Estimaciones y proyeccion - Ministerio de EconomÃa
Estimaciones y proyeccion - Ministerio de EconomÃa
Estimaciones y proyeccion - Ministerio de EconomÃa
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República <strong>de</strong> El SalvadorMINISTRO DE ECONOMÍALicdo. Ricardo EsmahanVICEMINISTRA DE ECONOMÍALicda. Johanna Hill DutrizVICEMINISTRA DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIALicda. Blanca Imelda Jaco <strong>de</strong> MagañaD I R E C C I Ó N G E N E R A L D E E S T A D Í S T I C A Y C E N S O SDIRECTOR GENERALLic. Miguel Angel Corleto UreyDIRECTOR DEL PROYECTO VI DE POBLACIÓN Y VI DE VIVIENDA 2007Lic. Edgar Roberto GuardadoASESOR INTERNACIONALLic. Manuel RincónLic. Domingo PrimanteLic. Guiomar BayASESOR NACIONALLic. Saúl García CarballoEQUIPO TÉCNICODemógrafa: Ana <strong>de</strong>l Carmen EguizábalCoordinadora <strong>de</strong> Metodología y CapacitaciónLic. José Mario AquinoLic. José Roberto CastanedaDEPARTAMENTO DE IMPRESIONESSr. Ricardo Barrientos
ÍNDICE DE CONTENIDOPRESENTACIÓN………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11INTRODUCCIÓN……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13I. LAS FUENTES DE INFORMACIÓN SOCIO DEMOGRÁFICAS EN EL SALVADOR……………….. 151.1 Estimación y Proyección <strong>de</strong> los Componentes Demográficos. 1950 – 2010…………….. 151.2 Niveles <strong>de</strong> Ten<strong>de</strong>ncia <strong>de</strong> la Mortalidad……………………………………………………………………. 161.2.2 Estimación <strong>de</strong> la Mortalidad en los primeros años <strong>de</strong> vida (0 a 5 años)…………. 171.2.2 Estimación <strong>de</strong> la Mortalidad <strong>de</strong> 5 años y más <strong>de</strong> edad………………………………….. 191.2.3 Proyección <strong>de</strong>l nivel <strong>de</strong> la Mortalidad Infantil, por Sexo……………………………….. 201.2.4 Esperanzas <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacer, por Sexo…………………………………………………………. 211.3 Niveles y Ten<strong>de</strong>ncias <strong>de</strong> la Fecundidad…………………………………………………………………….. 231.3.1 Estimación y Proyección <strong>de</strong> la Fecundidad……………………………………………………. 231.3.2 Estimación <strong>de</strong> la Estructura <strong>de</strong> la Fecundidad para el período.1950‐2005…….. 241.3.3 Proyección <strong>de</strong> Nivel y estructura <strong>de</strong> la Fecundidad para el período.2005‐2005………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 251.4 Estimación y Proyección <strong>de</strong> la Migración Internacional………………………………………….. 26II. CONCILIACIÓN CENSAL Y POBLACIÓN BASE……………………………………………………………… 282.1 Evaluación Censal…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 292.2 Composición por Sexo y Edad <strong>de</strong> la Población Censada. 1950 – 2007…………………….. 292.3 Estimación <strong>de</strong> la Omisión Censal……………………………………………………………………………. 31III. RESULTADOS DE LAS PROYECCIONES ……………………………………………………………………….. 32IV. ANEXO………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 574.1 Nota explicativa relativa a la obtención <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones por año calendario ypor eda<strong>de</strong>s simples…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 594.2 Población por años Calendario y Eda<strong>de</strong>s Simples. 1950‐2050…………………………………. 69V. BIBLIOGRAFÍA…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1295
ÍNDICE DE CUADROSCuadro No. 1El Salvador. Tasas <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad Infantil por Sexo, Estimadas segúndiversas Fuentes y Estimación adoptada para cada Quinquenio.1950‐2006……………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 17Cuadro No. 2El Salvador. Probabilidad <strong>de</strong> Muerte entre 1 y 4 años ( 4 q 1 ) por sexoEstimadas con base a la información disponible.1950‐2006…………………..…. 18Cuadro No. 3El Salvador. Esperanzas <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacimiento por Sexo con Base en lainformación disponible y <strong>Estimaciones</strong> Quinquenales para el Período.1950‐2005……………………………………………………………………………….………………. 19Cuadro No. 4El Salvador. Tasas <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad Infantil por Sexo Estimadas y Proyectadaspara los Quinquenios. 2005‐2050…………………………………..……….……………….. 20Cuadro No. 5El Salvador. Esperanza <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacer Proyectadas por Quinqueniosegún Sexo. 2005‐2050……………………………………………………….…………………. 21Cuadro No. 6El Salvador. Tasas Globales <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad (hijos por mujer) y TasasEspecificas <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad por Grupos <strong>de</strong> Edad y Quinquenio.1950‐2005………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24Cuadro No. 7El Salvador. Tasas Globales <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad (hijos por mujer) y TasasEspecíficas <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad por Grupos <strong>de</strong> Edad y <strong>Estimaciones</strong>Quinquenales para el Período.2005 ‐ 2050…………….….…………………………….. 26Cuadro No. 8El Salvador. Saldos Migratorios Netos Estimados y Proyectados porSexo según Quinquenio.1950‐2005……………………………………………………….. 27Cuadro No. 9El Salvador. Índice <strong>de</strong> Masculinidad observado en los Censos.1950, 1961, 1971, 1992 y 2007……………………………………………………………… 306
Cuadro No. 10 El Salvador. Omisión por Sexo y Grupos <strong>de</strong> Edad, estimada en el Censo<strong>de</strong> Población <strong>de</strong> 2007……………………………………………………………………………… 32Cuadro No. 11 El Salvador. Tasas <strong>de</strong> Natalidad, Mortalidad, Tasas Netas <strong>de</strong> Migracióny Tasas Totales <strong>de</strong> Crecimiento por Quinquenios. 1950‐2050 (Tasaspor mil)……………….………………………………………………………………………………….. 34Cuadro No. 12 El Salvador. Población Base por Sexo según Grupos <strong>de</strong> Edad. Año 1950.. 36Cuadro No. 13 El Salvador. Estimación y Proyección <strong>de</strong> la Fecundidad, por Tasa Global<strong>de</strong> Fecundidad y Edad Media <strong>de</strong> la Fecundidad según Quinquenios.1950‐2050………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37Cuadro No. 14 El Salvador. Estimación y Proyección <strong>de</strong> las Tasas Específicas <strong>de</strong>Fecundidad por Edad según Quinquenios. 1950‐2050..…………………………… 38Cuadro No. 15 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada por Sexo. 1950‐2050….…… 39Cuadro No. 16 El Salvador. Esperanza <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacer y Relaciones <strong>de</strong> sobrevivenciaHombres y Mujeres.…………………………………………...…………………………………. 40Cuadro No. 17 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Hombres según Grupos <strong>de</strong>Eda<strong>de</strong>s. 1950‐2050…………………………………………………………………………………. 42Cuadro No. 18 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Mujeres según Grupos <strong>de</strong>Eda<strong>de</strong>s. 1950‐2050…………………………………………………...……………………………. 43Cuadro No. 19 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Ambos Sexos segúnGrupos <strong>de</strong> Eda<strong>de</strong>s. 1950‐2050…………………………………………….………………….. 447
Cuadro No. 20 El Salvador. Nacimientos Estimados y Proyectados por Edad <strong>de</strong> la Madre,según Quinquenios.…………………………………………………...……………………………. 45Cuadro No. 21 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Hombres según Eda<strong>de</strong>sSimples <strong>de</strong> 5 a 24 años. 1950‐2050…………..……………………………………………… 46Cuadro No. 22 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Mujeres según Eda<strong>de</strong>sSimples <strong>de</strong> 5 a 24 años. 1950‐2050…………..……………………………………………… 47Cuadro No. 23 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Ambos Sexos segúnEda<strong>de</strong>s Simples <strong>de</strong> 5 a 24 años. 1950‐2050…………..…………………………….…… 48Cuadro No. 24 El Salvador. Distribución Relativa <strong>de</strong> la Población. 1950 ‐ 1995……………... 49Cuadro No. 25 El Salvador. Distribución Relativa <strong>de</strong> la Población. 2000 ‐ 2050………………. 50Cuadro No. 26 El Salvador. Relaciones <strong>de</strong> Masculinidad (por 100 mujeres).1950‐2050…………………….…………………………………………………...………………… … 51Cuadro No. 27 El Salvador. Nacimientos, Defunciones y Migrantes Netos, Estimados yProyectados por Quinquenios. 1950 – 2050…..………...……………………………. 52Cuadro No. 28 El Salvador. Tasas Medias Anuales <strong>de</strong> Crecimiento, Tasas Implícitas yTasas Netas <strong>de</strong> Migración (por mil) por Quinquenios.1950 ‐ 2050………….. 53Cuadro No. 29 El Salvador. Relación <strong>de</strong> Depen<strong>de</strong>ncia, Niños‐Mujer, Índice <strong>de</strong>Masculinidad y Edad Mediana. 1950‐2050.................................................... 54Cuadro No. 30 El Salvador. Tasas <strong>de</strong> Reproducción, Tasas <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad y Edad Media<strong>de</strong> la Fecundidad por Quinquenios. 1950 ‐ 2050........................................... 55Cuadro No. 31 El Salvador. Esperanza <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacer y Tasa <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad Infantil,por Quinquenios. 1950 ‐ 2050…………………………........................................... 568
ÍNDICE DE GRÁFICOSGráfico No. 1El Salvador. Tasas <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad Infantil y Esperanza <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacerpor Sexo y Períodos Quinquenales. 1950 ‐ 2050…………………………………. 22Gráfico No. 2El Salvador. Tasa Global <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad TGF (hijos por mujer), segúnDiversas Fuentes. 1950 – 2005………………………..…………………………………. 24Gráfico No. 3El Salvador. Tasa Específicas <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad por edad, diferentesQuinquenios. 1950 – 2050………………………..…………………………………………. 25Gráfico No. 4El Salvador. Tasas Netas <strong>de</strong> Migración, estimadas para el Período1950 – 2005. Tasas Proyectadas. 2005 – 2050.………………………..…………. 28Gráfico No. 5El Salvador. Índice <strong>de</strong> Masculinidad por Eda<strong>de</strong>s según Censos.(Hombres por cada 100 Mujeres)……………………..…………………………………. 31Gráfico No. 6El Salvador. Tasas <strong>de</strong> Natalidad, Mortalidad, Tasas Netas <strong>de</strong> Migracióny Tasas Totales <strong>de</strong> Crecimiento, por Quinquenios. 1950 ‐ 2050…………. 34Gráfico No. 7El Salvador. Evolución <strong>de</strong> Estructura por Sexo y Edad <strong>de</strong> la Poblaciónentre los años. 1950, 1975, 2000 y sus Perspectivas <strong>de</strong> Cambios haciael 2025 y 2050……………………………………………………………………………..………. 359
PRESENTACIÓNLa Dirección General <strong>de</strong> Estadística y Censos DIGESTYC ha logrado acumular nuevos eimportantes antece<strong>de</strong>ntes que permiten analizar <strong>de</strong> manera amplia la Dinámica Demográfica<strong>de</strong>l país entre los años 1950 – 2007, período en el cual a nivel mundial se produjeron cambiosimportantes en los procesos <strong>de</strong>mográficos. De allí surgieron las bases para la revisión <strong>de</strong> las<strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población, resultados que se presentan en este documento.La preparación <strong>de</strong> las nuevas estimaciones y <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población para el período 1950– 2050, fue posible mediante el uso <strong>de</strong> una amplia gama <strong>de</strong> datos aportados por variadasfuentes. En primera instancia, los aportados por el VI Censo <strong>de</strong> Población y V <strong>de</strong> Viviendalevantado en el año 2007, así como los obtenidos a partir <strong>de</strong> la información recogida en lasEncuestas Nacionales <strong>de</strong> Salud Familiar – FESAL-, la Encuesta <strong>de</strong> Hogares <strong>de</strong> PropósitosMúltiples, EHPM-2006 y con la información sobre nacimientos y <strong>de</strong>funciones <strong>de</strong>l sistema <strong>de</strong>Estadísticas Vitales y datos parciales sobre migración internacional <strong>de</strong>rivados <strong>de</strong> diversasfuentes.En este documento se presentan los antece<strong>de</strong>ntes sobre la dinámica <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad <strong>de</strong>l paísen la segunda mitad <strong>de</strong>l siglo XX y las perspectivas <strong>de</strong> evolución hasta el año 2050. De estamanera se pone a disposición <strong>de</strong>l país, y <strong>de</strong> los organismos internacionales, este material queserá <strong>de</strong> mucha utilidad para múltiples usos y usuarios, en particular para los sectores <strong>de</strong> salud,educación, seguridad social, entida<strong>de</strong>s aseguradoras, entre otros.11
INTRODUCCIÓNLa población en su proceso <strong>de</strong> evolución cuantitativa y cualitativa está inmersa, <strong>de</strong> manerapermanente, a múltiples factores que le <strong>de</strong>terminan sus características particulares <strong>de</strong>crecimiento. Su dinámica está <strong>de</strong>terminada, por factores asociados a las condicionesparticulares <strong>de</strong> reproducción biológica, la mortalidad y la movilidad territorial; factores<strong>de</strong>terminantes fundamentales <strong>de</strong>l crecimiento y/o <strong>de</strong> crecimiento poblacional.Una vez disponibles los datos <strong>de</strong>l VI Censo Nacional <strong>de</strong> Población y V <strong>de</strong> Vivienda, se dio inicióal proceso <strong>de</strong> análisis <strong>de</strong> los datos para evaluación <strong>de</strong> los resultados y para establecer lascaracterísticas <strong>de</strong> la evolución <strong>de</strong>mográfica a lo largo <strong>de</strong> los últimos 50 años <strong>de</strong>l siglo XX <strong>de</strong>don<strong>de</strong> se <strong>de</strong>rivan los insumos fundamentales para la actualización <strong>de</strong> las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong>población vigentes, consi<strong>de</strong>rando que las que se vienen utilizando están sobreestimando elvolumen <strong>de</strong> población resi<strong>de</strong>nte en el país.En el documento se <strong>de</strong>sarrollan y presentan los aspectos metodológicos básicos utilizadospara el análisis <strong>de</strong> la dinámica <strong>de</strong>mográfica <strong>de</strong>l país y se entregan las estimaciones y<strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población para el período 1950 – 2050. Esta revisión fue elaboradaconjuntamente entre la Dirección General <strong>de</strong> Estadística y Censos (DIGESTYC) y el CentroLatinoamericano y Caribeño <strong>de</strong> Demografía, CELADE – División <strong>de</strong> Población <strong>de</strong> la CEPAL, conapoyo <strong>de</strong>l Fondo <strong>de</strong> Población <strong>de</strong> las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA).Estas nuevas cifras por sexo y edad, son fundamentales para la <strong>de</strong>terminación <strong>de</strong> los cambiosen las <strong>de</strong>mandas sociales y la elaboración <strong>de</strong> planes y programas en diversos campos <strong>de</strong>l<strong>de</strong>sarrollo, tales como la generación <strong>de</strong> empleos productivos, la producción <strong>de</strong> bienes yservicios económicos, la construcción <strong>de</strong> establecimientos educativos y <strong>de</strong> salud, la formación<strong>de</strong> recursos humanos en estas áreas, la construcción <strong>de</strong> viviendas y soluciones habitacionales,entre otros <strong>de</strong> similar importancia.Las estimaciones <strong>de</strong>mográficas <strong>de</strong> períodos recientes, puestos <strong>de</strong> manifiesto por las tresúltimas encuestas: FESAL 1998, 2002/03 y 2008, ofrecen información sobre fecundidad ymortalidad que es necesario tomar en cuenta, en los cálculos básicos y en la formulación <strong>de</strong>hipótesis <strong>de</strong> las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población.Todos los elementos apuntan a señalar los logros en la reducción <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad infantil ygeneral, la acentuación <strong>de</strong>l <strong>de</strong>scenso <strong>de</strong> los niveles <strong>de</strong> fecundidad y un aparente y sostenidoincremento <strong>de</strong> la emigración hacia el exterior. En este último componente, la disponibilidad <strong>de</strong>datos provenientes <strong>de</strong> los censos <strong>de</strong> la ronda <strong>de</strong>l 2000 <strong>de</strong>l Programa <strong>de</strong> Investigación <strong>de</strong> laMigración Internacional (IMILA) <strong>de</strong>l CELADE 1 , así como los datos específicos <strong>de</strong>l Censo 2007 ycálculos indirectos han permitido visualizar las dimensiones <strong>de</strong> la migración internacional,variable que constituye un factor clave en la dinámica <strong>de</strong>mográfica <strong>de</strong>l país, en los años másrecientes.1 CELADE (2006). Observatorio Demográfico No. 1 “Migración Internacional”. Abril <strong>de</strong> 2006. Santiago <strong>de</strong> Chile.13
I. LAS FUENTES DE INFORMACIÓN SOCIO DEMOGRÁFICAS EN EL SALVADOR.Para construcción <strong>de</strong> la serie <strong>de</strong> indicadores utilizados para analizar las ten<strong>de</strong>ncias <strong>de</strong> lasvariables <strong>de</strong>mográficas <strong>de</strong>terminantes <strong>de</strong>l crecimiento <strong>de</strong> la población <strong>de</strong>l país se combinaronelementos sobre estructura por edad y sexo <strong>de</strong> las estadísticas vitales, y las estimacionesdirectas e indirectas sobre mortalidad infantil y juvenil, <strong>de</strong>rivadas <strong>de</strong> otras fuentes. En estecaso se incorporan en el análisis, <strong>de</strong> manera particular, los aportes <strong>de</strong> los censos <strong>de</strong> 1971,1992 y 2007, las estadísticas vitales <strong>de</strong>l período 1947 -2007 y, <strong>de</strong> otro lado, la informaciónsuministrada por las Encuestas Nacionales <strong>de</strong> Demografía y Salud, FESAL 1998, 2002/03 y2008, así como los aportes <strong>de</strong> la EHPM2006.Se dispone igualmente con algunas otras estadísticas sectoriales, recogidas <strong>de</strong> forma continua,las cuales se pue<strong>de</strong>n asociar, <strong>de</strong> una u otra manera, con el crecimiento <strong>de</strong> la población (setrata entre otros <strong>de</strong> datos sobre matrícula escolar, vacunación, construcción <strong>de</strong> vivienda,consumo <strong>de</strong> agua y energía etc.). De esta manera, basados en lo que, directa oindirectamente, aportan todas estas fuentes, es posible caracterizar y analizar con mayorprofundidad aspectos fundamentales <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>mografía nacional y sus características <strong>de</strong>evolución.El análisis <strong>de</strong> las ten<strong>de</strong>ncias <strong>de</strong>mográfica y el conocimiento <strong>de</strong> la cobertura <strong>de</strong> los censos quese efectúa <strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>de</strong>l proceso <strong>de</strong> validación y conciliación <strong>de</strong> la dinámica <strong>de</strong>mográfica entrecensos se orienta a establecer su cobertura, la calidad <strong>de</strong> los datos, la consistencia interna <strong>de</strong>los mismos, consistencia entre las diversas variables censales, la consistencia con datos <strong>de</strong>otros censos, su consistencia respecto a patrones universales y respecto a resultados <strong>de</strong> otrasexperiencias o con otras estadísticas poblacionales <strong>de</strong>l país.Se aplicaron mo<strong>de</strong>los y técnicas, como el <strong>de</strong> Brass y Preston, para la evaluación <strong>de</strong> lacalidad y cobertura <strong>de</strong> la fuente básica <strong>de</strong> información <strong>de</strong>mográfica–las estadísticas vitales –y como uno <strong>de</strong> los puntos principales que sirven <strong>de</strong> soporte para la evaluación y ajuste <strong>de</strong>lcenso nacional <strong>de</strong> población <strong>de</strong> 2007, principal punto <strong>de</strong> referencia sobre el volumen yestructura por sexo y edad <strong>de</strong> la población en el momento actual. Respecto a la calidad <strong>de</strong>los censos se ha logrado establecer que la cobertura <strong>de</strong> las operaciones censales hanmejorado a lo largo <strong>de</strong> los años y que el censo <strong>de</strong>l año 2007 pue<strong>de</strong> consi<strong>de</strong>rarse como elque ha logrado la más amplia cobertura.1. 1 Estimación y Proyección <strong>de</strong> los Componentes Demográficos 1950-2010.La <strong>de</strong>terminación, <strong>de</strong> los niveles, ten<strong>de</strong>ncias y estructuras por sexo y edad <strong>de</strong> los componentes<strong>de</strong>mográficos <strong>de</strong>l cambio poblacional, en especial en períodos cercanos a la fecha base o <strong>de</strong>inicio <strong>de</strong> la proyección, cumple al menos dos propósitos importantes. Por un lado, paraestablecer el grado <strong>de</strong> consistencia entre los cambios resultantes <strong>de</strong> la interacción <strong>de</strong> lafecundidad, la mortalidad y la migración - variables éstas generalmente estimadas a partir <strong>de</strong>encuestas y registros continuos - y los observados en las cifras <strong>de</strong> población por sexo y edadarrojadas por los últimos censos <strong>de</strong> población.15
La <strong>de</strong>terminación en primera instancia <strong>de</strong> los niveles y estructuras por edad y sexo para cadauno <strong>de</strong> los fenómenos <strong>de</strong>mográficos, en su trayectoria <strong>de</strong> evolución histórica, a lo largo <strong>de</strong> loscasi 60 años pasados (<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> 1950 hasta la actualidad), constituyen elementos fundamentales,para la elaboración <strong>de</strong> las hipótesis en que se sustentan las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es.Todo ello soportado en última instancia en los procesos <strong>de</strong> comparación y “conciliación” <strong>de</strong> losdatos censales y las estimaciones <strong>de</strong>mográficas obtenidas para la mortalidad, la fecundidad ymigraciones internacionales <strong>de</strong>l período, con lo cual se logra evaluar y ajustar los datoscensales y <strong>de</strong> allí <strong>de</strong>finir una población base, como punto <strong>de</strong> partida para las presentes<strong>proyeccion</strong>es.1.2 Niveles y Ten<strong>de</strong>ncias <strong>de</strong> la MortalidadDefinir con precisión la ten<strong>de</strong>ncia y condición <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad <strong>de</strong> la población es uno <strong>de</strong> losaspectos fundamentales que se abordan <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> el campo <strong>de</strong>l análisis <strong>de</strong>mográfico como pasoprevio <strong>de</strong> los programas <strong>de</strong> preparación y/o actualización <strong>de</strong> las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población <strong>de</strong>lpaís.Es ampliamente reconocido que las condiciones <strong>de</strong> mortalidad están asociadas a múltiplesfactores <strong>de</strong> carácter biológico, económico, social, cultural e incluso político que <strong>de</strong>ben ser elmarco <strong>de</strong> referencia en estudios en profundidad <strong>de</strong> esta materia. Sin embargo en esta etapa,el enfoque y esfuerzo fundamental es evaluar, caracterizar y producir las mejores estimacionessobre la mortalidad por sexo y grupos <strong>de</strong> edad, conocimiento que resulta básico para laconstrucción <strong>de</strong> las tablas <strong>de</strong> vida o tablas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad.Un indicador importante y ampliamente utilizado, para este propósito, es la Esperanza <strong>de</strong> Vidaal Nacer, cuya principal ventaja es, no estar afectado por la estructura por edad <strong>de</strong> lapoblación. Este indicador como medida resumen <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad por edad, se <strong>de</strong>riva enrealidad <strong>de</strong> la construcción <strong>de</strong> una tabla <strong>de</strong> mortalidad, representa el número medio <strong>de</strong> años<strong>de</strong> vida que podrían llegar a vivir un grupo <strong>de</strong> recién nacidos si estuvieran sujetos en cadaedad a los mismos riesgos <strong>de</strong> muerte que predominan en la población en el periodo <strong>de</strong> tiempo,regularmente un año, al cual se refiere la tabla <strong>de</strong> mortalidad.Las tablas <strong>de</strong> vida o tablas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad son el mejor instrumento para analizar la inci<strong>de</strong>ncia<strong>de</strong> la mortalidad, en términos <strong>de</strong>l sexo y la edad, en virtud <strong>de</strong> que dicho mo<strong>de</strong>lo permiteestablecer las probabilida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> vida y <strong>de</strong> muerte <strong>de</strong> una población en función <strong>de</strong> sus eda<strong>de</strong>s.Con dichos mo<strong>de</strong>los se logra <strong>de</strong>scribir el comportamiento <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad <strong>de</strong>l pasado y <strong>de</strong>lpresente; a<strong>de</strong>más, mediante una proyección se logran vislumbrar las perspectivas <strong>de</strong> cambiofuturo en las condiciones <strong>de</strong> mortalidad <strong>de</strong> la población.Para la construcción <strong>de</strong> las tablas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad, para el total <strong>de</strong>l país, se han utilizado elconjunto <strong>de</strong> tasas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad por grupos <strong>de</strong> edad, que se calcularon con las <strong>de</strong>funcionesanuales, (un promedio <strong>de</strong> cinco años centradas en las fechas censales), procedimiento con elcual se busca obviar los posibles problemas <strong>de</strong> estacionalidad <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad y <strong>de</strong>lsubregistro <strong>de</strong> los hechos vitales en el sistema <strong>de</strong> estadísticas vitales. El trabajo en <strong>de</strong>finitivapermitió construir una serie histórica <strong>de</strong> tablas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad, <strong>de</strong> don<strong>de</strong> se <strong>de</strong>rivan lasfunciones indispensables para la elaboración <strong>de</strong> las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población.16
1.2.1. Estimación <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad en los primeros años <strong>de</strong> vida (0 a 5 años)A partir <strong>de</strong> las diversas fuentes se estimó las tasas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad infantil ( 1 q o ) para losmomentos censales así como para los quinquenios <strong>de</strong>l período histórico (1950-2005).En base al valor estimado <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad infantil <strong>de</strong> ambos sexos para cada quinquenio <strong>de</strong>lperíodo 1950-2005, se <strong>de</strong>terminó una mortalidad infantil y una mortalidad entre 1 y 4 añospara cada sexo, utilizando el diferencial por sexo que se pudo calcular a partir <strong>de</strong>l registro <strong>de</strong>nacimientos y <strong>de</strong>funciones <strong>de</strong>l período.EL SALVADOR.AñosCuadro No. 1:Tasas <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad Infantil por Sexo, Estimadas segúnDiversas Fuentes y Estimación Adoptada para cadaQuinquenio. 1950-2006Mortalidad infantil (por mil)Factor <strong>de</strong> separacion foSobremortalidadHombres 1 q o Mujeres 1 q omasculina Hombres MujeresCifras en las Fechas Censales1950 168.09 143.80 1.17 0.340 0.3401961 133.54 113.20 1.18 0.292 0.3091971 112.32 93.70 1.20 0.330 0.3501983 84.24 69.00 1.22 0.267 0.2681992 45.20 36.50 1.24 0.267 0.2682006 23.91 19.00 1.26 0.236 0.240<strong>Estimaciones</strong> Quinquenales1950-1955 158.57 134.80 1.18 0.33 0.331955-1960 142.25 120.70 1.18 0.31 0.321960-1965 128.50 108.50 1.18 0.30 0.321965-1970 117.80 98.70 1.19 0.32 0.341970-1975 108.88 90.50 1.20 0.32 0.341975-1980 99.16 81.80 1.21 0.29 0.301980-1985 84.21 69.00 1.22 0.27 0.271985-1990 62.08 50.50 1.23 0.27 0.271990-1995 41.77 33.60 1.24 0.27 0.251995-2000 30.39 24.30 1.25 0.25 0.162000-2005 25.45 20.30 1.25 0.24 0.08En los Cuadros 1 y 2 se presentan los valores <strong>de</strong> las tasas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad infantil y probabilidad <strong>de</strong>muerte <strong>de</strong> los niños <strong>de</strong> 1 a 4 años <strong>de</strong> edad ( 4 q 1 ) y por sexo, implícitas en las tablas <strong>de</strong>mortalidad por sexo, construidas para el total <strong>de</strong>l país.17
Cuadro No. 2EL SALVADOR. Probabilidad <strong>de</strong> Muerte entre 1 y 4 años ( 4 q 1 ) por SexoEstimadas con Base a la Información Disponible. 1950-2006Años4q 1 por milFactor <strong>de</strong> separacion 4 f 1SobremortalidadHombres 4 q 1 Mujeres 4 q 1masculina Hombres MujeresCifras en las Fechas Censales1950 113.21 107.28 1.06 1.352 1.3801961 95.80 87.66 1.09 1.421 1.3991971 70.04 64.39 1.09 1.409 1.3521983 46.76 42.41 1.10 1.125 1.2641992 11.84 10.48 1.13 1.313 1.2102006 5.29 4.70 1.13 1.444 1.336<strong>Estimaciones</strong> Quinquenales1950-1955 108.94 102.25 1.07 1.368 1.3861955-1960 100.65 92.85 1.08 1.400 1.3981960-1965 90.61 82.51 1.10 1.418 1.3951965-1970 77.52 70.47 1.10 1.412 1.3671970-1975 66.99 59.69 1.12 1.363 1.3371975-1980 57.92 48.52 1.19 1.247 1.3001980-1985 46.94 42.33 1.11 1.124 1.2641985-1990 26.33 22.99 1.15 1.218 1.2431990-1995 11.93 10.38 1.15 1.304 1.2361995-2000 10.54 9.10 1.16 1.359 1.2732000-2005 7.49 6.51 1.15 1.411 1.315Fuente Tablas <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad Estimadas para el País18
1.2.2. Estimación <strong>de</strong> la Mortalidad <strong>de</strong> 5 años y más <strong>de</strong> edad.El método corrientemente utilizado para analizar las condiciones <strong>de</strong> mortalidad es calcular lastasas centrales <strong>de</strong> mortalidad a partir <strong>de</strong> las <strong>de</strong>funciones por edad obtenidas <strong>de</strong>Estadísticas Vitales y las cifras <strong>de</strong> población <strong>de</strong> los censos, también por grupos quinquenales.Utilizando información <strong>de</strong> la población censal 1950, 1961, 1971, 1992 y 2007 y los promedios<strong>de</strong> las <strong>de</strong>funciones por edad y sexo, <strong>de</strong> cinco años centrados en los años censales, se<strong>de</strong>terminaron las tasas centrales <strong>de</strong> mortalidad por sexo y grupos quinquenales <strong>de</strong> edad apartir <strong>de</strong> los 5 años <strong>de</strong> edad.Con estas Tasas <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad y la Mortalidad <strong>de</strong> los menores <strong>de</strong> un año y <strong>de</strong> 1 – 4 años fueposible construir una serie <strong>de</strong> tablas abreviadas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad por sexo.Cuadro No. 3EL SALVADOR. Esperanzas <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacimiento por Sexo, con Base en lainformación disponible y <strong>Estimaciones</strong> Quinquenales para elPeríodo. 1950-2005AñosHombres0 Ganancia0e00anualeMujeresGananciaanualDiferenciapor sexoCifras en las Fechas Censales1950 41.41 44.44 3.030.74 0.901961 49.59 54.37 4.780.41 0.621971 53.66 60.52 6.86-0.26 0.311983 50.56 64.18 13.621.39 0.941992 63.04 72.65 9.610.21 0.202006 66.04 75.51 9.47<strong>Estimaciones</strong> Quinquenales1950-1955 43.39 46.80 3.410.77 0.941955-1960 47.22 51.48 4.260.65 0.851960-1965 50.48 55.72 5.240.41 0.631965-1970 52.55 58.87 6.320.13 0.461970-1975 53.19 61.17 7.98-0.25 0.311975-1980 51.93 62.73 10.80-0.27 0.291980-1985 50.56 64.18 13.621.37 0.981985-1990 57.42 69.08 11.661.17 0.761990-1995 63.26 72.87 9.610.22 0.211995-2000 64.36 73.92 9.560.21 0.202000-2005 65.42 74.93 9.51Fuente: Tablas <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad estimadas para el país19
1.2.3. Proyección <strong>de</strong>l Nivel <strong>de</strong> la Mortalidad Infantil, por Sexo.i. Mortalidad infantil.La mortalidad infantil es una <strong>de</strong> las principales preocupaciones <strong>de</strong> la sociedad y por supuesto<strong>de</strong> las entida<strong>de</strong>s encargadas <strong>de</strong> los planes y programas <strong>de</strong>l sector salud. A<strong>de</strong>más lamortalidad infantil tiene un peso importante en la <strong>de</strong>terminación <strong>de</strong> los niveles <strong>de</strong> laEsperanza <strong>de</strong> vida al nacer.Es por todo ello que en este caso, para construcción <strong>de</strong> las tablas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad <strong>de</strong>l período2005 – 2050, se consi<strong>de</strong>ró importante efectuar una proyección <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad infantil porsexo consi<strong>de</strong>rando para ello que su nivel continuará <strong>de</strong>scendiendo <strong>de</strong> forma continuaaproximándose un valor <strong>de</strong> 10 por mil a mediados <strong>de</strong>l siglo e incrementándosepaulatinamente la sobre mortalidad masculina. En el Cuadro 4 se muestran las tasas <strong>de</strong>mortalidad infantil proyectadas.Cuadro No. 4EL SALVADOR. Tasas <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad Infantil por Sexo Estimadas y Proyectadaspara los Quinquenios. 2005-2050AñosMortalidad infantilFactor <strong>de</strong> separacion foSobremortalidadHombres 1 q o Mujeres 1 q omasculina Hombres Mujeres2005-2010 22.98 18.10 1.27 0.232 0.2362010-2015 20.90 16.30 1.28 0.223 0.2252015-2020 19.10 14.70 1.30 0.214 0.2142020-2025 17.56 13.40 1.31 0.205 0.2042025-2030 16.26 12.20 1.33 0.196 0.1942030-2035 15.15 11.30 1.34 0.189 0.1862035-2040 14.23 10.40 1.37 0.181 0.1792040-2045 13.45 9.80 1.37 0.174 0.1722045-2050 12.80 9.20 1.39 0.167 0.16520
1.2.4 Esperanzas <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacer por SexoPara proyectar las Esperanzas <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacer por sexo entre 2005 y 2050 se utilizó elprocedimiento propuesto por las Naciones Unidas para cada sexo in<strong>de</strong>pendientemente, segúnun ritmo medio <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>scenso <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad, posteriormente se controlaron los diferencialesentre sexos. El Cuadro 5 resume las esperanzas <strong>de</strong> vida al nacimiento proyectadas para cadauno <strong>de</strong> los quinquenios <strong>de</strong>l período 2005 - 2050.Las estimaciones <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad por sexo y grupos quinquenales <strong>de</strong> edad, interpolando lasprobabilidad <strong>de</strong> muerte (q(x,5)) entre las tablas construidas para 1950, 1961, 1971, 1983,1992 y 2006. Para la proyección <strong>de</strong> la estructura <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad (q(x,n)) se realizó unainterpolación lineal entre las tablas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad estimadas para el año 2006 y la tabla límite<strong>de</strong>l CELADE. En el Cuadro 5 se entregan las esperanza <strong>de</strong> vida proyectadas en tanto que en elGráfico 1, se muestran la evolución <strong>de</strong> la Esperanzas <strong>de</strong> vida y las tasas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad infantilpor sexo, entre los años 1950 y 2050Cuadro No. 5EL SALVADOR. Esperanzas <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacer Proyectadas por Quinquenio segúnSexo.2005-2050AñosHombresGanancia0e00anual e0MujeresGananciaanualDiferenciapor sexo2005-2010 66.45 75.89 9.440.20 0.202010-2015 67.45 76.89 9.440.20 0.202015-2020 68.45 77.89 9.440.20 0.182020-2025 69.45 78.79 9.340.20 0.162025-2030 70.45 79.59 9.140.16 0.162030-2035 71.25 80.39 9.140.16 0.122035-2040 72.05 80.99 8.940.16 0.122040-2045 72.85 81.59 8.740.16 0.122045-2050 73.65 82.19 8.5421
Gráfico No. 1EL SALVADOR. Tasas <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad Infantil y Esperanza <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacerpor Sexo y Períodos Quinquenales. 1950-2050.TMI (por mil)180.0e (◦) en años90.0160.080.0140.070.0120.0100.080.01qo hombres1qo MujeresEsperanza HombresEsperanza mujeres60. 1970-1975 1990-1995 2010-2015 2030-20350.0Fuente: Cuadros 1 a 422
1.3 Niveles y ten<strong>de</strong>ncias <strong>de</strong> la fecundidadPara analizar la dinámica <strong>de</strong> los componentes <strong>de</strong> esta variable, se consi<strong>de</strong>ran dos aspectos:uno el nivel y otro la estructura. Para analizar el nivel <strong>de</strong> fecundidad se utiliza como indicadorgeneral la Tasa Global <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad 2 (TGF) y para establecer la estructura, las tasasespecíficas <strong>de</strong> fecundidad por edad.En las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población, las tasas <strong>de</strong> fecundidad por edad son utilizadas en elmo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong> componentes para generar el número <strong>de</strong> nacimientos que se espera ocurran<strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>de</strong> cada quinquenio. Los aspectos más relevantes <strong>de</strong> la dinámica <strong>de</strong> la fecundidad <strong>de</strong>la población a lo largo <strong>de</strong> este período son, entre otros:• El importante y continuo proceso <strong>de</strong> reducción <strong>de</strong> la fecundidad que se inicia en ladécada <strong>de</strong> los 60 y 70. En 40 años la fecundidad <strong>de</strong>l país se redujo en alre<strong>de</strong>dor <strong>de</strong>dos tercios <strong>de</strong>l nivel que tenía en los años 60. Esto sin duda significa un proceso <strong>de</strong>rápido cambio <strong>de</strong>mográfico.• La enorme coherencia que tienen las estimaciones <strong>de</strong> la fecundidad <strong>de</strong>l país, noobstante que provienen <strong>de</strong> diversas fuentes (Gráfico 3).• El paulatino cambio en la estructura general <strong>de</strong> la fecundidad con una ten<strong>de</strong>ncia a laconcentración en eda<strong>de</strong>s jóvenes y con una mayor participación <strong>de</strong> las mujeres <strong>de</strong>20 a 24 años.1.3.1. Estimación y Proyección <strong>de</strong> la Fecundidad.Con la información proveniente <strong>de</strong> las fuentes disponibles, se estimaron tasas globales yespecíficas <strong>de</strong> fecundidad por edad, mediante la aplicación <strong>de</strong> métodos directos (censos,encuestas y estadísticas vitales) e indirectos (método P/F <strong>de</strong> Brass) <strong>de</strong> estimación. para lasTGF <strong>de</strong>l período histórico (1950-2005).En función <strong>de</strong> los valores obtenidos <strong>de</strong> las diversas fuentes y el proceso <strong>de</strong> conciliacióncensal, se adoptaron valores <strong>de</strong> tasas globales <strong>de</strong> fecundidad para cada quinquenio <strong>de</strong>lperíodo 1950-2005. El Cuadro 6 presenta los valores seleccionados <strong>de</strong> las tasas globales <strong>de</strong>fecundidad para cada quinquenio.2 La Tasa Global <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad representa el número <strong>de</strong> hijos que en promedio tendría cada mujer <strong>de</strong> una cohorte hipotética<strong>de</strong> mujeres no expuestas al riesgo <strong>de</strong> muerte <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> el inicio hasta el fin <strong>de</strong>l período fértil y que, a partir <strong>de</strong>l momento en que seinicia la reproducción, están expuestas a las tasas <strong>de</strong> fecundidad por edad <strong>de</strong>l momento <strong>de</strong> la población en estudio.23
Gráfico No. 2EL SALVADOR. Tasa Global <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad TGF (hijos por mujer), segúnDiversas Fuentes. 1950-2005TGF8,007,006,005,004,003,002,00TGF VitalesTGF Encuestas1,000,001940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020Años1.3.2. Estimación <strong>de</strong> la estructura <strong>de</strong> la fecundidad para el período 1950-2005.Para <strong>de</strong>terminar la estructura <strong>de</strong> la fecundidad se analizó el comportamiento <strong>de</strong> las tasasespecíficas <strong>de</strong> fecundidad por edad-f(x,n)- <strong>de</strong> las fuentes disponibles. En función <strong>de</strong> esteanálisis se obtuvieron las tasas por edad ajustándose al nivel <strong>de</strong> fecundidad estimado para elperíodo 1950-2005. El Gráfico 3 ilustra los resultados para tres momentos <strong>de</strong>l período 1950 –2005 y dos quinquenios <strong>de</strong> la proyección, cifras que aparecen en el Cuadro 6 y Cuadro 7.Cuadro No. 6EL SALVADOR. Tasas Globales <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad (hijos por mujer) y Tasas Específicas <strong>de</strong>Fecundidad por Grupos <strong>de</strong> Edad y <strong>Estimaciones</strong> Quinquenales para elPeríodo. 1950-2005.Eda<strong>de</strong>s 1950‐1955 1955‐1960 1960‐1965 1965‐1970 1970‐1975 1975‐1980 1980‐1985 1985‐1990 1990‐1995 1995‐2000 2000‐200515‐19 0.1526 0.1598 0.1637 0.1557 0.1508 0.1508 0.1434 0.1286 0.1172 0.1115 0.091920‐24 0.3078 0.3224 0.3303 0.3141 0.2962 0.2819 0.2566 0.2313 0.2102 0.1880 0.143525‐29 0.2873 0.3010 0.3083 0.2933 0.2709 0.2477 0.2169 0.1913 0.1728 0.1572 0.127930‐34 0.2386 0.2500 0.2560 0.2435 0.2203 0.1929 0.1615 0.1393 0.1217 0.1023 0.083135‐39 0.1770 0.1855 0.1900 0.1807 0.1615 0.1378 0.1121 0.0949 0.0818 0.0676 0.051240‐44 0.0735 0.0770 0.0789 0.0750 0.0718 0.0701 0.0654 0.0503 0.0365 0.0288 0.018545‐49 0.0228 0.0239 0.0245 0.0233 0.0182 0.0105 0.0038 0.0040 0.0053 0.0042 0.0036Total 1.2596 1.3196 1.3517 1.2856 1.1897 1.0917 0.9597 0.8397 0.7455 0.6596 0.5197TGF 6.30 6.60 6.76 6.43 5.95 5.46 4.80 4.20 3.73 3.30 2.6024
Gráfico No. 3EL SALVADOR. Tasas Específicas <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad por Edad, diferentes Quinquenios.1950-20500.35001950-19550.30001975-19802000-20050.25000.20002020-20252045-2050Tasas0.15000.10000.05000.000015-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49Eda<strong>de</strong>s1.3.3. Proyección <strong>de</strong>l nivel y estructura <strong>de</strong> la fecundidad para el período 2005 -2050.Para proyectar los niveles <strong>de</strong> fecundidad (las tasas globales <strong>de</strong> fecundidad –TGF-) en esteperíodo, se utilizó una curva logística, mo<strong>de</strong>lo que expresa, <strong>de</strong> mejor manera y en formasatisfactoria, el comportamiento y evolución <strong>de</strong> la fecundidad en función <strong>de</strong>l tiempo.Los parámetros utilizados para este ejercicio, se basaron en los criterios <strong>de</strong> evoluciónpropuestos por la División <strong>de</strong> Población <strong>de</strong> las Naciones Unidad, que plantean trabajar con unafunción logística tomando como asíntota superior el valor <strong>de</strong> 7 hijos por mujer y para laasíntota inferior 1.75. El Cuadro 7 resume los valores <strong>de</strong> la TGF proyectados hasta elquinquenio 2045-2050.Las tasas <strong>de</strong> la fecundidad por edad -f(x,n)- se <strong>de</strong>terminaron a partir <strong>de</strong>l mo<strong>de</strong>lo relacional <strong>de</strong>Gompertz tomando como estructura base la estimada para el quinquenio 1995-2000 (TGF <strong>de</strong>3,30) y como estándar la estimada para el quinquenio 2005-2010 (TGF <strong>de</strong> 2.35). De estemanera se logra una mejor coherencia entre la evolución <strong>de</strong> la estructura observada en elperíodo histórico, con la <strong>de</strong>l período <strong>de</strong> proyección.25
