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange; highlighting theauctions of 18,372,209shares of ANTARCHILE(4,02% of the company’sproperty) for $280 millionsdollars, and of 31,778,049shares of LAN (9,96% ofthe company’s property),which were sold for$ 313.4 millions dollars.“Sonda S.A.” efectuó suapertura en el Mercado <strong>de</strong>Empresas Emergentes, colocando a través <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio200.000.000 <strong>de</strong> acciones <strong>de</strong> primera emisión (26%<strong>de</strong> la sociedad) en $113.200 millones (US$ 215,3 millones).“Sonda S.A.” company listed for the first time on the EmergentCompanies Market of the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange, placing200.000.000 shares (equivalent to 26% of its property)for an amount of$ 215.3 millions2007•2007 •dollars throughthe Or<strong>de</strong>rs BookAuction.“Forus S.A.” realizósu aperturaen el Mercado <strong>de</strong>Empresas Emergentes,colocandoa través <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio51.693.800acciones <strong>de</strong> primera emisión (20% <strong>de</strong> la sociedad) en$ 23.520,7 millones (US$ 44,7 millones). “Forus S.A.” companylisted for the first time on the Emergent Companies

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE2007 •2007 •Market of the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange, placing 51.693.800shares (equivalent to 20% ofits property) for an amount of$ 44.7 millions dollars throughthe Or<strong>de</strong>rs Book Auction.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio dio iniciooficial a sus nuevos ÍndicesSectoriales, los que fueronconcebidos con el objeto <strong>de</strong>constituirse en benchmarksaltamente representativos yrelevantes para el análisis diarioe histórico <strong>de</strong> los principalessectores componentes <strong>de</strong>l mercadoaccionario chileno. Estos nuevosíndices consi<strong>de</strong>ran los sectores Banca,Commodities, Comunicaciones yTecnología, Consumo, Industrial,Retail y Utilities. The <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange (SSE) officially launchedits new Sectorial Indices, with theintention of constituting itself inbenchmarks for the daily and historicalanalysis of the principal economicsectors of the Chilean equity-market.These new indices cover 7 differentindustries: Banking, Commodities,Communications and Technology,Consumer Goods, Industrial, Retailand Utilities.Los índices IPSA e IGPA marcaronrécord históricos superando los 3.100y 13.943 puntos, respectivamente,cuya ten<strong>de</strong>ncia creciente en ambosindicadores se observó <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong>septiembre <strong>de</strong> 2006. February: IPSAand IGPA equity in<strong>de</strong>xes reached newhistorical records, raising above 3,100and 13,943 points respectively, thisincreasing trend was observed sinceSeptember 2006.2007 •2007 •Colocación Lan ChileMethanex Corporation, began in theOff Shore market of the SSE, registeringa monthly trading amount of USD6,119,066.Mediante el sistema Subasta <strong>de</strong> unLibro <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nes, se colocaron11.243.865 acciones <strong>de</strong> primeraemisión <strong>de</strong> Lan Airlines S.A. (LAN),las que fueron adjudicadas en unmonto <strong>de</strong> $ 94.459,7 millones(US$ 181 millones aprox.). Throughthe Or<strong>de</strong>r Book Auction TradingSystem, 11,243,865 primary issueshares of Lan Airlines S.A. (LAN) wereplaced for an amount of CLP 94,459.7million (USD 181 million approx.).Con la presencia <strong>de</strong> 14 marcas <strong>de</strong>prestigiosos vinos se efectúa en laSala <strong>de</strong> Ruedas la V Cata “Vinos <strong>de</strong>Excelencia en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio2007 •<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>”. May: With thepresence of 14 pretigiouswineries, the 5th edition of˝Wines of Excellence in the<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange˝took place in the TradingFloor.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> firmó con la<strong>Bolsa</strong> Mexicana <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>y con la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Brasil(BOVESPA) convenios <strong>de</strong>integración que permitiránestablecer los mecanismos necesariospara el reconocimiento mutuo <strong>de</strong>lInvitación V Cata˝Vinos <strong>de</strong> Excelencia˝2007 •En mayo se iniciaron las transacciones<strong>de</strong> la sociedad canadiense MethanexCorporation en el Mercado <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>Extranjeros (<strong>Bolsa</strong> Off Shore) <strong>de</strong>la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>,registrándose negocios en el mes porun total <strong>de</strong> US$ 6.119.066.- In Maythe transactions of a Canadian Society:Colocación Multiexport Foods S.A.25

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSEand began working in the mechanismsthat will allow the integration of bothstock markets. The project is part ofa Latin American Fe<strong>de</strong>ration (FIAB)initiative.2008 •2008 •2008 •Presi<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong> las <strong>Bolsa</strong>s <strong>de</strong> México y ChileRipley Corp S.A. were placed for anamount of CLP 54,390 million (USD108.8 million approx.).En mayo se realiza la sexta versión <strong>de</strong>la tradicional Cata <strong>de</strong> Vinos en el Salón<strong>de</strong> Ruedas con la asistencia <strong>de</strong> inversionistase intermediarios. The 6thversion of the traditional Annual WineTasting event took place at the TradingFloor with the presence of investorsand brokers.El 26 <strong>de</strong> agosto <strong>de</strong> 2008 se registróel remate <strong>de</strong> una acción <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong><strong>Valores</strong>, en un precio histórico <strong>de</strong>$ 1.631.000.000.- On August 26, ashare of the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangewas sold at the trading floor auctionsystem reaching a historical price ofCLP 1,631,000,000.En septiembre la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> <strong>de</strong> Chile y la <strong>Bolsa</strong>Mexicana <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> (BMV) asícomo las <strong>de</strong>positarias <strong>de</strong> ambospaíses, In<strong>de</strong>val <strong>de</strong> México y DCV <strong>de</strong>Chile, formalizaron en septiembre suvoluntad y el inicio <strong>de</strong> los trabajospara instrumentar mecanismosque permitan la integración <strong>de</strong> susmercados <strong>de</strong> capitales en el marco <strong>de</strong>lproyecto que impulsa la Fe<strong>de</strong>raciónIberoamericana <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s (FIAB)entre las bolsas <strong>de</strong> América Latina.On September, the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange and the Mexican StockExchange (BMV), as well as In<strong>de</strong>valand DCV, the Central SecuritiesDepositories of México and Chile,respectively, formalized a compromise2008 •2008 •2008 •En octubre la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> incorpora un nuevo sistemaautomatizado <strong>de</strong> modificación y anulación<strong>de</strong> operaciones, introduciendofacilida<strong>de</strong>s y eficiencia en dicho proceso.On October, the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange incorporated a new systemfor automatic elimination and modificationof tra<strong>de</strong>s, introducing moreefficiency in this process.El 18 <strong>de</strong> noviembre se materializó laapertura al mercado <strong>de</strong> la sociedadAzul Azul S.A., mediante la colocaciónfuera <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> 19.800.242acciones <strong>de</strong> primera emisión, enun monto total <strong>de</strong> $ 9.504 millones(US$ 14,7 millones aproximadamente),correspondiente a un precio <strong>de</strong>$ 480 por acción. On November18, “Azul Azul S.A.” ma<strong>de</strong> an off-exchangeinitial public offering, selling19,800,242 shares at CLP 480, raisinga total amount of CLP 9,504 millions(USD 14.7 million approximately).En noviembre se materializó con éxitofuera <strong>de</strong> bolsa la OPA <strong>de</strong> acciones CTC,en virtud <strong>de</strong> la cual Inversiones TelefónicaInternacional Holding Limitada seColocación Azul AzulCeremonia <strong>de</strong>l convenio con IBMadjudicó un total <strong>de</strong> 306.568.622 accionesserie A y 38.270.113 acciones serieB <strong>de</strong> Compañía <strong>de</strong> Telecomunicaciones<strong>de</strong> Chile S.A. , en un monto global <strong>de</strong>$375.112 millones (US$ 597,4 millones),permitiendo con ello al oferentealcanzar la propiedad <strong>de</strong>l 96,75% <strong>de</strong>las acciones emitidas por CTC. En estaoperación se utilizó el sistema computacional<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> para la recepción <strong>de</strong> ór<strong>de</strong>nes<strong>de</strong> aceptación <strong>de</strong> dicha Oferta. On November,“Telefónica Internacional HoldingLimitada” successfully tookover“Compañía <strong>de</strong> Telecomunicaciones <strong>de</strong>Chile S.A.” (CTC) in an off-exchangetransaction, buying 306,568,622 sharesof the “A” series and 38,270,113 sharesof the B series of CTC, for a total amountof CLP 375,112 million (US$ 597.4 million),allowing the buyer to reach theproperty of 96.75% of the total issuedshares of the company.27

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE2008 •La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> oficializóel 2 <strong>de</strong> diciembre su alianza estratégicacon la empresa IBM, la quepermitirá <strong>de</strong>sarrollar una nueva generación<strong>de</strong> Sistemas <strong>de</strong> Negociación.Dentro <strong>de</strong> sus principales características<strong>de</strong>stacan la posibilidad <strong>de</strong> operarmás <strong>de</strong> 3.000 ór<strong>de</strong>nes por segundo,incrementando en más <strong>de</strong> cien vecessu capacidad operativa. On December2 2008, the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangema<strong>de</strong> official its strategic agreementwith IBM, with the purpose of <strong>de</strong>velopinga new generation of electronictrading systems. One of the main goalsof this project is to process more than3,000 or<strong>de</strong>rs per second, increasingmore than one hundred times the currentcapacity.MBI Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A. inicia endiciembre el proceso <strong>de</strong> postulacióncomo corredor <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>. “MBI Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>S.A.” began in December the processof application to become a member ofthe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange.Colocación <strong>de</strong> Enjoydicándose 3.800.390.251 accionesD&S, representativas <strong>de</strong>l 58,2882%<strong>de</strong> la propiedad <strong>de</strong> la compañía, enun monto <strong>de</strong> $1.065.743 millones(US$ 1.722 millones), operación seutilizó el sistema computacional <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> parala recepción <strong>de</strong> ór<strong>de</strong>nes <strong>de</strong> aceptación<strong>de</strong> dicha Oferta. On December,Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the largest supermarketschain of the world, launchedthrough “Australes Tres Limitada”, atakeover for 6,520,000,000 shares of“Distribución y Servicio D&S S.A.”(D&S), corresponding to the 100% ofthe property. The takeover conclu<strong>de</strong>dsuccessfully in January 2009, buying3,800,390,251 shares, equivalent to58.2882% of the property, for a totalamount of CLP 1,065,743 million(USD 1,722 million).2009 •2009 •2009 •2009 •Con éxito se materializó fuera <strong>de</strong> bolsala OPA <strong>de</strong> acciones <strong>de</strong> Distribucióny Servicio D&S S.A., en virtud <strong>de</strong> lacual Wal-Mart, la mayor ca<strong>de</strong>na <strong>de</strong>supermercados <strong>de</strong>l mundo, se adjudicóun total <strong>de</strong> 3.800.390.251 acciones,representativas <strong>de</strong>l 58,2882% <strong>de</strong> lapropiedad <strong>de</strong> la compañía, en un montoequivalente a $ 1.065.743 millones(US$ 1.722,6 millones). (Enero 2009).Succesfully conclu<strong>de</strong>d the off floortakeover of “Distribución y ServicioD&S S.A.” in wich Wal-Mart, thelargest supermarket chain in the world,obtained a total of 3,800,390,251shares, representing the 58.2882%of the property, for a total amount of1,722.6 million dollars.El 1° <strong>de</strong> abril, MBI Corredores <strong>de</strong><strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A. inició sus operaciones comocorredor <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>. On April 1st, “MBICorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.” started itsoperations as a member of the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange.El 25 <strong>de</strong> mayo se registró el remate<strong>de</strong> una acción <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, en un precio <strong>de</strong>$ 1.600.000.000.- On May 25th tookplace an auction of one share of the<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange, with a priceof CLP 1,600,000,000.El 8 <strong>de</strong> junio se materializó la aperturaal mercado <strong>de</strong> la sociedad Enjoy S.A.,mediante la colocación <strong>de</strong> 462.004.782282008 •En diciembre Wal-Mart Stores Inc., lamayor ca<strong>de</strong>na <strong>de</strong> supermercados <strong>de</strong>lmundo, formuló a través <strong>de</strong> su filialInversiones Australes Tres Limitada,una OPA por 6.520.000.000 <strong>de</strong> acciones<strong>de</strong> la sociedad “Distribución yServicio D&S S.A.”, correspondienteal 100% <strong>de</strong> la propiedad accionaria<strong>de</strong> la compañía. La OPA concluyócon éxito en enero <strong>de</strong> 2009, adju-VII Cata <strong>de</strong> Vinos <strong>de</strong> Excelencia

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSEacciones <strong>de</strong> primera emisión, en unmonto total <strong>de</strong> $ 23.100 millones(US$ 42,7 millones). On June 8th462,004,782 primary issue shares ofEnjoy S.A were placed for an amountof CLP 23,000 millions (USD 42.7million).2009 • 2009 •2009 •En junio se realizó la séptima versión<strong>de</strong> la tradicional Cata <strong>de</strong> Vinos en elSalón <strong>de</strong> Ruedas con la asistencia <strong>de</strong>inversionistas e intermediarios. On junetook place the 7th version of the WineTasting event at the Trading Floor, withthe presence of investors and brokers.El 29 <strong>de</strong> junio en la ciudad <strong>de</strong> Madrid,<strong>Bolsa</strong>s y Mercados Españoles (BME),representada por Antonio Zoido Martínezen su calidad <strong>de</strong> Presi<strong>de</strong>nte yla <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> <strong>de</strong>Chile, representada por su Presi<strong>de</strong>ntePablo Yrarrázaval Valdés, firmaron unconvenio para promover una colaboracióntécnica y <strong>de</strong> negocios entre ambas<strong>Bolsa</strong>s, encaminado a potenciarel <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> activida<strong>de</strong>s conjuntas.On June 29th, in Madrid, The SpanishStock Exchange (BME), represented byits presi<strong>de</strong>nt Antonio Zoido Martínezand the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange representedby its presi<strong>de</strong>nt Pablo YrarrázavalValdés, signed an agreement forpromoting a technical and business collaboration,with the purpose of enhancejoint activities between both entities.En agosto la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> yla Asociación <strong>de</strong> Bancospromueven la exportación<strong>de</strong> Servicios Financieros.Con la asistencia <strong>de</strong>autorida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Gobierno,empresarios, ejecutivos yacadémicos se <strong>de</strong>sarrolló elseminario ˝Obstáculos parael <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> un mercadofinanciero y <strong>de</strong> capitalesregional.˝ El evento fueorganizado por la PontificiaUniversidad Católica, laAsociación <strong>de</strong> Bancos yla <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>. El propósito <strong>de</strong> lareunión fue trabajar en el objetivo <strong>de</strong>promover el <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> la industriaexportadora <strong>de</strong> servicios financieroscentrada en los países <strong>de</strong> la región. InAugust the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangeand the Association of Banks promotethe export of Financial Services.Colocación <strong>de</strong> Hites2009 •Seminario Exportación <strong>de</strong> Servicios Financieros, auspiciado por la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>: Juan Emilio Cheyre, Universidad Católica;Andrés Velasco, Ministro <strong>de</strong> Hacienda; José Antonio Martínez, <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> y Alejandro Alarcón, Asociación <strong>de</strong> Bancos e InstitucionesFinancieras.With the assistance of governmentofficials, entrepreneurs, executivesand aca<strong>de</strong>mics, it was organized theseminar ˝Obstacles in the <strong>de</strong>velopmentof financial markets and regionalcapital.˝ The event was organized bythe Pontificial Catholic University, theAssociation of Banks and the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange. The purpose of thismeeting was to work on promoting the<strong>de</strong>velopment of financial services exportindustry centered in the countries of theregion.En el marco <strong>de</strong> la Asamblea Anual <strong>de</strong>la Fe<strong>de</strong>ración Iberoamericana <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s(FIAB) y la reunión <strong>de</strong> mercadosemergentes <strong>de</strong> la World Fe<strong>de</strong>ration ofExchanges (WFE) realizada en Perú, el8 <strong>de</strong> septiembre, la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Limay la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Colombia,y las centrales <strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>pósito <strong>de</strong> valores <strong>de</strong> estospaíses, suscribieron un“Acuerdo que les permitirá<strong>de</strong>finir un Mo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong> Integración<strong>de</strong> sus mercados <strong>de</strong>renta variable”. (Septiembre2009) At the AnnualAssembly of the IberoamericanFe<strong>de</strong>ration of StockExchanges (FIAB) and theemerging markets meetingof the World Fe<strong>de</strong>rationof Exchanges (WFE) thattook place in Peru on September8th, the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange, the Lima29

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSEStock Exchange, the Colombian StockExchange, and the Central SecuritiesDepositories of this countries, subscribedan agreement that will allow themto <strong>de</strong>fine an integration mo<strong>de</strong>l of theirequity markets.302009 •2009 •2009 •El 15 <strong>de</strong> octubre se registró el remate<strong>de</strong> una acción <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, la cual fue adjudicada aun precio <strong>de</strong> $, siendoéste el valor más alto alcanzado poreste título en la historia <strong>de</strong> la Institución.On October 15th, took place anauction of one share of the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange, with a price of CLP2,000,000,000 (USD 4.0 million),being the highest price reached in thehistory of the institution.El 30 <strong>de</strong> octubre se iniciaron lastransacciones <strong>de</strong> acciones <strong>de</strong> lasociedad Geopark Holdings Limited,empresa lí<strong>de</strong>r en la exploracióny operación <strong>de</strong> hidrocarburos enLatinoamérica, en el Mercado <strong>de</strong><strong>Valores</strong> Extranjeros <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>. On October30th, began the transactions of sharesof the Geopark Holding Limited,lea<strong>de</strong>r in exploration and operation ofhydrocarbons in Latin America, in theforeign values market of the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> espremiada en la categoría “Infraestructuray Tecnología”, por la Pontificia UniversidadCatólica <strong>de</strong> Chile a través <strong>de</strong>lCentro <strong>de</strong> Estudios <strong>de</strong> Tecnologías<strong>de</strong> Información – CETIUC, y su“Club CIO”. Este reconocimientose hizo a la presentación “Agilizandolas Transacciones Bursátiles”,que explica la implementación <strong>de</strong>lnuevo motor transaccional parala negociación electrónica <strong>de</strong> acciones,que permitirá entre otros,la habilitación <strong>de</strong> “AlgorithmicTrading” en la <strong>Bolsa</strong>. (Noviembre2009). The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangewas awar<strong>de</strong>d in the category“Infrastructure and Technology”,by the Pontificia Universidad2009 •Católica <strong>de</strong> Chile, through the Center ofStudies of Information Technology (CE-TIUC in Spanish) and its “Club CIO”.This recognition was ma<strong>de</strong> to the presentation“Speeding Online Trading”,that explains the implementation of thenew transactional engine for the electronictrading of shares, which will allow“Algorithmic Trading” on the Exchange.El 3 <strong>de</strong> diciembre se materializó laapertura al mercado <strong>de</strong> la sociedadHites S.A., mediante la colocación<strong>de</strong> 104.204.716 acciones <strong>de</strong> primeraemisión, en un monto <strong>de</strong> $ 21.466,2millones (US$ 42,7 millones). OnDecember 3rd 104,204,716 primaryissue shares of Hites S.A. were placedfor an amount of CLP 21,466.2 million(USD 42.7 million).Colocación iShares TrustApertura <strong>de</strong> Cruzados S.A.D.P.2009 •2009 •El 4 <strong>de</strong> diciembre se materializó laapertura al mercado <strong>de</strong> la sociedadCruzados S.A.D.P., mediante lacolocación <strong>de</strong> 40.000.000 <strong>de</strong> acciones<strong>de</strong> primera emisión, en un monto <strong>de</strong>$ 12.400 millones (US$ 24,7 millones).On December 4th 40,000,000 primaryissue shares of Cruzados S.A.D.P, wereplaced for an amount of CLP 12,400million (USD 24.7 million).El 9 <strong>de</strong> diciembre se iniciaron las transacciones<strong>de</strong> las series <strong>de</strong> acciones o ExchangeTra<strong>de</strong>d Funds (ETF’s) <strong>de</strong> “iSharesTrust” en el Mercado <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> Extranjeros<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>.On December 9th, begun the negotiationsof Exchange Tra<strong>de</strong>d Funds (ETF’s)of “iShared Trust” in the foreign valuesmarket of the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange.El 29 <strong>de</strong> diciembre los índicesIPSA, IGPA e INTER-10marcaron récord históricos,superando los 3.566, 16.568y 4.460 puntos, respectivamente,cuya ten<strong>de</strong>ncia creciente en dichosindicadores se observaba <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong>marzo <strong>de</strong> 2009. December 29th:the IPSA, IGPA and INTER-10equity in<strong>de</strong>xes reached a newhistorical records, raising above3,566, 16,568 and 4,460 pointsrespectively, this increasing trendwas observer since March 2009.2009 •

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE2010 •2010 • 2010 •2010 •El 17 <strong>de</strong> febrero la sociedad Cruz <strong>de</strong>lSur Corredora <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A. iniciósus operaciones como corredor <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, cuyapostulación fue aprobada en diciembre<strong>de</strong> 2009. On February 17th Cruz <strong>de</strong>lSur Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> became abrokerage house in <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange, which application wasapproved in December 2009.El 25 <strong>de</strong> febrero se registró el remate <strong>de</strong>21.827.012 acciones <strong>de</strong> Lan Airlines S.A.(LAN), representativas <strong>de</strong>l 6,44% <strong>de</strong> lapropiedad accionaria <strong>de</strong> la compañía, lasque fueron adjudicadas en $198.616,4millones (US$ 374,3 millones aproximadamente),constituyéndose en el cuartoremate más voluminoso efectuado enla historia <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> y en el mayor <strong>de</strong> laúltima década. On February 25th theauctioning of 21.827.012 shares of LANAirlines PLC (LAN) were registered, theserepresent 6,44% of the company’s stockproperty, which were sold at about US$374,3 m. This is the fourth more sizeableauction ma<strong>de</strong> in the history of <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange and the largest in the last<strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>.El 5 <strong>de</strong> abril se inició la negociación <strong>de</strong>las Cuotas <strong>de</strong> Fondos <strong>de</strong> Inversión (CFI)y Cuotas <strong>de</strong> Fondos Mutuos (CFM)en el Sistema <strong>de</strong> Remate ElectrónicoSerializado <strong>de</strong> operaciones simultáneas.On April 5th began the negotiation ofInvestment Fund Shares and MutualFund Shares in the Electronic AuctionSystem Serialized of simultaneousoperations.El 8 <strong>de</strong> junio la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> suscribió el Acuerdo<strong>de</strong> Implementación con elDepósito Central <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> S.A.,la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Colombiay el Depósito Centralizado <strong>de</strong><strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Colombia – DECEVALSA, y con la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong><strong>de</strong> Lima S.A. y CAVALI S.A.ICLV, que permita iniciar elproceso <strong>de</strong> implementación <strong>de</strong>la Primera Fase <strong>de</strong>l Mo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong>2010 •En abril la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> inicióoficialmente las operaciones en el nuevo sistema<strong>de</strong> negociación para renta variable. Tiene unacapacidad 100 veces superior a la anterior.Mercado Integrado. On June 8th the<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange subscribedthe Implementation Agreement withthe Chilean Central Depositary (DCV),the Colombian Stock Exchange,the Colombian Central Depositary(DECEVAL), and with the PeruvianStock Exchange and the PeruvianDepositary (CAVALI), first step inthe implementation of the IntegratedMarket.El 11 <strong>de</strong> junio la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> inició oficialmente lasoperaciones en el nuevo sistema<strong>de</strong> negociación para renta variable“Telepregón HT” (Telepregón High-Frequency Trading). Esta nuevaCeremonia <strong>de</strong> inauguración <strong>de</strong> Cruz <strong>de</strong>l Sur Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>plata-forma <strong>de</strong> negociación tiene unacapacidad 100 veces superior a laanterior, procesando 3.000 ór<strong>de</strong>nespor segundo en los momentos peaks, auna velocidad inferior a 1 milisegundo.El Telepregón HT incorpora unimportante número <strong>de</strong> nuevasfuncionalida<strong>de</strong>s para los corredores,inversionistas institucionales y usuarios<strong>de</strong> los sistemas <strong>de</strong> negociación <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio, ofreciendo a la vezgran conectividad para intermediarios,clientes y re<strong>de</strong>s extranjeras,<strong>de</strong>stacándose las siguientes: a)Ruteo <strong>de</strong> ór<strong>de</strong>nes y conectividadpara intermediarios, clientes y re<strong>de</strong>sextranjeras; b) Múltiples ventanas<strong>de</strong> negociación; c) Nuevos tipos <strong>de</strong>ór<strong>de</strong>nes; d) Módulo <strong>de</strong> mensajeríaelectrónica; e) Conectividad conColocación <strong>de</strong> LAN Airlinessistemas <strong>de</strong> Algoritmic Trading; f)Personalización <strong>de</strong> las ventanas <strong>de</strong>negociación; g) Nuevas consultas <strong>de</strong>administración <strong>de</strong> ór<strong>de</strong>nes y log <strong>de</strong>auditoría <strong>de</strong> ingresos y transacciones;h) Nuevas consultas <strong>de</strong>alarmas; e i) Administración <strong>de</strong>Riesgo. Así también, el nuevoTelepregón HT incorpora lasoperaciones <strong>de</strong> “Subasta <strong>de</strong>Volatilidad”, mecanismo quetiene por objeto <strong>de</strong>terminarun precio <strong>de</strong> mercado paraun instrumento que haya sidosuspendido <strong>de</strong> cotización, enforma previa al restablecimiento<strong>de</strong> las transacciones. OnJune 11th the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange officially inaugurated31

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE322010 •a new electronic trading systemfor equities called TelepregónHT (High-Frequency Trading).This new trading platform has ahundred times superior capacityto the present one. It processes3.000 or<strong>de</strong>rs per second at thehighest moments, at a rate lowerthan 1 millisecond.The new Telepregon HT adds agreat number of new functions fortra<strong>de</strong>rs, institutional investors and usersof the trading systems. It also offers agreat connectivity for intermediaries,clients and foreign networks. Abrief highlight of the new options is:routing of or<strong>de</strong>rs and connectivityfor intermediaries, clients and foreignnetworks; multiple transactionwindows, new kind of or<strong>de</strong>rs; moduleof electronic messaging; connectivitywith algorithmic trading systems;customization of transaction window;new management or<strong>de</strong>r system andlog for auditing or<strong>de</strong>rs and tra<strong>de</strong>s;new tool to program alarms and riskmanagement systems.The new Telepregon HT also inclu<strong>de</strong>sthe transactions of “Volatility AuctionSystem”, mechanism which is inten<strong>de</strong>dto <strong>de</strong>termine the market price foran instrument that has been suspen<strong>de</strong>d,before the re-establishment oftransactions.Los días 17, 18 y 19 <strong>de</strong> agosto unaimportante <strong>de</strong>legación colombianavisitó la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> y el Depósito Central <strong>de</strong><strong>Valores</strong>, en el marco <strong>de</strong>l Proyecto<strong>de</strong> Integración <strong>de</strong> los Mercados <strong>de</strong><strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Colombia, Perú y Chile. Elproyecto espera diversificar, ampliary hacer más atractiva la negociación<strong>de</strong> este tipo <strong>de</strong> activos en los trespaíses, tanto para los inversionistaslocales como para los extranjeros.Este mercado unificado se convertiráen el primero <strong>de</strong> la región en número<strong>de</strong> emisores, el segundo en tamaño<strong>de</strong> capitalización bursátil y el terceroen cuanto a volumen <strong>de</strong> negociación,<strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong> los mercados <strong>de</strong> Brasil yMéxico. On the 17th, 18th and 19th2010 •of August, an important Colombian<strong>de</strong>legation visited the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange and the Chilean CentralDepositary (DCV), as part of theactivities of the Integrated MarketProject between the Chilean, Peruvianand Colombian Capital Markets. Theexpected result of this integration is tocreate a single, diversified, more liquidand more attractive equity market forlocal and foreign investors and forregional issuers. The unified market willbecome the first by number of issuers,the second by market capitalizationand the third by tra<strong>de</strong>d volume in thelatam region.El 22 <strong>de</strong> agosto se realizó la octavaversión <strong>de</strong> la tradicional Cata <strong>de</strong> Vinosen el Salón <strong>de</strong> Ruedas con la asistencia<strong>de</strong> inversionistas e intermediarios. Onaugust 22nd took place the 8th versionof the Eighth Wine Tasting event at theTrading Floor, with the presence ofinvestors and brokers.Invitación 8ª Cata <strong>de</strong> vinos <strong>de</strong> Excelencia2010 •El 1° <strong>de</strong> septiembre inició susoperaciones la sociedad “CCLV,Contraparte Central S.A.”,nueva entidad formada por la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> parala liquidación <strong>de</strong> las operacionesbursátiles. Este importante pasomarcó el inicio oficial <strong>de</strong> la CCLVy <strong>de</strong>l cumplimiento <strong>de</strong> los nuevosrequerimientos que ello implicapara los agentes <strong>de</strong>l mercado. OnSeptember 1st, began the operationof the CCLV Central Counterparty,a subsidiary of the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange. The CCLV represents a stepforward in the assurance of the securitystandards of the Chilean Market.2010 •En octubre, y como parte <strong>de</strong>las activida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>l Proyecto <strong>de</strong>Integración <strong>de</strong>l Mercado <strong>de</strong> RentaVariable: Chile, Perú y Colombia,el Ministro <strong>de</strong> Comercio Exteriory Turismo <strong>de</strong> Perú, don EduardoFerreyros, visitó la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> y se reunió con elPresi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la Institución, don PabloYrarrázaval Valdés. En esta visita, sesumó una <strong>de</strong>legación peruana <strong>de</strong> más<strong>de</strong> diez altos ejecutivos <strong>de</strong> corredoras<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Lima,un representante <strong>de</strong> la BVL y <strong>de</strong>lDepósito Central <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> peruano,CAVALI. As part of the activities ofthe Integrated Market, the PeruvianForeign Commerce and TourismMinister, Mr. Eduardo Ferreyrosvisited the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangeon October where he meets with Mr.Pablo Yrarrázaval Valdés, chairmanof the Exchange. A <strong>de</strong>legation ofPeruvian brokers, executives of thePeruvian Stock Exchange and thePeruvian Depositary (CAVALI), joinedMr. Ferreyros in this visit.

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE2010 •2010 •En una ceremoniacelebrada el 9 <strong>de</strong>noviembre en la ciudad<strong>de</strong> Lima, Perú, la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Limay la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong>Colombia suscribieron elAcuerdo con el que naceel “Mercados IntegradosL a t i n o a m e r i c a n o s ”(MILA), permitiendointegrar sus mercados<strong>de</strong> renta variable y con elcual se espera diversificar,ampliar y hacer másatractiva la negociación<strong>de</strong> este tipo <strong>de</strong> activos en los tres países,tanto para los inversionistas locales comopara los extranjeros. On NovemberDelegación <strong>de</strong> Perú visita la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>El 1° <strong>de</strong> diciembre se materializó laapertura al mercado <strong>de</strong> las sociedadCompañía Pesquera9th, at Lima, Peru, the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Camanchaca S.A., medianteExchange, the Lima Stock Exchangeand the Colombian Stock Exchange la colocación <strong>de</strong>1.327.372.400 <strong>de</strong> accionesen $108.844,5 millones(US$ 223,1 millones) a través<strong>de</strong>l Sistema <strong>de</strong> Subasta<strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nes.On December 1st, the IPOof Compañía Pesquera CamanchacaS.A. was held,placing 1.327.372.400 sharesfor an amount of $223,1millions trough the Or<strong>de</strong>rBook Action.subscribed the agreement to implementthe ‘Latin American Integrated Market(MILA)‘, allowing the integration ofColombia, Peru and Chile equity marketscreating a single, diversified, more liquidand more attractive equity marketfor local and foreign investors andfor regional issuers.El 10 <strong>de</strong> noviembre el índiceIPSA marcó un récord históricoal superar los 5.026 puntos,culminando una ten<strong>de</strong>nciacreciente que se observó <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong>el mes <strong>de</strong> junio <strong>de</strong> 2010. OnNovember 10th, the IPSAstock in<strong>de</strong>x reached a historicalmaximum of 5.026 points.2010 •2010 •El 13 <strong>de</strong> diciembre la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> y BM&FBovespaS.A. – <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>, Mercadoriase Futuros, suscribieron un acuerdoestratégico <strong>de</strong> operación conjunta,Acuerdo estratégico con BM& Bovespaque prevé la conectivida<strong>de</strong>ntre las dosbolsas, consi<strong>de</strong>randoprincipalmente el ruteo<strong>de</strong> ór<strong>de</strong>nes y ladistribución <strong>de</strong> información<strong>de</strong> mercado.El acuerdo tambiéncontempla iniciativaspara nuevos temas,entre ellos, el <strong>de</strong>sarrollo<strong>de</strong>l mercado<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>rivados chilenosen la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>,el establecimiento <strong>de</strong>iniciativas conjuntasen temas <strong>de</strong> liquidación, compensacióny Contraparte Central <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>Colocación Pesquera Camanchacay el acceso a la red <strong>de</strong> negociaciónBM&FBOVESPA/CME para los mercados<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio. OnDecember 13nd the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange and BM&FBovespasubscribed an strategic and jointoperations agreement, involvingthe connectivity of the Exchangesallowing or<strong>de</strong>r routingand market data dissemination.This agreement also involvessubjects such as the <strong>de</strong>velopof a <strong>de</strong>rivative market in Chile,clearing and settlement,Central Counterparty and theaccess to the BM&FBOVESPA/CME trading network.33

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE342010 •2010 •El 17 <strong>de</strong> diciembre elíndice IGPA alcanzó unnuevo récord histórico alsuperar los 23.269 puntos,cuya ten<strong>de</strong>ncia ascen<strong>de</strong>ntese observó prácticamentedurante todo el segundosemestre <strong>de</strong> 2010. OnDecember 17th, the IGPAstock in<strong>de</strong>x reached ahistorical maximum of23.269 points.2010 •“J.P. Morgan Corredores<strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.”applies to be a Brokerof the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange.El 28 <strong>de</strong> enerose efectuó lacolocación <strong>de</strong>424.251.415 acciones<strong>de</strong> E.CL S.A. en$ 509.101,7 millones(US$ 1.038 millones)a través <strong>de</strong>l Sistema <strong>de</strong>El 24 <strong>de</strong> diciembre seSubasta <strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong>realiza en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Remate <strong>de</strong> acciones <strong>de</strong> Blanco y Negro S.A.Or<strong>de</strong>nes, constituyéndoseesta operación en la mayorComercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> elmayor remate <strong>de</strong> acciones <strong>de</strong> la historiabursátil <strong>de</strong>l país, al negociarseNegro S.A. (Colo-Colo), representinga 17,4% of the company were colocación registrada en la historiael 99,725% <strong>de</strong> la sociedad “Costatra<strong>de</strong>d in an action for $ 9,4 millions. bursátil <strong>de</strong>l país. On January 28th,through the Or<strong>de</strong>r Book Auction TradingSystem, 424,251,415 shares ofVer<strong>de</strong> Aeronáutica S.A.” (CVA) en$1.001.444.862.600 millones (US$El 28 <strong>de</strong> diciembre se materializó la2.133,9 millones aproximadamente),en el contexto <strong>de</strong>l proceso <strong>de</strong>colocación <strong>de</strong> 7.306.449 acciones <strong>de</strong> E.CL S.A. were placed for an amountCemento Polpaico S.A. en $54.798,3 of USD $ 1,038 millions, representingthe largest auction registered inreestructuración <strong>de</strong> las socieda<strong>de</strong>smillones (US$ 116,3 millones), a través<strong>de</strong>l Sistema <strong>de</strong> Subasta <strong>de</strong> un Li-the Chilean market capital.que controlan un porcentaje significativo<strong>de</strong> la empresaLan AirlinesEl 18 <strong>de</strong> febrerofueron inscritoslas seriesS.A. (LAN). Conigual fecha se<strong>de</strong> accionesefectuó el remateo Exchange Tra<strong>de</strong>d<strong>de</strong> 17.387.515Funds (ETF’s) <strong>de</strong>nominados“iSharesacciones <strong>de</strong>Blanco y NegroSilver Trust” (SLV)S.A. (Colo-Colo),e “iShares GoldrepresentativasTrust” (IAU) en el<strong>de</strong>l 17,4% <strong>de</strong> laMercado <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>propiedad accionaria<strong>de</strong> la so-Extranjeros <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comerciociedad, las que<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>. On February18th, the “iS-fueron adjudicadasen $4.419hares Silver Trust”millones (US$(SLV) and “iShares9,4 millonesCeremonia <strong>de</strong> lanzamiento <strong>de</strong>l Fondo <strong>de</strong> Exploración Minera FénixGold Trust” (IAU)aproximadamente).On December 24th, took placebro <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nes. On December 28th, ETF were listed in the Foreign Market ofbiggest shares auction in the history7.306.449 shares of Cemento PolpaicoS.A. were placed for an amount ofthe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange.of the Chilean Capital Market, thetrading of 99,725% of ‘Costa Ver<strong>de</strong>$116,3 millions trough the Or<strong>de</strong>r Book En una ceremonia presidida por elAeronáutica S.A.‘ for an amount ofAction.Ministro <strong>de</strong> Minería y Energía, LaurenceGolborne, el 4 <strong>de</strong> marzo en la Sala$2.133,9 millions. This tra<strong>de</strong> waspart of the restructuring process ofEn enero la sociedad “J.P. Morgan <strong>de</strong> Ruedas <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comerciothe controlling companies of LANCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> SpA” postula <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> se realizó el lanzamientoAirlines S.A. (LAN). On the samecomo corredor <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>. On January la oportunidad, el Ministro <strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>l nuevo Fondo Minero “Fénix”. Enday, 17.387.515 shares of Blanco yMine-2011 •2011 •2011 •2011 •

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSEría y Energía y el Vicepresi<strong>de</strong>nteEjecutivo<strong>de</strong> CORFO, HernánCheyre, firmaron unacuerdo <strong>de</strong> cooperaciónpara explotaciónminera. On March4th, in a ceremonypresi<strong>de</strong>d by Mr. LaurenceGolborne, Miningand Energy Minister,held on the tradingfloor of the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange, the“Fénix” Mining Fundwas launched. On theoccasion, the Miningand Energy Minister and the CORFOExecutive Vice Presi<strong>de</strong>nt, Mr. HernanCheyre, signed a cooperation agreementfor the mining exploitation.Colocación <strong>de</strong> CFR PharmaceuticalsEn abril el Comité Ejecutivo <strong>de</strong>l proyectoMILA, compuesto por los GerentesGenerales <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong><strong>de</strong> Lima, <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong>Colombia, <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> y los <strong>de</strong>pósitos <strong>de</strong> valores <strong>de</strong>Chile, Colombia y Perú, establecieronel 30 <strong>de</strong> mayo <strong>de</strong> 2011 como fecha2011 •oficial para el inicio <strong>de</strong>operaciones <strong>de</strong> la integración<strong>de</strong> los mercadosaccionarios <strong>de</strong> los3 países. On April, TheMILA Executive Committee,formed by theLima Stock Exchange,Colombian Stock Exchangeand the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange andthe Depositaries of thethree countries CEOs,announced that thejoint operations of theintegrated market willbegin on March 30th.El 8 <strong>de</strong> abril se realizó la colocación<strong>de</strong> 5.382.826 cuotas <strong>de</strong> primeraemisión <strong>de</strong>l Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión RentasInmobiliarias (CFINRENTAS) en$51.944,3 millones (US$ 109,7 millones)a través <strong>de</strong>l Sistema <strong>de</strong> Subasta<strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nes. On April8th, through the Or<strong>de</strong>r Book AuctionTrading System, 5,382,826 primaryissue quotes of Fondo <strong>de</strong> InversionesRentas Inmobiliarias (CFINRENTAS)were placed for an amount of USD$109.7 millions.2011 •Colocación <strong>de</strong> “iShares Silver Trust” (SLV) y <strong>de</strong> “iShares Gold Trust” (IAU)El 31 <strong>de</strong> marzo se materializó la colocación<strong>de</strong> 1.398.023.524 accionesserie “Banco <strong>de</strong> Chile-S” (CHILE-S) en$86.677,4 millones (US$ 179,8 millones)a través <strong>de</strong>l Sistema <strong>de</strong> Subasta<strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nes. On March31st, through the Or<strong>de</strong>r Book AuctionTrading System, 1,398,023,524shares of “Banco <strong>de</strong> Chile-S” (CHILE-S) were placed for an amount of USD$ 179.8 millions.2011 •El 5 <strong>de</strong> mayo se materializó la aperturaal mercado <strong>de</strong> la sociedad CFRPharmaceuticals S.A., mediante lacolocación <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> accionesen $ 172.720 millones (US$373 millones), a través <strong>de</strong>l Sistema2011 •Colocación <strong>de</strong> CFINRENTAS35