Cuadro No. 7EL SALVADOR. Tasas Globales <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad y Tasas Específicas <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad por Grupos <strong>de</strong>Edad Proyectadas para los Quinquenios. 2005 - 2050.Eda<strong>de</strong>s 2005-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020 2020-2025 2025-2030 2030-2035 2035-2040 2040-2045 2045-205015-19 0.0827 0.0814 0.0774 0.0739 0.0708 0.0681 0.0657 0.0642 0.064220-24 0.1288 0.1271 0.1214 0.1165 0.1122 0.1083 0.1049 0.1028 0.102825-29 0.1176 0.1160 0.1108 0.1063 0.1023 0.0987 0.0956 0.0936 0.093630-34 0.0758 0.0747 0.0712 0.0681 0.0654 0.0631 0.0610 0.0597 0.059735-39 0.0458 0.0451 0.0428 0.0409 0.0391 0.0376 0.0363 0.0355 0.035540-44 0.0159 0.0156 0.0148 0.0140 0.0134 0.0128 0.0124 0.0121 0.012145-49 0.0031 0.0030 0.0029 0.0027 0.0026 0.0024 0.0023 0.0023 0.0023Total 0.4697 0.4629 0.4413 0.4224 0.4058 0.3910 0.3782 0.3702 0.3702TGF 2.35 2.32 2.21 2.11 2.03 1.96 1.89 1.85 1.851.4. Estimación y Proyección <strong>de</strong> la Migración Internacional.La movilidad espacial <strong>de</strong> la población en general y la migración internacional en particular, sonaspectos <strong>de</strong>mográficos que por lo general son <strong>de</strong> difícil <strong>de</strong>terminación. En el país, se tiene unainformación muy limitada pues no se dispone <strong>de</strong> a<strong>de</strong>cuadas fuentes <strong>de</strong> información sobre estamateria. De esta manera, aunque las estimaciones que se tienen no son suficientementeprecisas, se reconoce y <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> hace mucho tiempo, que el país se ha caracterizado por sereminentemente expulsor <strong>de</strong> población.Para la <strong>de</strong>terminación <strong>de</strong> este componente se consi<strong>de</strong>ró información proveniente <strong>de</strong>:i Población total <strong>de</strong> los censos <strong>de</strong> 1950, 1961, 1971, 1992 y 2007.ii Población censada resi<strong>de</strong>nte en El Salvador nacida en países extranjeros (inmigrantes,Programa IMILA 3 ).iii Población nacida en El Salvador y censada en otros países (emigrantes, ProgramaIMILA).iv Población nacida en El Salvador que en los censos nacionales realizados en el país,<strong>de</strong>clararon que en un período anterior, por lo regular cinco año antes, estabanviviendo, en otro país (inmigración <strong>de</strong> retorno).v Datos <strong>de</strong> entradas y <strong>Estimaciones</strong> indirectas.3 Programa <strong>de</strong> Investigación <strong>de</strong> la Migración Internacional en Latinoamérica <strong>de</strong>l CELADE.26
Con estos antece<strong>de</strong>ntes y el análisis <strong>de</strong> la dinámica <strong>de</strong>mográfica <strong>de</strong>l período 1950-2005, yen base al proceso <strong>de</strong> conciliación censal 1950 - 2005 se lograron establecer lascaracterísticas por sexo y edad <strong>de</strong> la movilidad internacional en el país, para quinquenios <strong>de</strong>lperíodo indicado.Del análisis realizado se concluye que El Salvador se ha caracterizado por ser un país <strong>de</strong>saldo migratorio negativo (mayor emigración que inmigración), con una estructuramigratoria diferencial por eda<strong>de</strong>s, esto es, mayor emigración <strong>de</strong> jóvenes en eda<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>trabajar. También se <strong>de</strong>staca el hecho <strong>de</strong> que la migración es una variable <strong>de</strong> sumaimportancia en la dinámica <strong>de</strong> la población <strong>de</strong>l país. Impacta no sólo a la poblaciónemigrante adulta joven sino que también a la población <strong>de</strong> menores <strong>de</strong> 5 años, dado queemigra un importante volumen <strong>de</strong> mujeres en edad fértil.Con base en las estimaciones obtenidas y en el proceso <strong>de</strong> conciliación censal, se estimaronlos saldos netos migratorios por sexo y edad <strong>de</strong> cada período. Para proyectarlos, seconsi<strong>de</strong>ró un <strong>de</strong>scenso gradual <strong>de</strong> la migración neta y una mayor igualdad en la composiciónpor sexo y edad <strong>de</strong> los saldos migratorios. Los saldos netos totales estimados y proyectadosse presentan en el Cuadro 8.Cuadro No. 8EL SALVADOR. Saldos Migratorio Netos, Estimados yProyectados por Sexo, según Quinquenios. 1950 - 2050Años1950-19551955-19601960-19651965-19701970-19751975-19801980-19851985-19901990-19951995-20002000-20052005-20102010-20152015-20202020-20252025-20302030-20352035-20402040-20452045-2050Migración netaTasas netas<strong>de</strong> migración(por mil)-69840 -6.03-50520 -3.88-12070 -0.80-42580 -2.44-96980 -4.87-192600 -8.66-253160 -10.49-288400 -11.18-249285 -9.03-383760 -13.16-339705 -11.34-279710 -9.15-223430 -7.12-167640 -5.17-109010 -3.24-59890 -1.71-26930 -0.74-10520 -0.28-3760 -0.10-1080 -0.0327
Gráfico No. 4El Salvador. Tasas Netas <strong>de</strong> Migración estimada para el Período 1950 – 2005. TasasProyectadas 2005 - 20500.0Tasas netas <strong>de</strong> migracción (por mil)-2.0-4.0-6.0-8.0-10.0-12.0-14.01950-1955 1970-1975 1990-1995 2010-2015 2030-2035Períodos QuinquenalesII. CONCILIACIÓN CENSAL Y POBLACIÓN BASEA<strong>de</strong>más <strong>de</strong> establecer la dinámica <strong>de</strong> los componentes <strong>de</strong>l crecimiento <strong>de</strong> la población, uno<strong>de</strong> los puntos más importantes durante la preparación <strong>de</strong> las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población tieneque ver con la necesidad <strong>de</strong> establecer una población base por sexo y grupos <strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s. Estapoblación constituye el punto <strong>de</strong> partida <strong>de</strong>l escenario poblacional que se va a construir y ental sentido, para que los resultados sean satisfactorios, <strong>de</strong>be buscarse que dicha poblaciónsea lo más correcta posible en términos <strong>de</strong> tamaño y composición por sexo y edad.Estas poblaciones se obtienen <strong>de</strong> las cifras censales, evaluadas y corregidas, en cuanto acobertura y mala <strong>de</strong>claración <strong>de</strong> la edad, pero a<strong>de</strong>más conciliadas con los antece<strong>de</strong>ntes sobreel comportamiento pasado y reciente <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad, la fecundidad y la migración.28
2.1. Evaluación Censal.El censo es una fotografía <strong>de</strong> la población en un momento dado, don<strong>de</strong> se empadrona a todala población que resi<strong>de</strong> o está presente en un <strong>de</strong>terminado territorio en una fecha<strong>de</strong>terminada. La calidad y cobertura <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>rá <strong>de</strong> la complejidad <strong>de</strong>l proceso mismo: por eltamaño o dificultad <strong>de</strong> acceso <strong>de</strong>l territorio censado; o por las características <strong>de</strong> lainformación captada en el censo; o por la calidad <strong>de</strong> la capacitación <strong>de</strong>l personal involucradoen el trabajo <strong>de</strong> campo; o por la complejidad <strong>de</strong>l proceso <strong>de</strong> creación y procesamiento <strong>de</strong> labase <strong>de</strong> datos correspondiente (entre los más frecuentes).Por otra parte, a<strong>de</strong>más <strong>de</strong> los problemas <strong>de</strong> cobertura, está el problema <strong>de</strong> calidad <strong>de</strong> lainformación, asociados a errores en la información recogida. De estos errores el másfrecuente es la mala <strong>de</strong>claración <strong>de</strong> la edad, ya sea por la preferencia <strong>de</strong> dígitos o redon<strong>de</strong>o<strong>de</strong> la edad (normalmente se prefiere los terminados en cero y cinco); ello ocurre cuando elinformante no es la persona sobre la cual se requiere ese dato, sino que un miembro <strong>de</strong>lhogar informa también por el resto <strong>de</strong> las personas <strong>de</strong>l mismo.Por lo anterior se justifica que al proceso <strong>de</strong> estimación y proyección <strong>de</strong> la población estáprecedido por una etapa <strong>de</strong> evaluación <strong>de</strong> la población censada por sexo y edad. Estaevaluación pue<strong>de</strong> ser realizada <strong>de</strong> manera directa por medio <strong>de</strong> las encuestas <strong>de</strong> postempadronamientoo <strong>de</strong> manera indirecta evaluando la dinámica <strong>de</strong>mográfica <strong>de</strong>l período <strong>de</strong>estimación, 1950-2007 en este caso particular.En el estudio realizado se ha estimado la omisión censal por sexo y edad <strong>de</strong> los cinco últimoscensos por el método <strong>de</strong> conciliación censal, que consi<strong>de</strong>ra la dinámica <strong>de</strong>mográfica <strong>de</strong>lperíodo 1950-2007. Este proceso es dinámico; se realiza una primera conciliación que orientaen la revisión <strong>de</strong> las estimaciones <strong>de</strong> los componentes <strong>de</strong>mográficos analizando la omisióncensal, obtenida a partir <strong>de</strong> estimaciones iniciales. Posteriormente a la revisión <strong>de</strong> estasestimaciones <strong>de</strong> los componentes <strong>de</strong>mográficos, se obtiene la omisión censal <strong>de</strong>finitiva.2.2 Composición por Sexo y Edad <strong>de</strong> la Población Censada. 1950-2007.La composición por sexo y edad <strong>de</strong> la población captada en los censos <strong>de</strong> población,constituye la base para las estimaciones <strong>de</strong>mográficas y el <strong>de</strong>nominador <strong>de</strong> diversosindicadores relacionados con características específicas <strong>de</strong> la población en estudio. De ahí laimportancia <strong>de</strong> cuidar la calidad durante el levantamiento censal y obtener una evaluación <strong>de</strong>la misma posteriormente.29
Al analizar el índice <strong>de</strong> masculinidad 4 , Cuadro 9, se observa un valor inferior a 100 en loscinco censos analizados, como resultado <strong>de</strong> presentarse un menor número <strong>de</strong> hombres quemujeres. Este valor estaría indicando: una mayor emigración <strong>de</strong> hombres que <strong>de</strong> mujeres,una mayor omisión censal <strong>de</strong> hombres que <strong>de</strong> mujeres y, en buena medida, el efecto <strong>de</strong> lamortalidad diferencial por sexo. Generalmente, la composición por sexo <strong>de</strong> la población totalcensada, es el resultado <strong>de</strong> la combinación <strong>de</strong> estos factores.Cuadro No. 9EL SALVADOR. Índice <strong>de</strong> Masculinidad observado en los Censos,1950, 1961, 1971, 1992 y 2007.Grupos <strong>de</strong>Eda<strong>de</strong>s1950 1961 1971 1992 20070 - 4 102.3 101.7 101.4 103.5 103.95 - 9 102.3 101.7 103.9 104.5 104.010-14 108.2 106.9 105.1 104.9 103.715-19 95.4 93.8 95.2 96.1 98.720-24 89.9 89.3 93.7 85.6 88.225-29 90.0 88.2 90.6 85.9 82.530-34 95.9 94.0 98.5 87.9 79.735-39 94.3 90.6 95.0 86.8 79.640-44 98.2 96.4 97.1 90.4 77.145-49 98.6 94.6 94.0 90.4 77.350-54 95.7 96.4 94.4 87.5 79.155-59 93.7 94.7 93.7 85.2 80.660-64 98.2 98.4 99.2 89.9 81.565-69 100.5 94.9 91.1 85.7 80.470-74 91.1 91.6 93.9 89.5 80.575-79 99.5 90.6 91.7 84.8 79.580 y+ 74.0 76.0 73.0 76.2 73.6Total 98.0 97.1 98.4 94.4 89.9Fuente: Censos <strong>de</strong> Población.4El índice <strong>de</strong> masculinidad es el cociente entre la población masculina y la población femenina <strong>de</strong> la población en estudio.También se pue<strong>de</strong> obtener índices <strong>de</strong> masculinidad por grupos <strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s. En general se expresa en el número <strong>de</strong> hombres porcada 100 mujeres. Un valor <strong>de</strong> 100 indica el equilibrio entre hombre y mujeres en la población objeto <strong>de</strong>l estudio; un valor inferiora 100 indica un mayor número <strong>de</strong> mujeres y, consecuentemente, un valor superior a 100 mayor número <strong>de</strong> hombres que <strong>de</strong>mujeres.30
En el Gráfico 5 se presentan los índices <strong>de</strong> masculinidad <strong>de</strong> los sucesivos censos <strong>de</strong> poblaciónrealizados entre 1950 y el año 2007. En todos los casos los índices <strong>de</strong> las primeras eda<strong>de</strong>s sonmuy cercanos al valor 104, valores muy próximos a la masculinidad al nacimiento pero esclaro que estos se reduce <strong>de</strong> forma importante en las eda<strong>de</strong>s adultas jóvenes lo cual en estecaso se <strong>de</strong>be sin duda a los efectos <strong>de</strong> la sobre mortalidad masculina y seguramente al efectodiferencial <strong>de</strong> las migraciones internacionales.Gráfico No. 5El Salvador. Índice <strong>de</strong> Masculinidad por Eda<strong>de</strong>s según Censos.(Hombres por cada 100 Mujeres)115110105Indices <strong>de</strong> masculinidad10095908580757019501961197119922007650 - 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80 y+EDADESFuente: Censos <strong>de</strong> Población.2.3 Estimación <strong>de</strong> la omisión censal.El método <strong>de</strong> conciliación censal para <strong>de</strong>terminar la cobertura <strong>de</strong> los censos, más que unprocedimiento <strong>de</strong> tipo matemático estadístico es un análisis <strong>de</strong> la información con criterios<strong>de</strong>mográficos, basados en el conocimiento y la experiencia acumulada sobre los problemas <strong>de</strong>la información. El resultado final es una <strong>de</strong>scripción coherente <strong>de</strong> la dinámica <strong>de</strong>mográfica,consi<strong>de</strong>rada para el período <strong>de</strong> análisis entre los cinco censos en cuestión. Esta dinámicaincluye la estimación <strong>de</strong> la población por sexo y edad, así como <strong>de</strong> los componentes queexplican su evolución (fecundidad, mortalidad y migración internacional).La dinámica <strong>de</strong>mográfica <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong> esencialmente <strong>de</strong> las variables <strong>de</strong>mográficas fecundidad,mortalidad y migraciones. Se utiliza universalmente el conocido Método <strong>de</strong> los ComponentesDemográficos para proyectar y analizar poblaciones, y que se apoya en la consi<strong>de</strong>raciónin<strong>de</strong>pendiente <strong>de</strong> cada una <strong>de</strong> estas tres variables. Esa misma técnica fue utilizada en estetrabajo para ajustar y corregir la población para el 30 <strong>de</strong> Junio <strong>de</strong> 1950 y hacer la corrección<strong>de</strong> los censos <strong>de</strong>l período 1950-2007.31
La ventaja <strong>de</strong> utilizar este método es que se logra una mayor coherencia entre la dinámicapoblacional estimada y los censos <strong>de</strong> población. De esta manera se obtiene un períodohistórico, cuya ten<strong>de</strong>ncia <strong>de</strong> las variables <strong>de</strong>mográficas será la base para la proyección que serealizará. A<strong>de</strong>más se obtiene una estimación <strong>de</strong> la omisión censal <strong>de</strong> forma indirecta. En elCuadro 10 se presentan las poblaciones censadas y corregidas <strong>de</strong>l año 2007.Cuadro No. 10El Salvador. Omisión por Sexo y Grupos Edad, estimada en el Censo <strong>de</strong> Población <strong>de</strong> 2007.Grupos <strong>de</strong>EdadCENSADA Y LLEVADA AL 30 DE JUNIO ESTIMADA AL 30 DE JUNIO OMISION ESTIMADAHombres Mujeres Total Hombres Mujeres Total Hombres Mujeres TotalTotal 2,722,264 3,027,953 5,750,217 2,887,804 3,210,911 6,098,714 5.73 5.70 5.710 - 4 283589 272923 556,512 313847 300222 614069 9.64 9.09 9.375-9 349524 335928 685,452 355765 340872 696637 1.75 1.45 1.6110-14 359911 347183 707,094 383359 366878 750237 6.12 5.37 5.7515-19 298689 302492 601,181 324723 330414 655136 8.02 8.45 8.2420-24 228247 258817 487,064 249065 282402 531468 8.36 8.35 8.3525-29 207185 251213 458,398 202972 250901 453873 -2.08 -0.12 -1.0030-34 178593 224093 402,686 182630 231534 414164 2.21 3.21 2.7735-39 156685 196840 353,525 164963 209202 374165 5.02 5.91 5.5240-44 132357 171592 303,949 141606 180931 322537 6.53 5.16 5.7645-49 110067 142315 252,383 119896 152832 272728 8.20 6.88 7.4650-54 95373 120587 215,959 103625 130209 233835 7.96 7.39 7.6455-59 81808 101464 183,272 88839 110901 199740 7.91 8.51 8.2460-64 68279 83747 152,026 75083 93079 168162 9.06 10.03 9.6065-69 55837 69445 125,282 62495 77290 139786 10.65 10.15 10.3870-74 43494 54061 97,555 48906 61059 109965 11.07 11.46 11.2975-79 33690 42369 76,058 33881 43012 76892 0.56 1.49 1.0880 y más 38937 52884 91,821 36147 49174 85321 -7.72 -7.54 -7.62III.- RESULTADOS DE LAS PROYECCIONESEn este punto se presentan las cifras <strong>de</strong> población por sexo y grupos quinquenales <strong>de</strong> edadpara cada uno <strong>de</strong> los años iniciales <strong>de</strong> los quinquenios en el periodo 1950-2050, junto con loscuadros resumen <strong>de</strong> la dinámica <strong>de</strong>mográfica y sus indicadores básicos en el horizonte <strong>de</strong> laproyección. Se presenta un breve resumen a manera <strong>de</strong> ilustración sobre algunos <strong>de</strong> losprincipales resultados que se <strong>de</strong>rivan <strong>de</strong> estas <strong>proyeccion</strong>es nacionales. Des<strong>de</strong> luego suutilidad es mucho más amplia y se espera que los usuarios puedan aprovecharlasextensamente.32
El Salvador es un país que se encuentra en una etapa <strong>de</strong> plena transición <strong>de</strong>mográfica 5 ,presenta unos niveles <strong>de</strong> fecundidad y mortalidad relativamente bajos. Esta particularidad seresume en una población con tasas <strong>de</strong> crecimiento bajas y con una estructura por eda<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>una población en proceso <strong>de</strong> envejecimiento.En la medida que se consi<strong>de</strong>ra que continuará el avance <strong>de</strong>l proceso <strong>de</strong> transición<strong>de</strong>mográfica, se tendrá un menor crecimiento y una estructura más envejecida. No se pue<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>jar <strong>de</strong> mencionar que el proceso migratorio observado en el país acelera este proceso. ElCuadro 11 y Gráfico 6, ilustran el efecto <strong>de</strong> este proceso <strong>de</strong> transición <strong>de</strong> las variables<strong>de</strong>mográficas y en las transformaciones ocurridas y las que van a ocurrir en la estructura porsexo y edad <strong>de</strong> la población en la medida en que se cumplan los supuestos <strong>de</strong> evolución <strong>de</strong>las variables <strong>de</strong>mográficas.La población se acercaría a los 6,2 millones <strong>de</strong> habitantes en el año 2010 (1,2 millones menosque la proyección anterior) y a los 6,9 millones en el año 2025. El número <strong>de</strong> nacimientosmantiene su ten<strong>de</strong>ncia hasta un poco más <strong>de</strong> cien mil anuales hacia mediados <strong>de</strong>l siglo. Elvolumen <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>funciones crecería rápidamente <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> un poco más <strong>de</strong> 40 mil anuales en elmomento actual, hasta unas 65 mil al final <strong>de</strong> la proyección.Como consecuencia <strong>de</strong> los cambios en el nivel y en la estructura <strong>de</strong> la mortalidad, el pesorelativo <strong>de</strong> las muertes <strong>de</strong> menores <strong>de</strong> un año, se reduce drásticamente, pasando <strong>de</strong> 33.3% enel quinquenio 1950-1955 al 6,1% para el periodo 2005-2010, a 4,0%, en el quinquenio 2020-2025 y a menos <strong>de</strong>l 2% para el periodo 2045-2050.Bajo los supuestos con los cuales se elaboraron estos nuevos escenarios <strong>de</strong>mográficos, seproduciría una reducción substancial en el ritmo <strong>de</strong> crecimiento <strong>de</strong> la población que conlleva aun envejecimiento <strong>de</strong> la población, en tal forma que su edad mediana se incrementa un pocomas <strong>de</strong> 7 años entre los años 2005 y el 2025, pasando <strong>de</strong> 22,7 a 29.8 años, aumentado otros7 años al 2050, don<strong>de</strong> la edad mediana alcanzaría a 36.7 años. Este envejecimiento implica unincremento <strong>de</strong> la población mayor <strong>de</strong> 60 años que pasa <strong>de</strong> representar un 9,2% en el 2005, aun 12,6 % en el año 2025, y a un 19,3% en el 2050.En el Gráfico 6 se representan las ten<strong>de</strong>ncias históricas <strong>de</strong>l avance <strong>de</strong> la transición <strong>de</strong> lasvariables <strong>de</strong>mográficas entre 1950 y el año 2005 y las perspectivas <strong>de</strong> avance que en esamateria se llegaría a producir hasta mediados <strong>de</strong>l presente siglo. Por su parte, en el Gráfico 7se ilustran las estructuras por sexo y edad en 5 momentos, pudiéndose observar los cambiosocurridos y los esperados hasta mediados <strong>de</strong>l próximo siglo.5 Por transición <strong>de</strong>mográfica se entien<strong>de</strong> el paso <strong>de</strong> niveles altos a bajos <strong>de</strong> las tasas <strong>de</strong> natalidad y las tasas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad, consecuentemente pasando <strong>de</strong> tasas<strong>de</strong> crecimiento natural (natalidad-mortalidad) bajas a altas y nuevamente a tasas muy bajas <strong>de</strong> crecimiento, una vez terminada la transición.33
Cuadro No. 11.El Salvador: Tasas <strong>de</strong> Natalidad, Mortalidad, TasasNetas <strong>de</strong> Migración y Tasas Totales <strong>de</strong> Crecimiento porQuinquenios. 1950-2050 (Tasas por mil)PeríodosquinquenalesTasas brutas <strong>de</strong>natalidadTasas brutas <strong>de</strong>mortalidadTasas netas<strong>de</strong> migraciónTasas mediasanuales <strong>de</strong>crecimientoexponencial1950-1955 46.83 20.69 -6.03 20.131955-1960 47.99 17.95 -3.88 26.181960-1965 47.57 15.52 -0.80 31.291965-1970 44.49 13.55 -2.44 28.521970-1975 41.96 12.33 -4.87 24.771975-1980 39.86 11.99 -8.66 19.211980-1985 36.03 11.66 -10.49 13.911985-1990 32.69 8.81 -11.18 12.791990-1995 30.31 6.97 -9.03 14.401995-2000 27.41 6.90 -13.16 7.392000-2005 21.87 6.83 -11.34 3.712005-2010 20.43 6.89 -9.15 4.372010-2015 20.90 7.02 -7.12 5.932015-2020 19.98 7.11 -5.17 7.162020-2025 18.32 7.14 -3.24 8.172025-2030 16.60 7.18 -1.71 7.882030-2035 15.31 7.32 -0.74 7.272035-2040 14.37 7.56 -0.28 6.462040-2045 13.67 7.88 -0.10 5.632045-2050 13.18 8.25 -0.03 4.90Gráfico No. 6.El Salvador: Tasas <strong>de</strong> Natalidad, Mortalidad, Tasas Netas <strong>de</strong>Migración y Tasas Totales <strong>de</strong> Crecimiento, por Quinquenios. 1950-205060.001950-1955 1965-1970 1980-1985 1995-2000 2010-2015 2025-2030 2040-204550.0040.00Tasa bruta <strong>de</strong> natalidadTasa bruta <strong>de</strong> mortalidadTasa neta <strong>de</strong> migraciónTasa <strong>de</strong> crecimientoTasas por mil30.0020.0010.000.00-10.00-20.0034
Gráfico No.7El Salvador. Evolución <strong>de</strong> la Estructura por Sexo y Edad <strong>de</strong> la Población entre los años 1950, 1975, y2000 y sus Perspectivas <strong>de</strong> Cambios hacia el 2025 y 2050.1950197580 y más80 y más70 - 7470 - 74Edad60 - 6450 - 5440 - 44MujeresHombresEdad60 - 6450 - 5440 - 44MujeresHombres30 - 3430 - 3420 - 2420 - 2410 - 1410 - 140 - 40 - 4-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10Porcetaje-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10Porcentaje80 y más200080 y más202570 - 7470 - 74Edad60 - 6450 - 5440 - 44MujeresHombresEdad60 - 6450 - 5440 - 44MujeresHombres30 - 3430 - 3420 - 2420 - 2410 - 1410 - 140 - 40 - 4-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10Porcentaje-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10Porcentaje80 y más205070 - 74Edad60 - 6450 - 5440 - 4430 - 3420 - 2410 - 140 - 4MujeresHombres-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10PorcentajeComo anexo se presentan los resultados <strong>de</strong> la estimación y proyección <strong>de</strong> la población porsexo y grupos <strong>de</strong> edad, así como <strong>de</strong> los componentes <strong>de</strong>l cambio, mortalidad, fecundidad ymigración internacional. El siguiente es el conjunto <strong>de</strong> los principales cuadros que se <strong>de</strong>rivan<strong>de</strong>l programa <strong>de</strong> <strong>proyeccion</strong>es por componentes.35
Cuadro No. 12El Salvador. Población Base por Sexo, según Grupos <strong>de</strong> Edad. Año 1950GRUPOS DE EDADPOBLACIÓN 1950HOMBRES MUJERES TOTALTOTAL 1,085,452 1,114,445 2,199,8970 - 4 183,962 180,790 364,7525 - 9 153,365 151,512 304,87710 - 14 135,706 134,315 270,02115 - 19 112,539 116,445 228,98420 - 24 90,186 96,555 186,74125 - 29 77,963 84,891 162,85430 - 34 64,917 70,612 135,52935 - 39 54,490 58,290 112,78040 - 44 47,035 48,667 95,70245 - 49 40,209 40,498 80,70750 - 54 33,760 33,853 67,61355 - 59 27,888 27,985 55,87360-64 22,648 23,518 46,16665-69 17,475 18,749 36,22470-74 12,223 13,793 26,01675-79 7,195 8,480 15,67580 y más 3,891 5,492 9,38336
Cuadro No. 13.El Salvador. Estimación y Proyección <strong>de</strong> la Fecundidad por Tasa Global <strong>de</strong>Fecundidad y Edad Media <strong>de</strong> la Fecundidad según Quinquenios1950 – 2050QUINQUENIOSTASA GLOBAL DEFECUNDIDADEDAD MEDIA1950-1955 6.30 28.661955-1960 6.60 28.661960-1965 6.76 28.661965-1970 6.43 28.661970-1975 5.95 28.481975-1980 5.46 28.131980-1985 4.80 27.781985-1990 4.20 27.541990-1995 3.73 27.311995-2000 3.30 26.972000-2005 2.60 26.812005-2010 2.35 26.792010-2015 2.22 26.782015-2020 2.13 26.772020-2025 2.11 26.772025-2030 2.03 26.772030-2035 1.96 26.762035-2040 1.89 26.762040-2045 1.85 26.762045-2050 1.85 26.7637
Cuadro No. 14.El Salvador. Estimación y Proyección <strong>de</strong> las Tasas Específicas <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad por Edad segúnQuinquenios. 1950 – 2050QUINQUENIOSTASAS ESPECÍFICAS POR EDAD (POR MUJER)15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-491950-1955 0.1526 0.3078 0.2873 0.2386 0.1770 0.0735 0.02281955-1960 0.1598 0.3224 0.3010 0.2500 0.1855 0.0770 0.02391960-1965 0.1637 0.3303 0.3083 0.2560 0.1900 0.0789 0.02451965-1970 0.1557 0.3141 0.2933 0.2435 0.1807 0.0750 0.02331970-1975 0.1508 0.2962 0.2709 0.2203 0.1615 0.0718 0.01821975-1980 0.1508 0.2819 0.2477 0.1929 0.1378 0.0701 0.01051980-1985 0.1434 0.2566 0.2169 0.1615 0.1121 0.0654 0.00381985-1990 0.1286 0.2313 0.1913 0.1393 0.0949 0.0503 0.00401990-1995 0.1172 0.2102 0.1728 0.1217 0.0818 0.0365 0.00531995-2000 0.1115 0.1880 0.1572 0.1023 0.0676 0.0288 0.00422000-2005 0.0919 0.1435 0.1279 0.0831 0.0512 0.0185 0.00362005-2010 0.0827 0.1288 0.1176 0.0758 0.0458 0.0159 0.00312010-2015 0.0779 0.1222 0.1115 0.0716 0.0431 0.0149 0.00292015-2020 0.0745 0.1175 0.1071 0.0687 0.0412 0.0142 0.00272020-2025 0.0739 0.1165 0.1063 0.0681 0.0409 0.0140 0.00272025-2030 0.0708 0.1122 0.1023 0.0654 0.0391 0.0134 0.00262030-2035 0.0681 0.1083 0.0987 0.0631 0.0376 0.0128 0.00242035-2040 0.0657 0.1049 0.0956 0.0610 0.0363 0.0124 0.00232040-2045 0.0642 0.1028 0.0936 0.0597 0.0355 0.0121 0.00232045-2050 0.0642 0.1028 0.0936 0.0597 0.0355 0.0121 0.002338
Cuadro No. 15.El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada por Sexo. 1950 – 2050AÑOPOBLACIÓNTOTAL HOMBRES MUJERES1950 2,199,897 1,085,452 1,114,4451955 2,432,783 1,200,836 1,231,9471960 2,773,055 1,369,762 1,403,2931965 3,242,690 1,608,015 1,634,6751970 3,739,784 1,860,642 1,879,1421975 4,232,876 2,094,007 2,138,8691980 4,659,533 2,291,482 2,368,0511985 4,995,213 2,438,133 2,557,0801990 5,325,115 2,591,081 2,734,0341995 5,722,596 2,770,712 2,951,8842000 5,938,146 2,852,261 3,085,8852005 6,049,412 2,874,929 3,174,4832010 6,183,002 2,913,743 3,269,2592015 6,369,224 2,983,568 3,385,6562020 6,601,411 3,080,833 3,520,5782025 6,876,814 3,205,097 3,671,7172030 7,153,328 3,335,150 3,818,1782035 7,418,295 3,463,123 3,955,1722040 7,661,759 3,583,990 4,077,7692045 7,880,563 3,695,631 4,184,9322050 8,076,089 3,798,798 4,277,29139
Cuadro No. 16 El Salvador. Esperanza <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacer y Relaciones <strong>de</strong> Sobrevivencia Hombres y MujeresTOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTALTOTALHOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERESEDADES1950-195545.051955-196049.301960-196553.041965-197055.631970-197557.0843.39 46.80 47.22 51.48 50.48 55.72 52.55 58.87 53.19 61.170-0/0-4 0.80360 0.82792 0.82157 0.84450 0.83843 0.86006 0.85433 0.87454 0.86660 0.886670-4/5-9 0.91634 0.92127 0.92717 0.93289 0.93673 0.94285 0.94501 0.95105 0.95275 0.958695-9/10-14 0.97472 0.97498 0.98200 0.98262 0.98682 0.98772 0.98830 0.98983 0.98953 0.9914110-14/15-19 0.98089 0.98315 0.98560 0.98764 0.98885 0.99101 0.99013 0.99310 0.98898 0.9938215-19/20-24 0.96907 0.97604 0.97603 0.98288 0.98085 0.98792 0.98271 0.99089 0.97843 0.9918320-24/25-29 0.95987 0.97004 0.96812 0.97908 0.97374 0.98559 0.97573 0.98914 0.97095 0.9905825-29/30-34 0.95574 0.96419 0.96440 0.97444 0.97031 0.98196 0.97246 0.98629 0.96918 0.9883730-34/35-39 0.95216 0.95889 0.96157 0.96934 0.96776 0.97705 0.96951 0.98161 0.96610 0.9839435-39/40-44 0.94501 0.95159 0.95626 0.96336 0.96330 0.97175 0.96445 0.97617 0.96069 0.9783640-44/45-49 0.93316 0.94101 0.94580 0.95427 0.95371 0.96384 0.95505 0.96912 0.95152 0.9715045-49/50-54 0.91954 0.93049 0.93139 0.94296 0.93904 0.95254 0.94086 0.95883 0.93797 0.9615750-54/55-59 0.89880 0.91438 0.90952 0.92524 0.91657 0.93454 0.91856 0.94227 0.91671 0.9463755-59/60-64 0.86443 0.87930 0.87626 0.89505 0.88459 0.90785 0.88813 0.91738 0.88890 0.9234860-64/65-69 0.82070 0.83615 0.83051 0.85636 0.83729 0.87103 0.84000 0.87928 0.84340 0.8866565-69/70-74 0.75504 0.77726 0.76711 0.80131 0.77668 0.81921 0.78294 0.82989 0.78878 0.8381770-74/75-79 0.62400 0.65110 0.66488 0.70725 0.69533 0.74693 0.71104 0.76600 0.72102 0.7771675+/80+ 0.38114 0.41910 0.44321 0.50490 0.48667 0.55709 0.50827 0.57707 0.52898 0.59064TOTAL TOTAL TOTALTOTALTOTALHOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERESEDADES1975-1980 1980-1985 1985-19901990-1995 1995-200057.20 57.20 63.1167.95 69.0251.93 62.73 50.56 64.18 57.42 69.08 63.26 72.87 64.36 73.920-0/ 0-4 0.87794 0.89907 0.89556 0.91313 0.92749 0.94017 0.95428 0.96254 0.96575 0.971650- 4/ 5- 9 0.96101 0.96701 0.97021 0.97231 0.98173 0.98429 0.99033 0.99229 0.99176 0.993835-9/10-14 0.99067 0.99265 0.99204 0.99333 0.99449 0.99571 0.99619 0.99726 0.99648 0.9974510-14/15-19 0.98411 0.99301 0.97804 0.99255 0.98585 0.99461 0.99141 0.99596 0.99138 0.9961415-19/20-24 0.96440 0.99051 0.94701 0.98975 0.96675 0.99262 0.98088 0.99450 0.98043 0.9945820-24/25-29 0.95532 0.98975 0.93581 0.98927 0.95743 0.99195 0.97287 0.99371 0.97177 0.9937325-29/30-34 0.95734 0.98812 0.94261 0.98796 0.95805 0.99055 0.96913 0.99225 0.96819 0.9923730-34/35-39 0.95453 0.98400 0.94017 0.98402 0.95470 0.98734 0.96497 0.98950 0.96521 0.9898435-39/40-44 0.94903 0.97828 0.93452 0.97820 0.94948 0.98291 0.95996 0.98597 0.96081 0.9864240-44/45-49 0.94022 0.97084 0.92617 0.97043 0.94193 0.97657 0.95294 0.98055 0.95409 0.9811245-49/50-54 0.92762 0.96055 0.91472 0.95992 0.93128 0.96794 0.94277 0.97317 0.94433 0.9738150-54/55-59 0.90892 0.94684 0.89917 0.94704 0.91570 0.95583 0.92710 0.96153 0.92922 0.9625255-59/60-64 0.88580 0.92655 0.88180 0.92822 0.89895 0.93853 0.91076 0.94521 0.91302 0.9465160-64/65-69 0.84854 0.89431 0.85473 0.89856 0.87027 0.91111 0.88079 0.91924 0.88378 0.9207465-69/70-74 0.79522 0.84498 0.80290 0.84869 0.82258 0.86660 0.83589 0.87824 0.84038 0.8804570-74/75-79 0.72480 0.78078 0.72923 0.78269 0.75504 0.80306 0.77218 0.81612 0.77952 0.8197575+/80+ 0.55138 0.59943 0.57313 0.60702 0.58292 0.61742 0.59062 0.62462 0.59753 0.6260840
Cuadro No. 16 El Salvador. Esperanza <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacer y Relaciones <strong>de</strong> Sobrevivencia, Hombre y Mujeres.TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTALHOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERESEDADES2000-200570.062005-201071.052010-201572.052015-202073.052020-202574.0165.42 74.93 66.45 75.89 67.45 76.89 68.45 77.89 69.45 78.790-0/0-4 0.97201 0.97658 0.97553 0.98038 0.97767 0.98230 0.97955 0.98403 0.98119 0.985450-4/5-9 0.99385 0.99563 0.99542 0.99610 0.99577 0.99648 0.99610 0.99683 0.99642 0.997145-9/10-14 0.99710 0.99785 0.99761 0.99818 0.99776 0.99834 0.99791 0.99850 0.99806 0.9986410-14/15-19 0.99131 0.99649 0.99149 0.99683 0.99211 0.99712 0.99272 0.99741 0.99333 0.9976615-19/20-24 0.97944 0.99474 0.97931 0.99501 0.98085 0.99546 0.98237 0.99591 0.98389 0.9963020-24/25-29 0.96936 0.99378 0.96851 0.99399 0.97085 0.99453 0.97317 0.99505 0.97547 0.9955125-29/30-34 0.96610 0.99260 0.96556 0.99297 0.96805 0.99357 0.97054 0.99416 0.97301 0.9946830-34/35-39 0.96573 0.99051 0.96699 0.99123 0.96927 0.99195 0.97154 0.99267 0.97379 0.9932935-39/40-44 0.96266 0.98733 0.96488 0.98828 0.96715 0.98921 0.96942 0.99013 0.97167 0.9909440-44/45-49 0.95660 0.98225 0.95936 0.98348 0.96180 0.98477 0.96423 0.98603 0.96664 0.9871445-49/50-54 0.94775 0.97510 0.95124 0.97660 0.95390 0.97837 0.95655 0.98011 0.95918 0.9816350-54/55-59 0.93385 0.96449 0.93836 0.96672 0.94137 0.96916 0.94438 0.97155 0.94736 0.9736655-59/60-64 0.91798 0.94914 0.92280 0.95213 0.92603 0.95552 0.92924 0.95885 0.93243 0.9617860-64/65-69 0.89033 0.92376 0.89648 0.92756 0.90018 0.93258 0.90387 0.93749 0.90754 0.9418365-69/70-74 0.85023 0.88488 0.85896 0.89046 0.86319 0.89780 0.86739 0.90501 0.87157 0.9113570-74/75-79 0.79565 0.82706 0.80903 0.83569 0.81343 0.84610 0.81781 0.85632 0.82217 0.8653375+/80+ 0.60638 0.62833 0.61265 0.63216 0.61420 0.63883 0.61574 0.64527 0.61726 0.65088TOTAL TOTAL TOTALTOTALTOTALHOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERES HOMBRES MUJERESEDADES2025-203074.912030-203575.712035-204076.412040-204577.112045-205077.8270.45 79.59 71.25 80.39 72.05 80.99 72.85 81.59 73.65 82.190-0/0-4 0.98260 0.98675 0.98379 0.98777 0.98479 0.98874 0.98567 0.98942 0.98641 0.990110-4/5-9 0.99672 0.99740 0.99695 0.99766 0.99718 0.99784 0.99741 0.99803 0.99762 0.998205-9/10-14 0.99821 0.99875 0.99832 0.99887 0.99844 0.99896 0.99855 0.99904 0.99866 0.9991310-14/15-19 0.99394 0.99787 0.99441 0.99809 0.99488 0.99824 0.99534 0.99839 0.99581 0.9985415-19/20-24 0.98540 0.99664 0.98657 0.99698 0.98774 0.99721 0.98890 0.99746 0.99006 0.9977020-24/25-29 0.97776 0.99591 0.97954 0.99630 0.98131 0.99658 0.98308 0.99687 0.98483 0.9971525-29/30-34 0.97546 0.99513 0.97736 0.99558 0.97926 0.99589 0.98115 0.99621 0.98303 0.9965330-34/35-39 0.97603 0.99383 0.97776 0.99436 0.97950 0.99474 0.98122 0.99513 0.98293 0.9955135-39/40-44 0.97390 0.99163 0.97563 0.99233 0.97737 0.99282 0.97909 0.99332 0.98080 0.9938140-44/45-49 0.96904 0.98809 0.97090 0.98904 0.97276 0.98971 0.97460 0.99040 0.97644 0.9910845-49/50-54 0.96179 0.98294 0.96382 0.98426 0.96584 0.98518 0.96785 0.98613 0.96985 0.9870650-54/55-59 0.95032 0.97546 0.95262 0.97727 0.95491 0.97854 0.95720 0.97985 0.95946 0.9811455-59/60-64 0.93560 0.96428 0.93805 0.96680 0.94050 0.96857 0.94294 0.97040 0.94537 0.9721860-64/65-69 0.91118 0.94553 0.91400 0.94927 0.91682 0.95189 0.91963 0.95459 0.92242 0.9572465-69/70-74 0.87572 0.91678 0.87893 0.92225 0.88215 0.92610 0.88534 0.93006 0.88852 0.9339470-74/75-79 0.82649 0.87304 0.82984 0.88082 0.83320 0.88629 0.83653 0.89193 0.83984 0.8974575+/80+ 0.61876 0.65569 0.61993 0.66041 0.62110 0.66381 0.62226 0.66720 0.62341 0.6705041
Cuadro No. 17 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Hombres, Según Grupos <strong>de</strong> Eda<strong>de</strong>s. 1950 – 2050EDAD/AÑOPOBLACIÓN HOMBRES1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000TOTAL 1,085,452 1,200,836 1,369,762 1,608,015 1,860,642 2,094,007 2,291,482 2,438,133 2,591,081 2,770,712 2,852,2610- 4 183,962 223,233 262,778 307,091 339,625 370,980 398,284 397,688 395,794 409,229 393,8975- 9 153,365 165,872 206,115 246,152 290,204 321,668 354,515 377,119 368,423 379,266 391,15710-14 135,706 139,168 161,236 203,298 243,122 271,165 296,367 327,893 338,141 333,419 344,85615-19 112,539 121,363 129,484 158,648 195,072 224,293 241,157 249,959 289,753 293,132 289,59520-24 90,186 99,968 109,244 125,604 149,085 177,594 194,308 199,878 218,847 254,393 247,28525-29 77,963 84,297 92,321 107,655 122,056 139,414 154,559 163,835 178,369 198,525 212,14230-34 64,917 74,282 80,006 90,050 105,570 116,654 127,267 138,889 149,463 168,348 179,19035-39 54,490 61,921 70,988 77,286 88,305 101,251 109,350 117,593 129,197 143,177 153,04140-44 47,035 51,674 59,213 68,242 73,799 84,633 94,790 101,990 111,352 123,499 130,11145-49 40,209 44,001 48,873 56,332 64,295 70,121 78,574 88,592 95,967 106,612 112,36950-54 33,760 36,974 40,982 45,794 52,440 60,307 64,146 73,073 83,004 91,675 96,47655-59 27,888 30,343 33,628 37,563 41,724 48,073 54,814 58,678 67,713 77,853 82,87660-64 22,648 24,107 26,589 29,747 33,361 37,089 42,583 49,035 53,649 62,370 69,29665-69 17,475 18,587 20,021 22,263 24,988 28,137 31,471 36,897 43,274 47,253 54,70270-74 12,223 13,194 14,258 15,550 17,430 19,710 22,375 25,268 30,551 36,172 39,71175-79 7,195 7,627 8,773 9,914 11,057 12,568 14,286 16,316 19,079 23,591 28,19780+ 3,891 4,225 5,253 6,826 8,509 10,350 12,636 15,430 18,505 22,198 27,360EDAD/AÑOPOBLACIÓN HOMBRES2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050TOTAL 2,874,929 2,913,743 2,983,568 3,080,833 3,205,097 3,335,150 3,463,123 3,583,990 3,695,631 3,798,7980- 4 324,423 310,111 314,122 315,250 313,531 295,749 281,215 271,770 266,859 265,5325- 9 380,974 314,297 301,899 307,717 310,752 310,653 294,017 280,092 270,946 266,19410-14 380,783 372,464 307,513 296,708 304,160 308,566 309,401 293,259 279,585 270,55315-19 307,629 349,342 347,025 288,375 283,739 296,277 304,121 306,717 291,512 278,30420-24 242,376 267,265 315,502 320,537 270,489 272,316 289,018 299,072 302,852 288,47425-29 204,533 205,743 236,324 289,667 301,384 258,263 263,955 282,486 293,622 298,13830-34 183,950 180,189 185,370 218,992 275,109 290,288 250,746 258,110 276,931 288,56935-39 161,709 168,528 167,152 174,494 209,612 266,515 282,932 245,246 253,133 272,16440-44 137,561 147,990 156,592 157,241 166,421 202,421 259,250 276,220 240,008 248,24345-49 116,799 125,671 137,287 147,211 149,535 159,918 195,931 251,948 269,114 234,33350-54 101,668 107,104 116,697 128,942 139,651 142,971 153,753 189,088 243,798 260,98055-59 86,630 92,551 98,544 108,497 121,044 132,104 135,927 146,710 180,955 233,90460-64 73,454 77,782 83,975 90,281 100,326 112,789 123,720 127,760 138,309 171,06965-69 60,647 64,990 69,418 75,383 81,594 91,235 103,009 113,399 117,482 127,57970-74 46,509 52,093 56,098 60,212 65,701 71,453 80,189 90,869 100,396 104,38575-79 31,596 37,627 42,374 45,878 49,505 54,301 59,295 66,813 76,015 84,31780+ 33,688 39,996 47,676 55,448 62,544 69,331 76,644 84,431 94,114 106,06042
Cuadro No. 18 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Mujeres, Según Grupos <strong>de</strong> Eda<strong>de</strong>s. 1950 – 2050EDAD/AÑOPOBLACIÓN MUJERES1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000TOTAL 1,114,445 1,231,947 1,403,293 1,634,675 1,879,142 2,138,869 2,368,051 2,557,080 2,734,034 2,951,884 3,085,8850- 4 180,790 219,037 257,250 300,013 331,104 361,496 388,448 386,338 382,295 393,076 377,3485- 9 151,512 164,596 203,157 242,548 285,327 317,426 348,571 366,192 358,369 361,648 372,95110-14 134,315 139,791 159,606 199,952 239,701 275,466 295,793 328,346 332,821 330,087 336,05115-19 116,445 124,942 134,663 156,771 197,023 226,940 246,040 269,589 297,876 301,866 296,47320-24 96,555 107,655 119,063 130,907 152,843 183,863 204,286 219,819 243,900 268,413 269,78025-29 84,891 89,722 101,593 114,977 126,175 144,533 167,079 181,994 204,949 234,176 247,51530-34 70,612 78,851 83,929 98,050 109,211 122,438 138,316 153,267 171,274 199,896 217,16435-39 58,290 65,519 73,503 80,983 91,747 106,267 118,379 130,006 145,127 168,951 187,36540-44 48,667 53,968 60,939 70,867 75,113 89,022 102,659 111,298 123,984 143,930 157,73245-49 40,498 45,636 50,200 58,325 65,499 72,862 85,426 97,523 107,190 122,622 135,64850-54 33,853 37,593 42,273 47,408 53,744 62,872 68,988 80,702 93,897 104,944 116,05155-59 27,985 30,955 34,783 39,216 43,301 50,761 58,829 64,334 76,937 90,389 98,91160-64 23,518 24,607 27,706 31,577 35,236 39,987 46,733 53,607 60,280 72,827 84,45465-69 18,749 19,665 21,073 24,133 27,355 31,242 35,761 41,292 48,841 55,411 66,65570-74 13,793 14,573 15,757 17,263 20,027 22,928 26,399 30,050 35,784 42,894 48,58775-79 8,480 8,981 10,307 11,770 13,223 15,565 17,902 20,662 24,132 29,204 35,16380+ 5,492 5,856 7,491 9,915 12,513 15,201 18,442 22,061 26,378 31,550 38,037EDAD/AÑOPOBLACIÓN MUJERES2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050TOTAL 3,174,483 3,269,259 3,385,656 3,520,578 3,671,717 3,818,178 3,955,172 4,077,769 4,184,932 4,277,2910- 4 310,341 296,742 300,525 301,569 299,870 282,840 268,900 259,864 255,117 253,8365- 9 365,199 300,491 288,797 294,392 297,337 297,240 281,348 267,989 259,232 254,62810-14 364,149 357,954 294,722 284,414 291,422 295,555 296,264 280,806 267,642 258,98715-19 317,021 348,305 345,173 285,149 278,018 287,651 293,571 295,173 280,154 267,19120-24 274,648 298,759 333,383 333,762 277,593 273,504 285,172 292,102 294,193 279,43925-29 248,992 257,268 284,545 322,293 326,133 273,088 270,972 283,587 290,977 293,29530-34 229,513 233,931 244,963 274,903 315,388 321,695 270,601 269,339 282,332 289,91835-39 202,923 217,480 224,028 237,158 269,149 311,293 318,911 268,788 267,887 281,02540-44 173,966 191,475 207,874 216,377 231,469 264,946 308,035 316,271 266,872 266,18945-49 146,322 164,002 182,889 200,720 210,835 227,192 261,362 304,585 313,145 264,46250-54 125,970 137,718 156,305 176,141 195,012 206,128 223,116 257,289 300,291 309,07255-59 106,890 117,628 130,151 149,368 169,882 189,337 201,042 218,168 252,054 294,60760-64 89,995 98,573 109,836 122,875 142,409 163,133 182,741 194,604 211,670 245,03265-69 74,866 80,886 89,857 101,420 114,717 134,102 154,608 173,849 185,737 202,60970-74 57,721 65,635 71,790 80,702 92,029 104,951 123,575 143,142 161,680 173,46775-79 39,974 48,067 55,394 61,375 69,764 80,315 92,433 109,524 127,673 145,10080+ 45,993 54,345 65,424 77,960 90,690 105,208 122,521 142,689 168,276 198,43443
Cuadro No. 19 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Ambos Sexos, Según Grupo <strong>de</strong> Eda<strong>de</strong>s. 1950 – 2050.EDAD/AÑOPOBLACIÓN AMBOS SEXOS1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000TOTAL 2,199,897 2,432,783 2,773,055 3,242,690 3,739,784 4,232,876 4,659,533 4,995,213 5,325,115 5,722,596 5,938,1460- 4 364,752 442,270 520,028 607,104 670,729 732,476 786,732 784,026 778,089 802,305 771,2455- 9 304,877 330,468 409,272 488,700 575,531 639,094 703,086 743,311 726,792 740,914 764,10810-14 270,021 278,959 320,842 403,250 482,823 546,631 592,160 656,239 670,962 663,506 680,90715-19 228,984 246,305 264,147 315,419 392,095 451,233 487,197 519,548 587,629 594,998 586,06820-24 186,741 207,623 228,307 256,511 301,928 361,457 398,594 419,697 462,747 522,806 517,06525-29 162,854 174,019 193,914 222,632 248,231 283,947 321,638 345,829 383,318 432,701 459,65730-34 135,529 153,133 163,935 188,100 214,781 239,092 265,583 292,156 320,737 368,244 396,35435-39 112,780 127,440 144,491 158,269 180,052 207,518 227,729 247,599 274,324 312,128 340,40640-44 95,702 105,642 120,152 139,109 148,912 173,655 197,449 213,288 235,336 267,429 287,84345-49 80,707 89,637 99,073 114,657 129,794 142,983 164,000 186,115 203,157 229,234 248,01750-54 67,613 74,567 83,255 93,202 106,184 123,179 133,134 153,775 176,901 196,619 212,52755-59 55,873 61,298 68,411 76,779 85,025 98,834 113,643 123,012 144,650 168,242 181,78760-64 46,166 48,714 54,295 61,324 68,597 77,076 89,316 102,642 113,929 135,197 153,75065-69 36,224 38,252 41,094 46,396 52,343 59,379 67,232 78,189 92,115 102,664 121,35770-74 26,016 27,767 30,015 32,813 37,457 42,638 48,774 55,318 66,335 79,066 88,29875-79 15,675 16,608 19,080 21,684 24,280 28,133 32,188 36,978 43,211 52,795 63,36080+ 9,383 10,081 12,744 16,741 21,022 25,551 31,078 37,491 44,883 53,748 65,397EDAD/AÑOPOBLACIÓN AMBOS SEXOS2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050TOTAL 6,049,412 6,183,002 6,369,224 6,601,411 6,876,814 7,153,328 7,418,295 7,661,759 7,880,563 8,076,0890- 4 634,764 606,853 614,647 616,819 613,401 578,589 550,115 531,634 521,976 519,3685- 9 746,173 614,788 590,696 602,109 608,089 607,893 575,365 548,081 530,178 520,82210-14 744,932 730,418 602,235 581,122 595,582 604,121 605,665 574,065 547,227 529,54015-19 624,650 697,647 692,198 573,524 561,757 583,928 597,692 601,890 571,666 545,49520-24 517,024 566,024 648,885 654,299 548,082 545,820 574,190 591,174 597,045 567,91325-29 453,525 463,011 520,869 611,960 627,517 531,351 534,927 566,073 584,599 591,43330-34 413,463 414,120 430,333 493,895 590,497 611,983 521,347 527,449 559,263 578,48735-39 364,632 386,008 391,180 411,652 478,761 577,808 601,843 514,034 521,020 553,18940-44 311,527 339,465 364,466 373,618 397,890 467,367 567,285 592,491 506,880 514,43245-49 263,121 289,673 320,176 347,931 360,370 387,110 457,293 556,533 582,259 498,79550-54 227,638 244,822 273,002 305,083 334,663 349,099 376,869 446,377 544,089 570,05255-59 193,520 210,179 228,695 257,865 290,926 321,441 336,969 364,878 433,009 528,51160-64 163,449 176,355 193,811 213,156 242,735 275,922 306,461 322,364 349,979 416,10165-69 135,513 145,876 159,275 176,803 196,311 225,337 257,617 287,248 303,219 330,18870-74 104,230 117,728 127,888 140,914 157,730 176,404 203,764 234,011 262,076 277,85275-79 71,570 85,694 97,768 107,253 119,269 134,616 151,728 176,337 203,688 229,41780+ 79,681 94,341 113,100 133,408 153,234 174,539 199,165 227,120 262,390 304,49444
Cuadro No. 20 El Salvador. Nacimientos Estimados y Proyectados por Edad <strong>de</strong> la Madre según QuinquenioEDAD/AÑO 1950-1955 1955-1960 1960-1965 1965-1970 1970-1975 1975-1980 1980-1985 1985-1990 1990-1995 1995-2000 2000-2005TOTAL 542,355 624,467 715,096 776,138 835,787 885,712 870,258 845,571 839,295 800,353 655,65515-19 92,089 103,712 119,269 137,714 159,834 178,314 184,853 182,440 175,724 166,787 140,95020-24 157,140 182,735 206,412 222,814 249,331 273,548 272,063 268,145 269,220 252,950 195,31425-29 125,416 143,965 166,921 176,825 183,337 192,965 189,285 185,056 189,702 189,304 158,75830-34 89,155 101,737 116,467 126,170 127,580 125,748 117,727 113,021 112,928 106,663 92,79735-39 54,786 64,472 73,381 78,031 79,948 77,390 69,610 65,275 64,229 60,217 49,95740-44 18,859 22,120 25,999 27,371 29,462 33,592 34,982 29,587 24,447 21,720 15,34145-49 4,910 5,726 6,647 7,213 6,295 4,155 1,738 2,047 3,045 2,712 2,538EDAD/AÑO 2005-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020 2020-2025 2025-2030 2030-2035 2035-2040 2040-2045 2045-2050TOTAL 623,923 629,891 630,291 625,141 588,336 558,402 538,913 528,625 525,56315-19 137,556 135,055 117,397 104,045 100,124 98,953 96,701 92,340 87,84920-24 184,637 193,120 195,974 178,057 154,583 151,262 151,390 150,678 147,42425-29 148,840 151,030 162,481 172,319 153,251 134,247 132,540 134,448 136,72030-34 87,823 85,722 89,287 100,497 104,163 93,435 82,341 82,337 85,40835-39 48,136 47,573 47,502 51,770 56,738 59,239 53,334 47,630 48,71640-44 14,526 14,876 15,061 15,675 16,630 18,335 19,353 17,640 16,12545-49 2,405 2,515 2,589 2,778 2,847 2,931 3,254 3,552 3,32145
Cuadro No. 21 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Hombres según Eda<strong>de</strong>s simples <strong>de</strong> 5 a 24 años. 1950 – 2050HOMBRES DE 5 A 24 AÑOSEDAD1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 19955 32,441 36,469 45,398 53,241 61,872 68,386 75,114 77,986 75,748 79,0676 31,439 34,559 43,217 51,075 59,935 66,373 73,137 76,934 74,728 77,6057 30,569 32,929 41,129 49,086 58,022 64,343 71,018 75,653 73,708 75,9808 29,804 31,544 39,134 47,241 56,128 62,303 68,784 74,143 72,665 74,2299 29,112 30,370 37,236 45,510 54,247 60,262 66,462 72,404 71,574 72,38510 28,504 29,387 35,432 43,912 52,384 58,213 64,062 70,525 70,429 70,44211 27,991 28,573 33,719 42,471 50,545 56,152 61,591 68,599 69,222 68,39312 27,344 27,822 32,123 40,887 48,673 54,151 59,174 66,171 67,842 66,47613 26,455 27,067 30,656 39,023 46,742 52,246 56,875 63,060 66,232 64,80814 25,413 26,319 29,306 37,005 44,778 50,404 54,665 59,539 64,417 63,30015 24,431 25,667 28,035 35,107 42,858 48,572 52,448 56,037 62,571 61,71916 23,485 25,111 26,836 33,281 41,000 46,777 50,240 52,443 60,758 60,07517 22,520 24,441 25,763 31,573 39,087 44,933 48,122 49,318 58,498 58,52018 21,539 23,568 24,834 30,038 37,079 42,995 46,124 46,980 55,598 57,09519 20,564 22,577 24,017 28,649 35,048 41,016 44,223 45,180 52,328 55,72320 19,603 21,641 23,259 27,302 33,092 39,100 42,375 43,351 49,116 54,35521 18,633 20,727 22,574 25,992 31,175 37,240 40,597 41,601 45,839 53,08322 17,826 19,888 21,883 24,883 29,503 35,441 38,847 39,933 43,067 51,40923 17,263 19,170 21,143 24,042 28,186 33,723 37,101 38,290 41,111 49,10624 16,860 18,543 20,385 23,385 27,129 32,090 35,388 36,703 39,714 46,439EDADHOMBRES DE 5 A 24 AÑOS2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 20505 80,343 73,253 58,849 61,018 62,346 62,350 61,580 57,362 55,132 53,698 53,0636 79,663 75,165 60,314 60,569 61,977 62,273 61,997 58,043 55,533 53,906 53,1217 78,580 76,649 62,428 60,237 61,571 62,181 62,267 58,783 55,980 54,153 53,2098 77,148 77,679 64,973 60,048 61,137 62,058 62,401 59,543 56,465 54,436 53,3279 75,423 78,229 67,733 60,027 60,685 61,889 62,410 60,286 56,982 54,753 53,47410 73,440 78,428 70,745 60,006 60,276 61,707 62,291 61,031 57,496 55,098 53,64811 71,234 78,407 74,044 59,819 59,970 61,546 62,043 61,793 57,974 55,466 53,84812 68,962 77,362 76,152 60,457 59,523 61,141 61,742 62,264 58,542 55,874 54,07913 66,719 74,956 76,349 62,335 58,844 60,378 61,425 62,296 59,246 56,330 54,34314 64,501 71,630 75,175 64,896 58,095 59,388 61,064 62,017 60,000 56,818 54,63515 62,197 68,192 74,018 67,211 57,364 58,480 60,628 61,699 60,688 57,285 54,94616 59,817 64,517 72,753 69,511 56,434 57,663 60,163 61,288 61,355 57,705 55,27217 57,638 61,070 70,706 70,794 56,446 56,793 59,496 60,832 61,727 58,204 55,62918 55,785 58,177 67,730 70,483 57,913 55,852 58,552 60,387 61,662 58,827 56,02019 54,159 55,674 64,135 69,025 60,217 54,951 57,438 59,915 61,286 59,490 56,43620 52,530 53,052 60,404 67,568 62,263 54,056 56,397 59,364 60,870 60,087 56,83021 50,936 50,394 56,469 66,028 64,317 52,979 55,450 58,786 60,362 60,663 57,17622 49,405 48,066 52,878 63,818 65,423 52,860 54,477 58,024 59,816 60,947 57,59823 47,924 46,195 49,965 60,806 65,011 54,200 53,467 57,006 59,286 60,802 58,14224 46,489 44,669 47,549 57,282 63,523 56,394 52,524 55,838 58,739 60,354 58,72946
Cuadro No. 22 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada Mujeres según Eda<strong>de</strong>s simples <strong>de</strong> 5 a 24 años. 1950 – 2050EDADMUJERES DE 5 A 24 AÑOS1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 19955 32,074 36,043 44,738 52,408 60,763 66,818 73,546 75,370 73,528 74,8986 31,082 34,228 42,607 50,328 58,915 65,128 71,746 74,443 72,608 73,6187 30,206 32,682 40,547 48,391 57,064 63,468 69,817 73,380 71,687 72,3318 29,427 31,373 38,572 46,573 55,214 61,826 67,785 72,175 70,753 71,0439 28,724 30,270 36,694 44,849 53,370 60,186 65,675 70,823 69,794 69,75910 28,095 29,352 34,898 43,248 51,525 58,568 63,496 69,373 68,794 68,46611 27,538 28,601 33,170 41,798 49,671 56,992 61,254 67,871 67,737 67,15012 26,941 27,925 31,661 40,209 47,870 55,278 59,064 66,048 66,627 65,91413 26,248 27,271 30,440 38,348 46,152 53,346 56,986 63,793 65,457 64,80014 25,493 26,642 29,436 36,350 44,484 51,281 54,992 61,260 64,205 63,75715 24,782 26,099 28,493 34,472 42,840 49,247 52,990 58,718 62,911 62,69616 24,116 25,632 27,620 32,647 41,262 47,207 50,992 56,119 61,632 61,64217 23,379 25,099 26,845 31,054 39,567 45,257 49,090 53,674 60,007 60,49818 22,534 24,432 26,162 29,801 37,671 43,460 47,320 51,515 57,880 59,20819 21,633 23,680 25,544 28,797 35,682 41,770 45,648 49,563 55,446 57,82120 20,753 22,970 24,980 27,821 33,773 40,099 44,014 47,596 53,038 56,44221 19,856 22,290 24,474 26,896 31,896 38,489 42,438 45,654 50,571 55,05122 19,110 21,574 23,910 26,079 30,257 36,840 40,868 43,831 48,379 53,66523 18,599 20,805 23,228 25,370 28,972 35,099 39,276 42,150 46,659 52,30224 18,237 20,016 22,471 24,741 27,944 33,336 37,691 40,587 45,253 50,952EDADMUJERES DE 5 A 24 AÑOS2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 20505 76,412 70,582 56,339 58,520 59,737 59,719 58,953 54,906 52,752 51,377 50,7526 75,785 72,266 57,692 58,020 59,341 59,617 59,337 55,552 53,135 51,577 50,8117 74,850 73,487 59,668 57,618 58,901 59,494 59,577 56,250 53,560 51,812 50,8978 73,656 74,261 62,074 57,358 58,438 59,345 59,688 56,968 54,023 52,081 51,0129 72,249 74,603 64,716 57,282 57,975 59,162 59,686 57,673 54,518 52,385 51,15610 70,655 74,595 67,638 57,219 57,571 58,977 59,571 58,385 55,016 52,718 51,33011 68,898 74,319 70,884 56,998 57,284 58,825 59,343 59,123 55,485 53,077 51,53212 67,140 73,461 73,075 57,733 56,948 58,502 59,097 59,598 56,047 53,480 51,76613 65,476 71,906 73,545 59,893 56,509 57,921 58,881 59,677 56,749 53,936 52,03114 63,883 69,868 72,811 62,879 56,101 57,196 58,662 59,481 57,509 54,431 52,32815 62,234 67,692 72,135 65,664 55,742 56,580 58,394 59,264 58,219 54,918 52,65116 60,539 65,333 71,355 68,501 55,220 56,091 58,124 58,977 58,925 55,369 52,99817 59,038 63,117 70,113 70,377 55,718 55,599 57,708 58,683 59,372 55,915 53,38918 57,831 61,251 68,386 70,700 57,760 55,087 57,082 58,439 59,433 56,602 53,83419 56,830 59,628 66,317 69,932 60,709 54,661 56,343 58,207 59,224 57,350 54,32020 55,821 57,921 64,088 69,202 63,443 54,273 55,705 57,922 58,993 58,046 54,79521 54,824 56,175 61,682 68,374 66,232 53,725 55,195 57,635 58,691 58,737 55,23522 53,895 54,652 59,445 67,108 68,079 54,204 54,689 57,207 58,385 59,173 55,77023 53,033 53,442 57,576 65,377 68,388 56,228 54,170 56,575 58,134 59,225 56,44924 52,207 52,458 55,969 63,322 67,621 59,163 53,744 55,833 57,898 59,012 57,19047
Cuadro No. 23 El Salvador. Población Estimada y Proyectada por Ambos Sexos según Eda<strong>de</strong>s simples <strong>de</strong> 5 a 24 años. 1950 – 2050EDADAMBOS SEXOS DE 5 A 24 AÑOS1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 19955 64,515 72,512 90,136 105,649 122,635 135,204 148,660 153,356 149,276 153,9656 62,521 68,787 85,824 101,403 118,850 131,501 144,883 151,377 147,336 151,2237 60,775 65,611 81,676 97,477 115,086 127,811 140,835 149,033 145,395 148,3118 59,231 62,917 77,706 93,814 111,342 124,129 136,569 146,318 143,418 145,2729 57,836 60,640 73,930 90,359 107,617 120,448 132,137 143,227 141,368 142,14410 56,599 58,739 70,330 87,160 103,909 116,781 127,558 139,898 139,223 138,90811 55,529 57,174 66,889 84,269 100,216 113,144 122,845 136,470 136,959 135,54312 54,285 55,747 63,784 81,096 96,543 109,429 118,238 132,219 134,469 132,39013 52,703 54,338 61,096 77,371 92,894 105,592 113,861 126,853 131,689 129,60814 50,906 52,961 58,742 73,355 89,262 101,685 109,657 120,799 128,622 127,05715 49,213 51,766 56,528 69,579 85,698 97,819 105,438 114,755 125,482 124,41516 47,601 50,743 54,456 65,928 82,262 93,984 101,232 108,562 122,390 121,71717 45,899 49,540 52,608 62,627 78,654 90,190 97,212 102,992 118,505 119,01818 44,073 48,000 50,996 59,839 74,750 86,455 93,444 98,495 113,478 116,30319 42,197 46,257 49,561 57,446 70,730 82,786 89,871 94,743 107,774 113,54420 40,356 44,611 48,239 55,123 66,865 79,199 86,389 90,947 102,154 110,79721 38,489 43,017 47,048 52,888 63,071 75,729 83,035 87,255 96,410 108,13422 36,936 41,462 45,793 50,962 59,760 72,281 79,715 83,764 91,446 105,07423 35,862 39,975 44,371 49,412 57,158 68,822 76,377 80,440 87,770 101,40824 35,097 38,559 42,856 48,126 55,073 65,426 73,079 77,290 84,967 97,391EDADAMBOS SEXOS DE 5 A 24 AÑOS2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 20505 156,755 143,835 115,188 119,538 122,083 122,069 120,533 112,268 107,884 105,075 103,8156 155,448 147,431 118,006 118,589 121,318 121,890 121,334 113,595 108,668 105,483 103,9327 153,430 150,136 122,096 117,855 120,472 121,675 121,844 115,033 109,540 105,965 104,1068 150,804 151,940 127,047 117,406 119,575 121,403 122,089 116,511 110,488 106,517 104,3399 147,672 152,832 132,449 117,309 118,660 121,051 122,096 117,959 111,500 107,138 104,63010 144,095 153,023 138,383 117,225 117,847 120,684 121,862 119,416 112,512 107,816 104,97811 140,132 152,726 144,928 116,817 117,254 120,371 121,386 120,916 113,459 108,543 105,38012 136,102 150,823 149,227 118,190 116,471 119,643 120,839 121,862 114,589 109,354 105,84513 132,195 146,862 149,894 122,228 115,353 118,299 120,306 121,973 115,995 110,266 106,37414 128,384 141,498 147,986 127,775 114,196 116,584 119,726 121,498 117,509 111,249 106,96315 124,431 135,884 146,153 132,875 113,106 115,060 119,022 120,963 118,907 112,203 107,59716 120,356 129,850 144,108 138,012 111,654 113,754 118,287 120,265 120,280 113,074 108,27017 116,676 124,187 140,819 141,171 112,164 112,392 117,204 119,515 121,099 114,119 109,01818 113,616 119,428 136,116 141,183 115,673 110,939 115,634 118,826 121,095 115,429 109,85419 110,989 115,302 130,452 138,957 120,926 109,612 113,781 118,122 120,510 116,840 110,75620 108,351 110,973 124,492 136,770 125,706 108,329 112,102 117,286 119,863 118,133 111,62521 105,760 106,569 118,151 134,402 130,549 106,704 110,645 116,421 119,053 119,400 112,41122 103,300 102,718 112,323 130,926 133,502 107,064 109,166 115,231 118,201 120,120 113,36823 100,957 99,637 107,541 126,183 133,399 110,428 107,637 113,581 117,420 120,027 114,59124 98,696 97,127 103,518 120,604 131,144 115,557 106,268 111,671 116,637 119,366 115,91948
Cuadro No. 24 El Salvador. Distribución Relativa <strong>de</strong> la Población 1950 –1995EDAD/AÑODISTRIBUCIÓN RELATIVA DE LA POBLACIÓN: HOMBRES1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 19950- 4 16.95 18.59 19.18 19.10 18.25 17.72 17.38 16.31 15.28 14.775- 9 14.13 13.81 15.05 15.31 15.60 15.36 15.47 15.47 14.22 13.6910-14 12.50 11.59 11.77 12.64 13.07 12.95 12.93 13.45 13.05 12.0315-19 10.37 10.11 9.45 9.87 10.48 10.71 10.52 10.25 11.18 10.5820-24 8.31 8.32 7.98 7.81 8.01 8.48 8.48 8.20 8.45 9.1825-29 7.18 7.02 6.74 6.69 6.56 6.66 6.74 6.72 6.88 7.1730-34 5.98 6.19 5.84 5.60 5.67 5.57 5.55 5.70 5.77 6.0835-39 5.02 5.16 5.18 4.81 4.75 4.84 4.77 4.82 4.99 5.1740-44 4.33 4.30 4.32 4.24 3.97 4.04 4.14 4.18 4.30 4.4645-49 3.70 3.66 3.57 3.50 3.46 3.35 3.43 3.63 3.70 3.8550-54 3.11 3.08 2.99 2.85 2.82 2.88 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.3155-59 2.57 2.53 2.46 2.34 2.24 2.30 2.39 2.41 2.61 2.8160-64 2.09 2.01 1.94 1.85 1.79 1.77 1.86 2.01 2.07 2.2565-69 1.61 1.55 1.46 1.38 1.34 1.34 1.37 1.51 1.67 1.7170-74 1.13 1.10 1.04 0.97 0.94 0.94 0.98 1.04 1.18 1.3175-79 0.66 0.64 0.64 0.62 0.59 0.60 0.62 0.67 0.74 0.8580+ 0.36 0.35 0.38 0.42 0.46 0.49 0.55 0.63 0.71 0.80Edad Mediana 18.10 17.97 17.11 16.50 16.47 16.85 17.00 17.33 18.33 19.49EDAD/AÑODISTRIBUCIÓN RELATIVA DE LA POBLACIÓN: MUJERES1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 19950- 4 16.22 17.78 18.33 18.35 17.62 16.90 16.40 15.11 13.98 13.325- 9 13.60 13.36 14.48 14.84 15.18 14.84 14.72 14.32 13.11 12.2510-14 12.05 11.35 11.37 12.23 12.76 12.88 12.49 12.84 12.17 11.1815-19 10.45 10.14 9.60 9.59 10.48 10.61 10.39 10.54 10.90 10.2320-24 8.66 8.74 8.48 8.01 8.13 8.60 8.63 8.60 8.92 9.0925-29 7.62 7.28 7.24 7.03 6.71 6.76 7.06 7.12 7.50 7.9330-34 6.34 6.40 5.98 6.00 5.81 5.72 5.84 5.99 6.26 6.7735-39 5.23 5.32 5.24 4.95 4.88 4.97 5.00 5.08 5.31 5.7240-44 4.37 4.38 4.34 4.34 4.00 4.16 4.34 4.35 4.53 4.8845-49 3.63 3.70 3.58 3.57 3.49 3.41 3.61 3.81 3.92 4.1550-54 3.04 3.05 3.01 2.90 2.86 2.94 2.91 3.16 3.43 3.5655-59 2.51 2.51 2.48 2.40 2.30 2.37 2.48 2.52 2.81 3.0660-64 2.11 2.00 1.97 1.93 1.88 1.87 1.97 2.10 2.20 2.4765-69 1.68 1.60 1.50 1.48 1.46 1.46 1.51 1.61 1.79 1.8870-74 1.24 1.18 1.12 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.11 1.18 1.31 1.4575-79 0.76 0.73 0.73 0.72 0.70 0.73 0.76 0.81 0.88 0.9980+ 0.49 0.48 0.53 0.61 0.67 0.71 0.78 0.86 0.96 1.07Edad Mediana 18.89 18.70 18.03 17.39 17.12 17.53 18.07 18.67 19.93 21.6649
Cuadro No. 25 El Salvador. Distribución Relativa <strong>de</strong> la Población 2000-2050EDAD/AÑODISTRIBUCIÓN RELATIVA DE LA POBLACIÓN: HOMBRES2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 20500- 4 13.81 11.28 10.64 10.53 0.23 9.78 8.87 8.12 7.58 7.22 6.995- 9 13.71 13.25 10.79 10.12 9.99 9.70 9.31 8.49 7.82 7.33 7.0110-14 12.09 13.24 12.78 10.31 9.63 9.49 9.25 8.93 8.18 7.57 7.1215-19 10.15 10.70 11.99 11.63 9.36 8.85 8.88 8.78 8.56 7.89 7.3320-24 8.67 8.43 9.17 10.6 0.40 8.44 8.17 8.35 8.34 8.19 7.5925-29 7.44 7.11 7.06 7.92 9.40 9.40 7.74 7.62 7.88 7.95 7.8530-34 6.28 6.40 6.18 6.21 7.11 8.58 8.70 7.24 7.20 7.49 7.6035-39 5.37 5.62 5.78 5.60 5.66 6.54 7.99 8.17 6.84 6.85 7.1640-44 4.56 4.78 5.08 5.25 5.10 5.19 6.07 7.49 7.71 6.49 6.5345-49 3.94 4.06 4.31 4.60 4.78 4.67 4.79 5.66 7.03 7.28 6.1750-54 3.38 3.54 3.68 3.91 4.19 4.36 4.29 4.44 5.28 6.60 6.8755-59 2.91 3.01 3.18 3.30 3.52 3.78 3.96 3.92 4.09 4.90 6.1660-64 2.43 2.55 2.67 2.81 2.93 3.13 3.38 3.57 3.56 3.74 4.5065-69 1.92 2.11 2.23 2.33 2.45 2.55 2.74 2.97 3.16 3.18 3.3670-74 1.39 1.62 1.79 1.88 1.95 2.05 2.14 2.32 2.54 2.72 2.7575-79 0.99 1.10 1.29 1.42 1.49 1.54 1.63 1.71 1.86 2.06 2.2280+ 0.96 1.17 1.37 1.60 1.80 1.95 2.08 2.21 2.36 2.55 2.79Edad Mediana 20.13 20.90 22.07 23.51 25.20 26.99 28.56 29.81 31.14 32.57 34.02EDAD/AÑODISTRIBUCIÓN RELATIVA DE LA POBLACIÓN: MUJERES2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 20500- 4 12.23 9.78 9.08 8.88 8.57 8.17 7.41 6.80 6.37 6.10 5.935- 9 12.09 11.50 9.19 8.53 8.36 8.10 7.78 7.11 6.57 6.19 5.9510-14 10.89 11.47 10.95 8.71 8.08 7.94 7.74 7.49 6.89 6.40 6.0515-19 9.61 9.99 10.65 0.20 8.10 7.57 7.53 7.42 7.24 6.69 6.2520-24 8.74 8.65 9.14 9.85 9.48 7.56 7.16 7.21 7.16 7.03 6.5325-29 8.02 7.84 7.87 8.40 9.15 8.88 7.15 6.85 6.95 6.95 6.8630-34 7.04 7.23 7.16 7.24 7.81 8.59 8.43 6.84 6.61 6.75 6.7835-39 6.07 6.39 6.65 6.62 6.74 7.33 8.15 8.06 6.59 6.40 6.5740-44 5.11 5.48 5.86 6.14 6.15 6.30 6.94 7.79 7.76 6.38 6.2245-49 4.40 4.61 5.02 5.40 5.70 5.74 5.95 6.61 7.47 7.48 6.1850-54 3.76 3.97 4.21 4.62 5.00 5.31 5.40 5.64 6.31 7.18 7.2355-59 3.21 3.37 3.60 3.84 4.24 4.63 4.96 5.08 5.35 6.02 6.8960-64 2.74 2.83 3.02 3.24 3.49 3.88 4.27 4.62 4.77 5.06 5.7365-69 2.16 2.36 2.47 2.65 2.88 3.12 3.51 3.91 4.26 4.44 4.7470-74 1.57 1.82 2.01 2.12 2.29 2.51 2.75 3.12 3.51 3.86 4.0675-79 1.14 1.26 1.47 1.64 1.74 1.90 2.10 2.34 2.69 3.05 3.3980+ 1.23 1.45 1.66 1.93 2.21 2.47 2.76 3.10 3.50 4.02 4.64Edad Mediana 22.97 24.20 25.63 27.29 29.05 31.04 33.10 35.17 36.67 38.04 39.2950
Cuadro No. 26 El Salvador. Relaciones <strong>de</strong> Masculinidad (por 100 mujeres). 1950 a 2050GRUPOS DE EDADTOTAL0- 45- 910-1415-1920-2425-2930-3435-3940-4445-4950-5455-5960-6465-6970-7475-7980+1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 199597.40 97.47 97.61 98.37 99.02 97.90 96.77 95.35 94.77 93.86101.75 101.92 102.15 102.36 102.57 102.62 102.53 102.94 103.53 104.11101.22 100.77 101.46 101.49 101.71 101.34 101.71 102.98 102.81 104.87101.04 99.55 101.02 101.67 101.43 98.44 100.19 99.86 101.60 101.0196.65 97.14 96.15 101.20 99.01 98.83 98.02 92.72 97.27 97.1193.40 92.86 91.75 95.95 97.54 96.59 95.12 90.93 89.73 94.7891.84 93.95 90.87 93.63 96.74 96.46 92.51 90.02 87.03 84.7891.93 94.21 95.33 91.84 96.67 95.28 92.01 90.62 87.27 84.2293.48 94.51 96.58 95.44 96.25 95.28 92.37 90.45 89.02 84.7496.65 95.75 97.17 96.30 98.25 95.07 92.34 91.64 89.81 85.8099.29 96.42 97.36 96.58 98.16 96.24 91.98 90.84 89.53 86.9499.73 98.35 96.95 96.60 97.58 95.92 92.98 90.55 88.40 87.3699.65 98.03 96.68 95.79 96.36 94.70 93.17 91.21 88.01 86.1396.30 97.97 95.97 94.20 94.68 92.75 91.12 91.47 89.00 85.6493.20 94.52 95.01 92.25 91.35 90.06 88.00 89.35 88.60 85.2888.62 90.54 90.49 90.08 87.03 85.96 84.76 84.09 85.37 84.3384.85 84.93 85.12 84.24 83.62 80.74 79.80 78.97 79.06 80.7870.85 72.16 70.13 68.85 68.00 68.08 68.52 69.94 70.15 70.36GRUPOS DE EDAD 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050TOTAL 92.43 90.56 89.13 88.12 87.51 87.29 87.35 87.56 87.89 88.31 88.810- 4 104.39 104.54 104.51 104.52 104.54 104.56 104.56 104.58 104.58 104.60 104.615- 9 104.88 104.32 104.59 104.54 104.53 104.51 104.51 104.50 104.52 104.52 104.5410-14 102.62 104.57 104.05 104.34 104.32 104.37 104.40 104.43 104.43 104.46 104.4715-19 97.68 97.04 100.30 100.54 101.13 102.06 103.00 103.59 103.91 104.05 104.1620-24 91.66 88.25 89.46 94.64 96.04 97.44 99.57 101.35 102.39 102.94 103.2325-29 85.71 82.14 79.97 83.05 89.88 92.41 94.57 97.41 99.61 100.91 101.6530-34 82.51 80.15 77.03 75.67 79.66 87.23 90.24 92.66 95.83 98.09 99.5335-39 81.68 79.69 77.49 74.61 73.58 77.88 85.62 88.72 91.24 94.49 96.8540-44 82.49 79.07 77.29 75.33 72.67 71.90 76.40 84.16 87.34 89.93 93.2645-49 82.84 79.82 76.63 75.07 73.34 70.93 70.39 74.97 82.72 85.94 88.6150-54 83.13 80.71 77.77 74.66 73.20 71.61 69.36 68.91 73.49 81.19 84.4455-59 83.79 81.05 78.68 75.72 72.64 71.25 69.77 67.61 67.25 71.79 79.4060-64 82.05 81.62 78.91 76.46 73.47 70.45 69.14 67.70 65.65 65.34 69.8165-69 82.07 81.01 80.35 77.25 74.33 71.13 68.03 66.63 65.23 63.25 62.9770-74 81.73 80.58 79.37 78.14 74.61 71.39 68.08 64.89 63.48 62.10 60.1875-79 80.19 79.04 78.28 76.50 74.75 70.96 67.61 64.15 61.00 59.54 58.1180+ 71.93 73.25 73.60 72.87 71.12 68.96 65.90 62.56 59.17 55.93 53.4551
Cuadro No. 27El Salvador. Nacimientos y Defunciones y Migrantes Netos,Estimados y Proyectados por Quinquenios.1950-2050QUINQUENIOSNÚMERO ESTIMADO DEMIGRANTESNETOSNACIMIENTOS DEFUNCIONES TOTAL1950-1955 542,354 239,628 -69,8401955-1960 624,466 233,675 -50,5201960-1965 715,096 233,390 -12,0701965-1970 776,138 236,465 -42,5801970-1975 835,787 245,716 -96,9801975-1980 885,713 266,456 -192,6001980-1985 870,257 281,416 -253,1601985-1990 845,571 227,270 -288,4001990-1995 839,296 192,528 -249,2851995-2000 800,354 201,047 -383,7602000-2005 655,654 204,678 -339,7052005-2010 623,924 210,626 -279,7102010-2015 629,890 220,237 -223,4302015-2020 630,292 230,468 -167,6402020-2025 625,141 240,724 -109,0102025-2030 588,336 251,932 -59,8902030-2035 558,402 266,507 -26,9302035-2040 538,913 284,931 -10,5202040-2045 528,625 306,058 -3,7602045-2050 525,563 328,957 -1,08052
Cuadro No. 28El Salvador. Tasas Medias Anuales <strong>de</strong> Crecimiento, Tasas implícitas y Tasas Netas <strong>de</strong> Migración (pormil) por Quinquenios. 1950 - 2050QUINQUENIOSTASAS MEDIAS ANUALESEXPONENCIALGEOMÉTRICOCRECIMIENTONATURALTASAS IMPLÍCITASDE CRECIMIENTO (Por mil) ( Por mil )BRUTA DENATALIDADBRUTA DEMORTALIDADTASA NETA DEMIGRACIÓN (PORMIL)1950-1955 20.13 20.33 26.14 46.83 20.69 -6.031955-1960 26.18 26.53 30.03 47.98 17.95 -3.881960-1965 31.29 31.79 32.03 47.55 15.52 -0.801965-1970 28.52 28.94 30.91 44.46 13.55 -2.441970-1975 24.77 25.08 29.60 41.93 12.33 -4.871975-1980 19.21 19.39 27.85 39.84 11.99 -8.661980-1985 13.91 14.01 24.40 36.06 11.66 -10.491985-1990 12.79 12.87 23.96 32.77 8.81 -11.181990-1995 14.40 14.50 23.42 30.39 6.97 -9.031995-2000 7.39 7.42 20.55 27.45 6.90 -13.162000-2005 3.71 3.72 15.05 21.88 6.83 -11.342005-2010 4.37 4.38 13.51 20.40 6.89 -9.152010-2015 5.93 5.95 13.05 20.07 7.02 -7.122015-2020 7.16 7.19 12.33 19.44 7.11 -5.172020-2025 8.17 8.21 11.41 18.55 7.14 -3.242025-2030 7.88 7.92 9.59 16.77 7.18 -1.712030-2035 7.27 7.30 8.01 15.33 7.32 -0.742035-2040 6.46 6.48 6.73 14.29 7.56 -0.282040-2045 5.63 5.65 5.72 13.60 7.88 -0.102045-2050 4.90 4.91 4.92 13.17 8.25 -0.0353
Cuadro No. 29Relación <strong>de</strong> Depen<strong>de</strong>ncia, Niños-Mujer, Índice <strong>de</strong> Masculinidad y Edad Mediana.1950 – 2050.R E L A C I O N E S D EEDADAÑO DEPENDENCIA NIÑOS-MUJER MASCULINIDAD MEDIANA(POR MIL) (POR MUJER) (POR 100 MUJERES) (AÑOS)1950 875.5 0.707 97.4 18.501955 888.3 0.781 97.5 18.341960 952.3 0.834 97.7 17.571965 993.5 0.854 98.5 16.921970 992.7 0.820 99.1 16.781975 960.3 0.774 98.0 17.181980 942.7 0.741 96.8 17.531985 915.5 0.673 95.3 18.071990 833.5 0.601 95.0 19.221995 770.9 0.557 94.3 20.612000 754.7 0.510 92.7 21.652005 710.1 0.398 90.8 22.742010 628.8 0.355 89.4 24.022015 572.1 0.352 88.4 25.382020 566.3 0.342 87.8 27.212025 561.0 0.320 87.6 29.072030 538.6 0.293 87.6 30.992035 517.5 0.273 87.8 32.522040 506.3 0.264 88.1 33.812045 502.5 0.264 88.5 35.062050 507.3 0.268 89.0 36.59a/(N -15+N 65 y +/N 15-64)*100054
Cuadro No. 30El Salvador. Tasas <strong>de</strong> Reproducción, Tasas <strong>de</strong> Fecundidad y Edad Media <strong>de</strong> laFecundidad por Quinquenios. 1950 – 2050.QUINQUENIOSTASAS DEEDAD MEDIA DETASAS DE FECUNDIDADREPRODUCCIÓNLA FECUNDIDADBRUTA NETA GLOBAL GENERAL (AÑOS)1950-1955 3.072 2.099 6.2980 0.201 28.661955-1960 3.219 2.344 6.5980 0.210 28.661960-1965 3.297 2.527 6.7585 0.214 28.661965-1970 3.136 2.496 6.4280 0.203 28.661970-1975 2.902 2.375 5.9485 0.190 28.481975-1980 2.663 2.228 5.4585 0.176 28.131980-1985 2.341 2.001 4.7985 0.156 27.781985-1990 2.048 1.844 4.1985 0.138 27.541990-1995 1.818 1.702 3.7275 0.123 27.311995-2000 1.609 1.524 3.2980 0.109 26.972000-2005 1.268 1.211 2.5985 0.085 26.812005-2010 1.146 1.101 2.3485 0.076 26.792010-2015 1.083 1.045 2.2205 0.071 26.782015-2020 1.039 1.005 2.1295 0.068 26.772020-2025 1.030 1.000 2.1120 0.066 26.772025-2030 0.990 0.963 2.0290 0.061 26.772030-2035 0.954 0.930 1.9550 0.056 26.762035-2040 0.922 0.902 1.8910 0.053 26.762040-2045 0.903 0.884 1.8510 0.053 26.762045-2050 0.903 0.886 1.8510 0.053 26.7655
Cuadro No. 31El Salvador. Esperanza <strong>de</strong> Vida al Nacer y Tasa <strong>de</strong> Mortalidad Infantil porQuinquenios. 1950 – 2050QUINQUENIOSTASAESPERANZA DE VIDA AL NACERMORTALIDADINFANTILHOMBRES MUJERES TOTAL (POR 1000)1950-1955 43.39 46.80 45.05 147.01955-1960 47.22 51.48 49.30 131.71960-1965 50.48 55.72 53.04 118.71965-1970 52.55 58.87 55.63 108.51970-1975 53.19 61.17 57.08 99.91975-1980 51.93 62.73 57.20 90.71980-1985 50.56 64.18 57.20 76.81985-1990 57.42 69.08 63.11 56.41990-1995 63.26 72.87 67.95 37.81995-2000 64.36 73.92 69.02 27.42000-2005 65.42 74.93 70.06 22.92005-2010 66.45 75.89 71.05 20.62010-2015 67.45 76.89 72.05 18.72015-2020 68.45 77.89 73.05 17.02020-2025 69.45 78.79 74.01 15.52025-2030 70.45 79.59 74.91 14.32030-2035 71.25 80.39 75.71 13.32035-2040 72.05 80.99 76.41 12.42040-2045 72.85 81.59 77.11 11.72045-2050 73.65 82.19 77.82 11.056
IV- ANEXO4.1- Nota Explicativa relativa a la obtención <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones por añocalendario y por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples.4.2 Población por años Calendario y Eda<strong>de</strong>s simples. 2000-2020.57
ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE POBLACIÓNNOTA EXPLICATIVA RELATIVA A LA OBTENCIÓN DE LAS POBLACIONES, POR AÑOCALENDARIO Y POR EDADES SIMPLES.1. Consi<strong>de</strong>raciones sobre las estimaciones y <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población.Para llevar a<strong>de</strong>lante la elaboración <strong>de</strong> estimaciones y <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población, se sigue elprocedimiento propuesto por el Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño <strong>de</strong> Demografía (CELADE),División <strong>de</strong> Población <strong>de</strong> la Comisión Económica para América Latina, <strong>de</strong> la Organización <strong>de</strong>las Naciones Unidas (CEPAL-ONU). Este organismo es el encargado, con contrapartesnacionales, <strong>de</strong> efectuar las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población en la mayoría <strong>de</strong> los países <strong>de</strong>l ámbitolatinoamericano y caribeño, <strong>de</strong> tal manera que las estimaciones y <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> poblaciónresultantes, se constituyen en los datos <strong>de</strong> población oficiales, tanto para el sistema <strong>de</strong> lasNaciones Unidas, como para los países correspondientes.Esta aplicación se realiza a partir <strong>de</strong>l <strong>de</strong>nominado método <strong>de</strong> los componentes, que consi<strong>de</strong>ra acada uno <strong>de</strong> los componentes que hacen al crecimiento o <strong>de</strong>crecimiento <strong>de</strong> una población, es<strong>de</strong>cir los nacimientos, las <strong>de</strong>funciones y los saldos migratorios internacionales, que pue<strong>de</strong>noperar en el sentido <strong>de</strong> aumentar o disminuir la población <strong>de</strong> un país; para ello se <strong>de</strong>terminan losniveles <strong>de</strong> las variables <strong>de</strong>mográficas: la fecundidad y la mortalidad, con el agregado <strong>de</strong> lossaldos migratorios internacionales.Como se pue<strong>de</strong> ver en este documento, la revisión y actualización <strong>de</strong> las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong>población compren<strong>de</strong> el estudio <strong>de</strong> las variables <strong>de</strong>mográficas <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> 1950 hasta la actualidad,período <strong>de</strong>mográfico histórico, que da lugar a las estimaciones <strong>de</strong> población para los distintosmomentos, y el período <strong>de</strong> proyección hasta el 2050, don<strong>de</strong> se establece el comportamiento <strong>de</strong>las variables <strong>de</strong>mográficas a futuro, tomando en cuenta la experiencia pasada y la evolución <strong>de</strong>estas variables en el contexto regional y lo acaecido en países don<strong>de</strong> se ha llegado a los niveles<strong>de</strong> la fecundidad y mortalidad más bajos; con respecto a los saldos migratorios internacionales <strong>de</strong>signo negativo que tiene el país, las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es actuales contemplan saldos <strong>de</strong>crecientes,llegando a ser casi nulos hacia el final <strong>de</strong> la proyección.El método <strong>de</strong> los componentes se caracteriza por proyectar longitudinalmente a la población,consi<strong>de</strong>rando la evolución <strong>de</strong> las diferentes generaciones o cohortes <strong>de</strong> individuos; estasaplicaciones se facilitan utilizando el software <strong>de</strong>sarrollado por el CELADE <strong>de</strong>nominadoPRODEM (PROyecciones DEMográficas) 6 .Con el PRODEM se obtienen poblaciones cada cinco años, partiendo <strong>de</strong> 1950, año consi<strong>de</strong>radocomo base para las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población, este punto <strong>de</strong> partida se facilita, para la mayoría<strong>de</strong> los países <strong>de</strong> la región latinoamericana, por haber realizado censos <strong>de</strong> población en ese año,como sucedió en El Salvador 7 .6 / El PRODEM utilizado correspon<strong>de</strong> a la 2da. Versión <strong>de</strong>l CELADE, diseñada con el apoyo <strong>de</strong>l Programa <strong>de</strong>Cooperación e Intercambio <strong>de</strong> este organismo, con la Agencia Canadiense para el Desarrollo Internacional (ACDI), yel Fondo <strong>de</strong> Población <strong>de</strong> las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA).59
Los resultados principales correspon<strong>de</strong>n, por consiguiente, a las estimaciones y <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong>la población total y por sexo, para cada cinco años: 1950, 1955,… 2000, … 2045, 2050; con elagregado <strong>de</strong> que las poblaciones se obtienen por grupos quinquenales <strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s: 0-4, 5-9, 10-14,…. 75-79, 80 años y más, para cada uno <strong>de</strong> esos años.Estos resultados se pue<strong>de</strong>n ver en las páginas 42, 43 y 44 <strong>de</strong>l presente documento, a<strong>de</strong>más, conla intención <strong>de</strong> proveer <strong>de</strong> datos específicos al sector educativo, se contempla la presentación <strong>de</strong>los datos <strong>de</strong> la población por sexo y eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, para el tramo <strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> los 5 a los 24años, también cada cinco años, partiendo <strong>de</strong> 1950, hasta el 2050 (páginas 46, 47 y 48).Sin embargo, esta <strong>de</strong>sagregación practicada resulta insuficiente, por lo que el CELADE, tratando<strong>de</strong> dar respuesta a las necesida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> información <strong>de</strong> un mayor número <strong>de</strong> usuarios,particularmente <strong>de</strong> instituciones <strong>de</strong>l estado (especialmente <strong>de</strong> los sectores educativo y <strong>de</strong> salud),que necesitan datos para cada año calendario y para distintos tramos <strong>de</strong> la población según laseda<strong>de</strong>s, es que tomando como base interpolaciones matemáticas, entre las poblaciones referidasa cada quinquenio, se <strong>de</strong>rivan estimaciones y <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> la población para cada añocalendario: 1950, 1951, …. 2000, 2001, … 2049, 2050, también se proce<strong>de</strong> a la <strong>de</strong>sagregación<strong>de</strong> los grupos quinquenales <strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s, en eda<strong>de</strong>s simples: 0, 1, 2, …. 40, 41, … 78, 79, 80 años ymás.De esta manera se optimiza la utilización <strong>de</strong> los datos provenientes <strong>de</strong> las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong>población, permitiendo a los usuarios contar con poblaciones año a año y datos sobre las eda<strong>de</strong>ssimples, lo que permite practicar el agrupamiento <strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s que resulte más a<strong>de</strong>cuado a lasnecesida<strong>de</strong>s institucionales (esta información está disponible al final <strong>de</strong> este documento, para losaños calendario <strong>de</strong>l 2000 al 2020, comprendiendo la primera parte, 2000-2010, un período <strong>de</strong>estimaciones y <strong>de</strong>l 2011-2020, la fase <strong>de</strong> <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población).Pero es necesario advertir que las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población, van perdiendo precisión a medidaque se consi<strong>de</strong>ran momentos más alejados <strong>de</strong>l año correspondiente al último censo, dado que lavigencia <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones obtenidas a futuro, está condicionada al cumplimiento <strong>de</strong> lossupuestos y <strong>de</strong>cisiones tomadas, relativas al comportamiento <strong>de</strong> las variables <strong>de</strong>mográficas,variables que pue<strong>de</strong>n sufrir cambios <strong>de</strong> importancia por cuestiones coyunturales, por ejemplo, lacrisis económica que en mayor o menor medida afectó y afecta a los países <strong>de</strong> la regióncentroamericana, lo que a su vez inci<strong>de</strong> en aspectos vinculados a los movimientos migratoriosinternacionales.Si resultan objetables las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es nacionales, en el período <strong>de</strong> proyección, es evi<strong>de</strong>nte quecon mayor razón resultan objetables las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es subnacionales, es <strong>de</strong>cir <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong>población referidas a los <strong>de</strong>partamentos y a los municipios; en don<strong>de</strong>, a los cambios eventuales<strong>de</strong> las variables <strong>de</strong>mográficas, se <strong>de</strong>ben agregar, siguiendo el ejemplo anterior, los movimientosinternos <strong>de</strong> la población; es <strong>de</strong>cir que la vigencia <strong>de</strong> las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es subnacionales,generalmente no supera el corto plazo.7 / “Censo <strong>de</strong> Las Américas”, programa impulsado por las Naciones Unidas, con el objetivo <strong>de</strong> que todos los países <strong>de</strong>la región, realizaran su censo <strong>de</strong> población en 1950.60
2. Procedimientos seguidos en las <strong>de</strong>sagregaciones practicadas en las eda<strong>de</strong>s.Estos comentarios y las explicaciones que se vierten a continuación, tienen como referencia unasnotas aclaratorias suministradas por el CELADE, don<strong>de</strong> se indican los procedimientos seguidospara llevar a<strong>de</strong>lante las <strong>de</strong>sagregaciones <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones; se ha tratado <strong>de</strong> ampliar el contenido<strong>de</strong> esas notas, también se incorporan algunos ejemplos que facilitan la interpretación <strong>de</strong> losresultados y que muestran como se realizan las aplicaciones matemáticas, conducentes a esosresultados.Se hace hincapié en que los procedimientos utilizados están basados en técnicas <strong>de</strong> interpolación,las que permiten resolver el problema, dando como resultado el objetivo perseguido: Poblacionespara cada año calendario y por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, se advierte también que las elaboracionesmatemáticas tienen ciertas complicaciones y que no siempre conducen a resultados totalmenteaceptables, <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> la óptica <strong>de</strong>mográfica.En forma resumida la metodología seguida, parte <strong>de</strong> interpolaciones matemáticas utilizando losMultiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Sprague para separar los grupos quinquenales <strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s en eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, ylos Multiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Karup-King para proce<strong>de</strong>r a la obtención <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones para cada añocalendario.Las interpolaciones a partir <strong>de</strong> los Multiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Sprague, se aplican a los gruposquinquenales <strong>de</strong> 5-9, 10-14, hasta los 65-69 años, el grupo <strong>de</strong> 0-4 años amerita un tratamientodiferente, al igual que para la población <strong>de</strong> 70 años en a<strong>de</strong>lante, don<strong>de</strong> se siguen procedimientosespecíficos <strong>de</strong>sarrollados por el CELADE.2.1 Desagregación <strong>de</strong> la población en eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, eda<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> los 5 a los 69 años.Como se expresó anteriormente el PRODEM tiene incorporada una rutina que permitela <strong>de</strong>sagregación <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones entre los 5 y 24 años <strong>de</strong> edad, ello se logra con losMultiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Sprague, se trata <strong>de</strong> exten<strong>de</strong>r esta aplicación para la población <strong>de</strong> los25 hasta los 69 años y <strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong> este proceso, aplicando los Multiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Karup-King, obtener también las poblaciones por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, para cada año calendario.Para efectuar las <strong>de</strong>sagregaciones aplicando Sprague, se <strong>de</strong>be tomar la precaución <strong>de</strong>que el grupo <strong>de</strong> edad a <strong>de</strong>scomponer tiene que ser, en lo posible, un grupo central;en este caso la aplicación <strong>de</strong> los multiplicadores se efectúa sobre cinco pivotes, o grupos<strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s, pero es evi<strong>de</strong>nte que si el grupo a <strong>de</strong>sagregar correspon<strong>de</strong> a 5-9 años,que forma parte <strong>de</strong> la secuencia: 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19 y 20-24 años, no es un grupocentral, por lo que en esta situación se hace uso <strong>de</strong> otro conjunto <strong>de</strong> multiplicadores,<strong>de</strong>nominado <strong>de</strong> Semi-extremo, que se apoya en cuatro pivotes: poblaciones <strong>de</strong> 0-4, 5-9,10-14 y 15-19 años.A continuación se presenta la expresión general utilizada para obtener las poblacionespor eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, en el intervalo <strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s consi<strong>de</strong>rado (15-69 años):5N x + (j-1) = ∑ (N i * ms ij ) con j = 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5i = 161