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE362011 •2011 •<strong>de</strong> Subasta <strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nes.On May 5th, the IPO of CFR PharmaceuticalsS.A. took placed, throughthe auction of 2,032,000,000 shares,using the Or<strong>de</strong>r Book Auction TradingSystem for an amount of USD $373millions.El 19 <strong>de</strong> mayo se materializó lasapertura al mercado <strong>de</strong> las sociedadAquachile S.A., mediante la colocación<strong>de</strong> 387.000.000 <strong>de</strong> acciones en$ 175.311 millones(US$ 374 millones),a través <strong>de</strong>lSistema <strong>de</strong> Subasta<strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong>Or<strong>de</strong>nes. On May19th, AquachileS.A. IPO placed387.000 sharesfor an amount ofUSD $ 374 million,through the Or<strong>de</strong>rBook Auction TradingSystem.El 30 <strong>de</strong> mayo serealizó en la Sala<strong>de</strong> Ruedas <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> laceremonia oficial<strong>de</strong> lanzamiento <strong>de</strong>lMercado Integrado MILA, —la cualsimultáneamente se efectuó en las<strong>Bolsa</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Perú y Colombia—, presididapor el ministro <strong>de</strong> Hacienda,señor Felipe Larraín, junto a los presi<strong>de</strong>ntes<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> y <strong>de</strong>l Depósito Central <strong>de</strong><strong>Valores</strong> (DCV), señores Pablo Yrarrázavaly Sergio Baeza, respectivamente,y al Superinten<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> ySeguros señor Fernando Coloma. OnMay 30th, the official launch of theIntegrated Latin American Market,MILA was held in the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange trading floor and simultaneouslyon the Peruvian and ColombianStock Exchanges. The local ceremonywas presi<strong>de</strong>d by the Ministerof Finance, Mr. Felipe Larraín, alongwith the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange2011 •Pablo Yrarrázaval, presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, Felipe Larraín, Ministro <strong>de</strong> Hacienda,Fernando Coloma, Superinten<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> y Seguros, y Sergio Baeza, Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>lDCV, en la Ceremonia <strong>de</strong> lanzamiento <strong>de</strong>l MILA.2011 •and the Chilean Depository DCVPresi<strong>de</strong>nts, Mr. Pablo Irarrázaval andSergio Baeza, respectively, and theSuperinten<strong>de</strong>nt of Securities and Insurance,Mr. Fernando Coloma.El 6 <strong>de</strong> junio la sociedad GBM Corredores<strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> Limitada iniciósus operaciones como corredor <strong>de</strong>la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>,cuya postulación fue aprobada porel Directorio <strong>de</strong> la Institución en febrero<strong>de</strong> 2011. On June 6th, GMCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> Limitada begunits operations as a Broker of the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange. It´s applicationwas approved by the Director of theInstitution on February 2011.El 1 <strong>de</strong> julio la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comerciolanzó al mercado al nuevo índicesectorial “SALMON”, que agrupa alas compañías listadas en <strong>Bolsa</strong> queconcentren el 50% o más <strong>de</strong> sus activosen la producción, distribucióny comercialización <strong>de</strong> salmones yque registren una Presencia BursátilAjustada mayor o igual a 25%. Estenuevo indicador sectorial permitea los inversionistas nacionales e internacionalestener un mejor seguimiento<strong>de</strong>l conjunto <strong>de</strong> empresas2011 •acuícolas inscritas en <strong>Bolsa</strong>. On July1st, the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangelaunched a new sector in<strong>de</strong>x called“SALMON” that groups the listedcompanies on the Exchange whichconcentrate 50% or more of its assetson the production, distributionand commercialization of salmonsand that register a liquidity of 25%or more. This new in<strong>de</strong>x allows nationaland foreign investors to havea better following of the aquiculturecompanies listed inour exchange.El 15 <strong>de</strong> juliose efectuóun importanteremate <strong>de</strong>acciones <strong>de</strong> EsvalS.A y Essbio S.A.en un monto totalconjunto <strong>de</strong> $260.635,3 millones(US$ 564,1millones aproximadamente),correspondientea laventa <strong>de</strong> una partesignificativa <strong>de</strong>la propiedad <strong>de</strong> laCorporación <strong>de</strong> Fomentoa la Producción(CORFO) endichas compañías. El mencionadoremate se constituyó en una <strong>de</strong> lasmás importantes subastas realizadasen la historia bursátil <strong>de</strong>l país. OnJuly 15th, an important auction ofshares belonging to Esval S.A. andEssbio S.A. was held, raising a totalamount of USD $ 564.1 million,which correspon<strong>de</strong>d to a sale of asignificant part of the Coporación <strong>de</strong>Fomento a la Producción (CORFO)property in both companies. Thisauction has become one of the mostimportant in the history of the localstock market.2011 •El 29 <strong>de</strong> agosto Standard & PoorsÍndices lanzó el primer índice <strong>de</strong>lMercado Integrado LatinoamericanoMILA <strong>de</strong>nominado “S&P MILA

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE2011 •40”, iniciativa que la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong><strong>de</strong> Lima y la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong><strong>de</strong> Colombia y sus tres <strong>de</strong>pósitos <strong>de</strong>valores, DCV, Cavali y Deceval han<strong>de</strong>sarrollado para la integración <strong>de</strong>los mercados accionarios <strong>de</strong> los trespaíses. On August 29th, Standard& Poors launched thefirst MILA in<strong>de</strong>x, called“S&P MILA 40”. Thisinitiative was a joine<strong>de</strong>ffort of the Lima StockExchange, ColombiaStock Exchange andthe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange,along withtheir three Central Depositaries,to improvethe integration of thethree equity markets.El 26 <strong>de</strong> octubre enuna ceremonia realizadaen el Salón <strong>de</strong> Ruedas<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, elMinistro <strong>de</strong> Hacienda,señor Felipe Larraín, elTesorero General <strong>de</strong> laRepública, señor SergioFarías, la Directora<strong>de</strong> Presupuesto, señoraRosanna Costa y el Presi<strong>de</strong>nte<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio, señor PabloYrarrázaval, presentaronuna nueva plataformatecnológica <strong>de</strong>sarrolladapor la <strong>Bolsa</strong>especialmente para elFisco, la que permitirá a la TesoreríaGeneral <strong>de</strong> la República licitar susexce<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong> fondos directamentea los Bancos <strong>de</strong> la plaza local, y obtenerasí tasas competitivas <strong>de</strong> mercadoy realizar transacciones <strong>de</strong> unamanera más eficiente. On OctoberEn las tres bolsas se realizaron ceremonias <strong>de</strong> inauguración simultáneas con lasautorida<strong>de</strong>s respectivas. MILA integra los mercados <strong>de</strong> Colombia, Chile y Perú.2011 •26th, a new technological platform,<strong>de</strong>veloped by the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange especially for the Ministryof Finance, was presented in aceremony on the Trading Floor withthe presence of important authorities:Minister of Finance, Mr. FelipeLarraín; Secretary General, Mr. SergioFarías; Director of Budget, Mrs.Rosanna Costa and the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt ofthe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange, Mr.Pablo Yrarrázaval. This platform willallow the General Secretariat of Governmentto bid its fund´s surplus directlyto the banks on the market, inor<strong>de</strong>r to obtain competitive marketrates and carry out efficient transactions.En noviembre se realizó el encuentrointernacional ˝Fiab High Tech <strong>Santiago</strong>2011, Creando Nuevas Tecnologías˝,<strong>de</strong>sarrollado por la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> en conjuntocon la Fe<strong>de</strong>ración Iberoamericana<strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s (FIAB) y que reunió a importantesejecutivos <strong>de</strong> instituciones2011 •financieras <strong>de</strong> Latinoamérica y aespecialistas <strong>de</strong> empresas globales<strong>de</strong>l mundo tecnológico. On November,˝Fiab High Tech <strong>Santiago</strong>2011, Creating New Technologies˝event was organized by the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange and the IberoamericanFe<strong>de</strong>ration of Exchanges (FIAB).The event gathered themost important Latin-American financialinstitutions and worldwi<strong>de</strong>.El 7 <strong>de</strong> diciembrese realizó en la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> el remate<strong>de</strong>l 7,8% <strong>de</strong> la propiedad<strong>de</strong>l Banco Santan<strong>de</strong>ren $486.473 millones(US$ 949 millones),constituyéndose en una<strong>de</strong> las más importantessubastas realizadas enla historia bursátil <strong>de</strong>lpaís. On December7th, the largest shareauction of the ChileanCapital market tookplace 7,8% of BancoSantan<strong>de</strong>r´s propertywas auctioned, for anamount of USD $ 949million.2011 • 2011 •En diciembre la sociedad“Itaú ChileCorredor <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Limitada” postulacomo corredor <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>. On December,“Itaú Chile Corredor <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Limitada” applies to be a Broker ofthe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange.En diciembre los integrantes <strong>de</strong>lMercado Integrado Latinoamericano,MILA, <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>, <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Lima y<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Colombia, mássus tres <strong>de</strong>pósitos, DCV, CAVALI yDECEVAL, firmaron con la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong><strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> México un acuerdo <strong>de</strong>37

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSE38<strong>2012</strong> •intención con elfin <strong>de</strong> llevar a cabolos estudios <strong>de</strong> viabilidadque permitansu pleno ingreso.Este acuerdobusca que los mercadosaccionarios<strong>de</strong> estos cuatropaíses explorenlos aspectos <strong>de</strong>mercado, operativosy tecnológicosnecesariospara lograr la plenaconexión. OnDecember, MILAMembers; the<strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange, the Lima Stock Exchangeand the Colombian Stock Exchange,along with their three <strong>de</strong>positories;DCV, CAVALI and DECEVAL, signedwith the Mexican Stock Exchangean agreement of intent to carry outfeasibility studies to allow its fullmembership. The agreement seeksto explore market, operative and technologicalaspects of the full connectionbetween the stock marketsLa <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>concluyó con éxito en enero el proceso<strong>de</strong> licitación privada <strong>de</strong> sus ÍndicesIGPA, IPSA e INTER 10, quepermitirá la creación <strong>de</strong> ExchangeTra<strong>de</strong> Funds, ETF, locales en Chile,instrumentos financieros que van arepresentar los índices principales<strong>de</strong>l mercado accionario nacional.El proceso fue adjudicado a ItaúAdministradora General <strong>de</strong> Fondos,entidad que <strong>de</strong>berá implementary poner en marcha este nuevo sistema,para estar operativo duranteel segundo semestre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong>. OnJanuary <strong>2012</strong>, The <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange successfully conclu<strong>de</strong>dthe private bidding of the IPSA,IGPA and Inter-10 in<strong>de</strong>xes, whichallow the creation of local ExchangeTra<strong>de</strong> Funds (ETF), which arefinancial instruments that will representthe main in<strong>de</strong>xes of our localColocación <strong>de</strong> Cruz Blancamarket. The process was awar<strong>de</strong>dto Itaú General Fund Management,entity responsible of the launch andimplementation of this new system,Colocación <strong>de</strong> AquaChilewhich should beoperational duringthe second semesterof <strong>2012</strong>.En una ceremoniarealizadaen la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> a la queasistieron los Ministros<strong>de</strong> Mineríay Economía, señoresHernán <strong>de</strong>Solminihac y PabloLongueira, respectivamente,el subsecretario<strong>de</strong> Minería,señor PabloWagner, el vicepresi<strong>de</strong>nte ejecutivo<strong>de</strong> Corfo, señor Hernán Cheyre, y elpresi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong>, señor PabloIrarrázaval Valdés, el Gobierno pusoa disposición <strong>de</strong> las pymes minerasUSD 150 millones para proyectos <strong>de</strong>exploración, a través <strong>de</strong>l Fondo Fénix<strong>de</strong> Corfo. On January <strong>2012</strong>, TheMining and Economics Ministers, Mr.Hernán <strong>de</strong> Solmilihac and Mr. PabloLongueira, respectively, along withthe Secretary of Mining, Mr. PaulWagner, the Executive Vice Presi<strong>de</strong>ntof CORFO, Mr. Hernán Cheyre and<strong>2012</strong> •

Principales Hitos <strong>de</strong> la BCSMilestones in the History of the SSEthe Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange, Mr. Pablo YrarrazavalValdés atten<strong>de</strong>d a ceremony at theExchange in which the governmentma<strong>de</strong> available to small mining companiesan exploration fund of USD$150 million through the CORFOPhoenix Fund.<strong>2012</strong> •<strong>2012</strong> •El día 22 <strong>de</strong> marzo se materializó laapertura al mercado <strong>de</strong> la sociedadIngevec S.A., mediante la colocación<strong>de</strong> 260.000.000 <strong>de</strong> accionesen $ 172.720 millones (US$ 373 millones)y <strong>de</strong> 387.000.000 <strong>de</strong> accionesen $2.506 millones (US$ 25,8millones), a través <strong>de</strong>l Sistema <strong>de</strong>Subasta <strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong> Ór<strong>de</strong>nes. OnMarch 22, <strong>2012</strong>, IngevecS.A. IPO was held,placing 260.000.000shares for an amount ofUSD $373 million and387.000.000 sharesin USD$25,8 millionsthrough the Or<strong>de</strong>rBook Auction TradingSystem.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, <strong>Bolsa</strong>Electrónica <strong>de</strong> Chile yla <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Corredores<strong>de</strong> Valparaíso concluyeronen marzo con éxitoel proceso <strong>de</strong> licitación privadapara la Administración <strong>de</strong>l Sistema<strong>de</strong> Acreditación <strong>de</strong> Conocimientospara la Intermediación <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>,cuyo Reglamento fue aprobado porla Superinten<strong>de</strong>ncia <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> y Segurosmediante Resolución ExentaN° 012 <strong>de</strong> fecha 6 <strong>de</strong> enero <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong>.El proceso fue adjudicado al Instituto<strong>de</strong> Estudios Bancarios GuillermoSubercaseaux (IEB), entidad queserá la encargada <strong>de</strong> constituir y administrarel sistema <strong>de</strong> acreditación.On March <strong>2012</strong>, The <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange, The Electronic Exchangeand the Valparaiso Stock Exchangesuccessfully conclu<strong>de</strong>d the Privatebidding for the Knowledge AccreditationAdministration Process forColocación <strong>de</strong> SecurityColocación <strong>de</strong> Banco <strong>de</strong> ChileColocación <strong>de</strong> AustralisBrokers. The regulationwas approved by theSuperinten<strong>de</strong>nt of Securitiesand Insurancein January 6th, <strong>2012</strong>.The process was awar<strong>de</strong>dto the GuillermoSubercaseaux BankingInstitute, entity responsibleto establish andadminister the accreditationsprocess.39

<strong>2012</strong> •En marzo, el Gerente General <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, JoséAntonio Martínez, y el Presi<strong>de</strong>nte<strong>de</strong> BM&FBOVESPA, E<strong>de</strong>mir Pinto,firmaron un importante Acuerdo <strong>de</strong>Colaboración entre ambas <strong>Bolsa</strong>spara implementar el Mercado <strong>de</strong>Derivados en Chile. El principalobjetivo <strong>de</strong> este acuerdo es contarcon un mercado activo <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>rivadosfinancieros transables en bolsa yofrecer, a través <strong>de</strong> la tecnología<strong>de</strong> vanguardia <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> nacional,nuevas alternativas <strong>de</strong> inversióntanto a inversionistas institucionalescomo particulares, y así seguircontribuyendo al <strong>de</strong>sarrollo yevolución <strong>de</strong>l mercado <strong>de</strong> capitaleslocal. José Antonio Martínez, CEO ofColocación <strong>de</strong> Ingevec S.A.José Antonio Martínez, Gerente General <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, y E<strong>de</strong>mir Pinto, Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> BM&F BOVESPA.Exchange and the Valparaiso`s StockExchange agreed upon the membersnames of the IntermediariesAccreditation Committee. Mr.Andrés Lagos Vicuña, FernandoLarraín Cruzat, Ignacio RodriguezLlona were assigned for three, oneand two years, respectively ashead members, and as substituteswhere named Mr. Francisco SkinnerBesoain, Gustavo Maturana Ramírezand Guillermo Tagle Quiroz, forone, two, three years respectively.The head members will be in chargeof the <strong>de</strong>sign, implementation an<strong>de</strong>valuation of the accre-ditationprocess.40the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange, signeda collaboration agreement withthe Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of BM&FBOVESPA,E<strong>de</strong>mir Pinto, in or<strong>de</strong>r to implementa Derivatives Market in Chile. Themain objective was to create anactive market of financial <strong>de</strong>rivativestradable in the Exchange, and offerthrough state of the art technology,new investment alternatives toinstitutional and natural investors,contributing to the <strong>de</strong>velopment an<strong>de</strong>volution of the local stock market.<strong>2012</strong> •En mayo la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, <strong>Bolsa</strong> Electrónica y<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Corredores <strong>de</strong> Valparaísoacordaron nombrar a los miembrosque conformarán el Comité <strong>de</strong>Acreditación <strong>de</strong> Conocimientos <strong>de</strong>Intermediarios <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>, siendo<strong>de</strong>signados los señores Andrés LagosVicuña, Fernando Larraín Cruzat,Ignacio Rodríguez Llona, por tres,uno y dos años respectivamente,como integrantes titulares, y comosuplentes los señores FranciscoSkinner Besoain, Gustavo MaturanaRamírez y Guillermo TagleQuiroz, por uno, dos, tres añosrespectivamente, quienes estarána cargo <strong>de</strong>l diseño, implantación yevaluación <strong>de</strong>l proceso continuo <strong>de</strong>acreditación <strong>de</strong> los intermediarios<strong>de</strong> valores. The <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange, the Electronic Stock<strong>2012</strong> •El 22 <strong>de</strong> mayo fueron inscritas en elMercado <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> Extranjeros <strong>de</strong>la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>,16 importantes y reconocidascompañías <strong>de</strong> los Estados Unidos<strong>de</strong> América, cuyas acciones secomenzaron a negociar el 24 <strong>de</strong>mayo. Entre dichas compañías se<strong>de</strong>stacan a AT&T Inc., Google Inc.,Apple Inc., General Electric Co.,Caterpillar Inc., Bank of AmericaCorp, Citigroup Inc., Exxon MobilCorp, JPMorgan Shase & Co., Procterand Gamble Co., Wal-Mart StoriesCo y Pfizer Inc, entre otras. On May22, 16 important and well knowncompanies from the United States ofAmerica, were listed in the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange’s Foreign Market.The shares began its negotiation onMay 24. Some share are AT&T Inc.,

signature and creation of the TechnicalSecretary of the IntermediariesAccreditation Committee, accordingto the Regulations <strong>de</strong>veloped by thethree Exchanges.<strong>2012</strong> •Google Inc., Apple Inc., GeneralElectric Co., Caterpillar Inc., Bank ofAmerica Corp, Citigroup Inc., ExxonMobil Corp, JPMorgan Shase & Co.,Procter and Gamble Co., Wal-MartStories Co and Pfizer Inc.En junio se formaliza el acuerdoalcanzado en marzo <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong> entrela <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>,<strong>Bolsa</strong> Electrónica <strong>de</strong> Chile y <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Corredores <strong>de</strong> Valparaíso conel Instituto <strong>de</strong> Estudios BancariosGuillermo Subercaseaux (IEB), através <strong>de</strong> la firma y creación <strong>de</strong> laSecretaría Técnica <strong>de</strong>l Sistema <strong>de</strong>Acreditación <strong>de</strong> Conocimientos<strong>de</strong> Intermediación <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>,ACIV, <strong>de</strong> acuerdo a lo señaladoen el Reglamento <strong>de</strong>sarrollado enforma conjunta por las tres bolsasColocación <strong>de</strong> Hortifrut<strong>de</strong> valores. The agreement ma<strong>de</strong> inMarch <strong>2012</strong> between the Instituto<strong>de</strong> Estudios Bancarios GuillermoSubercaseaux (IEB) and the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange, the Electronic StockExchange and the Valparaiso`s StockExchange, is formalized through the<strong>2012</strong> •<strong>2012</strong> •El 12 <strong>de</strong> julio se materializó laapertura al mercado <strong>de</strong> la sociedad“Hortifrut S.A.” (HF), mediantela colocación <strong>de</strong> 103.566.675acciones en $ 33.141,3 millones(US$ 67,3 millones), a través <strong>de</strong>lSistema <strong>de</strong> Subasta <strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong>Or<strong>de</strong>nes. Asimismo, el día 20 <strong>de</strong>julio materializó apertura la sociedad“Inversiones La ConstrucciónS.A.”, mediante la colocación <strong>de</strong>32.193.892 acciones <strong>de</strong> emisiónprimaria y secundaria en $ 227.321millones (US$ 468,1 millones),constituyéndose esta última en lamayor apertura <strong>de</strong> una empresa en lahistoria bursátil <strong>de</strong>l país. On July 12,“Hortifrut S.A.” ma<strong>de</strong> its IPO –InitialPublic Offering- placing 103.566.675shares for an amount of US$67,3million, through the Or<strong>de</strong>r’s BookAuction Trading System. On July 20,“Inversiones La Construcción S.A.”ma<strong>de</strong> its IPO placing 32.193.892primary and secondary issues for anamount US$468,1 million, becomingthe largest IPO in the history of theChilean capital market.Los días 13 y 30 <strong>de</strong> julio lassocieda<strong>de</strong>s “J.P. Morgan Corredores<strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> SpA” e “Itaú ChileCorredor <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> Limitada”iniciaron, respectivamente, susoperaciones como corredores <strong>de</strong>la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>.On July 13 and 30, “J.P. MorganCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> SpA” and “ItaúChile Corredor <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> Limitada”began, respectively, its operationsas brokerage houses of the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange.<strong>2012</strong> •El 3 <strong>de</strong> agosto se materializó laapertura al mercado <strong>de</strong> la sociedad“Echeverría, Izquierdo S.A.”(EISA), mediante la colocación <strong>de</strong>151.341.200 acciones <strong>de</strong> primeraemisión en $ 42.375,5 millones (US$87,4 millones), a través <strong>de</strong>l SistemaColocación <strong>de</strong> Echeverría, Izquierdo S.A., EISA41

<strong>de</strong> Subasta <strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nes.On August 3, “Echeverría, IzquierdoS.A.” (EISA) IPO was held, placing151.341.200 primary issue shares,for an amount of US$87,4 million,through the Or<strong>de</strong>r’s Book AuctionTrading System.42<strong>2012</strong> •<strong>2012</strong> •En septiembre concluyen positivamentelos estudios <strong>de</strong> factibilidadtécnica y operativa para laincorporación <strong>de</strong> México a MILA,cuyo cierre exitoso <strong>de</strong> este primerpaso fue ratificado por el ComitéEjecutivo <strong>de</strong>l MILA y el Grupo <strong>Bolsa</strong>Mexicana <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> (BMV). OnSeptember, the studies of technicaland operative feasibility conclu<strong>de</strong>positively for theincorporation ofMexico to MILA. Thissuccessful closurewas ratified by MILA´sExecutive Committeeand the MexicanExchange (BMV).El 26 <strong>de</strong> septiembre sereunieron en <strong>Santiago</strong>el Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>l TSXVenture Exchange <strong>de</strong>Canadá, señor JohnMcCoach, con elGerente General <strong>de</strong> la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>, señor JoséAntonio Martínez,con el objetivo <strong>de</strong> avanzar enla discusión y análisis sobre lasalternativas <strong>de</strong> un trabajo conjuntoentre la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio yToronto Stock Exchange, para crearun segmento especial en <strong>Bolsa</strong>para Minería <strong>de</strong> Exploración. OnSeptember 26, the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of theCanadian TSX Ventures Exchange,Mr. John McCoach met with the<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange’s CEO,José Antonio Martínez, with thepurpose of moving forward in thediscussion and analysis of a jointeffort between the <strong>Santiago</strong> and theToronto Stock Exchange, to create aspecial stock exchange segment forMining Exploration in the Chileanexchange.Colocación <strong>de</strong> Echeverría, Izquierdo S.A., EISAJosé Antonio Martínez, Gerente General <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> Comercio; John McCoach,TSX Venture Exchange <strong>de</strong> Canadá, y Gonzalo Ugarte Encinas, Gerente <strong>de</strong>Planificación y Desarrollo <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio.<strong>2012</strong> •En Octubre la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> realizó el lanzamiento<strong>de</strong> la “<strong>Bolsa</strong> Derivados”, el nuevomercado <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>rivados financieroscreado por este centro bursátilcon el fin <strong>de</strong> ampliar la oferta <strong>de</strong><strong>2012</strong> •instrumentos financierospara los inversionistas y enel marco <strong>de</strong> su compromisopor <strong>de</strong>sa-rrollar un mercadoabierto y regulado. Estainiciativa busca ofrecera todo el mercado <strong>de</strong>capitales, y en particulara los inversionistasinstitucionales e intermediarios(nacionales yextranjeros), la posibilidad<strong>de</strong> operar en Chileinstrumentos <strong>de</strong> inversióny cobertura en un mercadoabierto y regulado,comenzando en una primeraetapa con la incorporación<strong>de</strong>l Mercado <strong>de</strong> Futuros sobre índicesaccionarios, para luego continuaruna segunda etapa con FuturosMoneda, Futuros <strong>de</strong> instrumentos<strong>de</strong> renta fija y Opciones sobreacciones. On October, The <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange launched “<strong>Bolsa</strong>Derivados”, the new <strong>de</strong>rivativesmarket created by our Exchangein or<strong>de</strong>r to increase investmentalternatives for investors, all withinour commitment to <strong>de</strong>velop an openand regulated market.. The first phasewill inclu<strong>de</strong> Stock In<strong>de</strong>x Futures, andwill continue with Currency Futures,Fixed Income Futures and StockOptions.El 12 <strong>de</strong> diciembre la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> inició elperíodo <strong>de</strong> marcha <strong>de</strong> la “<strong>Bolsa</strong>

Derivados”, el cual tiene por objetoque los participantes puedan simularla negociación <strong>de</strong> instrumentos<strong>de</strong>rivados y así se familiaricen contodos los <strong>de</strong>talles y flujos <strong>de</strong> estenuevo mercado, <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> la operativa<strong>de</strong> negociación, pasando por lainformación, asignación y posiciones<strong>de</strong> estos instrumentos. On December12, the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangebegan the probation period of “<strong>Bolsa</strong>Derivados”. This phase was <strong>de</strong>signedso that tra<strong>de</strong>rs could simulate thenegotiation of <strong>de</strong>rivatives and getfamiliarized with all the <strong>de</strong>tails andflows of this new market.2013 •El día 26 <strong>de</strong> marzo se materializó laapertura al mercado <strong>de</strong> la sociedad“Empresa Constructora Moller yPérez-Cotapos S.A.”, mediante lacolocación <strong>de</strong> 105.289.608 accionesen $ 42.115,8 millones (US$ 89,1Colocación <strong>de</strong> Empresa Constructora Moller y Pérez-Cotapos S.A.2013 •En marzo la sociedad “Corredores<strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> SURA S.A.” postula comocorredor <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong>. On March, “Corredores <strong>de</strong><strong>Bolsa</strong> SURA S.A.” applies as brokerof the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange.Ceremonia <strong>de</strong> inscripción en el Mercado <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> Extranjeros <strong>de</strong> importantes y prestigiosascompañías <strong>de</strong> los Estados Unidos <strong>de</strong> América.millones) a través <strong>de</strong>l Sistema <strong>de</strong>Subasta <strong>de</strong> un Libro <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nes. OnMarch 26, “Empresa ConstructoraMoller y Pérez-Cotapos S.A.” IPOwas held, placing 105.289.608shares for an amount of US$89,1million through the Or<strong>de</strong>r’s BookAuction Trading System.2013 •El 28 <strong>de</strong> marzo se realizó en la<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> elexitoso remate <strong>de</strong> 157.043.316acciones <strong>de</strong> Enersis S.A. en $ 28.629millones (US$ 60,6 millones),correspondientes al remanente <strong>de</strong>la emisión por 16.441.606.297acciones representativas <strong>de</strong>laumento <strong>de</strong> capital por US$ 5.963millones. On March 28, Enersisauctioned 157.043.316 shares, foran amount of US$60,6 million. Thiscorresponds to 16.441.606.297shares, the surplus of the new issuesof US$5,963 million.43

Productos y Servicios <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange: Products and Services44SISTEMA DE INFORMACION BURSATILLa <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> dispone <strong>de</strong>l más completosistema <strong>de</strong> información bursátil <strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>de</strong>l mercado financieronacional. Con una gama <strong>de</strong> productos y servicios <strong>de</strong> información,con cobertura nacional e internacional, cubre las necesida<strong>de</strong>sfundamentales <strong>de</strong> los distintos agentes que participanen el Mercado <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> chileno.La <strong>de</strong>scripción y características <strong>de</strong> cada uno <strong>de</strong> ellos se presentana continuación:1. PLATAFORMA COMPUTACIONAL DE INFORMACIONY NEGOCIACION SEBRALa plataforma SEBRA (Servicios Bursátiles y Red <strong>de</strong> Aplicaciones)implementada por la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> durante el año 2002, correspon<strong>de</strong> a una mo<strong>de</strong>rnainterfaz estilo Windows, sobre la cual corren lossistemas <strong>de</strong> negociación y <strong>de</strong> información que integran lared <strong>de</strong> terminales.SEBRA incorpora el concepto <strong>de</strong> área <strong>de</strong> trabajo, a través<strong>de</strong> la creación <strong>de</strong> múltiples hojas o páginas similar aMS Excel. Proporciona al usuario una amplia variedad <strong>de</strong>opciones, entre las que <strong>de</strong>stacan la personalización <strong>de</strong>lformato y contenidos <strong>de</strong> las consultas, la actualizacióndinámica <strong>de</strong> la información referente al mercado bursátily financiero, integración <strong>de</strong> datos con planillas <strong>de</strong> cálculoa través <strong>de</strong> vínculos dinámicos y acceso rápido aconsultas pre<strong>de</strong>terminadas.La red cuenta actualmente con terminales locales, distribuidosen oficinas <strong>de</strong> Corredores y <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncias <strong>de</strong>la <strong>Bolsa</strong>, y terminales remotos ubicados preferentementeen Instituciones Financieras, Administradoras <strong>de</strong> Fondos<strong>de</strong> Pensiones, Compañías <strong>de</strong> Seguros, Fondos Mutuos,Fondos <strong>de</strong> Inversión y Socieda<strong>de</strong>s Anónimas en general,constituyendo una <strong>de</strong> las re<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> servicios financierosmás gran<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>l país.De acuerdo a las necesida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> cada usuario, existencuatro alternativas <strong>de</strong> terminales.1.1. Terminal <strong>de</strong> ConsultaEste terminal permite al usuariorecibir en tiempo real todala información <strong>de</strong>l mercadobursátil nacional sobre transacciones,precios, montos,número <strong>de</strong> negocios, índices,hechos esenciales, estadosfinancieros, divi<strong>de</strong>ndos, emisionesy otros antece<strong>de</strong>ntesenviados por los emisores quecotizan sus valores en los distintosmercados <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> (Acciones,Renta Fija, IntermediaciónFinanciera, Cuotas <strong>de</strong> Fondos <strong>de</strong> Inversión, Monetarios,Futuros y Opciones).A<strong>de</strong>más, proporciona información sobre índices <strong>de</strong> bolsasinternacionales y precios <strong>de</strong> ADR <strong>de</strong> empresas chilenasque se negocian en mercados extranjeros.STOCK EXCHANGE INFORMATION SYSTEMThe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange has the most complete stockexchange system in the Chilean financial market. With a rangeof products and information services, and with national andinternational coverage, it covers the fundamental needs of thevarious agents participating in the Chilean Stock Market.A <strong>de</strong>scription and the characteristics of each one of theseproducts and systems is given below:1. SEBRA COMPUTERIZED INFORMATION ANDNEGOTIATION PLATFORMThe Stock Exchange Services and Network ofApplications, (SEBRA, from its initials in Spanish)implemented by the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange in 2002is a mo<strong>de</strong>rn Windows-based interface running thenegotiation and information systems that make up thenetwork of computer terminals.SEBRA incorporates the concept of work area through thecreation of multiple pages or sheets similar to MS Excel.It provi<strong>de</strong>s users with a wi<strong>de</strong> range of options amongwhich are the customized inquiry format and contents, thedynamic updating of information referring to the financialand stock market, data integration with spreadsheets viadynamic links and quick access to pre<strong>de</strong>fined queries.The network currently inclu<strong>de</strong>s local terminals distributedin brokerage firms and Stock Exchange offices as wellas remote terminals located preferably in Financialinstitutions, Pension Fund Administrators, InsuranceCompanies, Mutual Funds, Investment Funds and StockCompanies in general, comprising one of the largestfinancial services networks in the country.There are four alternative types of terminals according toclient needs.1.1. Information PlatformThis terminal allows the user to receive real timeinformation from the national stockmarket with respect to transactions,prices, tra<strong>de</strong>d amounts and numberof transactions, in<strong>de</strong>xes, essentialevents, financial statements,divi<strong>de</strong>nds, issues, and other factssent by the issuers of the differentmarkets of the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange (Equity, Fixed Income,Money Market, Investment FundQuotas, Currency Market, Futuresand Options).SEBRA allows access toinformation on international stock Exchange in<strong>de</strong>xes andChilean ADRs negotiated in foreign markets.It also has a complete database with historical stockexchange information and financial data on listedcompanies, which allows fast cross-sectional and

Productos y Servicios <strong>de</strong> la BCSSSE: Products and Services46Comercio. A<strong>de</strong>más contiene las tablas <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> estosinstrumentos, permitiendo, a su vez, la valorización <strong>de</strong> ellos.2. SISTEMAS DE NEGOCIACIONSi bien la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> cuenta consistemas electrónicos <strong>de</strong> negociación <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> 1987, añoen que pone en funcionamiento el sistema transaccional<strong>de</strong> acciones Telepregón, durante el año 2002 inició el<strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> un importante cambio en la plataformatecnológica a sus sistemas transaccionales, incorporando,a través <strong>de</strong> SEBRA, nuevas funcionalida<strong>de</strong>s y opcionesque faciliten aún más laoperación <strong>de</strong> los sistemas.La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> ha continuado<strong>de</strong>sarrollando nuevos sistemas<strong>de</strong> negociación paratodos los mercados en queopera, cuyas característicasbásicas son las siguientes:2.1. Telepregón HTEs un sistema electrónico<strong>de</strong> difusión <strong>de</strong> ofertas <strong>de</strong>compra y venta, que permitela transacción <strong>de</strong> instrumentosbajo la modalidad<strong>de</strong> “Calce Automático”.Acciones, instrumentos monetarios, cuotas <strong>de</strong> fondos <strong>de</strong>inversión e instrumentos <strong>de</strong>rivados (opciones y futuros)figuran <strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>de</strong> los valores negociables en este sistema.2.2. TelerentaEs un sistema electrónico <strong>de</strong> difusión <strong>de</strong> ofertas <strong>de</strong> compray venta, que permite la transacción <strong>de</strong> Títulos <strong>de</strong> Deudabajo la modalidad <strong>de</strong> “Calce Automático”. Bonos <strong>de</strong>lBanco Central, Bonos Cero Cupón y Letras Hipotecariasemitidas por Instituciones Financieras, figuran <strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>de</strong>los valores negociables en este sistema.2.3. Remate Electrónico <strong>de</strong> IRF/IIFEl remate electrónico <strong>de</strong> instrumentos <strong>de</strong> renta fija eintermediación financiera es un sistema diseñado paraacumular ofertas <strong>de</strong> venta en horarios <strong>de</strong>terminados, <strong>de</strong>modo que los compradores ingresen posturas <strong>de</strong> comprasobre ellas.Finalizado cada horario, el sistema asigna la transacciónal mejor postor comprador, en concordancia con la modalidad<strong>de</strong> “Remate Concurrente”.2.4. Remate Electrónico <strong>de</strong> AccionesConsiste en el ingreso, difusión y transacción electrónica<strong>de</strong> instrumentos <strong>de</strong> renta variable bajo la modalidad <strong>de</strong>“Remate Concurrente”. El sistema contiene una serie <strong>de</strong>2. NEGOTIATION SYSTEMSAlthough the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange has had electronicnegotiation systems since 1987, when it installed theTelepregón stock transaction system, in 2002 it beganto <strong>de</strong>velop a major change in the technological platformof its trading systems, incorporating through SEBRA newfunctions and options that make the systems even easierto operate.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange has continued to <strong>de</strong>velopnew negotiation systemsfor all markets in whichit operates.The following are thebasic characteristics ofthese systems:2.1. Telepregón HTThis is an electronicsystem for thetransmission of bidand ask offers thatallows to buy and sellinstruments using the“Automatic Matching”mo<strong>de</strong>. Shares, currency,investment fund quotas and <strong>de</strong>rivative papers (optionsand futures) are inclu<strong>de</strong>d among the securities that maybe negotiated through this system.2.2. TelerentaThis is an electronic system for the transmission of bid andask offers that allows buying and selling <strong>de</strong>bt papers usingthe “Automatic Matching” mo<strong>de</strong>. Central Bank Bonds,Zero Coupon Bonds and Mortgage papers issued byFinancial Institutions are inclu<strong>de</strong>d among the securitiesnegotiable through this system.2.3. Electronic Auction of Fixed Income Instruments andMoney Market InstrumentsThe Electronic Auction of Fixed Income and MoneyMarket papers is <strong>de</strong>signed to accumulate ask offers duringcertain periods of the day so that buyers can submit theirbid offers.After each allocated time period has lapsed, the systemassigns the papers to the highest bid<strong>de</strong>r in “ConcurringAuction” mo<strong>de</strong>.2.4. Electronic Auction of SharesThis is the electronic input, diffusion and transaction ofequity un<strong>de</strong>r the “Concurring Auction” mo<strong>de</strong>. The systemhandles parameters that validate the input of ask offersand allows the system to assign them to a certain auction