Con N x se i<strong>de</strong>ntifica a la población <strong>de</strong> los distintos grupos <strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s, que participan enla interpolación y ms que correspon<strong>de</strong> a los Multiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Sprague.Multiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Sprague:Grupo <strong>de</strong> edad Semi-extremo1 2 3 4 51 0.0336 0.0080 -0.0080 -0.0160 -0.01762 0.2272 0.2320 0.2160 0.1840 0.14083 -0.0752 -0.0480 -0.0080 0.0400 0.09124 0.0144 0.0080 0.0000 -0.0080 -0.0144Grupo <strong>de</strong> edad Central1 -0.0128 -0.0016 0.0064 0.0064 0.00162 0.0848 0.0144 -0.0336 -0.0416 -0.02403 0.1504 0.2224 0.2544 0.2224 0.15044 -0.0240 -0.0416 -0.0336 0.0144 0.08485 0.0016 0.0064 0.0064 -0.0016 -0.0128Para el grupo 5-9 años se utilizan los multiplicadores correspondientes al conjuntoSemi-extremo, con i variando <strong>de</strong> 1 a 4, en este caso las poblaciones utilizadas comopivotes, correspon<strong>de</strong>n a los grupos 0-4, 5-9,10-14 y 15-19 años.A continuación se ejemplifica la obtención <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones <strong>de</strong> 5 y 6 años, para ambos sexosen el 2010, a partir <strong>de</strong> los datos presentados en la página 44.N 52010= ∑ [(606 853 * 0.0336) + (614 788 * 0.2272) + (730 418 * (-0.0752)) + (697 647 * 0.0144)] == 115 189N 6 2010 = ∑ [(606 853 * 0.0080) + (614 788 * 0.2320) + (730 418 * (-0.0480)) + (697 647 * 0.0080)] == 118 007De igual manera se proce<strong>de</strong> para <strong>de</strong>sagregar el grupo <strong>de</strong> edad <strong>de</strong> 10-14 años, en este casohaciendo uso <strong>de</strong>l conjunto <strong>de</strong> multiplicadores correspondientes a un grupo <strong>de</strong> edad Central, es<strong>de</strong>cir se utilizan cinco pivotes: 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19 y 20-24 años; como ejemplo se presentael cálculo para la población <strong>de</strong> 10 años, en 2010:N 10 2010 = ∑ [(606 853 * (-0.0128)) + (614 788 * 0.0848) + (730 418 * 0.1504) + (697 647 * (-0.0240)) ++ (566 024 * 0.0016)] = 138 383Se utiliza el conjunto <strong>de</strong> multiplicadores para <strong>de</strong>sagregar un grupo central, hasta los65-69 años, por ejemplo, para la población <strong>de</strong> 69 años, en 2010:N 692010= ∑ [(210 179 * 0.0016) + (176 355 * (-0.0240)) + (145 876 * 0.1504) + (117 728 * 0.0848) ++ (85 694 * (-0.0128))] = 26 930Los resultados obtenidos en cada uno <strong>de</strong> estos ejercicios, se pue<strong>de</strong>n corroborar al final <strong>de</strong>ldocumento, primera y segunda página <strong>de</strong>: ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACIÓNDE AMBOS SEXOS, POR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLES.62
2.2 Desagregación <strong>de</strong> la población en eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, para el grupo 0-4 años.El procedimiento es más complejo, se comienza rejuveneciendo el grupo <strong>de</strong> los 5-9 años(obtenido por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples en el paso anterior, para 1955, 1960, … 2050), o sea <strong>de</strong>l año t +5,partiendo <strong>de</strong> 1950, es <strong>de</strong>cir:t+5t N x+5N x = ———5P xEn don<strong>de</strong> N xtes la población <strong>de</strong> edad x en el momento t, es <strong>de</strong>cir x = 0, 1, 2, 3 y 4, yN x+5 t+5 es la población <strong>de</strong> edad x + 5, en el momento t + 5, con x + 5 = 5, 6, 7, 8, y 9, cinco años<strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong> t; por otro lado 5 P x es la probabilidad que tienen las personas <strong>de</strong> edad x, en lapoblación estacionaria (es <strong>de</strong>cir en una tabla <strong>de</strong> mortalidad), <strong>de</strong> sobrevivir 5 años, sobrevivir <strong>de</strong>lmomento t, al t + 5.Para rejuvenecer las poblaciones entre los 0 y los 4 años, se calculan las relaciones <strong>de</strong>supervivencia por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, para intervalos <strong>de</strong> 5 años, a partir <strong>de</strong>l tiempo vivido (L x ), entrelas eda<strong>de</strong>s x y x + 1 <strong>de</strong> la población estacionaria <strong>de</strong> las tablas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad.Pero en las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población, las tablas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad presentan el tiempo vivido <strong>de</strong>lgrupo 0-4 años, <strong>de</strong>sagregado en las eda<strong>de</strong>s 0 y 1-4 años, lo que implica que se tiene el tiempovivido por edad simple, para los menores <strong>de</strong> 1 año, se <strong>de</strong>be proce<strong>de</strong>r a la <strong>de</strong>sagregación <strong>de</strong>ltiempo vivido en 1-4 años, en los tiempos correspondientes a 1, 2, 3 y 4 años.Para realizar el paso indicado anteriormente, se utilizan las tablas mo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong> mortalidad <strong>de</strong> Coaley Demeny 8 , correspondientes a la familia Oeste, efectuando una interpolación lineal <strong>de</strong>l nivelcorrespondiente al tiempo vivido <strong>de</strong> las tablas mo<strong>de</strong>lo, con el obtenido en las tablas <strong>de</strong>mortalidad <strong>de</strong>finidas en las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es, tablas obtenidas para cada quinquenio, <strong>de</strong> 1950-55 a2045-50.Este procedimiento se aplica para todos los quinquenios, teniendo en cuenta que para obtener losmenores <strong>de</strong> 5 años en 1950, por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, se parte <strong>de</strong> la población <strong>de</strong> 5-9 años, por eda<strong>de</strong>ssimples, <strong>de</strong> 1955; los menores <strong>de</strong> 5 años en el 2045, siempre por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, sonconsecuencia <strong>de</strong> rejuvenecer a la población <strong>de</strong> 5-9 años <strong>de</strong>l 2050; esto implica que para el 2050se necesitaría la población <strong>de</strong> 5-9 años <strong>de</strong>l 2055 y <strong>de</strong> tablas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad <strong>de</strong>l quinquenio 2050-55, para salvar esta dificultad se toma la misma distribución <strong>de</strong> la población, <strong>de</strong> 0-4 años, poreda<strong>de</strong>s simples, que se tiene para el 2045 y se aplica a este grupo <strong>de</strong> edad obtenido para el 2050,<strong>de</strong>rivando las poblaciones <strong>de</strong> 0, 1, 2, 3 y 4 años, <strong>de</strong> acuerdo a la distribución que se presentanestas poblaciones, en el 2045.8 / COALE ANSLEY y DEMENY PAUL. Regional Mo<strong>de</strong>l Life Tables and Stable Populations, Second Edition.Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Press. New York, 1983.63
2.3 Desagregaciones <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones correspondientes a los grupos 70-74 y 75-79años.Con la aplicación <strong>de</strong>l PRODEM se generan poblaciones por grupos quinquenales hasta 75-79años y un grupo abierto final <strong>de</strong> 80 años y más; para proce<strong>de</strong>r a la obtención <strong>de</strong> las poblacionespor eda<strong>de</strong>s simples <strong>de</strong> los grupos 70-74 y 75-79 años, siguiendo con el procedimiento <strong>de</strong> losMultiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Sprague y utilizando los correspondientes a un grupo <strong>de</strong> edad central, serequiere <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones <strong>de</strong> 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79 y 80-84, para abrir en eda<strong>de</strong>s simplesel grupo <strong>de</strong> 70-74, y se necesitan los grupos 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84 y 85-89 años, a losefectos <strong>de</strong> que el último grupo a <strong>de</strong>scomponer, 75-79 años, sea un grupo central.Se <strong>de</strong>sea <strong>de</strong>sagregar la población a partir <strong>de</strong> los 70 años, sea t 15 (es <strong>de</strong>cir 1965, si se parte <strong>de</strong>1950), el primer paso consiste en <strong>de</strong>terminar una relación <strong>de</strong> sobrevivencia para el grupo 70-74años ( 5 P 70-74 ); este valor se obtiene <strong>de</strong> las tablas <strong>de</strong> mortalidad <strong>de</strong> la misma proyección (tablacorrespondiente al quinquenio 1965-70, si la población a <strong>de</strong>sagregar es la <strong>de</strong> 70 años y más, en1965).Para abrir el grupo <strong>de</strong> 80 años y más, se requieren <strong>de</strong> relaciones <strong>de</strong> sobrevivencia para los grupos75-79, 80-84 y 85-89 años ( 5 P 75-79 , 5 P 80-84 y 5 P 85-89 ), las mismas provienen nuevamente <strong>de</strong> lastablas mo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong> mortalidad <strong>de</strong> Coale y Demeny, familia Oeste, en estas tablas se interpolalinealmente, para ello se toma como referencia, para <strong>de</strong>terminar el nivel <strong>de</strong> estos indicadores <strong>de</strong>mortalidad, la 5 P 70-74, obtenida en el paso anterior; esto se hace para los quinquenios entre t 0 y t 15 ;conocidas las relaciones <strong>de</strong> sobrevivencia para estos quinquenios, se proyecta la población apartir <strong>de</strong> 65-69 años, en los momentos t 0 , t 5 y t 10 , llevándola al momento t 15 , obteniendo losgrupos 70-74, 75-79 y 80-84 años; a estos grupos se aplican los multiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Sprague, parael grupo central, <strong>de</strong>sagregando la población <strong>de</strong> 70-74 y 75-79 años, en eda<strong>de</strong>s simples.3. Obtención <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones por año calendario.Con las elaboraciones anteriores se <strong>de</strong>terminaron las poblaciones por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, para losaños terminados en 0 y 5, <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> 1950 al 2050; estos son los insumos necesarios para laaplicación <strong>de</strong> los Multiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Karup-King y <strong>de</strong>rivar con ellos las poblaciones para cadaaño calendario.La expresión general que muestra como se obtienen las poblaciones para los distintos momentos,es la siguiente:j 4 iN x = ∑ (N x * mk ij ) con j = 1, 2, 3 y 4i = 1jEn don<strong>de</strong> N x es la población <strong>de</strong> un año calendario, N x es la población <strong>de</strong> edad x en losaños terminados en 0 y 5 y mk son los Multiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Karup-King.i64
Multiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Karup-King:AÑO QUINQUENALAÑOS CALENDARIOExtremo Inicial0 1 2 3 41 1.0000 0.6560 0.4080 0.2320 0.10402 0.0000 0.5520 0.8560 0.9840 1.00803 0.0000 -0.2720 -0.3360 -0.2640 -0.12804 0.0000 0.0640 0.0720 0.0480 0.0160Intervalo Central5 6 7 8 91 0.0000 -0.0640 -0.0720 -0.0480 -0.01602 1.0000 0.9120 0.6960 0.4240 0.16803 0.0000 0.1680 0.4240 0.6960 0.91204 0.0000 -0.0160 -0.0480 -0.0720 -0.0640Extremo Final10 11 12 13 141 0.0000 0.0160 0.0480 0.0720 0.06402 0.0000 -0.1280 -0.2640 -0.3360 -0.27203 1.0000 1.0080 0.9840 0.8560 0.55204 0.0000 0.1040 0.2320 0.4080 0.6560A continuación se ejemplifica la obtención <strong>de</strong> la población para ambos sexos en 2011, a partir <strong>de</strong>los datos presentados en la página 44; utilizando los multiplicadores <strong>de</strong>l Intervalo Central,aplicados a las poblaciones totales <strong>de</strong> 2005, 2010, 2015 y 2020:2011N = ∑ [(6 049 412 * (-0.0640)) + (6 183 002 * 0.9120) + (6 369 224 * 0.1680) + (6 601 411 ** (-0.0160))] = 6 216 143De igual manera se proce<strong>de</strong> para calcular la población para cualquier grupo quinquenal <strong>de</strong> edad,o para el grupo abierto final, por ejemplo, la población <strong>de</strong> ambos sexos <strong>de</strong> 80 años y más, en2011, es:2011N 80 y más = ∑ [(79 681 * (-0.0640)) + (94 341 * 0.9120) + (113 100 * 0.1680) + (133 408 * (-0.0640))] == 97 806Es evi<strong>de</strong>nte que si se trata <strong>de</strong> obtener la población <strong>de</strong> los menores <strong>de</strong> 1 año (edad 0); es necesariocontar con la <strong>de</strong>sagregación <strong>de</strong>l grupo <strong>de</strong> 0-4 años (<strong>de</strong>scripta en el punto 2.2), operación que<strong>de</strong>be efectuarse antes <strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong>r aplicar los multiplicadores <strong>de</strong> Karup-King; partiendo <strong>de</strong> laseda<strong>de</strong>s simples, el cálculo <strong>de</strong> la población <strong>de</strong> 0 años en 2011, es:2011N 0 = ∑ [(119 602 * (-0.0640) + (123 401 * 0.9120) + (125 151 * 0.1680) + (124 283 * (-0.0160))] == 123 92465
Los resultados obtenidos se pue<strong>de</strong>n verificar en los cuadros finales <strong>de</strong>l anexo; en estas tresaplicaciones, realizadas para interpolar entre 2010 y 2015, se utiliza el mismo juego <strong>de</strong>multiplicadores.Para calcular las poblaciones <strong>de</strong>l 2012, 2013 y 2014, se utilizarían los multiplicadores <strong>de</strong>lIntervalo Central, correspondientes a las columnas 7, 8 y 9, respectivamente; aplicados siempre alas poblaciones <strong>de</strong>l 2005, 2010, 2015 y 2020.Los multiplicadores <strong>de</strong>l Intervalo Central, se utilizarían en todos los casos que comprenda la<strong>de</strong>sagregación <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones totales y por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, entre los años 1955 y 2045.La publicación <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones por año calendario y eda<strong>de</strong>s simples, compren<strong>de</strong> el período2000-2020, pero es claro que se pue<strong>de</strong> obtener la población <strong>de</strong> cualquier año y <strong>de</strong> cualquier edad,por ejemplo, se quiere calcular la población total para 1951, en ese caso se <strong>de</strong>be hacer uso <strong>de</strong> losmultiplicadores <strong>de</strong>l Extremo Inicial y columna 1, apoyándose en los pivotes correspondientes alas poblaciones totales <strong>de</strong> 1950, 1955, 1960 y 1965:1951N = ∑ [(2 199 897 * 0.6560) + (2 432 783 * 0.5520) + (2 773 055 * (-0.2720) + (3 242 690 * 0.0640)]= 2 239 290O calcular la población en el 2049, en cuyo caso se <strong>de</strong>ben utilizar los multiplicadores <strong>de</strong>lExtremo Final y columna 14 y las poblaciones <strong>de</strong> 2035, 2040, 2045 y 2050:2049N = ∑ [(7 418 295 * 0.0640) + (7 661 759 * (-0.2720)) + (7 880 563 * 0.5520) + (8 076 089 ** 0.6560)] = 8 038 7584. Comentarios acerca <strong>de</strong> los procedimientos seguidos, en la <strong>de</strong>sagregación <strong>de</strong> laspoblaciones por año calendario y eda<strong>de</strong>s simples.Como se indica al inicio, se trata <strong>de</strong> la obtención <strong>de</strong> estimaciones y <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población,por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples para cada año comprendido en el período que va <strong>de</strong> 1950 al 2050; dado quela obtención <strong>de</strong> poblaciones por grupos quinquenales <strong>de</strong> eda<strong>de</strong>s y poblaciones <strong>de</strong> cinco en cincoaños, se constituyen en insumos insuficientes para los usuarios <strong>de</strong> datos <strong>de</strong> población.Siguiendo la metodología utilizada en todas las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población, que han contado ycuentan con el apoyo técnico <strong>de</strong>l CELADE y tratando <strong>de</strong> dar respuestas a los requerimientos <strong>de</strong>información en forma amplia, se llevan a<strong>de</strong>lante las <strong>de</strong>sagregaciones <strong>de</strong> las poblaciones, <strong>de</strong> lamanera <strong>de</strong>scripta anteriormente.66
Pero se advierte que esta es una solución basada fundamentalmente en métodos matemáticos,que pue<strong>de</strong>n no cumplir con requisitos <strong>de</strong> or<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong>mográfico, en particular cuando en los paísesse tiene un <strong>de</strong>scenso importante <strong>de</strong> la natalidad, como está ocurriendo en el país, eso pue<strong>de</strong>conducir a resultados no esperados, por ejemplo, en el 2008 la población <strong>de</strong> 0 años <strong>de</strong> edad, es <strong>de</strong>120 410, resultando <strong>de</strong> 121 150 en el 2009, con edad <strong>de</strong> 1 año, este es un resultado<strong>de</strong>mográficamente no aceptable, lo esperado es una población menor, como consecuencia <strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>funciones que <strong>de</strong>bieron ocurrir en esta población a lo largo <strong>de</strong> un año; es <strong>de</strong>cir la población <strong>de</strong>una edad específica no pue<strong>de</strong> ser mayor que la población <strong>de</strong>l año anterior <strong>de</strong> la cual proviene,salvo que, en el ejemplo mostrado, hubiera una cierta inmigración <strong>de</strong> niños y niñas al país(comportamiento que no es real).En las <strong>Estimaciones</strong> y Proyecciones Nacionales <strong>de</strong> Población, 1950-2050, este efecto estápresente, en algunos casos, en las primeras eda<strong>de</strong>s y pue<strong>de</strong> trasmitirse a las eda<strong>de</strong>s jóvenes en losaños futuros, pero no se presenta en eda<strong>de</strong>s adultas jóvenes, tampoco en eda<strong>de</strong>s intermedias, niavanzadas.Sin embargo hay que tener en cuenta, que las poblaciones obtenidas en las <strong>de</strong>sagregacionespracticadas, (poblaciones para cada año calendario y eda<strong>de</strong>s simples), no obstante que pue<strong>de</strong>haber algún comportamiento <strong>de</strong>mográfico no totalmente aceptable, se constituyen enestimaciones y <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong> población, que permiten su aplicación en el campo <strong>de</strong> laplanificación, es <strong>de</strong>cir que es factible su uso, las cifras obtenidas son or<strong>de</strong>nes <strong>de</strong> magnitud(no necesariamente son exactas), pero ello no implica que no puedan utilizarse.El comportamiento observado en las <strong>de</strong>sagregaciones practicadas, puesto <strong>de</strong> manifiesto en elejemplo mostrado, no es exclusivo <strong>de</strong> las <strong>proyeccion</strong>es <strong>de</strong>l país; esto ha tenido comoconsecuencia que el CELADE esté trabajando en una nueva versión <strong>de</strong>l PRODEM, se trata <strong>de</strong>lPRODEX que toma como base el PRODEM y lo <strong>de</strong>spliega en un entorno Excel, que facilita suaplicación y contempla, ahora sí, la obtención <strong>de</strong> poblaciones para cada año por eda<strong>de</strong>s simples,en don<strong>de</strong> el comportamiento <strong>de</strong> estas poblaciones, es el resultado <strong>de</strong> la interacción <strong>de</strong> lasvariables <strong>de</strong>mográficas y no consecuencia <strong>de</strong> interpolaciones matemáticas.67
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959Total 2,199,897 2,239,290 2,281,747 2,327,797 2,377,967 2,432,783 2,491,895 2,554,951 2,622,478 2,695,0030-4 364,752 380,817 396,384 411,670 426,892 442,270 457,657 472,909 488,242 503,8760 86,479 90,547 94,261 97,728 101,058 104,358 107,556 110,580 113,539 116,5401 75,825 79,585 83,061 86,346 89,533 92,715 95,830 98,815 101,764 104,7702 70,825 74,153 77,331 80,418 83,474 86,557 89,628 92,649 95,676 98,7713 67,249 70,023 72,833 75,688 78,597 81,568 84,596 87,675 90,813 94,0204 64,374 66,510 68,899 71,489 74,231 77,072 80,047 83,190 86,450 89,7765-9 304,877 302,372 304,941 311,322 320,251 330,468 342,813 358,128 375,151 392,6205 64,516 64,593 65,713 67,594 69,954 72,512 75,454 78,969 82,776 86,5926 62,520 62,129 62,854 64,401 66,477 68,787 71,529 74,896 78,597 82,3387 60,775 60,109 60,535 61,778 63,562 65,611 68,110 71,241 74,730 78,3008 59,230 58,454 58,669 59,641 61,136 62,918 65,144 67,970 71,163 74,4869 57,836 57,087 57,170 57,907 59,123 60,640 62,577 65,051 67,885 70,90310-14 270,021 269,658 270,189 271,794 274,657 278,959 284,579 291,395 299,590 309,34510 56,599 56,001 56,017 56,547 57,487 58,739 60,369 62,444 64,863 67,52611 55,529 55,186 55,189 55,528 56,193 57,174 58,478 60,111 62,064 64,32712 54,285 54,224 54,275 54,503 54,972 55,747 56,785 58,043 59,586 61,47813 52,703 52,901 53,059 53,280 53,672 54,338 55,210 56,216 57,462 59,05414 50,905 51,345 51,648 51,937 52,334 52,961 53,737 54,581 55,614 56,96015-19 228,984 234,513 238,219 240,894 243,326 246,305 249,305 251,800 254,578 258,43115 49,213 49,936 50,407 50,771 51,176 51,765 52,444 53,113 53,920 55,00916 47,600 48,644 49,307 49,763 50,184 50,743 51,325 51,814 52,384 53,20717 45,900 47,155 47,966 48,513 48,978 49,540 50,079 50,474 50,908 51,55918 44,073 45,367 46,243 46,866 47,397 48,000 48,565 48,985 49,421 50,03719 42,198 43,411 44,296 44,980 45,591 46,257 46,893 47,413 47,946 48,61920-24 186,741 191,427 195,673 199,664 203,586 207,623 211,652 215,550 219,501 223,69220 40,356 41,506 42,413 43,171 43,872 44,611 45,325 45,951 46,583 47,31521 38,489 39,582 40,526 41,376 42,188 43,017 43,826 44,578 45,329 46,13422 36,937 37,923 38,844 39,725 40,589 41,462 42,327 43,168 44,009 44,87623 35,862 36,685 37,500 38,314 39,136 39,975 40,826 41,682 42,552 43,44524 35,098 35,731 36,391 37,080 37,801 38,558 39,349 40,171 41,027 41,92225-29 162,854 164,395 166,279 168,510 171,089 174,019 177,298 180,925 184,902 189,23125 34,326 34,759 35,265 35,837 36,469 37,155 37,899 38,706 39,569 40,48326 33,625 33,819 34,147 34,589 35,128 35,743 36,447 37,254 38,144 39,09827 32,789 32,894 33,140 33,508 33,981 34,541 35,200 35,970 36,833 37,77228 31,687 31,943 32,262 32,648 33,106 33,642 34,252 34,933 35,689 36,52629 30,427 30,979 31,466 31,928 32,406 32,938 33,499 34,062 34,666 35,35230-34 135,529 140,885 144,839 147,876 150,479 153,133 155,515 157,302 158,979 161,02830 29,250 30,071 30,707 31,232 31,718 32,241 32,750 33,197 33,656 34,19931 28,109 29,226 30,021 30,607 31,098 31,605 32,054 32,370 32,664 33,05232 27,025 28,296 29,184 29,816 30,323 30,833 31,260 31,517 31,735 32,04133 26,033 27,222 28,087 28,736 29,276 29,812 30,275 30,593 30,872 31,21934 25,113 26,070 26,839 27,484 28,064 28,642 29,176 29,625 30,052 30,51735-39 112,780 115,158 117,949 121,017 124,226 127,440 130,750 134,245 137,791 141,25235 24,203 24,959 25,650 26,295 26,916 27,533 28,133 28,701 29,259 29,82736 23,309 23,859 24,470 25,120 25,787 26,448 27,119 27,814 28,511 29,18737 22,481 22,875 23,415 24,051 24,734 25,413 26,122 26,894 27,679 28,42738 21,736 22,071 22,563 23,159 23,810 24,464 25,156 25,918 26,702 27,45539 21,052 21,394 21,852 22,392 22,979 23,581 24,220 24,918 25,641 26,35669
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 195940-44 95,702 97,317 99,121 101,112 103,286 105,642 108,180 110,904 113,808 116,89240 20,394 20,721 21,137 21,621 22,150 22,703 23,296 23,941 24,618 25,30541 19,767 20,072 20,440 20,862 21,330 21,833 22,379 22,973 23,605 24,26842 19,146 19,448 19,786 20,162 20,579 21,039 21,540 22,081 22,664 23,29143 18,514 18,837 19,171 19,527 19,915 20,345 20,810 21,303 21,835 22,41544 17,882 18,240 18,587 18,940 19,313 19,722 20,156 20,606 21,087 21,61345-49 80,707 82,814 84,625 86,275 87,901 89,637 91,393 93,080 94,832 96,78445 17,277 17,672 18,032 18,378 18,732 19,117 19,518 19,919 20,344 20,81446 16,692 17,135 17,511 17,850 18,184 18,543 18,906 19,254 19,616 20,02347 16,124 16,586 16,966 17,298 17,617 17,957 18,294 18,606 18,927 19,29148 15,574 16,007 16,370 16,692 17,003 17,332 17,659 17,965 18,280 18,63149 15,040 15,414 15,746 16,057 16,364 16,689 17,017 17,336 17,665 18,02450-54 67,613 68,835 70,152 71,555 73,030 74,567 76,173 77,857 79,606 81,40950 14,521 14,841 15,146 15,446 15,751 16,071 16,399 16,729 17,071 17,43551 14,017 14,279 14,556 14,846 15,150 15,467 15,798 16,142 16,499 16,86952 13,520 13,740 13,994 14,275 14,575 14,886 15,214 15,564 15,928 16,29953 13,023 13,230 13,474 13,744 14,035 14,336 14,653 14,993 15,347 15,70554 12,532 12,744 12,983 13,243 13,520 13,807 14,109 14,429 14,761 15,10155-59 55,873 56,795 57,809 58,905 60,071 61,298 62,592 63,961 65,394 66,88155 12,054 12,266 12,499 12,749 13,013 13,287 13,575 13,878 14,192 14,51556 11,582 11,797 12,026 12,266 12,519 12,781 13,055 13,341 13,637 13,94457 11,139 11,344 11,559 11,785 12,022 12,270 12,530 12,800 13,082 13,37558 10,737 10,906 11,093 11,296 11,514 11,745 11,989 12,249 12,522 12,80659 10,361 10,482 10,633 10,808 11,004 11,214 11,443 11,694 11,962 12,24160-64 46,166 46,332 46,707 47,255 47,936 48,714 49,613 50,659 51,813 53,03860 9,988 10,065 10,182 10,331 10,505 10,697 10,910 11,151 11,412 11,68561 9,623 9,655 9,737 9,859 10,012 10,184 10,383 10,615 10,870 11,13962 9,249 9,255 9,314 9,416 9,549 9,703 9,885 10,102 10,344 10,60063 8,856 8,868 8,923 9,013 9,130 9,268 9,430 9,623 9,838 10,06864 8,449 8,488 8,551 8,636 8,740 8,863 9,005 9,168 9,349 9,54665-69 36,224 36,670 37,056 37,422 37,808 38,252 38,729 39,212 39,741 40,35565 8,048 8,110 8,179 8,259 8,351 8,460 8,582 8,716 8,865 9,03266 7,650 7,736 7,813 7,888 7,968 8,062 8,164 8,270 8,387 8,52267 7,248 7,351 7,433 7,504 7,576 7,660 7,748 7,834 7,927 8,03968 6,843 6,946 7,027 7,097 7,167 7,246 7,329 7,407 7,491 7,59269 6,435 6,527 6,604 6,674 6,745 6,824 6,906 6,986 7,071 7,17070-74 26,016 26,330 26,661 27,010 27,378 27,767 28,176 28,604 29,052 29,52270 6,029 6,113 6,188 6,259 6,332 6,410 6,492 6,573 6,658 6,75271 5,628 5,706 5,780 5,853 5,929 6,008 6,089 6,171 6,256 6,34772 5,217 5,284 5,354 5,427 5,504 5,583 5,664 5,749 5,837 5,92773 4,789 4,840 4,902 4,971 5,045 5,122 5,205 5,293 5,385 5,47974 4,353 4,387 4,437 4,499 4,569 4,644 4,726 4,818 4,916 5,01675-79 15,675 15,648 15,762 15,983 16,276 16,608 17,002 17,480 18,008 18,55375 3,929 3,945 3,983 4,039 4,106 4,179 4,262 4,358 4,462 4,56976 3,514 3,511 3,537 3,586 3,650 3,722 3,807 3,909 4,021 4,13677 3,115 3,099 3,117 3,160 3,221 3,289 3,372 3,475 3,589 3,70778 2,737 2,721 2,736 2,775 2,829 2,892 2,969 3,064 3,170 3,27979 2,380 2,372 2,388 2,423 2,470 2,526 2,592 2,674 2,765 2,86180 y más / and over 9,383 9,325 9,381 9,536 9,774 10,081 10,466 10,941 11,488 12,095Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.70
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969Total 2,773,055 2,858,263 2,950,277 3,046,650 3,144,936 3,242,690 3,340,415 3,439,743 3,539,917 3,640,1820-4 520,028 537,222 555,313 573,515 591,041 607,104 621,360 634,333 646,540 658,4990 119,692 123,105 126,707 130,333 133,817 136,996 139,789 142,308 144,669 146,9931 107,925 111,340 114,954 118,600 122,111 125,322 128,150 130,707 133,115 135,4962 101,991 105,448 109,104 112,789 116,338 119,584 122,449 125,046 127,489 129,8913 97,304 100,769 104,409 108,069 111,594 114,829 117,712 120,345 122,823 125,2424 93,116 96,559 100,140 103,724 107,180 110,374 113,260 115,927 118,444 120,8785-9 409,272 424,999 440,643 456,366 472,331 488,700 505,965 524,016 542,119 559,5365 90,136 93,350 96,422 99,439 102,486 105,649 109,023 112,549 116,088 119,4976 85,824 89,003 92,071 95,107 98,191 101,403 104,849 108,477 112,127 115,6387 81,676 84,824 87,928 91,039 94,205 97,476 100,961 104,625 108,307 111,8488 77,706 80,820 83,986 87,205 90,480 93,814 97,304 100,950 104,604 108,1179 73,930 77,002 80,236 83,577 86,969 90,358 93,828 97,415 100,993 104,43610-14 320,842 334,775 351,023 368,546 386,301 403,250 419,598 436,040 452,265 467,96310 70,330 73,362 76,689 80,182 83,715 87,160 90,577 94,052 97,492 100,80911 66,889 69,898 73,358 77,052 80,762 84,269 87,598 90,896 94,123 97,24212 63,785 66,683 70,131 73,860 77,604 81,096 84,345 87,532 90,638 93,64713 61,096 63,754 66,957 70,458 74,011 77,370 80,568 83,769 86,924 89,98214 58,741 61,078 63,889 66,993 70,209 73,356 76,510 79,792 83,088 86,28315-19 264,147 271,855 281,029 291,476 303,004 315,419 329,409 345,102 361,468 377,47615 56,527 58,558 61,004 63,740 66,640 69,579 72,671 75,998 79,392 82,68216 54,455 56,175 58,252 60,616 63,198 65,928 68,958 72,333 75,827 79,21317 52,608 54,071 55,827 57,853 60,128 62,627 65,520 68,821 72,278 75,63918 50,996 52,293 53,821 55,584 57,589 59,839 62,484 65,521 68,726 71,87619 49,561 50,758 52,126 53,683 55,450 57,445 59,776 62,430 65,246 68,06620-24 228,307 233,191 238,221 243,629 249,648 256,511 264,267 272,761 281,919 291,66620 48,239 49,329 50,525 51,863 53,383 55,123 57,151 59,442 61,893 64,40221 47,048 48,031 49,045 50,152 51,412 52,887 54,606 56,529 58,611 60,80622 45,793 46,715 47,626 48,593 49,683 50,963 52,430 54,042 55,799 57,70423 44,370 45,294 46,211 47,170 48,221 49,412 50,726 52,128 53,648 55,31524 42,857 43,822 44,814 45,851 46,949 48,126 49,353 50,620 51,968 53,43925-29 193,914 199,143 204,916 210,946 216,947 222,632 227,790 232,611 237,413 242,51425 41,441 42,453 43,523 44,636 45,779 46,937 48,073 49,194 50,360 51,62726 40,097 41,172 42,336 43,543 44,743 45,890 46,934 47,905 48,880 49,93527 38,768 39,869 41,087 42,351 43,589 44,730 45,720 46,607 47,470 48,39228 37,449 38,510 39,706 40,959 42,188 43,317 44,300 45,190 46,053 46,95529 36,160 37,139 38,263 39,457 40,647 41,757 42,763 43,714 44,649 45,60630-34 163,935 167,873 172,518 177,611 182,892 188,100 193,313 198,705 204,158 209,55630 34,902 35,813 36,882 38,038 39,205 40,310 41,346 42,361 43,367 44,37831 33,644 34,493 35,522 36,656 37,819 38,935 40,015 41,109 42,202 43,27832 32,565 33,350 34,311 35,382 36,496 37,586 38,678 39,813 40,959 42,07833 31,742 32,466 33,321 34,267 35,263 36,270 37,315 38,425 39,558 40,67334 31,082 31,750 32,481 33,269 34,110 34,998 35,960 36,997 38,073 39,15035-39 144,491 147,328 149,854 152,339 155,053 158,269 162,022 166,133 170,545 175,20435 30,426 31,036 31,644 32,279 32,971 33,750 34,640 35,621 36,658 37,71236 29,821 30,366 30,836 31,302 31,833 32,498 33,324 34,263 35,277 36,32837 29,088 29,606 30,013 30,395 30,838 31,428 32,183 33,046 33,989 34,98538 28,128 28,677 29,135 29,569 30,042 30,619 31,298 32,036 32,836 33,70139 27,028 27,643 28,225 28,793 29,369 29,974 30,578 31,167 31,785 32,47871
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 196940-44 120,152 123,805 127,854 131,972 135,832 139,109 141,416 142,972 144,355 146,14240 25,981 26,658 27,351 28,040 28,707 29,333 29,861 30,304 30,747 31,27441 24,952 25,697 26,510 27,330 28,094 28,743 29,188 29,472 29,723 30,07242 23,965 24,744 25,628 26,527 27,353 28,019 28,425 28,629 28,781 29,03043 23,054 23,810 24,676 25,565 26,389 27,060 27,491 27,741 27,940 28,21744 22,201 22,896 23,689 24,510 25,288 25,954 26,452 26,827 27,164 27,54945-49 99,073 101,803 104,885 108,160 111,470 114,657 117,744 120,837 123,901 126,89845 21,351 21,993 22,725 23,491 24,235 24,901 25,459 25,948 26,410 26,89046 20,507 21,095 21,767 22,481 23,194 23,864 24,490 25,102 25,699 26,28147 19,732 20,270 20,882 21,538 22,210 22,867 23,531 24,219 24,903 25,55548 19,050 19,547 20,105 20,703 21,323 21,945 22,591 23,273 23,960 24,61849 18,432 18,897 19,406 19,947 20,509 21,080 21,673 22,296 22,929 23,55450-54 83,255 85,115 86,997 88,944 90,998 93,202 95,540 97,984 100,557 103,28250 17,830 18,258 18,713 19,192 19,694 20,215 20,764 21,341 21,936 22,53951 17,252 17,641 18,037 18,449 18,885 19,355 19,860 20,393 20,953 21,53952 16,669 17,029 17,383 17,746 18,134 18,561 19,023 19,511 20,029 20,58653 16,062 16,406 16,744 17,090 17,456 17,856 18,283 18,726 19,200 19,71554 15,442 15,781 16,120 16,467 16,830 17,214 17,610 18,013 18,438 18,90455-59 68,411 70,006 71,674 73,380 75,093 76,779 78,347 79,819 81,332 83,02255 14,844 15,176 15,516 15,863 16,219 16,586 16,948 17,305 17,679 18,09356 14,259 14,588 14,930 15,279 15,631 15,980 16,306 16,612 16,929 17,28557 13,679 14,002 14,342 14,691 15,037 15,371 15,671 15,943 16,220 16,53658 13,101 13,414 13,744 14,083 14,418 14,741 15,031 15,295 15,563 15,86459 12,528 12,827 13,142 13,465 13,787 14,101 14,391 14,664 14,941 15,24460-64 54,295 55,604 56,991 58,425 59,879 61,324 62,744 64,158 65,589 67,06160 11,963 12,251 12,553 12,863 13,174 13,480 13,771 14,051 14,335 14,63761 11,410 11,687 11,977 12,275 12,576 12,875 13,168 13,457 13,750 14,05362 10,858 11,123 11,400 11,687 11,978 12,269 12,559 12,852 13,149 13,44963 10,306 10,555 10,820 11,095 11,376 11,657 11,937 12,221 12,508 12,79964 9,758 9,989 10,241 10,505 10,776 11,044 11,309 11,576 11,847 12,12365-69 41,094 41,987 43,007 44,111 45,255 46,396 47,527 48,676 49,855 51,07465 9,219 9,433 9,672 9,926 10,186 10,443 10,695 10,948 11,205 11,46866 8,685 8,883 9,110 9,354 9,606 9,852 10,092 10,331 10,575 10,82667 8,181 8,361 8,572 8,801 9,037 9,270 9,497 9,724 9,956 10,19868 7,720 7,881 8,067 8,270 8,483 8,697 8,910 9,128 9,353 9,58869 7,288 7,429 7,587 7,759 7,943 8,134 8,334 8,545 8,766 8,99470-74 30,015 30,510 31,006 31,534 32,126 32,813 33,615 34,512 35,472 36,46470 6,861 6,983 7,114 7,257 7,413 7,582 7,769 7,973 8,187 8,40971 6,445 6,547 6,651 6,763 6,890 7,038 7,212 7,408 7,619 7,83572 6,020 6,110 6,196 6,288 6,394 6,525 6,686 6,871 7,071 7,27673 5,573 5,661 5,745 5,833 5,933 6,054 6,201 6,368 6,548 6,73574 5,115 5,209 5,300 5,394 5,497 5,614 5,747 5,892 6,047 6,20975-79 19,080 19,592 20,112 20,637 21,162 21,684 22,184 22,663 23,151 23,68075 4,673 4,772 4,869 4,968 5,073 5,185 5,305 5,429 5,560 5,70076 4,247 4,352 4,457 4,562 4,668 4,777 4,882 4,985 5,091 5,20777 3,819 3,927 4,036 4,145 4,253 4,357 4,452 4,540 4,628 4,72678 3,385 3,490 3,597 3,705 3,810 3,911 4,001 4,083 4,164 4,25479 2,956 3,053 3,154 3,256 3,358 3,454 3,543 3,626 3,707 3,79480 y más / and over 12,744 13,453 14,233 15,058 15,902 16,741 17,575 18,421 19,278 20,145Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.72
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979Total 3,739,784 3,839,721 3,940,498 4,040,615 4,138,573 4,232,876 4,323,915 4,412,689 4,498,609 4,581,0870-4 670,729 683,318 695,923 708,407 720,636 732,476 744,718 757,452 769,490 779,6460 149,397 151,977 154,653 157,283 159,724 161,832 163,674 165,346 166,747 167,7771 137,974 140,613 143,332 146,032 148,618 150,991 153,264 155,502 157,536 159,1972 132,367 134,939 137,530 140,108 142,639 145,090 147,624 150,263 152,763 154,8793 127,695 130,159 132,572 134,968 137,382 139,849 142,577 145,541 148,431 150,9364 123,296 125,631 127,836 130,015 132,273 134,714 137,579 140,801 144,014 146,8565-9 575,531 589,726 602,611 614,755 626,726 639,094 652,245 665,801 679,180 691,8025 122,635 125,417 127,938 130,325 132,704 135,204 137,979 140,944 143,866 146,5166 118,850 121,676 124,221 126,618 129,001 131,501 134,241 137,132 139,992 142,6367 115,086 117,939 120,514 122,934 125,325 127,811 130,474 133,231 135,959 138,5358 111,342 114,209 116,815 119,267 121,670 124,129 126,682 129,259 131,803 134,2599 107,617 110,485 113,123 115,610 118,026 120,448 122,868 125,235 127,560 129,85610-14 482,823 496,886 510,359 523,181 535,291 546,631 556,610 565,268 573,490 582,15910 103,909 106,765 109,438 111,970 114,403 116,782 119,046 121,168 123,235 125,33611 100,216 103,046 105,759 108,350 110,813 113,144 115,228 117,069 118,837 120,70612 96,543 99,349 102,078 104,691 107,154 109,429 111,369 112,998 114,538 116,21113 92,893 95,685 98,389 100,967 103,381 105,592 107,453 108,992 110,426 111,97614 89,262 92,041 94,696 97,203 99,541 101,685 103,514 105,042 106,454 107,93215-19 392,095 405,416 418,125 430,088 441,169 451,233 459,967 467,461 474,184 480,60615 85,699 88,451 91,051 93,487 95,747 97,819 99,604 101,109 102,484 103,87816 82,262 84,973 87,498 89,839 92,000 93,984 95,718 97,201 98,541 99,84817 78,653 81,320 83,808 86,116 88,243 90,189 91,903 93,383 94,709 95,95918 74,750 77,372 79,890 82,267 84,467 86,455 88,186 89,683 91,014 92,24519 70,730 73,300 75,880 78,381 80,713 82,786 84,556 86,084 87,435 88,67520-24 301,928 313,289 325,798 338,580 350,758 361,457 370,574 378,694 385,968 392,55120 66,866 69,377 72,003 74,607 77,052 79,199 81,008 82,571 83,949 85,20121 63,071 65,530 68,213 70,932 73,500 75,729 77,582 79,185 80,592 81,85722 59,760 62,108 64,745 67,460 70,043 72,281 74,148 75,784 77,229 78,52623 57,159 59,306 61,739 64,264 66,689 68,821 70,651 72,307 73,803 75,15524 55,073 56,969 59,099 61,316 63,474 65,426 67,185 68,847 70,395 71,81225-29 248,231 254,695 261,694 269,033 276,516 283,947 291,575 299,529 307,439 314,93225 53,052 54,706 56,550 58,480 60,390 62,175 63,867 65,536 67,134 68,61526 51,144 52,551 54,103 55,740 57,398 59,015 60,643 62,324 63,979 65,53127 49,450 50,665 51,981 53,372 54,812 56,274 57,819 59,467 61,123 62,69328 47,961 49,074 50,252 51,488 52,777 54,112 55,552 57,101 58,671 60,17629 46,624 47,700 48,808 49,953 51,139 52,371 53,693 55,102 56,532 57,91730-34 214,781 219,760 224,571 229,324 234,128 239,092 244,249 249,528 254,876 260,24530 45,405 46,437 47,466 48,509 49,584 50,709 51,914 53,188 54,485 55,76031 44,322 45,311 46,257 47,192 48,150 49,163 50,249 51,386 52,548 53,71132 43,135 44,107 45,016 45,900 46,794 47,736 48,731 49,752 50,795 51,85333 41,728 42,708 43,641 44,550 45,457 46,386 47,331 48,277 49,232 50,20334 40,191 41,196 42,191 43,175 44,144 45,098 46,024 46,925 47,816 48,71835-39 180,052 185,298 190,977 196,781 202,398 207,518 212,030 216,141 220,017 223,82535 38,750 39,786 40,846 41,904 42,934 43,912 44,818 45,668 46,492 47,31936 37,375 38,453 39,588 40,729 41,827 42,832 43,715 44,510 45,259 46,00637 36,005 37,095 38,275 39,475 40,626 41,657 42,537 43,314 44,034 44,74238 34,634 35,688 36,862 38,075 39,246 40,295 41,198 42,009 42,764 43,49539 33,289 34,274 35,406 36,598 37,765 38,823 39,762 40,640 41,469 42,26373
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 197940-44 148,912 152,920 157,779 163,109 168,528 173,655 178,602 183,623 188,550 193,21540 31,970 32,896 33,995 35,176 36,348 37,420 38,396 39,337 40,236 41,08741 30,647 31,517 32,595 33,780 34,971 36,067 37,085 38,093 39,064 39,97442 29,527 30,334 31,352 32,486 33,641 34,720 35,750 36,796 37,817 38,77243 28,702 29,439 30,343 31,347 32,381 33,380 34,375 35,411 36,440 37,41544 28,066 28,733 29,493 30,320 31,187 32,068 32,995 33,987 34,993 35,96745-49 129,794 132,431 134,834 137,237 139,875 142,983 146,668 150,773 155,138 159,60145 27,432 28,027 28,646 29,301 30,007 30,776 31,642 32,597 33,589 34,56846 26,849 27,365 27,828 28,296 28,826 29,476 30,284 31,212 32,203 33,19847 26,145 26,621 27,001 27,366 27,793 28,362 29,105 29,970 30,907 31,86648 25,217 25,713 26,129 26,527 26,970 27,519 28,190 28,940 29,748 30,59349 24,151 24,706 25,230 25,746 26,279 26,849 27,446 28,055 28,692 29,37650-54 106,184 109,439 113,031 116,695 120,166 123,179 125,450 127,155 128,721 130,57250 23,140 23,747 24,367 24,987 25,595 26,180 26,702 27,171 27,643 28,17351 22,148 22,814 23,538 24,270 24,960 25,558 25,998 26,313 26,603 26,96552 21,187 21,882 22,666 23,466 24,207 24,816 25,216 25,454 25,648 25,91753 20,284 20,955 21,721 22,509 23,246 23,858 24,281 24,563 24,802 25,09654 19,425 20,041 20,739 21,463 22,158 22,767 23,253 23,654 24,024 24,42055-59 85,025 87,415 90,100 92,971 95,919 98,834 101,819 104,947 108,063 111,01355 18,568 19,135 19,777 20,452 21,116 21,725 22,269 22,777 23,265 23,74956 17,712 18,230 18,819 19,447 20,085 20,699 21,308 21,932 22,546 23,12557 16,923 17,395 17,929 18,506 19,106 19,710 20,352 21,046 21,740 22,38158 16,227 16,660 17,144 17,667 18,218 18,786 19,409 20,092 20,781 21,42359 15,594 15,995 16,431 16,900 17,395 17,913 18,480 19,100 19,731 20,33660-64 68,597 70,155 71,721 73,356 75,120 77,076 79,266 81,649 84,161 86,73860 14,972 15,337 15,723 16,133 16,571 17,040 17,560 18,128 18,716 19,29361 14,373 14,700 15,030 15,377 15,753 16,171 16,643 17,162 17,708 18,26262 13,755 14,054 14,345 14,647 14,977 15,353 15,783 16,253 16,755 17,27763 13,092 13,378 13,656 13,942 14,253 14,605 15,002 15,432 15,891 16,37564 12,406 12,687 12,968 13,257 13,567 13,907 14,278 14,673 15,091 15,53265-69 52,343 53,667 55,040 56,454 57,902 59,379 60,848 62,312 63,828 65,45065 11,741 12,019 12,301 12,592 12,898 13,223 13,565 13,920 14,292 14,68866 11,090 11,367 11,653 11,949 12,253 12,564 12,874 13,184 13,506 13,85267 10,452 10,723 11,008 11,302 11,600 11,896 12,181 12,458 12,743 13,05168 9,832 10,090 10,361 10,639 10,921 11,201 11,471 11,734 12,003 12,29269 9,228 9,468 9,717 9,971 10,231 10,495 10,756 11,016 11,284 11,56770-74 37,457 38,444 39,445 40,471 41,532 42,638 43,798 45,004 46,244 47,50570 8,633 8,857 9,087 9,322 9,563 9,810 10,063 10,320 10,585 10,86071 8,049 8,259 8,470 8,685 8,907 9,140 9,386 9,642 9,906 10,17572 7,478 7,674 7,869 8,069 8,277 8,496 8,733 8,982 9,239 9,49873 6,920 7,104 7,290 7,481 7,679 7,887 8,108 8,341 8,581 8,82174 6,377 6,550 6,729 6,915 7,107 7,304 7,507 7,718 7,933 8,15175-79 24,280 24,967 25,721 26,517 27,329 28,133 28,919 29,705 30,503 31,32775 5,849 6,011 6,183 6,364 6,549 6,735 6,922 7,112 7,306 7,50476 5,338 5,489 5,656 5,832 6,012 6,188 6,359 6,530 6,703 6,88177 4,842 4,981 5,138 5,304 5,473 5,637 5,794 5,947 6,102 6,26378 4,359 4,484 4,623 4,772 4,922 5,070 5,213 5,353 5,496 5,64479 3,892 4,002 4,120 4,245 4,373 4,502 4,632 4,763 4,897 5,03580 y más / and over 21,022 21,896 22,768 23,656 24,577 25,551 26,578 27,647 28,756 29,900Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.74
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Total 4,659,533 4,732,584 4,800,633 4,865,724 4,929,902 4,995,213 5,060,482 5,124,346 5,188,566 5,254,9020-4 786,732 789,888 789,906 788,075 785,685 784,026 782,563 780,436 778,448 777,3980 168,334 168,215 167,487 166,456 165,426 164,702 164,272 163,932 163,701 163,5991 160,318 160,709 160,482 159,921 159,311 158,937 158,741 158,535 158,403 158,4282 156,368 157,050 157,088 156,751 156,308 156,030 155,810 155,469 155,166 155,0573 152,747 153,704 154,012 153,913 153,645 153,448 153,166 152,640 152,103 151,7884 148,964 150,210 150,836 151,034 150,995 150,910 150,574 149,861 149,076 148,5275-9 703,086 713,560 723,611 732,447 739,278 743,311 743,149 739,318 733,917 729,0435 148,661 150,301 151,591 152,530 153,119 153,356 152,961 151,935 150,698 149,6726 144,884 146,792 148,483 149,869 150,863 151,377 151,116 150,138 148,887 147,8057 140,835 142,973 145,030 146,838 148,228 149,033 148,958 148,115 146,946 145,8928 136,569 138,893 141,269 143,458 145,221 146,318 146,471 145,840 144,843 143,8969 132,137 134,601 137,238 139,752 141,847 143,227 143,642 143,289 142,543 141,77810-14 592,160 604,578 618,825 633,271 646,285 656,239 662,697 666,746 669,039 670,22710 127,557 130,134 133,006 135,824 138,238 139,898 140,590 140,548 140,091 139,54311 122,846 125,530 128,643 131,777 134,523 136,470 137,439 137,703 137,531 137,19312 118,238 120,891 124,021 127,223 130,091 132,219 133,489 134,172 134,444 134,48413 113,861 116,288 119,109 122,017 124,702 126,854 128,453 129,707 130,644 131,29514 109,658 111,736 114,045 116,429 118,732 120,799 122,726 124,618 126,328 127,71215-19 487,197 493,327 498,682 504,208 510,849 519,548 531,849 547,122 563,053 577,32715 105,438 107,171 108,975 110,846 112,775 114,755 116,999 119,510 121,972 124,06816 101,232 102,589 103,846 105,158 106,679 108,562 111,144 114,322 117,591 120,44917 97,212 98,292 99,146 100,039 101,233 102,992 105,712 109,216 112,913 116,20718 93,444 94,419 95,127 95,853 96,880 98,495 101,051 104,357 107,884 111,10119 89,871 90,857 91,588 92,313 93,282 94,743 96,943 99,716 102,693 105,50220-24 398,594 403,490 407,136 410,445 414,328 419,697 426,630 434,520 443,249 452,69720 86,389 87,363 88,083 88,772 89,653 90,948 92,805 95,074 97,537 99,97021 83,035 83,998 84,709 85,360 86,145 87,255 88,729 90,439 92,326 94,33622 79,715 80,683 81,404 82,045 82,776 83,764 84,973 86,290 87,771 89,47123 76,376 77,360 78,096 78,747 79,474 80,440 81,596 82,834 84,227 85,84824 73,079 74,086 74,845 75,521 76,281 77,290 78,528 79,884 81,388 83,07325-29 321,638 327,127 331,648 335,843 340,356 345,829 352,285 359,296 366,828 374,84625 69,929 70,971 71,772 72,492 73,294 74,337 75,619 77,033 78,583 80,27426 66,902 67,989 68,844 69,621 70,473 71,556 72,882 74,350 75,938 77,62427 64,084 65,203 66,112 66,951 67,857 68,970 70,311 71,788 73,368 75,01828 61,529 62,655 63,613 64,513 65,468 66,589 67,884 69,278 70,760 72,31829 59,194 60,310 61,308 62,266 63,263 64,377 65,589 66,847 68,179 69,61230-34 265,583 270,860 276,110 281,378 286,712 292,156 297,441 302,535 307,846 313,77730 56,967 58,076 59,117 60,136 61,179 62,293 63,440 64,587 65,794 67,11731 54,850 55,956 57,046 58,132 59,229 60,349 61,434 62,476 63,561 64,77532 52,920 54,002 55,102 56,213 57,327 58,436 59,474 60,445 61,450 62,59033 51,200 52,227 53,279 54,347 55,424 56,499 57,512 58,469 59,461 60,58134 49,646 50,600 51,566 52,550 53,552 54,578 55,581 56,558 57,580 58,71435-39 227,729 231,615 235,373 239,174 243,192 247,599 252,328 257,264 262,507 268,16035 48,179 49,061 49,948 50,853 51,787 52,766 53,756 54,749 55,793 56,93636 46,792 47,603 48,411 49,237 50,105 51,038 52,018 53,030 54,101 55,25737 45,484 46,239 46,975 47,726 48,527 49,411 50,371 51,385 52,463 53,61738 44,238 44,962 45,645 46,331 47,068 47,899 48,822 49,806 50,857 51,98139 43,036 43,749 44,394 45,027 45,705 46,485 47,360 48,294 49,294 50,37075