Productos y Servicios <strong>de</strong> la BCSSSE: Products and Servicesparámetros que validan el ingreso <strong>de</strong> ofertas <strong>de</strong> venta, <strong>de</strong>modo que según se trate <strong>de</strong> ofertas voluntarias o forzadas,el sistema los asigne a horarios <strong>de</strong>terminados <strong>de</strong> remate.2.5. Remate SerializadoEste sistema permite la negociación electrónica <strong>de</strong> operacionesa plazo en acciones o “repos sobre acciones”. Estamodalidad <strong>de</strong> remate consiste en el ingreso <strong>de</strong> ofertas <strong>de</strong>venta <strong>de</strong> instrumentos a las que se asigna un período individual<strong>de</strong> postura <strong>de</strong> 2 minutos, al término <strong>de</strong>l cual laoferta es adjudicada al mejor precio.2.6. Remate HolandésEste sistema permite la negociación electrónica <strong>de</strong> Instrumentos<strong>de</strong> Renta Fija a través <strong>de</strong>l ingreso <strong>de</strong> ofertas queposteriormente son rematadas y adjudicadas bajo la modalidad<strong>de</strong> “tasa única” para todas las mejores posturasrecibidas. El sistema está habilitado para recibir ofertas<strong>de</strong> instrumentos <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>uda tanto para el mercado primariocomo secundario.2.7. Sistema <strong>de</strong> Ofertas a Firme en BloqueEl Sistema <strong>de</strong> Ofertas a Firme en Bloque es un sistema <strong>de</strong>transacción <strong>de</strong> acciones don<strong>de</strong> se ingresan ofertas a firme,cada una con un período <strong>de</strong> vigencia <strong>de</strong>finido por elpropio oferente, durante el cual se mantiene un libro conlas ór<strong>de</strong>nes <strong>de</strong> aceptación <strong>de</strong> cada oferta a firme. El calce<strong>de</strong> las ór<strong>de</strong>nes <strong>de</strong>l libro correspondiente se produce, siproce<strong>de</strong>, al término<strong>de</strong> la vigencia<strong>de</strong> la oferta a firmeque estén aceptando.En este sistema senegocian las OPASpor hasta un 5%<strong>de</strong> las accionesemitidas por unasociedad, que serealicen en conformidada lo establecidoen los artículos198 y 200 <strong>de</strong> laLey N° Subasta <strong>de</strong> un Libro<strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nesEste sistema <strong>de</strong> negociación permite efectuar tanto la colocación<strong>de</strong> acciones <strong>de</strong> primera emisión como la venta<strong>de</strong> paquetes accionarios <strong>de</strong> gran tamaño. Para ello, cuentacon un procedimiento automático <strong>de</strong> recopilación <strong>de</strong>ór<strong>de</strong>nes <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> los terminales <strong>de</strong> corredores, las que sonregistradas en un libro que las segmenta según las características<strong>de</strong>finidas previamente por el agente colocador.Finalmente, al cierre <strong>de</strong>l libro se ejecuta la asignación<strong>de</strong> acciones a cada una <strong>de</strong> las ór<strong>de</strong>nes que cumplió conlos requisitos <strong>de</strong> la oferta, utilizando para ello factorestime, <strong>de</strong>pending on wether they are voluntary or forcedoffers.2.5. Serialized AuctionThis system allows for the electronic negotiation of fixedterm stock operations or “repurchase on shares.” Thisauction modality consists of the filing of ask offers whichhave a 2-minute lifespan, after which the offer is awar<strong>de</strong>dto the highest bid<strong>de</strong>r.2.6. Dutch AuctionThis system is oriented towards the electronic negotiationof Fixed Income papers via the filing of offers that arethen auctioned off and awar<strong>de</strong>d un<strong>de</strong>r the “single rate”mo<strong>de</strong> to all highest bids received. The system receivesoffers for <strong>de</strong>bt papers both from the primary and thesecondary market.2.7. Block offering systemThe System for Firm Offers in Blocks is a stock transactionsystem whereby firm offers are filed, each one witha lifespan <strong>de</strong>fined by the offerer himself. During thisperiod, a book is kept with acceptances of all firm offers.The corresponding assignment of the or<strong>de</strong>rs in the bookoccurs, if applicable, when the <strong>de</strong>fined lifespan lapses.The takeover bids(OPA from theinitials in Spanish)which are carriedout pursuantto articles 198and 200 of LawN° 18,045 arenegotiated un<strong>de</strong>rthis system forup to 5% of thestock issued by acompany.2.8. Or<strong>de</strong>rs BookAuctionThis negotiationsystem allows the offering of first issued stocks as wellas the offering of big size share packages. It counts withan automatic procedure to receive or<strong>de</strong>rs from eachbroker station, this or<strong>de</strong>rs are registered in a book thatsegments them by the conditions previously <strong>de</strong>fined bythe agent who offers the stocks. Finally, at the closingof the book it distributes the stocks for every or<strong>de</strong>rthat accomplished the requisites of the offer by usingthe proportion factors the resulted from the relationbetween the supply and <strong>de</strong>mand.47

Productos y Servicios <strong>de</strong> la BCSSSE: Products and Services48<strong>de</strong> prorrata resultantes <strong>de</strong> la relación entre la oferta y la<strong>de</strong>manda.3. SISTEMA DE REGISTRO OTCSistema electrónico que permite, a través <strong>de</strong> las aplicacionesOTC Tra<strong>de</strong> Dólar, OTCFunding y OTC Tasas, la difusióny registro <strong>de</strong> operaciones efectuadaspor los Bancos Comerciales enlos mercados Over The Counter <strong>de</strong>lDólar Spot, Cámaras en MonedaNacional e Instrumentos <strong>de</strong> RentaFija <strong>de</strong>l Banco Central, respectivamente.4. SEBRA CAPITAL4.1. SEBRA Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Compren<strong>de</strong> diversos módulos orientadosal <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> la gestión operativa,financiera y comercial <strong>de</strong> laCorredora, permitiendo integrar lasfunciones <strong>de</strong> los distintos mercadosque operan en <strong>Bolsa</strong>, abarcando<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> la asignación y facturaciónautomática <strong>de</strong> operaciones hasta lageneración <strong>de</strong> reportes tributarios yadministrativos. Adicionalmente, elsistema cuenta con el módulo <strong>de</strong>Internet, que habilita a los clientes <strong>de</strong> la Corredora <strong>de</strong><strong>Bolsa</strong> a ingresar ór<strong>de</strong>nes <strong>de</strong> compra y venta <strong>de</strong> acciones,consulta <strong>de</strong> saldo <strong>de</strong> su custodia y cartola <strong>de</strong> movimientos,entre otras opciones, constituyendo para la Corredoraun canal complementario <strong>de</strong> distribución para aten<strong>de</strong>r yrelacionarse con sus clientes.4.2. SEBRA Fondos MutuosSistema <strong>de</strong> Back Office para administradoras <strong>de</strong> Fondos<strong>de</strong> Inversión. Integra las operaciones <strong>de</strong> los distintos mercadoscon los procesos administrativos <strong>de</strong> la compañía.Facilita el manejo <strong>de</strong> múltiples fondos <strong>de</strong> inversión, endiversas monedas, y con instrumentos nacionales e internacionales,consi<strong>de</strong>rando a<strong>de</strong>más los limites formativosy <strong>de</strong> inversión que se establezcan. Incluye herramientas<strong>de</strong> valorización, acceso a tasas y precios <strong>de</strong> mercado yvariación <strong>de</strong> capital, entre otros.4.3. SEBRA Mesas <strong>de</strong> DineroIntegra los procesos <strong>de</strong> Front Office <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> su origen en losRemates Electrónicos <strong>de</strong> Renta Fija y <strong>de</strong>más transaccioneselectrónicas tales como OTC Tra<strong>de</strong> Dólar, OTC Tasas yOTC Funding, más los negocios directos entre institucionesmediante cierres telefónicos u otra vía <strong>de</strong> negociación,con los procesos <strong>de</strong> Back Office. A<strong>de</strong>más incorporaherramientas <strong>de</strong> valorización <strong>de</strong> bonos y simuladores3. OTC REGISTRATION SYSTEMThis is an electronic system that, through the OTC Tra<strong>de</strong>Dollar, OTC Funding and OTC Rates applications, allowsthe transmission and registration of the operation carriedouy by commercial banks in the Over The CounterMarkets of Spot Dollar, NationalCurrency Exchange, and CentralBank Fixed Income papers.4. SEBRA CAPITAL4.1. SEBRA StockbrokersIt inclu<strong>de</strong>s several modulesoriented toward the <strong>de</strong>velopmentof the operational, financialand commercial managementof Brokerage Firms, integratingthe functions of all marketsoperating at the Stock Exchange,including from the allocation andautomatic invoicing of operationsto the generation of tributary andadministrative reports. Additionally,the system has an Internet Modulethat enables the broker´s clients toenter purchase and sale or<strong>de</strong>rs forstocks, make inquiries about theirbalance in the broker´s custody anddownload transaction statement,among other options, thus becoming a complementarychannel for the Brokerage Firm to provi<strong>de</strong> service andcommunicate with its clients.4.2. SEBRA Mutual FundsA management system <strong>de</strong>veloped for Mutual Funds.It Inclu<strong>de</strong>s several modules oriented toward the<strong>de</strong>velopment of operational, financial and commercialmanagement of Mutual Funds Firm, integrating thefunctions of all markets operating at the Stock Exchange.4.3. SEBRA for Trading RoomIt Inclu<strong>de</strong>s the process of Front Office from its origin inElectronic Auction of Fixed Income Instruments, MoneyMarket Instruments and other electronic transactionssuch as OTC Tra<strong>de</strong> Dollar, OTC Rates applications andOTC Funding. It also provi<strong>de</strong>s direct business amonginstitutions through telephone or other means ofnegotiation, with Back Office processes.In addition, it inclu<strong>de</strong>s tools from Bond´s valuation andsimulators according to local and international standardsand the Automation of operational controls.

Productos y Servicios <strong>de</strong> la BCSSSE: Products and Services<strong>de</strong> acuerdo a estándares locales e internacionales y laautomatización <strong>de</strong> los controles operacionales.4.4. Valorización On DemandEl servicio <strong>de</strong> Valorización On Demand está orientado ainversionistas que mantienen o administran carteras <strong>de</strong>instrumentos <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>uda. Permite efectuar el proceso <strong>de</strong>cálculo y valorización <strong>de</strong> instrumento <strong>de</strong> Renta Fija (RF)e Intermediación Financiera (IF) en modalidad “on <strong>de</strong>mand”al momento que el usuario lo requiera, utilizandotecnología Web Service. Debido a que el sistema es autónomoy se encuentra radicado completamente en losservicios <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> (incluyendo Base <strong>de</strong> Datos <strong>de</strong> Transaccionesy Parámetros Financieros actualizados), permitea los clientes contar con mayores eficiencias en susprocesos <strong>de</strong> valorización <strong>de</strong> instrumentos, dando comoresultado un servicio completo, con menores costos <strong>de</strong>implementación y mantención.5. SERVICIO BOLSATICKERS<strong>Bolsa</strong>tickers es un servicio orientado principalmentea empresas distribuidoras <strong>de</strong> información(Vendors), a las que se proporcionainformación <strong>de</strong> los mercados accionarioy <strong>de</strong> renta fija, a través <strong>de</strong> un ticker en tiemporeal, con el objeto que sea distribuida asus clientes.De esta forma, los usuarios <strong>de</strong> las distintasre<strong>de</strong>s mundiales <strong>de</strong> información pue<strong>de</strong>n recibiren sus computadores antece<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong>la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>.6. SERVICIO METASTOCKLa <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> mantiene una completaBase <strong>de</strong> Datos con toda la información necesariapara <strong>de</strong>sarrollar análisis técnico bursátil. Los archivosson generados en formato MetaStockcon los valores diarios <strong>de</strong> lastransacciones.Así, <strong>de</strong> una sola vez se obtiene labase histórica, la que posteriormentees actualizada cada día através <strong>de</strong> casillas en Internet, <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong>don<strong>de</strong> se <strong>de</strong>scargan los archivos.De esta forma, los usuarios <strong>de</strong> MetaStockpue<strong>de</strong>n contar con informaciónactualizada y oportuna pararealizar sus análisis y proyecciones.7. INTERNET E INTRANET7.1. www.bolsa<strong>de</strong>santiago.comDes<strong>de</strong> 1995, la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> cuentacon sitio web en Internet, con la finalidad <strong>de</strong> conectarse4.4. SEBRA Valuation on DemandThe service of Valuation on Demand is oriented toinvestor who maintain or manage portfolio of <strong>de</strong>btinstruments. It allows to carry out the process ofcalculation and valuation of Fixed Income Instrumentand Money Market Instruments in an “on <strong>de</strong>mand”modality, anytime that the user requires it, usingWeb Services technology. This system is autonomousand it is completely installed in the server of the<strong>Santiago</strong> stock Exchange (including Data Bases ofupdated transactions and financial parameters). Itallows Clients to count on greater efficiencies in theprocesses of instruments.5. BOLSATICKERS SERVICE<strong>Bolsa</strong>tickers is a service oriented mainlyto data distribution companies (Vendors)to whom it supplies information about theequity and fixed income markets througha real-time data feed. This information canthen be when distributed, in turn, to theirclients.Thus, users of the main worldwi<strong>de</strong>information networks can accessinformation from the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange on their computers.6. METASTOCK SERVICEThe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange maintains acomplete database with all the informationnee<strong>de</strong>d for technical equity market analysis. Thefiles are created in MetaStock format with the dailytransaction values. Thus, the historical database isobtained at once and updated daily through Internetaddresses from where the files can be downloa<strong>de</strong>d,giving MetaStock users up to dateand timely information for theiranalyses and projections.7. INTERNET AND INTRANET7.1. www.bolsa<strong>de</strong>santiago.comSince 1995, the <strong>Santiago</strong> StockExchange has an Internet websitewith the purpose of linking upto the world through this vastinformation channel.The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange’s website has beenconsolidated as the main source of market informationand other related contents, becoming a valuable49

Productos y Servicios <strong>de</strong> la BCSSSE: Products and Services50al mundo a través <strong>de</strong> este masivo canal <strong>de</strong> información.El sitio web <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> se haconsolidado como la fuente <strong>de</strong> información por excelenciaen lo que a contenidos bursátiles se refiere, constituyéndoseen un importante apoyo para estudiantes e inversionistasque requieren <strong>de</strong> información <strong>de</strong> primera fuente.Con más <strong>de</strong> 2 millones <strong>de</strong> visitas mensuales, el sitio brindalos siguientes servicios:• Información en tiempo real <strong>de</strong> los principales movimientosque se realizan en el mercado• Desempeño <strong>de</strong> índices bursátiles locales• Noticias y hechos relevantes <strong>de</strong>l mercado• Información financiera <strong>de</strong> las empresas listadas• Gráfico <strong>de</strong> análisis técnico MetaStock On line• Portafolio <strong>de</strong> inversiones• Concurso <strong>de</strong> Inversiones en línea• E-mail gratuitoA su vez, el sitio permite que los clientes <strong>de</strong> las Corredoras<strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> ingresen ór<strong>de</strong>nes <strong>de</strong> compra y venta <strong>de</strong>acciones, consulten por su estado <strong>de</strong> ejecución, saldos <strong>de</strong>custodia y cartolas, entre otras.7.2. Ruteo <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nesEl sistema automatizado <strong>de</strong> Ruteo <strong>de</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>nespermite que los clientes <strong>de</strong> los corredores<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>puedan canalizar en tiempo real ór<strong>de</strong>nes <strong>de</strong>compra y venta <strong>de</strong> acciones directamentea los sistemas <strong>de</strong> negociación <strong>de</strong>l mercadoaccionario <strong>de</strong> esta bolsa y a más <strong>de</strong> 40 mercadosinternacionales. El proceso se efectúamediante autorizaciones y filtros <strong>de</strong>finidospor los propios corredores que validan losdatos <strong>de</strong> los clientes, quienes reciben entiempo real la información sobre el estado<strong>de</strong> las ór<strong>de</strong>nes, los movimientos y el estado<strong>de</strong> la custodia, entre otros.7.3. Sebra StockView (Información en tiemporeal)StockView es un servicio mediante el cualse pue<strong>de</strong> acce<strong>de</strong>r a la información <strong>de</strong> los distintos mercadosen tiempo real. Este servicio permite, entre otrasalternativas, consultar por los antece<strong>de</strong>ntes relevantes<strong>de</strong> una compañía, <strong>de</strong>talle <strong>de</strong> transacciones, <strong>de</strong>sarrollográfico <strong>de</strong> los indicadores IPSA e IGPA y sus respectivosmontos transados, información sobre ADR’s, indicadoresfinancieros, a<strong>de</strong>más <strong>de</strong> crear y valorizar carteras <strong>de</strong> inversiones.7.4. Internet TickersEl servicio Internet Tickers permite a empresas distribuidoras<strong>de</strong> información mostrar en sus portales en Internetlos índices y precios <strong>de</strong> las acciones que se transan enla <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, con un <strong>de</strong>sfase <strong>de</strong> 20resource for stu<strong>de</strong>nts and investors who require first handinformation.With over 2 million page hits a month, the websiteprovi<strong>de</strong>s the following services:• Real-time information about market operations.• Per formance of local stock Exchange in<strong>de</strong>xes.• Relevant market news and events.• Financial information about listed companies.• MetaStock on-line technical analysis tool.• Investment portfolio.• On-line investment contest.• Free e-mail.At the same time, the website allows clients of thedifferent Stockbrokers to input stock purchase andsell or<strong>de</strong>rs, enquire about their status, balance in thebroker‘s custody and account statements, among otherfunctions.7.2. Or<strong>de</strong>r RoutingThe automated Or<strong>de</strong>r Routing system shows clients of the<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange to channel stockpurchase and sell or<strong>de</strong>rs in real-timedirectly to the Exchange’s trading systemand also to over 40 international markets.The process is carried out by means ofauthorizations and filters <strong>de</strong>fined by thestockbrokers themselves, which validatethe client’s data and receive real-timeinformation about the status of the or<strong>de</strong>rs,the transactions and state of custody,among other information.7.3. SEBRA StockView (Real-TimeInformation)StockView is a service through whichusers access realtime information aboutthe different markets. Among otheralternatives, this allows inquiries to be ma<strong>de</strong> aboutthe relevant facts of a company, <strong>de</strong>tails of operations,graphic <strong>de</strong>velopment of the IPSA and IGPA indicatorsand their tra<strong>de</strong>d amounts, ADR information, financialindicators, as well as creating and valuating investmentportfolios.7.4. Internet TickersThe Internet Ticker service allows data distributioncompanies to show the in<strong>de</strong>xes and equity prices ofthe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange on their websites, with a20-minute <strong>de</strong>lay. This service consists of a data feed where

Productos y Servicios <strong>de</strong> la BCSSSE: Products and Servicesminutos. Este servicio consiste en un flujo permanente <strong>de</strong>tickers, generados a partir <strong>de</strong> las operaciones que se realizanen <strong>Bolsa</strong> y que son enviados hacia el servidor <strong>de</strong>lPortal.7.5. CIBe (Centro <strong>de</strong> Información Bursátil Electrónico)El servicio forma parte <strong>de</strong> la Intranet <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> y permite a los usuarios encontrar todala información <strong>de</strong>l acontecer bursátil en un solo lugar yen forma oportuna. Al ingresar alCIBe entrega información <strong>de</strong> noticiasy hechos esenciales, comunicados<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> y <strong>de</strong> las empresasemisoras, manuales <strong>de</strong> operación<strong>de</strong> los distintos sistemas, aspectoslegales y tributarios.7.6. Informativo Bursátil en InternetEste servicio permite acce<strong>de</strong>rdiariamente a través <strong>de</strong> Casillasen Internet, a un archivo quecontiene toda la información relevante generada porel mercado durante el día: Resumen <strong>de</strong> Transacciones<strong>de</strong> Acciones, Resumen <strong>de</strong> Mercado, Indices <strong>de</strong> Precios,Capitalización Bursátil, Precios <strong>de</strong> Cierre, Noticias, HechosEsenciales, Variación <strong>de</strong> Capital y Parámetro Financiero.El servicio incluye acceso a: Informativo Diario,Informativo Mensual, Informativo Trimestral y ReseñaAnual.messages are generated on the basis of the transactionscarried out at the Stock Exchange.7.5. Electronic Stock Exchange Information Center (CIBe)The service forms part of the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangeintranet and provi<strong>de</strong>s users with a one-stop source fortimely information on all events occurring at the StockExchange. Upon linking up tothe CIBe, users are able to accessinformation about news an<strong>de</strong>ssential facts, communicationsfrom the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangeand the issuing companies,operation manuals for the tradingsystems, as well as legal andtaxation matters.7.6. On-Line Stock ExchangeReportThis service provi<strong>de</strong>s remote access to a personal webfol<strong>de</strong>r from which ussers may download a file containingall the relevant information generated by the marketduring the day. Three times a day the user may access adocument containing a Summary of Stock Transactions,Market Overview, Price In<strong>de</strong>xes, Market Capitalization,Closing Prices, News, Essential Facts, Corporate Actionsand Financial Indicators.8. SISTEMA DE PUBLICACIONES PERIODICAS (impresas yelectrónicas)Con el objeto <strong>de</strong> dar a conocer la información diariaacontecida en todos los mercados, así como la consolidación<strong>de</strong> ésta en períodos mensuales, trimestrales yanuales, la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> proporcionauna serie <strong>de</strong> informativos y boletines, los cuales pue<strong>de</strong>nser suscritos tanto en la versión impresa como en formatoPDF.8.1. Boletín Bursátil DiarioProporciona, entre otros, precios <strong>de</strong> transacción y cierre,montos negociados, ofertas para remate, hechos esencialese información general enviada por los emisores, citacionesa juntas, repartos <strong>de</strong> divi<strong>de</strong>ndos, etc.8.2. Informativo MensualEntrega toda la información referente al comportamiento<strong>de</strong> los distintos mercados durante el mes (montos, rentabilidad,precios <strong>de</strong> cierre, valor libro, precio utilidad, ranking<strong>de</strong> acciones más negociadas, tasas promedio, etc.),constituyéndose, <strong>de</strong> esta forma, en una importante fuente<strong>de</strong> información estadística e histórica.8. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS (printed and electronic)In or<strong>de</strong>r to distribute daily information about eventsin all markets as well as a consolidated version of thesame over monthly, quarterly and annual periods, the<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange provi<strong>de</strong>s a series of bulletinsand reports that are open to subscribers in both printedand electronic (PDF) formats.8.1. Daily Stock Exchange BulletinProvi<strong>de</strong>s, among other data, tra<strong>de</strong> and closing prices,tra<strong>de</strong>d amounts, auction offers, essential facts andgeneral information sent by the issuers, summons tosharehol<strong>de</strong>r meetings, corporate actions, etc.8.2. Monthly ReportProvi<strong>de</strong>s all the information concerning the performanceof the different markets during the month (tra<strong>de</strong>damounts, profitability, closing prices, book value, P/U,ranking of best-selling shares, average interest rates,etc.), thus becoming an important source of statisticaland historical information.51

Productos y Servicios <strong>de</strong> la BCSSSE: Products and Services8.3. Informativo Trimestral <strong>de</strong> Análisis y Antece<strong>de</strong>ntes FinancierosEste informe contiene las principales razones financierasy el análisis <strong>de</strong> las partidas <strong>de</strong> los EstadosFinancieros trimestrales <strong>de</strong> un conjunto <strong>de</strong>socieda<strong>de</strong>s anónimas inscritas en la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>.8.4. Reseña AnualEntrega información institucional y resumeel movimiento bursátil <strong>de</strong>l año. Contienea<strong>de</strong>más un análisis económico y cuadroscon estadísticas históricas <strong>de</strong> los distintosmercados.8.5. Otras PublicacionesExiste una serie <strong>de</strong> otras publicacionesorientadas a difundir la actividad bursátile informar acerca <strong>de</strong>l funcionamiento <strong>de</strong>lmercado <strong>de</strong> valores.Dentro <strong>de</strong> estas publicaciones se pue<strong>de</strong>n mencionar folletos,cuestionarios, estudios institucionales, etc., los quepue<strong>de</strong>n ser consultados a través <strong>de</strong>l sitio <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong>Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> (www.bolsa<strong>de</strong>santiago.com).9. INFORMACION HISTORICA Y BASES DE DATOSLa Base <strong>de</strong> Datos <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio<strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> cuenta con registros <strong>de</strong> informaciónhistórica hasta 25 años.Mediante la generación <strong>de</strong> untraspaso en formato <strong>de</strong> texto,planilla <strong>de</strong> cálculo o MetaStockse pue<strong>de</strong> acce<strong>de</strong>r a un sinnúmero<strong>de</strong> bases <strong>de</strong> datos para todoslos mercados, ajustadas cadauna a las necesida<strong>de</strong>s requeridaspor el usuario.Dentro <strong>de</strong> las bases <strong>de</strong> datos más solicitadasse encuentran las siguientes:9.1. Resumen Histórico <strong>de</strong> Transacciones <strong>de</strong>Renta Variable y Renta FijaEsta base <strong>de</strong> datos se genera a requerimiento <strong>de</strong> cadausuario y compren<strong>de</strong> la creación <strong>de</strong> un archivo con lastransacciones <strong>de</strong>l mercado accionario y <strong>de</strong> renta fija paradistintos períodos históricos. El archivo pue<strong>de</strong> ser generadoen formato Texto o Planilla <strong>de</strong> Cálculo y la entrega alusuario se realiza en CD o a través <strong>de</strong> correo electrónico.8.3. Quarterly Analysis Report and Financial FiguresThis report contains the main financial indicators andanalysis of the items informed on thequarterly Financial Statements of a seriesof stock companies listed with the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange.8.4. Annual ReportProvi<strong>de</strong>s institutional information andsummarizes the year’s activities, as well asproviding an economic analisis and tableswith historical statistics about the differentmarkets.8.5. Other PublicationsThere is a series of other publications aimedat the diffusion of the stock market activitiesand providing information about theoperation of the stock market.These publications inclu<strong>de</strong> leaflets, questionnaires,institutional studies, etc., all of which can be examinedthrough the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange website(www.bolsa<strong>de</strong>santiago.com).9. HISTORICAL INFORMATIONAND DATABASESThe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock ExchangeDatabase has historicalinformation records goingback 25 years. By generating atransfer in text, spreadsheet orMetaStock format, it is possibleto access countless databases forall markets, each one customizedaccording to the user’s needs.Among the databases most frequently requested are thefollowing:9.1. Historic Summary of Equity and Fixed Income DealsThis database is created according to the requirements ofeach user and inclu<strong>de</strong>s the creation of a file with stockmarket and fixed income <strong>de</strong>aling for different historicalperiods. The file can be created in Text or in CalculationSpreadsheet format and is <strong>de</strong>livered to the user on CD orby electronic mail.5210. SISTEMA DE INFORMACION DIRECTA AL PUBLICO ATRAVES DEL “CENTRO DE INFORMACION BURSATIL”(CIB)Aparte <strong>de</strong> los sistemas <strong>de</strong>scritos anteriormente, la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio mantiene un centro <strong>de</strong> información abierto10. STOCK MARKET INFORMATION CENTRE (CIB)Asi<strong>de</strong> from the systems <strong>de</strong>scribed above, the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange maintains an information center open tothe general public, through which it provi<strong>de</strong>s all availableinformation through specialized staff.

Productos y Servicios <strong>de</strong> la BCSSSE: Products and Servicesal público, don<strong>de</strong> se provee <strong>de</strong> toda la información disponiblea cargo <strong>de</strong> personal especializado. Los usuarios<strong>de</strong> este centro <strong>de</strong> información cuentan con terminales <strong>de</strong>consulta, monitores, carpetas individuales <strong>de</strong> informaciónpor cada sociedad anónima inscrita en <strong>Bolsa</strong> y, engeneral, con todos los informativos y estudios que publicala Institución.11. SISTEMA DE COMUNICACIONES FINANCIERASLa <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> posee una mo<strong>de</strong>rnaCentral Telefónica, que permite a todas aquellas institucionesincorporadas a esta red comunicarse directamentecon las <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncias <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong>, las corredoras y todosaquellos organismos que forman parte <strong>de</strong> la Red. Entreaquellas se encuentran todas las oficinas <strong>de</strong> Corredores<strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio, las distintas áreas <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong>,Bancos, Administradoras <strong>de</strong> Fondos <strong>de</strong> Pensiones, Compañías<strong>de</strong> Seguros, Administradoras <strong>de</strong> Fondos Mutuos,Superinten<strong>de</strong>ncia <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> y Seguros, Superinten<strong>de</strong>ncia<strong>de</strong> AFP y empresas.12. AREA DE EXTENSIONCreada en el año 2006, el Area <strong>de</strong> Extensión <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> busca ser el punto <strong>de</strong> encuentroentre la <strong>Bolsa</strong> y las personas naturales que quierenintroducirse en el mundo bursátil. A través <strong>de</strong> Cursos yProgramas presenciales, on line, charlas y visitas guiadas,se capacita a técnicos y profesionales <strong>de</strong> distintos ámbitos,universitarios y estudiantes <strong>de</strong> colegios, entregandoherramientas que permiten ampliar sus conocimientostanto en el ámbito educacional como cultural.12.1 Concurso <strong>de</strong> Carteras <strong>de</strong> Inversión - CCICon el objetivo <strong>de</strong> difundir la actividad bursátil, la <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> y el diarioLa Tercera se asocian para organizarsemestralmente el Concurso <strong>de</strong> Carteras<strong>de</strong> Inversión, que permite a losmás <strong>de</strong> 15 mil inscritos participar sincosto <strong>de</strong>l más importante juego <strong>de</strong> inversionesque simula la operatoria <strong>de</strong>este mercado.En sus tres versiones, Universitaria:para alumnos <strong>de</strong> pregrado, Colegios:para alumnos <strong>de</strong> enseñanza media yla versión Abierta: para mayores <strong>de</strong>18 años, el CCI permite la compray venta <strong>de</strong> acciones en tiempo real,directamente en una aplicación webque emula la negociación electrónicay que permite a sus participantes lograruna percepción muy cercana <strong>de</strong>lmercado.Users of this information center have access to inquiryterminals, monitors, individual information files foreach stock company listed by the Stock Exchange and,in general, all reports and studies published by theinstitution.11. FINANCIAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMThe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange owns a mo<strong>de</strong>rn telephoneswitchboard that allows all institutions forming part ofthis network to communicate directly with the StockExchange’s facilities, the brokerage firms and all thoseorganisms forming part of the network. These incluyeall brokers belonging to the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangeand its different <strong>de</strong>partments, Banks, Pension FundsAdministrators, Insurance Companies, Mutual FundsAdministrators, Superinten<strong>de</strong>nce of Securities andInsurance Companies, Superinten<strong>de</strong>nce of Pension FundsAdministrators (AFP) and other companies.12. EXTENSION AREACreated in 2006, the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange ExtensionArea looks forward to be the meeting point betweenthe Stock Market and the natural people who wantsto introduce themselves in the stock-exchange world.The learning opportunity, knowledge and globalawareness gained from both a professional and culturalperspective, allow stu<strong>de</strong>nts to gain valuable insights andan unparalleled learning experience. Through classesand programs, on line, in house, and gui<strong>de</strong>d visits,we have been capacitating qualified technicians andprofessionals of different scopes, college and schoolstu<strong>de</strong>nts all over the nation.12.1 Investment Portfolio CompetitionThe <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange and La Tercera news paper,are associated in organizingsemiannually Investment PortfolioCompetition (CCI, from its initialsin Spanish), which allows morethan 15 thousand competitors toparticipate for free, in the mostimportant investment game thatsimulated the operations of thismarket.In its three versions: for college,high school stu<strong>de</strong>nts, and over 18years old people, the CCI allowsstock trading in real time, directlyin a web platform that simulatesthe electronic negotiations,making possible for the playersto have an authentic learningexperience and a real perceptionof the Chilean stock market.53

54La Economía Nacional • The Chilean Economy

56La Economía Nacional • The Chilean Economy

La Economía Nacional • The Chilean Economy57

58Mercados <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> (BCS)<strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange (SSE) Markets

Mercado Accionario • Equity Market59

60Mercado Accionario • Equity Market

Mercado Accionario • Equity Market61

62Mercado Accionario • Equity Market

Mercado Accionario • Equity Market63

64Mercado Accionario • Equity Market

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Deuda - IRF • Fixed Market Income333465

66Mercado <strong>de</strong> Deuda - IRF • Fixed Market Income

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Deuda - IRF • Fixed Market Income67

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Deuda - IRF • Fixed Market Income392.1002.0001.9001.8001.7001.6001.5001.4001.3001.2001.1001.00039B68

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Intermediacion Financiera • Money Market4169

70Mercado <strong>de</strong> Intermediacion Financiera • Money Market

Otros Mercados • Other Markets71

Otros Mercados • Other Markets464772

<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> Stock ExchangeIndiceIn<strong>de</strong>xLa <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> durante <strong>2012</strong> 74 The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange during <strong>2012</strong>Montos Transados en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> 75 Trading Value on the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock ExchangeResumen <strong>de</strong> Transacciones en Rueda y Fuera <strong>de</strong> Rueda año <strong>2012</strong> 76 Summary of Floor and Off-Floor Trading in <strong>2012</strong>Tasa <strong>de</strong> Crecimiento Promedio Real Anual <strong>de</strong>l IGPA 77 Real Annual Average Growth Rate of the Stocks Prices General In<strong>de</strong>x (IGPA)MERCADO ACCIONARIO 78 EQUITY MARKETAntece<strong>de</strong>ntes Bursátiles 78 Market OverviewDivi<strong>de</strong>ndos y Repartos <strong>de</strong> Capital en Dinero 83 Divi<strong>de</strong>nds and Capital Distributions in CashEmisiones <strong>de</strong> Pago a Valor <strong>de</strong> Suscripción 84 Shares Issues at Subscription ValueMontos Transados Diarios en Acciones 85 Daily Trading ValueIPSA - Cartera <strong>de</strong> Acciones 86 IPSA - Stocks PortfolioIPSA - <strong>Valores</strong> Diarios 87 IPSA - Daily ValueIPSA - <strong>Valores</strong> Nominales, Ultimo día <strong>de</strong> cada mes y Promedio Mensual 88 IPSA - Nominal Values, Last day of each month and Monthly AverageIPSA - <strong>Valores</strong> Reales, Ultimo día <strong>de</strong> cada mes y Promedio Mensual 89 IPSA - Real Values, Last day of each month and Monthly AverageIGPA - <strong>Valores</strong> Diarios 90 IGPA - Daily ValuesIGPA - <strong>Valores</strong> Nominales, Ultimo día <strong>de</strong> cada mes y Promedio Mensual 91 IGPA - Nominal Values, Last day of each month and Monthly AverageIGPA - <strong>Valores</strong> Reales, Ultimo día <strong>de</strong> cada mes y Promedio Mensual 92 IGPA - Real Values, Last day of each month and Monthly AverageIndices Patrimoniales 93 Market Capitalization Weighted In<strong>de</strong>xesIndices Sectoriales 94 Sector In<strong>de</strong>xesRanking <strong>de</strong> Acciones 96 Stocks RankingMERCADO DE DEUDA IRF 97 FIXED market INCOMEMontos Transados Diarios IRF 97 Daily Trading ValueTasa Interna <strong>de</strong> Retorno Media (TIRM) Real Anual por Tipo <strong>de</strong> Instrumento 98 Annual Real Average Internal Return Rate (TIRM) per type of InstrumentsTasa Interna <strong>de</strong> Retorno Media (TIRM) Real Anual por Años al Vencimiento 99 Annual Real Average Internal Return Rate (TIRM) per years to MaturityTasa Interna <strong>de</strong> Retorno Media (TIRM) Real Anual, <strong>Valores</strong> Diarios 100 Annual Real Average Internal Return Rate (TIRM), Daily ValuesMERCADO DE INTERMEDIACION FINANCIERA 101 money marketCaracterísticas <strong>de</strong> los Instrumentos <strong>de</strong> Intermediación Financiera 101 Characteristics of Money Market InstrumentsResumen <strong>de</strong> Operaciones en Intermediación Financiera, Año <strong>2012</strong> 102 Summary of Transactions, year <strong>2012</strong>Resumen <strong>de</strong> Operaciones en I.I.F., Años 1994 - <strong>2012</strong> 103 Summary of Transactions, years 1994 - <strong>2012</strong>Montos Transados Diarios I.I.F. 104 Daily Trading Value73Emisores Inscritos al 28-12-<strong>2012</strong> 105 Issuers Listed as of 12-28-<strong>2012</strong>Corredores <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> 113 Brokers of the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock ExchangeReseña <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> • Securities Review<strong>2012</strong>73

La <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> Durante <strong>2012</strong>The <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange During <strong>2012</strong>PATRIMONIO BURSATIL Y PATRIMONIO CONTABLE DE LAS SOCIEDADES INSCRITAS EN LA BOLSA DE COMERCIO DE SANTIAGO(Millones <strong>de</strong> pesos <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong>)MARKET CAPITALIZATION AND BOOK VALUE OF LISTED COMPANIES IN THE SANTIAGO STOCK EXCHANGE(Millions of pesos as of <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2012</strong>)AÑO NUMERO DE SOCIEDADES PATRIMONIO BURSATIL (1) PATRIMONIO CONTABLE (2) RELACION BOLSA/LIBROYEAR NUMBER OF COMPANIES MARKET CAPITALIZATION(1) BOOK VALUE (2) MARKET CAPITALIZATION BOOK VALUE RATIO1993 263 42.183.722 20.290.315 2,081994 279 55.055.444 23.395.235 2,351995 282 55.333.225 25.977.157 2,131996 290 48.824.761 31.808.782 1,531997 294 51.984.807 33.805.737 1,541998 287 38.587.666 36.564.211 1,061999 283 55.542.723 38.272.391 1,452000 260 50.942.449 40.501.785 1,262001 249 52.354.872 41.020.433 1,282002 245 46.875.104 43.136.620 1,092003 239 69.381.712 44.680.765 1,552004 239 85.951.329 46.905.173 1,832005 245 89.044.666 49.795.403 1,792006 244 115.442.278 53.361.273 2,162007 238 122.202.084 55.045.984 2,222008 235 90.831.956 63.248.246 1,442009 232 127.735.925 67.585.145 1,892010 227 169.528.144 70.854.829 2,392011 229 142.487.612 72.882.128 1,96<strong>2012</strong> 225 149.959.084 74.575.577 2,01(1) Correspon<strong>de</strong> a la sumatoria <strong>de</strong> los patrimonios bursátiles (producto entre el número <strong>de</strong> acciones en circulación y precio <strong>de</strong> cierre) <strong>de</strong> cada una <strong>de</strong> las socieda<strong>de</strong>sinscritas en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> y que se encontraban vigentes al último día hábil bursátil <strong>de</strong> cada año.(2) Correspon<strong>de</strong> a la sumatoria <strong>de</strong> los patrimonios <strong>de</strong> cada una <strong>de</strong> las socieda<strong>de</strong>s inscritas en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> y que se encontraban vigentes al últimodía hábil bursátil <strong>de</strong> cada año, informado en el último estado financiero disponible al 31 <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> cada año y actualizado en función <strong>de</strong>l Indice <strong>de</strong> Precios alConsumidor (IPC) y las variaciones <strong>de</strong> capital (divi<strong>de</strong>ndos, emisión <strong>de</strong> acciones, canje <strong>de</strong> acciones, etc.)1) Corresponds to total sum of the market capitalization (number of shares in circulation multiplied by the closing price) of each of the companies listed in the <strong>Santiago</strong>Stock Exchange and that was in the effect on the last working day of each year.2) Corresponds to the total sum of equities of each one of the companies listed in the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange and was in effect on the last Stock Market working dayof each year, reported in the last financial statement avalaible as of 31 December of each year and in<strong>de</strong>xed in terms of the Inflation Rate (IPC) and capital variations(divi<strong>de</strong>ns, shares issuances, exchange of shares, etc.).74Antece<strong>de</strong>ntes Financieros <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange Financial Information(Cifras en miles <strong>de</strong> pesos al 31 <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> cada año / Figures in thousands of chilean pesos as of 31 <strong>de</strong>cember of each year)Cifras <strong>de</strong>l balance bajo normas IFRS / Balance Sheet figures in accordance with IFRS <strong>2012</strong> 2011Activos corrientes totales / Total current assets 24.370.518 21.200.050Activos totales / Total assets 47.330.042 43.716.950Patrimonio total / Total Equity 30.252.089 29.073.476Ingresos <strong>de</strong> activida<strong>de</strong>s ordinarias / Revenue 18.178.929 17.143.676Ganancia antes <strong>de</strong> impuestos / Income before taxes 6.741.861 5.643.630Ganancia / Net Income 5.005.561 4.744.164Ganancia por acción / Earnings per share 103.868 98.32174

Montos Transados en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>Trading Value on the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange(Miles <strong>de</strong> pesos <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong>)(Thousands of pesos as of <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2012</strong>)PERIODO ACCIONES % I.I.F. % I.R.F. % MONETARIOS % FUTUROS % C.F.I. % OPCIONES % TOTALPERIOD EQUITY % Money mARkEt % fixed income % currency market % futures % Investment % options % TotalFundsQUOTASDECADA 30 91.496.507 80 0 0 22.538.137 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114.034.644DECADA 40 82.519.958 71 6.916.970 6 26.983.911 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116.420.839DECADA 50 71.491.348 75 0 0 10.938.142 11 13.113.179 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 95.542.670DECADA 60 23.042.698 88 0 0 1.424.336 5 1.611.504 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 26.078.538DECADA 70 53.125.985 46 38.863.951 34 17.290.006 15 5.154.994 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 114.434.936DECADA 80 391.560.000 4 46 4.469.139.530 49 13.834.920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.098.604.500DECADA 90 3.990.251.143 4 55.494.816.115 50 39.694.532.667 36 12.326.837.701 11 5.141.815 0 47.135.669 0 37.624 0 111.558.752.735DECADA 00 13.450.926.170 5 124.685.474.378 48 78.284.449.135 30 44.468.702.419 17 331.591 0 308.353.420 0 0 0 10 26.875.740.692 6 230.717.330.928 51 98.863.617.850 22 97.630.267.301 21 0 0 565.031.854 0 0 0 454.651.988.6241980 434.436.910 39 581.473.471 53 45.315.126 4 39.155.657 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.100.381.1641981 271.034.031 19 1.062.560.966 75 68.424.463 5 18.784.504 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.420.803.9631982 127.230.472 4 2.390.809.295 72 711.261.580 21 80.409.035 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.309.710.3821983 63.822.726 3 704.668.860 36 1.199.828.854 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.968.320.4391984 51.540.796 3 696.231.107 38 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.834.928.9271985 73.473.650 2 46 2.403.620.165 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.572.264.5051986 414.488.475 4 4.107.553.929 39 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.601.172.4251987 667.461.058 4 6.775.422.999 44 7.885.377.437 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.328.261.4931988 803.749.831 3 12.583.117.144 52 10.752.348.918 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.008.362.057 4 11.243.692.033 42 14.458.931.716 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26.710.985.8051990 849.385.140 4 5.873.508.646 26 15.482.936.373 69 290.682.826 1 7.643.510 0 0 0 0 0 22.504.156.4951991 1.947.623.328 7 9.483.084.268 34 12.526.997.114 45 3.754.152.990 14 23.509.806 0 5.534.138 0 0 0 27.740.901.6451992 1.904.902.501 5 15.431.016.372 37 20.983.555.947 50 3.280.748.524 8 13.922.919 0 21.609.816 0 0 0 41.635.756.0781993 2.565.957.127 5 25.774.404.539 46 23.949.432.156 43 3.613.120.614 6 6.278.336 0 23.268.506 0 0 0 55.932.461.2771994 4.497.877.158 6 37 39.756.708.338 52 4.273.406.048 6 63.576 0 61.642.721 0 343.035 0 76.877.238.1751995 8.278.747.767 7 44.927.749.406 37 60.750.055.744 50 8.248.786.635 7 0 0 240.894.107 0 33.153 0 122.446.266.8131996 6.167.651.171 4 81.041.558.287 53 57.634.366.470 37 9.084.544.772 6 0 0 56.897.000 0 0 0 153.985.017.7001997 3 98.809.082.553 55 61.847.164.868 34 14.671.527.301 8 0 0 53.509.132 0 0 0 180.568.412.7741998 1 141.886.001.257 57 27 36.253.468.753 15 0 0 7.152.170 0 48 0 247.525.866.3921999 3 103.434.558.527 55 37.857.088.403 20 39.797.938.552 21 0 0 849.103 0 0 0 186.371.449.9972000 4.864.432.476 3 104.632.533.553 57 35.165.630.629 19 38.122.490.742 21 0 0 26.634.571 0 0 0 182.811.721.9712001 3.820.183.894 2 111.657.874.303 50 56.884.799.418 26 23 0 0 50.415.132 0 0 0 222.556.384.9152002 3.351.866.838 2 104.971.899.182 49 64.558.828.096 30 41.758.917.404 19 0 0 35.208.974 0 0 0 214.676.720.4952003 6.095.355.690 3 78.126.524.161 41 69.844.389.239 37 34.965.802.117 18 0 0 100.777.009 0 0 0 189.132.848.2162004 9.676.412.267 5 69.481.547.347 34 93.677.458.546 46 31.453.407.290 15 754.601 0 149.067.446 0 0 0 204.438.647.4962005 13.350.422.468 5 105.940.211.986 43 91.647.299.318 37 34.804.303.180 14 2.307.573 0 119.926.242 0 0 0 245.864.470.7662006 19.218.311.577 7 136.535.349.048 51 74.113.392.265 28 39.183.934.969 15 253.732 0 441.217.859 0 0 0 269.492.459.4502007 29.923.596.156 9 162.571.564.241 48 87.534.839.902 26 59.870.286.816 18 0 0 1.022.778.694 0 0 0 340.923.065.8082008 6 51 96.291.336.932 27 15 0 0 708.464.321 0 0 0 351.765.300.1422009 22.918.537.141 6 192.730.106.297 49 113.126.517.003 29 61.116.547.464 16 0 0 429.043.953 0 0 0 390.320.751.8582010 29.912.292.470 7 214.402.512.094 51 96.973.052.914 23 80.700.219.525 19 0 0 614.422.854 0 0 0 422.602.499.8572011 6 230.827.390.155 49 116.315.682.424 24 99.487.750.944 21 0 0 514.963.896 0 0 0 475.418.946.968<strong>2012</strong> 22.441.770.056 5 246.922.090.533 53 83.302.118.212 18 112.702.831.434 24 0 0 565.708.811 0 0 0 465.934.519.04675PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE1980-<strong>2012</strong> 7.847.108.946 5 76.854.412.067 49 29 26.090.440.979 17 1.658.608 0 159.090.499 0 11.401 0 157.045.815.434NOTA: Los montos <strong>de</strong> las décadas se expresan en términos <strong>de</strong> promedios anuales / The amounts of each <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong> are in annual average75

Resumen <strong>de</strong> Transacciones en Rueda y Fuera <strong>de</strong> Rueda año <strong>2012</strong>Summary of Floor and Off-Floor trading on <strong>2012</strong>(Millones <strong>de</strong> pesos <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong>)(Figures expressed in millions of pesos as of <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2012</strong>)INSTRUMENTOS / MESES ENERO FEBRERO MARZO ABRIL MAYO JUNIO JULIO AGOSTO SEPTIEMBRE OCTUBRE NOVIEMBRE DICIEMBRE TOTALINSTRUMENTS / MONTHS JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTALDOLAR 9.577.258 7.689.620 7.894.217 8.644.660 11.412.151 12.890.337 10.461.643 9.067.858 7.001.188 10.215.001 9.629.309 8.215.979 112.699.221ORO Y PLATA 300 344 330 132 460 517 557 284 171 133 270 113 3.611TOTAL MONETARIOS / TOTAL CURRENCY 9.577.558 7.689.964 7.894.547 8.644.792 11.412.611 12.890.854 10.462.200 9.068.142 7.001.359 10.215.134 9.629.579 8.216.092 112.702.832BONO RECONOCIMIENTO (BR)SOCIAL SECURITY BOND 47.790 20.074 25.880 29.710 32.152 20.822 33.286 25.423 22.608 16.592 19.369 29.721 323.427PRC C / CUPONES (PRC)CENTRAL BANK BONDS ADJUSTED BY INFLATION) 116.476 28.679 26.582 27.419 41.326 83.875 63.017 18.376 15.785 29.876 27.901 12.138 491.450BONOS BANCO CENTRAL EN PESOS (BCP)CENTRAL BANK BOND IN CHILEAN PESOS 818.220 757.153 879.991 510.646 1.213.228 1.474.027 1.225.902 631.309 354.378 483.269 301.795 468.962 9.118.880BONOS BANCO CENTRAL EN UF (BCU)CENTRAL BANK BONDS INDEXED TO THEINFLATION RATE 2.060.732 1.240.695 1.775.498 1.192.239 2.063.964 1.894.713 1.194.110 2.058.523 1.253.811 1.622.795 1.259.825 1.826.836 19.443.741BONOS TESORERIA EN PESOS (BTP)TREASURY BONDS IN CHILEAN PESOS 381.935 1.161.813 925.220 303.773 626.431 814.878 454.237 361.643 277.619 246.291 265.643 268.943 6.088.426BONOS TESORERIA EN UF (BTU)TREASURY BONDS INDEXED TO THEINFLATION RATE 1.021.851 964.328 1.342.071 1.127.273 863.884 1.138.996 969.413 1.005.825 748.768 1.102.935 1.828.428 1.385.425 13.499.197BONOS MINVU LEASING (BVL)MINVU LEASING BONDS 125 232 0 3.417 790 2.088 0 0 444 296 1.049 1.753 10.194BONOS BANCO CENTRAL CUPON CERO /ZERO COUPON BONDS 82.179 74.193 41.455 13.233 19.932 20.294 16.125 17.189 22.145 27.575 22.631 25.090 382.041LETRAS HIPOTECARIAS / MORTGAGE BONDS 117.358 67.080 82.440 75.734 121.971 97.221 56.751 126.042 98.513 71.991 62.388 87.981 1.065.470BONOS LEASING / LEASING BONDS 44.141 14.434 54.017 9.831 6.424 5.131 12.312 57.728 7.294 17.399 14.493 6.662 249.866BONOS BANCARIOS / BANKING BONDS 1.450.974 1.549.886 1.373.222 1.339.075 1.395.335 1.388.867 1.141.799 1.113.451 946.722 1.104.294 1.111.923 1.005.313 14.920.861BONOS DE EMPRESAS / CORPORATE BONDS 2.126.902 1.877.191 1.920.318 1.858.067 1.485.090 1.086.624 1.210.137 1.187.154 1.014.710 1.298.743 1.328.231 1.315.394 17.708.561TOTAL RENTA FIJA / TOTAL FIXED INCOME 8.268.683 7.755.758 8.446.694 6.490.417 7.870.527 8.027.536 6.377.089 6.602.663 4.762.797 6.022.056 6.243.676 6.434.218 83.302.114ACCIONES INSCRITASTOTAL-REGISTERED STOCKS 2.265.679 1.747.337 2.013.495 1.489.922 1.877.682 2.870.297 2.044.510 1.618.181 1.322.231 1.586.106 1.497.233 2.108.696 22.441.369ACCIONES NO INSCRITASTOTAL NON-REGISTERED STOCKS 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 311 34 0 21 11 400TOTAL ACCIONES / TOTAL EQUITIES 2.265.679 1.747.337 2.013.495 1.489.945 1.877.682 2.870.297 2.044.510 1.618.492 1.322.265 1.586.106 1.497.254 2.108.707 22.441.76976PAGARES NO REAJUSTABLESNON READJUSTABLE NOTES 16.373.245 15.628.004 16.297.010 16.143.371 15.717.015 16.528.082 14.859.583 15.084.472 12.468.478 15.877.007 14.179.654 15.367.673 184.523.594PAGARES REAJUSTABLES / READJUSTABLE NOTES 4.339.909 3.495.554 4.712.030 4.374.281 5.126.751 4.980.452 4.684.994 6.136.579 5.467.345 8.107.565 6.152.425 4.820.614 62.398.499TOTAL INTERMEDIACION FINANCIERA /TOTAL MONEY MARKET 20.713.154 19.123.558 21.009.040 20.517.652 20.843.766 21.508.534 19.544.577 21.221.051 17.935.823 23.984.572 20.332.079 20.188.287 246.922.093TOTAL CFI / CFM /TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS QUOTAS 81.811 12.715 27.581 47.662 30.897 25.538 16.837 35.433 55.293 104.952 51.775 75.215 565.709TOTAL FINAL / TOTAL 40.906.885 36.329.332 39.391.357 37.190.468 42.035.483 45.322.759 38.445.213 38.545.781 31.077.537 41.912.820 37.754.363 37.022.519 465.934.51776

Tasa <strong>de</strong> Crecimiento Promedio Real Anual <strong>de</strong>l Indice General <strong>de</strong> Precios <strong>de</strong> Acciones (IGPA)Real Annual Average Growth Rate of the Stocks Prices General In<strong>de</strong>x (IGPA)(Entre los años que se indican, en porcentaje)(Between the years shown, in percentages)AÑOS/YEARS 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 111987 7,91988 13,2 18,71989 20,3 26,9 35,71990 20,4 24,9 28,1 20,91991 30,4 36,7 43,3 47,3 79,41992 24,3 27,8 30,2 28,4 32,4 -2,31993 24,8 27,8 29,7 28,2 30,8 11,6 27,61994 25,1 27,7 29,3 28,0 29,9 16,6 27,4 27,21995 21,7 23,5 24,2 22,4 22,7 11,6 16,6 11,5 -2,21996 16,7 17,7 17,6 15,2 14,3 4,4 6,2 -0,1 -11,5 -19,91997 14,2 14,9 14,5 12,0 10,8 2,3 3,2 -2,1 -10,3 -14,1 -7,81998 9,9 10,1 9,2 6,6 4,9 -2,8 -2,9 -8,0 -15,2 -19,1 -18,7 -28,41999 12,0 12,3 11,7 9,6 8,4 1,8 2,4 -1,3 -6,2 -7,1 -2,5 0,3 40,52000 10,3 10,4 9,8 7,7 6,4 0,4 0,8 -2,6 -6,8 -7,7 -4,4 -3,2 12,5 -9,92001 10,1 10,3 9,6 7,7 6,6 1,2 1,6 -1,3 -4,8 -5,2 -2,0 -0,5 11,0 -1,3 8,02002 8,8 8,8 8,1 6,3 5,1 0,1 0,4 -2,3 -5,4 -5,9 -3,3 -2,4 5,5 -4,2 -1,2 -9,62003 10,6 10,8 10,2 8,6 7,7 3,2 3,8 1,6 -0,9 -0,7 2,4 4,2 12,3 6,2 12,2 14,4 44,62004 11,1 11,2 10,8 9,3 8,5 4,4 5,0 3,1 1,0 1,4 4,4 6,3 13,5 8,7 13,9 16,0 31,3 19,32005 10,4 10,5 10,1 8,6 7,9 4,0 4,5 2,8 0,8 1,1 3,8 5,3 11,3 7,0 10,8 11,5 19,6 8,7 -0,92006 11,3 11,5 11,1 9,8 9,2 5,6 6,2 4,7 3,0 3,5 6,2 7,9 13,6 10,2 13,9 15,2 22,3 15,7 14,0 31,02007 11,1 11,2 10,8 9,6 9,0 5,6 6,2 4,8 3,2 3,7 6,2 7,7 12,7 9,6 12,7 13,5 18,8 13,1 11,1 17,6 5,52008 9,1 9,2 8,7 7,4 6,7 3,5 3,9 2,5 0,9 1,2 3,1 4,2 8,2 5,1 7,1 7,0 10,0 4,2 0,7 1,3 -11,0 -24,92009 10,6 10,7 10,3 9,2 8,6 5,6 6,1 4,9 3,6 4,0 6,1 7,4 11,4 8,8 11,1 11,5 14,9 10,6 8,9 11,5 5,7 5,8 48,92010 11,4 11,6 11,3 10,2 9,7 6,9 7,5 6,4 5,2 5,7 7,8 9,1 13,0 10,8 13,1 13,7 17,0 13,5 12,6 15,5 11,9 14,2 40,7 33,02011 10,2 10,3 9,9 8,9 8,3 5,6 6,1 5,0 3,8 4,2 6,0 7,1 10,5 8,3 10,1 10,3 12,8 9,3 8,0 9,5 5,7 5,7 18,4 2,8 -16,1<strong>2012</strong> 9,9 10,0 9,6 8,6 8,1 5,5 5,9 4,9 3,8 4,1 5,9 6,8 9,9 7,9 9,5 9,6 11,8 8,6 7,3 8,6 5,2 5,2 14,4 2,4 -7,0 3,177NOTA:NOTE:La tasa <strong>de</strong> crecimiento <strong>de</strong>l IGPA es una tasa promedio real, compuesta anualmente, entre dos períodos, consi<strong>de</strong>rando para estos efectos el valor <strong>de</strong>l índice al último día hábilbursátil <strong>de</strong> cada año.The growth rate of the IGPA is an average rate, discounting inflation, compoun<strong>de</strong>d annually between two periods, consi<strong>de</strong>ring for this purpose the in<strong>de</strong>x value on last stockmarket working day of each year.77

Mercado AccionarioEquity MarketANTECEDENTES BURSATILES / MARKET OVERVIEW7878Transacciones <strong>2012</strong>/ Precios transacciones 2011/ Precio <strong>de</strong> ValorizaciónTransactions <strong>2012</strong> Precio <strong>de</strong> Transactions price 2011 cierre al/ inversión/Acciones transadas/ Monto/ Presencia/ Acciones emitidas/ cierre al/ Mayor/ Menor/ Closing YearlyNúm./ Acción/ Number of Amount Presence Shares issued Closing price on Highest Lowest price on incomeNum. Symbol shares tra<strong>de</strong>d ($) (%) 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> 30/12/2011 ($) ($) 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> (%)1 AESGENER 1.080.886.054 310.478.105.861 100,00 8.069.699 276,72 315,01 251,50 307,45 18,982 AFPCAPITAL 963.238 205.529.769 15,79 3.123.768 122,00 222,22 120,00 200,00 72,543 AGUAS-A 1.447.768.693 446.431.888.835 100,00 5.811.008 298,00 350,00 270,00 339,73 20,874 AGUASA-SD 20.000 6.159.200 - - - 307,96 307,96 - -5 AGUAS-B 20.000 3.000.000 5,26 307.957 150,00 150,00 150,00 150,00 12,606 AGUNSA 5.111.416 730.795.923 9,35 855.097 130,00 146,00 135,00 145,00 18,287 ALMENDRAL 490.323.675 34.055.556.332 97,57 13.539.622 68,30 73,50 63,50 73,00 12,528 ALMEN-SD 500.000 33.435.000 - - - 66,87 66,87 - -9 ANASAC 1.773 2.748.150 3,45 22.000 1.551,00 1.550,00 1.550,00 1.550,00 6,6210 ANDINA-A 44.215.028 87,85 380.137 1.850,00 2.550,00 1.846,90 2.436,90 36,5111 ANDINA-B 113.028.038 318.403.863.959 100,00 380.137 2.270,00 3.155,00 2.220,00 3.011,70 36,9312 ANDROMACO 48.516.441 10.225.471.273 44,90 560.541 230,00 250,20 200,00 224,50 -1,0313 ANTARCHILE 13.488.685 104.467.212.911 99,60 456.376 7.670,00 9.300,00 7.005,00 7.400,00 -0,7514 AQUACHILE 152.211.414 54.066.422.191 99,60 1.157.000 399,97 450,00 270,00 330,00 -17,4915 AUSTRALIS 103.732.643 9.734.618.725 86,64 1.403.002 147,60 147,50 60,22 61,35 -57,4316 AXXDOS 392.276 1.246.048 1,65 40.945.048.730 - 3,20 3,20 3,20 0,0017 AXXION 15.674.608 60.052.615 27,24 40.945.049 6,24 5,16 3,09 3,20 -48,3318 AZUL AZUL 9.068.334 15.166.395.367 97,57 36.520 1.100,00 3.000,00 703,00 1.200,00 9,0919 BANMEDICA 91.938.055 85.335.181.382 88,26 804.682 856,19 1.167,00 830,00 1.165,00 41,4020 BANVIDA 59.108.569 11.431.468.540 54,66 1.430.000 219,00 228,00 175,00 192,80 -11,9621 BBVACL 39.755 88.148.008 5,15 393.422 2.500,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 2.500,00 2,8522 BCI 9.917.908 308.593.576.817 100,00 104.331 28.501,11 35.964,73 28.365,71 32.946,00 18,9723 BESALCO 201.483.613 172.522.112.023 100,00 569.376 700,88 998,00 707,99 874,82 27,0524 BESALCO-SD 10.000 9.670.000 - - - 967,00 967,00 - -25 BICECORP 220.149 1.591.194.766 10,61 85.087 7.200,00 7.400,00 7.200,00 7.400,00 6,4726 BLUMAR 91.311.911 12.645.731.663 22,22 1.238.343 200,00 260,00 130,00 135,14 -32,4327 BSANTANDER 26.435.174.655 950.268.598.160 100,00 188.446.127 37,41 41,01 31,19 33,72 -6,6028 CALICHERAA 5.445.140 4.144.729.035 55,47 1.815.080 570,00 900,00 570,00 774,99 37,3129 CALICHERAB 63.056 26.131.759 10,85 120.921 360,00 450,00 360,00 445,00 26,2630 CAMANCHACA 321.197.712 9.368.746.739 93,12 4.150.672 49,50 49,50 20,00 24,00 -51,5231 CAMPOS 134.642.168 4.959.644.567 85,43 934.796 39,85 40,79 33,35 35,50 -6,7932 CAMPOS-SD 100.000 3.544.000 - - - 35,44 35,44 - -33 CAP 38.558.439 698.800.135.585 100,00 149.448 18.985,00 21.900,00 14.500,00 16.055,00 -12,6834 CAPITALES 21.882 109.137.872 52,31 5.611 5.686,30 5.550,00 4.600,00 4.950,00 -12,9535 CAROZZI 260.099 307.698.076 12,86 194.225 1.100,00 1.300,00 899,00 1.300,00 21,2336 CARVILE 566.666 332.000 2,63 215.000.000 0,66 - - 0,65 0,0037 CASAIDEAS 21.937.299 2.817.036.075 0,96 58.333 - 31,45 31,45 31,45 0,0038 CCT 102.516 670.658.601 9,55 70.000 7.000,00 7.000,00 6.369,30 6.600,00 3,9439 CCU 46.986.193 315.518.071.334 100,00 318.503 6.799,40 7.900,00 6.015,00 7.537,80 13,9640 CCU-SD 2.300 16.263.300 - - - 7.071,00 7.071,00 - -41 CEM 5.525.184 269.961.970 25,11 300.000 47,00 55,00 43,00 45,00 -2,4542 CEMENTOS 11.057.198 7.195.389.417 72,06 264.221 750,00 768,00 575,00 768,00 2,4043 CENCO-OSA 21.500.840 4.127.484.008 - - - 230,00 150,00 - -44 CENCO-SD 11.100 33.495.360 - - - 3.017,60 3.017,60 - -45 CENCOSUD 690.328.658 1.916.458.001.468 100,00 2.264.103 3.007,30 3.256,00 2.490,00 2.595,50 -13,0446 CFR 1.705.328.760 197.303.542.348 100,00 8.416.000 122,10 125,50 100,00 121,00 0,5747 CGE 22.286.206 55.613.647.409 99,60 416.710 2.490,00 2.850,00 2.050,00 2.770,00 13,0948 CGEDISTRO 246 860.724 1,62 124.435 3.766,80 - - 3.764,15 -2,2749 CHILE 7.476.013.278 527.122.105.491 100,00 86.942.515 69,18 78,05 63,69 77,39 16,8150 CHILECTRA 1.285.598 1.539.932.446 49,80 1.150.742 1.395,00 1.395,00 1.100,00 1.270,00 -0,8251 CHILE-T 10.217.246 716.760.762 5,67 3.939.489.442 - 71,00 67,10 70,77 4,8352 CHILET-OSA 164.859.438 907.719.390 - - - 7,60 3,90 - -53 CHOLGUAN 345.392 76.973.680 15,58 369.190 190,00 299,00 175,00 254,80 38,0154 CIC 61.902.147 771.782.008 39,34 1.181.420 12,75 14,00 10,00 14,00 9,8055 CINTAC 38.983.025 8.738.116.029 50,41 439.817 250,00 299,00 200,00 203,00 -14,81

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketANTECEDENTES BURSATILES/MARKET OVERVIEWTransacciones <strong>2012</strong>/ Precios transacciones 2011/ Precio <strong>de</strong> ValorizaciónTransactions <strong>2012</strong> Precio <strong>de</strong> Transactions price 2011 cierre al/ inversión/Acciones transadas/ Monto/ Presencia/ Acciones emitidas/ cierre al/ Mayor/ Menor/ Closing YearlyNúm./ Acción/ Number of Amount Presence Shares issued Closing price on Highest Lowest price on incomeNum. Symbol shares tra<strong>de</strong>d ($) (%) 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> 30/12/2011 ($) ($) 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> (%)56 CLUBCAMPO 214 4.701.900 5,06 400 22.500,00 22.000,00 22.000,00 22.000,00 -2,2257 CLUBUNION 38 17.185.000 7,72 9 521.000,00 521.000,00 420.000,00 460.000,00 -11,7158 CMPC 311.060.130 593.606.948.042 100,00 2.226.774 1.907,00 2.230,00 1.665,00 1.767,90 -5,9459 CMPC-SD 30.000 59.640.000 - - - 1.988,00 1.988,00 - -60 COLBUN 2.404.286.900 324.947.138.163 100,00 17.536.168 132,85 146,00 125,20 132,05 -0,6061 COLO COLO 39.121.423 11.747.940.989 99,60 100.000 234,00 365,00 230,78 285,90 22,1862 COLOSO 427.520 178.173.244 24,70 195.357 440,00 500,00 360,00 360,00 -9,6663 CONCHA-SD 5.000 4.674.950 - - - 934,99 934,99 - -64 CONCHATORO 143.326.509 140.133.572.777 100,00 747.006 989,72 1.150,00 866,00 932,59 -3,1865 CONSOGRAL 299.360 62.859.200 1,15 68.098 220,00 220,00 200,00 200,00 -7,2766 COPEC 112.966.276 814.299.931.543 100,00 1.299.854 6.939,00 8.340,00 6.415,00 6.790,60 -0,7367 COPEC-SD 20.000 151.740.000 - - - 7.587,00 7.587,00 - -68 COPEVAL 139.310 115.246.226 9,17 29.907 801,00 865,10 800,00 865,10 16,1469 CORPBANCA 40.685.963.349 258.091.550.235 100,00 250.358.194 6,69 7,49 5,05 6,42 3,0370 CORPBA-OSA 6.463.536.195 652.942.251 - - - 0,45 0,04 - -71 COUNTRY-A 110 4.490.000 6,38 22 45.000,00 45.000,00 40.000,00 40.000,00 -11,1172 COUNTRY-P 16 800.000 2,27 1,5 - 50.000,00 50.000,00 50.000,00 0,0073 COVADONGA 116.138 31.726.375 6,72 23.100 210,00 291,00 210,00 291,00 51,6974 CRAIGHOUSE 419 124.200 3,13 2.250 300,00 - - 300,00 6,1975 CRISTALES 5.634.278 27.590.633.397 72,87 64.000 4.750,00 6.600,00 3.600,10 4.152,00 29,5976 CRUZADOS 5.472.881 1.134.498.291 80,49 60.000 188,00 235,00 175,00 200,00 6,3877 CRUZBLANCA 289.969.908 154.666.349.040 98,38 637.650 508,31 640,00 484,99 610,00 22,8778 CTC-A 5.332.832 3.980.539.794 69,11 873.995 725,00 820,01 640,00 714,00 12,2779 CTC-B 131.531 91.501.085 13,47 83.162 660,00 798,00 635,00 729,00 25,6080 CTI 14.096.278 475.875.603 31,58 7.164.000 34,87 35,00 32,00 32,00 1,8181 CUPRUM 1.862.902 64.064.573.621 96,36 17.996 24.400,00 39.400,00 23.700,00 39.261,00 69,7182 CURAUMA 895.000.849 9.565.574.936 72,47 3.400.170 35,90 36,00 5,65 7,12 -80,1483 CVA 22.914 31.193.900 4,55 772.466 1.291,00 1.500,00 1.300,00 1.500,00 17,5784 DETROIT 1.843.692 3.568.819.460 11,34 119.155 1.725,00 2.000,00 1.650,00 2.000,00 18,6985 DUNCANFOX 475.009 280.335.540 20,65 100.000 539,00 690,00 505,00 590,00 17,0886 ECL 276.850.188 338.341.004.480 100,00 1.053.310 1.380,50 1.460,00 1.050,00 1.124,10 -16,6487 EDELMAG 79.946 288.852.555 31,97 13.081 4.650,00 4.600,00 3.100,00 3.400,00 -19,8788 EDELPA 6.299.944 3.310.207.673 21,46 113.590 724,90 700,00 419,00 428,00 -38,6589 EISA 200.100.611 56.640.889.876 29,15 605.364.800 - 375,00 264,00 365,00 31,2490 ELECDA 179.904 75.978.702 8,16 180.805 430,00 430,00 420,00 420,00 2,8491 ELECMETAL 349.466 17,89 43.800 8.451,00 12.000,00 7.650,00 12.000,00 64,1292 ELIQSA 226.027 62.904.033 3,98 182.933 280,00 280,00 265,00 265,00 1,5793 EMBONOR-A 1.930.135 1.703.350.464 12,15 244.421 830,00 1.125,00 820,00 1.125,00 43,3294 EMBONOR-B 109.862.384 117.655.648.200 96,36 266.433 850,00 1.375,00 800,00 1.370,00 69,6495 EMELARI 332.658 59.291.355 5,58 185.995 180,00 180,00 172,00 172,00 2,4596 EMILIANA 3.058.798 173.972.499 12,24 636.429 44,00 61,00 44,00 54,99 26,0197 ENACAR 11.933.396 5.175.271 8,54 1.135.633.003.442 0,49 0,49 0,35 0,35 -28,5798 ENAEX 512.825 2.751.343.093 31,84 123.000 5.395,80 5.970,00 5.122,00 5.970,00 15,1199 ENDESA 1.206.364.930 965.299.578.103 100,00 8.201.755 766,07 899,00 710,00 778,11 4,96100 ENERSIS 5.564.254.752 969.180.118.850 100,00 32.651.166 182,62 203,50 150,10 175,82 -0,59101 ENJOY 315.850.420 33.371.403.565 95,95 1.782.872 102,48 126,01 85,00 117,03 14,31102 ENLASA 20.707.893 15.286.485.468 37,25 4.376.229 550,00 900,00 550,00 800,00 45,45103 ENTEL 70.835.620 675.791.986.606 100,00 236.524 9.719,30 10.340,00 8.800,00 9.899,30 7,98104 EPERVA 15.712.136 2.044.931.094 15,64 310.907 269,38 239,50 120,00 125,00 -52,71105 ESPANOLA 1.687 4.048.800 11,11 30.775 2.400,00 2.400,00 2.400,00 2.400,00 6,47106 ESSAL-B 387.676.815 42.644.449.650 1,14 445.172 - 110,00 110,00 110,00 5,62107 ESSBIO-C 5.218.535 74.479.690 16,33 26.443.155 17,00 17,00 11,00 11,00 -31,67108 ESTACIONAM 3 14.100.000 0,43 1,3 3.749.000,00 4.700.000,00 4.700.000,00 4.700.000,00 34,36109 ESVAL-A 1.509.764 45.143 3,64 2.656.576 0,03 - - 0,02 5,86110 ESVAL-C 12.886.010.705 516.734.532 73,25 14.958.536 0,06 0,05 0,03 0,03 -43,257979

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketANTECEDENTES BURSATILES/MARKET OVERVIEW80Transacciones <strong>2012</strong>/ Precios transacciones 2011/ Precio <strong>de</strong> ValorizaciónTransactions <strong>2012</strong> Precio <strong>de</strong> Transactions price 2011 cierre al/ inversión/Acciones transadas/ Monto/ Presencia/ Acciones emitidas/ cierre al/ Mayor/ Menor/ Closing YearlyNúm./ Acción/ Number of Amount Presence Shares issued Closing price on Highest Lowest price on incomeNum. Symbol shares tra<strong>de</strong>d ($) (%) 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> 30/12/2011 ($) ($) 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> (%)111 EXWATTS 1.095.295 560.528.136 33,33 319.499 532,00 532,00 480,00 499,50 -6,11112 FALABELLA 278.712.726 1.282.870.248.708 100,00 2.405.688 4.039,10 5.040,00 4.002,00 4.931,40 23,90113 FASA 1.310.080 981.407.432 19,43 150.000 800,00 820,00 620,10 620,10 -20,83114 FEPASA 1.500.000 8.250.000 0,52 4.713.485 5,50 5,50 5,50 5,50 9,85115 FORUS 55.191.714 108.483.432.164 99,19 258.469 1.383,90 2.700,00 1.399,00 2.694,50 98,62116 FORUS-SD 10.000 22.706.000 - - - 2.270,60 2.270,60 - -117 FOSFOROS 341.533 323.913.527 11,79 61.500 900,00 1.000,00 900,00 940,00 12,82118 FROWARD 213.273 30.203.378 10,20 113.238 140,00 156,00 140,00 150,00 14,90119 GASCO 16.804.433 56.652.038.226 88,26 168.000 3.250,00 4.000,00 3.000,00 3.900,00 24,50120 GOLF 25 604.500.000 6,61 3,0 26.000.000,00 25.000.000,00 24.500.000,00 24.500.000,00 -5,77121 GRANADILLA 162 4.464.000 3,30 63 27.000,00 30.000,00 27.000,00 30.000,00 11,11122 GRANGE-A 76 850.000 1,44 3,7 100.000,00 - - 100.000,00 0,00123 GRANGE-B 158 4.307.000 8,87 122 115.000,00 75.000,00 55.000,00 55.000,00 -52,17124 HABITAT 111.878.959 81.138.816.868 100,00 1.000.000 630,00 931,00 605,00 924,90 57,91125 HF 165.603.838 52.726.876.911 38,62 357.126.465 - 330,00 280,00 317,90 2,97126 HIPERMARC 49.000.822 272.995.080 63,97 1.261.850 5,75 7,50 4,00 4,10 -28,70127 HIPICO 5 43.360.000 2,61 1,4 8.500.000,00 9.000.000,00 8.555.000,00 9.000.000,00 7,60128 HIPODROMOA 9 1.890.000 1,27 69 200.000,00 - - 200.000,00 1,00129 HIPODROMOB 2 6.001.000 0,91 300 3.000.000,00 3.001.000,00 3.000.000,00 3.001.000,00 0,10130 HITES 253.571.645 90.143.681.356 99,60 377.125 323,28 445,00 281,01 410,00 32,00131 HITES-SD 10.000 3.710.000 - - - 371,00 371,00 - -132 HORNOS 499.164 731.965 1,22 1.010.386 1,50 - - 1,50 0,00133 IACSA 442.797 44.265.322 13,49 194.225 129,99 100,00 100,00 100,00 -22,30134 IAM 124.488.341 105.306.290.733 100,00 1.000.000 798,00 967,15 761,00 964,84 29,03135 IAM-SD 5.000 4.114.400 - - - 822,88 822,88 - -136 IANSA 1.477.732.259 55.787.510.134 100,00 3.963.932 37,24 42,00 34,00 34,75 -3,94137 ILC 63.520.214 470.723.233.178 43,72 100.000.000 - 9.520,00 7.061,00 9.330,40 31,65138 INDISA 3.144.636 78,54 80.575 1.500,00 1.876,00 1.500,00 1.876,00 28,29139 INDIVER 2.322.773 456.038.647 17,81 276.236 196,00 243,00 173,00 220,00 12,24140 INFODEMA 51.702.563 382.940.795 6,01 600.000 7,15 7,50 6,00 7,50 5,77141 INFODE-OSA 29.339.526 29.340 - - - 0,00 0,00 - -142 INGEVEC 516.978.233 25.185.763.248 46,96 630.000 - 55,00 41,00 44,42 -11,43143 INTASA 78.996.623 1.123.912.190 5,37 350.817 12,50 13,70 13,00 13,70 14,85144 INTEROCEAN 6.903.421 426.980.366 17,48 488.038 68,90 65,00 44,00 47,00 -31,79145 INVERCAP 823.211 3.541.686.703 76,92 149.448 4.799,00 5.000,00 3.500,00 3.650,00 -20,48146 INVERMAR 69.278.476 9.705.830.131 95,53 288.805 172,77 195,11 60,00 69,00 -60,06147 INVERNOVA 2.325.965 2.326.106 6,44 714.876 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,00148 INVIESPA 52.960 24.943.160 0,87 23.100 450,00 492,00 450,00 492,00 40,64149 IQUIQUE 557.099 6.064.235 5,33 3.606.193 17,00 10,90 10,90 10,90 -35,88150 ISANPA 4.842.240 9.632.470 10,64 4.653.965 1,79 2,00 2,00 2,00 11,73151 JUCOSA 12.342.107 70.506.463 13,48 839.219 5,50 6,10 5,20 6,00 9,09152 KOPOLAR 4.283.718 6.667.798.701 8,65 280.000 975,00 1.633,00 1.101,00 1.580,00 74,48153 LAN 239.353.176 100,00 339.358 12.191,00 14.450,00 10.500,00 11.251,00 -6,54154 LAN-OSA 185.090 44.747.862 - - - 345,00 110,00 - -155 LAPOLA-OSA 343.473.511 3.353.696.000 - - - 25,01 3,00 - -156 LAS CONDES 2.346.806 95.597.312.610 80,97 8.258 41.001,00 43.500,00 35.500,00 41.000,00 2,39157 LITORAL 791 10.114.500 1,46 2.500 10.400,00 13.000,00 10.500,00 13.000,00 37,68158 MADECO 772.109.679 15.319.004.300 93,93 7.265.821 23,47 25,80 15,50 17,36 -24,78159 MARBELLACC 4 3.200.000 1,30 11 900.000,00 800.000,00 800.000,00 800.000,00 -11,11160 MARINSA 345.048.469 11.984.354.244 49,39 2.839.055 26,00 42,00 25,90 39,00 50,00161 MASISA 857.795.945 44.482.618.901 100,00 6.965.103 47,02 59,00 42,00 50,05 9,00162 MASISA-SD 130.000 6.488.300 - - - 49,91 49,91 - -163 MELON 87.125.314 100.273.764 47,76 280.050.494 1,80 1,59 0,68 0,68 -61,5480

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketANTECEDENTES BURSATILES/MARKET OVERVIEWTransacciones <strong>2012</strong>/ Precios transacciones 2011/ Precio <strong>de</strong> ValorizaciónTransactions <strong>2012</strong> Precio <strong>de</strong> Transactions price 2011 cierre al/ inversión/Acciones transadas/ Monto/ Presencia/ Acciones emitidas/ cierre al/ Mayor/ Menor/ Closing YearlyNúm./ Acción/ Number of Amount Presence Shares issued Closing price on Highest Lowest price on incomeNum. Symbol shares tra<strong>de</strong>d ($) (%) 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> 30/12/2011 ($) ($) 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> (%)164 MINERA 3.502.272 57.723.593.656 61,13 125.000 16.250,00 17.050,00 15.200,00 15.750,00 -2,46165 MOLYMET 9.190.650 74.603.950.330 99,60 127.111 6.866,50 8.948,00 6.599,90 8.226,00 21,22166 MULTIFOODS 219.871.526 27.400.253.784 99,60 1.410.666 151,00 154,00 98,00 114,50 -21,13167 NAVARINO 3.431 2.077.020 3,02 141.869 700,00 600,00 600,00 600,00 -14,29168 NAVIERA 34.208.575 630.955.815 9,54 6.392.045 20,00 20,00 17,00 17,00 -13,72169 NIBSA 260 1.559.940 1,29 930 6.000,00 6.000,00 6.000,00 6.000,00 16,74170 NORTEGRAN 7.483.406.097 40.121.649.010 99,19 79.768.973 5,39 6,69 4,25 4,60 -10,99171 NUEVAPOLAR 737.871.774 175.476.382.312 100,00 248.260 290,00 493,00 162,02 205,80 -29,03172 NUEVAREG 45 45 0,95 299.922 - - - - 0,00173 ORO BLANCO 2.085.896.902 15.606.155.671 83,00 104.641.424 7,67 8,60 5,76 6,00 -20,09174 PACIFICO 329.925 624.887.335 29,10 145.000 2.320,00 2.335,00 1.780,00 1.780,00 -17,63175 PARAUCO 252.105.095 242.077.718.168 100,00 702.747 847,12 1.210,00 790,00 1.185,50 44,09176 PASUR 3.520.400 25.893.249.796 38,87 125.000 8.299,00 8.500,00 6.650,00 6.750,00 -16,64177 PAZ 278.404.569 78.950.892.730 99,19 281.619 203,08 345,00 203,10 342,63 69,14178 PEHUENCHE 7.225.496 23.254.975.026 76,33 612.626 2.803,00 3.450,00 2.700,00 3.430,00 41,98179 PILMAIQUEN 15.228.093 31.389.817.756 85,43 50.000 2.390,00 2.400,00 1.800,00 1.985,00 -16,21180 POLO 137 348.650.000 13,01 10 2.351.000,00 3.000.000,00 2.500.000,00 2.500.000,00 6,34181 POLPAICO 431.203 2.551.441.954 25,73 17.875 6.000,00 6.500,00 5.200,00 5.990,00 -0,17182 POTASIOS-A 6.579.952 53,31 1.815.080 180,00 245,00 99,00 99,82 -43,69183 POTASIOS-B 41.464 4.778.096 6,63 120.921 119,00 125,00 103,00 103,00 -11,97184 PREVISION 18.999 7.659.068 4,45 186.108 400,00 405,00 400,10 400,10 7,68185 PROVIDA 48.166.405 141.454.877.982 100,00 331.317 2.279,00 3.650,00 2.179,80 3.250,00 57,42186 PROVID-SD 11.500 28.748.850 - - - 2.499,90 2.499,90 - -187 PUCOBRE-A 677.824 2.315.617.558 54,47 129.460 4.100,00 4.050,00 2.910,00 3.200,00 -20,50188 PUERTO 382.272 212.929.065 13,41 153.581 570,00 600,00 520,00 520,00 -7,97189 PUERTO-OSA 30.744 1.229.838 - - - 40,01 40,00 - -190 PUNTILLA 227.195 673.574.070 3,31 52.335 - 3.100,00 2.500,00 3.100,00 25,45191 QUEMCHI 47.063.962 35.289.823.605 12,50 122.019 250,00 760,00 250,00 700,00 180,00192 QUILICURA 254.577 97.352.220 3,67 20.000 380,00 400,00 380,00 380,00 4,64193 QUINENCO 88.586.891 118.949.616.270 99,60 1.144.578 1.250,00 1.660,00 1.245,00 1.540,00 25,95194 QUINEN-OSA 979.031 5.543.695 - - - 12,00 12,00 - -195 QUINTEC 448.642 92.420.252 20,81 157.180 206,00 206,00 206,00 206,00 0,00196 REBRISA-A 86.724.539 62.479.186 11,57 4.105.097 0,65 1,45 0,65 0,65 125,00197 REBRISA-B 8.665.739 6.528.236 4,37 1.185.201 0,56 1,15 0,65 0,70 144,56198 RIPLEY 550.976.866 270.100.347.008 100,00 1.936.052 495,00 595,00 405,12 456,55 -6,13199 SALFACORP 234.653.583 275.196.706.699 100,00 437.597 1.287,50 1.456,00 841,00 979,63 -23,17200 SAN PEDRO 6.200.733.071 18.759.255.789 78,14 39.969.697 3,50 3,70 2,77 3,08 -7,64201 SANTA RITA 81.339.908 11.731.257.792 5,71 1.034.572 139,00 140,26 130,00 140,00 2,01202 SANTANGRUP 234.557 328.877.361 18,60 781.141 1.350,00 1.600,00 1.340,00 1.500,00 31,24203 SCHWAGER 5.425.307.314 5.589.321.046 98,38 11.372.137 1,49 1,50 0,64 0,89 -39,80204 SECURITY 168.065.165 29.806.856.767 93,12 2.882.259 175,00 195,00 154,00 187,00 12,78205 SIEMEL 2.461.414 381.911.746 10,39 376.445 140,11 180,00 150,00 155,00 10,63206 SINTEX 287.084 1.014.897.286 28,16 25.000 3.547,00 4.195,00 3.100,00 3.500,00 6,73207 SIPSA 1.929.048 200.487.108 17,48 134.910 100,00 105,00 100,00 100,00 0,00208 SK 192.066.283 203.289.664.354 100,00 830.000 870,11 1.245,00 840,00 1.154,20 37,50209 SK-OSA 9.795.116 261.127.489 - - - 42,00 20,00 - -210 SK-SD 35.000 39.655.000 - - - 1.133,00 1.133,00 - -211 SM-CHILE A 10.640.858 1.556.676.342 41,56 567.713 130,00 170,00 130,00 160,00 23,08212 SM-CHILE B 993.275.717 171.672.258.767 100,00 11.000.000 155,53 197,00 153,00 189,00 23,46213 SM-CHILE D 12.814.150 2.028.531.542 66,40 429.418 137,90 181,00 140,00 170,00 25,58214 SM-CHILE E 4.545.560 304.592.493 26,42 141.374 62,50 72,00 62,51 72,00 20,11215 SMSAAM 2.948.956.420 167.942.700.845 82,59 9.736.791.983 - 70,00 49,10 57,40 0,00216 SOCOVESA 258.714.046 57.592.991.830 99,60 1.223.936 180,50 270,00 173,00 226,90 27,598181