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 198940-44 197,449 201,027 204,059 206,887 209,850 213,288 217,140 221,178 225,496 230,18440 41,885 42,584 43,188 43,766 44,385 45,115 45,948 46,841 47,801 48,83741 40,797 41,477 42,032 42,545 43,098 43,775 44,571 45,431 46,361 47,36742 39,621 40,307 40,857 41,357 41,890 42,542 43,305 44,123 45,006 45,96643 38,287 39,014 39,625 40,188 40,771 41,439 42,177 42,940 43,753 44,63944 36,859 37,645 38,356 39,031 39,706 40,418 41,138 41,843 42,574 43,37545-49 164,000 168,434 173,010 177,582 181,999 186,115 189,704 192,863 195,933 199,25245 35,481 36,323 37,128 37,905 38,664 39,415 40,118 40,766 41,420 42,14046 34,141 35,044 35,945 36,825 37,669 38,457 39,138 39,721 40,289 40,92147 32,799 33,730 34,693 35,649 36,560 37,386 38,071 38,639 39,177 39,77348 31,452 32,360 33,331 34,314 35,261 36,121 36,849 37,477 38,075 38,71349 30,126 30,976 31,914 32,888 33,846 34,735 35,528 36,260 36,973 37,70450-54 133,134 136,539 140,502 144,827 149,317 153,775 158,296 163,010 167,777 172,45450 28,819 29,617 30,530 31,501 32,474 33,392 34,246 35,075 35,890 36,70551 27,499 28,247 29,143 30,124 31,123 32,078 32,997 33,924 34,843 35,74252 26,376 27,065 27,905 28,838 29,808 30,756 31,706 32,698 33,694 34,65753 25,544 26,164 26,892 27,699 28,554 29,429 30,357 31,357 32,380 33,37654 24,897 25,446 26,032 26,665 27,357 28,120 28,989 29,957 30,970 31,97455-59 113,643 115,669 117,193 118,642 120,440 123,012 126,523 130,690 135,265 140,00155 24,246 24,723 25,168 25,632 26,166 26,821 27,637 28,581 29,591 30,60756 23,644 24,039 24,328 24,605 24,966 25,505 26,269 27,196 28,214 29,25357 22,916 23,270 23,476 23,650 23,910 24,370 25,077 25,951 26,927 27,93858 21,964 22,336 22,575 22,783 23,059 23,505 24,149 24,923 25,785 26,69359 20,873 21,301 21,646 21,972 22,340 22,811 23,392 24,039 24,747 25,50960-64 89,316 91,944 94,666 97,406 100,090 102,642 104,870 106,825 108,793 111,06560 19,830 20,309 20,749 21,178 21,623 22,112 22,627 23,148 23,705 24,32361 18,803 19,338 19,880 20,420 20,948 21,454 21,895 22,276 22,665 23,12762 17,809 18,374 18,978 19,588 20,170 20,690 21,091 21,395 21,689 22,05763 16,878 17,427 18,022 18,628 19,210 19,732 20,145 20,475 20,792 21,16764 15,996 16,497 17,037 17,592 18,139 18,653 19,112 19,530 19,944 20,39165-69 67,232 69,177 71,249 73,443 75,758 78,189 80,838 83,708 86,645 89,49865 15,112 15,574 16,070 16,587 17,108 17,621 18,120 18,615 19,112 19,61966 14,234 14,656 15,111 15,592 16,092 16,606 17,150 17,729 18,317 18,88767 13,397 13,782 14,194 14,635 15,106 15,608 16,173 16,800 17,442 18,05168 12,615 12,967 13,340 13,739 14,172 14,644 15,188 15,801 16,432 17,03469 11,874 12,198 12,534 12,891 13,280 13,711 14,207 14,763 15,342 15,90870-74 48,774 49,985 51,148 52,359 53,716 55,318 57,208 59,320 61,590 63,95070 11,149 11,442 11,737 12,048 12,391 12,781 13,236 13,747 14,284 14,82271 10,446 10,705 10,955 11,215 11,509 11,856 12,269 12,735 13,235 13,74872 9,752 9,985 10,201 10,424 10,679 10,990 11,363 11,784 12,240 12,72173 9,058 9,275 9,477 9,685 9,921 10,207 10,546 10,924 11,335 11,77474 8,370 8,578 8,778 8,986 9,216 9,485 9,793 10,130 10,495 10,88675-79 32,188 33,076 33,982 34,923 35,916 36,978 38,079 39,206 40,407 41,72775 7,706 7,906 8,103 8,308 8,530 8,780 9,055 9,348 9,664 10,00576 7,067 7,260 7,456 7,660 7,876 8,107 8,347 8,593 8,855 9,14477 6,434 6,617 6,807 7,004 7,209 7,422 7,634 7,844 8,066 8,31378 5,802 5,968 6,141 6,321 6,507 6,701 6,894 7,086 7,289 7,51579 5,179 5,326 5,475 5,630 5,794 5,968 6,150 6,336 6,533 6,74980 y más / and over 31,078 32,288 33,532 34,813 36,132 37,491 38,883 40,307 41,773 43,295Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.76
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999Total 5,325,115 5,403,197 5,487,974 5,573,459 5,653,662 5,722,596 5,779,018 5,826,921 5,868,167 5,904,6210-4 778,089 781,887 788,258 795,151 800,517 802,305 801,317 798,921 793,913 785,0880 163,644 164,193 165,230 166,226 166,648 165,965 164,093 161,386 157,970 153,9731 158,694 159,518 160,843 162,195 163,100 163,082 162,217 160,820 158,781 155,9872 155,302 156,180 157,586 159,099 160,302 160,775 160,711 160,388 159,519 157,8153 151,929 152,761 154,127 155,676 157,057 157,918 158,540 159,157 159,348 158,6934 148,519 149,236 150,472 151,955 153,410 154,564 155,756 157,170 158,294 158,6205-9 726,792 727,510 729,799 733,141 737,019 740,914 745,630 751,513 757,356 761,9565 149,276 149,683 150,612 151,806 153,009 153,965 154,896 155,972 156,861 157,2326 147,335 147,600 148,303 149,262 150,296 151,222 152,242 153,476 154,623 155,3817 145,395 145,523 145,983 146,671 147,482 148,311 149,328 150,604 151,882 152,9098 143,418 143,425 143,640 144,037 144,589 145,272 146,213 147,431 148,731 149,9209 141,368 141,278 141,260 141,365 141,642 142,144 142,951 144,031 145,259 146,51410-14 670,962 670,493 668,383 665,763 663,761 663,506 664,649 666,439 669,397 674,04510 139,222 139,048 138,807 138,620 138,613 138,908 139,533 140,407 141,486 142,73011 136,959 136,702 136,242 135,769 135,473 135,543 135,949 136,562 137,432 138,60612 134,470 134,238 133,671 133,013 132,505 132,390 132,586 132,929 133,547 134,56213 131,689 131,640 131,130 130,436 129,836 129,608 129,633 129,727 130,066 130,83014 128,622 128,864 128,533 127,926 127,335 127,057 126,949 126,814 126,866 127,31815-19 587,629 593,249 595,730 596,138 595,539 594,998 593,495 590,319 587,001 585,07415 125,481 126,005 125,852 125,329 124,747 124,414 124,165 123,794 123,549 123,67816 122,391 123,195 123,198 122,732 122,128 121,717 121,315 120,701 120,152 119,94417 118,505 119,613 119,927 119,739 119,339 119,019 118,575 117,814 117,041 116,56018 113,478 114,910 115,748 116,154 116,286 116,304 115,983 115,218 114,344 113,69819 107,774 109,526 111,004 112,184 113,039 113,544 113,456 112,792 111,916 111,19420-24 462,747 474,723 488,704 502,704 514,733 522,806 525,778 524,974 522,109 518,90120 102,153 104,223 106,328 108,261 109,819 110,797 110,937 110,374 109,498 108,69421 96,410 98,816 101,592 104,337 106,651 108,135 108,511 108,047 107,158 106,25722 91,446 94,037 97,208 100,447 103,239 105,074 105,686 105,416 104,663 103,82523 87,770 90,320 93,448 96,665 99,481 101,408 102,234 102,284 101,877 101,32924 84,968 87,326 90,129 92,994 95,542 97,391 98,410 98,852 98,915 98,79725-29 383,318 392,792 403,291 413,992 424,069 432,701 440,057 446,686 452,333 456,74225 82,112 84,285 86,791 89,345 91,662 93,458 94,677 95,508 96,036 96,34226 79,386 81,344 83,511 85,710 87,762 89,488 90,917 92,167 93,197 93,96427 76,708 78,507 80,439 82,395 84,266 85,945 87,511 89,036 90,401 91,48728 73,940 75,698 77,598 79,535 81,403 83,095 84,689 86,256 87,679 88,84329 71,172 72,959 74,952 77,007 78,976 80,715 82,263 83,719 85,021 86,10730-34 320,737 329,337 339,308 349,729 359,681 368,244 375,283 381,413 386,833 391,74630 68,614 70,399 72,434 74,547 76,567 78,322 79,822 81,182 82,386 83,41931 66,206 67,982 70,048 72,207 74,262 76,019 77,453 78,695 79,780 80,74432 63,966 65,716 67,770 69,925 71,975 73,713 75,093 76,254 77,263 78,18933 61,921 63,608 65,579 67,646 69,620 71,310 72,672 73,832 74,858 75,81734 60,030 61,633 63,476 65,404 67,257 68,881 70,244 71,450 72,546 73,57735-39 274,324 281,328 289,105 297,160 305,000 312,128 318,458 324,320 329,844 335,16235 58,227 59,753 61,482 63,282 65,025 66,581 67,928 69,153 70,288 71,36436 56,525 57,974 59,586 61,257 62,886 64,370 65,696 66,933 68,099 69,21237 54,857 56,241 57,761 59,331 60,867 62,283 63,571 64,787 65,945 67,05838 53,184 54,523 55,993 57,510 58,991 60,352 61,576 62,719 63,806 64,86139 51,530 52,837 54,285 55,780 57,230 58,542 59,688 60,728 61,706 62,66777
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 199940-44 235,336 241,299 248,011 254,951 261,597 267,429 272,207 276,279 280,003 283,73840 49,959 51,232 52,651 54,116 55,529 56,789 57,857 58,799 59,675 60,54641 48,457 49,699 51,090 52,525 53,898 55,104 56,090 56,927 57,694 58,46742 47,011 48,215 49,570 50,969 52,301 53,459 54,385 55,152 55,845 56,55043 45,622 46,773 48,077 49,427 50,715 51,835 52,735 53,488 54,169 54,85544 44,287 45,379 46,621 47,913 49,154 50,242 51,139 51,912 52,620 53,31945-49 203,157 207,911 213,287 218,895 224,341 229,234 233,516 237,449 241,119 244,61345 42,986 44,023 45,211 46,453 47,652 48,710 49,601 50,390 51,116 51,82146 41,699 42,685 43,827 45,029 46,195 47,231 48,120 48,928 49,675 50,38647 40,513 41,456 42,542 43,687 44,801 45,799 46,675 47,486 48,241 48,95148 39,464 40,371 41,388 42,447 43,479 44,416 45,255 46,039 46,777 47,47349 38,495 39,376 40,318 41,279 42,214 43,078 43,865 44,607 45,310 45,98350-54 176,901 181,124 185,216 189,170 192,974 196,619 200,057 203,295 206,404 209,45750 37,532 38,386 39,257 40,126 40,969 41,766 42,510 43,217 43,894 44,55051 36,603 37,427 38,222 38,992 39,739 40,468 41,171 41,849 42,507 43,15552 35,553 36,369 37,131 37,854 38,552 39,241 39,915 40,563 41,194 41,82153 34,298 35,140 35,935 36,691 37,413 38,110 38,769 39,386 39,979 40,56554 32,915 33,802 34,670 35,508 36,300 37,034 37,691 38,280 38,830 39,36755-59 144,650 149,404 154,428 159,435 164,135 168,242 171,623 174,470 176,982 179,35555 31,569 32,497 33,432 34,342 35,196 35,962 36,616 37,178 37,687 38,17956 30,243 31,215 32,217 33,201 34,116 34,914 35,563 36,094 36,556 37,00057 28,917 29,906 30,950 31,985 32,948 33,776 34,434 34,964 35,418 35,84858 27,604 28,566 29,606 30,653 31,637 32,487 33,176 33,752 34,254 34,72159 26,317 27,220 28,224 29,254 30,238 31,102 31,834 32,483 33,067 33,60760-64 113,929 117,587 121,848 126,406 130,957 135,197 139,223 143,239 147,097 150,64960 25,032 25,883 26,857 27,876 28,865 29,746 30,519 31,234 31,893 32,49761 23,730 24,530 25,482 26,503 27,507 28,411 29,225 30,006 30,737 31,40362 22,585 23,325 24,220 25,192 26,164 27,056 27,891 28,720 29,511 30,23363 21,673 22,343 23,131 23,984 24,850 25,679 26,500 27,348 28,177 28,94264 20,909 21,506 22,158 22,851 23,571 24,304 25,088 25,931 26,779 27,57465-69 92,115 94,311 96,187 98,020 100,087 102,664 105,954 109,773 113,816 117,77865 20,141 20,663 21,182 21,719 22,297 22,939 23,688 24,530 25,398 26,22666 19,413 19,853 20,225 20,592 21,016 21,559 22,275 23,122 24,020 24,88867 18,579 18,973 19,262 19,530 19,860 20,333 21,004 21,817 22,692 23,54968 17,559 17,959 18,266 18,551 18,885 19,339 19,950 20,671 21,445 22,21669 16,423 16,863 17,252 17,627 18,029 18,494 19,037 19,633 20,260 20,89970-74 66,335 68,827 71,472 74,143 76,716 79,066 81,029 82,689 84,291 86,07970 15,332 15,807 16,266 16,719 17,176 17,647 18,121 18,593 19,077 19,58871 14,255 14,771 15,308 15,845 16,362 16,837 17,236 17,571 17,897 18,26772 13,214 13,747 14,327 14,914 15,466 15,943 16,296 16,550 16,782 17,06473 12,233 12,743 13,305 13,879 14,422 14,892 15,246 15,511 15,753 16,03774 11,301 11,760 12,266 12,786 13,290 13,747 14,131 14,463 14,782 15,12375-79 43,211 44,898 46,756 48,730 50,762 52,795 54,883 57,063 59,256 61,38275 10,377 10,793 11,251 11,729 12,203 12,649 13,059 13,449 13,831 14,21876 9,469 9,843 10,256 10,695 11,142 11,581 12,021 12,472 12,923 13,35977 8,600 8,932 9,301 9,696 10,109 10,530 10,979 11,462 11,949 12,41078 7,775 8,072 8,400 8,752 9,124 9,510 9,931 10,389 10,855 11,29879 6,990 7,258 7,548 7,857 8,183 8,524 8,893 9,291 9,699 10,09780 y más / and over 44,883 46,517 48,189 49,931 51,773 53,748 55,857 58,081 60,414 62,854Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.78
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009Total 5,938,146 5,966,716 5,989,089 6,008,304 6,027,399 6,049,412 6,073,859 6,098,714 6,124,705 6,152,5580-4 771,245 748,959 719,032 686,600 656,798 634,764 621,662 614,069 610,235 608,4130 149,522 143,861 136,906 129,789 123,643 119,602 118,236 118,792 120,410 122,2331 152,327 146,997 140,070 132,755 126,257 121,786 119,796 119,482 120,161 121,1502 154,987 150,278 143,878 136,927 130,561 125,916 123,268 121,860 121,278 121,1093 156,771 152,944 147,491 141,372 135,544 130,966 127,691 125,079 123,052 121,5314 157,637 154,879 150,686 145,757 140,793 136,495 132,671 128,856 125,334 122,3905-9 764,108 764,968 765,341 763,490 757,679 746,173 725,440 696,637 665,063 636,0135 156,754 155,427 153,472 150,889 147,676 143,835 138,584 131,925 125,026 119,0586 155,448 154,971 154,150 152,767 150,600 147,431 142,436 135,762 128,643 122,3147 153,430 153,706 153,906 153,639 152,513 150,136 145,731 139,559 132,786 126,5778 150,804 151,729 152,824 153,570 153,449 151,940 148,383 143,125 137,155 131,4669 147,672 149,136 150,988 152,625 153,441 152,832 150,307 146,267 141,451 136,59910-14 680,907 691,985 706,930 722,739 736,408 744,932 748,874 750,237 748,178 741,85210 144,095 146,018 148,528 150,970 152,687 153,024 151,709 149,178 145,840 142,10611 140,132 142,464 145,572 148,772 151,384 152,726 152,796 152,050 150,488 148,11312 136,102 138,603 141,981 145,581 148,746 150,822 152,019 152,772 152,768 151,69113 132,195 134,541 137,751 141,253 144,480 146,862 148,705 150,386 151,450 151,43914 128,384 130,358 133,099 136,163 139,110 141,498 143,647 145,852 147,631 148,50315-19 586,068 590,193 596,428 604,459 613,971 624,650 638,302 655,136 672,444 687,51815 124,431 126,008 128,245 130,839 133,486 135,884 138,390 141,207 143,797 145,62516 120,356 121,484 123,143 125,188 127,472 129,850 132,722 136,187 139,641 142,48317 116,676 117,402 118,533 120,053 121,944 124,187 127,190 130,965 134,901 138,38818 113,616 114,061 114,807 115,912 117,434 119,428 122,255 125,878 129,755 133,34819 110,989 111,238 111,699 112,466 113,635 115,301 117,744 120,900 124,350 127,67420-24 517,065 515,907 514,284 513,236 513,802 517,024 523,144 531,468 541,632 553,27220 108,352 108,377 108,512 108,896 109,670 110,973 112,999 115,655 118,650 121,69321 105,760 105,546 105,337 105,317 105,667 106,569 108,121 110,202 112,664 115,36322 103,299 102,944 102,492 102,160 102,163 102,718 103,843 105,395 107,345 109,66423 100,958 100,602 100,049 99,543 99,325 99,637 100,456 101,619 103,164 105,12624 98,696 98,439 97,893 97,320 96,978 97,127 97,725 98,597 99,809 101,42825-29 459,657 460,298 458,837 456,442 454,281 453,525 453,649 453,873 454,984 457,76825 96,510 96,358 95,832 95,203 94,741 94,719 95,066 95,604 96,434 97,66026 94,426 94,396 93,901 93,224 92,644 92,443 92,528 92,712 93,133 93,93327 92,175 92,289 91,908 91,297 90,720 90,444 90,356 90,280 90,382 90,83128 89,631 89,904 89,736 89,342 88,934 88,724 88,590 88,390 88,309 88,53029 86,914 87,351 87,459 87,376 87,242 87,195 87,108 86,887 86,725 86,81430-34 396,354 400,743 404,779 408,332 411,270 413,463 414,398 414,164 413,527 413,25630 84,263 84,876 85,268 85,504 85,651 85,773 85,741 85,512 85,279 85,23731 81,622 82,424 83,126 83,713 84,170 84,483 84,521 84,294 83,998 83,82732 79,102 80,045 80,973 81,819 82,516 82,998 83,146 83,007 82,755 82,56733 76,778 77,787 78,799 79,744 80,551 81,149 81,450 81,502 81,436 81,38434 74,589 75,612 76,614 77,552 78,382 79,061 79,540 79,848 80,058 80,24035-39 340,406 345,556 350,525 355,341 360,034 364,632 369,349 374,165 378,761 382,81535 72,413 73,449 74,452 75,400 76,270 77,042 77,707 78,281 78,775 79,19836 70,291 71,333 72,326 73,273 74,178 75,047 75,915 76,780 77,587 78,27937 68,139 69,176 70,159 71,108 72,044 72,989 74,007 75,085 76,124 77,02738 65,908 66,934 67,923 68,895 69,868 70,862 71,943 73,098 74,228 75,23239 63,654 64,664 65,665 66,666 67,673 68,693 69,777 70,921 72,047 73,07879
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 200940-44 287,843 292,302 296,877 301,590 306,466 311,527 316,889 322,537 328,297 333,99740 61,472 62,455 63,453 64,465 65,492 66,531 67,623 68,766 69,904 70,97741 59,327 60,277 61,267 62,287 63,329 64,384 65,475 66,609 67,749 68,86142 57,353 58,259 59,210 60,200 61,220 62,263 63,343 64,465 65,608 66,75143 55,623 56,468 57,339 58,243 59,189 60,186 61,248 62,371 63,530 64,70444 54,068 54,843 55,608 56,395 57,235 58,163 59,201 60,326 61,506 62,70445-49 248,017 251,090 253,774 256,432 259,426 263,121 267,636 272,728 278,218 283,92745 52,544 53,249 53,910 54,580 55,315 56,170 57,173 58,288 59,471 60,68146 51,082 51,710 52,255 52,798 53,416 54,189 55,152 56,251 57,436 58,65447 49,625 50,203 50,679 51,142 51,684 52,394 53,307 54,361 55,507 56,69548 48,133 48,704 49,181 49,646 50,179 50,861 51,712 52,679 53,731 54,83649 46,634 47,224 47,749 48,266 48,833 49,507 50,292 51,149 52,073 53,06150-54 212,527 215,567 218,529 221,483 224,496 227,638 230,766 233,835 237,057 240,64850 45,195 45,802 46,367 46,926 47,518 48,179 48,896 49,643 50,442 51,31351 43,799 44,428 45,039 45,646 46,266 46,913 47,555 48,183 48,844 49,58852 42,452 43,086 43,717 44,346 44,976 45,608 46,201 46,753 47,327 47,98553 41,162 41,770 42,375 42,980 43,588 44,200 44,781 45,331 45,901 46,54554 39,920 40,481 41,032 41,584 42,149 42,739 43,333 43,925 44,543 45,21855-59 181,787 184,171 186,374 188,559 190,887 193,520 196,507 199,740 203,145 206,65055 38,693 39,216 39,723 40,233 40,764 41,335 41,940 42,567 43,224 43,92056 37,474 37,961 38,429 38,903 39,406 39,964 40,584 41,252 41,953 42,67557 36,304 36,766 37,199 37,635 38,106 38,642 39,263 39,947 40,667 41,39558 35,195 35,649 36,056 36,455 36,887 37,390 37,982 38,638 39,330 40,03359 34,122 34,580 34,968 35,334 35,725 36,189 36,737 37,336 37,971 38,62760-64 153,750 156,205 158,113 159,763 161,446 163,449 165,752 168,162 170,711 173,43160 33,048 33,508 33,878 34,211 34,565 34,994 35,504 36,058 36,647 37,26461 31,988 32,449 32,797 33,095 33,409 33,803 34,278 34,790 35,339 35,92362 30,854 31,329 31,679 31,972 32,273 32,650 33,098 33,573 34,081 34,62863 29,598 30,106 30,495 30,825 31,155 31,542 31,978 32,424 32,893 33,39964 28,262 28,813 29,264 29,660 30,044 30,460 30,895 31,318 31,752 32,21765-69 121,357 124,539 127,528 130,341 132,997 135,513 137,780 139,786 141,694 143,67065 26,945 27,537 28,046 28,501 28,935 29,378 29,810 30,211 30,610 31,03666 25,645 26,279 26,844 27,357 27,838 28,304 28,732 29,108 29,470 29,85467 24,309 24,969 25,580 26,150 26,680 27,177 27,614 27,987 28,336 28,70268 22,927 23,586 24,229 24,847 25,428 25,964 26,429 26,832 27,206 27,58769 21,530 22,169 22,829 23,487 24,115 24,691 25,196 25,648 26,072 26,49170-74 88,298 91,095 94,305 97,711 101,092 104,230 107,139 109,965 112,686 115,28170 20,140 20,761 21,440 22,138 22,814 23,428 23,971 24,469 24,937 25,39071 18,734 19,337 20,040 20,786 21,517 22,175 22,757 23,300 23,811 24,29672 17,471 18,044 18,734 19,479 20,217 20,886 21,490 22,069 22,620 23,13973 16,428 16,955 17,575 18,245 18,917 19,550 20,150 20,750 21,334 21,88774 15,525 15,997 16,515 17,064 17,627 18,190 18,770 19,376 19,984 20,56975-79 63,360 65,058 66,530 67,973 69,587 71,570 74,049 76,892 79,908 82,90675 14,623 15,039 15,456 15,887 16,345 16,841 17,401 18,015 18,648 19,26476 13,768 14,121 14,426 14,728 15,068 15,492 16,032 16,658 17,321 17,97477 12,817 13,127 13,363 13,583 13,847 14,216 14,724 15,331 15,986 16,63678 11,689 11,992 12,227 12,447 12,705 13,052 13,515 14,058 14,644 15,23279 10,463 10,779 11,057 11,329 11,622 11,968 12,377 12,830 13,309 13,80080 y más / and over 65,397 68,079 70,903 73,814 76,758 79,681 82,523 85,321 88,164 91,141Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.80
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019Total 6,183,002 6,216,143 6,251,495 6,288,899 6,328,196 6,369,224 6,412,028 6,456,715 6,503,218 6,551,4720-4 606,853 606,217 607,670 610,220 612,877 614,647 615,531 616,189 616,623 616,8320 123,401 123,924 124,374 124,738 125,001 125,151 125,167 125,059 124,856 124,5881 121,764 122,072 122,529 123,034 123,484 123,778 123,896 123,907 123,838 123,7202 120,941 120,906 121,281 121,864 122,456 122,857 123,056 123,188 123,267 123,3043 120,438 119,970 120,180 120,771 121,446 121,909 122,169 122,425 122,661 122,8614 120,310 119,345 119,306 119,813 120,488 120,953 121,242 121,610 122,001 122,3605-9 614,788 602,535 595,722 592,626 591,525 590,696 590,793 592,966 596,231 599,6065 115,189 113,976 114,639 116,344 118,256 119,538 120,203 120,808 121,336 121,7666 118,007 116,168 115,976 116,761 117,855 118,589 119,032 119,630 120,279 120,8767 122,096 119,615 118,357 117,915 117,884 117,855 117,962 118,476 119,198 119,9298 127,047 123,954 121,525 119,680 118,334 117,406 117,089 117,440 118,165 118,9759 132,450 128,822 125,224 121,926 119,197 117,308 116,507 116,612 117,253 118,06010-14 730,418 710,343 682,190 651,255 622,838 602,235 590,591 584,373 581,867 581,35510 138,383 134,220 129,344 124,433 120,167 117,225 115,920 115,799 116,393 117,23211 144,927 140,149 133,775 126,981 120,937 116,817 115,035 114,808 115,516 116,53812 149,227 144,435 137,525 129,907 122,992 118,190 115,892 115,157 115,399 116,03313 149,894 145,993 140,040 133,270 126,921 122,227 119,365 117,509 116,398 115,76714 147,986 145,547 141,506 136,664 131,820 127,776 124,380 121,100 118,160 115,78515-19 697,647 703,389 706,550 706,295 701,789 692,198 673,999 647,749 618,731 592,22815 146,153 145,108 142,849 139,784 136,323 132,875 128,989 124,392 119,761 115,77416 144,108 144,515 144,107 142,886 140,853 138,012 133,582 127,562 121,121 115,42917 140,819 142,401 143,541 143,926 143,241 141,172 136,781 130,279 123,072 116,56518 136,116 138,362 140,447 141,915 142,312 141,183 137,705 132,183 125,849 119,93519 130,452 133,003 135,606 137,784 139,060 138,956 136,941 133,332 128,928 124,52720-24 566,024 581,668 600,448 619,691 636,728 648,885 656,711 661,985 663,888 661,60020 124,491 127,400 130,613 133,599 135,828 136,770 136,152 134,328 131,707 128,69621 118,150 121,423 125,280 129,125 132,364 134,402 135,238 135,268 134,494 132,92022 112,323 115,725 119,886 124,207 128,087 130,926 132,931 134,503 135,329 135,10023 107,541 110,765 114,773 119,033 123,014 126,183 128,840 131,341 133,234 134,07024 103,518 106,355 109,897 113,728 117,435 120,605 123,550 126,546 129,124 130,81325-29 463,011 470,955 481,076 493,011 506,397 520,869 538,169 558,538 579,367 598,04425 99,385 101,800 104,837 108,208 111,625 114,802 118,084 121,665 125,022 127,63626 95,251 97,184 99,638 102,468 105,530 108,679 112,303 116,498 120,682 124,27427 91,793 93,286 95,201 97,507 100,177 103,181 106,910 111,384 116,016 120,21928 89,238 90,409 91,921 93,808 96,106 98,849 102,382 106,683 111,233 115,51329 87,345 88,276 89,480 91,020 92,958 95,358 98,489 102,308 106,413 110,40030-34 414,120 415,609 417,212 419,692 423,811 430,333 439,486 450,763 463,819 478,31030 85,581 86,243 87,095 88,235 89,764 91,781 94,472 97,770 101,397 105,07331 83,977 84,356 84,836 85,551 86,636 88,228 90,418 93,117 96,186 99,48432 82,620 82,806 83,006 83,384 84,100 85,317 87,052 89,196 91,724 94,61233 81,477 81,595 81,652 81,826 82,295 83,241 84,637 86,364 88,460 90,96034 80,465 80,609 80,624 80,697 81,015 81,766 82,908 84,315 86,051 88,18135-39 386,008 387,835 388,509 388,787 389,426 391,180 393,549 396,029 399,371 404,32835 79,563 79,741 79,726 79,708 79,877 80,424 81,282 82,325 83,651 85,36036 78,803 79,029 78,995 78,893 78,914 79,249 79,810 80,469 81,359 82,61437 77,697 78,018 78,054 77,979 77,968 78,194 78,550 78,922 79,468 80,34738 76,009 76,473 76,691 76,792 76,908 77,166 77,451 77,675 78,015 78,64639 73,936 74,574 75,043 75,415 75,759 76,147 76,456 76,638 76,878 77,36081
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 201940-44 339,465 344,907 350,438 355,748 360,527 364,466 367,069 368,542 369,629 371,07440 71,928 72,749 73,478 74,127 74,708 75,232 75,574 75,726 75,876 76,21041 69,909 70,930 71,945 72,903 73,749 74,430 74,819 74,954 75,021 75,21042 67,874 69,040 70,262 71,447 72,497 73,320 73,800 74,001 74,095 74,25143 65,869 67,090 68,382 69,648 70,791 71,712 72,327 72,701 72,961 73,23544 63,884 65,099 66,370 67,622 68,781 69,772 70,549 71,160 71,677 72,16745-49 289,673 295,565 301,722 307,983 314,188 320,176 326,148 332,211 338,064 343,40445 61,873 63,086 64,347 65,602 66,794 67,868 68,816 69,675 70,456 71,17246 59,855 61,060 62,303 63,553 64,775 65,936 67,073 68,205 69,282 70,25147 57,876 59,062 60,286 61,530 62,774 64,001 65,272 66,600 67,891 69,05348 55,961 57,121 58,338 59,589 60,855 62,114 63,430 64,818 66,180 67,42449 54,108 55,236 56,447 57,709 58,990 60,256 61,557 62,914 64,254 65,50450-54 244,822 249,692 255,115 260,921 266,940 273,002 279,209 285,674 292,243 298,76450 52,278 53,364 54,556 55,814 57,098 58,367 59,657 60,995 62,328 63,60051 50,462 51,499 52,668 53,918 55,202 56,470 57,743 59,054 60,372 61,66552 48,789 49,770 50,888 52,094 53,341 54,583 55,829 57,113 58,417 59,72353 47,315 48,232 49,260 50,369 51,530 52,712 53,928 55,199 56,504 57,82454 45,978 46,827 47,744 48,726 49,770 50,871 52,051 53,312 54,623 55,95355-59 210,179 213,593 216,940 220,432 224,280 228,695 233,785 239,409 245,405 251,61255 44,665 45,444 46,251 47,107 48,034 49,051 50,186 51,423 52,725 54,05356 43,403 44,107 44,794 45,514 46,312 47,238 48,321 49,530 50,819 52,14157 42,106 42,757 43,368 43,999 44,710 45,564 46,588 47,744 48,986 50,26858 40,719 41,355 41,958 42,581 43,274 44,090 45,049 46,115 47,259 48,45459 39,286 39,930 40,569 41,232 41,950 42,752 43,641 44,597 45,616 46,69560-64 176,355 179,525 182,919 186,474 190,126 193,811 197,395 200,922 204,590 208,60260 37,901 38,550 39,217 39,913 40,647 41,430 42,248 43,095 43,990 44,95361 36,541 37,201 37,903 38,636 39,390 40,153 40,895 41,624 42,384 43,22062 35,222 35,877 36,591 37,338 38,094 38,835 39,523 40,174 40,845 41,59363 33,957 34,582 35,266 35,984 36,712 37,426 38,094 38,730 39,386 40,11064 32,735 33,314 33,942 34,603 35,283 35,967 36,636 37,299 37,986 38,72665-69 145,876 148,295 150,819 153,472 156,282 159,275 162,485 165,894 169,451 173,10565 31,516 32,056 32,638 33,252 33,892 34,550 35,218 35,902 36,612 37,36066 30,297 30,800 31,339 31,912 32,517 33,153 33,825 34,535 35,273 36,03267 29,123 29,597 30,096 30,626 31,193 31,800 32,462 33,176 33,921 34,67568 28,010 28,465 28,931 29,419 29,941 30,509 31,137 31,817 32,528 33,25069 26,930 27,377 27,815 28,263 28,739 29,263 29,842 30,464 31,117 31,78870-74 117,728 119,928 121,895 123,778 125,726 127,888 130,249 132,710 135,293 138,02070 25,844 26,280 26,690 27,098 27,530 28,012 28,548 29,122 29,725 30,35371 24,761 25,185 25,562 25,927 26,313 26,753 27,247 27,774 28,333 28,92172 23,623 24,047 24,413 24,759 25,120 25,533 25,994 26,479 26,993 27,54073 22,396 22,839 23,226 23,588 23,958 24,366 24,807 25,258 25,730 26,23474 21,105 21,578 22,004 22,405 22,805 23,224 23,653 24,078 24,512 24,97275-79 85,694 88,281 90,795 93,223 95,552 97,768 99,790 101,627 103,401 105,23575 19,826 20,326 20,788 21,224 21,650 22,078 22,494 22,890 23,286 23,70476 18,566 19,095 19,593 20,065 20,516 20,952 21,353 21,717 22,072 22,44477 17,230 17,771 18,293 18,791 19,264 19,708 20,103 20,451 20,783 21,12778 15,786 16,312 16,835 17,346 17,832 18,284 18,683 19,038 19,373 19,71679 14,285 14,778 15,287 15,797 16,289 16,746 17,156 17,530 17,887 18,24580 y más / and over 94,341 97,806 101,475 105,288 109,183 113,100 117,070 121,135 125,245 129,352Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.82
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029Total 6,601,411 6,653,708 6,708,407 6,764,498 6,820,971 6,876,814 6,932,230 6,987,894 7,043,500 7,098,7460-4 616,819 616,995 617,361 617,297 616,183 613,401 608,346 601,432 593,564 585,6480 124,283 124,025 123,794 123,466 122,917 122,025 120,618 118,779 116,763 114,8281 123,581 123,517 123,508 123,412 123,084 122,380 121,141 119,461 117,582 115,7442 123,313 123,389 123,521 123,570 123,394 122,852 121,812 120,366 118,716 117,0603 123,009 123,186 123,402 123,536 123,468 123,076 122,266 121,121 119,778 118,3804 122,633 122,880 123,136 123,313 123,320 123,068 122,509 121,706 120,725 119,6365-9 602,109 603,752 605,189 606,402 607,375 608,089 608,962 610,007 610,596 610,1005 122,083 122,268 122,335 122,307 122,211 122,070 121,967 121,887 121,705 121,2956 121,318 121,589 121,756 121,846 121,882 121,890 121,966 122,093 122,127 121,9227 120,472 120,820 121,105 121,336 121,524 121,675 121,887 122,152 122,328 122,2738 119,576 119,981 120,386 120,771 121,116 121,403 121,714 122,060 122,320 122,3709 118,661 119,094 119,606 120,142 120,642 121,051 121,429 121,814 122,115 122,24010-14 581,122 581,832 584,629 588,517 592,500 595,582 597,781 599,760 601,493 602,95610 117,847 118,299 118,902 119,563 120,188 120,685 121,084 121,449 121,732 121,88511 117,254 117,739 118,409 119,147 119,839 120,371 120,732 121,000 121,188 121,31212 116,471 116,824 117,483 118,282 119,057 119,643 120,011 120,272 120,468 120,64313 115,353 115,329 115,870 116,717 117,613 118,299 118,766 119,186 119,573 119,94214 114,197 113,640 113,966 114,809 115,803 116,584 117,186 117,853 118,532 119,17415-19 573,524 563,786 559,491 558,889 560,228 561,757 564,154 568,585 574,036 579,48915 113,106 112,075 112,227 113,091 114,193 115,060 115,756 116,597 117,486 118,32616 111,654 110,214 110,328 111,373 112,723 113,754 114,546 115,515 116,541 117,50517 112,164 110,265 109,930 110,567 111,585 112,392 113,101 114,107 115,239 116,32918 115,673 113,246 111,831 111,156 110,950 110,939 111,298 112,210 113,412 114,64119 120,926 117,986 115,174 112,701 110,777 109,612 109,452 110,157 111,358 112,68820-24 654,299 638,537 614,860 588,442 564,458 548,082 540,486 538,222 539,529 542,64920 125,706 122,297 118,195 114,060 110,552 108,329 107,708 108,248 109,476 110,91921 130,548 126,614 121,116 115,201 110,015 106,704 105,685 106,192 107,603 109,29522 133,502 129,614 123,645 116,976 110,989 107,063 105,594 105,659 106,670 108,03623 133,399 130,414 125,415 119,612 114,213 110,428 108,438 107,439 107,156 107,31424 131,144 129,598 126,488 122,593 118,690 115,557 113,062 110,683 108,624 107,08625-29 611,960 621,693 628,984 632,964 632,764 627,517 613,838 592,307 567,999 545,98825 128,987 128,813 127,461 125,323 122,792 120,260 117,296 113,641 109,937 106,83026 126,693 127,944 128,415 128,098 126,980 125,053 121,565 116,525 111,056 106,28527 123,408 125,797 127,776 129,024 129,220 128,043 124,589 119,072 112,847 107,27428 119,005 122,012 124,881 127,155 128,377 128,092 125,508 120,929 115,542 110,53429 113,866 117,127 120,451 123,364 125,395 126,069 124,880 122,141 118,616 115,06530-34 493,895 512,303 533,762 555,679 575,455 590,497 601,396 609,882 615,067 616,06330 108,519 112,082 115,947 119,595 122,505 124,155 124,293 123,266 121,453 119,23631 102,874 106,741 111,177 115,604 119,443 122,116 123,633 124,381 124,343 123,50032 97,832 101,774 106,454 111,290 115,701 119,106 121,719 123,930 125,414 125,84733 93,902 97,628 102,114 106,845 111,308 114,987 118,188 121,252 123,724 125,14834 90,767 94,078 98,071 102,344 106,499 110,133 113,562 117,053 120,133 122,33235-39 411,652 421,578 433,605 447,379 462,549 478,761 497,727 519,681 542,057 562,28835 87,552 90,410 93,870 97,653 101,481 105,075 108,780 112,782 116,564 119,60936 84,369 86,715 89,564 92,776 96,211 99,730 103,713 108,254 112,781 116,72137 81,719 83,603 85,891 88,557 91,572 94,909 98,951 103,716 108,630 113,11838 79,745 81,290 83,162 85,396 88,025 91,081 94,903 99,470 104,273 108,80539 78,267 79,561 81,117 82,997 85,260 87,966 91,379 95,459 99,809 104,03683
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 202940-44 373,618 376,781 380,068 384,201 389,901 397,890 408,405 420,965 435,215 450,80040 76,916 77,930 79,129 80,605 82,454 84,770 87,736 91,290 95,156 99,06041 75,709 76,432 77,253 78,301 79,704 81,591 84,053 87,005 90,309 93,82542 74,640 75,161 75,699 76,408 77,440 78,949 80,955 83,354 86,118 89,21943 73,651 74,096 74,485 74,987 75,771 77,007 78,675 80,660 82,995 85,71144 72,702 73,163 73,503 73,901 74,531 75,573 76,987 78,655 80,636 82,98645-49 347,931 351,170 353,323 355,100 357,212 360,370 364,108 367,951 372,600 378,75345 71,833 72,320 72,625 72,928 73,409 74,246 75,380 76,691 78,269 80,20746 71,060 71,588 71,871 72,088 72,421 73,050 73,892 74,828 75,980 77,47447 69,994 70,604 70,945 71,181 71,475 71,990 72,628 73,280 74,094 75,21948 68,453 69,186 69,686 70,077 70,478 71,012 71,569 72,068 72,674 73,55149 66,591 67,472 68,195 68,826 69,430 70,072 70,638 71,084 71,582 72,30350-54 305,083 311,401 317,822 324,041 329,756 334,663 338,306 340,888 343,091 345,60150 64,759 65,798 66,754 67,634 68,449 69,206 69,790 70,196 70,596 71,16551 62,900 64,114 65,327 66,486 67,539 68,433 69,051 69,428 69,740 70,15952 61,014 62,351 63,745 65,106 66,340 67,355 68,046 68,475 68,799 69,17553 59,140 60,514 61,961 63,384 64,690 65,785 66,591 67,170 67,639 68,11554 57,270 58,625 60,036 61,431 62,738 63,885 64,829 65,619 66,318 66,98755-59 257,865 264,269 270,931 277,698 284,414 290,926 297,432 304,035 310,436 316,33855 55,368 56,706 58,093 59,476 60,800 62,010 63,103 64,115 65,051 65,92156 53,450 54,767 56,122 57,485 58,823 60,103 61,361 62,618 63,822 64,92057 51,546 52,832 54,156 55,500 56,845 58,174 59,547 60,975 62,370 63,63958 49,671 50,922 52,227 53,566 54,920 56,268 57,671 59,145 60,595 61,92959 47,830 49,042 50,332 51,671 53,027 54,371 55,749 57,182 58,599 59,92860-64 213,156 218,359 224,078 230,152 236,425 242,735 249,184 255,877 262,665 269,39660 46,003 47,165 48,428 49,752 51,100 52,435 53,792 55,196 56,594 57,93461 44,178 45,286 46,516 47,821 49,158 50,481 51,811 53,179 54,552 55,90062 42,476 43,523 44,696 45,951 47,244 48,532 49,827 51,157 52,506 53,85563 40,952 41,930 43,012 44,170 45,374 46,598 47,854 49,159 50,497 51,84764 39,547 40,454 41,426 42,459 43,548 44,689 45,900 47,185 48,515 49,86165-69 176,803 180,426 184,007 187,727 191,769 196,311 201,455 207,080 213,035 219,17165 38,156 38,989 39,853 40,763 41,736 42,791 43,949 45,200 46,509 47,83966 36,802 37,558 38,305 39,082 39,931 40,891 41,991 43,204 44,487 45,79967 35,419 36,117 36,783 37,469 38,228 39,111 40,146 41,298 42,526 43,78968 33,962 34,633 35,278 35,941 36,668 37,504 38,467 39,527 40,656 41,82969 32,465 33,129 33,789 34,473 35,205 36,014 36,902 37,851 38,857 39,91570-74 140,914 144,005 147,278 150,688 154,187 157,730 161,207 164,649 168,220 172,08470 30,998 31,653 32,324 33,020 33,751 34,527 35,339 36,180 37,064 38,00771 29,538 30,189 30,874 31,587 32,319 33,063 33,795 34,521 35,277 36,09672 28,124 28,759 29,441 30,152 30,872 31,583 32,254 32,898 33,561 34,28973 26,779 27,378 28,024 28,698 29,382 30,057 30,695 31,309 31,939 32,62974 25,474 26,025 26,615 27,232 27,864 28,500 29,123 29,741 30,379 31,06275-79 107,253 109,441 111,717 114,101 116,612 119,269 122,097 125,083 128,190 131,38075 24,164 24,672 25,212 25,780 26,367 26,968 27,574 28,191 28,830 29,50276 22,862 23,328 23,822 24,343 24,889 25,457 26,050 26,669 27,311 27,97377 21,515 21,944 22,395 22,870 23,373 23,906 24,481 25,093 25,730 26,37778 20,092 20,494 20,907 21,338 21,797 22,293 22,838 23,426 24,039 24,66079 18,620 19,002 19,381 19,771 20,187 20,644 21,154 21,704 22,281 22,86980 y más / and over 133,408 137,380 141,302 145,220 149,182 153,234 157,347 161,490 165,707 170,042Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.84
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039Total 7,153,328 7,207,404 7,261,178 7,314,411 7,366,863 7,418,295 7,468,759 7,518,412 7,567,181 7,614,9880-4 578,589 572,329 566,263 560,481 555,069 550,115 545,638 541,580 537,911 534,6060 113,229 112,005 110,986 110,113 109,327 108,570 107,844 107,188 106,599 106,0751 114,188 112,932 111,817 110,814 109,895 109,031 108,226 107,498 106,844 106,2582 115,599 114,324 113,102 111,946 110,868 109,878 108,983 108,174 107,444 106,7873 117,065 115,795 114,478 113,170 111,930 110,815 109,831 108,938 108,131 107,3994 118,508 117,271 115,880 114,438 113,050 111,821 110,754 109,781 108,895 108,0875-9 607,893 603,373 596,958 589,551 582,052 575,365 569,422 563,624 558,067 552,8545 120,533 119,248 117,525 115,617 113,780 112,268 111,117 110,159 109,338 108,5986 121,334 120,201 118,620 116,833 115,078 113,595 112,402 111,338 110,378 109,4977 121,843 120,907 119,558 117,997 116,422 115,033 113,819 112,649 111,536 110,4958 122,088 121,381 120,329 119,074 117,755 116,510 115,302 114,035 112,771 111,5699 122,095 121,637 120,925 120,030 119,018 117,959 116,783 115,442 114,045 112,69510-14 604,121 605,408 606,833 607,770 607,589 605,665 601,390 595,183 587,953 580,61110 121,862 121,676 121,358 120,889 120,248 119,416 118,285 116,869 115,329 113,82311 121,386 121,499 121,640 121,678 121,481 120,916 119,831 118,314 116,594 114,89912 120,839 121,188 121,659 122,059 122,191 121,862 120,906 119,452 117,750 116,04613 120,306 120,784 121,365 121,873 122,135 121,974 121,263 120,121 118,736 117,29814 119,727 120,261 120,810 121,270 121,534 121,498 121,105 120,426 119,545 118,54515-19 583,928 587,372 590,498 593,279 595,686 597,692 599,695 601,712 603,148 603,40615 119,022 119,603 120,136 120,572 120,864 120,964 120,883 120,652 120,256 119,68016 118,287 118,877 119,356 119,738 120,036 120,265 120,509 120,759 120,888 120,77017 117,204 117,838 118,344 118,764 119,140 119,516 120,016 120,613 121,117 121,34218 115,634 116,384 117,064 117,688 118,271 118,826 119,466 120,180 120,802 121,16319 113,781 114,669 115,598 116,518 117,376 118,122 118,821 119,508 120,084 120,45120-24 545,820 549,716 555,509 562,191 568,755 574,190 578,493 582,337 585,727 588,67120 112,102 113,091 114,199 115,332 116,393 117,286 118,037 118,711 119,267 119,66521 110,645 111,733 112,974 114,249 115,438 116,421 117,185 117,810 118,316 118,72322 109,166 110,175 111,455 112,838 114,153 115,231 116,040 116,692 117,237 117,72423 107,638 108,301 109,487 110,936 112,387 113,581 114,503 115,327 116,074 116,76524 106,269 106,416 107,393 108,836 110,384 111,671 112,728 113,796 114,833 115,79425-29 531,351 525,242 524,277 526,724 530,851 534,927 539,594 546,006 553,200 560,21025 104,963 104,649 105,457 106,921 108,572 109,944 111,096 112,338 113,583 114,74226 103,337 102,622 103,389 105,024 106,914 108,444 109,688 111,056 112,436 113,71927 103,709 102,538 102,859 104,089 105,647 106,952 108,112 109,514 110,997 112,40128 107,092 105,395 104,652 104,594 104,950 105,451 106,264 107,570 109,116 110,65229 112,250 110,037 107,920 106,097 104,769 104,135 104,433 105,529 107,068 108,69730-34 611,983 599,484 579,158 556,018 535,077 521,347 515,965 515,588 518,514 523,03530 116,995 114,304 110,911 107,452 104,565 102,886 102,722 103,647 105,204 106,93331 121,837 118,612 113,837 108,622 104,081 101,326 100,759 101,640 103,363 105,32432 124,905 121,696 116,434 110,461 105,116 101,741 100,717 101,151 102,470 104,09933 125,067 122,699 118,350 113,191 108,393 105,128 103,575 102,950 102,989 103,42634 123,179 122,172 119,626 116,293 112,922 110,266 108,192 106,200 104,487 103,25235-39 577,808 589,205 598,191 603,882 605,394 601,843 589,922 570,222 547,701 527,31835 121,400 121,688 120,817 119,163 117,098 114,997 112,441 109,178 105,841 103,05936 119,502 121,136 122,004 122,088 121,370 119,829 116,733 112,095 107,014 102,59037 116,606 119,310 121,610 123,187 123,718 122,881 119,792 114,666 108,829 103,60638 112,557 115,833 118,969 121,514 123,016 123,023 120,762 116,534 111,499 106,81639 107,743 111,240 114,791 117,930 120,193 121,113 120,195 117,749 114,519 111,24785
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 203940-44 467,367 486,598 508,729 531,236 551,596 567,285 578,881 588,066 593,974 595,73740 102,725 106,491 110,542 114,368 117,461 119,311 119,670 118,879 117,307 115,32641 97,414 101,452 106,031 110,589 114,561 117,385 119,073 120,000 120,147 119,49842 92,628 96,720 101,516 106,451 110,960 114,479 117,220 119,559 121,179 121,76243 88,838 92,710 97,305 102,125 106,672 110,446 113,745 116,901 119,469 121,00444 85,762 89,224 93,334 97,703 101,942 105,664 109,173 112,727 115,871 118,14745-49 387,110 397,901 410,661 425,042 440,702 457,293 476,458 498,426 520,735 540,92545 82,594 85,611 89,198 93,084 96,999 100,673 104,440 108,477 112,288 115,37446 79,434 81,949 84,938 88,265 91,793 95,387 99,413 103,963 108,485 112,43047 76,803 78,864 81,304 84,095 87,209 90,620 94,694 99,449 104,336 108,80348 74,861 76,586 78,616 80,980 83,712 86,842 90,695 95,248 100,017 104,51549 73,418 74,890 76,605 78,619 80,988 83,770 87,216 91,289 95,610 99,80250-54 349,099 353,132 357,244 362,116 368,430 376,869 387,648 400,313 414,540 430,00350 72,076 73,269 74,629 76,245 78,206 80,601 83,606 87,160 91,002 94,87151 70,860 71,763 72,750 73,944 75,465 77,436 79,944 82,906 86,194 89,67752 69,761 70,459 71,165 72,024 73,181 74,780 76,839 79,259 82,018 85,09153 68,714 69,331 69,886 70,540 71,453 72,785 74,513 76,530 78,870 81,56754 67,688 68,311 68,814 69,363 70,125 71,266 72,747 74,458 76,455 78,79855-59 321,441 325,308 328,137 330,586 333,311 336,969 341,115 345,311 350,224 356,52455 66,732 67,371 67,834 68,288 68,902 69,842 71,050 72,414 74,023 75,96556 65,860 66,530 66,965 67,333 67,801 68,537 69,461 70,460 71,656 73,16757 64,694 65,432 65,916 66,294 66,719 67,340 68,064 68,789 69,658 70,81358 63,056 63,901 64,526 65,041 65,559 66,192 66,834 67,413 68,084 69,00259 61,100 62,073 62,897 63,629 64,329 65,057 65,705 66,234 66,804 67,57760-64 275,922 282,433 289,031 295,426 301,332 306,461 310,391 313,314 315,862 318,66860 59,163 60,275 61,307 62,264 63,155 63,986 64,649 65,138 65,617 66,24861 57,190 58,457 59,721 60,933 62,040 62,994 63,685 64,149 64,545 65,03662 55,186 56,558 57,983 59,373 60,642 61,702 62,457 62,965 63,371 63,81863 53,190 54,586 56,047 57,485 58,810 59,935 60,787 61,425 61,958 62,49264 51,193 52,557 53,973 55,371 56,685 57,845 58,814 59,637 60,371 61,07465-69 225,337 231,627 238,142 244,740 251,278 257,617 263,931 270,316 276,506 282,23865 49,156 50,493 51,874 53,248 54,564 55,773 56,868 57,884 58,828 59,70966 47,097 48,401 49,740 51,083 52,401 53,662 54,899 56,132 57,313 58,39667 45,046 46,309 47,605 48,917 50,228 51,522 52,853 54,231 55,577 56,80868 43,019 44,236 45,500 46,793 48,096 49,393 50,739 52,144 53,527 54,80569 41,019 42,187 43,423 44,699 45,990 47,267 48,573 49,925 51,262 52,52070-74 176,404 181,274 186,584 192,195 197,968 203,764 209,664 215,760 221,931 228,05570 39,022 40,132 41,327 42,574 43,840 45,094 46,365 47,675 48,980 50,23171 37,017 38,063 39,212 40,424 41,662 42,888 44,119 45,381 46,646 47,89072 35,130 36,108 37,192 38,344 39,529 40,708 41,892 43,103 44,330 45,55873 33,417 34,322 35,316 36,374 37,470 38,581 39,714 40,888 42,087 43,29874 31,817 32,648 33,538 34,479 35,466 36,493 37,574 38,713 39,888 41,07775-79 134,616 137,805 140,974 144,259 147,798 151,728 156,126 160,900 165,936 171,12075 30,219 30,974 31,760 32,587 33,464 34,404 35,423 36,515 37,653 38,81076 28,651 29,328 30,004 30,709 31,470 32,316 33,269 34,308 35,403 36,52377 27,021 27,636 28,231 28,844 29,515 30,282 31,163 32,135 33,167 34,22878 25,272 25,853 26,412 26,985 27,609 28,319 29,128 30,012 30,952 31,92779 23,453 24,015 24,568 25,134 25,739 26,407 27,143 27,929 28,761 29,63180 y más / and over 174,539 179,198 183,990 188,916 193,974 199,165 204,426 209,756 215,252 221,008Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.86