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketANTECEDENTES BURSATILES / MARKET OVERVIEWTransacciones <strong>2012</strong>/ Precios transacciones 2011/ Precio <strong>de</strong> ValorizaciónTransactions <strong>2012</strong> Precio <strong>de</strong> Transactions price 2011 cierre al/ inversión/Acciones transadas/ Monto/ Presencia/ Acciones emitidas/ cierre al/ Mayor/ Menor/ Closing YearlyNúm./ Acción/ Number of Amount Presence Shares issued Closing price on Highest Lowest price on incomeNum. Symbol shares tra<strong>de</strong>d ($) (%) 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> 30/12/2011 ($) ($) 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> (%)217 SOCOVE-SD 45.000 11.074.500 - - - 246,10 246,10 - -218 SOFRUCO 14.261 19.965.400 2,43 11.000 1.400,00 1.400,00 1.400,00 1.400,00 -219 SONDA 280.709.752 399.898.406.506 100,00 771.057 1.248,70 1.550,00 1.241,10 1.521,20 24,28220 SONDA-OSA 5.968.542 500.736.971 - - - 125,00 59,00 - -221 SOQUICOM 28.231.218 3.715.146.583 52,63 272.117 175,00 175,00 112,00 127,00 -24,24222 SPORTFRAN 30 45.719.000 4,44 5,4 1.050.000,00 1.501.000,00 1.500.000,00 1.500.000,00 42,86223 SPORTING 62 272.487.700 7,35 6,4 3.300.000,00 4.580.000,00 3.550.000,00 4.580.000,00 38,79224 SQM-A 195.279 5.574.466.316 44,94 142.820 27.000,00 30.100,00 26.000,00 27.350,00 3,53225 SQM-B 41.505.119 1.167.365.054.277 100,00 120.377 27.964,00 30.700,00 26.000,00 27.513,00 0,60226 SUD AMER-A 797.368 99.671.000 9,87 5.403.936 125,00 125,00 125,00 125,00 3,30227 TATTERSALL 24.077.413 1.586.451.833 65,59 654.575 49,00 82,20 48,00 80,00 69,52228 TELCOY 32.759 504.157.522 2,86 697 3.801,00 15.430,00 7.920,00 7.920,00 114,87229 TELSUR 387.789 76.388.706 5,37 225.063 250,00 250,00 179,00 179,00 -28,04230 TRICAHUE 773.097 18,29 33.392 1.550,00 1.750,00 1.500,00 1.560,00 15,80231 TRICOLORSA 91.775.946 22.176.749.231 0,00 198.989 58,05 - - 58,05 1,72232 UNESPA 86.658 24.378.313 5,68 20.000 225,00 301,00 235,00 301,00 45,11233 UNION GOLF 19 26.550.000 5,12 2,1 1.350.000,00 1.450.000,00 1.300.000,00 1.450.000,00 7,41234 VALORES 2 46.500.000 0,95 60 Acciones 15.500.000,00 31.000.000,00 15.500.000,00 31.000.000,00 100,00235 VAPORE-OSA 668.506.361 325.634.897 - - - 1,01 0,17 - -236 VAPORES 6.598.034.430 457.828.890.694 100,00 2.849.983 77,69 91,41 38,00 42,76 -45,10237 VENTANAS 17.009.708 2.282.429.296 31,58 1.202.880 135,00 136,50 125,15 135,50 3,75238 VICONTO 7.271.534 71.517.687 5,71 720.000 11,00 11,00 9,79 9,79 -8,60239 VOLCAN 9.214.855 16.326.825.622 21,67 75.000 1.750,00 2.000,00 1.540,00 1.900,00 13,39240 WATTS 4.358.524 2.136.430.713 25,31 319.499.948 - 520,00 445,00 520,00 12,90241 WMTCL 8.101.776 1.918.053.651 60,73 6.520.000 252,70 269,00 220,00 260,00 4,91242 ZOFRI 10.148.313 4.460.552.927 85,02 220.569 430,00 545,00 394,90 542,25 38,22243 ZOFRI-SD 58.500 23.692.500 - - - 405,00 405,00 - -TOTAL 22.291.425.406.9148282Notas Explicativas Antece<strong>de</strong>ntes BursAtilesNúm.: Número guía en or<strong>de</strong>n correlativoAcción: Denominación bursátil <strong>de</strong> las acciones <strong>de</strong> socieda<strong>de</strong>s inscritas en la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> al 28 <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong>.Acciones Transadas: Total <strong>de</strong> acciones transadas durante al año <strong>2012</strong>, ajustadas según variaciones<strong>de</strong> capital, en aquellos casos que corresponda.Monto $: Volumen anual transado por acción, expresado en pesos.Presencia Bursátil (%): Número <strong>de</strong> días que registraron transacciones expresado como porcentaje<strong>de</strong>l número <strong>de</strong> días hábiles bursátiles <strong>de</strong>l año <strong>2012</strong>.Acciones Emitidas al 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> (Miles): Número <strong>de</strong> acciones en circulación informadas por lasociedad.Precio <strong>de</strong> Cierre al 30/12/2011: Cotización oficial <strong>de</strong> cierre registrada al último día hábil bursátil<strong>de</strong>l año 2011. Las socieda<strong>de</strong>s que aparecen con un guión no registraban precio <strong>de</strong> cierre a esa fecha,o ingresaron al mercado durante el año <strong>2012</strong>.Precio Mayor ($): Correspon<strong>de</strong> al mayor valor <strong>de</strong> transacción registrado durante <strong>2012</strong>, ajustado porvariaciones <strong>de</strong> capital, en aquellos casos que corresponda. Las socieda<strong>de</strong>s que aparecen con unguión no registraron transacciones durante el año <strong>2012</strong>.Precio Menor ($): Correspon<strong>de</strong> al menor valor <strong>de</strong> transacción registrado durante <strong>2012</strong>, ajustadopor variaciones <strong>de</strong> capital, en aquellos casos que corresponda. Las socieda<strong>de</strong>s que aparecen conun guión no registraron transacciones durante el año <strong>2012</strong>.Precio <strong>de</strong> Cierre al 28/12/<strong>2012</strong>: Cotización oficial <strong>de</strong> cierre registrada el último día hábil bursátil<strong>de</strong>l año <strong>2012</strong>. Las socieda<strong>de</strong>s que aparecen con un guión no registraban precio <strong>de</strong> cierre a esa fecha.Valorización <strong>de</strong> la Inversión (Rentabilidad) %: Es el mayor valor <strong>de</strong> la inversión en una acción duranteel período comprendido entre el 2 <strong>de</strong> enero y 28 <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong>, suponiendo que se adquiereal principio <strong>de</strong>l período y se ven<strong>de</strong> al final, consi<strong>de</strong>rando las emisiones <strong>de</strong> pago, la reinversión <strong>de</strong>divi<strong>de</strong>ndos y repartos <strong>de</strong> capital, y la variación <strong>de</strong>l precio en el período. Esta rentabilidad se haceefectiva en la medida que la acción tenga la liqui<strong>de</strong>z suficiente en el mercado (presencia alta), comopara ser comprada y vendida en el momento oportuno.NOTES:Num.: Gui<strong>de</strong> number in correlative or<strong>de</strong>r.Stock: Stock market name for shares of companies registered with in the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchangeas of 28 December <strong>2012</strong>.Shares Tra<strong>de</strong>d: Total number of shares tra<strong>de</strong>d during the year <strong>2012</strong>, adjusted according to capitalvariations, when applicable.Amount $: Annual tra<strong>de</strong>d volume per share, expressed in pesos.Stock Market Presence (%): Number of days on which transactions were recor<strong>de</strong>d, expressed asa percentage of number of stock market working days of year <strong>2012</strong>.Shares Issued as of 12/28/<strong>2012</strong> (Thousands): Number of shares in circulation reported by thecompany.Closing Price on 12/30/2011: Official closing price recor<strong>de</strong>d on the last stock market working dayof the year 2011. Companies that appear with a hyphen did not register a closing price on that date,or entered the market during the year <strong>2012</strong>.Highest Price ($): This corresponds to the highest transaction value registered during year <strong>2012</strong>,adjusted according to capital variations, when applicable. Companies that appear with a hyphendid not register transactions during the year <strong>2012</strong>.Lowest Price ($): This corresponds to the lowest transaction value registered during the year <strong>2012</strong>,adjusted according to capital variations, when applicable. Companies that appear with a hyphendid not register transactions during the year <strong>2012</strong>.Closing Price on 12/28/<strong>2012</strong>: Official closing price registered on the last stock market working dayof year <strong>2012</strong>. Companies that appear with a hyphen did not register a closing price on that date.Yearly Income (Profitability)%: This is the highest value of the investment in a share during theperiod inclu<strong>de</strong>d between 2 January and 28 December of year <strong>2012</strong>, supposing that it is acquiredat the beginning of the period and is sold at the end, consi<strong>de</strong>ring paid issuances, reinvestment ofdivi<strong>de</strong>nds and distribution of capital, and price variation in the period.This profitability is ma<strong>de</strong>effective insofar as the share has sufficient liquidity in the market (high presence) that it can bebought and sold at the right time.

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketDIVIDENDOS Y REPARTOS DE CAPITAL EN DINERO (Cifras expresadas en miles <strong>de</strong> pesos <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong>)DIVIDENDS AND CAPITAL DISTRIBUTIONS IN CASH (Figures expressed in thousands of pesos as of <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2012</strong>)PERIODO/PERIOD 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>ENE/JAN 126.226.496 151.966.983 173.225.912 172.112.823 249.637.385 317.927.366 335.848.422 222.802.084 373.261.080 280.138.842FEB/FEB 27.977.500 166.212.378 37.603.877 49.852.206 49.931.731 141.056.487 73.051.161 97.614.173 132.825.808 563.805.747MAR/MAR 157.943.310 225.063.135 261.417.782 314.056.446 229.402.846 360.238.776 313.718.508 471.222.196 391.520.808 415.000.483ABR/APR 181.999.097 281.493.067 680.489.647 552.009.126 617.410.023 843.021.517 559.177.964 855.327.484 660.032.191 607.669.340MAY/MAY 870.765.545 806.252.637 1.030.811.964 1.581.105.462 2.490.091.555 2.595.989.847 2.299.319.055 1.979.228.799JUN/JUN 17.572.745 23.370.838 271.699.156 209.596.319 124.423.896 146.642.234 170.777.010 235.563.580 70.960.215 55.943.589JUL/JUL 89.633.013 50.177.206 77.179.283 64.918.598 211.401.873 180.169.453 90.397.494 211.107.106 100.683.023 244.313.522AGO/AUG 155.724.686 732.131.862 46.404.274 185.395.694 93.378.252 97.469.832 106.834.011 98.780.677 89.587.230 936.983.552SEP/SEP 51.509.530 91.104.087 8.431.398 94.768.117 85.861.268 156.027.500 121.790.323 119.521.933 128.051.447 89.479.445OCT/OCT 135.706.061 124.347.640 124.612.980 193.074.717 214.758.598 172.590.933 168.478.517 186.245.446 183.145.875 161.094.632NOV/NOV 67.263.755 248.387.809 107.128.649 93.527.718 135.180.779 255.947.410 160.252.688 127.997.882 215.499.045 426.089.111DIC/DEC 394.040.797 241.602.345 252.242.947 303.476.138 248.653.148 344.335.133 449.966.516 312.631.183 547.200.446 471.574.110TOTAL 2.276.362.536 3.300.443.773 3.263.599.865 3.841.145.261 5.505.518.197 6.231.321.171PROMEDIO/AVERAGE 189.696.878 261.842.499 275.036.981 271.966.655 320.095.438 458.793.183 428.856.872 421.334.009 432.673.852 519.276.764MAS ALTO/HIGHEST 870.765.545 806.252.637 1.030.811.964 1.581.105.462 2.490.091.555 2.595.989.847 2.299.319.055 1.979.228.799MAS BAJO/LOWEST 17.572.745 23.370.838 8.431.398 49.852.206 49.931.731 97.469.832 73.051.161 97.614.173 70.960.215 55.943.5898383

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketINDICE DE PRECIOS SELECTIVO DE ACCIONES (IPSA) - CARTERA DE ACCIONES AL 28/12/<strong>2012</strong>SELECTIVE STOCKS PRICES INDEX (IPSA) - STOCKS PORTFOLIO AS OF 12/28/<strong>2012</strong>Nemo Cap. Bursátil PesoSymbol Market Capitalization Weight(MM$) (%)1 AESGENER 2.481.029 2,362 AGUAS-A 1.974.174 1,883 ANDINA-B 1.425.406 1,364 ANTARCHILE 3.377.186 3,225 AQUACHILE 381.810 0,366 BCI 3.487.508 3,327 BESALCO 500.494 0,488 BSANTANDER 6.354.403 6,059 CAP 2.399.389 2,2910 CCU 2.400.811 2,2911 CENCOSUD 6.507.186 6,<strong>2012</strong> CFR 1.018.336 0,9713 CHILE 6.856.026 6,5314 CMPC 3.923.672 3,7415 COLBUN 2.315.651 2,2116 CONCHATORO 696.650 0,6617 COPEC 8.826.788 8,4118 CORPBANCA 1.609.302 1,5319 ECL 1.184.026 1,1320 EMBONOR-B 365.013 0,35Nemo Cap. Bursátil PesoSymbol Market Capitalization Weight(MM$) (%)21 ENDESA 6.381.867 6,0822 ENERSIS 5.740.728 5,4723 ENTEL 2.341.419 2,2324 FALABELLA 11.926.170 11,3625 IAM 964.840 0,9226 IANSA 137.822 0,1327 LAN 5.356.815 5,1028 MASISA 348.603 0,3329 MOLYMET 1.045.616 1,0030 MULTIFOODS 161.521 0,1531 PARAUCO 833.107 0,7932 PILMAIQUEN 99.250 0,0933 QUINENCO 2.070.650 1,9734 RIPLEY 883.905 0,8435 SALFACORP 428.683 0,4136 SK 1.240.765 1,1837 SM-CHILE B 2.079.000 1,9838 SONDA 1.172.932 1,1239 SQM-B 3.311.932 3,1540 VAPORES 372.780 0,36Total 104.983.264 100,008686

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketINDICE DE PRECIOS SELECTIVO DE ACCIONES (IPSA) (Base 1000 = 30 <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> 2002)SELECTIVE STOCKS PRICES INDEX (IPSA) (Base 1000 = 30 <strong>de</strong>cember 2002)DIA ENERO FEBRERO MARZO ABRIL MAYO JUNIO JULIO AGOSTO SEPTIEMBRE OCTUBRE NOVIEMBRE DICIEMBREDAY JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER1 4.316,37 4.559,81 4.280,51 4.173,09 4.232,082 4.158,06 4.338,37 4.552,34 4.694,86 4.554,39 4.114,29 4.245,393 4.163,16 4.382,05 4.655,18 4.521,01 4.420,32 4.193,10 4.136,27 4.245,31 4.158,664 4.198,12 4.634,59 4.529,21 4.206,68 4.418,69 4.118,51 4.277,22 4.144,065 4.188,65 4.506,41 4.647,99 4.205,52 4.426,20 4.103,95 4.302,69 4.261,81 4.149,506 4.201,48 4.377,68 4.483,75 4.270,31 4.413,41 4.190,18 4.126,82 4.275,76 4.139,867 4.362,74 4.480,32 4.545,65 4.284,48 4.152,84 4.166,15 4.256,34 4.136,978 4.362,16 4.515,34 4.520,62 4.349,46 4.176,30 4.303,25 4.249,929 4.205,19 4.403,95 4.520,31 4.606,02 4.492,75 4.376,62 4.163,00 4.266,65 4.237,7810 4.210,47 4.410,74 4.569,42 4.485,53 4.352,82 4.187,65 4.174,47 4.244,00 4.135,7111 4.204,19 4.547,14 4.476,30 4.305,80 4.365,53 4.190,28 4.250,49 4.198,7712 4.213,54 4.525,67 4.549,72 4.281,82 4.355,89 4.172,76 4.246,13 4.224,34 4.233,9713 4.205,05 4.433,59 4.529,01 4.527,46 4.255,47 4.372,67 4.180,98 4.184,77 4.207,11 4.230,8214 4.435,18 4.551,50 4.414,92 4.274,41 4.184,53 4.218,00 4.187,73 4.263,0415 4.477,48 4.580,63 4.357,90 4.317,83 4.187,0916 4.220,57 4.490,66 4.585,95 4.519,46 4.313,70 4.214,62 4.290,24 4.184,8517 4.228,73 4.545,90 4.517,98 4.277,33 4.390,73 4.261,98 4.311,66 4.279,9318 4.249,39 4.520,74 4.239,71 4.337,43 4.406,39 4.322,14 4.288,3819 4.268,94 4.644,31 4.541,05 4.356,63 4.392,84 4.265,38 4.191,12 4.291,0820 4.278,17 4.540,95 4.614,38 4.594,44 4.396,78 4.384,50 4.274,22 4.210,15 4.179,70 4.291,5621 4.525,33 4.620,51 4.361,58 4.262,04 4.231,07 4.145,42 4.293,7822 4.519,44 4.586,78 4.236,99 4.358,84 4.217,93 4.242,97 4.139,6823 4.248,17 4.494,72 4.617,69 4.551,45 4.201,45 4.337,85 4.205,27 4.235,67 4.143,2524 4.243,44 4.512,17 4.565,20 4.221,18 4.321,17 4.188,11 4.211,06 4.244,43 4.292,7025 4.219,47 4.566,37 4.254,61 4.326,54 4.291,37 4.199,13 4.236,1226 4.218,79 4.659,97 4.559,34 4.324,01 4.235,79 4.200,48 4.250,40 4.132,75 4.301,0027 4.226,08 4.495,32 4.690,15 4.575,54 4.337,08 4.254,32 4.156,37 4.211,61 4.116,38 4.294,5028 4.520,79 4.668,23 4.260,62 4.336,36 4.157,78 4.230,42 4.112,95 4.301,3829 4.535,60 4.650,07 4.269,38 4.400,10 4.155,22 4.257,51 4.137,5530 4.222,40 4.671,28 4.585,77 4.270,76 4.244,23 4.125,46 4.260,78 4.139,9931 4.260,76 4.318,16 4.227,56 4.155,68 4.266,35INDICE MAS BAJO OBSERVADO EN EL MES: / lowest level of the month:4.158,06 4.316,37 4.480,32 4.517,98 4.201,45 4.205,52 4.227,56 4.114,29 4.103,95 4.232,08 4.112,95 4.135,7187INDICE MAS ALTO OBSERVADO EN EL MES: / highest level of the month:4.278,17 4.545,90 4.690,15 4.694,86 4.554,39 4.400,10 4.426,20 4.274,22 4.231,07 4.322,14 4.275,76 4.301,38PROMEDIO MENSUAl: / monthly average:4.219,67 4.451,49 4.582,47 4.576,49 4.369,63 4.312,74 4.349,45 4.185,94 4.181,52 4.263,49 4.185,58 4.232,93PROMEDIO ACUMULADO ANUAL: / accumulated annual average:4.219,67 4.332,88 4.417,36 4.454,80 4.437,92 4.417,22 4.408,00 4.379,09 4.361,03 4.350,72 4.336,23 4.328,28INDICES MAS ALTOS OBSERVADOS: / highest level:INDICES MAS BAJOS OBSERVADOS: / lowest level:4.694,86 02/04/<strong>2012</strong> 4.103,95 05/09/<strong>2012</strong>4.690,15 27/03/<strong>2012</strong> 4.112,95 28/11/<strong>2012</strong>4.671,28 30/03/<strong>2012</strong> 4.114,29 02/08/<strong>2012</strong>87

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketINDICE DE PRECIOS SELECTIVO DE ACCIONES (IPSA) (Base 1000 = 30 <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> 2002)SELECTIVE STOCKS PRICES INDEX (IPSA) (Base 1000 = 30 <strong>de</strong>cember 2002)<strong>Valores</strong> Nominales, último día <strong>de</strong> cada mes / Nominal Values, last day of each month2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>ENE / JAN 1.153,01 1.001,99 1.408,86 1.809,88 2.118,46 2.895,28 2.788,34 2.549,46 3.808,96 4.673,07 4.260,76FEB / FEB 1.144,39 1.014,94 1.543,08 1.895,20 2.166,84 2.811,62 2.836,83 2.468,63 3.827,44 4.444,57 4.535,60MAR / MAR 1.163,60 1.009,13 1.458,90 1.961,69 2.181,96 2.929,00 2.902,02 2.478,94 3.763,12 4.624,47 4.671,28ABR / APR 1.137,83 1.163,96 1.430,60 1.956,98 2.201,56 3.161,22 2.989,41 2.670,78 3.865,45 4.822,50 4.585,77MAY / MAY 1.099,65 1.231,01 1.428,80 1.968,78 2.156,53 3.279,53 3.048,85 3.100,42 3.886,86 4.847,87 4.318,16JUN / JUN 1.031,96 1.228,12 1.482,98 2.056,84 2.126,02 3.470,18 2.999,90 3.090,50 4.065,29 4.795,28 4.400,10JUL / JUL 1.039,55 1.321,38 1.520,85 2.175,06 2.131,58 3.340,43 3.014,80 3.226,20 4.364,15 4.425,99 4.227,56AGO / AUG 1.022,35 1.369,62 1.631,41 2.086,25 2.206,37 3.310,14 2.895,21 3.175,18 4.525,01 4.288,32 4.155,68SEP / SEP 927,39 1.430,49 1.707,02 2.152,82 2.280,48 3.249,00 2.753,31 3.372,87 4.795,38 3.888,58 4.230,42OCT / OCT 958,51 1.515,96 1.768,20 2.072,64 2.380,26 3.451,18 2.489,59 3.314,45 4.912,53 4.327,25 4.266,35NOV / NOV 960,31 1.458,34 1.790,47 2.027,61 2.559,67 3.204,47 2.406,26 3.255,32 4.956,96 4.161,29 4.139,99DIC / DEC 1.000,00 1.484,80 1.796,48 1.964,47 2.693,22 3.051,83 2.376,42 3.581,42 4.927,53 4.177,53 4.301,38PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1.055,28 1.249,04 1.560,98 2.001,46 2.225,35 3.150,56 2.756,66 3.000,40 4.257,20 4.452,12 4.328,29% VAR. ANUAL / ANNUAL VARIATION -15,48 48,48 20,99 9,35 37,10 13,32 -22,13 50,71 37,59 -15,22 2,96% VAR. PROM. / AVERAGE VARIATION -7,68 18,36 24,97 28,22 11,19 41,58 -12,50 8,84 41,89 4,58 -2,78<strong>Valores</strong> Nominales, promedio mensual / Nominal Values, monthly average2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>88ENE / JAN 1.157,07 1.009,10 1.456,84 1.758,34 2.058,38 2.784,41 2.732,66 2.495,32 3.752,01 4.885,49 4.219,67FEB / FEB 1.136,38 960,77 1.470,30 1.836,62 2.127,37 2.973,30 2.843,54 2.593,38 3.802,87 4.497,46 4.451,49MAR / MAR 1.182,85 1.015,93 1.483,00 1.929,73 2.159,25 2.897,53 2.826,14 2.358,88 3.779,24 4.465,24 4.582,47ABR / APR 1.144,98 975,73 1.465,95 1.975,66 2.181,91 3.077,01 2.983,66 2.626,68 3.828,90 4.718,32 4.576,49MAY / MAY 1.130,70 1.201,42 1.417,33 1.963,88 2.181,00 3.214,43 2.984,61 2.969,19 3.828,05 4.827,89 4.369,63JUN / JUN 1.061,32 1.250,89 1.448,74 2.037,79 2.084,57 3.366,81 3.040,39 3.157,38 3.997,25 4.730,42 4.312,74JUL / JUL 986,98 1.267,35 1.497,82 2.106,77 2.101,41 3.387,27 2.848,66 3.173,83 4.222,31 4.663,59 4.349,45AGO / AUG 1.036,67 1.358,77 1.565,80 2.133,72 2.156,76 3.207,14 2.910,33 3.264,00 4.468,13 4.177,87 4.185,94SEP / SEP 930,92 1.377,18 1.654,63 2.119,40 2.227,04 3.211,64 2.774,16 3.258,17 4.726,44 4.033,30 4.181,52OCT / OCT 921,79 1.530,04 1.723,44 2.126,45 2.349,71 3.406,88 2.319,13 3.409,43 4.783,45 4.015,32 4.263,49NOV / NOV 959,12 1.435,92 1.758,86 2.041,67 2.475,01 3.200,26 2.500,21 3.301,86 4.972,26 4.219,75 4.185,58DIC / DEC 978,40 1.464,23 1.799,94 1.982,73 2.646,17 3.100,90 2.334,00 3.448,51 4.942,25 4.157,94 4.232,93PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1.055,28 1.249,04 1.560,98 2.001,46 2.225,35 3.150,56 2.756,66 3.000,40 4.257,20 4.452,12 4.328,29% VAR. ANUAL / ANNUAL VARIATION -17,65 49,66 22,93 10,16 33,46 17,18 -24,73 47,75 43,32 -15,87 1,80% VAR. PROM. / AVERAGE VARIATION -7,68 18,36 24,97 28,22 11,19 41,58 -12,50 8,84 41,89 4,58 -2,7888

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketINDICE DE PRECIOS SELECTIVO DE ACCIONES (IPSA) (Base 1000 = 30 <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> 2002)SELECTIVE STOCKS PRICES INDEX (IPSA) (Base 1000 = 30 <strong>de</strong>cember 2002)<strong>Valores</strong> Reales <strong>de</strong> Diciembre <strong>de</strong> 2002, último día <strong>de</strong> cada mes / Real Values as of December 2002 last day of each month2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>ENE / JAN 1.186,55 1.001,02 1.396,49 1.753,79 1.972,36 2.622,27 2.350,20 2.021,16 2.995,82 3.577,81 3.129,65FEB / FEB 1.177,57 1.005,85 1.529,40 1.838,19 2.019,23 2.550,80 2.381,46 1.964,20 3.001,95 3.395,60 3.318,52MAR / MAR 1.191,04 988,54 1.439,89 1.890,66 2.021,47 2.646,02 2.416,07 1.964,86 2.949,15 3.506,14 3.412,40ABR / APR 1.160,35 1.141,31 1.406,79 1.869,36 2.026,66 2.839,44 2.479,31 2.120,12 3.015,23 3.644,69 3.348,07MAY / MAY 1.120,40 1.211,68 1.397,72 1.875,55 1.980,35 2.927,54 2.499,77 2.467,40 3.021,15 3.649,14 3.151,80JUN / JUN 1.052,76 1.208,84 1.444,45 1.951,37 1.940,97 3.069,07 2.423,54 2.451,08 3.159,84 3.603,35 3.221,18JUL / JUL 1.055,82 1.301,78 1.477,90 2.050,94 1.935,55 2.921,36 2.408,34 2.569,84 3.370,49 3.321,73 3.095,16AGO / AUG 1.034,45 1.347,06 1.579,36 1.961,46 1.998,16 2.863,79 2.291,56 2.538,45 3.498,16 3.213,20 3.036,03SEP / SEP 930,52 1.404,24 1.651,70 2.004,18 2.064,95 2.779,37 2.156,26 2.670,17 3.692,30 2.899,32 3.067,00OCT / OCT 953,44 1.490,47 1.705,93 1.920,19 2.160,84 2.943,17 1.932,69 2.623,93 3.778,80 3.210,87 3.075,75NOV / NOV 956,07 1.438,21 1.722,99 1.882,96 2.327,65 2.712,29 1.870,45 2.589,10 3.810,37 3.077,86 2.998,12DIC / DEC 1.000,00 1.469,05 1.735,29 1.830,50 2.446,73 2.571,33 1.869,66 2.857,13 3.783,31 3.071,10 3.115,00PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1.069,35 1.231,10 1.522,50 1.894,29 2.037,09 2.762,28 2.223,15 2.384,36 3.302,72 3.342,30 3.154,42% VAR. ANUAL / ANNUAL VARIATION -17,80 46,91 18,12 5,49 33,66 5,09 -27,29 52,82 32,42 -18,83 1,43% VAR. PROM. / AVERAGE VARIATION -9,92 15,13 23,67 24,42 7,54 35,60 -19,52 7,25 38,52 1,20 -5,62<strong>Valores</strong> Reales <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> 2002, promedio mensual / Real Values as of December 2002 monthly average2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>ENE / JAN 1.190,73 1.008,11 1.444,04 1.703,84 1.916,42 2.521,85 2.303,27 1.978,24 2.951,03 3.740,45 3.099,48FEB / FEB 1.169,33 999,77 1.457,26 1.781,38 1.982,45 2.697,48 2.387,10 2.063,47 2.982,68 3.436,00 3.256,98MAR / MAR 1.210,74 995,21 1.463,68 1.859,86 2.000,44 2.617,59 2.352,89 1.869,69 2.961,78 3.385,42 3.347,52ABR / APR 1.167,64 1.047,86 1.441,56 1.887,20 2.008,57 2.763,80 2.474,54 2.085,11 2.986,72 3.565,96 3.341,29MAY / MAY 1.152,03 1.182,56 1.386,50 1.870,88 2.002,83 2.869,42 2.447,10 2.362,96 2.975,44 3.634,11 3.189,37JUN / JUN 1.082,71 1.231,26 1.411,11 1.933,30 1.903,13 2.977,66 2.456,25 2.504,11 3.106,95 3.554,61 3.157,23JUL / JUL 1.002,43 1.248,54 1.455,52 1.986,55 1.908,16 2.962,32 2.275,62 2.528,12 3.260,95 3.500,05 3.184,39AGO / AUG 1.048,94 1.336,39 1.515,84 2.006,09 1.953,23 2.774,68 2.303,53 2.609,46 3.454,18 3.130,44 3.058,14SEP / SEP 983,23 1.351,90 1.601,01 1.973,07 2.016,56 2.747,41 2.172,59 2.579,38 3.639,22 3.007,22 3.031,55OCT / OCT 916,92 1.504,31 1.662,74 1.970,05 2.133,11 2.905,40 1.800,36 2.699,12 3.679,51 2.979,41 3.073,70NOV / NOV 954,89 1.416,09 1.692,58 1.896,02 2.250,66 2.708,73 1.943,48 2.626,11 3.822,13 3.121,10 3.031,13DIC / DEC 978,40 1.448,70 1.738,63 1.847,51 2.403,98 2.612,67 1.836,29 2.751,10 3.794,61 3.056,70 3.065,4389PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1.069,35 1.231,10 1.522,50 1.894,29 2.037,09 2.762,28 2.223,15 2.384,36 3.302,72 3.342,30 3.154,42% VAR. ANUAL / ANNUAL VARIATION -19,91 48,07 20,01 6,26 30,12 8,68 -29,72 49,82 37,93 -19,45 0,29% VAR. PROM. / AVERAGE VARIATION -9,92 15,13 23,67 24,42 7,54 35,60 -19,52 7,25 38,52 1,20 -5,6289

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketINDICE GENERAL DE PRECIOS DE ACCIONES (IGPA) (Base 100 = 30 <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> 1980)STOCKS PRICES GENERAL INDEX (IGPA) (Base 100 = 30 <strong>de</strong>cember 1980)DIA ENERO FEBRERO MARZO ABRIL MAYO JUNIO JULIO AGOSTO SEPTIEMBRE OCTUBRE NOVIEMBRE DICIEMBREDAY JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER1 20.638,44 21.655,49 20.646,86 20.235,37 20.564,552 20.049,80 20.721,23 21.631,04 22.297,06 21.820,50 19.990,10 20.626,173 20.096,13 20.908,82 22.155,61 21.690,68 21.161,29 20.295,59 20.099,07 20.633,19 20.385,214 20.234,39 22.068,03 21.706,60 20.313,98 21.154,27 20.026,10 20.762,31 20.341,775 20.197,41 21.454,94 22.111,52 20.319,60 21.181,18 19.997,81 20.885,45 20.904,36 20.366,316 20.245,87 20.892,29 21.365,37 20.579,62 21.127,37 20.269,93 20.096,18 20.953,18 20.339,877 20.831,99 21.345,49 21.779,24 20.641,03 20.128,29 20.249,82 20.875,45 20.322,688 20.836,87 21.484,16 21.672,63 20.898,60 20.200,61 20.886,89 20.778,209 20.275,49 20.992,73 21.503,83 21.940,12 21.580,82 20.993,27 20.157,65 20.812,16 20.736,3510 20.289,86 21.020,03 21.792,16 21.551,10 20.898,50 20.249,42 20.293,87 20.732,87 20.318,7211 20.258,10 21.711,48 21.522,76 20.739,12 20.951,14 20.356,91 20.781,31 20.576,1912 20.318,10 21.518,50 21.734,24 20.656,49 20.908,24 20.295,78 20.778,44 20.692,75 20.722,9413 20.281,39 21.108,20 21.536,44 21.648,33 20.564,19 20.984,85 20.223,40 20.341,99 20.630,11 20.717,1714 21.128,59 21.635,72 21.283,32 20.625,37 20.259,80 20.486,10 20.535,72 20.854,9715 21.299,32 21.763,86 21.049,76 20.783,83 20.538,8516 20.332,91 21.336,13 21.782,04 21.613,26 20.865,80 20.377,94 20.951,05 20.539,7817 20.355,09 21.553,14 21.625,22 20.705,98 21.043,67 20.578,78 21.043,31 20.927,1018 20.433,62 21.646,07 20.563,78 20.850,00 21.121,08 21.088,62 20.963,2819 20.515,38 22.006,21 21.736,80 20.918,93 21.066,38 20.871,64 20.588,58 20.979,4420 20.549,56 21.529,81 21.897,18 21.945,07 21.054,71 21.034,89 20.628,32 20.463,66 20.541,98 20.983,4521 21.433,07 21.926,24 20.922,65 20.578,35 20.557,48 20.408,94 21.002,3922 21.422,96 21.815,82 20.549,07 20.914,40 20.414,48 20.794,90 20.356,0023 20.438,47 21.330,31 21.945,49 21.776,12 20.396,19 20.855,88 20.371,79 20.766,82 20.365,2724 20.409,02 21.404,61 21.808,07 20.475,49 20.788,50 20.301,26 20.480,46 20.807,24 21.003,4025 20.308,00 21.819,60 20.585,26 20.782,82 20.698,83 20.436,28 20.777,7126 20.303,80 22.132,46 21.797,65 20.778,80 20.498,79 20.431,22 20.835,73 20.322,20 21.040,1627 20.333,44 21.383,24 22.266,14 21.878,66 20.830,12 20.560,60 20.177,56 20.473,93 20.252,85 21.027,5128 21.491,11 22.185,82 20.575,35 20.820,83 20.177,31 20.551,46 20.234,79 21.070,2829 21.546,22 22.123,33 20.614,93 21.079,75 20.166,79 20.864,19 20.325,4530 20.315,87 22.206,86 21.925,87 20.620,58 20.501,49 20.045,39 20.884,54 20.323,8531 20.454,09 20.802,59 20.447,87 20.176,31 20.910,9390INDICE MAS BAJO OBSERVADO EN EL MES / lowest level of the month20.049,80 20.621,10 21.345,49 21.613,26 20.396,19 20.313,98 20.447,87 19.990,10 19.997,81 20.564,55 20.234,79 20.318,72INDICE MAS ALTO OBSERVADO EN EL MES / highest level of the month20.549,56 21.553,14 22.266,14 22.297,06 21.820,50 21.079,75 21.181,18 20.628,32 20.557,48 21.088,62 20.953,18 21.070,28PROMEDIO ACUMULADO ANUAl / accumulated annual average20.317,99 20.739,65 21.092,11 21.270,80 21.230,48 21.150,81 21.116,53 21.006,72 20.945,02 20.931,89 20.897,97 20.885,35INDICES MAS ALTOS OBSERVADOS / highest levelsINDICES MAS BAJOS OBSERVADOS / lowest levelS22.297,06 02/04/<strong>2012</strong> 19.990,10 02/08/<strong>2012</strong>22.266,14 27/03/<strong>2012</strong> 19.997,81 05/09/<strong>2012</strong>22.206,86 30/03/<strong>2012</strong> 20.026,10 04/09/<strong>2012</strong>90