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050Total 7,661,759 7,707,470 7,752,173 7,795,901 7,838,687 7,880,563 7,921,508 7,961,500 8,000,572 8,038,758 8,076,0890-4 531,634 529,025 526,797 524,908 523,315 521,976 520,919 520,172 519,693 519,439 519,3680 105,614 105,228 104,919 104,669 104,457 104,267 104,109 103,997 103,911 103,834 103,7461 105,737 105,290 104,920 104,613 104,354 104,129 103,947 103,819 103,729 103,664 103,6082 106,196 105,678 105,237 104,863 104,549 104,284 104,074 103,926 103,831 103,780 103,7633 106,737 106,145 105,629 105,187 104,813 104,506 104,267 104,099 103,998 103,961 103,9844 107,351 106,684 106,092 105,577 105,142 104,791 104,522 104,331 104,224 104,201 104,2685-9 548,081 543,763 539,834 536,274 533,061 530,178 527,636 525,450 523,599 522,063 520,8225 107,884 107,197 106,573 106,012 105,513 105,075 104,700 104,387 104,135 103,945 103,8156 108,668 107,893 107,190 106,556 105,988 105,484 105,044 104,672 104,364 104,119 103,9327 109,540 108,675 107,889 107,179 106,539 105,965 105,459 105,025 104,658 104,354 104,1068 110,488 109,534 108,666 107,878 107,164 106,517 105,942 105,443 105,013 104,648 104,3399 111,501 110,464 109,515 108,648 107,858 107,137 106,491 105,923 105,427 104,998 104,63010-14 574,065 568,246 562,548 557,075 551,933 547,227 542,887 538,843 535,201 532,064 529,54010 112,512 111,402 110,386 109,455 108,601 107,816 107,105 106,474 105,915 105,419 104,97711 113,459 112,285 111,225 110,261 109,373 108,542 107,782 107,105 106,491 105,923 105,38112 114,589 113,384 112,266 111,226 110,258 109,354 108,519 107,759 107,064 106,429 105,84513 115,996 114,804 113,597 112,413 111,290 110,265 109,314 108,412 107,595 106,903 106,37414 117,509 116,371 115,074 113,720 112,411 111,249 110,166 109,094 108,135 107,390 106,96315-19 601,890 597,983 592,084 585,116 578,002 571,666 565,492 558,864 552,707 547,943 545,49515 118,907 117,830 116,459 114,957 113,484 112,203 111,006 109,786 108,702 107,919 107,59716 120,280 119,263 117,802 116,131 114,478 113,075 111,768 110,403 109,211 108,423 108,27017 121,099 120,221 118,834 117,187 115,532 114,119 112,781 111,352 110,081 109,219 109,01818 121,094 120,467 119,395 118,069 116,683 115,429 114,179 112,803 111,496 110,448 109,85419 120,509 120,202 119,594 118,772 117,825 116,840 115,758 114,521 113,217 111,932 110,75520-24 591,174 593,619 596,003 597,750 598,289 597,045 594,401 590,739 585,486 578,069 567,91320 119,863 119,869 119,710 119,376 118,853 118,133 117,221 116,126 114,835 113,339 111,62521 119,053 119,386 119,708 119,898 119,836 119,399 118,669 117,726 116,450 114,718 112,41022 118,201 118,791 119,460 120,027 120,307 120,119 119,584 118,825 117,657 115,899 113,36823 117,420 118,149 118,938 119,623 120,040 120,027 119,692 119,145 118,221 116,758 114,59124 116,637 117,425 118,187 118,827 119,252 119,367 119,234 118,918 118,323 117,354 115,91825-29 566,073 570,773 574,953 578,636 581,844 584,599 586,886 588,691 590,036 590,942 591,43325 115,728 116,567 117,315 117,937 118,393 118,647 118,724 118,648 118,382 117,889 117,13026 114,792 115,642 116,342 116,914 117,381 117,767 118,055 118,232 118,319 118,339 118,31527 113,565 114,456 115,180 115,789 116,333 116,863 117,346 117,748 118,119 118,510 118,97328 111,927 112,924 113,812 114,613 115,354 116,056 116,705 117,284 117,818 118,331 118,84629 110,060 111,184 112,305 113,384 114,383 115,266 116,056 116,779 117,398 117,874 118,16930-34 527,449 532,368 538,928 546,210 553,295 559,263 564,728 570,302 575,066 578,101 578,48730 108,375 109,586 110,870 112,146 113,334 114,352 115,254 116,094 116,792 117,266 117,43531 106,918 108,213 109,613 111,014 112,315 113,413 114,376 115,273 116,002 116,459 116,54332 105,467 106,673 108,099 109,595 111,010 112,193 113,244 114,265 115,105 115,611 115,63533 103,994 104,853 106,182 107,739 109,283 110,574 111,771 113,037 114,129 114,807 114,82934 102,695 103,043 104,165 105,716 107,354 108,732 110,082 111,632 113,039 113,958 114,04435-39 514,034 508,961 508,794 511,862 516,494 521,020 526,553 534,207 542,312 549,196 553,18935 101,463 101,352 102,306 103,876 105,613 107,071 108,546 110,339 112,000 113,082 113,13736 99,925 99,414 100,323 102,058 104,026 105,633 107,274 109,346 111,255 112,405 112,20537 100,325 99,361 99,829 101,167 102,809 104,193 105,694 107,687 109,610 110,898 110,98738 103,644 102,156 101,582 101,658 102,124 102,718 103,615 104,989 106,579 108,123 109,35939 108,677 106,678 104,755 103,103 101,921 101,405 101,423 101,845 102,868 104,688 107,50187
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION AMBOS SEXOSPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, BOTH SEXES1950-2050Edad / Age 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 205040-44 592,491 580,970 561,754 539,736 519,813 506,880 497,674 488,930 485,545 492,414 514,43240 113,307 110,833 107,658 104,404 101,696 100,155 99,367 98,916 99,425 101,518 105,81741 118,033 115,029 110,496 105,523 101,195 98,598 97,009 95,703 95,767 98,286 104,34842 120,991 117,993 112,981 107,262 102,146 98,942 96,777 94,779 94,257 96,519 102,87543 121,062 118,879 114,752 109,826 105,243 102,149 99,780 97,374 96,074 97,025 101,37044 119,098 118,237 115,867 112,722 109,534 107,036 104,741 102,159 100,022 99,065 100,02145-49 556,533 568,130 577,358 583,359 585,278 582,259 574,872 563,689 547,852 526,506 498,79545 117,237 117,633 116,894 115,386 113,474 111,521 109,285 106,523 103,599 100,878 98,72646 115,248 116,952 117,908 118,097 117,500 116,097 113,901 110,925 107,150 102,555 97,12347 112,301 115,039 117,385 119,023 119,639 118,920 117,074 114,311 110,317 104,777 97,37848 108,259 111,540 114,682 117,246 118,793 118,885 117,813 115,872 112,621 107,621 100,43549 103,488 106,966 110,488 113,606 115,872 116,836 116,799 116,058 114,166 110,674 105,13350-54 446,377 465,262 486,875 508,816 528,687 544,089 556,621 567,882 575,473 576,996 570,05250 98,504 102,227 106,215 109,979 113,032 114,886 115,867 116,300 115,696 113,569 109,43051 93,225 97,195 101,675 106,128 110,017 112,806 114,851 116,512 117,251 116,531 113,81652 88,454 92,465 97,139 101,942 106,336 109,787 112,652 115,287 117,157 117,726 116,45953 84,653 88,443 92,915 97,597 102,017 105,703 108,969 112,131 114,716 116,252 116,26754 81,542 84,932 88,931 93,171 97,285 100,907 104,282 107,653 110,654 112,919 114,07955-59 364,878 375,492 387,921 401,855 416,988 433,009 450,125 468,542 487,951 508,043 528,51155 78,330 81,285 84,773 88,540 92,332 95,896 99,401 103,016 106,487 109,562 111,98656 75,114 77,580 80,485 83,704 87,113 90,586 94,207 98,059 102,018 105,958 109,75557 72,395 74,421 76,793 79,492 82,496 85,784 89,370 93,268 97,457 101,916 106,62458 70,324 72,027 74,006 76,297 78,933 81,948 85,319 89,025 93,097 97,572 102,48359 68,715 70,179 71,863 73,822 76,114 78,795 81,828 85,174 88,891 93,036 97,66460-64 322,364 326,521 330,718 335,598 341,804 349,979 359,694 370,521 383,102 398,081 416,10160 67,192 68,392 69,739 71,321 73,223 75,534 78,194 81,146 84,477 88,274 92,62361 65,782 66,705 67,699 68,879 70,362 72,263 74,507 77,014 79,901 83,285 87,28262 64,452 65,182 65,909 66,773 67,910 69,457 71,323 73,416 75,873 78,832 82,43063 63,134 63,784 64,372 65,046 65,956 67,251 68,833 70,600 72,703 75,291 78,51364 61,804 62,459 62,999 63,580 64,353 65,474 66,838 68,345 70,147 72,399 75,25365-69 287,248 291,140 294,092 296,694 299,539 303,219 307,338 311,503 316,305 322,336 330,18865 60,534 61,202 61,707 62,202 62,841 63,776 64,906 66,128 67,595 69,461 71,87966 59,336 60,031 60,513 60,931 61,438 62,184 63,068 63,990 65,100 66,550 68,49067 57,845 58,598 59,120 59,547 60,011 60,649 61,370 62,084 62,927 64,032 65,53468 55,896 56,734 57,374 57,914 58,455 59,096 59,771 60,413 61,123 61,999 63,14069 53,636 54,575 55,379 56,100 56,794 57,514 58,224 58,889 59,561 60,295 61,14570-74 234,011 239,960 245,984 251,840 257,284 262,076 266,376 270,346 273,744 276,327 277,85270 51,384 52,434 53,411 54,323 55,177 55,982 56,733 57,424 58,062 58,656 59,21471 49,085 50,259 51,431 52,558 53,597 54,505 55,311 56,043 56,659 57,115 57,37072 46,775 48,029 49,329 50,602 51,773 52,766 53,632 54,421 55,058 55,468 55,57773 44,508 45,767 47,083 48,382 49,587 50,623 51,540 52,389 53,094 53,578 53,76774 42,259 43,472 44,729 45,975 47,151 48,200 49,160 50,070 50,872 51,509 51,92375-79 176,337 181,658 187,158 192,733 198,278 203,688 209,033 214,384 219,634 224,680 229,41775 39,960 41,130 42,338 43,543 44,703 45,776 46,790 47,773 48,683 49,478 50,11876 37,636 38,759 39,911 41,070 42,212 43,314 44,390 45,457 46,492 47,470 48,36877 35,289 36,357 37,451 38,562 39,677 40,785 41,895 43,012 44,127 45,227 46,30378 32,916 33,926 34,972 36,042 37,125 38,211 39,307 40,420 41,539 42,654 43,75379 30,536 31,486 32,485 33,516 34,561 35,602 36,652 37,722 38,794 39,851 40,87680 y más / and over 227,120 233,596 240,373 247,439 254,782 262,390 270,272 278,435 286,867 295,557 304,494Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.88
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959Total 1,085,452 1,105,256 1,126,317 1,149,015 1,173,728 1,200,836 1,230,085 1,261,224 1,294,630 1,330,6830‐4 183,962 192,082 199,961 207,707 215,429 223,233 231,048 238,802 246,604 254,5590 43,926 45,949 47,805 49,547 51,226 52,893 54,515 56,056 57,569 59,1041 38,220 40,107 41,856 43,513 45,124 46,734 48,314 49,832 51,335 52,8672 35,657 37,341 38,951 40,515 42,064 43,628 45,187 46,721 48,260 49,8333 33,820 35,240 36,674 38,128 39,609 41,120 42,659 44,223 45,815 47,4434 32,338 33,446 34,676 36,004 37,406 38,857 40,373 41,970 43,625 45,3125‐9 153,365 151,859 153,028 156,200 160,705 165,872 172,149 179,982 188,701 197,6365 32,441 32,471 33,033 33,982 35,175 36,469 37,959 39,740 41,670 43,6046 31,439 31,214 31,566 32,342 33,390 34,559 35,949 37,662 39,546 41,4487 30,569 30,185 30,375 30,993 31,893 32,929 34,199 35,800 37,586 39,4118 29,804 29,343 29,414 29,890 30,643 31,545 32,680 34,134 35,780 37,4909 29,112 28,646 28,640 28,992 29,603 30,370 31,362 32,645 34,119 35,68310‐14 135,706 134,999 134,958 135,617 137,009 139,168 142,071 145,696 150,076 155,24510 28,504 28,093 28,041 28,283 28,753 29,387 30,226 31,316 32,591 33,98511 27,991 27,681 27,607 27,747 28,077 28,573 29,253 30,130 31,182 32,38612 27,344 27,174 27,122 27,202 27,430 27,822 28,366 29,053 29,898 30,91613 26,455 26,454 26,472 26,551 26,735 27,067 27,518 28,059 28,734 29,58514 25,413 25,596 25,715 25,833 26,014 26,319 26,708 27,138 27,672 28,37315‐19 112,539 115,752 117,719 118,962 120,002 121,363 122,696 123,652 124,754 126,52415 24,431 24,816 25,047 25,208 25,386 25,667 25,993 26,307 26,695 27,24216 23,485 24,098 24,456 24,670 24,851 25,111 25,374 25,567 25,801 26,18717 22,520 23,278 23,727 23,989 24,186 24,441 24,672 24,797 24,939 25,22118 21,539 22,306 22,780 23,073 23,298 23,568 23,807 23,940 24,081 24,34119 20,564 21,253 21,709 22,021 22,280 22,577 22,850 23,041 23,238 23,53420‐24 90,186 92,669 94,706 96,480 98,174 99,968 101,742 103,375 105,048 106,94420 19,603 20,226 20,674 21,013 21,313 21,641 21,953 22,202 22,457 22,78721 18,633 19,188 19,631 20,006 20,357 20,726 21,087 21,408 21,734 22,10822 17,826 18,313 18,736 19,123 19,498 19,888 20,275 20,642 21,016 21,42123 17,263 17,694 18,080 18,441 18,797 19,170 19,545 19,910 20,284 20,68824 16,860 17,248 17,586 17,898 18,209 18,543 18,882 19,213 19,557 19,94025‐29 77,963 79,454 80,698 81,830 82,985 84,297 85,677 87,034 88,504 90,22125 16,462 16,793 17,080 17,347 17,619 17,918 18,231 18,539 18,868 19,24226 16,106 16,364 16,589 16,804 17,033 17,299 17,586 17,879 18,201 18,57527 15,691 15,925 16,124 16,314 16,519 16,763 17,031 17,304 17,609 17,97028 15,155 15,441 15,673 15,881 16,092 16,336 16,594 16,846 17,121 17,44829 14,549 14,932 15,232 15,484 15,722 15,980 16,235 16,465 16,704 16,98730‐34 64,917 67,591 69,673 71,355 72,828 74,282 75,591 76,626 77,580 78,64330 13,988 14,460 14,821 15,110 15,369 15,637 15,889 16,095 16,299 16,53831 13,450 14,022 14,447 14,774 15,052 15,329 15,573 15,750 15,911 16,10332 12,943 13,556 14,016 14,370 14,667 14,955 15,202 15,376 15,526 15,69933 12,481 13,044 13,487 13,847 14,160 14,462 14,731 14,940 15,127 15,32834 12,055 12,509 12,903 13,254 13,580 13,898 14,197 14,464 14,718 14,97635‐39 54,490 55,563 56,949 58,541 60,233 61,921 63,674 65,563 67,482 69,32635 11,638 11,994 12,345 12,690 13,030 13,363 13,690 14,012 14,327 14,63536 11,229 11,484 11,791 12,132 12,488 12,838 13,196 13,575 13,955 14,31737 10,857 11,034 11,303 11,631 11,987 12,342 12,714 13,126 13,546 13,94338 10,530 10,674 10,914 11,218 11,555 11,894 12,256 12,661 13,078 13,47639 10,236 10,377 10,596 10,869 11,173 11,484 11,817 12,189 12,576 12,95489
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 195940‐44 47,035 47,641 48,441 49,403 50,492 51,674 52,972 54,409 55,951 57,56340 9,953 10,083 10,278 10,520 10,791 11,075 11,383 11,726 12,087 12,44941 9,685 9,802 9,971 10,179 10,416 10,671 10,952 11,265 11,600 11,94642 9,415 9,528 9,678 9,860 10,069 10,299 10,554 10,838 11,146 11,47243 9,134 9,252 9,395 9,563 9,753 9,966 10,202 10,461 10,742 11,04444 8,848 8,975 9,119 9,282 9,462 9,663 9,882 10,119 10,376 10,65245‐49 40,209 40,977 41,705 42,427 43,180 44,001 44,865 45,748 46,686 47,71645 8,573 8,713 8,858 9,014 9,182 9,368 9,569 9,782 10,011 10,26046 8,307 8,463 8,612 8,760 8,916 9,087 9,268 9,454 9,653 9,87247 8,042 8,207 8,356 8,499 8,646 8,806 8,972 9,139 9,315 9,51148 7,776 7,936 8,082 8,221 8,363 8,516 8,675 8,834 9,001 9,18649 7,512 7,658 7,797 7,933 8,073 8,224 8,380 8,539 8,705 8,88650‐54 33,760 34,340 34,951 35,594 36,268 36,974 37,712 38,481 39,283 40,11650 7,252 7,387 7,520 7,654 7,793 7,941 8,095 8,253 8,418 8,59551 6,997 7,120 7,248 7,381 7,520 7,666 7,818 7,977 8,142 8,31452 6,746 6,859 6,982 7,112 7,250 7,393 7,543 7,700 7,863 8,03153 6,502 6,608 6,725 6,851 6,984 7,122 7,266 7,418 7,576 7,73854 6,263 6,365 6,476 6,595 6,721 6,852 6,989 7,134 7,284 7,43855‐59 27,888 28,301 28,757 29,253 29,783 30,343 30,936 31,566 32,227 32,91655 6,027 6,124 6,230 6,343 6,462 6,587 6,718 6,856 7,000 7,14856 5,794 5,886 5,987 6,094 6,207 6,326 6,452 6,584 6,722 6,86557 5,569 5,654 5,747 5,848 5,955 6,068 6,187 6,313 6,445 6,58358 5,353 5,428 5,512 5,604 5,704 5,809 5,922 6,042 6,168 6,30059 5,145 5,208 5,281 5,364 5,455 5,553 5,658 5,772 5,893 6,02060‐64 22,648 22,836 23,084 23,384 23,728 24,107 24,527 24,994 25,498 26,03360 4,939 4,990 5,053 5,127 5,210 5,301 5,399 5,507 5,622 5,74361 4,736 4,774 4,827 4,893 4,968 5,050 5,142 5,244 5,355 5,47162 4,532 4,563 4,609 4,667 4,734 4,810 4,894 4,989 5,093 5,20263 4,325 4,356 4,399 4,452 4,514 4,582 4,659 4,745 4,838 4,93864 4,116 4,152 4,195 4,245 4,301 4,364 4,433 4,508 4,590 4,67965‐69 17,475 17,703 17,916 18,127 18,347 18,587 18,840 19,099 19,374 19,67765 3,910 3,950 3,993 4,039 4,090 4,147 4,208 4,274 4,345 4,42366 3,706 3,750 3,793 3,836 3,882 3,932 3,986 4,043 4,103 4,16967 3,499 3,546 3,589 3,630 3,672 3,718 3,767 3,815 3,867 3,92568 3,287 3,336 3,378 3,418 3,459 3,503 3,548 3,593 3,640 3,69269 3,074 3,121 3,163 3,204 3,244 3,287 3,331 3,374 3,419 3,46870‐74 12,223 12,418 12,610 12,801 12,995 13,194 13,397 13,602 13,812 14,02970 2,863 2,910 2,952 2,992 3,033 3,075 3,117 3,158 3,201 3,24771 2,655 2,702 2,746 2,787 2,827 2,868 2,910 2,949 2,990 3,03272 2,446 2,490 2,532 2,572 2,612 2,652 2,693 2,732 2,772 2,81373 2,235 2,270 2,306 2,343 2,381 2,420 2,460 2,500 2,542 2,58574 2,024 2,047 2,075 2,107 2,142 2,179 2,219 2,262 2,307 2,35375‐79 7,195 7,178 7,230 7,334 7,472 7,627 7,811 8,034 8,281 8,53375 1,820 1,830 1,850 1,878 1,911 1,946 1,986 2,031 2,080 2,12976 1,621 1,618 1,630 1,654 1,684 1,718 1,758 1,807 1,860 1,91477 1,430 1,419 1,426 1,446 1,474 1,506 1,544 1,593 1,647 1,70278 1,248 1,238 1,244 1,261 1,286 1,315 1,350 1,394 1,444 1,49479 1,076 1,073 1,080 1,096 1,117 1,142 1,172 1,209 1,250 1,29380 y más / and over 3,891 3,893 3,931 4,001 4,100 4,225 4,377 4,560 4,769 5,001Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.90
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969Total 1,369,762 1,412,746 1,459,382 1,508,351 1,558,335 1,608,015 1,657,929 1,708,955 1,760,288 1,811,1190‐4 262,778 271,524 280,725 289,985 298,906 307,091 314,371 321,009 327,262 333,3820 60,714 62,448 64,272 66,111 67,890 69,536 71,022 72,398 73,703 74,9761 54,475 56,211 58,046 59,900 61,691 63,341 64,816 66,169 67,451 68,7092 51,471 53,229 55,088 56,963 58,770 60,424 61,889 63,220 64,473 65,7033 49,111 50,874 52,729 54,594 56,385 58,020 59,462 60,766 61,988 63,1844 47,007 48,761 50,590 52,418 54,169 55,769 57,181 58,456 59,648 60,8105‐9 206,115 214,071 221,952 229,858 237,891 246,152 254,907 264,088 273,297 282,1355 45,398 47,024 48,576 50,099 51,639 53,241 54,950 56,738 58,534 60,2696 43,217 44,824 46,370 47,898 49,452 51,075 52,821 54,663 56,517 58,3027 41,129 42,720 44,282 45,844 47,436 49,086 50,852 52,715 54,589 56,3878 39,134 40,710 42,302 43,918 45,562 47,241 49,012 50,870 52,731 54,5129 37,236 38,793 40,422 42,099 43,803 45,510 47,271 49,102 50,926 52,66610‐14 161,236 168,405 176,729 185,675 194,709 203,298 211,595 219,954 228,148 235,94710 35,432 36,972 38,649 40,404 42,178 43,912 45,650 47,429 49,186 50,85911 33,719 35,250 36,993 38,846 40,706 42,471 44,169 45,868 47,526 49,09912 32,123 33,606 35,354 37,238 39,125 40,887 42,544 44,182 45,771 47,27913 30,656 32,034 33,690 35,493 37,314 39,022 40,643 42,263 43,845 45,35014 29,305 30,543 32,043 33,694 35,385 37,005 38,590 40,212 41,820 43,36015‐19 129,484 133,854 139,286 145,450 152,014 158,648 165,583 173,041 180,673 188,13215 28,035 29,137 30,493 32,004 33,574 35,107 36,647 38,257 39,872 41,42816 26,836 27,802 29,013 30,384 31,835 33,281 34,774 36,370 37,991 39,56017 25,763 26,610 27,682 28,911 30,230 31,573 32,994 34,536 36,120 37,66318 24,834 25,594 26,544 27,635 28,817 30,038 31,347 32,776 34,255 35,71319 24,017 24,711 25,555 26,515 27,558 28,649 29,822 31,102 32,435 33,76820‐24 109,244 111,949 114,936 118,207 121,763 125,604 129,764 134,242 138,989 143,95320 23,259 23,885 24,618 25,443 26,343 27,302 28,345 29,482 30,677 31,89221 22,574 23,129 23,743 24,422 25,170 25,991 26,901 27,895 28,953 30,05322 21,883 22,393 22,933 23,518 24,163 24,883 25,683 26,551 27,483 28,46923 21,143 21,643 22,176 22,748 23,367 24,042 24,769 25,543 26,368 27,24824 20,385 20,899 21,466 22,076 22,719 23,385 24,067 24,771 25,508 26,29025‐29 92,321 94,935 97,973 101,238 104,531 107,655 110,548 113,341 116,127 119,00125 19,685 20,214 20,814 21,457 22,119 22,774 23,409 24,039 24,687 25,37126 19,024 19,578 20,220 20,908 21,598 22,246 22,832 23,386 23,938 24,51727 18,411 18,966 19,620 20,321 21,015 21,651 22,209 22,723 23,223 23,74228 17,855 18,373 18,983 19,640 20,296 20,906 21,458 21,983 22,499 23,02229 17,346 17,804 18,336 18,912 19,503 20,078 20,640 21,209 21,780 22,35030‐34 80,006 81,651 83,450 85,431 87,622 90,050 92,875 96,077 99,419 102,66230 16,854 17,259 17,725 18,235 18,772 19,319 19,893 20,505 21,131 21,74331 16,374 16,728 17,132 17,582 18,072 18,598 19,191 19,855 20,542 21,20532 15,944 16,258 16,607 16,998 17,439 17,935 18,528 19,213 19,930 20,61733 15,579 15,871 16,177 16,515 16,902 17,356 17,916 18,569 19,258 19,92434 15,254 15,536 15,810 16,101 16,437 16,841 17,346 17,934 18,558 19,17235‐39 70,988 72,349 73,480 74,560 75,769 77,286 79,157 81,261 83,532 85,90235 14,936 15,207 15,447 15,692 15,976 16,334 16,791 17,322 17,893 18,46536 14,642 14,899 15,101 15,295 15,524 15,835 16,245 16,725 17,247 17,78337 14,285 14,542 14,734 14,908 15,112 15,392 15,760 16,184 16,647 17,13538 13,825 14,099 14,320 14,524 14,747 15,024 15,356 15,720 16,115 16,53839 13,300 13,602 13,877 14,140 14,410 14,701 15,004 15,310 15,631 15,98291
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 196940‐44 59,213 60,979 62,884 64,809 66,635 68,242 69,491 70,461 71,363 72,40540 12,794 13,124 13,450 13,770 14,083 14,386 14,660 14,906 15,154 15,43441 12,292 12,653 13,035 13,418 13,778 14,096 14,337 14,517 14,685 14,88842 11,811 12,186 12,601 13,021 13,413 13,741 13,968 14,117 14,244 14,40643 11,366 11,730 12,138 12,555 12,945 13,276 13,515 13,686 13,835 14,01044 10,950 11,286 11,660 12,046 12,416 12,744 13,011 13,236 13,445 13,66845‐49 48,873 50,191 51,646 53,188 54,767 56,332 57,927 59,583 61,239 62,83145 10,533 10,844 11,190 11,550 11,904 12,231 12,525 12,801 13,066 13,33146 10,119 10,403 10,720 11,055 11,394 11,723 12,048 12,379 12,705 13,01847 9,736 9,996 10,284 10,592 10,912 11,234 11,575 11,939 12,305 12,64848 9,397 9,637 9,900 10,182 10,478 10,783 11,114 11,473 11,836 12,18149 9,088 9,311 9,552 9,809 10,079 10,361 10,665 10,992 11,327 11,65350‐54 40,982 41,864 42,761 43,699 44,701 45,794 46,986 48,262 49,606 51,00350 8,786 8,991 9,207 9,436 9,679 9,937 10,218 10,521 10,834 11,14651 8,495 8,680 8,869 9,067 9,281 9,514 9,772 10,051 10,345 10,64652 8,203 8,373 8,542 8,719 8,910 9,122 9,358 9,612 9,882 10,16753 7,902 8,064 8,226 8,393 8,572 8,771 8,988 9,219 9,465 9,72754 7,597 7,756 7,917 8,084 8,260 8,449 8,650 8,859 9,080 9,31755‐59 33,628 34,370 35,144 35,942 36,751 37,563 38,346 39,106 39,891 40,74855 7,301 7,457 7,617 7,782 7,954 8,133 8,316 8,501 8,695 8,90556 7,013 7,167 7,327 7,492 7,659 7,828 7,991 8,150 8,314 8,49557 6,725 6,876 7,034 7,197 7,360 7,521 7,670 7,811 7,955 8,11558 6,438 6,582 6,735 6,891 7,048 7,202 7,346 7,482 7,621 7,77359 6,151 6,288 6,431 6,579 6,729 6,878 7,022 7,162 7,306 7,45960‐64 26,589 27,170 27,782 28,419 29,075 29,747 30,439 31,154 31,885 32,62460 5,868 5,998 6,135 6,276 6,419 6,564 6,707 6,851 6,998 7,15161 5,590 5,714 5,844 5,978 6,116 6,257 6,401 6,549 6,701 6,85462 5,315 5,432 5,555 5,682 5,814 5,950 6,092 6,242 6,394 6,54663 5,042 5,151 5,267 5,387 5,513 5,642 5,778 5,920 6,066 6,21164 4,773 4,874 4,982 5,095 5,213 5,335 5,461 5,592 5,727 5,86265‐69 20,021 20,410 20,836 21,293 21,771 22,263 22,770 23,298 23,844 24,40865 4,507 4,600 4,701 4,808 4,919 5,033 5,150 5,272 5,397 5,52566 4,245 4,330 4,424 4,525 4,629 4,736 4,845 4,958 5,075 5,19467 3,992 4,070 4,156 4,249 4,346 4,446 4,547 4,651 4,759 4,87168 3,753 3,823 3,901 3,984 4,072 4,162 4,256 4,353 4,454 4,56069 3,524 3,586 3,654 3,727 3,805 3,886 3,973 4,064 4,159 4,25870‐74 14,258 14,492 14,730 14,980 15,250 15,550 15,882 16,240 16,621 17,01970 3,298 3,353 3,412 3,475 3,543 3,616 3,695 3,779 3,869 3,96171 3,078 3,126 3,176 3,229 3,286 3,351 3,422 3,501 3,584 3,67172 2,856 2,899 2,943 2,989 3,039 3,097 3,162 3,234 3,311 3,39173 2,628 2,671 2,713 2,757 2,804 2,857 2,918 2,983 3,052 3,12574 2,399 2,443 2,486 2,531 2,578 2,629 2,685 2,744 2,806 2,87175‐79 8,773 9,001 9,230 9,458 9,686 9,914 10,137 10,353 10,573 10,80575 2,177 2,223 2,268 2,313 2,359 2,409 2,460 2,513 2,567 2,62576 1,965 2,012 2,058 2,104 2,151 2,198 2,245 2,292 2,339 2,39077 1,754 1,801 1,848 1,895 1,941 1,987 2,030 2,072 2,114 2,15978 1,542 1,588 1,634 1,680 1,725 1,769 1,810 1,849 1,888 1,92879 1,335 1,377 1,421 1,465 1,509 1,551 1,591 1,628 1,665 1,70380 y más / and over 5,253 5,531 5,838 6,163 6,496 6,826 7,153 7,484 7,819 8,161Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.92
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979Total 1,860,642 1,909,122 1,957,098 2,004,170 2,049,939 2,094,007 2,136,612 2,178,021 2,217,874 2,255,8140‐4 339,625 346,036 352,446 358,786 364,987 370,980 377,146 383,532 389,566 394,6740 76,255 77,580 78,927 80,234 81,441 82,490 83,414 84,253 84,956 85,4691 69,995 71,333 72,690 74,029 75,311 76,498 77,650 78,791 79,833 80,6892 66,965 68,269 69,577 70,877 72,153 73,392 74,675 76,011 77,278 78,3573 64,412 65,665 66,904 68,141 69,385 70,645 72,019 73,501 74,945 76,2024 61,998 63,189 64,347 65,506 66,697 67,955 69,389 70,976 72,553 73,9575‐9 290,204 297,280 303,630 309,587 315,488 321,668 328,313 335,199 342,047 348,5795 61,872 63,307 64,620 65,867 67,103 68,386 69,780 71,247 72,690 74,0126 59,935 61,372 62,669 63,891 65,103 66,373 67,753 69,198 70,630 71,9697 58,022 59,448 60,722 61,915 63,098 64,343 65,688 67,086 68,478 69,8088 56,128 57,532 58,779 59,941 61,092 62,303 63,598 64,927 66,258 67,5549 54,247 55,621 56,840 57,973 59,091 60,262 61,494 62,741 63,992 65,23610‐14 243,122 249,530 255,324 260,718 265,927 271,165 276,286 281,147 285,967 290,96710 52,384 53,719 54,905 56,007 57,089 58,213 59,372 60,522 61,677 62,85211 50,545 51,827 52,973 54,039 55,080 56,152 57,225 58,264 59,310 60,40612 48,673 49,923 51,052 52,103 53,121 54,151 55,153 56,098 57,044 58,05013 46,742 47,998 49,145 50,213 51,236 52,246 53,203 54,086 54,953 55,86414 44,778 46,062 47,248 48,355 49,400 50,404 51,333 52,177 52,982 53,79615‐19 195,072 201,575 207,872 213,840 219,355 224,293 228,586 232,315 235,585 238,49815 42,858 44,161 45,379 46,517 47,579 48,572 49,469 50,268 51,006 51,72116 41,000 42,317 43,562 44,726 45,801 46,777 47,638 48,389 49,057 49,66517 39,087 40,405 41,673 42,866 43,960 44,933 45,772 46,495 47,117 47,65418 37,079 38,379 39,660 40,883 42,008 42,995 43,836 44,557 45,170 45,68819 35,048 36,314 37,599 38,848 40,006 41,016 41,870 42,606 43,235 43,77020‐24 149,085 154,654 160,693 166,798 172,567 177,594 181,870 185,664 188,991 191,86720 33,092 34,323 35,611 36,883 38,070 39,100 39,967 40,717 41,362 41,91121 31,175 32,375 33,667 34,966 36,186 37,240 38,122 38,891 39,554 40,12022 29,503 30,647 31,905 33,185 34,395 35,441 36,322 37,097 37,773 38,35523 28,186 29,239 30,404 31,597 32,731 33,723 34,571 35,334 36,011 36,60024 27,129 28,070 29,105 30,167 31,185 32,090 32,888 33,624 34,291 34,88225‐29 122,056 125,374 128,893 132,488 136,037 139,414 142,679 145,913 149,030 151,94125 26,110 26,942 27,853 28,788 29,695 30,519 31,270 31,982 32,644 33,24026 25,153 25,873 26,656 27,463 28,257 28,999 29,704 30,395 31,054 31,65927 24,308 24,939 25,613 26,307 26,998 27,664 28,319 28,978 29,620 30,22028 23,571 24,151 24,751 25,361 25,971 26,571 27,174 27,787 28,391 28,96529 22,913 23,469 24,021 24,569 25,116 25,661 26,212 26,770 27,322 27,85630‐34 105,570 108,078 110,346 112,467 114,538 116,654 118,791 120,885 122,972 125,08730 22,319 22,848 23,348 23,831 24,311 24,799 25,300 25,804 26,307 26,80331 21,797 22,299 22,745 23,159 23,568 23,997 24,446 24,897 25,351 25,81132 21,215 21,704 22,123 22,504 22,875 23,269 23,679 24,085 24,496 24,91833 20,509 20,998 21,430 21,828 22,211 22,603 22,995 23,370 23,744 24,13034 19,731 20,229 20,699 21,146 21,573 21,986 22,372 22,728 23,073 23,42535‐39 88,305 90,848 93,577 96,329 98,941 101,251 103,179 104,833 106,333 107,79935 19,003 19,513 20,021 20,515 20,984 21,417 21,798 22,134 22,449 22,76736 18,305 18,833 19,385 19,932 20,448 20,903 21,279 21,593 21,876 22,15737 17,631 18,161 18,736 19,317 19,864 20,336 20,714 21,024 21,296 21,56138 16,988 17,495 18,060 18,638 19,187 19,664 20,053 20,383 20,677 20,95939 16,378 16,845 17,375 17,926 18,458 18,931 19,335 19,699 20,035 20,35593
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 197940‐44 73,799 75,639 77,785 80,095 82,425 84,633 86,755 88,886 90,973 92,95940 15,777 16,210 16,711 17,242 17,763 18,235 18,656 19,052 19,426 19,78041 15,177 15,576 16,054 16,571 17,087 17,563 18,003 18,434 18,848 19,23842 14,658 15,025 15,467 15,952 16,443 16,905 17,350 17,799 18,239 18,65343 14,257 14,592 14,984 15,409 15,845 16,270 16,696 17,137 17,575 17,99444 13,930 14,237 14,569 14,921 15,287 15,660 16,051 16,464 16,884 17,29445‐49 64,295 65,555 66,653 67,704 68,822 70,121 71,618 73,238 74,954 76,74145 13,606 13,883 14,157 14,437 14,733 15,057 15,417 15,807 16,212 16,61646 13,306 13,551 13,759 13,960 14,181 14,451 14,781 15,151 15,547 15,95147 12,947 13,177 13,353 13,511 13,690 13,924 14,223 14,562 14,929 15,31248 12,483 12,723 12,918 13,096 13,285 13,514 13,782 14,071 14,381 14,71349 11,953 12,220 12,466 12,700 12,933 13,176 13,416 13,646 13,885 14,14950‐54 52,440 54,000 55,692 57,392 58,972 60,307 61,251 61,888 62,437 63,11750 11,447 11,739 12,030 12,315 12,587 12,839 13,049 13,222 13,391 13,58951 10,948 11,268 11,610 11,949 12,262 12,524 12,702 12,810 12,901 13,02752 10,464 10,797 11,168 11,540 11,879 12,150 12,313 12,393 12,448 12,53653 10,008 10,329 10,690 11,057 11,395 11,670 11,849 11,956 12,039 12,14654 9,573 9,867 10,195 10,531 10,850 11,125 11,338 11,506 11,658 11,81955‐59 41,724 42,847 44,087 45,400 46,743 48,073 49,442 50,879 52,306 53,64455 9,139 9,408 9,708 10,020 10,325 10,602 10,846 11,071 11,284 11,49456 8,704 8,948 9,222 9,512 9,804 10,085 10,364 10,650 10,930 11,19157 8,303 8,525 8,771 9,035 9,309 9,586 9,884 10,207 10,529 10,82358 7,950 8,152 8,373 8,611 8,861 9,121 9,408 9,726 10,047 10,34359 7,629 7,815 8,013 8,223 8,445 8,680 8,940 9,225 9,516 9,79460‐64 33,361 34,071 34,759 35,465 36,229 37,089 38,059 39,113 40,232 41,39560 7,313 7,481 7,654 7,835 8,029 8,239 8,475 8,734 9,002 9,26661 7,008 7,158 7,303 7,453 7,615 7,800 8,011 8,244 8,490 8,74262 6,693 6,828 6,954 7,082 7,223 7,387 7,576 7,783 8,006 8,24263 6,351 6,480 6,601 6,723 6,855 7,008 7,181 7,368 7,569 7,78564 5,996 6,124 6,247 6,373 6,506 6,655 6,816 6,985 7,165 7,36165‐69 24,988 25,588 26,208 26,844 27,489 28,137 28,758 29,357 29,978 30,66765 5,653 5,779 5,905 6,033 6,166 6,309 6,455 6,604 6,762 6,93566 5,317 5,443 5,572 5,704 5,839 5,975 6,106 6,233 6,365 6,51267 4,988 5,112 5,241 5,374 5,507 5,638 5,757 5,868 5,981 6,11068 4,670 4,787 4,910 5,036 5,163 5,286 5,400 5,505 5,613 5,73469 4,361 4,468 4,581 4,696 4,813 4,929 5,040 5,147 5,257 5,37770‐74 17,430 17,854 18,295 18,751 19,223 19,710 20,215 20,737 21,274 21,82170 4,057 4,156 4,260 4,366 4,475 4,584 4,693 4,801 4,912 5,03071 3,760 3,851 3,946 4,043 4,144 4,248 4,355 4,466 4,579 4,69672 3,473 3,557 3,644 3,734 3,828 3,926 4,029 4,139 4,252 4,36473 3,200 3,278 3,359 3,442 3,530 3,621 3,718 3,821 3,926 4,03174 2,939 3,011 3,087 3,165 3,247 3,331 3,419 3,511 3,605 3,70075‐79 11,057 11,332 11,625 11,931 12,247 12,568 12,893 13,225 13,566 13,91975 2,687 2,753 2,823 2,896 2,972 3,049 3,129 3,211 3,296 3,38276 2,445 2,505 2,570 2,638 2,708 2,779 2,851 2,924 3,000 3,07777 2,208 2,263 2,322 2,384 2,448 2,512 2,577 2,642 2,709 2,77878 1,973 2,023 2,075 2,131 2,187 2,245 2,303 2,361 2,421 2,48479 1,744 1,788 1,834 1,882 1,931 1,982 2,034 2,087 2,141 2,19880 y más / and over 8,509 8,860 9,213 9,574 9,951 10,350 10,771 11,208 11,664 12,139Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.94
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Total 2,291,482 2,323,964 2,353,499 2,381,459 2,409,213 2,438,133 2,467,893 2,497,578 2,527,678 2,558,6830‐4 398,284 399,971 400,117 399,359 398,337 397,688 397,147 396,288 395,510 395,2130 85,740 85,658 85,259 84,707 84,170 83,812 83,638 83,538 83,504 83,5321 81,270 81,475 81,364 81,087 80,796 80,641 80,604 80,584 80,609 80,7072 79,124 79,490 79,535 79,395 79,208 79,110 79,051 78,940 78,851 78,8603 77,127 77,645 77,854 77,866 77,790 77,739 77,630 77,387 77,137 77,0034 75,023 75,702 76,105 76,303 76,372 76,386 76,224 75,840 75,409 75,1105‐9 354,515 360,192 365,796 370,823 374,765 377,119 377,070 374,956 371,997 369,4135 75,114 76,017 76,786 77,390 77,800 77,986 77,776 77,192 76,489 75,9226 73,137 74,183 75,158 75,990 76,606 76,934 76,796 76,240 75,532 74,9407 71,018 72,181 73,335 74,371 75,180 75,653 75,618 75,146 74,498 73,9328 68,784 70,037 71,336 72,545 73,527 74,143 74,236 73,898 73,365 72,8759 66,462 67,775 69,182 70,527 71,653 72,403 72,645 72,480 72,113 71,74310‐14 296,367 302,608 309,543 316,511 322,848 327,893 331,544 334,243 336,141 337,39010 64,062 65,420 66,918 68,383 69,642 70,525 70,924 70,954 70,774 70,54611 61,591 62,995 64,588 66,180 67,581 68,599 69,155 69,377 69,383 69,29212 59,174 60,532 62,086 63,661 65,080 66,171 66,894 67,368 67,648 67,78713 56,875 58,061 59,382 60,728 61,991 63,060 63,961 64,766 65,438 65,94014 54,665 55,601 56,570 57,560 58,554 59,539 60,610 61,778 62,897 63,82515‐19 241,157 242,937 243,771 244,594 246,344 249,959 256,517 265,393 274,970 283,62915 52,448 53,137 53,763 54,403 55,135 56,037 57,274 58,793 60,348 61,68916 50,240 50,663 50,918 51,182 51,631 52,443 53,859 55,761 57,787 59,57317 48,122 48,361 48,361 48,361 48,600 49,319 50,790 52,855 55,102 57,12018 46,124 46,317 46,258 46,188 46,349 46,980 48,321 50,210 52,291 54,20619 44,223 44,460 44,471 44,460 44,629 45,180 46,274 47,774 49,442 51,04020‐24 194,308 195,921 196,695 197,220 198,085 199,878 202,549 205,705 209,423 213,77820 42,375 42,641 42,701 42,726 42,886 43,351 44,206 45,338 46,618 47,92021 40,597 40,897 41,013 41,080 41,231 41,601 42,194 42,919 43,772 44,74822 38,847 39,180 39,350 39,463 39,622 39,933 40,345 40,789 41,340 42,07423 37,101 37,453 37,656 37,802 37,983 38,290 38,667 39,053 39,532 40,19024 35,388 35,751 35,975 36,150 36,363 36,703 37,137 37,607 38,161 38,84725‐29 154,559 156,706 158,440 160,028 161,737 163,835 166,315 169,000 171,898 175,01825 33,757 34,141 34,403 34,622 34,876 35,246 35,716 36,232 36,819 37,49926 32,192 32,605 32,912 33,183 33,486 33,890 34,398 34,963 35,582 36,25127 30,758 31,195 31,546 31,868 32,217 32,649 33,177 33,763 34,388 35,03428 29,492 29,944 30,334 30,702 31,089 31,534 32,042 32,588 33,163 33,75829 28,361 28,820 29,244 29,652 30,069 30,516 30,983 31,454 31,947 32,47630‐34 127,267 129,544 131,893 134,267 136,616 138,889 140,938 142,795 144,685 146,83330 27,288 27,756 28,212 28,661 29,110 29,565 30,002 30,418 30,847 31,32431 26,277 26,756 27,247 27,740 28,224 28,689 29,101 29,467 29,837 30,26432 25,360 25,834 26,336 26,845 27,343 27,809 28,206 28,545 28,885 29,28533 24,541 24,989 25,464 25,950 26,429 26,883 27,279 27,630 27,984 28,39234 23,802 24,210 24,635 25,071 25,510 25,943 26,350 26,735 27,131 27,56835‐39 109,350 110,936 112,476 114,047 115,727 117,593 119,661 121,879 124,223 126,67035 23,111 23,480 23,858 24,247 24,648 25,061 25,476 25,892 26,326 26,79136 22,464 22,793 23,121 23,461 23,822 24,215 24,640 25,091 25,566 26,06437 21,850 22,149 22,439 22,739 23,065 23,438 23,864 24,333 24,830 25,34438 21,254 21,545 21,818 22,094 22,397 22,750 23,163 23,619 24,105 24,60639 20,672 20,969 21,239 21,505 21,794 22,130 22,518 22,943 23,396 23,86695
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 198940‐44 94,790 96,385 97,779 99,096 100,459 101,990 103,679 105,445 107,303 109,26740 20,117 20,418 20,681 20,935 21,206 21,524 21,892 22,292 22,717 23,16241 19,594 19,896 20,149 20,386 20,637 20,936 21,284 21,661 22,063 22,48542 19,025 19,336 19,595 19,834 20,084 20,375 20,707 21,060 21,434 21,83143 18,376 18,705 18,993 19,263 19,537 19,838 20,161 20,490 20,834 21,20044 17,678 18,030 18,360 18,679 18,994 19,317 19,634 19,942 20,255 20,58945‐49 78,574 80,520 82,595 84,700 86,733 88,592 90,184 91,575 92,908 94,32545 17,004 17,379 17,749 18,113 18,467 18,808 19,120 19,405 19,687 19,99046 16,347 16,746 17,158 17,568 17,960 18,319 18,623 18,881 19,128 19,39647 15,700 16,108 16,546 16,987 17,408 17,784 18,089 18,341 18,577 18,83248 15,067 15,463 15,900 16,350 16,783 17,171 17,494 17,770 18,031 18,30549 14,455 14,824 15,242 15,682 16,114 16,510 16,858 17,178 17,486 17,80150‐54 64,146 65,590 67,302 69,186 71,142 73,073 75,015 77,034 79,074 81,08250 13,850 14,193 14,595 15,029 15,462 15,867 16,240 16,598 16,950 17,30151 13,238 13,556 13,947 14,379 14,819 15,237 15,635 16,034 16,430 16,81752 12,716 13,007 13,369 13,775 14,197 14,608 15,017 15,442 15,869 16,28453 12,325 12,586 12,897 13,242 13,610 13,985 14,381 14,807 15,244 15,67154 12,017 12,248 12,494 12,761 13,053 13,375 13,743 14,153 14,582 15,01055‐59 54,814 55,688 56,319 56,898 57,620 58,678 60,136 61,867 63,771 65,75355 11,706 11,907 12,089 12,279 12,498 12,770 13,112 13,509 13,935 14,36556 11,419 11,584 11,697 11,800 11,939 12,157 12,474 12,861 13,288 13,72657 11,063 11,213 11,291 11,350 11,444 11,628 11,919 12,282 12,689 13,11358 10,588 10,751 10,851 10,933 11,042 11,224 11,490 11,809 12,165 12,54259 10,038 10,233 10,391 10,537 10,698 10,899 11,141 11,406 11,695 12,00660‐64 42,583 43,841 45,183 46,541 47,847 49,035 50,010 50,816 51,596 52,49360 9,512 9,735 9,945 10,148 10,354 10,570 10,787 10,999 11,221 11,46961 8,991 9,246 9,510 9,775 10,028 10,260 10,449 10,600 10,748 10,92762 8,488 8,760 9,059 9,363 9,648 9,893 10,068 10,189 10,298 10,43663 8,018 8,284 8,581 8,886 9,175 9,423 9,608 9,746 9,871 10,01864 7,574 7,817 8,088 8,369 8,642 8,889 9,098 9,282 9,458 9,64365‐69 31,471 32,407 33,445 34,558 35,717 36,897 38,150 39,494 40,850 42,13765 7,129 7,353 7,603 7,866 8,128 8,376 8,608 8,832 9,052 9,27066 6,685 6,891 7,121 7,368 7,621 7,871 8,127 8,396 8,663 8,91567 6,266 6,452 6,661 6,887 7,125 7,370 7,638 7,933 8,230 8,50568 5,878 6,046 6,232 6,434 6,650 6,879 7,139 7,429 7,726 8,00369 5,513 5,665 5,828 6,003 6,193 6,400 6,638 6,904 7,179 7,44370‐74 22,375 22,901 23,401 23,928 24,533 25,268 26,166 27,193 28,299 29,43570 5,158 5,292 5,429 5,576 5,739 5,924 6,141 6,388 6,648 6,90271 4,815 4,929 5,038 5,154 5,287 5,448 5,647 5,875 6,119 6,36772 4,475 4,574 4,663 4,757 4,867 5,009 5,187 5,394 5,619 5,85473 4,133 4,224 4,306 4,391 4,492 4,620 4,780 4,964 5,166 5,37874 3,794 3,882 3,964 4,050 4,148 4,268 4,411 4,572 4,747 4,93375‐79 14,286 14,660 15,040 15,436 15,858 16,316 16,794 17,284 17,813 18,40375 3,469 3,554 3,635 3,721 3,815 3,925 4,050 4,186 4,333 4,49276 3,158 3,239 3,322 3,408 3,500 3,600 3,705 3,814 3,931 4,06177 2,852 2,929 3,010 3,094 3,181 3,272 3,362 3,451 3,545 3,65478 2,550 2,620 2,693 2,770 2,849 2,931 3,012 3,092 3,177 3,27579 2,257 2,318 2,380 2,444 2,513 2,587 2,664 2,742 2,827 2,92080 y más / and over 12,636 13,158 13,704 14,268 14,845 15,430 16,017 16,610 17,217 17,846Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.96
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999Total 2,591,081 2,626,869 2,665,720 2,704,641 2,740,636 2,770,712 2,794,241 2,813,220 2,828,589 2,841,2890‐4 395,794 397,960 401,445 405,190 408,138 409,229 408,870 407,766 405,309 400,8890 83,615 83,935 84,495 85,023 85,248 84,898 83,920 82,496 80,704 78,6211 80,907 81,369 82,073 82,781 83,251 83,244 82,791 82,052 80,980 79,5302 79,040 79,533 80,291 81,100 81,745 82,013 81,999 81,847 81,411 80,5493 77,112 77,586 78,341 79,194 79,960 80,458 80,834 81,210 81,365 81,0804 75,120 75,537 76,245 77,093 77,933 78,616 79,326 80,162 80,848 81,1085‐9 368,423 369,324 371,303 373,915 376,718 379,266 381,930 385,006 387,940 390,1755 75,749 76,089 76,774 77,620 78,445 79,067 79,587 80,126 80,533 80,6566 74,728 74,991 75,552 76,269 77,000 77,604 78,174 78,802 79,351 79,6847 73,708 73,887 74,297 74,845 75,437 75,980 76,552 77,214 77,851 78,3458 72,665 72,761 73,006 73,360 73,781 74,229 74,764 75,414 76,087 76,6959 71,574 71,596 71,673 71,821 72,054 72,385 72,854 73,451 74,118 74,79510‐14 338,141 337,896 336,554 334,863 333,569 333,419 334,280 335,655 337,742 340,74310 70,429 70,376 70,283 70,216 70,246 70,442 70,818 71,331 71,954 72,66511 69,221 69,090 68,818 68,530 68,347 68,393 68,657 69,057 69,609 70,33012 67,842 67,702 67,330 66,891 66,552 66,476 66,632 66,909 67,357 68,02413 66,232 66,188 65,833 65,358 64,953 64,808 64,876 65,029 65,339 65,87914 64,417 64,541 64,291 63,868 63,471 63,300 63,297 63,329 63,483 63,84515‐19 289,753 292,870 294,058 294,026 293,481 293,132 292,522 291,180 289,789 289,03315 62,570 62,851 62,698 62,318 61,922 61,719 61,641 61,549 61,544 61,72716 60,758 61,191 61,112 60,750 60,328 60,075 59,917 59,703 59,543 59,54417 58,498 59,103 59,209 59,016 58,720 58,520 58,333 58,025 57,724 57,55318 55,598 56,398 56,845 57,040 57,089 57,095 56,954 56,595 56,177 55,85519 52,328 53,327 54,194 54,902 55,422 55,723 55,678 55,307 54,801 54,35420‐24 218,847 225,578 233,919 242,450 249,748 254,393 255,666 254,515 252,017 249,24820 49,116 50,310 51,588 52,793 53,768 54,355 54,405 54,021 53,431 52,85821 45,839 47,246 48,971 50,718 52,188 53,083 53,229 52,824 52,130 51,41322 43,066 44,567 46,525 48,567 50,320 51,409 51,660 51,321 50,655 49,92923 41,111 42,526 44,377 46,321 48,012 49,106 49,466 49,320 48,877 48,34224 39,714 40,928 42,457 44,051 45,462 46,439 46,906 47,029 46,924 46,70625‐29 178,369 182,145 186,340 190,664 194,822 198,525 202,007 205,461 208,537 210,88225 38,296 39,318 40,550 41,829 42,989 43,867 44,444 44,828 45,049 45,13426 36,966 37,775 38,680 39,610 40,493 41,259 41,952 42,618 43,192 43,60927 35,683 36,342 37,021 37,713 38,407 39,093 39,853 40,694 41,492 42,12628 34,365 34,989 35,635 36,297 36,968 37,640 38,394 39,234 40,040 40,69629 33,059 33,721 34,453 35,215 35,965 36,665 37,364 38,089 38,765 39,31730‐34 149,463 152,837 156,805 160,974 164,953 168,348 171,128 173,556 175,677 177,54030 31,881 32,561 33,341 34,159 34,953 35,660 36,305 36,931 37,499 37,97131 30,797 31,493 32,318 33,188 34,019 34,727 35,310 35,825 36,273 36,65732 29,802 30,501 31,342 32,229 33,069 33,765 34,298 34,732 35,096 35,41933 28,903 29,575 30,374 31,214 32,010 32,674 33,186 33,602 33,955 34,27934 28,079 28,707 29,430 30,183 30,903 31,523 32,029 32,466 32,853 33,21335‐39 129,197 131,907 134,815 137,767 140,606 143,177 145,432 147,476 149,379 151,21135 27,304 27,896 28,558 29,241 29,896 30,475 30,968 31,407 31,807 32,18536 26,582 27,143 27,747 28,362 28,955 29,494 29,970 30,406 30,813 31,20237 25,860 26,394 26,956 27,521 28,067 28,571 29,027 29,451 29,851 30,23738 25,107 25,624 26,166 26,711 27,236 27,718 28,147 28,540 28,910 29,27039 24,344 24,849 25,388 25,932 26,452 26,919 27,319 27,672 27,997 28,31797
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 199940‐44 111,352 113,692 116,276 118,905 121,379 123,499 125,162 126,502 127,672 128,82440 23,620 24,113 24,647 25,186 25,698 26,149 26,521 26,837 27,123 27,40541 22,925 23,408 23,936 24,471 24,976 25,410 25,754 26,033 26,278 26,52242 22,250 22,721 23,242 23,772 24,268 24,689 25,012 25,265 25,482 25,69743 21,596 22,051 22,559 23,079 23,565 23,976 24,289 24,534 24,742 24,94744 20,961 21,399 21,892 22,397 22,872 23,275 23,586 23,834 24,047 24,25245‐49 95,967 97,965 100,224 102,549 104,744 106,612 108,097 109,330 110,396 111,38145 20,339 20,761 21,241 21,737 22,203 22,599 22,908 23,159 23,375 23,57846 19,720 20,129 20,600 21,090 21,552 21,944 22,254 22,510 22,731 22,93447 19,144 19,541 19,999 20,474 20,925 21,307 21,612 21,867 22,088 22,28948 18,625 19,013 19,450 19,899 20,323 20,685 20,976 21,219 21,431 21,62449 18,140 18,521 18,934 19,350 19,740 20,077 20,349 20,574 20,771 20,95550‐54 83,004 84,881 86,749 88,546 90,209 91,675 92,877 93,855 94,713 95,55350 17,657 18,032 18,422 18,807 19,166 19,479 19,735 19,945 20,130 20,30751 17,190 17,558 17,922 18,272 18,598 18,887 19,126 19,324 19,499 19,67252 16,673 17,039 17,393 17,728 18,037 18,314 18,545 18,734 18,902 19,07053 16,070 16,446 16,813 17,161 17,481 17,765 17,998 18,186 18,351 18,51454 15,414 15,806 16,199 16,578 16,927 17,230 17,473 17,666 17,831 17,98955‐59 67,713 69,752 71,935 74,112 76,135 77,853 79,205 80,292 81,204 82,03455 14,776 15,182 15,598 16,004 16,377 16,697 16,949 17,146 17,311 17,46656 14,146 14,566 15,006 15,438 15,836 16,172 16,432 16,633 16,798 16,94957 13,526 13,949 14,401 14,851 15,266 15,615 15,884 16,095 16,268 16,42458 12,924 13,332 13,779 14,229 14,650 15,006 15,286 15,514 15,706 15,87859 12,341 12,722 13,151 13,590 14,006 14,364 14,655 14,904 15,121 15,31860‐64 53,649 55,159 56,928 58,814 60,675 62,370 63,914 65,403 66,811 68,11760 11,759 12,115 12,527 12,959 13,373 13,733 14,035 14,303 14,543 14,76261 11,169 11,501 11,902 12,330 12,746 13,111 13,424 13,710 13,972 14,21162 10,646 10,951 11,323 11,727 12,125 12,482 12,798 13,100 13,383 13,64363 10,220 10,494 10,817 11,165 11,514 11,842 12,154 12,467 12,770 13,05364 9,855 10,098 10,359 10,633 10,916 11,203 11,504 11,823 12,144 12,44865‐69 43,274 44,168 44,872 45,527 46,273 47,253 48,545 50,055 51,664 53,25365 9,488 9,699 9,900 10,103 10,322 10,569 10,859 11,185 11,523 11,84766 9,140 9,315 9,449 9,576 9,725 9,929 10,209 10,545 10,904 11,25367 8,735 8,892 8,991 9,075 9,184 9,359 9,624 9,951 10,305 10,65468 8,235 8,399 8,512 8,609 8,725 8,896 9,137 9,426 9,738 10,05069 7,676 7,863 8,020 8,165 8,318 8,500 8,714 8,948 9,194 9,44870‐74 30,551 31,687 32,875 34,057 35,176 36,172 36,961 37,581 38,161 38,82870 7,136 7,345 7,541 7,728 7,913 8,103 8,290 8,470 8,654 8,85171 6,604 6,837 7,074 7,307 7,526 7,723 7,880 8,001 8,115 8,25172 6,087 6,331 6,594 6,856 7,097 7,301 7,440 7,528 7,603 7,70173 5,596 5,832 6,090 6,351 6,594 6,798 6,942 7,040 7,123 7,22674 5,128 5,342 5,576 5,816 6,045 6,247 6,410 6,543 6,666 6,79975‐79 19,079 19,868 20,753 21,695 22,655 23,591 24,525 25,485 26,437 27,35275 4,665 4,860 5,076 5,300 5,519 5,721 5,899 6,062 6,219 6,37776 4,211 4,387 4,585 4,795 5,006 5,208 5,403 5,599 5,792 5,97677 3,784 3,940 4,118 4,310 4,508 4,704 4,906 5,120 5,333 5,53378 3,391 3,530 3,688 3,858 4,035 4,215 4,406 4,611 4,818 5,01379 3,028 3,151 3,287 3,433 3,586 3,743 3,911 4,092 4,275 4,45280 y más / and over 18,505 19,181 19,867 20,585 21,355 22,198 23,118 24,101 25,141 26,229Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.98