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketINDICE GENERAL DE PRECIOS DE ACCIONES (IGPA) (Base 100 = 30 <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> 1980)STOCKS PRICES GENERAL INDEX (Base 100 = 30 <strong>de</strong>cember 1980)<strong>Valores</strong> Reales <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> 1980, último día <strong>de</strong> cada mes / Real Values as of December 1980, last day of each month2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>ENE / JAN 365,90 335,02 472,35 578,19 596,21 791,82 734,39 646,98 939,27 1156,18 1019,74FEB / FEB 366,21 336,61 509,00 599,22 611,93 784,42 745,74 636,75 947,01 1100,84 1070,00MAR / MAR 367,96 333,47 496,56 610,69 619,31 809,50 752,20 633,37 938,46 1125,53 1101,06ABR / APR 358,58 374,87 485,83 595,65 620,01 861,02 780,62 683,01 955,07 1168,77 1086,53MAY / MAY 352,41 392,06 474,62 589,92 613,35 859,83 785,65 787,23 956,51 1171,46 1030,58JUN / JUN 343,53 395,39 492,96 608,05 608,09 900,03 796,56 789,01 994,36 1154,83 1047,42JUL / JUL 338,74 418,43 515,60 633,14 606,84 873,62 771,10 820,38 1063,94 1078,21 1016,11AGO / AUG 337,51 445,42 536,84 617,52 627,76 859,60 733,94 811,75 1114,47 1040,70 1000,48SEP / SEP 317,12 461,99 557,70 631,25 650,84 840,83 683,59 846,80 1168,34 951,25 1011,29OCT / OCT 319,28 493,18 571,88 610,31 676,43 880,92 615,90 834,79 1194,28 1043,08 1023,22NOV / NOV 322,67 480,93 582,89 589,51 716,50 827,38 601,03 823,66 1196,23 1007,77 998,98DIC / DEC 337,89 488,61 582,74 577,43 756,67 798,33 599,71 893,77 1197,51 1004,42 1035,67PROM. ANUAL / annual average 344,03 406,53 517,40 601,33 632,11 834,17 708,04 760,55 1.043,73 1.082,00 1.033,26% VAR. ANUAL / annual variation -9,56 44,61 19,27 -0,91 31,04 5,50 -24,88 49,03 33,98 -16,12 3,11% VAR. PROM. / average variation -6,00 18,17 28,61 16,22 5,12 31,97 -15,12 7,42 37,23 3,67 -4,50<strong>Valores</strong> Reales <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> 1980, promedio mensual / Real Values as of December 1980, monthly average2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>92ENE / JAN 368,24 337,16 480,59 570,66 467,72 769,97 638,79 633,31 925,04 1195,64 1012,96FEB / feb 364,62 319,07 487,50 585,77 475,49 820,65 655,03 661,69 939,10 1115,13 1051,88MAR / mar 372,45 333,79 502,38 604,93 487,52 803,87 651,53 603,67 938,91 1094,29 1079,95ABR / apr 360,81 318,49 493,68 602,35 492,70 840,43 687,07 669,52 947,45 1146,28 1082,84MAY / may 357,49 384,55 474,83 591,37 499,65 855,83 692,54 752,06 944,35 1167,58 1043,69JUN / jun 348,00 400,09 480,54 601,05 482,51 871,14 723,60 803,16 979,72 1142,32 1030,96JUL / jul 330,89 404,23 503,39 612,58 488,47 878,72 685,12 809,55 1025,95 1129,08 1038,53AGO / aug 339,99 435,82 523,18 625,51 497,98 837,33 687,94 831,81 1095,93 1018,39 1005,27SEP / sep 309,83 449,00 541,89 619,55 513,56 832,21 646,92 820,96 1155,73 982,81 1000,47OCT / oct 312,55 491,17 563,83 622,38 535,19 874,97 544,41 854,83 1166,06 973,78 1018,82NOV / nov 321,58 475,92 571,52 595,70 561,37 821,81 582,79 834,18 1201,66 1019,14 1009,86DIC / <strong>de</strong>c 331,00 483,17 583,37 581,48 594,16 801,49 549,98 864,90 1198,58 999,85 1019,13PROM. ANUAL / annual average 344,03 406,53 517,40 601,33 632,11 834,17 708,04 760,55 1.043,73 1.082,00 1.033,26% VAR. ANUAL / annual variation -11,84 45,97 20,74 -0,32 2,18 34,90 -31,38 57,26 38,58 -16,58 1,93% VAR. PROM. / average variation -6,00 18,17 28,61 16,22 5,12 31,97 -15,12 7,42 37,23 3,67 -4,5092

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketINDICES PATRIMONIALES / MARKET CAPITALIZATION WEIGHTED INDEXESCarteras al 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> / Portfolios as of 12/28/<strong>2012</strong>SMALL Cap. Bursátil ajustada por PesoFree-Float (MM$) WeightAdjusted Market Cap. %ANDROMACO 128.924 1,53ANDROMACO 81.797 1,32AQUACHILE 129.586 2,04AUSTRALIS 11.224 0,18AZUL AZUL 32.789 0,53BANMEDICA 398.699 6,61BESALCO 200.398 3,22BLUMAR 35.328 0,56CAMANCHACA 31.419 0,51CAMPOS 12.956 0,22CEMENTOS 68.222 1,09CIC 10.142 0,07CINTAC 33.785 0,57COLO COLO 13.809 0,34CRISTALES 123.564 2,85CRUZADOS 9.600 0,15CRUZBLANCA 230.891 3,76CTI 4.310 1,53CUPRUM 258.316 4,35CURAUMA 5.894 0,08EMBONOR-B 182.214 3,06ENAEX 289.465 4,82ENJOY 61.093 0,97ESVAL-C 136 0,43FORUS 236.513 3,85GASCO 284.226 4,71HABITAT 300.685 5,17HITES 59.606 0,99IANSA 78.655 1,29INDISA 95.653 1,41INVERMAR 9.153 0,15LAS CONDES 296.898 4,97MADECO 57.169 1,07MASISA 118.734 1,94MULTIFOODS 54.077 0,84NAVIERA 92.869 1,33NORTEGRAN 120.172 2,01PARAUCO 616.749 9,90PAZ 57.528 0,92PILMAIQUEN 79.499 0,48POLPAICO 48.909 0,78PUCOBRE-A 63.508 1,05SALFACORP 262.611 4,06SAN PEDRO 61.553 1,03SCHWAGER 6.491 0,10SECURITY 485.839 8,19SOCOVESA 133.912 2,17SOQUICOM 13.602 0,23VAPORES 233.211 1,50ZOFRI 34.350 0,60Total 6.127.809MID Cap. Bursátil ajustada por PesoFree-Float (MM$) WeightAdjusted Market Cap. %AGUAS-A 985.113 10,27ALMENDRAL 218.830 2,43ANDINA-B 731.376 5,26CFR 245.724 2,95CGE 390.149 4,17CONCHATORO 417.433 5,28CORPBANCA 370.140 4,58ECL 559.215 8,17IAM 418.741 4,12INVERCAP 419.315 6,56MINERA 370.913 4,78MOLYMET 719.697 7,15ORO BLANCO 148.863 2,33PASUR 135.591 2,07PEHUENCHE 154.446 1,50PROVIDA 520.946 4,34QUINENCO 386.383 2,84RIPLEY 415.700 5,36SK 292.448 2,02SM-CHILE B 868.190 8,49SONDA 551.747 5,31Total 9.320.960LARGE Cap.Bursátil ajustada por PesoFree-Float (MM$) WeightAdjusted Market Cap. %AESGENER 727.686 2,43ANTARCHILE 865.910 2,78BCI 1.466.148 5,16BSANTANDER 1.588.601 6,74CAP 1.647.901 5,30CCU 813.635 2,61CENCOSUD 2.444.750 6,46CHILE 1.444.565 4,70CMPC 1.748.388 5,50COLBUN 1.170.562 3,66COPEC 3.458.335 10,94ENDESA 2.554.023 8,23ENERSIS 2.260.699 7,27ENTEL 1.059.258 3,50FALABELLA 2.150.289 6,18LAN 3.968.864 11,10SQM-B 2.335.243 7,44Total 31.704.8569393

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketINDICES SECTORIALES / SECTOR INDEXESCarteras al 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> / Portfolios as of 12/28/<strong>2012</strong>Banca Cap. Bursátil Cap. Bursátil ajustada por Free-Float PesoBanking Market Capitalization Free-Float Adjusted Market Capitalization Weight(MM$) (%) (MM$) (%)BCI 3.487.508 42,04 1.466.148 26,53BSANTANDER 6.354.403 25,00 1.588.601 34,69CHILE 6.856.026 21,07 1.444.565 24,20CORPBANCA 1.609.302 23,00 370.140 6,36SECURITY 538.982 90,14 485.839 8,2318.846.222 5.355.292 100,00Commodities Cap. Bursátil Cap. Bursátil ajustada por Free-Float PesoCommodities Market Capitalization Free-Float Adjusted Market Capitalization Weight(MM$) (%) (MM$) (%)CAP 2.399.389 68,68 1.647.901 18,05CMPC 3.923.672 44,56 1.748.388 18,70COPEC 8.826.788 39,18 3.458.335 37,22PUCOBRE-A 414.273 15,33 63.508 0,70SQM-B 3.311.932 70,51 2.335.243 25,3318.876.054 9.253.375 100,00Constructoras e Inmobiliarias Cap. Bursátil Cap. Bursátil ajustada por Free-Float PesoReal State & Construction Market Capitalization Free-Float Adjusted Market Capitalization Weight(MM$) (%) (MM$) (%)BESALCO 500.494 40,04 200.398 30,82CURAUMA 24.236 24,32 5.894 0,76PAZ 96.491 59,62 57.528 8,80SALFACORP 428.683 61,26 262.611 38,86SOCOVESA 277.711 48,22 133.912 20,761.327.616 660.344 100,0094Consumo Cap. Bursátil Cap. Bursátil ajustada por Free-Float PesoConsumer Goods Market Capitalization Free-Float Adjusted market Capitalization Weight(MM$) (%) (MM$) (%)ANDINA-B 1.425.406 51,31 731.376 31,55CAMANCHACA 99.616 31,54 31.419 1,33CCU 2.400.811 33,89 813.635 35,05CONCHATORO 696.650 59,92 417.433 17,98EMBONOR-B 365.013 49,92 182.214 8,02IANSA 137.822 57,07 78.655 3,38SAN PEDRO 123.107 50,00 61.553 2,705.248.424 2.316.285 100,094

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketINDICES SECTORIALES / SECTOR INDEXESCarteras al 28/12/2011 / Portfolios as of 12/28/2011Industrial Cap. Bursátil Cap. Bursátil ajustada por Free-Float PesoIndustrial Market Capitalization Free-Float Adjusted market Capitalization Weight(MM$) (%) (MM$) (%)ANDROMACO 125.841 65,00 81.797 1,38BLUMAR 167.350 21,11 35.328 0,59CEMENTOS 202.922 33,62 68.222 1,14CFR 1.018.336 24,13 245.724 4,16CIC 16.540 61,32 10.142 0,07CINTAC 89.283 37,84 33.785 0,59CRISTALES 265.728 46,50 123.564 2,98CTI 229.248 1,88 4.310 1,60ENAEX 734.310 39,42 289.465 5,03LAN 5.356.815 74,09 3.968.864 59,45MADECO 128.846 44,37 57.169 1,12MASISA 348.603 34,06 118.734 2,03MOLYMET 1.045.616 68,83 719.697 12,17NAVIERA 117.467 79,06 92.869 1,39POLPAICO 107.069 45,68 48.909 0,82SK 1.240.765 23,57 292.448 3,90VAPORES 372.780 62,56 233.211 1,5711.567.518 6.424.239 100,0Retail Cap. Bursátil Cap. Bursátil ajustada por Free-Float PesoRetail Market Capitalization Free-Float Adjusted market Capitalization Weight(MM$) (%) (MM$) (%)CENCOSUD 6.507.186 37,57 2.444.750 38,13FALABELLA 11.926.170 18,03 2.150.289 36,43FORUS 696.445 33,96 236.513 4,43HITES 154.621 38,55 59.606 1,14PARAUCO 833.107 74,03 616.749 11,40RIPLEY 883.905 47,03 415.700 7,78ZOFRI 119.604 28,72 34.350 0,6921.121.038 5.957.957 100,00Salmón Cap. Bursátil Cap. Bursátil ajustada por Free-Float PesoSalmon Market Capitalization Free-Float Adjusted market Capitalization Weight(MM$) (%) (MM$) (%)AQUACHILE 381.810 33,94 129.586 63,55AUSTRALIS 86.074 13,04 11.224 5,73INVERMAR 19.928 45,93 9.153 4,56MULTIFOODS 161.521 33,48 54.077 26,16649.333 204.040 100,0095Utilities Cap. Bursátil Cap. Bursátil ajustada por Free-Float PesoUtilities Market Capitalization Free-Float Adjusted market Capitalization Weight(MM$) (%) (MM$) (%)AESGENER 2.481.029 29,33 727.686 8,23AGUAS-A 1.974.174 49,90 985.113 11,03CGE 1.154.288 33,80 390.149 4,19COLBUN 2.315.651 50,55 1.170.562 12,38ECL 1.184.026 47,23 559.215 6,04ENDESA 6.381.867 40,02 2.554.023 27,86ENERSIS 5.740.728 39,38 2.260.699 24,64ESVAL-C 449 30,22 136 0,29GASCO 655.200 43,38 284.226 3,11PEHUENCHE 2.101.306 7,35 154.446 1,91PILMAIQUEN 99.250 80,10 79.499 0,3124.087.967 9.165.753 100,095

Mercado Accionario s Equity MarketRANKING DE ACCIONES AÑO <strong>2012</strong> / STOCKS RANKING, YEAR <strong>2012</strong>96MONTOS TRANSADOS PRESENCIA BURSATIL PATRIMONIO BURSATIL(MILES $) AL 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> (%) AL 28/12/<strong>2012</strong> (MILLONES $)SOCIEDAD TRADING VALUE SOCIEDAD STOCK MARKET PRESENCE SOCIEDAD RENTABILIDAD SOCIEDAD MARKET CAPITALIZATIONCOMPANY (THOUSANDS OF $) % COMPANY AS OF 12/28/<strong>2012</strong>(%) COMPANY RETURN (%) COMPANY AS OF 12/28/<strong>2012</strong> (MILLIONS $) %1 LAN 13,54 1 AESGENER 100,00 1 FORUS 98,62 1 FALABELLA 11.926.170 7,952 CENCOSUD 1.916.458.001 8,60 2 AGUAS-A 100,00 2 CUPRUM 69,71 2 COPEC 8.826.788 5,883 FALABELLA 1.282.870.249 5,75 3 ANDINA-B 100,00 3 EMBONOR-B 69,64 3 CHILE 6.856.026 4,574 SQM-B 1.167.365.054 5,24 4 BCI 100,00 4 TATTERSALL 69,52 4 CENCOSUD 6.507.186 4,345 ENERSIS 969.180.119 4,35 5 BESALCO 100,00 5 PAZ 69,14 5 ENDESA 6.381.867 4,256 ENDESA 965.299.578 4,33 6 BSANTANDER 100,00 6 HABITAT 57,91 6 BSANTANDER 6.354.403 4,247 BSANTANDER 950.268.598 4,26 7 CAP 100,00 7 PROVIDA 57,42 7 ENERSIS 5.740.728 3,838 COPEC 814.299.932 3,65 8 CCU 100,00 8 PARAUCO 44,09 8 LAN 5.356.815 3,579 CAP 698.800.136 3,13 9 CENCOSUD 100,00 9 PEHUENCHE 41,98 9 CMPC 3.923.672 2,6210 ENTEL 675.791.987 3,03 10 CHILE 100,00 10 BANMEDICA 41,40 10 SQM-A 3.906.115 2,6011 CMPC 593.606.948 2,66 11 CMPC 100,00 11 ZOFRI 38,22 11 BCI 3.487.508 2,3212 CHILE 527.122.105 2,36 12 COLBUN 100,00 12 SK 37,50 12 ANTARCHILE 3.377.186 2,2513 ILC 470.723.233 2,11 13 COPEC 100,00 13 CALICHERAA 37,31 13 SQM-B 3.311.932 2,2114 VAPORES 457.828.891 2,05 14 CORPBANCA 100,00 14 ANDINA-B 36,93 14 AESGENER 2.481.029 1,6515 AGUAS-A 446.431.889 2,00 15 ECL 100,00 15 ANDINA-A 36,51 15 CCU 2.400.811 1,6016 SONDA 399.898.407 1,79 16 ENDESA 100,00 16 HITES 32,00 16 CAP 2.399.389 1,6017 ECL 338.341.004 1,52 17 ENERSIS 100,00 17 CRISTALES 29,59 17 ENTEL 2.341.419 1,5618 COLBUN 324.947.138 1,46 18 ENTEL 100,00 18 IAM 29,03 18 COLBUN 2.315.651 1,5419 ANDINA-B 318.403.864 1,43 19 FALABELLA 100,00 19 INDISA 28,29 19 PEHUENCHE 2.101.306 1,4020 CCU 315.518.071 1,42 20 LAN 100,00 20 SOCOVESA 27,59 20 SM-CHILE B 2.079.000 1,3921 AESGENER 310.478.106 1,39 21 PARAUCO 100,00 21 BESALCO 27,05 21 QUINENCO 2.070.650 1,3822 BCI 308.593.577 1,38 22 PROVIDA 100,00 22 QUINENCO 25,95 22 AGUAS-A 1.974.174 1,3223 SALFACORP 275.196.707 1,23 23 RIPLEY 100,00 23 SM-CHILE D 25,58 23 MINERA 1.968.750 1,3124 RIPLEY 270.100.347 1,21 24 SALFACORP 100,00 24 GASCO 24,50 24 WMTCL 1.695.200 1,1325 CORPBANCA 258.091.550 1,16 25 SK 100,00 25 SONDA 24,28 25 CORPBANCA 1.609.302 1,0726 PARAUCO 242.077.718 1,09 26 SM-CHILE B 100,00 26 FALABELLA 23,90 26 CHILECTRA 1.461.443 0,9727 SK 203.289.664 0,91 27 SONDA 100,00 27 SM-CHILE B 23,46 27 ANDINA-B 1.425.406 0,9528 CFR 197.303.542 0,89 28 SQM-B 100,00 28 CRUZBLANCA 22,87 28 CALICHERAA 1.407.285 0,9429 NUEVAPOLAR 175.476.382 0,79 29 VAPORES 100,00 29 COLO COLO 22,18 29 SK 1.240.765 0,8330 BESALCO 172.522.112 0,77 30 CONCHATORO 99,44 30 MOLYMET 21,22 30 ECL 1.184.026 0,7931 SM-CHILE B 171.672.259 0,77 31 IAM 99,44 31 AGUAS-A 20,87 31 SONDA 1.172.932 0,7832 SMSAAM 167.942.701 0,75 32 HABITAT 98,89 32 AESGENER 18,98 32 SANTANGRUP 1.171.711 0,7833 CRUZBLANCA 154.666.349 0,69 33 NUEVAPOLAR 98,89 33 BCI 18,97 33 CVA 1.158.699 0,7734 PROVIDA 141.454.878 0,63 34 SMSAAM 98,89 34 CHILE 16,81 34 CGE 1.154.288 0,7735 CONCHATORO 140.133.573 0,63 35 FORUS 96,67 35 ENJOY 14,31 35 ANDINA-A 1.153.359 0,7736 QUINENCO 118.949.616 0,53 36 CFR 96,11 36 CCU 13,96 36 PROVIDA 1.076.779 0,7237 EMBONOR-B 117.655.648 0,53 37 IANSA 95,56 37 CGE 13,09 37 MOLYMET 1.045.616 0,7038 FORUS 108.483.432 0,49 38 ANTARCHILE 93,33 38 SECURITY 12,78 38 CFR 1.018.336 0,6839 IAM 105.306.291 0,47 39 HITES 92,78 39 ALMENDRAL 12,52 39 ALMENDRAL 988.392 0,6640 ANTARCHILE 104.467.213 0,47 40 MOLYMET 89,44 40 CTC-A 12,27 40 BBVACL 983.555 0,6641 ANDINA-A 97.241.079 0,44 41 SOCOVESA 88,89 41 AZUL AZUL 9,09 41 IAM 964.840 0,6442 LAS CONDES 95.597.313 0,43 42 CGE 85,00 42 MASISA 9,00 42 BANMEDICA 937.454 0,6243 HITES 90.143.681 0,40 43 CRUZBLANCA 84,44 43 ENTEL 7,98 43 ILC 933.040 0,6244 BANMEDICA 85.335.181 0,38 44 PAZ 83,33 44 CRUZADOS 6,38 44 HABITAT 924.900 0,6245 HABITAT 81.138.817 0,36 45 MULTIFOODS 82,22 45 ENDESA 4,96 45 RIPLEY 883.905 0,5946 PAZ 78.950.893 0,35 46 QUINENCO 82,22 46 WMTCL 4,91 46 PASUR 843.750 0,5647 MOLYMET 74.603.950 0,33 47 EMBONOR-B 81,67 47 CORPBANCA 3,03 47 PARAUCO 833.107 0,5648 CUPRUM 64.064.574 0,29 48 AQUACHILE 79,44 48 CEMENTOS 2,40 48 ENAEX 734.310 0,4949 MINERA 57.723.594 0,26 49 MASISA 79,44 49 LAS CONDES 2,39 49 CUPRUM 706.553 0,4750 SOCOVESA 57.592.992 0,26 50 NORTEGRAN 75,00 50 SQM-B 0,60 50 CONCHATORO 696.650 0,4696NOTAS EXPLICATIVASEL RANKING DE RENTABILIDAD INCLUYE SOLO LAS ACCIONES CON PRESENCIA MAYOR O IGUALA 50% DURANTE EL AÑO <strong>2012</strong>.PRESENCIA BURSATILRENTABILIDAD: Número <strong>de</strong> días que la acción registró transacciones por montos iguales omayores a 1.000 Unida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Fomento durante los últimos 180 días hábilesbursátiles, expresado en porcentaje.: Es el mayor valor <strong>de</strong> la inversión en una acción en el año <strong>2012</strong> suponiendo quese adquiere al principio <strong>de</strong>l año y se ven<strong>de</strong> al final, consi<strong>de</strong>rando las emisiones<strong>de</strong> pago, la reinversión <strong>de</strong> divi<strong>de</strong>ndos y repartos <strong>de</strong> capital, y la variación <strong>de</strong>lprecio en el año.Esta rentabilidad se hace efectiva en la medida que la acción tenga liqui<strong>de</strong>zsuficiente en el mercado (presencia) como para ser comprada y vendida en elmomento oportuno.PATRIMONIO BURSATIL : Correspon<strong>de</strong> al producto entre el número <strong>de</strong> acciones en circulación y el precio<strong>de</strong> cierre al 28 <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong>.EXPLANATORY NOTESPROFITABILITY RANKING INCLUDES ONLY STOCKS WHOSE PRESENCE IS EQUIVALENT TO ORHIGHER THAN 50% DURING YEAR <strong>2012</strong>.LIQUIDITYRETURN: Number of days the share registered transactions in amounts equal to, or greater than1.000 UF during the last 180 trading days. The liquidity is expressed as a percentage.: The increased investment value of the share in year <strong>2012</strong> assuming that it is acquiredat the beginning of the year and sold at the end, consi<strong>de</strong>ring paid issuances, divi<strong>de</strong>ndreinvestment and capital distribution, and price variation during the year.This profitability becomes effective insofar as the shares has sufficient market liquidity(presence) to be bought and sold at the appropriated time.MARKET CAP : Number of shares in circulation multiplied by the closing price on 28 December <strong>2012</strong>.

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Deuda - IRFFixed Market IncomeMONTOS TRANSADOS DIARIOS IRF AÑO <strong>2012</strong> (Miles <strong>de</strong> pesos nominales)DAILY Trading Value, YEAR <strong>2012</strong> (Figures in thousands of nominal pesos)DIA ENERO FEBRERO MARZO ABRIL MAYO JUNIO JULIO AGOSTO SEPTIEMBRE OCTUBRE NOVIEMBRE DICIEMBREDAY JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER1 483.702.374 436.582.544 606.317.693 194.187.097 233.239.2382 212.560.951 428.162.561 362.893.768 263.706.357 377.161.374 225.905.428 228.931.9153 280.617.459 435.954.353 429.233.429 236.244.391 203.479.324 256.545.755 239.132.893 265.022.138 244.203.7754 358.992.080 370.901.872 324.294.593 396.063.076 318.085.686 338.255.277 179.944.730 380.991.1705 292.299.888 365.489.501 357.738.355 357.824.121 279.218.564 320.519.496 230.093.203 282.600.388 394.333.3236 310.220.232 315.953.253 399.170.142 365.756.970 369.519.716 198.728.719 358.469.428 510.079.183 435.321.0537 340.446.293 440.111.296 233.655.728 408.333.094 289.728.501 325.546.021 356.696.334 402.144.6768 347.946.103 550.224.474 321.006.512 392.077.955 191.588.636 229.157.534 368.493.3579 310.847.295 346.171.434 343.310.665 316.743.394 588.185.301 226.525.699 320.404.495 410.440.613 293.026.09710 292.627.986 345.605.645 398.606.115 465.239.365 348.096.656 183.530.940 276.415.414 329.480.581 270.464.94711 512.825.521 293.182.775 338.205.858 408.349.869 379.174.296 282.059.389 209.046.442 285.600.66912 395.070.530 436.748.004 309.109.213 462.003.435 480.255.442 284.892.009 274.298.675 215.588.540 319.964.43813 882.095.717 256.337.659 409.697.415 315.693.435 343.433.161 283.524.712 192.274.451 236.826.775 314.583.673 511.672.20214 472.654.170 463.433.031 344.644.645 331.554.916 350.478.241 311.721.116 294.387.472 251.994.34915 339.063.722 322.249.285 385.451.573 352.143.160 235.734.45816 309.306.667 389.744.087 331.817.816 307.321.689 502.914.987 271.962.633 286.147.354 203.702.53217 389.871.141 291.961.888 280.547.118 590.093.012 293.732.266 363.377.437 263.744.439 335.909.11018 340.693.994 378.412.417 302.113.246 234.087.401 308.885.050 192.996.506 329.123.39319 405.476.238 265.714.449 374.425.032 308.642.674 352.900.233 226.424.153 275.906.520 306.216.16720 187.578.205 276.799.688 479.068.787 269.158.536 523.886.040 315.531.628 226.181.696 222.708.455 356.808.973 414.491.80521 374.368.563 290.413.797 342.120.801 410.520.215 175.047.585 333.162.867 296.403.66422 322.937.190 435.148.623 285.093.974 395.823.310 363.209.385 207.520.447 332.550.18123 311.593.157 400.996.956 345.007.113 285.079.024 456.877.861 299.556.246 311.529.618 316.130.419 321.106.72724 312.720.091 372.799.959 292.037.561 373.847.054 404.901.329 260.494.625 217.243.289 248.293.344 198.465.11625 404.917.156 272.085.553 313.467.773 319.034.703 332.305.165 363.296.559 385.596.60226 424.802.608 318.492.875 405.659.517 288.368.671 267.180.188 282.884.441 234.197.907 276.205.364 313.016.73027 404.397.893 345.241.111 371.369.475 296.586.405 405.663.462 330.979.469 334.292.972 300.698.451 345.594.335 365.425.01728 477.008.160 352.132.977 242.749.716 376.533.451 533.981.908 223.133.050 302.663.177 378.477.49829 314.782.527 333.270.296 346.579.362 325.261.168 306.445.108 308.570.854 322.360.48830 251.129.729 323.576.662 223.393.153 392.847.551 287.338.715 362.921.121 358.295.580 304.148.30431 563.840.674 390.432.004 228.376.123 398.444.980 433.316.111MONTO MAS BAJO NEGOCIADO EN EL MES: / lowest trading value in month:187.578.205 256.337.659 265.714.449 223.393.153 233.655.728 234.087.401 203.479.324 183.530.940 175.047.585 179.944.730 203.702.532 198.465.116MONTO MAS ALTO NEGOCIADO EN EL MES: / highest trading value in month:882.095.717 483.702.374 550.224.474 429.233.429 590.093.012 606.317.693 480.255.442 533.981.908 363.296.559 433.316.111 510.079.183 511.672.20297PROMEDIO DIARIO DEL MES: / daily average in month:370.658.418 365.649.414 380.723.772 321.981.047 371.957.422 378.251.387 315.478.325 297.578.816 279.932.332 275.040.399 312.269.948 338.643.110PROMEDIO DIARIO DEL AÑO: / daily average of the year:370.658.418 368.212.160 372.446.860 360.572.551 362.828.044 365.378.361 358.589.240 350.647.055 344.183.881 336.870.628 334.712.674 335.015.015TOTAL MENSUAL: / monthly total:8.154.485.212 7.678.637.696 8.375.922.995 6.439.620.950 7.811.105.880 7.943.279.131 6.309.566.507 6.546.733.961 4.758.849.648 6.050.888.785 6.245.398.970 6.434.219.102TOTAL ACUMULADO ANUAL: / accumulated total annual:8.154.485.212 15.833.122.908 30.648.666.853 38.459.772.733 46.403.051.864 52.712.618.371 59.259.352.332 76.314.489.735 82.748.708.837MONTOS MAS ALTOS NEGOCIADOS: / highest trading value:MONTOS MAS BAJOS NEGOCIADOS: / lowest trading value:13/01/<strong>2012</strong> 882.095.717 21/09/<strong>2012</strong> 175.047.58501/06/<strong>2012</strong> 606.317.693 04/10/<strong>2012</strong> 179.944.73017/05/<strong>2012</strong> 590.093.012 10/08/<strong>2012</strong> 183.530.94097

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Deuda - IRF s Fixed Market IncomeTASA INTERNA DE RETORNO MEDIA (TIRM) REAL ANUAL POR TIPO DE INSTRUMENTO, AÑO <strong>2012</strong> (En porcentaje)ANNUAL REAL AVERAGE INTERNAL RETURN RATE (TIRM) PER TYPE OF INSTRUMENTS, YEAR <strong>2012</strong> (Percentage)INSTRUMENTOS ENE FEB MAR ABR MAY JUN JUL AGO SEP OCT NOV DIC PROM. ANUALINSTRUMENTS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL averageLetras Hipotecarias / Mortgage Bonds 3,98 3,66 3,72 3,86 3,96 3,97 3,96 3,91 3,91 3,85 3,89 4,03 3,91Bonos Emp. y Bcos. / Corporate and Bankings Bonds 4,08 3,84 3,95 3,95 4,08 4,06 4,22 4,25 4,12 3,98 3,92 4,16 4,05Bco. Central y Tes. / Central Banks and Treasury Bonds 3,06 3,15 3,27 3,44 3,62 3,68 3,68 3,18 3,09 3,17 3,10 3,48 3,37Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average <strong>2012</strong> 3,41 3,40 3,47 3,63 3,73 3,76 3,82 3,49 3,43 3,43 3,37 3,69 3,57Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2011 3,78 3,42 3,41 3,48 3,46 3,68 3,74 3,76 3,45 3,39 3,62 3,65 3,57Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2010 3,04 2,59 2,21 2,64 3,32 3,12 3,31 3,08 3,37 3,51 3,54 3,67 3,11Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2009 4,34 3,34 3,07 3,18 3,22 3,47 3,18 3,27 2,88 2,97 3,41 3,66 3,32Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2008 3,61 3,57 3,00 3,16 3,84 3,84 3,86 4,27 3,80 4,12 4,35 4,70 3,88Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2007 3,68 3,34 3,22 3,03 3,61 3,73 3,37 3,64 3,57 3,72 3,82 3,72 3,55Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2006 4,01 3,65 3,80 3,58 3,88 3,94 3,92 3,89 4,11 4,41 3,84 3,55 3,90Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2005 3,61 3,21 3,36 3,05 3,20 3,24 3,22 2,94 3,19 3,50 4,15 4,37 3,42Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2004 3,65 3,30 3,34 3,45 3,20 3,54 3,17 2,89 3,19 3,18 3,42 3,67 3,31Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2003 4,09 3,97 3,95 4,05 4,31 4,29 4,12 4,15 3,99 4,31 3,98 4,45 4,16Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2002 5,20 5,11 5,01 5,07 4,89 5,09 4,83 4,18 3,56 3,98 4,11 4,41 4,60Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2001 6,10 5,78 5,89 5,88 5,90 5,91 5,89 6,16 5,81 5,55 5,64 5,59 5,82Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 2000 7,23 7,30 7,36 7,32 7,30 7,04 6,79 6,87 6,66 6,53 6,65 6,68 6,93Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1999 7,57 7,32 7,20 7,30 7,01 6,67 6,96 7,10 6,96 7,14 7,59 7,30 7,1698Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1998 7,46 7,53 7,35 7,34 7,45 7,65 8,04 8,47 10,22 8,72 7,95 7,64 7,92Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1997 6,41 6,51 6,49 6,50 6,62 6,59 6,65 6,78 6,85 7,00 7,00 7,06 6,71Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1996 6,62 6,63 6,71 6,83 6,75 6,68 6,53 6,50 6,54 6,39 6,43 6,41 6,57Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1995 6,15 6,29 6,42 6,53 6,43 6,20 5,92 6,11 6,32 6,58 6,88 6,90 6,38Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1994 6,51 6,32 6,35 6,37 6,42 6,31 6,35 6,34 6,31 6,22 6,24 6,11 6,32Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1993 7,66 7,56 7,60 7,52 7,77 7,44 7,21 6,86 6,62 6,69 6,72 6,62 7,12Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1992 5,75 6,01 6,38 6,39 6,59 6,75 6,49 6,35 6,59 7,31 7,71 7,62 6,84Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1991 6,92 6,31 6,30 6,64 6,54 6,64 6,46 6,39 6,24 6,37 6,02 5,75 6,34Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1990 9,70 10,36 10,27 10,33 10,11 9,11 9,16 8,07 7,76 7,68 7,39 7,30 8,56Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1989 6,88 7,19 6,82 7,21 7,19 7,13 7,31 8,02 7,74 8,21 8,59 8,27 7,69Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1988 5,31 5,49 5,19 5,60 5,86 5,81 5,60 6,02 6,25 6,43 6,58 6,69 5,8198Prom. Mensual / Monthly Average 1987 4,80 5,46 5,82 6,22 6,37 6,60 6,13 5,62 6,12 6,55 5,85 5,98 5,95

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Deuda - IRF s Fixed Market IncomeTASA INTERNA DE RETORNO MEDIA (TIRM) REAL ANUAL POR AÑOS AL VENCIMIENTO, AÑO <strong>2012</strong> (En porcentaje)ANNUAL REAL AVERAGE INTERNAL RETURN RATE (TIRM) PER YEARS TO MATURITY, YEAR <strong>2012</strong> (Percentage)MESES / MONTHS 0.0 - 2.0 2.1 - 5.0 5.1 - 8.0 8.1 - 10.0 10.1 - 12.0 12.1 - 15.0 15.1 Y MAS PROMEDIO/AVERAGEENERO / JANUARY 3,36 3,25 3,50 3,35 4,82 3,59 3,77 3,41FEBRERO / FEBRUARY 3,19 3,30 3,74 3,32 3,32 3,22 3,47 3,40MARZO / MARCH 2,92 3,43 3,52 3,77 3,55 4,11 3,84 3,47ABRIL / APRIL 4,09 3,51 3,41 3,61 3,88 4,27 3,88 3,63MAYO / MAY 3,17 3,77 3,93 3,70 3,78 3,93 3,93 3,73JUNIO / JUNE 4,41 3,94 3,65 3,39 3,66 3,88 3,74 3,76PROMEDIO 1ER SEMESTRE / AVERAGE-FIRST SEMESTER 3,40 3,56 3,64 3,52 3,74 3,78 3,77 3,58JULIO / JULY 4,93 3,83 3,93 3,46 4,13 3,55 3,85 3,82AGOSTO / AUGUST 4,28 3,22 4,15 3,42 3,62 3,73 3,73 3,49SEPTIEMBRE / SEPTEMBER 3,98 3,35 3,87 2,98 3,76 3,81 3,74 3,43OCTUBRE / OCTOBER 3,62 3,13 3,73 3,50 3,62 3,62 3,90 3,43NOVIEMBRE / NOVEMBER 3,52 3,14 3,67 3,34 3,00 3,66 3,62 3,37DICIEMBRE / DECEMBER 4,74 3,41 4,37 3,13 3,51 3,91 3,60 3,69PROMEDIO 2DO SEMESTRE / AVERAGE-SECOND SEMESTER 4,19 3,34 3,92 3,32 3,54 3,67 3,73 3,54PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE <strong>2012</strong> 3,73 3,46 3,74 3,44 3,67 3,73 3,75 3,57PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2011 3,03 3,45 3,83 3,90 3,57 3,79 3,74 3,57PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2010 1,81 2,78 3,71 3,57 3,42 3,67 3,77 3,11PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2009 1,70 2,94 4,33 3,86 3,91 3,44 4,06 3,32PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2008 3,58 3,76 4,01 4,33 4,27 3,42 3,92 3,88PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2007 3,11 3,48 4,10 3,72 3,50 3,60 3,52 3,55PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2006 3,95 3,82 3,67 4,23 4,02 3,90 3,94 3,90PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2005 3,34 3,13 3,05 3,84 3,73 3,87 3,66 3,52PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2004 2,65 2,91 2,88 3,39 4,06 4,28 4,40 3,51PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2003 3,36 3,98 3,78 3,88 4,83 5,13 5,20 4,31PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2002 3,35 4,54 4,35 4,18 5,53 5,49 4,99 4,63PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2001 4,54 5,58 5,72 5,52 6,23 6,10 6,41 5,73PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 2000 6,32 6,64 6,92 6,79 7,16 6,98 7,24 6,86PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1999 6,79 6,82 7,09 7,30 7,43 7,16 7,38 7,14PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1998 9,88 8,42 7,71 7,82 8,11 7,96 7,76 8,24PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1997 6,82 6,76 6,67 6,59 6,83 6,77 6,71 6,74PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1996 6,82 6,73 6,45 6,44 6,72 6,60 6,59 6,62PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1995 6,35 6,44 6,34 6,30 6,49 6,36 6,38 6,38PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1994 6,55 6,41 6,23 6,17 6,46 6,29 6,29 6,34PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1993 7,13 7,20 7,14 6,93 7,20 7,07 7,00 7,10PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1992 6,42 6,78 6,82 6,81 7,05 7,13 6,90 6,84PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1991 6,80 6,07 6,19 6,28 6,68 6,88 6,40 6,47PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1990 10,87 8,65 8,94 8,25 8,37 8,51 8,18 8,82PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1989 8,09 7,81 7,37 7,76 7,95 7,64 7,54 7,74PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1988 4,04 5,66 5,46 6,38 6,29 6,40 6,35 5,80PROM. ANUAL / ANNUAL AVERAGE 1987 4,41 5,83 6,20 6,19 6,22 6,32 6,68 5,9899NOTA: La TIRM se calcula pon<strong>de</strong>rando por montos transados / TIRM IS CALCULATED WEIGHING OF THE TRADING VALUE.99

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Deuda - IRF s Fixed Market IncomeTASA INTERNA DE RETORNO MEDIA (TIRM) REAL ANUAL, VALORES DIARIOS AÑO <strong>2012</strong> (En porcentaje)ANNUAL REAL AVERAGE INTERNAL RETURN RATE (TIRM), DAILY VALUES YEAR <strong>2012</strong> (Percentage)DIA ENERO FEBRERO MARZO ABRIL MAYO JUNIO JULIO AGOSTO SEPTIEMBRE OCTUBRE NOVIEMBRE DICIEMBREDAY JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER1 3,38 4,04 3,70 4,21 3,632 3,42 3,43 3,56 3,63 4,03 3,73 3,933 3,49 3,14 3,75 3,55 3,71 3,73 3,34 3,88 3,694 3,72 3,42 3,78 3,25 3,70 3,24 3,37 3,795 3,44 3,12 3,29 3,46 4,16 2,97 3,52 3,27 3,646 3,39 3,14 3,60 3,57 4,35 4,26 3,17 3,18 3,677 3,54 3,26 4,06 4,21 3,61 3,27 3,42 3,778 3,48 2,67 3,12 3,56 3,99 3,21 3,399 3,19 3,08 3,70 2,95 3,00 3,75 3,66 3,51 3,2810 3,26 3,44 3,91 4,42 4,07 3,81 3,20 3,29 3,1511 3,03 4,21 4,28 3,53 3,62 3,60 2,86 3,9812 3,59 3,26 3,47 3,75 3,82 4,02 3,08 3,68 3,6013 3,46 3,32 3,35 3,37 4,05 3,73 3,62 3,44 3,53 3,8514 3,35 3,48 3,34 3,96 3,49 3,74 3,34 4,2115 3,27 3,46 3,71 3,71 3,6816 3,68 3,32 3,49 3,07 3,28 3,70 3,47 3,5717 3,82 3,17 3,22 3,95 4,13 3,48 3,48 3,7118 3,24 3,44 3,77 3,40 3,94 3,24 3,5919 3,33 3,48 3,73 3,75 3,84 3,39 3,27 3,5420 3,48 3,45 3,92 3,22 3,49 3,30 3,80 3,25 3,32 3,7721 3,88 3,52 4,00 3,14 4,00 3,21 3,2622 3,65 3,49 4,62 3,94 3,45 3,17 3,4423 3,48 3,55 3,41 3,59 3,67 3,84 3,29 3,43 3,3524 3,12 3,36 3,77 3,64 4,03 3,51 3,61 3,25 4,0325 3,07 3,82 4,05 4,35 3,74 3,48 3,3726 3,89 3,54 4,02 4,25 3,49 3,58 3,05 3,42 3,7227 2,87 3,33 3,32 3,94 3,56 3,51 3,08 3,26 3,10 3,2328 3,58 3,72 4,02 3,88 3,22 3,51 3,77 3,9129 3,70 3,56 3,93 4,12 3,22 3,09 3,2030 3,61 3,98 4,63 3,40 3,49 3,38 3,90 3,2931 3,67 3,53 4,02 3,07 3,78100VALOR MAS BAJO OBSERVADO EN EL MES: / lowest amount recor<strong>de</strong>d in the month:2,87 3,08 2,67 2,95 3,00 3,25 3,30 3,07 2,97 2,86 3,10 3,15VALOR MAS ALTO OBSERVADO EN EL MES: / highest amount recor<strong>de</strong>d in the month:3,89 3,88 4,04 4,63 4,62 4,35 4,35 4,26 4,02 3,93 3,77 4,21PROMEDIO MENSUAL: / monthly average:3,41 3,40 3,47 3,63 3,73 3,76 3,82 3,49 3,43 3,43 3,37 3,69PROMEDIO ACUMULADO ANUAL: / accumulated annual average:3,42 3,41 3,44 3,48 3,54 3,58 3,61 3,61 3,59 3,57 3,56 3,57TIR MAS ALTAS OBSERVADAS: / highest time recor<strong>de</strong>d:TIR MAS BAJAS OBSERVADAS: / lowest time recor<strong>de</strong>d:4,63 30/04/<strong>2012</strong> 2,67 08/03/<strong>2012</strong>4,62 22/05/<strong>2012</strong> 2,86 11/10/<strong>2012</strong>4,42 10/05/<strong>2012</strong> 2,87 27/01/<strong>2012</strong>100