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009Total 2,852,261 2,860,305 2,864,793 2,867,526 2,870,304 2,874,929 2,881,162 2,887,804 2,895,210 2,903,7370‐4 393,897 382,585 367,358 350,840 335,654 324,423 317,737 313,847 311,869 310,9180 76,325 73,435 69,901 66,292 63,176 61,124 60,424 60,696 61,508 62,4251 77,656 74,955 71,456 67,766 64,489 62,231 61,219 61,051 61,384 61,8752 79,117 76,729 73,482 69,953 66,720 64,359 63,010 62,287 61,983 61,8893 80,133 78,193 75,409 72,275 69,289 66,946 65,274 63,943 62,910 62,1354 80,666 79,271 77,109 74,553 71,980 69,763 67,810 65,870 64,085 62,5935‐9 391,157 391,437 391,385 390,174 386,979 380,974 370,386 355,765 339,771 325,0625 80,343 79,577 78,460 77,017 75,273 73,253 70,575 67,223 63,769 60,7866 79,663 79,349 78,833 78,024 76,832 75,165 72,616 69,245 65,664 62,4837 78,580 78,680 78,724 78,524 77,894 76,649 74,399 71,268 67,840 64,6988 77,148 77,619 78,168 78,534 78,458 77,679 75,860 73,176 70,130 67,2289 75,423 76,212 77,201 78,075 78,523 78,229 76,936 74,854 72,369 69,86710‐14 344,856 351,182 359,587 368,422 376,038 380,783 382,857 383,359 381,993 378,46010 73,440 74,513 75,900 77,250 78,210 78,428 77,752 76,414 74,647 72,68011 71,234 72,576 74,345 76,160 77,641 78,407 78,430 77,966 77,053 75,73212 68,962 70,417 72,357 74,410 76,202 77,362 77,966 78,265 78,140 77,47513 66,719 68,071 69,887 71,850 73,645 74,956 75,919 76,745 77,230 77,16614 64,501 65,605 67,098 68,752 70,339 71,630 72,790 73,969 74,924 75,40815‐19 289,595 291,442 294,119 297,675 302,162 307,629 315,161 324,723 334,690 343,43815 62,197 63,045 64,206 65,541 66,915 68,192 69,570 71,141 72,605 73,66416 59,817 60,383 61,170 62,144 63,271 64,517 66,121 68,107 70,115 71,78417 57,638 57,949 58,402 59,043 59,917 61,070 62,753 64,936 67,241 69,29118 55,785 55,912 56,131 56,527 57,181 58,177 59,738 61,809 64,055 66,14019 54,159 54,153 54,210 54,420 54,877 55,674 56,979 58,730 60,674 62,56020‐24 247,285 245,686 243,733 242,089 241,416 242,376 245,073 249,065 254,198 260,31620 52,530 52,375 52,242 52,239 52,473 53,052 54,088 55,510 57,149 58,83621 50,936 50,619 50,286 50,057 50,053 50,394 51,129 52,180 53,470 54,92522 49,405 48,996 48,526 48,127 47,930 48,066 48,537 49,254 50,217 51,42523 47,924 47,525 47,008 46,517 46,198 46,195 46,484 46,968 47,684 48,67124 46,489 46,170 45,670 45,149 44,762 44,669 44,835 45,154 45,678 46,45925‐29 212,142 211,838 210,203 207,960 205,830 204,533 203,741 202,972 202,721 203,48025 45,113 44,876 44,403 43,859 43,410 43,222 43,246 43,372 43,673 44,21826 43,803 43,660 43,222 42,663 42,155 41,869 41,744 41,666 41,727 42,01727 42,472 42,422 42,058 41,543 41,040 40,712 40,490 40,265 40,142 40,22528 41,082 41,111 40,862 40,466 40,056 39,764 39,516 39,224 38,999 38,95429 39,671 39,768 39,659 39,430 39,170 38,966 38,744 38,444 38,181 38,06530‐34 179,190 180,668 181,941 182,951 183,641 183,950 183,600 182,630 181,459 180,50530 38,310 38,485 38,522 38,465 38,358 38,247 38,057 37,759 37,463 37,27931 36,977 37,236 37,433 37,565 37,628 37,621 37,473 37,185 36,864 36,61532 35,731 36,054 36,369 36,641 36,837 36,923 36,836 36,599 36,305 36,04933 34,605 34,960 35,323 35,653 35,912 36,062 36,054 35,916 35,717 35,52734 33,567 33,932 34,295 34,628 34,904 35,097 35,180 35,171 35,109 35,03535‐39 153,041 154,881 156,683 158,432 160,113 161,709 163,322 164,963 166,479 167,71835 32,554 32,928 33,296 33,640 33,943 34,187 34,367 34,493 34,575 34,62236 31,584 31,963 32,332 32,684 33,012 33,311 33,595 33,869 34,110 34,29337 30,618 30,994 31,357 31,710 32,055 32,393 32,754 33,139 33,500 33,79138 29,634 29,998 30,354 30,706 31,058 31,415 31,808 32,237 32,650 32,99839 28,651 28,998 29,344 29,692 30,044 30,404 30,798 31,226 31,645 32,01499
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 200940‐44 130,111 131,500 132,888 134,326 135,867 137,561 139,485 141,606 143,807 145,97340 27,710 28,036 28,365 28,701 29,047 29,407 29,805 30,237 30,670 31,06841 26,797 27,099 27,406 27,726 28,061 28,420 28,818 29,252 29,696 30,12442 25,947 26,224 26,506 26,801 27,118 27,466 27,857 28,285 28,732 29,17843 25,181 25,434 25,685 25,948 26,236 26,563 26,941 27,360 27,804 28,25444 24,476 24,707 24,925 25,151 25,405 25,706 26,066 26,471 26,905 27,35045‐49 112,369 113,269 114,023 114,771 115,650 116,799 118,245 119,896 121,711 123,65045 23,792 23,999 24,183 24,371 24,588 24,860 25,198 25,584 26,003 26,43746 23,137 23,317 23,463 23,609 23,784 24,023 24,335 24,698 25,097 25,51947 22,483 22,648 22,775 22,897 23,049 23,265 23,551 23,886 24,258 24,65748 21,814 21,982 22,117 22,249 22,405 22,614 22,879 23,180 23,514 23,87749 21,143 21,323 21,485 21,645 21,823 22,036 22,282 22,548 22,839 23,16050‐54 96,476 97,485 98,513 99,555 100,608 101,668 102,673 103,625 104,619 105,74750 20,495 20,688 20,874 21,061 21,257 21,473 21,698 21,928 22,175 22,45251 19,862 20,071 20,284 20,502 20,720 20,939 21,142 21,331 21,528 21,75752 19,259 19,475 19,702 19,933 20,162 20,380 20,569 20,736 20,905 21,10453 18,697 18,903 19,117 19,336 19,552 19,762 19,952 20,124 20,300 20,50154 18,162 18,349 18,536 18,724 18,916 19,114 19,311 19,507 19,710 19,93255‐59 82,876 83,673 84,365 85,033 85,761 86,630 87,674 88,839 90,073 91,32855 17,632 17,804 17,967 18,130 18,301 18,490 18,695 18,912 19,140 19,38056 17,108 17,265 17,406 17,544 17,696 17,876 18,092 18,335 18,592 18,85257 16,583 16,732 16,858 16,980 17,117 17,290 17,510 17,763 18,033 18,30258 16,048 16,201 16,327 16,446 16,579 16,745 16,955 17,196 17,451 17,70759 15,505 15,671 15,807 15,933 16,067 16,229 16,421 16,633 16,857 17,08760‐64 69,296 70,302 71,150 71,911 72,656 73,454 74,279 75,083 75,908 76,79460 14,966 15,142 15,287 15,419 15,554 15,711 15,890 16,078 16,276 16,48361 14,429 14,616 14,769 14,906 15,043 15,196 15,360 15,525 15,698 15,88462 13,878 14,077 14,243 14,390 14,533 14,687 14,843 14,993 15,147 15,31763 13,305 13,519 13,702 13,865 14,021 14,182 14,340 14,488 14,636 14,79864 12,718 12,948 13,149 13,331 13,505 13,679 13,846 14,000 14,152 14,31265‐69 54,702 56,013 57,265 58,457 59,585 60,647 61,617 62,495 63,324 64,14265 12,135 12,380 12,599 12,800 12,990 13,176 13,351 13,510 13,663 13,82266 11,559 11,820 12,057 12,274 12,478 12,674 12,856 13,020 13,176 13,33367 10,964 11,234 11,487 11,723 11,945 12,154 12,346 12,518 12,680 12,83868 10,340 10,611 10,877 11,135 11,379 11,606 11,810 11,994 12,166 12,33269 9,703 9,968 10,245 10,524 10,792 11,037 11,254 11,453 11,639 11,81670‐74 39,711 40,881 42,254 43,721 45,175 46,509 47,729 48,906 50,031 51,09770 9,072 9,331 9,619 9,918 10,208 10,470 10,700 10,913 11,112 11,30071 8,435 8,687 8,989 9,311 9,627 9,907 10,151 10,376 10,586 10,78472 7,860 8,101 8,397 8,720 9,040 9,325 9,576 9,813 10,036 10,24673 7,381 7,602 7,868 8,157 8,447 8,715 8,966 9,213 9,452 9,67874 6,963 7,161 7,380 7,614 7,854 8,092 8,336 8,591 8,845 9,08975‐79 28,197 28,912 29,517 30,105 30,767 31,596 32,654 33,881 35,181 36,46175 6,545 6,719 6,893 7,074 7,266 7,475 7,712 7,974 8,243 8,50376 6,149 6,296 6,420 6,542 6,682 6,858 7,089 7,358 7,645 7,92477 5,707 5,837 5,931 6,016 6,122 6,275 6,493 6,756 7,041 7,32078 5,183 5,311 5,407 5,494 5,597 5,742 5,940 6,176 6,430 6,68379 4,613 4,749 4,866 4,979 5,100 5,246 5,421 5,616 5,822 6,03180 y más / and over 27,360 28,551 29,808 31,102 32,405 33,688 34,929 36,147 37,375 38,647Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.100
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019Total 2,913,743 2,925,284 2,938,123 2,952,174 2,967,351 2,983,568 3,000,833 3,019,202 3,038,666 3,059,2130‐4 310,111 309,787 310,535 311,846 313,211 314,122 314,578 314,917 315,142 315,2530 63,016 63,285 63,522 63,718 63,863 63,947 63,960 63,908 63,807 63,6731 62,181 62,339 62,578 62,842 63,078 63,233 63,297 63,304 63,271 63,2132 61,799 61,782 61,974 62,274 62,578 62,784 62,886 62,954 62,995 63,0153 61,578 61,338 61,443 61,742 62,084 62,318 62,449 62,579 62,699 62,8014 61,537 61,043 61,018 61,270 61,608 61,841 61,986 62,172 62,370 62,5525‐9 314,297 308,052 304,555 302,941 302,344 301,899 301,941 303,048 304,716 306,4405 58,849 58,236 58,564 59,416 60,373 61,018 61,359 61,673 61,950 62,1786 60,314 59,380 59,273 59,659 60,203 60,569 60,795 61,103 61,439 61,7487 62,428 61,163 60,516 60,282 60,257 60,237 60,290 60,552 60,921 61,2948 64,973 63,393 62,154 61,211 60,523 60,048 59,883 60,059 60,425 60,8349 67,733 65,880 64,048 62,373 60,988 60,027 59,614 59,662 59,981 60,38510‐14 372,464 362,232 347,962 332,313 317,944 307,513 301,595 298,416 297,116 296,83410 70,745 68,617 66,141 63,656 61,499 60,006 59,337 59,266 59,556 59,97211 74,044 71,600 68,374 64,947 61,901 59,819 58,906 58,776 59,117 59,61812 76,152 73,704 70,208 66,367 62,883 60,457 59,285 58,898 59,004 59,31013 76,349 74,364 71,347 67,922 64,710 62,335 60,883 59,940 59,373 59,05214 75,175 73,948 71,892 69,421 66,951 64,896 63,184 61,537 60,066 58,88215‐19 349,342 352,598 354,289 354,121 351,798 347,025 338,036 325,028 310,650 297,54915 74,018 73,514 72,351 70,759 68,969 67,211 65,261 62,965 60,660 58,68116 72,753 72,996 72,755 72,067 70,973 69,511 67,296 64,302 61,107 58,29217 70,706 71,566 72,122 72,257 71,853 70,794 68,614 65,389 61,821 58,60718 67,730 68,961 70,056 70,812 71,022 70,483 68,782 66,054 62,920 60,00019 64,135 65,561 67,006 68,227 68,981 69,025 68,083 66,318 64,142 61,97120‐24 267,265 276,109 286,952 298,197 308,246 315,502 320,155 323,271 324,563 323,74720 60,404 62,048 63,881 65,609 66,936 67,568 67,351 66,483 65,193 63,71021 56,469 58,338 60,583 62,849 64,782 66,028 66,561 66,617 66,235 65,45522 52,878 54,823 57,261 59,820 62,129 63,818 64,963 65,812 66,249 66,15823 49,965 51,787 54,111 56,608 58,949 60,806 62,312 63,686 64,729 65,23724 47,549 49,113 51,117 53,312 55,450 57,282 58,968 60,672 62,157 63,18725‐29 205,743 209,615 214,768 221,043 228,281 236,324 246,202 258,020 270,234 281,29825 45,081 46,372 48,043 49,927 51,860 53,674 55,561 57,632 59,599 61,17726 42,630 43,613 44,907 46,437 48,128 49,905 51,997 54,454 56,933 59,09027 40,621 41,330 42,283 43,476 44,910 46,582 48,732 51,359 54,107 56,61528 39,200 39,714 40,421 41,357 42,557 44,056 46,067 48,565 51,233 53,75329 38,211 38,586 39,114 39,845 40,826 42,106 43,845 46,010 48,363 50,66330‐34 180,189 180,198 180,252 180,821 182,371 185,370 189,914 195,691 202,558 210,37330 37,319 37,536 37,857 38,350 39,082 40,120 41,572 43,390 45,418 47,49431 36,545 36,597 36,699 36,938 37,401 38,173 39,302 40,731 42,388 44,20432 35,922 35,860 35,799 35,840 36,081 36,623 37,464 38,539 39,848 41,39333 35,416 35,312 35,169 35,093 35,192 35,571 36,206 37,027 38,069 39,37034 34,987 34,894 34,729 34,600 34,615 34,883 35,370 36,004 36,835 37,91135‐39 168,528 168,638 168,149 167,468 167,000 167,152 167,618 168,128 169,139 171,10835 34,642 34,566 34,388 34,212 34,146 34,296 34,616 35,037 35,625 36,44636 34,394 34,345 34,161 33,945 33,801 33,830 33,977 34,172 34,501 35,04837 33,968 33,968 33,823 33,624 33,461 33,425 33,451 33,479 33,606 33,93038 33,232 33,305 33,252 33,140 33,037 33,011 32,992 32,936 32,947 33,12739 32,292 32,453 32,525 32,547 32,556 32,591 32,582 32,503 32,460 32,558101
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 201940‐44 147,990 149,955 151,944 153,812 155,410 156,592 157,094 157,015 156,749 156,69240 31,398 31,653 31,856 32,017 32,144 32,245 32,252 32,160 32,071 32,08841 30,509 30,867 31,216 31,532 31,792 31,972 32,006 31,909 31,781 31,72342 29,602 30,036 30,491 30,923 31,288 31,541 31,623 31,563 31,450 31,37343 28,694 29,155 29,649 30,128 30,544 30,849 30,999 31,025 30,994 30,97344 27,787 28,244 28,732 29,211 29,642 29,985 30,215 30,358 30,452 30,53545‐49 125,671 127,846 130,201 132,631 135,028 137,287 139,502 141,743 143,870 145,74045 26,871 27,326 27,814 28,301 28,756 29,144 29,462 29,729 29,955 30,14946 25,947 26,399 26,885 27,379 27,857 28,296 28,710 29,116 29,490 29,81147 25,070 25,512 25,987 26,480 26,971 27,444 27,927 28,432 28,915 29,33548 24,266 24,690 25,152 25,636 26,128 26,611 27,116 27,654 28,178 28,64149 23,517 23,919 24,363 24,835 25,316 25,792 26,287 26,813 27,331 27,80350‐54 107,104 108,714 110,515 112,469 114,542 116,697 119,001 121,478 124,027 126,54950 22,774 23,150 23,572 24,023 24,490 24,958 25,447 25,968 26,488 26,97751 22,040 22,387 22,781 23,210 23,660 24,118 24,598 25,111 25,632 26,13952 21,360 21,678 22,042 22,440 22,864 23,303 23,769 24,268 24,783 25,29753 20,747 21,042 21,371 21,730 22,117 22,529 22,975 23,457 23,962 24,47354 20,182 20,457 20,749 21,065 21,410 21,789 22,211 22,674 23,163 23,66255‐59 92,551 93,682 94,753 95,858 97,091 98,544 100,240 102,116 104,139 106,27755 19,631 19,884 20,140 20,411 20,712 21,055 21,450 21,888 22,356 22,83856 19,105 19,335 19,550 19,772 20,024 20,328 20,692 21,101 21,544 22,00657 18,553 18,768 18,960 19,153 19,375 19,650 19,985 20,362 20,774 21,20958 17,948 18,161 18,356 18,553 18,774 19,038 19,349 19,692 20,065 20,46459 17,314 17,533 17,747 17,968 18,206 18,472 18,763 19,071 19,401 19,75960‐64 77,782 78,899 80,119 81,400 82,699 83,975 85,169 86,310 87,484 88,77960 16,699 16,924 17,156 17,398 17,651 17,916 18,185 18,457 18,745 19,06061 16,090 16,322 16,577 16,844 17,114 17,380 17,626 17,859 18,099 18,36762 15,513 15,747 16,010 16,287 16,564 16,826 17,056 17,264 17,475 17,71263 14,987 15,209 15,458 15,721 15,983 16,233 16,458 16,665 16,874 17,10664 14,493 14,697 14,919 15,150 15,386 15,620 15,845 16,065 16,291 16,53365‐69 64,990 65,846 66,681 67,532 68,433 69,418 70,509 71,682 72,906 74,15065 13,996 14,185 14,382 14,588 14,801 15,022 15,247 15,479 15,719 15,96966 13,499 13,673 13,848 14,028 14,220 14,428 14,657 14,903 15,160 15,42267 13,003 13,167 13,324 13,485 13,659 13,855 14,082 14,332 14,595 14,85868 12,500 12,663 12,815 12,967 13,131 13,316 13,530 13,765 14,012 14,25969 11,992 12,158 12,312 12,464 12,622 12,797 12,993 13,202 13,420 13,64270‐74 52,093 52,993 53,803 54,564 55,315 56,098 56,892 57,670 58,462 59,29970 11,482 11,652 11,806 11,955 12,108 12,274 12,453 12,639 12,832 13,03271 10,971 11,143 11,298 11,444 11,590 11,746 11,909 12,073 12,241 12,42072 10,442 10,619 10,777 10,924 11,069 11,220 11,372 11,519 11,669 11,83073 9,887 10,072 10,238 10,393 10,542 10,694 10,843 10,983 11,125 11,27674 9,311 9,507 9,684 9,848 10,006 10,164 10,315 10,456 10,595 10,74175‐79 37,627 38,678 39,678 40,626 41,525 42,374 43,152 43,859 44,527 45,18975 8,737 8,942 9,130 9,304 9,470 9,632 9,785 9,925 10,061 10,20176 8,172 8,387 8,585 8,768 8,941 9,107 9,261 9,400 9,532 9,66577 7,570 7,789 7,993 8,185 8,365 8,535 8,691 8,830 8,961 9,09178 6,915 7,128 7,334 7,532 7,719 7,893 8,050 8,192 8,325 8,45479 6,233 6,433 6,636 6,837 7,029 7,206 7,366 7,511 7,647 7,77980 y más / and over 39,996 41,443 42,965 44,532 46,112 47,676 49,235 50,811 52,383 53,935Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.102
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029Total 3,080,833 3,103,865 3,128,317 3,153,679 3,179,442 3,205,097 3,230,770 3,256,801 3,283,001 3,309,1800‐4 315,250 315,345 315,538 315,512 314,948 313,531 310,951 307,419 303,399 299,3550 63,520 63,392 63,278 63,114 62,837 62,384 61,667 60,728 59,699 58,7111 63,144 63,114 63,112 63,066 62,901 62,544 61,912 61,054 60,095 59,1562 63,020 63,059 63,128 63,155 63,066 62,790 62,259 61,520 60,677 59,8313 62,876 62,965 63,076 63,144 63,109 62,908 62,494 61,908 61,222 60,5074 62,690 62,815 62,945 63,033 63,036 62,905 62,619 62,208 61,706 61,1495‐9 307,717 308,552 309,282 309,897 310,390 310,752 311,197 311,732 312,034 311,7815 62,346 62,444 62,480 62,468 62,420 62,351 62,301 62,263 62,173 61,9676 61,977 62,117 62,203 62,249 62,268 62,273 62,313 62,380 62,399 62,2967 61,571 61,748 61,892 62,010 62,104 62,181 62,289 62,424 62,514 62,4868 61,137 61,342 61,546 61,740 61,914 62,058 62,215 62,391 62,522 62,5469 60,685 60,902 61,160 61,431 61,684 61,889 62,079 62,274 62,425 62,48610‐14 296,708 297,079 298,521 300,522 302,572 304,160 305,293 306,313 307,207 307,96210 60,276 60,501 60,806 61,140 61,457 61,707 61,908 62,090 62,231 62,30611 59,970 60,211 60,549 60,925 61,277 61,546 61,726 61,858 61,950 62,00912 59,523 59,699 60,035 60,445 60,842 61,141 61,328 61,459 61,556 61,64313 58,844 58,837 59,119 59,558 60,022 60,378 60,621 60,840 61,042 61,23514 58,095 57,830 58,011 58,455 58,975 59,388 59,710 60,066 60,428 60,76915‐19 288,375 283,716 281,807 281,764 282,703 283,739 285,223 287,743 290,775 293,79515 57,364 56,869 56,972 57,433 58,015 58,480 58,861 59,316 59,797 60,25116 56,434 55,744 55,835 56,393 57,107 57,663 58,103 58,637 59,201 59,73117 56,446 55,538 55,414 55,779 56,337 56,793 57,204 57,770 58,400 59,00518 57,913 56,752 56,104 55,829 55,792 55,852 56,101 56,631 57,306 57,99119 60,217 58,813 57,483 56,329 55,452 54,951 54,953 55,388 56,072 56,81720‐24 320,537 313,223 301,994 289,417 278,060 270,489 267,296 266,771 268,024 270,16920 62,263 60,639 58,683 56,719 55,069 54,056 53,839 54,203 54,909 55,72021 64,317 62,444 59,812 56,982 54,517 52,979 52,576 52,932 53,736 54,67922 65,423 63,590 60,737 57,544 54,691 52,860 52,245 52,393 53,011 53,80323 65,011 63,648 61,284 58,519 55,957 54,200 53,340 52,976 52,969 53,17924 63,523 62,901 61,478 59,653 57,826 56,394 55,297 54,267 53,399 52,78625‐29 289,667 295,552 299,983 302,644 303,216 301,384 295,488 285,741 274,629 264,64125 62,080 62,161 61,613 60,653 59,498 58,367 57,050 55,405 53,741 52,37026 60,583 61,391 61,743 61,669 61,200 60,366 58,803 56,490 53,975 51,80127 58,525 59,919 61,035 61,752 61,947 61,497 59,963 57,425 54,545 51,98328 55,807 57,533 59,142 60,428 61,189 61,218 60,126 58,050 55,573 53,28229 52,671 54,547 56,449 58,140 59,382 59,937 59,547 58,371 56,795 55,20530‐34 218,992 229,431 241,784 254,530 266,146 275,109 281,640 286,755 290,121 291,40930 49,461 51,507 53,740 55,874 57,624 58,707 58,983 58,643 57,894 56,94431 46,110 48,329 50,910 53,514 55,803 57,437 58,400 58,918 59,016 58,71932 43,174 45,426 48,148 50,989 53,595 55,614 57,129 58,375 59,227 59,56233 40,966 43,065 45,643 48,387 50,987 53,130 54,952 56,662 58,054 58,92634 39,282 41,103 43,343 45,766 48,137 50,221 52,175 54,157 55,930 57,25835‐39 174,494 179,391 185,496 192,663 200,750 209,612 220,246 232,748 245,623 257,37735 37,568 39,096 40,983 43,074 45,213 47,242 49,349 51,638 53,829 55,64036 35,898 37,098 38,590 40,306 42,176 44,131 46,393 49,007 51,642 53,96437 34,546 35,455 36,592 37,958 39,553 41,376 43,658 46,400 49,255 51,87838 33,580 34,284 35,168 36,269 37,621 39,259 41,387 43,982 46,737 49,34839 32,901 33,459 34,162 35,055 36,187 37,604 39,459 41,721 44,161 46,547103
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 202940‐44 157,241 158,102 159,011 160,408 162,732 166,421 171,571 177,890 185,234 193,45940 32,316 32,711 33,205 33,861 34,744 35,918 37,485 39,402 41,516 43,67341 31,834 32,060 32,335 32,739 33,355 34,263 35,510 37,041 38,787 40,68142 31,420 31,528 31,640 31,848 32,245 32,925 33,887 35,070 36,474 38,09843 31,027 31,089 31,117 31,208 31,464 31,983 32,743 33,677 34,819 36,20444 30,645 30,713 30,715 30,752 30,924 31,332 31,947 32,700 33,637 34,80345‐49 147,211 148,033 148,301 148,390 148,676 149,535 150,686 151,878 153,533 156,07245 30,320 30,401 30,387 30,377 30,469 30,762 31,215 31,762 32,465 33,38646 30,055 30,160 30,139 30,090 30,106 30,283 30,569 30,901 31,356 32,01447 29,646 29,793 29,806 29,767 29,762 29,874 30,043 30,213 30,475 30,91748 28,998 29,207 29,298 29,334 29,378 29,492 29,613 29,698 29,844 30,14549 28,191 28,472 28,670 28,822 28,962 29,124 29,246 29,303 29,393 29,61050‐54 128,942 131,300 133,691 135,973 138,007 139,651 140,669 141,153 141,460 141,94850 27,404 27,764 28,076 28,350 28,592 28,809 28,940 28,978 29,018 29,15551 26,609 27,057 27,498 27,909 28,268 28,552 28,701 28,730 28,729 28,79052 25,795 26,305 26,837 27,349 27,798 28,143 28,330 28,387 28,394 28,43153 24,977 25,504 26,064 26,611 27,100 27,485 27,728 27,858 27,934 28,01654 24,156 24,671 25,217 25,755 26,249 26,661 26,970 27,200 27,385 27,55655‐59 108,497 110,864 113,400 116,008 118,588 121,044 123,467 125,922 128,272 130,37955 23,322 23,828 24,365 24,902 25,409 25,856 26,238 26,576 26,875 27,14256 22,478 22,972 23,498 24,034 24,555 25,041 25,505 25,963 26,392 26,77057 21,660 22,138 22,648 23,174 23,700 24,210 24,731 25,274 25,797 26,26058 20,887 21,344 21,836 22,349 22,869 23,382 23,917 24,484 25,039 25,53759 20,150 20,582 21,054 21,549 22,055 22,556 23,077 23,627 24,170 24,66960‐64 90,281 92,012 93,914 95,954 98,102 100,326 102,688 105,211 107,798 110,35660 19,415 19,820 20,265 20,738 21,225 21,713 22,222 22,761 23,300 23,81061 18,684 19,057 19,472 19,919 20,385 20,858 21,354 21,880 22,414 22,93562 18,000 18,343 18,725 19,140 19,577 20,029 20,505 21,013 21,535 22,05763 17,379 17,696 18,044 18,419 18,818 19,241 19,694 20,181 20,687 21,19964 16,802 17,096 17,407 17,740 18,098 18,486 18,912 19,376 19,861 20,35565‐69 75,383 76,555 77,685 78,851 80,128 81,594 83,269 85,101 87,060 89,11565 16,233 16,503 16,777 17,066 17,381 17,732 18,129 18,563 19,023 19,49566 15,680 15,925 16,159 16,401 16,669 16,981 17,344 17,746 18,177 18,62567 15,109 15,335 15,543 15,754 15,990 16,271 16,602 16,970 17,366 17,78368 14,498 14,715 14,918 15,124 15,350 15,615 15,918 16,250 16,608 16,98769 13,863 14,078 14,289 14,506 14,738 14,995 15,275 15,571 15,887 16,22670‐74 60,212 61,218 62,296 63,420 64,564 65,701 66,787 67,840 68,925 70,10770 13,239 13,452 13,670 13,896 14,132 14,380 14,635 14,894 15,167 15,46371 12,614 12,826 13,054 13,292 13,534 13,774 14,002 14,222 14,448 14,69872 12,011 12,219 12,448 12,688 12,928 13,159 13,367 13,560 13,756 13,97373 11,446 11,641 11,855 12,079 12,304 12,521 12,720 12,907 13,097 13,30474 10,902 11,079 11,268 11,465 11,666 11,867 12,064 12,257 12,456 12,66875‐79 45,878 46,577 47,264 47,964 48,703 49,505 50,386 51,330 52,312 53,31075 10,351 10,513 10,681 10,855 11,035 11,222 11,415 11,615 11,821 12,03576 9,806 9,952 10,098 10,249 10,409 10,584 10,777 10,985 11,202 11,42277 9,225 9,359 9,489 9,622 9,765 9,926 10,112 10,317 10,532 10,74778 8,586 8,715 8,837 8,960 9,092 9,239 9,406 9,589 9,780 9,97179 7,910 8,038 8,159 8,278 8,402 8,534 8,676 8,824 8,977 9,13580 y más / and over 55,448 56,915 58,350 59,760 61,155 62,544 63,913 65,256 66,593 67,945Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.104
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039Total 3,335,150 3,360,991 3,386,830 3,412,545 3,438,016 3,463,123 3,487,899 3,512,424 3,536,649 3,560,5210‐4 295,749 292,553 289,457 286,506 283,744 281,215 278,928 276,853 274,977 273,2870 57,895 57,272 56,752 56,308 55,907 55,522 55,151 54,815 54,513 54,2451 58,362 57,722 57,154 56,643 56,175 55,734 55,323 54,951 54,616 54,3172 59,085 58,434 57,811 57,221 56,670 56,165 55,708 55,294 54,921 54,5853 59,835 59,186 58,513 57,844 57,211 56,641 56,138 55,682 55,269 54,8964 60,572 59,940 59,228 58,491 57,781 57,152 56,607 56,110 55,658 55,2455‐9 310,653 308,341 305,059 301,270 297,435 294,017 290,982 288,022 285,188 282,5285 61,580 60,925 60,045 59,071 58,133 57,362 56,776 56,289 55,871 55,4956 61,997 61,418 60,611 59,697 58,801 58,043 57,435 56,893 56,404 55,9557 62,267 61,787 61,097 60,299 59,493 58,783 58,163 57,566 56,998 56,4678 62,401 62,037 61,498 60,855 60,180 59,543 58,925 58,277 57,631 57,0179 62,410 62,173 61,807 61,347 60,829 60,286 59,684 58,998 58,283 57,59310‐14 308,566 309,233 309,972 310,461 310,378 309,401 307,220 304,048 300,353 296,60110 62,291 62,193 62,029 61,787 61,458 61,031 60,451 59,726 58,938 58,16711 62,043 62,098 62,168 62,186 62,083 61,793 61,237 60,459 59,578 58,71112 61,742 61,919 62,160 62,364 62,432 62,264 61,774 61,030 60,158 59,28713 61,425 61,674 61,975 62,239 62,376 62,296 61,935 61,352 60,645 59,91114 61,064 61,349 61,640 61,885 62,029 62,017 61,823 61,480 61,034 60,52615‐19 296,277 298,230 300,004 301,587 302,963 304,121 305,261 306,392 307,212 307,42115 60,628 60,944 61,234 61,472 61,636 61,699 61,669 61,560 61,365 61,07616 60,163 60,493 60,763 60,980 61,152 61,288 61,428 61,569 61,647 61,59617 59,496 59,858 60,150 60,395 60,615 60,833 61,110 61,434 61,708 61,83818 58,552 58,983 59,375 59,735 60,069 60,387 60,743 61,134 61,474 61,67919 57,438 57,952 58,483 59,004 59,490 59,915 60,310 60,695 61,018 61,23220‐24 272,316 274,811 278,245 282,102 285,865 289,018 291,555 293,819 295,821 297,56920 56,397 56,974 57,609 58,252 58,854 59,364 59,795 60,181 60,502 60,73821 55,450 56,090 56,807 57,537 58,218 58,786 59,234 59,604 59,908 60,15622 54,477 55,091 55,841 56,639 57,396 58,024 58,505 58,898 59,231 59,52723 53,467 53,922 54,636 55,476 56,311 57,006 57,555 58,045 58,489 58,89924 52,524 52,734 53,353 54,198 55,087 55,838 56,466 57,090 57,691 58,24825‐29 258,263 256,072 256,409 258,411 261,214 263,955 266,958 270,798 274,990 279,04825 51,602 51,594 52,137 52,999 53,947 54,750 55,435 56,159 56,877 57,54526 50,515 50,318 50,847 51,799 52,870 53,759 54,502 55,301 56,101 56,84427 50,400 49,988 50,305 51,066 51,983 52,771 53,484 54,313 55,175 55,99028 51,759 51,096 50,901 51,041 51,381 51,785 52,337 53,129 54,032 54,92229 53,986 53,076 52,218 51,506 51,032 50,891 51,200 51,896 52,804 53,74730‐34 290,288 285,131 276,160 265,812 256,528 250,746 249,034 249,764 252,088 255,15330 56,002 54,864 53,391 51,889 50,664 50,021 50,111 50,732 51,656 52,65531 58,052 56,657 54,519 52,172 50,152 48,994 48,895 49,500 50,511 51,63032 59,255 57,875 55,503 52,789 50,380 48,923 48,608 49,002 49,822 50,78733 59,073 58,113 56,183 53,855 51,701 50,295 49,725 49,610 49,817 50,21034 57,906 57,622 56,563 55,107 53,632 52,514 51,694 50,920 50,283 49,87235‐39 266,515 273,255 278,594 282,204 283,759 282,932 278,128 269,566 259,636 250,73235 56,792 57,149 56,898 56,242 55,384 54,529 53,477 52,091 50,672 49,51936 55,643 56,661 57,240 57,404 57,177 56,582 55,269 53,222 50,967 49,02837 53,923 55,472 56,755 57,650 58,034 57,785 56,479 54,197 51,576 49,25138 51,509 53,354 55,086 56,505 57,410 57,602 56,705 54,853 52,608 50,53339 48,649 50,620 52,616 54,403 55,753 56,434 56,199 55,201 53,812 52,402105
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 203940‐44 202,421 213,091 225,566 238,388 250,102 259,250 266,046 271,461 275,174 276,86740 45,720 47,838 50,132 52,325 54,145 55,318 55,710 55,504 54,899 54,09641 42,654 44,923 47,532 50,158 52,477 54,164 55,203 55,812 56,012 55,82742 39,941 42,228 44,959 47,798 50,408 52,452 54,010 55,307 56,223 56,63643 37,863 39,996 42,581 45,319 47,914 50,067 51,911 53,643 55,067 55,98744 36,243 38,106 40,362 42,787 45,158 47,249 49,211 51,194 52,973 54,32145‐49 159,918 165,160 171,518 178,855 187,038 195,931 206,476 218,762 231,378 242,91145 34,586 36,164 38,079 40,182 42,325 44,358 46,460 48,729 50,898 52,70246 32,952 34,214 35,749 37,490 39,372 41,329 43,573 46,146 48,733 51,02047 31,629 32,611 33,803 35,206 36,821 38,649 40,906 43,594 46,385 48,95248 30,698 31,480 32,427 33,573 34,952 36,598 38,702 41,242 43,931 46,47949 30,053 30,691 31,460 32,404 33,568 34,997 36,835 39,052 41,432 43,75750‐54 142,971 144,257 145,568 147,314 149,906 153,753 158,939 165,189 172,380 180,38850 29,483 29,961 30,527 31,242 32,165 33,357 34,914 36,795 38,857 40,95751 29,002 29,315 29,669 30,140 30,804 31,739 32,985 34,491 36,196 38,03752 28,577 28,774 28,969 29,250 29,703 30,415 31,386 32,557 33,930 35,50953 28,161 28,310 28,422 28,589 28,905 29,463 30,238 31,170 32,293 33,64154 27,747 27,896 27,981 28,094 28,329 28,780 29,416 30,176 31,104 32,24455‐59 132,104 133,220 133,820 134,244 134,833 135,927 137,263 138,613 140,373 142,94055 27,384 27,540 27,606 27,672 27,830 28,169 28,651 29,215 29,920 30,82556 27,075 27,248 27,305 27,332 27,416 27,643 27,965 28,323 28,792 29,44657 26,621 26,829 26,913 26,946 27,007 27,170 27,379 27,584 27,869 28,31858 25,934 26,193 26,344 26,442 26,543 26,705 26,866 26,991 27,168 27,48559 25,090 25,410 25,653 25,852 26,037 26,240 26,401 26,500 26,626 26,86760‐64 112,789 115,184 117,602 119,917 121,999 123,720 124,865 125,520 126,006 126,64660 24,261 24,648 24,991 25,297 25,572 25,822 25,990 26,072 26,153 26,32061 23,420 23,883 24,339 24,767 25,146 25,455 25,639 25,713 25,757 25,85562 22,562 23,076 23,610 24,125 24,583 24,943 25,160 25,258 25,309 25,38463 21,703 22,227 22,780 23,321 23,808 24,200 24,461 24,620 24,730 24,84164 20,844 21,350 21,882 22,407 22,891 23,300 23,615 23,857 24,058 24,24565‐69 91,235 93,475 95,857 98,297 100,709 103,009 105,276 107,567 109,764 111,74765 19,967 20,458 20,975 21,492 21,981 22,414 22,789 23,122 23,421 23,69066 19,079 19,552 20,053 20,560 21,055 21,517 21,960 22,396 22,806 23,17167 18,213 18,664 19,143 19,635 20,126 20,604 21,091 21,597 22,086 22,52268 17,386 17,812 18,268 18,741 19,219 19,692 20,185 20,704 21,213 21,67369 16,590 16,989 17,419 17,869 18,328 18,782 19,253 19,748 20,238 20,69070‐74 71,453 72,978 74,639 76,411 78,270 80,189 82,219 84,376 86,587 88,77670 15,791 16,159 16,559 16,981 17,415 17,850 18,303 18,780 19,257 19,70971 14,986 15,319 15,685 16,076 16,484 16,897 17,330 17,787 18,250 18,70472 14,230 14,530 14,862 15,219 15,595 15,983 16,391 16,824 17,269 17,71573 13,544 13,818 14,116 14,436 14,776 15,133 15,516 15,924 16,348 16,77874 12,901 13,152 13,417 13,699 14,000 14,325 14,680 15,062 15,462 15,87075‐79 54,301 55,247 56,163 57,106 58,131 59,295 60,610 62,040 63,563 65,16175 12,259 12,487 12,718 12,960 13,222 13,512 13,836 14,188 14,559 14,94176 11,638 11,842 12,037 12,237 12,456 12,708 12,998 13,316 13,655 14,00977 10,952 11,135 11,305 11,476 11,665 11,886 12,145 12,429 12,735 13,05778 10,156 10,326 10,486 10,649 10,826 11,031 11,263 11,516 11,787 12,07579 9,296 9,456 9,617 9,784 9,962 10,157 10,368 10,591 10,827 11,08080 y más / and over 69,331 70,752 72,196 73,659 75,143 76,644 78,141 79,634 81,157 82,745Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.106
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050Total 3,583,990 3,607,044 3,629,717 3,652,028 3,673,993 3,695,631 3,716,930 3,737,879 3,758,494 3,778,794 3,798,7980‐4 271,770 270,440 269,307 268,348 267,539 266,859 266,322 265,944 265,701 265,571 265,5320 54,009 53,813 53,656 53,530 53,423 53,327 53,247 53,190 53,147 53,108 53,0621 54,051 53,824 53,636 53,481 53,350 53,236 53,144 53,080 53,034 53,001 52,9712 54,283 54,020 53,795 53,606 53,446 53,312 53,205 53,131 53,082 53,056 53,0473 54,557 54,256 53,993 53,768 53,578 53,421 53,300 53,214 53,163 53,144 53,1564 54,869 54,529 54,227 53,964 53,742 53,563 53,426 53,329 53,274 53,263 53,2975‐9 280,092 277,887 275,879 274,059 272,418 270,946 269,650 268,536 267,595 266,818 266,1945 55,132 54,782 54,463 54,176 53,921 53,698 53,507 53,348 53,221 53,126 53,0636 55,533 55,137 54,778 54,454 54,164 53,906 53,683 53,493 53,337 53,214 53,1217 55,980 55,538 55,136 54,773 54,446 54,153 53,895 53,674 53,487 53,333 53,2098 56,465 55,978 55,534 55,131 54,766 54,436 54,142 53,888 53,669 53,483 53,3279 56,982 56,452 55,968 55,525 55,121 54,753 54,423 54,133 53,880 53,661 53,47410‐14 293,259 290,292 287,389 284,602 281,983 279,585 277,372 275,311 273,452 271,849 270,55310 57,497 56,929 56,410 55,935 55,499 55,098 54,735 54,413 54,128 53,874 53,64811 57,974 57,374 56,834 56,342 55,889 55,466 55,078 54,732 54,419 54,127 53,84812 58,542 57,927 57,357 56,828 56,335 55,874 55,448 55,060 54,705 54,380 54,07913 59,247 58,640 58,025 57,423 56,851 56,329 55,845 55,385 54,968 54,615 54,34314 60,000 59,422 58,763 58,075 57,409 56,818 56,266 55,721 55,232 54,853 54,63515‐19 306,717 304,783 301,821 298,305 294,710 291,512 288,394 285,039 281,922 279,519 278,30415 60,688 60,143 59,448 58,685 57,936 57,285 56,677 56,056 55,506 55,108 54,94616 61,355 60,844 60,104 59,256 58,417 57,705 57,042 56,349 55,744 55,346 55,27217 61,727 61,290 60,590 59,757 58,919 58,204 57,527 56,803 56,159 55,725 55,62918 61,662 61,357 60,822 60,156 59,458 58,827 58,197 57,502 56,842 56,315 56,02019 61,286 61,149 60,856 60,451 59,981 59,490 58,950 58,328 57,672 57,026 56,43620‐24 299,072 300,520 301,907 302,949 303,358 302,852 301,619 299,850 297,260 293,563 288,47420 60,870 60,899 60,840 60,688 60,438 60,087 59,636 59,090 58,443 57,691 56,83021 60,362 60,564 60,756 60,876 60,865 60,662 60,308 59,843 59,206 58,337 57,17622 59,815 60,156 60,531 60,849 61,018 60,947 60,696 60,328 59,750 58,870 57,59823 59,286 59,705 60,148 60,533 60,778 60,802 60,659 60,403 59,953 59,227 58,14224 58,739 59,197 59,634 60,004 60,259 60,354 60,320 60,187 59,909 59,438 58,72825‐29 282,486 285,292 287,791 289,999 291,937 293,622 295,042 296,186 297,070 297,715 298,13825 58,119 58,611 59,050 59,418 59,697 59,870 59,948 59,943 59,837 59,612 59,25026 57,473 57,980 58,404 58,756 59,049 59,296 59,488 59,617 59,696 59,737 59,75227 56,676 57,213 57,658 58,036 58,375 58,702 59,000 59,249 59,478 59,713 59,98128 55,671 56,270 56,804 57,286 57,731 58,151 58,539 58,885 59,202 59,504 59,80629 54,547 55,218 55,876 56,504 57,085 57,602 58,068 58,492 58,858 59,149 59,34930‐34 258,110 261,256 265,158 269,370 273,443 276,931 280,131 283,343 286,118 288,009 288,56930 53,502 54,224 54,971 55,706 56,389 56,982 57,511 58,001 58,414 58,712 58,85631 52,559 53,330 54,144 54,949 55,697 56,339 56,907 57,434 57,871 58,168 58,27632 51,613 52,350 53,187 54,048 54,862 55,555 56,175 56,771 57,271 57,600 57,68533 50,656 51,233 52,032 52,933 53,820 54,574 55,274 55,999 56,631 57,051 57,14334 49,780 50,117 50,825 51,733 52,675 53,482 54,265 55,138 55,932 56,478 56,60935‐39 245,246 243,728 244,585 246,988 250,113 253,133 256,599 261,061 265,693 269,670 272,16435 48,931 49,053 49,687 50,614 51,613 52,467 53,321 54,320 55,247 55,882 56,00536 47,929 47,865 48,485 49,499 50,619 51,553 52,495 53,639 54,694 55,371 55,38037 47,857 47,580 47,994 48,824 49,794 50,629 51,513 52,628 53,700 54,452 54,60938 49,188 48,661 48,578 48,807 49,219 49,681 50,282 51,108 52,029 52,915 53,63339 51,341 50,569 49,841 49,244 48,868 48,803 48,988 49,365 50,023 51,050 52,536107
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION MASCULINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, MALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 205040‐44 276,220 271,670 263,431 253,845 245,257 240,008 236,537 233,282 232,586 236,792 248,24340 53,292 52,294 50,966 49,604 48,501 47,950 47,754 47,720 48,140 49,307 51,51541 55,279 54,025 52,051 49,870 47,996 46,945 46,373 45,937 46,151 47,530 50,58942 56,427 55,179 52,975 50,435 48,184 46,843 45,998 45,234 45,173 46,438 49,65243 56,207 55,359 53,574 51,404 49,397 48,105 47,160 46,196 45,763 46,411 48,69144 55,015 54,813 53,865 52,532 51,178 50,165 49,252 48,195 47,359 47,105 47,79645‐49 251,948 258,699 264,105 267,853 269,627 269,114 266,523 262,064 255,422 246,283 234,33345 53,874 54,284 54,109 53,545 52,786 52,026 51,136 49,986 48,770 47,684 46,92246 52,691 53,733 54,356 54,580 54,427 53,918 53,039 51,776 50,151 48,183 45,89547 50,970 52,516 53,810 54,732 55,163 54,985 54,276 53,117 51,387 48,969 45,74348 48,600 50,421 52,135 53,549 54,470 54,708 54,389 53,643 52,276 50,098 46,91449 45,813 47,744 49,695 51,447 52,781 53,477 53,682 53,542 52,838 51,349 48,85850‐54 189,088 199,390 211,378 223,686 234,948 243,798 251,147 257,906 262,708 264,188 260,98050 42,952 45,013 47,237 49,364 51,136 52,294 53,012 53,460 53,381 52,516 50,60551 39,954 42,148 44,662 47,190 49,427 51,069 52,320 53,381 53,949 53,718 52,38452 37,295 39,498 42,119 44,840 47,346 49,321 50,976 52,522 53,642 54,021 53,34453 35,248 37,300 39,774 42,391 44,875 46,946 48,791 50,594 52,078 52,965 52,97754 33,640 35,431 37,588 39,902 42,165 44,167 46,049 47,948 49,658 50,968 51,67055‐59 146,710 151,758 157,821 164,784 172,534 180,955 190,125 200,119 210,822 222,122 233,90455 31,990 33,506 35,334 37,336 39,375 41,314 43,243 45,254 47,211 48,975 50,40956 30,359 31,571 33,031 34,683 36,466 38,323 40,292 42,414 44,628 46,878 49,10357 29,015 29,959 31,092 32,419 33,944 35,670 37,596 39,718 42,041 44,569 47,30558 28,033 28,788 29,690 30,775 32,076 33,628 35,408 37,393 39,618 42,116 44,92259 27,313 27,935 28,673 29,571 30,672 32,020 33,585 35,339 37,324 39,585 42,16460‐64 127,760 129,098 130,445 132,178 134,674 138,309 142,833 147,994 154,169 161,735 171,06960 26,660 27,133 27,684 28,368 29,243 30,367 31,701 33,207 34,942 36,963 39,32861 26,088 26,408 26,761 27,218 27,851 28,731 29,810 31,041 32,495 34,243 36,35762 25,554 25,766 25,973 26,254 26,690 27,361 28,214 29,196 30,386 31,864 33,71263 25,008 25,175 25,305 25,484 25,795 26,324 27,013 27,806 28,788 30,043 31,65664 24,450 24,615 24,722 24,853 25,094 25,526 26,095 26,745 27,559 28,621 30,01565‐69 113,399 114,523 115,198 115,719 116,381 117,482 118,823 120,208 121,931 124,290 127,57965 23,937 24,108 24,199 24,290 24,462 24,794 25,233 25,726 26,353 27,194 28,33066 23,472 23,659 23,743 23,802 23,909 24,140 24,446 24,775 25,204 25,807 26,66067 22,869 23,084 23,191 23,255 23,340 23,512 23,727 23,942 24,222 24,632 25,23768 22,046 22,299 22,459 22,573 22,690 22,857 23,041 23,212 23,418 23,705 24,12269 21,074 21,372 21,605 21,799 21,981 22,180 22,376 22,552 22,735 22,951 23,22970‐74 90,869 92,937 95,029 97,039 98,863 100,396 101,707 102,867 103,770 104,311 104,38570 20,112 20,460 20,772 21,053 21,308 21,544 21,756 21,942 22,106 22,254 22,39371 19,128 19,536 19,938 20,319 20,659 20,943 21,181 21,385 21,538 21,623 21,62272 18,149 18,594 19,057 19,505 19,907 20,231 20,497 20,728 20,890 20,952 20,88273 17,204 17,649 18,120 18,582 19,002 19,344 19,632 19,889 20,080 20,172 20,12974 16,276 16,697 17,141 17,580 17,987 18,334 18,640 18,923 19,155 19,310 19,35975‐79 66,813 68,560 70,416 72,318 74,205 76,015 77,789 79,568 81,290 82,894 84,31775 15,325 15,725 16,148 16,571 16,972 17,331 17,661 17,978 18,259 18,482 18,62776 14,369 14,746 15,146 15,552 15,949 16,323 16,684 17,041 17,380 17,685 17,94277 13,390 13,741 14,113 14,497 14,882 15,259 15,635 16,016 16,391 16,753 17,08978 12,378 12,701 13,046 13,405 13,770 14,133 14,499 14,874 15,250 15,619 15,97379 11,351 11,646 11,963 12,294 12,632 12,969 13,309 13,659 14,010 14,355 14,68680 y más / and over 84,431 86,210 88,059 89,987 92,002 94,114 96,316 98,603 100,984 103,466 106,060Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.108
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959Total 1,114,445 1,134,034 1,155,430 1,178,782 1,204,238 1,231,947 1,261,810 1,293,727 1,327,847 1,364,3200-4 180,790 188,735 196,423 203,962 211,464 219,037 226,609 234,106 241,639 249,3170 42,553 44,599 46,456 48,181 49,832 51,464 53,041 54,524 55,970 57,4361 37,604 39,478 41,205 42,833 44,409 45,981 47,516 48,983 50,429 51,9032 35,168 36,812 38,380 39,903 41,410 42,929 44,441 45,927 47,416 48,9383 33,428 34,783 36,159 37,560 38,988 40,448 41,937 43,452 44,998 46,5774 32,036 33,064 34,222 35,485 36,825 38,215 39,675 41,220 42,825 44,4645-9 151,512 150,513 151,914 155,122 159,547 164,596 170,664 178,146 186,450 194,9845 32,074 32,122 32,680 33,612 34,779 36,043 37,496 39,230 41,107 42,9896 31,082 30,915 31,288 32,059 33,086 34,228 35,580 37,234 39,051 40,8897 30,206 29,924 30,160 30,785 31,669 32,682 33,911 35,441 37,144 38,8898 29,427 29,111 29,255 29,751 30,492 31,373 32,464 33,836 35,383 36,9979 28,724 28,441 28,530 28,915 29,520 30,270 31,215 32,405 33,765 35,22010-14 134,315 134,659 135,231 136,177 137,648 139,791 142,508 145,699 149,513 154,10010 28,095 27,908 27,976 28,263 28,734 29,352 30,142 31,127 32,272 33,54111 27,538 27,505 27,582 27,781 28,116 28,601 29,225 29,981 30,882 31,94012 26,941 27,050 27,153 27,300 27,541 27,925 28,419 28,991 29,688 30,56213 26,248 26,447 26,586 26,729 26,936 27,271 27,692 28,157 28,728 29,46914 25,493 25,749 25,933 26,104 26,320 26,642 27,029 27,443 27,943 28,58715-19 116,445 118,761 120,501 121,932 123,323 124,942 126,610 128,148 129,824 131,90615 24,782 25,120 25,360 25,563 25,789 26,099 26,451 26,806 27,225 27,76716 24,116 24,546 24,851 25,093 25,333 25,633 25,951 26,247 26,583 27,02017 23,379 23,877 24,239 24,525 24,792 25,099 25,407 25,677 25,968 26,33818 22,534 23,060 23,463 23,793 24,099 24,432 24,758 25,044 25,340 25,69619 21,633 22,158 22,587 22,959 23,311 23,680 24,043 24,372 24,707 25,08520-24 96,555 98,759 100,967 103,184 105,412 107,655 109,910 112,175 114,454 116,74920 20,753 21,279 21,739 22,158 22,560 22,970 23,372 23,749 24,126 24,52821 19,856 20,394 20,895 21,370 21,831 22,290 22,739 23,170 23,596 24,02622 19,110 19,611 20,108 20,602 21,091 21,574 22,052 22,526 22,994 23,45623 18,599 18,991 19,420 19,873 20,339 20,805 21,281 21,772 22,269 22,75824 18,237 18,483 18,805 19,181 19,592 20,016 20,466 20,958 21,470 21,98125-29 84,891 84,940 85,581 86,680 88,104 89,722 91,621 93,891 96,398 99,00925 17,864 17,966 18,185 18,489 18,850 19,236 19,669 20,167 20,701 21,24126 17,519 17,455 17,558 17,785 18,094 18,444 18,861 19,375 19,943 20,52327 17,098 16,969 17,015 17,193 17,462 17,778 18,170 18,666 19,224 19,80228 16,532 16,503 16,589 16,767 17,014 17,306 17,658 18,087 18,568 19,07829 15,878 16,047 16,234 16,445 16,684 16,958 17,264 17,596 17,962 18,36630-34 70,612 73,294 75,166 76,521 77,651 78,851 79,924 80,676 81,398 82,38530 15,262 15,611 15,887 16,122 16,349 16,604 16,862 17,102 17,357 17,66131 14,659 15,204 15,574 15,833 16,045 16,276 16,482 16,619 16,753 16,94932 14,082 14,740 15,168 15,446 15,657 15,878 16,057 16,141 16,209 16,34233 13,552 14,178 14,600 14,890 15,116 15,350 15,545 15,653 15,745 15,89234 13,057 13,561 13,937 14,230 14,484 14,743 14,979 15,161 15,334 15,54135-39 58,290 59,595 61,000 62,476 63,993 65,519 67,076 68,682 70,309 71,92635 12,565 12,966 13,305 13,605 13,886 14,170 14,442 14,689 14,932 15,19136 12,079 12,375 12,678 12,987 13,299 13,610 13,923 14,239 14,556 14,87037 11,624 11,841 12,112 12,421 12,747 13,072 13,408 13,768 14,133 14,48438 11,206 11,397 11,648 11,941 12,254 12,570 12,900 13,258 13,624 13,97939 10,817 11,017 11,256 11,522 11,806 12,098 12,403 12,729 13,065 13,402109