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Intermediación FinancieraMoney MarketCARACTERISTICAS DE LOS INSTRUMENTOS DE INTERMEDIACION FINANCIERACHARACTERISTICS OF MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTSTASA EFECTIVA PAGO DE PAGO PLAZO DE EMISION FECHAREAL ANUAL (%)/ INTERES/ AMORTIZACIONES/ (AÑOS)/ EMISION/INSTRUMENTO/ REAJUSTE/ REAL ANNUAL AMORTIZACION/ INTEREST AMORTIZATION ISSUE PERIOD DATE OF OBSERVACIONES/INSTRUMENT READJUSTMENT EFFECTIVE RATE (%) AMORTIZATION PAYMENT PAYMENT (YEARS) ISSUE COMMENTSBANCO CENTRAL DE CHILE / CENTRAL BANK OF CHILEP.D.B.C. No Reajustable s/Tasa <strong>de</strong>scuento Directa Rescate total Al vencimiento Entre 1 y 364 días VariableP.D.B.C. Non-Readjustable No discount rate Direct Total re<strong>de</strong>mption To maturity Between 1 and Variable Su propósito es regular la oferta364 days monetaria/Its purpose is to regulateP.R.B.C. U.F. s/Tasa <strong>de</strong>scuento Directa Rescate total Al vencimiento Hasta 3 años Variable monetary offerP.R.B.C. U.F. No discount rate Direct Total re<strong>de</strong>mption To maturity Up to 3 years VariableTESORERIA GENERAL DE LA REPUBLICA / TREASURY OF THE REPUBLICP.D.T. No Reajustable s/Tasa <strong>de</strong>scuento Directa Rescate total Al vencimiento entre 30 y 360 días VariableP.D.T. Non-Readjustable No discount rate Direct Total re<strong>de</strong>mption To maturity Between 30 and Variable Su propósito es financiar la360 days gestión operacional <strong>de</strong> laTesorería General<strong>de</strong> la República/Its purposeis financing Treasury´sP.R.D.T. U.F. s/Tasa <strong>de</strong>scuento Directa Rescate total Al vcmto. entre 90 y 360 días Variable OperationsP.R.D.T. U.F. No discount rate Direct Total re<strong>de</strong>mption To maturity Between 90 and Variable360 daysMINISTERIO DE VIVIENDA Y URBANISMO / MINISTRY HOUSING AND CITI PLANNINGPAGARES MINVIU IPC 8.00 Directa Al vencimiento Al vencimiento Variable Variable Pagos por actos expropiatoriosPRO. NOTES MINVIU IPC 8.00 Direct At expiry To maturity Variable Variable Payments for expropiationsPAGARES DE INSTITUCIONES FINANCIERAS / PROMISSORY NOTES OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONSPAGARES No Reajustables Pactada libremente Directa Al vencimiento Al vencimiento Mínimo 30 días VariablePROMISSORY NOTES Non-Readjustable Negotiated freely Direct At expiry To maturity Minimum 30 days VariableSu propósito esobtener recursospara el financiamiento <strong>de</strong>corto plazo <strong>de</strong>l emisor.PAGARES UF - US$ Pactada libremente Directa Al vencimiento Al vencimiento Mínimo 30 días (US$) Variable Its purpose is to obtainPROMISSORY NOTES U.F.- US$ Negotiated freely Direct At expiry To maturity Mínimo 90 días (U.F.) Variable resources for issuer´sMinimum 30 days (US$) Variable short term financingMinimum 90 days (U.F.) Variable101PAGARES DE EMPRESAS (Efectos <strong>de</strong> Comercio) / PROMISSORY NOTES OF COMPANIES (Negotiable Instruments)PAGARES No Reajustables Pactada libremente Directa Al vencimiento Al vencimiento Mínimo 30 días VariablePROMISSORY NOTES Non-Readjustable Negotiated freely Direct At expiry To maturity Minimum 30 days Variable Su propósito es obtener recursospara el financiamiento <strong>de</strong> cortoplazo <strong>de</strong>l emisor.Its purpose is to obtainPAGARES U.F. - US$ Pactada libremente Directa Al vencimiento Al vencimiento Mínimo 30 días (US$) Variable resources forPROMISSORY NOTES U.F.- US$ Negotiated freely Direct At expiry To maturity Mínimo 90 días (U.F.) Variable issuer´s short term financingMinimum 30 days (US$) VariableMinimum 90 days (U.F.) Variable101

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Intermediación Financiera s Money MarketRESUMEN DE OPERACIONES EN INTERMEDIACION FINANCIERA, AÑO <strong>2012</strong> (Miles <strong>de</strong> pesos <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong>)SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS, YEAR <strong>2012</strong> (Thousands of pesos as of <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2012</strong>)TASA DE INTERESCAPTACION (M$)/ PLAZO EN DIAS/DEADLINE MEDIA(%)/INSTRUMENTO/ Nº OPERACIONES/ DEPOSIT MAXIMO/ MEDIO/ MINIMO/ AVERAGE INTERESTINSTRUMENT NUMBER OF TRANSACTIONS TAKING (M$) MAX. MEDIUM MIN RATE (%)PAGARE NR/NON-READJUSTABLEPROMISSORY NOTES 639.496 184.570.316.264 1.273 64 1 0,46PAGARE R/READJUSTABLEPROMISSORY NOTES 158.450 62.414.402.150 1.511 222 1 3,64TOTAL: 797.946 246.984.718.414Pagarés No Reajustables (Pagaré NR) / Non-Readjustable Promissory NotesTASA DE INTERESCAPTACION (M$)/ PLAZO EN DIAS/DEADLINE MEDIA A 30 DIAS(%)/MES/ Nº OPERACIONES/ DEPOSIT MAXIMO/ MEDIO/ MINIMO/ AVERAGE INTERESTMONTH NUMBER OF TRANSACTIONS TAKING (M$) MAX. MEDIUM MIN RATE AT 30 DAYS(%)ENE / JAN 58.781 16.377.767.088 1.080 69 1 0,45FEB / FEB 52.828 15.632.320.359 1.079 60 1 0,44MAR / MAR 55.509 16.301.511.238 616 62 1 0,47ABR / APR 49.284 16.147.830.339 645 80 1 0,47MAY / MAY 51.167 15.721.356.035 1.105 61 1 0,47JUN / JUN 58.261 16.532.646.900 1.088 59 1 0,47JUL / JUL 52.016 14.863.687.099 1.273 60 1 0,44AGO / AUG 57.854 15.088.638.985 1.157 65 1 0,45SEP / SEP 44.564 12.471.922.100 1.116 52 1 0,46OCT / OCT 55.499 15.881.392.417 1.156 71 1 0,48NOV / NOV 53.093 14.183.570.715 774 76 1 0,47DIC / DEC 50.640 15.367.672.990 969 61 1 0,47TOTAL 639.496 184.570.316.264 1.273 64 1 0,46Pagarés Reajustables (Pagaré R) / Readjustable Promissory Notes102TASA DE INTERESCAPTACION (M$)/ PLAZO EN DIAS/DEADLINE MEDIA REAL ANUAL(%)/MES/ Nº OPERACIONES/ DEPOSIT MAXIMO/ MEDIO/ MINIMO/ REAL ANNUAL AVERAGEMONTH NUMBER OF TRANSACTIONS TAKING (M$) MAX. MEDIUM MIN INTEREST RATE (%)ENE / JAN 12.064 4.341.107.834 1.443 229 1 2,76FEB / FEB 8.795 3.496.520.002 1.094 238 1 2,71MAR / MAR 13.467 4.713.331.309 1.463 201 1 2,29ABR / APR 10.979 4.375.489.267 1.511 206 1 3,24MAY / MAY 15.342 1.481 185 1 3,98JUN / JUN 13.251 4.981.827.575 1.428 225 1 4,49JUL / JUL 11.913 4.686.288.476 965 201 1 5,29AGO / AUG 14.975 1.392 223 1 3,27SEP / SEP 12.077 5.468.854.944 1.357 282 1 2,99OCT / OCT 17.658 8.109.804.767 1.338 293 1 3,18NOV / NOV 15.216 1.303 214 1 3,74DIC / DEC 12.713 4.820.613.504 1.251 175 1 5,76TOTAL 158.450 62.414.402.150 1.511 222 1 3,64102

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Intermediación Financiera s Money MarketRESUMEN DE OPERACIONES EN IIF, AÑOS 1993-2011SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS, YEARS 1993-2011Pagarés No Reajustables (Pagaré NR) / Non Readjustable Promissory Notes(Miles <strong>de</strong> pesos <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong> / Thousands of pesos as of <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2012</strong>)AÑO/ VALOR CAPTACION (MILES $)/ TASA INTERES MEDIA A 30 DIAS (%)YEAR DEPOSIT TAKING (THOUSANDS $) AVERAGE INTEREST RATE AT 30 DAYS (%)1994 11.809.207.523 1,121995 15.439.123.941 1,011996 20.390.841.074 1,021997 28.341.699.803 0,881998 57.670.233.447 0,981999 29.987.887.164 0,582000 28.482.817.530 0,542001 0,512002 67.402.577.855 0,302003 55.985.646.507 0,222004 0,172005 73.800.366.184 0,342006 96.995.010.821 0,432007 119.030.672.938 0,482008 136.164.740.406 0,622009 139.119.685.280 0,172010 145.103.495.466 0,152011 181.794.859.711 0,43<strong>2012</strong> 184.570.316.264 0,46Pagarés Reajustables (Pagaré R) / Readjustable Promissory Notes(Miles <strong>de</strong> pesos <strong>de</strong> diciembre <strong>de</strong> <strong>2012</strong> / Thousands of pesos as of <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2012</strong>)VALOR CAPTACION (MILES $)/ TASA INTERES MEDIA REAL ANUAL (%)AÑO/YEAR DEPOSIT TAKING (THOUSANDS $) REAL ANNUAL AVERAGE INTEREST RATE (%)1994 16.486.561.707 6,041995 29.499.966.115 5,451996 60.671.174.388 6,411997 70.492.325.815 5,861998 84.251.582.613 8,991999 73.472.781.071 5,132000 4,502001 65.574.856.180 4,002002 37.595.817.720 2,722003 22.158.955.810 2,782004 18.351.489.170 1,522005 33.425.467.772 1,662006 39.581.309.654 3,912007 43.589.674.664 3,002008 44.091.610.456 3,372009 53.663.058.425 4,102010 69.357.573.080 1,762011 2,48<strong>2012</strong> 62.414.402.150 3,64103103

Mercado <strong>de</strong> Intermediación Financiera s Money MarketMONTOS TRANSADOS DIARIOS IIF, AÑO <strong>2012</strong> (Miles <strong>de</strong> pesos nominales)DAILY TRADING VALUE, YEAR <strong>2012</strong> (Thousands of nominal pesos)DIA ENERO FEBRERO MARZO ABRIL MAYO JUNIO JULIO AGOSTO SEPTIEMBRE OCTUBRE NOVIEMBRE DICIEMBREDAY JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER1 929.023.087 845.722.741 882.497.290 1.249.800.8402 848.405.161 1.155.394.410 849.329.555 939.369.259 882.330.678 832.684.351 1.024.801.8333 1.058.458.606 992.037.055 1.091.564.266 1.069.982.277 962.952.611 893.831.091 1.128.818.089 1.087.569.3314 923.174.615 1.124.993.367 990.320.715 898.777.708 1.066.325.785 924.233.448 1.103.552.536 969.807.7765 997.508.639 785.949.446 784.118.029 1.107.939.476 934.728.335 1.091.521.615 1.099.670.023 1.056.981.114 920.751.4306 996.287.638 785.030.561 901.463.237 880.481.469 767.884.657 1.061.519.044 884.614.2927 801.665.649 974.420.964 919.766.241 804.829.259 951.346.871 1.187.449.820 1.096.456.1578 728.201.172 1.014.747.467 750.898.702 882.626.699 830.638.949 882.469.9749 863.809.148 902.907.395 1.029.951.981 744.913.406 803.467.594 762.649.458 954.253.335 847.794.90910 1.282.469.639 636.429.688 1.171.650.358 1.040.438.247 926.376.162 998.626.602 1.225.831.952 1.130.345.50511 835.565.673 851.907.916 810.199.507 838.378.492 1.047.396.417 1.014.588.50912 870.291.761 870.200.917 1.076.447.948 1.065.381.567 925.099.686 1.045.864.627 913.634.245 958.552.22313 819.006.896 935.743.882 884.230.058 883.100.241 1.089.463.117 998.679.472 1.318.606.322 937.441.66314 989.445.471 955.811.614 1.155.628.651 1.171.738.975 1.058.623.766 1.038.316.666 1.095.738.896 942.693.603 1.314.527.52116 854.825.057 1.030.608.211 1.102.355.805 953.139.499 1.187.838.748 1.355.480.241 1.195.584.824 1.065.989.21817 940.877.934 795.770.455 1.139.742.424 1.094.537.060 938.839.246 1.083.552.161 1.390.357.55218 1.107.428.519 976.257.360 856.186.110 1.005.488.383 1.093.763.545 1.034.572.035 682.606.622 1.075.387.817 1.156.996.193 1.104.900.971 1.081.456.955 793.608.392 1.147.546.38320 938.188.250 880.842.557 928.589.072 905.891.623 1.147.536.845 972.550.596 759.671.650 1.097.763.337 968.439.804 804.673.082 920.631.988 1.219.636.219 931.922.600 935.356.081 1.050.300.99322 906.921.981 934.004.809 986.422.005 928.389.758 878.278.451 1.000.902.95123 853.047.347 966.966.058 837.558.427 984.034.868 880.890.691 856.546.853 999.872.20024 812.353.438 794.621.688 1.025.653.216 1.086.892.458 987.513.731 955.146.965 926.040.864 1.233.754.961 957.452.68525 713.944.146 1.004.777.936 1.071.927.915 1.206.813.99826 804.319.242 1.111.568.631 970.603.008 1.142.556.162 994.191.961 982.081.159 1.027.810.615 1.060.513.82127 859.028.684 792.706.374 908.776.046 1.267.888.474 1.031.741.908 891.451.088 850.663.243 1.121.632.709 1.227.836.568 725.612.369 963.269.026 1.097.528.354 1.161.421.144 983.330.162 1.084.530.60929 861.445.206 814.171.728 1.189.318.090 1.039.303.293 945.914.31130 790.427.977 971.433.222 919.471.734 981.344.858 734.873.002 1.016.719.542 950.962.936 900.929.26531 886.706.786 1.021.550.688 991.760.057 932.617.584 1.064.773.597MONTO MAS BAJO NEGOCIADO EN EL MES: / LOWEST TRADING VALUE IN THE MONTH:713.944.146 636.429.688 682.606.622 744.913.406 750.898.702 810.199.507 734.873.002 759.671.650 893.831.091 878.278.451 793.608.392 884.614.292104MONTO MAS ALTO NEGOCIADO EN EL MES: / HIGHEST TRADING VALUE IN THE MONTH:1.282.469.639 1.155.394.410 1.267.888.474 1.219.636.219 1.104.900.971 1.355.480.241 1.318.606.322 1.249.800.840 1.314.527.521 1.390.357.552PROMEDIO DIARIO DEL MES: / DAILY AVERAGE FOR THE MONTH:928.503.938 901.590.313 946.955.140 1.017.853.884 985.066.469 1.013.465.430 966.881.616 956.422.475 1.095.427.495 1.016.884.742 1.062.541.394PROMEDIO DIARIO DEL AÑO: / DAILY AVERAGE FOR THE YEAR:928.503.938 915.360.074 926.053.789 947.653.811 955.065.753 964.722.392 965.016.164 963.897.459 972.148.553 985.187.672 987.968.117 993.704.523TOTAL MENSUAL: / MONTHLY TOTAL:20.427.086.643 18.933.396.575 20.833.013.095 20.357.077.693 20.686.395.855 21.282.774.042 19.337.632.321 17.920.960.281 24.099.404.902 20.337.694.842 ACUMULADO ANUAL: / ANNUAL ACCUMULATED TOTAL:20.427.086.643 39.360.483.218 60.193.496.313 80.550.574.006 101.236.969.861 122.519.743.903 141.857.376.224 162.898.670.693 180.819.630.974 204.919.035.876 225.256.730.718 245.445.017.210104MONTOS MAS ALTOS NEGOCIADOS: / HIGHEST TRADING VALUE:MONTOS MAS BAJOS NEGOCIADOS: / LOWEST TRADING VALUE:17/12/<strong>2012</strong> 1.390.357.552 10/02/<strong>2012</strong> 636.429.68816/08/<strong>2012</strong> 1.355.480.241 19/03/<strong>2012</strong> 682.606.62213/09/<strong>2012</strong> 1.318.606.322 25/01/<strong>2012</strong> 713.944.146

Emisores Inscritos al 28-12-<strong>2012</strong>Issuers Listed as of 12-28-<strong>2012</strong>MERCADO DE ACCIONES - 225 EMISORESEQUITY MARKET - 225 ISSUERS1 AES Gener S.A.2 Administradora <strong>de</strong> Fondos <strong>de</strong> Pensiones Capital S.A.3 Sociedad Anónima Feria <strong>de</strong> los Agricultores4 Aguas Andinas S.A.5 Agencias Universales S.A.6 Almendral S.A.7 Agrícola Nacional S.A.C. e I.8 Andacor S.A.9 Embotelladora Andina S.A.10 Laboratorios Andrómaco S.A.11 AntarChile S.A.12 Empresas Aquachile S.A.13 Automovilismo y Turismo S.A.14 Australis Seafoods S.A.15 Axxdos S.A.16 AXXION S.A.17 Azul Azul S.A.18 Banmédica S.A.19 Banvida S.A.20 Besalco S.A.21 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Chile22 Banco <strong>de</strong> Crédito e Inversiones23 Bicecorp S.A.24 Blumar S.A.25 Banco Santan<strong>de</strong>r-Chile26 Sociedad <strong>de</strong> Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A.27 Compañía Pesquera Camanchaca S.A.28 Sociedad <strong>de</strong> Inversiones Campos Chilenos S.A.29 Sociedad <strong>de</strong> Canalistas La Foresta <strong>de</strong> Apoquindo S.A.30 Cap S.A.31 Carozzi S.A.32 Carbonífera Victoria <strong>de</strong> Lebu S.A.33 Energía <strong>de</strong> Casablanca S.A.34 British American Tobacco Chile Operaciones S.A.35 Compañía Cervecerías Unidas S.A.36 Campos Deportivos Craighouse S.A.37 CEM S.A.38 Cementos Bío Bío S.A.39 Cencosud S.A.40 CFR Pharmaceuticals S.A.41 Compañía General <strong>de</strong> Electricidad S.A.42 CGE Distribución S.A.43 Banco <strong>de</strong> Chile44 Chilectra S.A. (ex Elesur S.A.)45 Forestal Cholguán S.A.46 Compañías CIC S.A.47 Cintac S.A.48 Inmobiliaria Club <strong>de</strong> Campo S.A.49 Unión Inmobiliaria S.A.50 Empresas CMPC S.A.51 Colbún S.A.52 Colegio Craighouse S.A.53 Colegio Inglés Católico <strong>de</strong> La Serena S.A.54 Blanco y Negro S.A.55 Sociedad Pesquera Coloso S.A.56 <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>, <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>57 Viña Concha y Toro S.A.58 Chilena Consolidada Seguros Generales S.A.59 Empresas Copec S.A.60 Compañía Agropecuaria Copeval S.A.61 Corpbanca62 Corpesca S.A.63 Prince of Wales Country Club S.A. Inmobiliaria64 Inversiones Covadonga S.A.65 Inmobiliaria Craighouse S.A.66 Cristalerías <strong>de</strong> Chile S.A.67 Cruz Blanca Salud S.A.68 Cruzados S.A.D.P.69 Telefónica Chile S.A.70 Telefónica Larga Distancia S.A.71 CTI Compañía Tecno Industrial S.A.72 Administradora <strong>de</strong> Fondos <strong>de</strong> Pensiones Cuprum S.A.73 Curauma S.A. (Ex CB Inversiones Inmobiliarias S.A.)74 Costa Ver<strong>de</strong> Aeronáutica S.A.75 Inmobiliaria <strong>de</strong> Deportes La Dehesa S.A.76 Detroit Chile S.A.77 Duncan Fox S.A.78 E.CL S.A.79 Empresa Eléctrica <strong>de</strong> Magallanes S.A.80 Envases <strong>de</strong>l Pacífico S.A.81 Echeverría Izquierdo S.A.82 Empresa Eléctrica <strong>de</strong> Antofagasta S.A.83 Compañía Electro Metalúrgica S.A.84 Empresa Eléctrica <strong>de</strong> Iquique S.A.85 Coca Cola Embonor S.A.86 Empresa Eléctrica <strong>de</strong> Arica S.A.87 Viñedos Emiliana S.A.88 Empresa Nacional <strong>de</strong>l Carbón S.A.89 Enaex S.A.90 Empresa Nacional <strong>de</strong> Electricidad S.A.91 Enersis S.A.92 Enjoy S.A.93 Energía Latina S.A.94 Empresa Nacional <strong>de</strong> Telecomunicaciones S.A.95 Empresa Pesquera Eperva S.A.96 Inmobiliaria España <strong>de</strong> Valdivia S.A.97 Compañía <strong>de</strong> Inversiones La Española S.A.98 Club Español <strong>de</strong> Valparaíso (Chile) S.A.99 Empresa <strong>de</strong> Servicios Sanitarios <strong>de</strong> Los Lagos S.A.100 Essbío S.A.101 Inmobiliaria Central <strong>de</strong> Estacionamientos Agustinas S.A.102 Esval S.A.103 S.A.C.I. Falabella104 Farmacias Ahumada S.A.105 Ferrocarril <strong>de</strong>l Pacífico S.A.106 Feria <strong>de</strong> Osorno S.A.107 Forus S.A.108 Compañía Chilena <strong>de</strong> Fósforos S.A.109 Portuaria Cabo Froward S.A.110 Gasco S.A.111 Sociedad <strong>de</strong> Inversiones Generadora <strong>de</strong> Empresas S.A.112 Sociedad Anónima <strong>de</strong> Deportes Club <strong>de</strong> Golf <strong>Santiago</strong>113 Granadilla Country Club S.A.114 The Grange School S.A.115 Administradora <strong>de</strong> Fondos <strong>de</strong> Pensiones Habitat S.A.116 Hipermarc S.A.117 Club Hípico <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> S.A.118 Sociedad Hipódromo Chile S.A.119 Empresas Hites S.A.120 Empresas Cabo <strong>de</strong> Hornos S.A.121 Hortifrut S.A.122 Inversiones Agrícolas y Comerciales S.A.123 Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas S.A.124 Empresas Iansa S.A.125 Inversiones La Construcción S.A.126 Instituto <strong>de</strong> Diagnóstico S.A.127 Indiver S.A.128 Info<strong>de</strong>ma S.A.129 Ingevec S.A.130 Sociedad Inmobiliaria Viña <strong>de</strong>l Mar S.A.131 Intasa S.A.132 Compañía Chilena <strong>de</strong> Navegación Interoceánica S.A.133 Invercap S.A.134 Invertec Foods S.A.135 Invermar S.A.136 Invernova S.A.137 Inversiones Unión Española S.A.138 Ipal S.A.139 Pesquera Iquique-Guanaye S.A.140 Inmobiliaria San Patricio S.A.141 Jugos Concentrados S.A.142 Latam Airlines Group S.A.143 Clínica Las Con<strong>de</strong>s S.A.144 Leasing Nacional S.A.105105

Emisores Inscritos al 28-12-<strong>2012</strong> s Issuers Listed as of 12-28-<strong>2012</strong>106106145 Liga In<strong>de</strong>pendiente <strong>de</strong> Fútbol S.A.146 Compañía Eléctrica <strong>de</strong>l Litoral S.A.147 Ma<strong>de</strong>co S.A.148 Colegio La Maisonnette S.A.149 Marbella Country Club S.A.150 Colegio Británico Saint Margaret’s S.A.151 Marítima <strong>de</strong> Inversiones S.A.152 Masisa S.A.153 Melón S.A.154 Minera Valparaíso S.A.155 Molib<strong>de</strong>nos y Metales S.A.156 Muelles <strong>de</strong> Penco S.A.157 Multiexport Foods S.A.158 Navarino S.A.159 Grupo Empresas Navieras S.A.160 Nibsa S.A.161 Norte Gran<strong>de</strong> S.A.162 Empresas La Polar S.A.163 Inversiones Nueva Región S.A.164 Old Grangonian Club S.A.165 Sociedad <strong>de</strong> Inversiones Oro Blanco S.A.166 Pacífico V Región S.A.167 Parque Arauco S.A.168 Forestal, Constructora y Comercial <strong>de</strong>l Pacífico Sur S.A.169 Paz Corp S.A.170 Empresa Eléctrica Pehuenche S.A.171 Empresa Eléctrica Pilmaiquén S.A.172 Administradora <strong>de</strong> Fondos <strong>de</strong> Pensiones Planvital S.A.173 Club <strong>de</strong> Polo y Equitación San Cristóbal S.A.174 Cemento Polpaico S.A.175 Potasios <strong>de</strong> Chile S.A.176 Seguros Vida Security Previsión S.A.177 Administradora <strong>de</strong> Fondos <strong>de</strong> Pensiones Provida S.A.178 Sociedad Punta <strong>de</strong>l Cobre S.A.179 Puertos y Logística S.A.180 Eléctrica Puntilla S.A.181 Termas <strong>de</strong> Puyehue S.A.182 Quemchi S.A.183 Quilicura S.A.184 Quiñenco S.A.185 Rebrisa S.A.186 Ripley Corp S.A.187 Sociedad Abastecedora <strong>de</strong> la Industria Metalúrgica S.A.188 Salfacorp S.A.189 Viña San Pedro Tarapacá S.A.190 Sociedad Anónima Viña Santa Rita191 Santana S.A.192 Santan<strong>de</strong>r Chile Holding S.A.193 Schwager Energy S.A.194 Grupo Security S.A.195 Inversiones Siemel S.A.196 Sintex S.A.197 Sipsa S.A.198 Sigdo Koppers S.A.199 Sociedad Matriz <strong>de</strong>l Banco <strong>de</strong> Chile S.A.200 Sociedad Matriz SAAM S.A.201 Socovesa S.A.202 Sociedad Agrícola La Rosa Sofruco S.A.203 Sonda S.A.204 Soprocal, Calerías e Industrias S.A.205 Soquimich Comercial S.A.206 Sociedad Anónima Inmobiliaria Sport Francais207 Valparaíso Sporting Club S.A.208 Sociedad Química y Minera <strong>de</strong> Chile S.A.209 Inmobiliaria Stadio Italiano S.A.210 Scotiabank Sud Americano211 Empresas Tattersall S.A.212 Compañía <strong>de</strong> Teléfonos <strong>de</strong> Coyhaique S.A.213 Compañía Nacional <strong>de</strong> Teléfonos, Telefónica <strong>de</strong>l Sur S.A.214 Inversiones Tricahue S.A.215 Inversiones Unespa S.A.216 Unión El Golf S.A.217 <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Corredores-<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong>218 Compañía Sud Americana <strong>de</strong> Vapores S.A.219 Puerto Ventanas S.A.220 Frutícola Viconto S.A.221 Compañía Industrial El Volcán S.A.222 Watts S.A.223 Walmart Chile S.A.224 Inmobiliaria Yugoslava S.A.225 Zona Franca <strong>de</strong> Iquique S.A.Mercado <strong>de</strong> Intermediacion Financiera - 59 EmisoresMoney Market - 59 Issuers1 Antarchile S.A.2 Banco BICE3 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Chile4 Banco Central <strong>de</strong> Chile5 Banco Consorcio6 Banco <strong>de</strong> Chile7 Banco <strong>de</strong> Crédito e Inversiones8 Banco <strong>de</strong> la Nación Argentina9 Banco <strong>de</strong>l Estado <strong>de</strong> Chile10 Banco do Brasil11 Banco Falabella12 Banco Internacional13 Banco Itaú Chile14 Banco Paris15 Banco Penta16 Banco Ripley17 Banco Santan<strong>de</strong>r-Chile18 Banco Security19 Banco Sudamericano20 Besalco S.A.21 BICECORP S.A.22 Caja <strong>de</strong> Comp. <strong>de</strong> Asig. Familiar La Araucana23 CGE Distribución S.A.24 Colbun S.A.25 Compañía Agropecuaria Copeval S.A.26 Compañía General <strong>de</strong> Electricidad S.A.27 Cooperativa <strong>de</strong>l Personal <strong>de</strong> la Universidad <strong>de</strong> Chile Ltda.28 Corpbanca29 Deutsche Bank (Chile)30 Empresa Eléctrica Guacolda S.A.31 Empresa Nacional <strong>de</strong> Telecomunicaciones S.A.32 Empresas Hites S.A.33 Empresas La Polar S.A.34 Eurocapital S.A.35 Factoring Security S.A.36 Factotal S.A.37 First Factors S.A.38 Forum Servicios Financieros S.A.39 Gasco S.A.40 GMAC Comercial Automotriz Chile S.A.41 HSBC Bank (Chile)42 Incofin S.A.43 Interfactor S.A.44 Inversiones CMPC S.A.45 Metrogas S.A.46 Rabobank Chile (ex HNS Banco)47 S.A.C.I. Falabella48 Salfacorp S.A.49 Scotiabank Chile50 Servicios Financieros Progreso S.A.51 Sociedad Punta <strong>de</strong>l Cobre S.A.52 Sociedad Química y Minera <strong>de</strong> Chile S.A.53 Tanner Servicios Financieros S.A.54 Telefónica <strong>de</strong>l Sur S.A.55 Tesorería General <strong>de</strong> la República56 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.57 Viña Concha y Toro S.A.58 Viña San Pedro S.A.59 Walmart Chile S.A.

Emisores Inscritos al 28-12-<strong>2012</strong> s Issuers Listed as of 12-28-<strong>2012</strong>MERCADO DE RENTA FIJA - 149 EMISORESFIXED INCOME MARKET - 149 ISSUERS1 ABN Amro Securitizadora S.A.2 AD Retail S.A.3 AES Gener S.A.4 Agrosuper S.A.5 Aguas Andinas S.A.6 Aguas Nuevas S.A.7 Aguas Nuevo Sur, Maule S.A.8 Almendral Telecomunicaciones S.A.9 América Móvil, S.A.B. <strong>de</strong> C.V.10 AntarChile S.A.11 Autopista <strong>de</strong>l Maipo Sociedad Concesionaria S.A.12 Banchile Securitizadora S.A.13 Banco BICE14 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Chile15 Banco Central <strong>de</strong> Chile16 Banco Consorcio17 Banco Crédito e Inversiones18 Banco <strong>de</strong> Chile19 Banco <strong>de</strong>l Estado <strong>de</strong> Chile20 Banco Falabella21 Banco Internacional22 Banco Itaú Chile23 Banco Latinoamericano <strong>de</strong> Comercio Exterior S.A.24 Banco Paris25 Banco Pine S.A.26 Banco Ripley27 Banco Santan<strong>de</strong>r-Chile28 Banco Security29 Banmédica S.A.30 Banvida S.A.31 BCI Securitizadora S.A.32 BCP Emisiones Latam 1 S.A.33 Bicecorp S.A.34 Caja <strong>de</strong> Compensación <strong>de</strong> Asignación Familiar La Araucana S.A.35 Caja <strong>de</strong> Previsión <strong>de</strong> la Defensa Nacional (CAPREDENA)36 Cap S.A.37 Celulosa Arauco y Constitución S.A.38 Cementos Bío Bío S.A.39 Cencosud S.A.40 CFR Pharmaceuticals S.A.41 CGE Distribución S.A.42 CGE Transmisión S.A.43 Chilquinta Energía S.A.44 Coagra S.A.45 Coca-Cola Embonor S.A.46 Colbún S.A.47 Compañía Cervecerías Unidas S.A.48 Compañía Electro Metalúrgica S.A.49 Compañía General <strong>de</strong> Electricidad S.A.50 Compañía Nacional <strong>de</strong> Fuerza Eléctrica S.A.51 Compañía Sud Americana <strong>de</strong> Vapores S.A.52 Cooperativa <strong>de</strong>l Personal <strong>de</strong> la Universidad <strong>de</strong> Chile Ltda.53 Corp Group Banking S.A.54 Corpbanca55 Corpgroup Vida Chile S.A.56 Corporación GEO, S.A.B <strong>de</strong> C.V.57 Corporación Nacional <strong>de</strong>l Cobre58 Cristalerías <strong>de</strong> Chile S.A.59 Cruz Blanca Salud S.A.60 EF Securitizadora S.A.61 Dirección <strong>de</strong> Previsión <strong>de</strong> Carabineros (DIPRECA)62 Embotelladora Andina S.A.63 Embotelladoras Coca-Cola Polar S.A.64 Empresa <strong>de</strong> los Ferrocarriles <strong>de</strong>l Estado65 Empresa <strong>de</strong> Servicios Sanitarios <strong>de</strong> Los Lagos S.A.66 Empresa <strong>de</strong> Servicios Sanitarios <strong>de</strong>l Bío Bío S.A.67 Empresa <strong>de</strong> Transporte <strong>de</strong> Pasajeros Metro S.A.68 Empresa Eléctrica <strong>de</strong> la Frontera S.A.69 Empresa Eléctrica Guacolda S.A.70 Empresa Nacional <strong>de</strong> Electricidad S.A.71 Empresa Nacional <strong>de</strong> Telecomunicaciones S.A.72 Empresa Nacional <strong>de</strong>l Petróleo73 Empresas Almacenes París S.A.74 Empresas Carozzi S.A.75 Empresas Copec S.A.76 Empresas Emel S.A.77 Empresas Hites S.A.78 Empresas Iansa S.A.79 Empresas La Polar S.A.80 Empresas Red Salud S.A.81 Enersis S.A.82 Enjoy S.A.83 Esval S.A.84 Eurocapital S.A.85 Farmacias Ahumada S.A.86 Forum Servicios Financieros S.A.87 Gasco S.A.88 Grupo Empresas Naviera S.A.89 Grupo Security S.A.90 HQI Transelec S.A.91 Indura S.A., Industria y Comercio92 Industrias Alimenticias Carozzi S.A.93 Instituto <strong>de</strong> Previsión Social (IPS)94 Inversiones Ays Tres S.A.95 Inversiones CMPC S.A.96 Inversiones Eléctricas <strong>de</strong>l Sur Dos Limitada.97 Inversiones La Construccion S.A.98 JP Morgan Chase Bank National Association99 LQ Inversiones Financiera S.A.100 Ma<strong>de</strong>co S.A.101 Masisa S.A.102 Metrogas S.A.103 Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Vivienda y Urbanismo104 Molib<strong>de</strong>nos y Metales S.A.105 Parque Arauco S.A.106 Plaza S.A.107 Quiñenco S.A.108 Rabobank Chile109 Raboinvestments Chile S.A.110 Ripley Chile S.A.111 Ripley Corp S.A.112 S.A.C.I. Falabella113 SAITEC S.A.114 Salfacorp S.A.115 SCL Terminal Aéreo <strong>Santiago</strong> S.A. Sociedad Concesionaria116 Scotiabank Chile117 Securitizadora Bice S.A.118 Securitizadora Security S.A.119 Securitizadora Sudamericana S.A.120 Sigdo Koppres S.A.121 SMU S.A.122 Sociedad Anónima Viña Santa Rita S.A.123 Sociedad Austral <strong>de</strong> Electricidad S.A.124 Sociedad Concesionaria Austopista Central S.A.125 Sociedad Concesionaria Autopista <strong>de</strong>l Bosque S.A.126 Sociedad Concesionaria Autopista <strong>de</strong>l Sol S.A.127 Sociedad Concesionaria Autopista Interportuaria S.A.128 Sociedad Concesionaria Autopista Los Libertadores S.A.129 Sociedad Concesionaria Autopista Vespucio Sur S.A.130 Sociedad Concesionaria Costanera Norte S.A.131 Sociedad Concesionaria Rutas <strong>de</strong>l Pacífico S.A.132 Sociedad Concesionaria Vespucio Norte Express S.A.133 Sociedad Consesionaria Melipilla S.A.134 Sociedad Eléctrica <strong>Santiago</strong> S.A.135 Sociedad Química y Minera <strong>de</strong> Chile S.A.136 Sodimac S.A.137 Sonda S.A.138 Talca-Chillán Sociedad Concesionaria S.A.139 Tanner Servicios Financieros S.A.140 Telefónica Chile S.A.141 Telefónica <strong>de</strong>l Sur S.A.142 Telefónica Móviles S.A.143 Tesorería General <strong>de</strong> la República144 Transa Securitizadora S.A.145 Transelec S.A.146 Viña Concha y Toro S.A.147 Viña San Pedro S.A.148 Walmart Chile S.A.149 Watt’s Alimentos S.A.107107

Emisores Inscritos al 28-12-<strong>2012</strong> s Issuers Listed as of 12-28-<strong>2012</strong>108108MERCADO DE VALORES EXTRANJEROS - 536 EMISORESOFF-SHORE MARKET - 536 ISSUERSFondos Abiertos Extranjeros (45)Foreign Open Funds (45)1 Strategic Partners Balanced Fund2 Strategic Partners Bond Fund3 Strategic Partners Capital Growth Fund4 Strategic Partners Capital Income Fund5 Strategic Partners Concentrated Growth Fund6 Strategic Partners Core Value Fund7 Strategic Partners Equity Income Fund8 Strategic Partners Growth With Income Fund9 Strategic Partners Health Sciences Fund10 Strategic Partners High Yield Bond Fund11 Strategic Partners International Growth Fund12 Strategic Partners Managed In<strong>de</strong>x 500 Fund13 Strategic Partners Managed Large Cap Growth Fund14 Strategic Partners Managed OTC Fund15 Strategic Partners Managed Small Cap Growth Fund16 Strategic Partners Mid Cap Growth Fund17 Strategic Partners Money Market Fund18 Strategic Partners Relative Value Fund19 Strategic Partners Small Cap Growth Opportunity Fund20 Strategic Partners Small Company Fund21 Strategic Partners Technology Fund22 Skandia Emerging Market Debt Fund Class A, B y C23 Skandia European Equity Fund Class A, A2, B y C24 Skandia European Opportunities Fund Class A, A2, B y C25 Skandia Global Bond Fund Class A, B y C26 Skandia Global Equity Fund Class A, B y C27 Skandia Greater China Equity Fund Class A, B y C28 Skandia Healthcare Fund Class A, B y C29 Skandia Japanese Equity Fund Class A, A2, B y C30 Skandia Pacific Equity Fund Class A, B y C31 Skandia SEK Reserve Fund Class A32 Skandia Swedish Bond Fund Class A33 Skandia Swedish Equity Fund Class A34 Skandia Swedish Growth Fund Class A35 Skandia Technology Fund Class A, A3 y C36 Skandia Total Return USD Bond Fund Class A, B y C37 Skandia US All Cap Value Fund Class A, B y C38 Skandia US Capital Growth Fund Class A, B y C39 Skandia US Large Cap Growth Fund Class A, B y C40 Skandia US Value Fund Class A, B y C41 Skandia USD Reserve Fund Class A y C42 Skandia European Best I<strong>de</strong>as Fund Class A1,A2 A4, A4H e I43 Skandia Investment Gra<strong>de</strong> Corporate Bond Fund Class A1, A1I, A2H,A3H, A4H, A5H, A5HI, B1M, C, I y S4H44 Skandia Global Emerging Markets Fund Class A1, A2, A3H, A4, B1M,C1, I, S445 Skandia Local Currency Emerging Market Debt Fund Class A1, A1MI,A2, A4I, B1MI, C1MI e IFondos Mutuos Extranjeros (95)Foreign Mutual Funds (95)1 DWS Deutschland2 DWS India3 DWS Invest Africa, Clase A2 (USD)4 DWS Invest Africa, Clase NC (EUR)5 DWS Invest Chinese Equities, Clase A2 (USD)6 DWS Invest Chinese Equities, Clase NC (EUR)7 DWS Invest Convertibles, Clase A2 (USD)8 DWS Invest Convertibles, Clase NC (EUR)9 DWS Invest Global Agribusiness, Clase A2 (USD)10 DWS Invest Global Agribusiness, Clase NC (EUR)11 DWS Invest Global Infrastructure, Clase A2 (USD)12 DWS Invest Global Infrastructure, Clase NC (EUR)13 DWS Invest Gold and Precious Metals, Clase A2 (USD)14 DWS Invest Gold and Precious Metals, Clase NC (EUR)15 DWS Invest Top 50 Asia, Clase A2 (USD)16 DWS Invest Top 50 Asia, Clase NC (EUR)17 DWS Russia18 DWS Türkei19 Franklin European Growth Fund Class A and N (Acc) EUR20 Franklin Mutual Beacon Fund Class A (Ydis) USD21 Franklin Mutual Beacon Fund Class A and N (Acc) USD22 Franklin Strategic Income Fund Class A (Acc) USD23 Franklin Strategic Income Fund Class A (Mdis) USD24 Franklin U.S. Opportunities Fund Class A (Acc) USD25 Franklin U.S. Opportunities Fund Class N (Acc) USD26 INVESCO GT Asean Fund – Acciones Clase A y C27 INVESCO GT Asia Enterprise Fund – Acciones Clase A, C y E28 INVESCO GT Bond Fund – Acciones Clase A y C29 INVESCO GT Continental European Fund – Acciones Clase A y C30 INVESCO GT Developing Markets Fund – Acciones Clase A y C31 INVESCO GT Dollar Reserve Fund – Acciones Clase A, C y E32 INVESCO GT Emerging Markets Bond Fund – Acciones Clase A y C33 INVESCO GT European Bond Fund – Acciones Clase A, C y E34 INVESCO GT Greater China Opportunities Fund – Acciones Clase A, C y E35 INVESCO GT Healthcare Fund – Acciones Clase A y C36 INVESCO GT Investment Fund – Acciones Clase A y C37 INVESCO GT Japan Enterprise Fund – Acciones Clase A y C38 INVESCO GT Japan Fund – Acciones Clase A y C39 INVESCO GT Korea Fund – Acciones Clase A y C40 INVESCO GT Latin America Fund - Acciones Clase A y C41 INVESCO GT Leisure Fund – Acciones Clase A, C y E42 INVESCO GT Newly Industr. Countries Fund – Acciones Clase A y C43 INVESCO GT North America Fund – Acciones Clase A, C y E44 INVESCO GT Pan European Enterprise Fund – Acciones Clase A, C y E45 INVESCO GT Pan European Fund – Acciones Clase A, C y E46 INVESCO GT Technology Fund – Acciones Clase A y C47 INVESCO GT Telecommunications Fund – Acciones Clase A y C48 INVESCO GT Worldwi<strong>de</strong> Dynamic Theme Fund – Acciones Clase A, C y E49 INVESCO Maximum Income Fund – Acciones Clase A50 INVESCO Taiwan Growth Fund - Acciones Clase A y C51 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Absolute Return Currency Fund Clases A, B, Iy Z52 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Asian Equity Fund Clases A, B, I y Z53 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Asian Property Fund Clases A, B, I y Z54 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Asia-Pacific Equity Fund (USD) Clases A, B,C, N y Z55 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Diversified Alpha Plus Fund (Euro) Clases A,B, I y Z56 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Emerging Europe, Middle East and AfricaEquity Fund Clases A, B, I y Z57 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund(USD) Clases A, AX, B, BX, C y Z58 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Emerging Markets Debt Fund Clases A, B, BX,I y Z59 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Emerging Markets Domestic Debt Fund(USD) Clases A, AX, BX, I y Z60 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Emerging Markets Equity Fund Clases A, B, Iy Z61 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Euro Bond Fund Clases A, B, I y Z62 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Euro Corporate Bond Fund Clases A, B, BX, Iy Z63 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Euro Liquidity Fund Clases A, B, C, I y Z64 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Euro Strategic Bond Fund Clases A, AX, B,BX, C, I y Z65 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds European Currencies High Yield Bond FundClases A, AX, B, BX, C, I y Z66 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds European Equity Alpha Fund Clases A, AX, B,I y Z67 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds European Property Fund Clases A, B, I y Z68 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Eurozone Equity Alpha Fund Clases A, B, I yZ69 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Balanced Risk Control Fund of Funds(Euro) Clases A, B y Z70 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Bond Fund (USD) Clases A, B, BX, C,I y Z71 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Brands Fund (USD) Clases A, AX, B,BX, C, I y Z72 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Convertible Bond (USD) Fund ClasesA, B, I y Z73 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Equity Allocation Fund (USD) ClasesA, B y Z

Emisores Inscritos al 28-12-<strong>2012</strong> s Issuers Listed as of 12-28-<strong>2012</strong>74 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Fixed Income OpportunitiesFund (USD) Clases A, AX, B, BX, y Z75 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global High Yield Bond Fund (USD)Clases A, AX, B, BX, Z y ZX76 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Infrastucture Fund Clases A, B,C y Z77 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Opportunity Bond (USD) FundClases A, B, C y Z78 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Property Fund, Clases A, B, I, IXy Z79 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Indian Equity Fund, Clases A, B, C, I yZ80 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Japanese Equity Fund, Clases A, B, C, Iy Z81 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Latin American Equity Fund Clases A,B, I y Z82 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Short Maturity Euro Bond Fund ClasesA, B, I y Z83 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds US Advantage Fund Clases A, B, I, N yZ84 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds US Dollar Liquidity Fund Clases A, AX,B, BX, I y Z85 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds US Growth Fund Clases A, B, I y Z86 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds US Property Fund (USD) Clases A, B, Iy Z87 Templeton Asian Growth Fund Class A and N (Acc) USD88 Templeton Asian Growth Fund Class A (Ydis) USD89 Templeton Bric Fund Class A (Acc) USD90 Templeton Bric Fund Class N (Acc) USD91 Templeton Frontier Markets Fund A (Acc) USD92 Templeton Frontier Markets Fund A (Ydis) USD93 Templeton Frontier Markets Fund N (Acc) EUR94 Templeton Global Total Return Fund Class A (Mdis) USD95 Templeton Global Total Return Fund Class A and N (Acc) USDFondos <strong>de</strong> Inversión <strong>de</strong> Capital Extranjero (1)Foreign Capital Investment Funds (1)1 The Chile Fund Inc.Fondos <strong>de</strong> Inversión Internacional (3)International Investment Funds (3)1 Global Optimization Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Internacional2 Moneda Deuda Latinoamericana Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inv. Internacional3 Compass RF América Latina Fondo <strong>de</strong> InversiónAcciones Extranjeras (20)Foreign Equities (20)1 En<strong>de</strong>sa, S.A. <strong>de</strong> España2 Geopark Holdings Limited3 Methanex Corporation4 Volcan Compañía Minera S.A.A., clases A y B5 AT&T Inc.6 Bank of America Corp.7 Caterpillar Inc.8 Citigroup Inc.9 Exxon Mobil Corp10 General Electric Co.11 Halliburton Co.12 JPMorgan Chase & Co.13 Newmont Mining Corp.14 Peabody Energy Corp.15 Pfizer Inc.16 Procter & Gamble CO/THE17 Wal-Mart Stores Inc.18 Apple Inc.19 Microsoft Corp.20 Google Inc-CL AADR’s Chilenos (3)Chilean ADRs (3)1 Embotelladora Andina S.A., series A y B2 Compañía Cervecerías Unidas S.A.3 Lan Airlines S.A.Exchange Tra<strong>de</strong> Funds - ETF’s (105)1 iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan In<strong>de</strong>x Fund2 iShares MSCI BRIC In<strong>de</strong>x Fund3 iShares MSCI Chile Investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund4 iShares MSCI Emerging Markets In<strong>de</strong>x Fund5 iShares MSCI EAFE In<strong>de</strong>x Fund6 iShares MSCI Pacific ex-Japan In<strong>de</strong>x Fund7 iShares MSCI All Peru Capped In<strong>de</strong>x Fund8 iShares MSCI Australia In<strong>de</strong>x Fund9 iShares MSCI Germany In<strong>de</strong>x Fund10 iShares MSCI Hong Kong In<strong>de</strong>x Fund11 iShares MSCI Japan In<strong>de</strong>x Fund12 iShares MSCI Singapore In<strong>de</strong>x Fund13 iShares MSCI Taiwan In<strong>de</strong>x Fund14 iShares MSCI United Kingdom In<strong>de</strong>x Fund15 iShares MSCI Mexico Investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund16 iShares MSCI South Korea In<strong>de</strong>x Fund17 iShares MSCI Brazil In<strong>de</strong>x Fund18 iShares MSCI EMU In<strong>de</strong>x Fund19 iShares FTSE China 25 In<strong>de</strong>x Fund20 iShares S&P Europe 350 In<strong>de</strong>x Fund21 iShares S&P Latin America 40 In<strong>de</strong>x Fund22 iShares S&P 500 In<strong>de</strong>x Fund23 iShares Russell 2000 In<strong>de</strong>x Fund24 iShares iBoxx $ Investment Gra<strong>de</strong> Corporate Bond Fund25 iShares Barclays 1-3 Year Treasury Bond Fund26 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Consumer Services Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund27 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Consumer Goods Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund28 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Energy Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund29 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Financial Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund30 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Real Estate In<strong>de</strong>x Fund31 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Home Construction In<strong>de</strong>x Fund32 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Basic Materials Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund33 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Industrial Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund34 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Technology Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund35 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Telecommunications Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund36 iShares Dow Jones U.S. Utilities Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund37 iShares S&P Global Energy Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund38 iShares S&P Global Financials Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund39 iShares S&P Global Materials Sector In<strong>de</strong>x Fund40 iShares S&P India Nifty 50 In<strong>de</strong>x Fund41 iShares Barclays Short Treasury Bond Fund42 iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond43 iShares Barclays TIPS Bond Fund44 iShares Russell 3000 In<strong>de</strong>x Fund45 iShares Russell Midcap In<strong>de</strong>x Fund46 iShares Russell Microcap In<strong>de</strong>x Fund47 iShares MSCI Canada In<strong>de</strong>x Fund48 iShares MSCI Israel Capped Investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund49 iShares MSCI South Africa In<strong>de</strong>x Fund50 iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Eastern Europe In<strong>de</strong>x Fund51 iShares Silver Trust52 iShares Gold Trust53 iShares MSCI ACWI ex US In<strong>de</strong>x Fund54 iShares MSCI ACWI In<strong>de</strong>x Fund55 iShares MSCI Indonesia investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund56 iShares MSCI Ireland Capped Investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund57 iShares MSCI Poland Investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund58 iShares MSCI Brazil Small Cap In<strong>de</strong>x Fund59 iShares MSCI China Small Cap In<strong>de</strong>x Fund60 iShares MSCI China In<strong>de</strong>x Fund61 iShares Russell 1000 Growth In<strong>de</strong>x Fund62 iShares Russell 1000 In<strong>de</strong>x Fund63 iShares Russell 1000 Value In<strong>de</strong>x Fund64 iShares Russell 2000 Growth In<strong>de</strong>x Fund65 iShares Russell 2000 Value In<strong>de</strong>x Fund66 iShares Russell Midcap Growth In<strong>de</strong>x Fund67 iShares Russell Midcap Value In<strong>de</strong>x Fund68 iShares S&P 500 Growth In<strong>de</strong>x Fund69 iShares S&P 500 Value In<strong>de</strong>x Fund70 iShares MSCI France In<strong>de</strong>x Fund109109

Emisores Inscritos al 28-12-<strong>2012</strong> s Issuers Listed as of 12-28-<strong>2012</strong>11011071 iShares MSCI Malaysia In<strong>de</strong>x Fund72 iShares MSCI Spain In<strong>de</strong>x Fund73 iShares MSCI Thailand Investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund74 iShares MSCI Turkey Investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund75 iShares MSCI Russia Capped In<strong>de</strong>x Fund, Inc.76 iShares MSCI New Zealand Investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund77 iShares MSCI Philippines Investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund78 iShares MSCI Italy In<strong>de</strong>x Fund79 iShares MSCI Switzerland In<strong>de</strong>x Fund80 iShares MSCI Netherland Investable Market In<strong>de</strong>x Fund81 iShares MSCI Japan Small Cap In<strong>de</strong>x Fund82 iShares Trust iShares MSCI EAFE Small Cap In<strong>de</strong>x Fund83 Market Vectors Agribusiness ETF84 Market Vectors Brazil Small Cap ETF85 Market Vectors China ETF86 Market Vectors Coal ETF87 Market Vectors Colombia ETF88 Market Vectors Egypt In<strong>de</strong>x ETF89 Market Vectors Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond ETF90 Market Vectors Germany Small-Cap ETF91 Market Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF92 Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF93 Market Vectors India Small Cap In<strong>de</strong>x ETF94 Market Vectors Indonesia In<strong>de</strong>x ETF95 Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF96 Market Vectors LatAm Aggregate Bond ETF97 Market Vectors Latin America Small Cap In<strong>de</strong>x ETF98 Market Vectors Poland ETF99 Market Vectors Rare Earth/ Strategic Metals ETF100 Market Vectors Russia ETF101 Market Vectors Russia Small Cap ETF102 Market Vectors RVE Hard Assets Producers ETF103 Market Vectors Steel ETF104 Market Vectors Uranium+Nuclear Energy ETF105 Market Vectors Vietnam ETFAcciones Peruanas Mercado MILA (186)1 A.F.P. Horizonte S.A.2 A.F.P. Integra S.A.3 ABB S.A.4 ACE Seguros S.A. Compañía <strong>de</strong> Seguros y Reaseguros5 Administradora <strong>de</strong>l Comercio S.A.6 Agro Industrial Paramonga S.A.A.7 Agroindustrias Aib S.A.8 Agroindustrias San Jacinto S.A.A.9 Alicorp S.A.A.10 Alturas Minerals Corp.11 Amerigo Resources Ltd.12 Austral Group S.A.A.13 Banco Azteca <strong>de</strong>l Perú S.A.14 Banco Continental15 Banco <strong>de</strong> Comercio16 Banco <strong>de</strong> Crédito <strong>de</strong>l Perú17 Banco Falabella Perú S.A.18 Banco Financiero <strong>de</strong>l Perú19 Banco Interamericano <strong>de</strong> Finanzas S.A. – Bif20 Banco Internacional <strong>de</strong>l Perú S.A.A. – Interbank21 Banco Ripley Perú S.A.22 Banco Santan<strong>de</strong>r Perú S.A.23 Bayer S.A.24 <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Lima S.A.25 British American Tobacco <strong>de</strong>l Perú Holdings S.A.A. (Bat Holdings S.A.A.)26 Caja Rural <strong>de</strong> Ahorro y Crédito Nuestra Gente S.A.A.27 Cartavio Sociedad Anónima Abierta (Cartavio S.A.A.)28 Casa Gran<strong>de</strong> Sociedad Anónima Abierta29 Castrovirreyna Compañía Minera S.A.30 Cavali S.A. I.C.L.V.31 Cemento Andino S.A.32 Cementos Lima S.A.33 Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A.34 Central Azucarera Chucarapi Pampa Blanca S.A.35 Cerveceria San Juan S.A.36 Citibank <strong>de</strong>l Perú S.A. – Citibank Perú37 Compañía Goodyear <strong>de</strong>l Perú S.A.38 Compañía Industrial Textil Credisa – Trutex S.A.A. (Creditex)39 Compañía Minera Atacocha S.A.A.40 Compañía Minera Milpo S.A.A.41 Compañía Minera Po<strong>de</strong>rosa S.A.42 Compañía Minera Raura S.A.43 Compañía Minera San Ignacio <strong>de</strong> Morococha S.A.44 Compañía Minera Santa Luisa S.A.45 Compañía Universal Textil S.A.46 Compañías <strong>de</strong> Minas Buenaventura S.A.A.47 Conservera <strong>de</strong> Las Américas S.A.48 Consorcio Cementero <strong>de</strong>l Sur S.A. – Concesur S.A.49 Consorcio Industrial <strong>de</strong> Arequipa S.A.50 Corporacion Aceros Arequipa S.A.51 Corporacion Cerámica S.A.52 Corporación Cervesur S.A.A.53 Corporación Financiera <strong>de</strong> Inversiones S.A.A.54 Corporación Funeraria S.A.55 Corporación Lindley S.A.56 Corporación Misti S.A.57 Credicorp Ltd.58 Crediscotia Financiera S.A.59 Deutsche Bank (Perú) S.A.60 E<strong>de</strong>gel S.A.A.61 E<strong>de</strong>lnor S.A.A.62 El Pacifico – Peruano Suiza Cía. <strong>de</strong> Seguros y Reaseguros63 El Pacifico Vida Compañía <strong>de</strong> Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.64 Electro Dunas S.A.A.65 Electro Sur Este S.A.A.66 Emp. Reg. <strong>de</strong> Serv. Público <strong>de</strong> Electr. Electronorte Medio S.A.-Hidrandina67 Empresa Agraria Azucarera Andahuasi S.A.A.68 Empresa Agraria Chiquitoy S.A. - En Reestructuración69 Empresa Agrícola San Juan S.A.70 Empresa Agrícola Sintuco S.A.71 Empresa Agroindustrial Laredo S.A.A.72 Empresa Agroindustrial Pomalca S.A.A.73 Empresa Azucarera “El Ingenio” S.A.74 Empresa <strong>de</strong> Generación Eléctrica San Gaban S.A.75 Empresa Editora El Comercio S.A.76 Empresa Eléctrica <strong>de</strong> Piura S.A.77 Empresa Electricidad <strong>de</strong>l Perú – Electroperu S.A.78 Empresa Financiera Edyficar S.A.79 Empresa Si<strong>de</strong>rurgica <strong>de</strong>l Perú S.A.A.80 Enersur S.A.81 Exsa S.A.82 Fabrica <strong>de</strong> Hilados y Tejidos San Miguel S.A. – En Liquidación83 Fabrica Nacional <strong>de</strong> Acumuladores Etna S.A.84 Fabrica Peruana Eternit S.A.85 Falabella Perú S.A.A.86 Ferreyros S.A.A.87 Filamentos Industriales S.A.88 Financiera Confianza S.A.89 Financiera Efectiva S.A.90 Financiera Tfc S.A.91 Financiera Universal S.A.92 Financiera Uno S.A.93 Fosfatos <strong>de</strong>l Pacífico S.A. – Fospac S.A.94 Gas Natural <strong>de</strong> Lima y Callao S.A.95 Generan<strong>de</strong>s Perú S.A.96 Gloria S.A.97 Gold Fields La Cima S.A.A.98 Graña y Montero S.A.A.99 Hidrostal S.A.100 Hsbc Bank Perú S.A. (Hsbc)101 Ifh Perú Ltd.102 Inca Tops S.A.A.103 Incasa Empresa Administradora Hipotecaria104 In<strong>de</strong>co S.A.105 Industria Textil Piura S.A.106 Industrias <strong>de</strong>l Envase S.A.107 Industrias Electro Químicas S.A. – Ieqsa108 Industrias Vencedor S.A.109 Inmobiliaria Milenia S.A.110 Inmuebles Panamericana S.A.111 Insur S.A. Compañía <strong>de</strong> Seguros112 Intergroup Financial Services Corp.113 Interseguro Compañía <strong>de</strong> Seguros S.A.114 Intra<strong>de</strong>vco Industrial S.A.115 Inversiones Centenario S.A.A.116 Inversiones en Turismo S.A. – Invertur

Emisores Inscritos al 28-12-<strong>2012</strong> s Issuers Listed as of 12-28-<strong>2012</strong>117 Inversiones La Rioja S.A.118 Inversiones Nacionales <strong>de</strong> Turismo S.A. – Intursa119 Inversiones Pacasmayo S.A.120 Invita Seguros <strong>de</strong> Vida121 La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.122 La Positiva Vida Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.123 Laive S.A.124 Lapices y Conexos S.A. – Layconsa125 Leasing Perú S.A.126 Leasing Total S.A.127 Lima Caucho S.A.128 Lima Gas S.A.129 Los Portales S.A.130 Lp Holding S.A.131 Luz <strong>de</strong>l Sur S.A.A.132 Maestro Perú S.A.133 Manufactura <strong>de</strong> Metales y Aluminio “Récord” S.A.134 Mapfre Perú Compañía <strong>de</strong> Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.135 Mapfre Perú Vida Compañía <strong>de</strong> Seguros y Reaseguros136 Metalúrgica Peruana S.A. – Mepsa137 Mibanco Banco <strong>de</strong> la Micro Empresa S.A.138 Michell y Cía. S.A.139 Minera Andina <strong>de</strong> Exploraciones S.A.A.140 Minera Irl Limited141 Minsur S.A.142 Mitsui Auto Finance Perú S.A.143 Motores Diesel Andinos S.A.144 Negociacion Agrícola Vista Alegre S.A.145 Negocios Contactos y Finanzas – Inversiones S.A. / Ncf InversionesS.A.146 Negocios e Inmuebles S.A.147 Norvial S.A.148 Panoro Minerals Ltd.149 Perú Holding <strong>de</strong> Turismo S.A.A.150 Peruana <strong>de</strong> Energía S.A.A.151 Perubar S.A.152 Petróleos <strong>de</strong>l Perú – Petroperu S.A.153 Prima Afp S.A.154 Profuturo A.F.P.155 Protecta S.A. Compañía <strong>de</strong> Seguros156 Quimpac S.A.157 Rayon Industrial S.A. – En Liquidación158 Reactivos Nacionales S.A. (Renasa)159 Red Bicolor <strong>de</strong> Comunicaciones S.A.A.160 Refinería La Pampilla S.A.A. - Relapa S.A.A.161 Rimac – Internacional Compañía <strong>de</strong> Seguros y Reaseguros162 Rió Alto Mining Limited163 Saga Falabella S.A.164 Scotiabank Perú S.A.A.165 Secrex Compañía <strong>de</strong> Seguros <strong>de</strong> Crédito y Garantías S.A.166 Servicio <strong>de</strong> Agua Potable y Alcantarillado <strong>de</strong> Lima – Sedapal167 Shougang Generación Eléctrica S.A.A.168 Shougang Hierro Perú S.A.A.169 Sociedad Agrícola Fanupe Vichayal S.A.170 Sociedad Eléctrica <strong>de</strong>l Sur Oeste S.A. – Seal171 Sociedad Industrial <strong>de</strong> Artículos <strong>de</strong> Metal S.A.C. – Siam172 Sociedad Minera Cerro Ver<strong>de</strong> S.A.A.173 Sociedad Minera Corona S.A.174 Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A.175 Sol<strong>de</strong>xa S.A.176 Solución Empresa Administradora Hipotecaria S.A.177 Southern Perú Copper Corporation – Sucursal Del Perú178 Supermercados Peruanos S.A. – Sp S.A.179 Suthern Copper Corporation180 Telefónica <strong>de</strong>l Perú S.A.A.181 Telefónica Móviles S.A.182 Textil San Cristóbal S.A.183 Total Artefactos S.A.184 Transacciones Financieras S.A.185 Unión <strong>de</strong> Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A.186 Volcán Compañía Minera S.A.A.Acciones Colombianas Mercado MILA (78)1 Acerías Paz <strong>de</strong>l Rió S.A.2 Administradora <strong>de</strong> Fondos <strong>de</strong> Pensiones y Cesantías Protección3 Agroguachal S.A.4 Alimentos Derivados <strong>de</strong> la Caña S.A.5 Almacenes Exito S.A.6 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Colombia S.A. BBVA Colombia7 Banco Comercial Av Villas S.A.8 Banco Davivienda S.A.9 Banco <strong>de</strong> Bogotá S.A.10 Banco <strong>de</strong> Occi<strong>de</strong>nte S.A.11 Banco Popular S.A.12 Bancolombia S.A.13 Biomax Biocombustibles S.A.14 Bmc <strong>Bolsa</strong> Mercantil <strong>de</strong> Colombia S.A15 <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Valores</strong> <strong>de</strong> Colombia S.A.16 Caracol Energy Ltd.17 Caracol Televisión S.A.18 Cartón <strong>de</strong> Colombia S.A.19 Cementos Argos S.A.20 Clínica <strong>de</strong> Marly S.A.21 Colombina S.A.22 Coltejer S.A. (Antes Compañía Colombiana <strong>de</strong> Tejidos S.A.)23 Compañía Agrícola San Felipe S.A.24 Compañía Colombiana <strong>de</strong> Inversiones S.A. SEP.25 Compañía <strong>de</strong> Electricidad <strong>de</strong> Tulúa S.A. SEP.26 Compañía <strong>de</strong> Empaques S.A.27 Confinanciera S.A. C.F.C.28 Construcciones Civiles S.A.29 Constructora Conconcreto S.A. (Antes Conconcreto S.A.)30 Coomeva Entidad Promotora <strong>de</strong> Salud S.A.31 Corporación <strong>de</strong> Ferias y Exposiciones S.A.32 Corporación Financiera Colombiana S.A.33 Ecopetrol S.A.34 Edatel S.A. E.S.P.35 Empresa <strong>de</strong> Energía <strong>de</strong> Bogotá S.A. E.S.P.36 Empresa <strong>de</strong> Energía <strong>de</strong>l Pacífico S.A. E.S.P.37 Empresa <strong>de</strong> Telecomunicaciones <strong>de</strong> Bogotá S.A. E.S.P.38 Enka <strong>de</strong> Colombia S.A.39 Fabricato S.A.40 Fogansa S.A.41 Fondo Bufalero <strong>de</strong>l Centro S.A.42 Fondo Gana<strong>de</strong>ro <strong>de</strong> Cordoba S.A.43 Fondo Gana<strong>de</strong>ro <strong>de</strong>l Tolima S.A.44 Gas Natural <strong>de</strong>l Oriente S.A. E.S.P.45 Gas Natural S.A. E.S.P.46 Grupo Aval Acciones y <strong>Valores</strong> S.A.47 Grupo <strong>de</strong> Inversiones Suramericana S.A.48 Grupo Nutresa S.A.49 Helm Bank S.A.50 Industrias Estra S.A.51 Ingenio La Cabana S.A.52 Interbolsa S.A.53 Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P.54 Inversiones Argos S.A.55 Inversiones Conconcreto S.A. (Antes Inversiones Cc S.A.)56 Inversiones Equipos Y Servicios S.A.57 Inversiones Mundial S.A.58 Inversiones Venecia S.A.59 Isagen S.A. E.S.P.60 Manufacturas <strong>de</strong> Cemento S.A.61 Mayagüez S.A.62 Mineros S.A.63 Organización <strong>de</strong> Ingeniería Internacional S.A.64 Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp65 Productos Familia S.A.66 Proenergia S.A.67 Promigas S.A. E.S.P.68 R.C.N. Televisión S.A.69 Riopaila Agrícola S.A.70 Riopaila Castilla S.A.71 Setas Colombianas S.A.72 Sociedad <strong>de</strong> Inversiones en Energía S.A.73 Socieda<strong>de</strong>s Bolívar S.A.74 Tablemac S.A.75 Telefónica Móviles Colombia S.A.76 Valorem S.A.77 <strong>Valores</strong> Industriales S.A.78 <strong>Valores</strong> Simesa S.A.111111

Emisores Inscritos al 28-12-<strong>2012</strong> s Issuers Listed as of 12-28-<strong>2012</strong>112MERCADO DE CUOTAS DE FONDOS DE INVERSION -109 EMISORESINVESTMENTS FUND QUOTAS MARKET - 109 ISSUERS1 Asset Chile Private Equity Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión2 Aurus Insignia Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión3 Aurus Renta Inmobiliaria Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión4 BICE Andino Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión5 BICE Inmobiliario I Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión6 BICE Inmobiliario II Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión7 BICE Inmobiliario III Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión8 BICE Private Equity Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión9 Celfin Desarrollo Inmobiliario I Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión10 Celfin Deuda Corporativa Chile Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión11 Celfin Deuda Latinoamericana Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión12 Celfin Deuda Total Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión13 Celfin High Yield Latin America Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión14 Celfin Large Cap Latin América Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión15 Celfin Private Equity - KKR Asia Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión16 Celfin Private Equity - KKR Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión17 Celfin Private Equity Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión18 Celfin Private Equity II Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión19 Celfin Private Equity III Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión20 Celfin Private Equity IV Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión21 Celfin Rentas Inmobiliarias Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión22 Celfin Rentas Inmobiliarias II Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión23 Celfin Small Cap Chile Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión24 Celfin Small Cap Latin América Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión25 Chile Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Small Cap26 Compass Absolute Return Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión27 Compass Latinoamérica Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión28 Compass Private Equity II Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión29 Compass Private Equity III Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión30 Compass RF Latam Local Credit Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión31 Compass Small Cap Chile Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión32 Fischer & Zabala Deuda Alto Retorno Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión33 Fischer & Zabala Everest Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión34 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Banchile Inmobiliario IV35 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Banchile Inmobiliario V36 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Banchile Inmobiliario VI37 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Banchile Plusvalía Eficiente38 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Banchile Rentas Inmobiliarias I39 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Banedwards Capital Trust40 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión BCI Desarrollo Inmobiliario, en liquidación41 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión BCI Renta Activa42 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Bío Bío43 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Celfin Factoring44 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Chile Blend45 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Compass Private Equity Partners46 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Cruz <strong>de</strong>l Sur Deuda Latinoamericana47 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Cruz <strong>de</strong>l Sur Infraestructura I48 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión <strong>de</strong> Desarrollo <strong>de</strong> Empresas Citicorp Chile49 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión <strong>de</strong> Desarrollo <strong>de</strong> Empresas Las Américas Emergente50 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Desarrollo Inmobiliario 200651 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Forestal Lignum, en liquidación52 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Halcón53 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión iFund MSCI Brazil Small Cap In<strong>de</strong>x54 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión IM Trust Inmobiliario-Aconcagua I55 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión IM Trust Private Equity - PG Direct I56 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión IM Trust Private Equity - PG Secondaries I57 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión IMT Private Equity AP I58 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión IMT RF Latam59 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncia Rentas Inmobiliarias60 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Inmobiliaria Cimenta-Expansión61 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Inmobiliaria Las Américas-Fundación62 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Inmobiliaria Las Américas-Raíces63 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Inmobiliaria Santan<strong>de</strong>r Mixto64 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Internacional Australis65 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversion Internacional Australis / AIG Su<strong>de</strong>ste Asiático66 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Itaú Brazil Domestic Dynamics67 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial - Altamar68 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial - BEAGLE69 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial - Brazil Small Cap70 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial - Capitalización71 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial - Magallanes II72 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial BCP73 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial Deuda Con Subsidio Habitacional74 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial Dover75 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial GSO76 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial Harbourvest EX-US77 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial Harbourvest-US78 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial Monte Rosa79 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Larraín Vial VICAM Cordillera80 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Latam Small - Mid Cap81 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Llaima, en liquidación82 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Nevasa HMC CIP VI83 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Nevasa HMC PNTN84 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Prime-Infraestructura85 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Público Infraestructura Global86 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Santan<strong>de</strong>r Plusvalía87 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Santan<strong>de</strong>r Small Cap88 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Santan<strong>de</strong>r-<strong>Santiago</strong> Desarrollo Inmobiliario VII,en liquidación89 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Security Oaktree Opportunities90 Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión Security-Quilvest PEP 201191 Global Optimization Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión92 IM Trust Quant SVM Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión93 Larraín Vial Deuda Corporativa Chile Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión94 Larraín vial Deuda Latam High Yield Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión95 Linzor BICE Private Equity II Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión96 MBI Arbitrage Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión97 MBI Global Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión98 Moneda Desarrollo Inmobiliario Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión99 Moneda Deuda Latinoamericana Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión100 Moneda Latinoamérica Deuda Local Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión101 Moneda Renta Variable Chile Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión102 Moneda Retorno Absoluto Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión103 Moneda Small Cap Latinoamérica Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión104 Moneda-Capital International Private Equity Fund (CIPEF) Fondo <strong>de</strong>Inversión105 PCP - Asset Chile Private Equity Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión106 Pionero Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión107 Renta Fija Hipotecaria Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión108 Siglo XXI Fondo <strong>de</strong> Inversión109 Toesca Fondo <strong>de</strong> InversiónMERCADO DE CUOTAS DE FONDOS MUTUOS - 3 EMISORES1 Fondo Mutuo Corp Bonos Corp2 Fondo Mutuo Corp Deposito3 Fondo Mutuo IM Trust Indice Chile112

Corredores <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong>Brokers of the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock ExchangeBANCHILECorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección : Agustinas 975, Of. 211Teléfono : 26398086Télex : 241292 FMBCH CLFax : (56-2) 26373590www.banchile.clBANCOESTADO S.A.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Dirección : Av.Lib. B. O’Higgins 1111,Piso 6.Teléfonos : 29707102Fax : (56-2) 29707100www.bancoestado.clBBVACorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> Ltda.Dirección : Av. P. <strong>de</strong> Valdivia 100, piso 7,Provi<strong>de</strong>ncia.Teléfono : 26792750Fax : (56-2) 23337023www.bbva.clBCICorredor <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección : Calle Magdalena 140, P. 14Las Con<strong>de</strong>s, <strong>Santiago</strong>.Teléfono : 26928900Fax : (56-2) 26728181www.bci.clBICE INVERSIONESCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección : Teatinos 280, piso 5Teléfonos : 26922800 - 26922801 -26922000Fax : (56-2) 26922831www.bice.clCELFIN CAPITAL S.A.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Dirección : Av.Apoquindo 3721, piso 19Teléfono : 24905100Fax : (56-2) 24905122www.celfincapital.comCONSORCIOCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección : El Bosque Sur N°130, P. 13Teléfono : 22304020Fax : (56-2) 22304002www.consorcio.clCORPBANCACorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección : Rosario Norte 660, piso 7,Las Con<strong>de</strong>s, <strong>Santiago</strong>Teléfono : 26603600Fax : (56-2) 26603601www.corpbancainversiones.clCRUZ DEL SURCorredora <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección: : Magdalena 121, Las Con<strong>de</strong>sTeléfono: : (56-2) 24618800Fax: : (56-2) 24618032www.cruz<strong>de</strong>lsur.clDEUTSCHE SECURITIESCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> Ltda.Dirección : Avda. El Bosque Sur 130,Piso 5, Las Con<strong>de</strong>sTeléfono : 23377700Fax : (56-2) 22031331www.db.comETCHEGARAY S.A.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Dirección : La <strong>Bolsa</strong> 64, Of. 122Teléfonos : 26967385 - 26980390Fax : (56-2) 26973973www.etchegaray.clEUROAMERICACorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección : Avda. Apoquindo 3885Piso 21, Las Con<strong>de</strong>sTeléfono : 25817000Fax : (56-2) 22089450www.euroamericacorredores.clFINANZAS Y NEGOCIOS S.A.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Dirección : Av. Isidora Goyenechea 3477,Piso 11, Las Con<strong>de</strong>s.Teléfono : 24991500Fax : (56-2) 24991550www.fynsa.clGBMCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> LimitadaDirección : Magdalena 181, Of. 1201,Las Con<strong>de</strong>s.Teléfono : 26169800www.gbm.com.mxI.M. TRUST S.A.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Dirección : Av. Apoquindo 3721, piso 16Teléfono : 24501600Fax : (56-2) 24501632www.imtrust.clINVERTIRONLINE-FITCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección : Av. Las Con<strong>de</strong>s 11283,piso 3, torre B,Las Con<strong>de</strong>s, <strong>Santiago</strong>.Teléfono : 28272100Fax : (56-2) 28272256www.fitresearch.clITAU CHILECorredor <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> Limitada.Dirección : Enrique Foster Sur 20, P. 5,Of. 501 A, Las Con<strong>de</strong>sTeléfonos : 26860358 - 26860673www.itau.clJAIME LARRAIN Y CIA.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> Ltda.Dirección : Nueva York 48, of. 22Teléfonos : 26962563 - 26980302 -26727349Fax : (56-2) 26727349www.larrainycia.clJ.P. MORGANCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> SpADirección : Mariano Sánchez Fontecilla 310Piso 8, Las Con<strong>de</strong>sTeléfonos : 24255108 - 24255303www.jpmorgan.comLARRAIN VIAL S.A.Corredora <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Dirección : La <strong>Bolsa</strong> 88, Of. 33Teléfonos : 26721505 - 23398500Fax : (56-2) 26721573 - 23320057www.larrainvial.comMBICorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección : Avda. Presi<strong>de</strong>nte Riesco 5711,Of. 602, Las Con<strong>de</strong>sTeléfono : 26553700Fax : (56-2) 24700249www.mbi.clMERRILL LYNCHCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> SpADirección : Avda. Apoquindo 3500,Piso 9, Las Con<strong>de</strong>sTeléfono : 24909500Fax : (56-2) 24909600www.uyb.clNEGOCIOS Y VALORES S.A.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Dirección : Rosario Norte 555, piso 15Las Con<strong>de</strong>sTeléfono : 24119800Fax : (56-2) 24119850www.nevasa.clPENTACorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección : Avda. El Bosque Norte 0440,piso 12, Las Con<strong>de</strong>sTeléfono : 28733000Fax : (56-2) 28733499www.bancopenta.clSANTANDER S.A.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Dirección : Ban<strong>de</strong>ra 140, piso 12Teléfono : 23363400Fax : (56-2) 26962097www.santan<strong>de</strong>r-investment.clSCOTIACorredora <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> Chile S.A.Dirección : Agustinas 1225, piso 5Teléfono : 26925703Fax : (56-2) 26925770www.scotiabank.clTANNERCorredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Casa matriz : Av. Apoquindo 3000, P. 10Sucursal : Nueva York 44Teléfono : 26964266Fax : (56-2) 26726678www.tanner.clUGARTE Y CIA.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> S.A.Dirección : Ban<strong>de</strong>ra 59-61, Of. 10Teléfono : 28277000Fax : (56-2) 26718001- 26725771www.ugarteycia.clVALORES SECURITY S.A.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>Dirección : Avda. Apoquindo 3150,piso 7Teléfono : 25844700www.security.clYRARRAZAVAL Y CIA.Corredores <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong> Ltda.Dirección : Ban<strong>de</strong>ra 67Teléfonos : 26722923 - 26984161Fax : (56-2) 26968695www.yrarrazavalycia.cl113113


Dirección Comercial • Business AddressLa <strong>Bolsa</strong> 64, <strong>Santiago</strong>Entrada principal • Principal entranceBan<strong>de</strong>ra esquina Moneda Ban<strong>de</strong>ra corner MonedaTeléfono • Telephone(56-2) 2399 3000Mesa Central - Main SwitchboardCasilla • P.O. Box123 - D <strong>Santiago</strong> - ChileInternetwww.bolsa<strong>de</strong>santiago.comFax(56-2) 2380 1961Afiliada • Affiliated toFe<strong>de</strong>ración Iberoamericana <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s (FIAB) Ibero-American Fe<strong>de</strong>ration Exchanges (FIAB)Fe<strong>de</strong>ración Internacional <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bolsa</strong>s (FIB) World Fe<strong>de</strong>ration of Exchanges (FIB)CENTRO DE INFORMACION BURSATIL (CIB) • STOCK MARKET INFORMATION CENTER (CIB)Atención <strong>de</strong> público. Estadísticas e informaciones, Public information center. Statistics and information,Edificio <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio, 2º Piso. Stock Exchange Building. Second floor.La información que se proporciona en la presente publicación se da atítulo meramente informativo, por lo tanto no compromete en modoalguno ni a la <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio <strong>de</strong> <strong>Santiago</strong> ni a sus Corredores.Reproducción permitida siempre que se mencione la fuente.The information contained in this publication is provi<strong>de</strong>d forinformation purpose only and does not, therefore, in any waycompromise either the <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange or its Brokers.Reproduction allowed only when the source is mentioned.115115

116Fotografías / Photographies:Juan Pablo Lira, Claudio Gálvez, Jesús Angeles PadillaArchivo <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>de</strong> Comercio / <strong>Santiago</strong> Stock Exchange116Impresión / Printed by:ANDROS IMPRESORESArte, diseño y producción / Graphic <strong>de</strong>sign and production:ENGRAMA

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