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 195940-44 48,667 49,676 50,680 51,709 52,795 53,968 55,208 56,494 57,858 59,32940 10,441 10,638 10,859 11,101 11,359 11,628 11,913 12,215 12,531 12,85641 10,082 10,269 10,469 10,683 10,914 11,162 11,427 11,707 12,005 12,32242 9,730 9,919 10,108 10,302 10,510 10,740 10,985 11,242 11,518 11,81943 9,380 9,585 9,776 9,965 10,162 10,379 10,608 10,842 11,092 11,37044 9,034 9,264 9,468 9,658 9,850 10,059 10,275 10,487 10,711 10,96145-49 40,498 41,836 42,920 43,848 44,720 45,636 46,529 47,332 48,146 49,06845 8,704 8,960 9,174 9,364 9,550 9,749 9,949 10,137 10,333 10,55446 8,385 8,672 8,899 9,090 9,268 9,456 9,638 9,800 9,963 10,15247 8,082 8,379 8,610 8,799 8,971 9,151 9,321 9,467 9,612 9,78048 7,798 8,070 8,288 8,471 8,640 8,816 8,984 9,131 9,278 9,44549 7,529 7,756 7,950 8,124 8,291 8,465 8,637 8,797 8,960 9,13850-54 33,853 34,495 35,201 35,961 36,762 37,593 38,462 39,375 40,323 41,29350 7,269 7,454 7,626 7,792 7,957 8,130 8,304 8,476 8,653 8,84051 7,021 7,160 7,308 7,466 7,630 7,801 7,979 8,165 8,357 8,55552 6,773 6,881 7,012 7,163 7,325 7,493 7,671 7,864 8,065 8,26853 6,521 6,622 6,748 6,893 7,051 7,214 7,387 7,575 7,771 7,96854 6,270 6,379 6,507 6,648 6,799 6,955 7,120 7,295 7,477 7,66255-59 27,985 28,494 29,052 29,652 30,288 30,955 31,656 32,395 33,167 33,96555 6,027 6,142 6,269 6,406 6,550 6,700 6,857 7,022 7,193 7,36756 5,788 5,911 6,039 6,173 6,311 6,455 6,603 6,757 6,916 7,07957 5,571 5,690 5,811 5,937 6,067 6,203 6,343 6,488 6,637 6,79258 5,383 5,478 5,581 5,692 5,810 5,935 6,067 6,207 6,353 6,50659 5,216 5,274 5,351 5,444 5,548 5,661 5,785 5,922 6,068 6,22160-64 23,518 23,496 23,623 23,871 24,209 24,607 25,086 25,665 26,314 27,00560 5,049 5,076 5,129 5,204 5,295 5,396 5,511 5,644 5,790 5,94261 4,888 4,881 4,910 4,967 5,044 5,133 5,241 5,371 5,516 5,66862 4,718 4,692 4,706 4,749 4,814 4,893 4,991 5,113 5,251 5,39763 4,531 4,512 4,524 4,561 4,616 4,685 4,771 4,878 5,000 5,13064 4,333 4,335 4,355 4,390 4,439 4,499 4,572 4,659 4,758 4,86865-69 18,749 18,967 19,140 19,295 19,461 19,665 19,889 20,113 20,367 20,67865 4,139 4,160 4,186 4,220 4,261 4,313 4,373 4,442 4,520 4,60966 3,944 3,987 4,020 4,052 4,086 4,130 4,178 4,227 4,284 4,35367 3,749 3,805 3,844 3,874 3,904 3,942 3,982 4,018 4,060 4,11468 3,556 3,610 3,649 3,679 3,708 3,743 3,780 3,814 3,851 3,90069 3,361 3,406 3,440 3,471 3,501 3,537 3,575 3,612 3,653 3,70270-74 13,793 13,911 14,051 14,209 14,383 14,573 14,779 15,002 15,241 15,49370 3,166 3,203 3,236 3,267 3,299 3,336 3,375 3,414 3,457 3,50571 2,973 3,003 3,034 3,067 3,101 3,139 3,179 3,222 3,267 3,31572 2,771 2,794 2,822 2,855 2,892 2,930 2,972 3,017 3,065 3,11573 2,554 2,571 2,596 2,628 2,664 2,703 2,745 2,793 2,843 2,89574 2,329 2,341 2,363 2,392 2,427 2,465 2,508 2,556 2,609 2,66375-79 8,480 8,470 8,532 8,649 8,804 8,981 9,191 9,445 9,727 10,02075 2,109 2,115 2,133 2,161 2,195 2,233 2,276 2,327 2,382 2,44076 1,893 1,892 1,907 1,932 1,966 2,004 2,048 2,102 2,161 2,22277 1,685 1,680 1,691 1,715 1,747 1,784 1,828 1,882 1,942 2,00578 1,489 1,483 1,493 1,514 1,543 1,577 1,619 1,669 1,726 1,78579 1,304 1,300 1,308 1,327 1,353 1,383 1,420 1,465 1,515 1,56880 y más / and over 5,492 5,432 5,450 5,535 5,674 5,856 6,089 6,381 6,719 7,093Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.110
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969Total 1,403,293 1,445,518 1,490,895 1,538,298 1,586,601 1,634,675 1,682,487 1,730,787 1,779,628 1,829,0630-4 257,250 265,698 274,588 283,530 292,135 300,013 306,989 313,323 319,278 325,1170 58,978 60,657 62,435 64,222 65,927 67,460 68,767 69,910 70,967 72,0181 53,450 55,129 56,908 58,700 60,420 61,981 63,334 64,538 65,664 66,7872 50,520 52,219 54,015 55,826 57,568 59,159 60,560 61,826 63,016 64,1883 48,193 49,895 51,680 53,475 55,209 56,809 58,249 59,579 60,836 62,0574 46,108 47,798 49,550 51,307 53,011 54,605 56,079 57,471 58,796 60,0675-9 203,157 210,928 218,691 226,508 234,440 242,548 251,058 259,928 268,822 277,4015 44,738 46,326 47,847 49,340 50,847 52,408 54,072 55,811 57,554 59,2286 42,607 44,179 45,701 47,208 48,739 50,328 52,028 53,814 55,610 57,3367 40,547 42,104 43,646 45,194 46,769 48,391 50,109 51,909 53,718 55,4618 38,572 40,110 41,684 43,288 44,919 46,573 48,292 50,081 51,873 53,6069 36,694 38,208 39,814 41,477 43,167 44,849 46,557 48,313 50,067 51,76910-14 159,606 166,371 174,295 182,871 191,593 199,952 208,004 216,086 224,117 232,01610 34,898 36,390 38,040 39,779 41,538 43,248 44,927 46,623 48,306 49,94911 33,170 34,648 36,365 38,207 40,056 41,798 43,430 45,028 46,597 48,14312 31,661 33,077 34,776 36,623 38,479 40,209 41,802 43,349 44,866 46,36813 30,440 31,720 33,267 34,965 36,697 38,347 39,925 41,506 43,079 44,63114 29,436 30,536 31,846 33,299 34,823 36,350 37,920 39,580 41,268 42,92315-19 134,663 138,002 141,743 146,027 150,990 156,771 163,826 172,062 180,795 189,34415 28,493 29,421 30,511 31,736 33,066 34,472 36,024 37,741 39,520 41,25416 27,620 28,373 29,239 30,232 31,363 32,647 34,183 35,963 37,836 39,65317 26,845 27,461 28,145 28,942 29,897 31,054 32,526 34,285 36,158 37,97618 26,162 26,700 27,277 27,949 28,772 29,801 31,138 32,745 34,470 36,16319 25,544 26,048 26,571 27,167 27,892 28,797 29,954 31,328 32,811 34,29820-24 119,063 121,242 123,285 125,422 127,885 130,907 134,503 138,519 142,930 147,71320 24,980 25,445 25,907 26,420 27,040 27,821 28,806 29,960 31,216 32,50921 24,474 24,902 25,302 25,730 26,243 26,896 27,705 28,634 29,657 30,75322 23,910 24,322 24,693 25,075 25,520 26,079 26,748 27,490 28,316 29,23523 23,228 23,651 24,035 24,422 24,853 25,371 25,957 26,585 27,280 28,06724 22,471 22,922 23,348 23,775 24,230 24,741 25,287 25,850 26,461 27,14925-29 101,593 104,208 106,943 109,708 112,416 114,977 117,242 119,270 121,285 123,51225 21,756 22,238 22,709 23,179 23,660 24,163 24,664 25,155 25,673 26,25626 21,072 21,594 22,116 22,635 23,145 23,645 24,101 24,519 24,942 25,41827 20,357 20,903 21,467 22,031 22,574 23,079 23,511 23,884 24,247 24,65028 19,594 20,137 20,723 21,319 21,893 22,411 22,841 23,206 23,554 23,93229 18,814 19,336 19,928 20,545 21,144 21,680 22,124 22,506 22,868 23,25630-34 83,929 86,222 89,068 92,181 95,271 98,050 100,439 102,628 104,740 106,89430 18,047 18,554 19,158 19,803 20,433 20,991 21,453 21,855 22,237 22,63531 17,271 17,765 18,390 19,074 19,747 20,337 20,824 21,254 21,659 22,07232 16,620 17,092 17,704 18,384 19,057 19,651 20,149 20,600 21,029 21,46133 16,162 16,596 17,145 17,752 18,361 18,914 19,399 19,856 20,300 20,74834 15,828 16,215 16,671 17,168 17,673 18,157 18,614 19,063 19,515 19,97835-39 73,503 74,979 76,374 77,779 79,285 80,983 82,866 84,872 87,013 89,30135 15,489 15,829 16,197 16,587 16,994 17,415 17,849 18,299 18,765 19,24736 15,179 15,467 15,735 16,008 16,309 16,664 17,079 17,538 18,031 18,54537 14,803 15,064 15,279 15,487 15,726 16,036 16,423 16,862 17,342 17,85038 14,303 14,577 14,815 15,045 15,295 15,595 15,941 16,316 16,722 17,16439 13,728 14,041 14,348 14,653 14,960 15,274 15,574 15,857 16,155 16,496111
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 196940-44 60,939 62,826 64,970 67,163 69,198 70,867 71,925 72,511 72,992 73,73640 13,187 13,534 13,901 14,270 14,624 14,947 15,201 15,399 15,594 15,84041 12,659 13,044 13,475 13,912 14,316 14,647 14,851 14,954 15,038 15,18342 12,154 12,558 13,027 13,505 13,941 14,279 14,457 14,512 14,536 14,62443 11,687 12,079 12,538 13,011 13,444 13,783 13,975 14,055 14,105 14,20744 11,251 11,611 12,029 12,465 12,873 13,211 13,441 13,591 13,719 13,88145-49 50,200 51,612 53,239 54,973 56,704 58,325 59,818 61,254 62,661 64,06745 10,818 11,149 11,536 11,942 12,332 12,670 12,934 13,147 13,344 13,55846 10,388 10,692 11,047 11,426 11,800 12,141 12,443 12,723 12,993 13,26347 9,996 10,274 10,597 10,945 11,298 11,633 11,956 12,280 12,599 12,90748 9,653 9,911 10,205 10,521 10,845 11,162 11,477 11,800 12,124 12,43849 9,345 9,586 9,854 10,138 10,430 10,719 11,008 11,303 11,602 11,90150-54 42,273 43,252 44,237 45,246 46,297 47,408 48,554 49,722 50,951 52,27950 9,044 9,268 9,506 9,756 10,015 10,278 10,546 10,820 11,102 11,39251 8,757 8,961 9,168 9,381 9,604 9,841 10,087 10,342 10,609 10,89352 8,466 8,656 8,840 9,027 9,224 9,439 9,665 9,898 10,147 10,41953 8,160 8,342 8,519 8,697 8,883 9,085 9,295 9,508 9,735 9,98754 7,846 8,025 8,203 8,384 8,570 8,765 8,961 9,154 9,359 9,58755-59 34,783 35,636 36,529 37,439 38,342 39,216 40,001 40,713 41,441 42,27455 7,542 7,719 7,898 8,080 8,265 8,452 8,632 8,804 8,984 9,18756 7,246 7,421 7,603 7,788 7,972 8,152 8,314 8,462 8,614 8,79057 6,954 7,126 7,308 7,494 7,677 7,850 8,001 8,132 8,266 8,42158 6,664 6,832 7,010 7,192 7,370 7,539 7,685 7,813 7,942 8,09059 6,377 6,539 6,711 6,885 7,058 7,222 7,369 7,502 7,635 7,78560-64 27,706 28,434 29,209 30,007 30,804 31,577 32,305 33,003 33,704 34,43860 6,095 6,253 6,418 6,588 6,755 6,916 7,063 7,200 7,337 7,48661 5,819 5,973 6,133 6,297 6,460 6,618 6,767 6,908 7,050 7,19962 5,543 5,691 5,846 6,005 6,163 6,319 6,467 6,611 6,755 6,90463 5,264 5,403 5,553 5,708 5,863 6,015 6,159 6,301 6,442 6,58864 4,985 5,115 5,259 5,410 5,562 5,709 5,849 5,984 6,120 6,26165-69 21,073 21,577 22,170 22,818 23,484 24,133 24,756 25,378 26,011 26,66565 4,712 4,833 4,971 5,118 5,267 5,410 5,544 5,676 5,807 5,94466 4,440 4,553 4,685 4,830 4,977 5,116 5,246 5,373 5,500 5,63267 4,189 4,291 4,415 4,552 4,691 4,825 4,950 5,073 5,197 5,32668 3,967 4,058 4,166 4,287 4,411 4,534 4,654 4,775 4,899 5,02869 3,764 3,842 3,933 4,032 4,138 4,248 4,362 4,482 4,607 4,73670-74 15,757 16,017 16,276 16,555 16,876 17,263 17,733 18,271 18,851 19,44570 3,563 3,629 3,702 3,782 3,870 3,966 4,074 4,193 4,319 4,44871 3,368 3,421 3,476 3,535 3,604 3,687 3,790 3,908 4,035 4,16472 3,165 3,210 3,253 3,299 3,355 3,428 3,524 3,637 3,760 3,88573 2,945 2,991 3,032 3,076 3,129 3,197 3,284 3,385 3,496 3,61074 2,716 2,766 2,813 2,863 2,919 2,984 3,062 3,148 3,241 3,33975-79 10,307 10,591 10,883 11,179 11,476 11,770 12,047 12,309 12,578 12,87675 2,495 2,549 2,602 2,656 2,713 2,776 2,845 2,917 2,993 3,07476 2,282 2,340 2,398 2,458 2,518 2,578 2,637 2,693 2,752 2,81777 2,065 2,126 2,188 2,250 2,312 2,370 2,422 2,468 2,514 2,56778 1,843 1,902 1,963 2,025 2,085 2,142 2,191 2,234 2,277 2,32579 1,621 1,675 1,732 1,791 1,848 1,903 1,952 1,998 2,043 2,09180 y más / and over 7,491 7,923 8,395 8,895 9,406 9,915 10,422 10,937 11,459 11,985Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.112
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979Total 1,879,142 1,930,599 1,983,400 2,036,445 2,088,634 2,138,869 2,187,303 2,234,668 2,280,735 2,325,2730-4 331,104 337,282 343,476 349,620 355,649 361,496 367,572 373,919 379,925 384,9730 73,143 74,396 75,727 77,050 78,282 79,342 80,260 81,093 81,791 82,3071 67,979 69,280 70,641 72,003 73,307 74,493 75,614 76,711 77,703 78,5092 65,402 66,670 67,953 69,231 70,486 71,698 72,950 74,253 75,485 76,5233 63,283 64,495 65,668 66,827 67,998 69,205 70,558 72,039 73,486 74,7344 61,298 62,442 63,488 64,509 65,576 66,758 68,190 69,824 71,461 72,9005-9 285,327 292,446 298,981 305,168 311,238 317,426 323,932 330,602 337,133 343,2235 60,763 62,110 63,318 64,458 65,601 66,818 68,199 69,697 71,176 72,5046 58,915 60,303 61,552 62,728 63,897 65,128 66,488 67,934 69,362 70,6677 57,064 58,491 59,792 61,020 62,227 63,468 64,786 66,146 67,481 68,7278 55,214 56,677 58,036 59,325 60,578 61,826 63,084 64,332 65,546 66,7049 53,370 54,864 56,283 57,637 58,935 60,186 61,374 62,494 63,568 64,62110-14 239,701 247,356 255,035 262,463 269,365 275,466 280,324 284,121 287,523 291,19210 51,525 53,046 54,532 55,962 57,315 58,568 59,674 60,646 61,558 62,48311 49,670 51,219 52,786 54,310 55,732 56,992 58,003 58,804 59,527 60,30012 47,870 49,426 51,026 52,588 54,032 55,278 56,216 56,900 57,493 58,16013 46,152 47,686 49,244 50,753 52,144 53,346 54,251 54,906 55,473 56,11214 44,484 45,978 47,447 48,849 50,141 51,281 52,180 52,865 53,472 54,13615-19 197,023 203,841 210,253 216,248 221,814 226,940 231,381 235,145 238,599 242,10815 42,840 44,290 45,672 46,970 48,167 49,247 50,134 50,841 51,478 52,15716 41,262 42,657 43,936 45,113 46,199 47,207 48,080 48,812 49,485 50,18417 39,567 40,915 42,135 43,250 44,283 45,257 46,130 46,888 47,592 48,30518 37,672 38,993 40,229 41,383 42,459 43,460 44,350 45,127 45,844 46,55719 35,682 36,986 38,281 39,532 40,707 41,770 42,686 43,479 44,200 44,90520-24 152,843 158,635 165,106 171,782 178,192 183,863 188,704 193,030 196,978 200,68420 33,774 35,053 36,392 37,724 38,982 40,099 41,041 41,854 42,588 43,29121 31,896 33,155 34,546 35,966 37,314 38,489 39,460 40,294 41,038 41,73722 30,257 31,460 32,839 34,275 35,648 36,840 37,826 38,686 39,456 40,17123 28,972 30,067 31,335 32,667 33,958 35,099 36,080 36,972 37,792 38,55524 27,944 28,899 29,993 31,149 32,289 33,336 34,297 35,223 36,104 36,93025-29 126,175 129,321 132,802 136,545 140,479 144,533 148,896 153,616 158,409 162,99125 26,942 27,764 28,698 29,692 30,695 31,656 32,598 33,554 34,491 35,37526 25,991 26,678 27,448 28,277 29,141 30,015 30,939 31,928 32,925 33,87227 25,142 25,726 26,368 27,066 27,814 28,610 29,501 30,489 31,503 32,47328 24,390 24,924 25,501 26,127 26,806 27,541 28,378 29,313 30,280 31,21129 23,710 24,230 24,787 25,383 26,023 26,711 27,481 28,332 29,209 30,06130-34 109,211 111,682 114,226 116,857 119,590 122,438 125,459 128,643 131,904 135,15730 23,087 23,590 24,118 24,677 25,273 25,910 26,615 27,384 28,178 28,95631 22,525 23,012 23,512 24,033 24,582 25,166 25,804 26,489 27,197 27,90032 21,920 22,403 22,893 23,396 23,919 24,468 25,052 25,667 26,299 26,93533 21,219 21,710 22,211 22,722 23,245 23,782 24,336 24,906 25,487 26,07334 20,460 20,967 21,492 22,029 22,571 23,112 23,652 24,196 24,743 25,29335-39 91,747 94,449 97,400 100,452 103,457 106,267 108,851 111,308 113,685 116,02635 19,747 20,273 20,825 21,389 21,950 22,495 23,020 23,534 24,042 24,55236 19,070 19,620 20,203 20,796 21,379 21,929 22,436 22,917 23,383 23,84937 18,374 18,934 19,539 20,158 20,762 21,321 21,824 22,291 22,738 23,18138 17,646 18,193 18,803 19,437 20,059 20,631 21,145 21,627 22,087 22,53639 16,911 17,429 18,031 18,671 19,307 19,892 20,426 20,940 21,434 21,908113
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 197940-44 75,113 77,281 79,994 83,014 86,103 89,022 91,847 94,736 97,577 100,25640 16,193 16,686 17,284 17,934 18,585 19,185 19,740 20,284 20,809 21,30741 15,471 15,941 16,541 17,209 17,884 18,504 19,082 19,659 20,216 20,73642 14,868 15,309 15,885 16,535 17,198 17,814 18,401 18,997 19,578 20,11943 14,445 14,847 15,360 15,938 16,536 17,110 17,679 18,274 18,865 19,42044 14,136 14,496 14,924 15,399 15,900 16,408 16,945 17,522 18,109 18,67345-49 65,499 66,876 68,181 69,533 71,054 72,862 75,049 77,536 80,184 82,86045 13,826 14,143 14,489 14,864 15,274 15,720 16,226 16,790 17,378 17,95246 13,543 13,814 14,069 14,336 14,646 15,026 15,504 16,061 16,656 17,24747 13,198 13,444 13,649 13,855 14,104 14,437 14,881 15,407 15,978 16,55448 12,734 12,990 13,211 13,432 13,685 14,005 14,407 14,869 15,367 15,88049 12,198 12,485 12,764 13,046 13,345 13,674 14,031 14,408 14,807 15,22750-54 53,744 55,439 57,339 59,304 61,194 62,872 64,198 65,267 66,283 67,45550 11,693 12,008 12,336 12,672 13,009 13,341 13,653 13,949 14,252 14,58451 11,200 11,546 11,928 12,321 12,698 13,034 13,296 13,503 13,702 13,93852 10,723 11,085 11,499 11,926 12,328 12,667 12,902 13,060 13,200 13,38153 10,276 10,626 11,031 11,452 11,851 12,188 12,432 12,607 12,763 12,95054 9,852 10,174 10,544 10,932 11,308 11,642 11,915 12,147 12,367 12,60255-59 43,301 44,567 46,013 47,571 49,176 50,761 52,377 54,067 55,757 57,37055 9,430 9,727 10,069 10,432 10,791 11,124 11,423 11,706 11,980 12,25556 9,009 9,282 9,597 9,936 10,281 10,615 10,944 11,282 11,616 11,93457 8,620 8,870 9,158 9,471 9,797 10,124 10,469 10,840 11,211 11,55858 8,277 8,508 8,770 9,056 9,357 9,666 10,000 10,366 10,735 11,08159 7,965 8,180 8,419 8,677 8,950 9,233 9,540 9,875 10,215 10,54260-64 35,236 36,084 36,962 37,891 38,892 39,987 41,206 42,536 43,930 45,34460 7,659 7,856 8,069 8,298 8,542 8,801 9,085 9,395 9,714 10,02861 7,364 7,542 7,727 7,924 8,137 8,371 8,632 8,918 9,218 9,52062 7,062 7,226 7,391 7,565 7,754 7,967 8,207 8,470 8,749 9,03563 6,741 6,897 7,055 7,219 7,398 7,597 7,821 8,064 8,322 8,58964 6,410 6,564 6,721 6,885 7,060 7,252 7,462 7,688 7,926 8,17265-69 27,355 28,080 28,832 29,610 30,414 31,242 32,089 32,956 33,850 34,78265 6,088 6,240 6,397 6,560 6,731 6,915 7,110 7,315 7,530 7,75466 5,773 5,924 6,081 6,245 6,414 6,589 6,768 6,951 7,141 7,34067 5,464 5,612 5,767 5,928 6,092 6,259 6,424 6,591 6,762 6,94168 5,162 5,304 5,451 5,603 5,758 5,915 6,072 6,229 6,390 6,55869 4,867 5,000 5,136 5,275 5,418 5,565 5,716 5,869 6,027 6,19070-74 20,027 20,589 21,150 21,720 22,309 22,928 23,583 24,267 24,970 25,68470 4,575 4,701 4,827 4,955 5,088 5,226 5,370 5,519 5,672 5,83071 4,289 4,408 4,524 4,641 4,763 4,892 5,031 5,176 5,327 5,47972 4,005 4,117 4,225 4,335 4,449 4,571 4,703 4,843 4,988 5,13373 3,720 3,826 3,931 4,038 4,149 4,266 4,390 4,521 4,655 4,79074 3,437 3,538 3,642 3,750 3,860 3,973 4,088 4,207 4,328 4,45175-79 13,223 13,635 14,096 14,586 15,083 15,565 16,026 16,480 16,937 17,40875 3,162 3,258 3,360 3,468 3,577 3,686 3,793 3,901 4,010 4,12276 2,893 2,984 3,086 3,194 3,304 3,409 3,508 3,606 3,703 3,80377 2,634 2,718 2,816 2,920 3,025 3,125 3,217 3,305 3,393 3,48478 2,386 2,461 2,548 2,641 2,735 2,825 2,910 2,992 3,075 3,16079 2,148 2,214 2,286 2,363 2,442 2,520 2,598 2,676 2,756 2,83880 y más / and over 12,513 13,036 13,555 14,082 14,627 15,201 15,808 16,439 17,092 17,761Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.114
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Total 2,368,051 2,408,620 2,447,133 2,484,265 2,520,689 2,557,080 2,592,589 2,626,768 2,660,887 2,696,2190-4 388,448 389,917 389,789 388,716 387,349 386,338 385,416 384,148 382,938 382,1860 82,593 82,556 82,228 81,749 81,256 80,890 80,634 80,394 80,197 80,0671 79,049 79,234 79,118 78,834 78,516 78,296 78,137 77,952 77,794 77,7212 77,244 77,560 77,553 77,355 77,100 76,920 76,759 76,529 76,314 76,1983 75,620 76,058 76,158 76,047 75,855 75,708 75,536 75,253 74,966 74,7854 73,941 74,508 74,732 74,731 74,622 74,524 74,350 74,021 73,667 73,4175-9 348,571 353,368 357,814 361,625 364,513 366,192 366,078 364,362 361,920 359,6305 73,547 74,284 74,805 75,140 75,319 75,370 75,185 74,743 74,209 73,7496 71,746 72,609 73,325 73,879 74,257 74,443 74,321 73,899 73,355 72,8657 69,817 70,792 71,695 72,467 73,048 73,380 73,340 72,969 72,448 71,9608 67,785 68,857 69,933 70,913 71,694 72,175 72,235 71,943 71,478 71,0219 65,675 66,826 68,056 69,225 70,195 70,823 70,997 70,809 70,431 70,03510-14 295,793 301,970 309,282 316,760 323,437 328,346 331,153 332,504 332,898 332,83710 63,496 64,714 66,088 67,441 68,595 69,373 69,666 69,594 69,317 68,99711 61,254 62,535 64,056 65,597 66,942 67,871 68,284 68,325 68,148 67,90112 59,064 60,359 61,935 63,562 65,010 66,048 66,595 66,803 66,796 66,69713 56,986 58,227 59,728 61,289 62,711 63,793 64,493 64,941 65,206 65,35514 54,992 56,136 57,475 58,870 60,178 61,260 62,116 62,840 63,431 63,88615-19 246,040 250,389 254,912 259,615 264,505 269,589 275,332 281,729 288,083 293,69815 52,990 54,034 55,212 56,442 57,639 58,718 59,726 60,717 61,625 62,37916 50,992 51,925 52,928 53,976 55,048 56,119 57,285 58,561 59,805 60,87617 49,090 49,931 50,785 51,678 52,633 53,673 54,922 56,361 57,810 59,08618 47,320 48,102 48,870 49,665 50,532 51,515 52,730 54,147 55,593 56,89519 45,648 46,397 47,117 47,853 48,653 49,563 50,670 51,943 53,251 54,46220-24 204,286 207,569 210,441 213,225 216,244 219,819 224,081 228,815 233,826 238,91920 44,014 44,722 45,382 46,046 46,766 47,596 48,598 49,737 50,919 52,05021 42,438 43,101 43,695 44,280 44,914 45,654 46,536 47,519 48,554 49,58822 40,868 41,503 42,054 42,583 43,154 43,831 44,628 45,501 46,431 47,39723 39,276 39,908 40,441 40,945 41,491 42,150 42,929 43,781 44,695 45,65824 37,691 38,335 38,869 39,371 39,918 40,587 41,391 42,277 43,228 44,22625-29 167,079 170,422 173,209 175,815 178,619 181,994 185,970 190,296 194,929 199,82825 36,173 36,830 37,369 37,871 38,418 39,091 39,904 40,801 41,764 42,77526 34,710 35,384 35,931 36,437 36,987 37,666 38,485 39,387 40,356 41,37327 33,326 34,008 34,566 35,082 35,640 36,321 37,134 38,025 38,980 39,98428 32,037 32,711 33,279 33,811 34,379 35,055 35,841 36,690 37,597 38,56029 30,833 31,489 32,064 32,614 33,194 33,861 34,606 35,393 36,232 37,13630-34 138,316 141,317 144,216 147,111 150,096 153,267 156,503 159,740 163,160 166,94430 29,679 30,320 30,905 31,475 32,069 32,729 33,438 34,169 34,947 35,79331 28,573 29,200 29,799 30,393 31,005 31,660 32,333 33,009 33,724 34,51232 27,561 28,168 28,767 29,368 29,984 30,627 31,268 31,900 32,565 33,30533 26,659 27,238 27,815 28,398 28,995 29,616 30,233 30,839 31,476 32,18934 25,844 26,390 26,931 27,478 28,042 28,635 29,231 29,823 30,449 31,14535-39 118,379 120,680 122,897 125,127 127,465 130,006 132,667 135,385 138,284 141,49035 25,068 25,582 26,090 26,605 27,140 27,705 28,280 28,857 29,467 30,14536 24,328 24,811 25,289 25,776 26,283 26,823 27,378 27,939 28,535 29,19337 23,635 24,090 24,536 24,987 25,461 25,973 26,507 27,052 27,633 28,27338 22,984 23,417 23,827 24,237 24,670 25,149 25,659 26,187 26,752 27,37539 22,364 22,780 23,155 23,522 23,911 24,355 24,842 25,350 25,898 26,504115
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 198940-44 102,659 104,642 106,280 107,791 109,391 111,298 113,460 115,733 118,193 120,91740 21,768 22,166 22,507 22,831 23,179 23,590 24,056 24,549 25,084 25,67541 21,203 21,581 21,883 22,159 22,461 22,839 23,286 23,770 24,298 24,88242 20,595 20,971 21,262 21,523 21,806 22,167 22,597 23,063 23,572 24,13543 19,912 20,309 20,632 20,925 21,233 21,601 22,016 22,450 22,919 23,43944 19,181 19,615 19,996 20,352 20,711 21,101 21,504 21,901 22,320 22,78645-49 85,426 87,914 90,415 92,882 95,267 97,523 99,520 101,288 103,025 104,92745 18,477 18,944 19,379 19,792 20,197 20,608 20,999 21,362 21,733 22,15046 17,794 18,298 18,787 19,257 19,709 20,138 20,515 20,840 21,161 21,52547 17,099 17,622 18,147 18,662 19,151 19,602 19,981 20,297 20,600 20,94148 16,385 16,897 17,430 17,964 18,478 18,950 19,355 19,706 20,044 20,40849 15,671 16,153 16,672 17,207 17,732 18,224 18,669 19,083 19,486 19,90350-54 68,988 70,949 73,199 75,641 78,175 80,702 83,281 85,976 88,703 91,37250 14,969 15,424 15,934 16,473 17,012 17,525 18,007 18,477 18,940 19,40451 14,261 14,690 15,196 15,745 16,304 16,841 17,363 17,890 18,414 18,92552 13,660 14,058 14,535 15,063 15,610 16,148 16,689 17,256 17,825 18,37353 13,219 13,578 13,996 14,456 14,944 15,444 15,976 16,550 17,136 17,70554 12,880 13,199 13,538 13,905 14,305 14,744 15,246 15,804 16,388 16,96455-59 58,829 59,980 60,875 61,744 62,820 64,334 66,387 68,823 71,494 74,24855 12,540 12,817 13,078 13,353 13,668 14,051 14,525 15,072 15,656 16,24256 12,225 12,455 12,631 12,805 13,027 13,348 13,795 14,335 14,926 15,52757 11,853 12,057 12,185 12,300 12,465 12,742 13,157 13,669 14,238 14,82558 11,376 11,585 11,724 11,850 12,017 12,281 12,659 13,114 13,620 14,15159 10,834 11,067 11,256 11,435 11,642 11,912 12,251 12,633 13,053 13,50360-64 46,733 48,103 49,483 50,866 52,243 53,607 54,860 56,009 57,198 58,57360 10,318 10,574 10,805 11,030 11,270 11,542 11,840 12,150 12,484 12,85561 9,811 10,092 10,369 10,645 10,919 11,194 11,447 11,676 11,916 12,20062 9,321 9,614 9,919 10,225 10,522 10,797 11,023 11,206 11,391 11,62063 8,860 9,143 9,441 9,743 10,036 10,309 10,537 10,729 10,920 11,14964 8,422 8,680 8,949 9,223 9,497 9,765 10,014 10,248 10,486 10,74865-69 35,761 36,770 37,804 38,886 40,040 41,292 42,688 44,213 45,795 47,36265 7,983 8,221 8,467 8,720 8,980 9,245 9,512 9,782 10,060 10,34966 7,548 7,766 7,990 8,224 8,471 8,735 9,023 9,333 9,654 9,97167 7,131 7,330 7,533 7,748 7,981 8,238 8,535 8,867 9,212 9,54568 6,737 6,921 7,108 7,306 7,522 7,765 8,050 8,371 8,706 9,03169 6,360 6,533 6,706 6,888 7,087 7,310 7,570 7,859 8,163 8,46570-74 26,399 27,084 27,746 28,431 29,184 30,050 31,041 32,128 33,291 34,51670 5,991 6,151 6,308 6,472 6,653 6,858 7,095 7,358 7,637 7,92071 5,631 5,777 5,917 6,061 6,222 6,407 6,623 6,861 7,115 7,38172 5,277 5,411 5,537 5,668 5,812 5,981 6,176 6,390 6,621 6,86773 4,924 5,050 5,170 5,294 5,430 5,587 5,766 5,960 6,169 6,39574 4,575 4,696 4,814 4,936 5,068 5,217 5,382 5,559 5,749 5,95375-79 17,902 18,416 18,941 19,487 20,058 20,662 21,285 21,922 22,595 23,32475 4,237 4,352 4,468 4,587 4,715 4,854 5,005 5,163 5,331 5,51376 3,909 4,020 4,134 4,252 4,376 4,507 4,642 4,779 4,924 5,08377 3,582 3,687 3,797 3,910 4,028 4,150 4,271 4,393 4,520 4,65978 3,251 3,348 3,448 3,551 3,659 3,770 3,882 3,994 4,112 4,24079 2,922 3,008 3,096 3,186 3,280 3,381 3,486 3,593 3,707 3,82980 y más / and over 18,442 19,130 19,829 20,545 21,286 22,061 22,866 23,697 24,556 25,449Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.116
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999Total 2,734,034 2,776,328 2,822,254 2,868,818 2,913,026 2,951,884 2,984,777 3,013,701 3,039,578 3,063,3320-4 382,295 383,927 386,813 389,961 392,379 393,076 392,447 391,155 388,604 384,2000 80,029 80,258 80,736 81,203 81,400 81,068 80,173 78,890 77,266 75,3521 77,786 78,148 78,769 79,414 79,849 79,838 79,426 78,768 77,800 76,4562 76,263 76,647 77,294 77,999 78,557 78,762 78,712 78,542 78,108 77,2663 74,817 75,175 75,786 76,482 77,096 77,460 77,706 77,947 77,983 77,6134 73,399 73,698 74,228 74,862 75,477 75,948 76,431 77,008 77,446 77,5125-9 358,369 358,186 358,496 359,226 360,301 361,648 363,700 366,506 369,417 371,7825 73,528 73,594 73,838 74,185 74,563 74,898 75,309 75,846 76,328 76,5776 72,608 72,609 72,751 72,994 73,296 73,618 74,068 74,674 75,272 75,6977 71,687 71,636 71,686 71,826 72,044 72,331 72,777 73,390 74,032 74,5658 70,753 70,664 70,634 70,677 70,809 71,043 71,449 72,017 72,643 73,2249 69,794 69,683 69,587 69,543 69,588 69,759 70,098 70,580 71,141 71,71910-14 332,821 332,596 331,829 330,900 330,192 330,087 330,369 330,784 331,654 333,30210 68,794 68,672 68,524 68,404 68,367 68,466 68,715 69,076 69,532 70,06411 67,738 67,612 67,423 67,239 67,126 67,150 67,292 67,505 67,822 68,27612 66,627 66,536 66,342 66,121 65,953 65,914 65,953 66,020 66,190 66,53813 65,457 65,453 65,297 65,078 64,883 64,800 64,758 64,698 64,727 64,95114 64,205 64,323 64,243 64,058 63,864 63,757 63,652 63,485 63,383 63,47315-19 297,876 300,379 301,672 302,112 302,057 301,866 300,973 299,139 297,213 296,04215 62,911 63,154 63,154 63,011 62,825 62,696 62,524 62,245 62,004 61,95216 61,632 62,004 62,086 61,983 61,800 61,642 61,399 60,998 60,609 60,40017 60,007 60,510 60,718 60,723 60,619 60,498 60,243 59,789 59,317 59,00718 57,880 58,511 58,904 59,114 59,196 59,208 59,029 58,622 58,167 57,84319 55,446 56,199 56,810 57,282 57,618 57,821 57,778 57,485 57,115 56,84020-24 243,900 249,145 254,785 260,254 264,985 268,413 270,112 270,458 270,092 269,65320 53,038 53,913 54,739 55,468 56,051 56,442 56,532 56,353 56,067 55,83621 50,571 51,570 52,620 53,619 54,464 55,051 55,282 55,224 55,027 54,84422 48,379 49,470 50,683 51,880 52,920 53,665 54,026 54,096 54,008 53,89623 46,659 47,794 49,070 50,344 51,470 52,302 52,768 52,964 53,000 52,98624 45,253 46,398 47,672 48,943 50,080 50,952 51,504 51,822 51,991 52,09125-29 204,949 210,647 216,951 223,328 229,247 234,176 238,050 241,225 243,796 245,86125 43,816 44,967 46,241 47,516 48,673 49,590 50,233 50,680 50,987 51,20826 42,420 43,569 44,831 46,100 47,268 48,229 48,965 49,549 50,005 50,35527 41,024 42,166 43,418 44,682 45,859 46,852 47,658 48,343 48,909 49,36128 39,575 40,708 41,963 43,238 44,435 45,455 46,295 47,022 47,638 48,14729 38,114 39,237 40,499 41,792 43,011 44,050 44,899 45,631 46,256 46,79030-34 171,274 176,501 182,504 188,755 194,728 199,896 204,155 207,857 211,156 214,20730 36,733 37,838 39,093 40,388 41,614 42,662 43,517 44,251 44,887 45,44731 35,409 36,489 37,730 39,019 40,243 41,292 42,143 42,870 43,507 44,08832 34,164 35,215 36,429 37,696 38,906 39,947 40,795 41,521 42,166 42,77033 33,018 34,033 35,205 36,432 37,610 38,636 39,486 40,230 40,903 41,53934 31,951 32,926 34,047 35,220 36,355 37,358 38,214 38,984 39,692 40,36435-39 145,127 149,421 154,290 159,393 164,393 168,951 173,026 176,843 180,465 183,95235 30,924 31,857 32,924 34,042 35,129 36,106 36,960 37,746 38,481 39,17936 29,943 30,831 31,838 32,895 33,931 34,876 35,725 36,526 37,286 38,01037 28,997 29,847 30,805 31,810 32,800 33,712 34,544 35,336 36,094 36,82138 28,077 28,899 29,826 30,799 31,755 32,634 33,428 34,179 34,896 35,59139 27,186 27,988 28,896 29,847 30,778 31,623 32,368 33,056 33,709 34,350117
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 199940-44 123,984 127,607 131,735 136,045 140,218 143,930 147,045 149,776 152,331 154,91440 26,339 27,119 28,005 28,930 29,831 30,640 31,336 31,962 32,553 33,14141 25,532 26,291 27,154 28,054 28,923 29,694 30,336 30,895 31,416 31,94642 24,761 25,494 26,328 27,197 28,033 28,770 29,373 29,887 30,363 30,85343 24,026 24,723 25,518 26,348 27,150 27,859 28,446 28,954 29,426 29,90844 23,326 23,980 24,729 25,516 26,281 26,967 27,553 28,078 28,573 29,06745-49 107,190 109,946 113,063 116,346 119,597 122,622 125,419 128,119 130,722 133,23245 22,647 23,262 23,970 24,716 25,448 26,111 26,693 27,231 27,741 28,24246 21,979 22,557 23,227 23,939 24,643 25,286 25,867 26,417 26,944 27,45247 21,370 21,915 22,544 23,212 23,877 24,493 25,063 25,618 26,153 26,66248 20,839 21,358 21,938 22,548 23,157 23,732 24,279 24,820 25,346 25,84849 20,356 20,854 21,384 21,929 22,473 23,001 23,517 24,032 24,539 25,02850-54 93,897 96,243 98,468 100,624 102,765 104,944 107,181 109,440 111,691 113,90550 19,875 20,353 20,835 21,319 21,803 22,287 22,776 23,271 23,764 24,24351 19,413 19,869 20,300 20,720 21,142 21,581 22,045 22,525 23,008 23,48352 18,880 19,330 19,738 20,126 20,515 20,928 21,370 21,829 22,292 22,75053 18,229 18,694 19,123 19,530 19,932 20,345 20,771 21,200 21,628 22,05154 17,501 17,996 18,471 18,929 19,373 19,804 20,218 20,615 20,999 21,37855-59 76,937 79,652 82,493 85,322 88,001 90,389 92,418 94,179 95,778 97,32055 16,793 17,316 17,834 18,338 18,818 19,265 19,668 20,033 20,376 20,71356 16,096 16,648 17,211 17,763 18,280 18,743 19,131 19,461 19,758 20,05157 15,391 15,957 16,548 17,135 17,683 18,161 18,550 18,869 19,150 19,42458 14,681 15,233 15,827 16,424 16,988 17,482 17,890 18,238 18,548 18,84459 13,976 14,498 15,073 15,664 16,231 16,739 17,179 17,579 17,946 18,28960-64 60,280 62,428 64,920 67,592 70,282 72,827 75,309 77,836 80,286 82,53360 13,274 13,768 14,329 14,918 15,492 16,014 16,484 16,931 17,349 17,73561 12,561 13,029 13,581 14,173 14,761 15,300 15,802 16,296 16,766 17,19362 11,939 12,374 12,897 13,465 14,038 14,574 15,092 15,620 16,128 16,59063 11,453 11,849 12,314 12,819 13,336 13,837 14,346 14,881 15,407 15,88964 11,054 11,408 11,799 12,218 12,655 13,102 13,584 14,108 14,635 15,12665-69 48,841 50,143 51,315 52,493 53,814 55,411 57,409 59,718 62,151 64,52665 10,652 10,965 11,282 11,616 11,975 12,370 12,829 13,344 13,875 14,37866 10,273 10,538 10,776 11,017 11,291 11,630 12,065 12,577 13,116 13,63567 9,844 10,081 10,271 10,455 10,676 10,974 11,380 11,866 12,387 12,89568 9,324 9,559 9,754 9,943 10,161 10,443 10,812 11,245 11,707 12,16669 8,748 9,000 9,232 9,463 9,710 9,994 10,323 10,685 11,066 11,45170-74 35,784 37,141 38,597 40,086 41,541 42,894 44,068 45,108 46,130 47,25170 8,195 8,462 8,726 8,991 9,263 9,544 9,832 10,123 10,423 10,73771 7,651 7,934 8,234 8,538 8,836 9,114 9,356 9,570 9,782 10,01672 7,127 7,416 7,733 8,058 8,369 8,643 8,856 9,022 9,179 9,36373 6,637 6,911 7,215 7,528 7,829 8,094 8,304 8,472 8,630 8,81174 6,173 6,419 6,689 6,970 7,245 7,499 7,721 7,921 8,116 8,32475-79 24,132 25,030 26,003 27,034 28,107 29,204 30,357 31,579 32,819 34,03075 5,711 5,933 6,176 6,429 6,684 6,929 7,161 7,387 7,612 7,84176 5,259 5,456 5,672 5,900 6,136 6,373 6,617 6,873 7,131 7,38377 4,816 4,992 5,182 5,386 5,601 5,826 6,073 6,341 6,616 6,87778 4,384 4,542 4,712 4,895 5,089 5,295 5,525 5,778 6,037 6,28579 3,962 4,107 4,261 4,424 4,597 4,781 4,982 5,200 5,424 5,64580 y más / and over 26,378 27,337 28,322 29,345 30,418 31,550 32,740 33,980 35,273 36,625Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.118
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009Total 3,085,885 3,106,412 3,124,297 3,140,778 3,157,094 3,174,483 3,192,697 3,210,911 3,229,495 3,248,8210-4 377,348 366,374 351,674 335,760 321,145 310,341 303,925 300,222 298,367 297,4950 73,197 70,425 67,004 63,497 60,467 58,478 57,813 58,096 58,902 59,8071 74,671 72,042 68,614 64,988 61,768 59,555 58,576 58,431 58,777 59,2752 75,870 73,548 70,396 66,974 63,841 61,557 60,259 59,573 59,295 59,2203 76,639 74,751 72,083 69,097 66,255 64,020 62,416 61,136 60,142 59,3964 76,971 75,608 73,577 71,204 68,814 66,731 64,861 62,985 61,249 59,7975-9 372,951 373,531 373,956 373,315 370,699 365,199 355,054 340,872 325,291 310,9515 76,412 75,850 75,012 73,872 72,404 70,582 68,009 64,702 61,258 58,2726 75,785 75,622 75,317 74,742 73,768 72,266 69,820 66,517 62,980 59,8307 74,850 75,025 75,182 75,115 74,619 73,487 71,332 68,292 64,946 61,8788 73,656 74,110 74,656 75,036 74,991 74,261 72,523 69,949 67,025 64,2389 72,249 72,924 73,788 74,549 74,918 74,603 73,370 71,412 69,082 66,73310-14 336,051 340,803 347,343 354,316 360,370 364,149 366,017 366,878 366,185 363,39210 70,655 71,505 72,628 73,720 74,477 74,595 73,957 72,763 71,194 69,42611 68,898 69,889 71,227 72,612 73,743 74,319 74,366 74,084 73,435 72,38112 67,140 68,186 69,624 71,171 72,544 73,461 74,052 74,507 74,628 74,21713 65,476 66,470 67,864 69,403 70,835 71,906 72,785 73,641 74,221 74,27314 63,883 64,753 66,001 67,411 68,772 69,868 70,857 71,882 72,707 73,09515-19 296,473 298,751 302,309 306,784 311,809 317,021 323,141 330,414 337,754 344,07915 62,234 62,963 64,040 65,298 66,571 67,692 68,820 70,066 71,192 71,96116 60,539 61,101 61,973 63,044 64,201 65,333 66,601 68,079 69,526 70,69917 59,038 59,452 60,131 61,010 62,026 63,117 64,438 66,029 67,659 69,09818 57,832 58,149 58,676 59,385 60,252 61,251 62,517 64,069 65,701 67,20819 56,830 57,085 57,490 58,047 58,759 59,628 60,766 62,171 63,676 65,11320-24 269,780 270,222 270,551 271,147 272,387 274,648 278,070 282,402 287,434 292,95620 55,821 56,002 56,270 56,658 57,197 57,921 58,911 60,145 61,501 62,85721 54,824 54,927 55,051 55,260 55,614 56,175 56,991 58,022 59,194 60,43822 53,895 53,948 53,966 54,033 54,234 54,652 55,306 56,141 57,127 58,23823 53,033 53,076 53,041 53,026 53,127 53,442 53,972 54,652 55,480 56,45524 52,207 52,269 52,223 52,171 52,215 52,458 52,890 53,443 54,131 54,96925-29 247,515 248,461 248,634 248,481 248,451 248,992 249,908 250,901 252,263 254,28825 51,397 51,483 51,430 51,344 51,331 51,497 51,821 52,232 52,762 53,44226 50,623 50,736 50,679 50,560 50,489 50,574 50,784 51,045 51,407 51,91627 49,703 49,867 49,850 49,754 49,681 49,731 49,865 50,014 50,241 50,60628 48,549 48,792 48,875 48,876 48,878 48,960 49,074 49,166 49,310 49,57629 47,243 47,583 47,800 47,947 48,073 48,229 48,364 48,443 48,545 48,74930-34 217,164 220,076 222,838 225,381 227,629 229,513 230,798 231,534 232,068 232,75130 45,953 46,391 46,746 47,040 47,292 47,526 47,684 47,753 47,816 47,95831 44,645 45,187 45,692 46,148 46,542 46,862 47,048 47,109 47,134 47,21232 43,371 43,991 44,604 45,178 45,679 46,075 46,311 46,408 46,450 46,51933 42,173 42,827 43,477 44,091 44,638 45,087 45,396 45,586 45,719 45,85734 41,022 41,680 42,319 42,924 43,478 43,963 44,359 44,677 44,949 45,20535-39 187,365 190,675 193,842 196,909 199,921 202,923 206,027 209,202 212,282 215,09735 39,858 40,521 41,156 41,759 42,327 42,854 43,341 43,789 44,200 44,57736 38,708 39,370 39,994 40,589 41,166 41,736 42,320 42,911 43,477 43,98637 37,521 38,183 38,802 39,398 39,990 40,597 41,253 41,946 42,624 43,23638 36,274 36,936 37,569 38,189 38,810 39,447 40,134 40,861 41,578 42,23439 35,003 35,665 36,321 36,974 37,629 38,289 38,979 39,695 40,403 41,064119
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 200940-44 157,732 160,803 163,989 167,264 170,599 173,966 177,404 180,931 184,490 188,02440 33,762 34,418 35,087 35,765 36,445 37,124 37,818 38,529 39,234 39,90941 32,530 33,178 33,860 34,562 35,268 35,964 36,657 37,357 38,053 38,73742 31,406 32,035 32,704 33,399 34,102 34,797 35,486 36,180 36,876 37,57443 30,443 31,035 31,654 32,295 32,953 33,623 34,307 35,011 35,727 36,45044 29,591 30,136 30,683 31,243 31,831 32,457 33,135 33,855 34,600 35,35445-49 135,648 137,821 139,751 141,661 143,776 146,322 149,390 152,832 156,507 160,27745 28,752 29,251 29,726 30,209 30,727 31,309 31,975 32,703 33,469 34,24446 27,945 28,393 28,792 29,189 29,632 30,166 30,817 31,554 32,338 33,13547 27,142 27,555 27,903 28,244 28,634 29,129 29,755 30,475 31,249 32,03948 26,318 26,722 27,064 27,398 27,774 28,247 28,833 29,499 30,217 30,95849 25,491 25,901 26,265 26,621 27,010 27,470 28,009 28,600 29,234 29,90150-54 116,051 118,082 120,016 121,928 123,888 125,970 128,093 130,209 132,439 134,90150 24,699 25,114 25,493 25,866 26,260 26,706 27,197 27,715 28,267 28,86151 23,937 24,358 24,755 25,145 25,545 25,974 26,413 26,852 27,316 27,83052 23,192 23,611 24,015 24,413 24,814 25,228 25,631 26,017 26,422 26,88153 22,465 22,867 23,257 23,644 24,035 24,437 24,829 25,207 25,601 26,04454 21,758 22,132 22,496 22,860 23,233 23,625 24,022 24,418 24,833 25,28655-59 98,911 100,497 102,009 103,526 105,126 106,890 108,832 110,901 113,072 115,32255 21,061 21,412 21,756 22,103 22,463 22,845 23,245 23,655 24,084 24,54056 20,365 20,695 21,024 21,359 21,710 22,088 22,492 22,917 23,362 23,82357 19,721 20,033 20,341 20,655 20,988 21,352 21,753 22,183 22,633 23,09358 19,148 19,448 19,728 20,009 20,308 20,645 21,027 21,442 21,879 22,32659 18,617 18,909 19,160 19,400 19,657 19,960 20,315 20,703 21,114 21,54060-64 84,454 85,903 86,963 87,852 88,790 89,995 91,473 93,079 94,803 96,63760 18,082 18,366 18,590 18,792 19,010 19,283 19,614 19,979 20,371 20,78161 17,559 17,834 18,028 18,189 18,366 18,608 18,918 19,265 19,641 20,03962 16,976 17,252 17,436 17,582 17,740 17,963 18,255 18,580 18,934 19,31263 16,293 16,586 16,794 16,961 17,134 17,360 17,638 17,936 18,256 18,60164 15,544 15,865 16,115 16,328 16,539 16,781 17,049 17,318 17,600 17,90565-69 66,655 68,526 70,263 71,885 73,413 74,866 76,163 77,290 78,371 79,52865 14,811 15,157 15,446 15,701 15,945 16,202 16,459 16,701 16,947 17,21466 14,086 14,459 14,787 15,083 15,360 15,630 15,875 16,087 16,294 16,52167 13,345 13,734 14,094 14,427 14,735 15,023 15,268 15,469 15,657 15,86468 12,587 12,975 13,352 13,712 14,049 14,358 14,619 14,837 15,040 15,25569 11,826 12,201 12,584 12,962 13,323 13,654 13,942 14,195 14,433 14,67570-74 48,587 50,213 52,051 53,990 55,917 57,721 59,410 61,059 62,655 64,18470 11,068 11,430 11,821 12,220 12,606 12,959 13,271 13,556 13,826 14,09071 10,299 10,650 11,052 11,475 11,891 12,268 12,606 12,924 13,225 13,51272 9,611 9,944 10,337 10,758 11,177 11,562 11,914 12,256 12,584 12,89373 9,047 9,353 9,707 10,087 10,471 10,834 11,185 11,537 11,881 12,20974 8,562 8,837 9,135 9,450 9,773 10,098 10,434 10,786 11,139 11,48075-79 35,163 36,146 37,013 37,868 38,820 39,974 41,395 43,012 44,727 46,44575 8,078 8,320 8,563 8,813 9,079 9,366 9,689 10,042 10,405 10,76176 7,619 7,825 8,006 8,185 8,387 8,634 8,943 9,299 9,677 10,05077 7,109 7,291 7,432 7,566 7,725 7,941 8,232 8,575 8,945 9,31678 6,506 6,681 6,821 6,954 7,107 7,310 7,575 7,882 8,213 8,54979 5,850 6,030 6,191 6,350 6,522 6,723 6,957 7,214 7,487 7,76980 y más / and over 38,037 39,528 41,095 42,712 44,353 45,993 47,594 49,174 50,789 52,494Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.120
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019Total 3,269,259 3,290,858 3,313,372 3,336,726 3,360,845 3,385,656 3,411,195 3,437,513 3,464,552 3,492,2590-4 296,742 296,430 297,135 298,375 299,666 300,525 300,953 301,271 301,480 301,5800 60,385 60,639 60,852 61,020 61,139 61,204 61,208 61,151 61,049 60,9151 59,583 59,732 59,952 60,192 60,406 60,545 60,600 60,602 60,567 60,5072 59,141 59,125 59,307 59,591 59,878 60,073 60,170 60,234 60,272 60,2893 58,860 58,632 58,737 59,029 59,363 59,591 59,720 59,846 59,962 60,0604 58,773 58,302 58,288 58,543 58,880 59,112 59,257 59,438 59,631 59,8085-9 300,491 294,483 291,167 289,685 289,181 288,797 288,852 289,917 291,515 293,1665 56,340 55,740 56,075 56,929 57,883 58,520 58,845 59,135 59,385 59,5886 57,692 56,788 56,703 57,102 57,652 58,020 58,237 58,527 58,840 59,1287 59,668 58,452 57,841 57,633 57,627 57,618 57,672 57,924 58,277 58,6358 62,074 60,560 59,371 58,468 57,810 57,358 57,206 57,381 57,740 58,1419 64,716 62,942 61,176 59,552 58,209 57,282 56,892 56,950 57,272 57,67510-14 357,954 348,111 334,228 318,942 304,894 294,722 288,996 285,957 284,750 284,52110 67,638 65,604 63,203 60,777 58,669 57,219 56,583 56,533 56,837 57,26011 70,884 68,549 65,402 62,034 59,036 56,998 56,129 56,032 56,399 56,92012 73,075 70,731 67,316 63,540 60,109 57,733 56,607 56,259 56,395 56,72313 73,545 71,629 68,692 65,348 62,211 59,893 58,482 57,570 57,024 56,71514 72,811 71,599 69,614 67,243 64,870 62,879 61,196 59,563 58,094 56,90315-19 348,305 350,791 352,261 352,174 349,991 345,173 335,963 322,721 308,081 294,67915 72,135 71,594 70,498 69,025 67,354 65,664 63,728 61,427 59,102 57,09316 71,355 71,519 71,353 70,819 69,881 68,501 66,285 63,260 60,014 57,13717 70,113 70,835 71,420 71,669 71,387 70,377 68,168 64,890 61,251 57,95818 68,386 69,401 70,391 71,104 71,290 70,700 68,924 66,129 62,929 59,93519 66,317 67,442 68,600 69,557 70,079 69,931 68,858 67,014 64,786 62,55620-24 298,759 305,559 313,495 321,494 328,482 333,383 336,555 338,715 339,326 337,85320 64,088 65,352 66,731 67,990 68,892 69,202 68,801 67,845 66,514 64,98721 61,682 63,086 64,697 66,276 67,582 68,374 68,677 68,651 68,259 67,46522 59,445 60,901 62,625 64,387 65,958 67,108 67,968 68,691 69,081 68,94223 57,576 58,978 60,662 62,425 64,065 65,377 66,528 67,654 68,506 68,83324 55,969 57,242 58,780 60,416 61,985 63,322 64,581 65,874 66,967 67,62725-29 257,268 261,340 266,308 271,968 278,115 284,545 291,967 300,518 309,133 316,74625 54,303 55,428 56,794 58,280 59,765 61,128 62,523 64,033 65,423 66,45926 52,622 53,570 54,730 56,031 57,403 58,775 60,306 62,044 63,750 65,18427 51,172 51,956 52,918 54,031 55,267 56,599 58,179 60,025 61,909 63,60428 50,038 50,695 51,500 52,451 53,549 54,792 56,315 58,118 60,001 61,76129 49,134 49,691 50,366 51,175 52,132 53,252 54,644 56,298 58,051 59,73830-34 233,931 235,412 236,960 238,871 241,441 244,963 249,572 255,071 261,260 267,93830 48,262 48,708 49,238 49,885 50,682 51,660 52,900 54,380 55,980 57,57931 47,431 47,759 48,137 48,612 49,236 50,055 51,116 52,387 53,798 55,28032 46,698 46,946 47,207 47,544 48,019 48,695 49,588 50,657 51,876 53,21933 46,061 46,284 46,483 46,733 47,104 47,670 48,430 49,337 50,391 51,59034 45,478 45,715 45,895 46,097 46,400 46,884 47,538 48,311 49,216 50,26935-39 217,480 219,197 220,360 221,319 222,425 224,028 225,931 227,901 230,232 233,22035 44,920 45,174 45,338 45,496 45,731 46,128 46,666 47,288 48,026 48,91436 44,409 44,685 44,835 44,948 45,113 45,419 45,833 46,297 46,858 47,56637 43,729 44,049 44,230 44,355 44,507 44,769 45,099 45,443 45,861 46,41738 42,777 43,168 43,439 43,652 43,870 44,155 44,458 44,739 45,068 45,52039 41,644 42,121 42,518 42,868 43,204 43,557 43,874 44,135 44,418 44,802121
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 201940-44 191,475 194,952 198,494 201,936 205,117 207,874 209,975 211,527 212,880 214,38140 40,530 41,096 41,622 42,111 42,565 42,987 43,321 43,566 43,805 44,12241 39,400 40,062 40,729 41,371 41,957 42,457 42,813 43,045 43,240 43,48742 38,272 39,004 39,772 40,523 41,209 41,779 42,178 42,439 42,645 42,87843 37,175 37,935 38,733 39,520 40,246 40,863 41,328 41,676 41,966 42,26244 36,097 36,855 37,638 38,411 39,140 39,788 40,334 40,802 41,224 41,63245-49 164,002 167,719 171,521 175,352 179,160 182,889 186,646 190,468 194,194 197,66545 35,002 35,760 36,533 37,301 38,038 38,724 39,354 39,946 40,501 41,02246 33,907 34,660 35,419 36,174 36,917 37,640 38,362 39,090 39,792 40,44047 32,806 33,551 34,299 35,050 35,803 36,557 37,345 38,168 38,976 39,71948 31,695 32,432 33,186 33,953 34,727 35,503 36,314 37,164 38,003 38,78249 30,591 31,317 32,084 32,875 33,674 34,465 35,270 36,101 36,923 37,70050-54 137,718 140,978 144,600 148,452 152,398 156,305 160,208 164,196 168,216 172,21650 29,504 30,213 30,984 31,791 32,607 33,409 34,210 35,027 35,839 36,62351 28,421 29,112 29,886 30,708 31,542 32,352 33,145 33,944 34,740 35,52552 27,429 28,092 28,846 29,654 30,477 31,279 32,060 32,846 33,635 34,42653 26,568 27,190 27,889 28,639 29,413 30,183 30,953 31,741 32,542 33,35154 25,796 26,370 26,995 27,661 28,360 29,082 29,840 30,638 31,460 32,29155-59 117,628 119,911 122,187 124,574 127,189 130,151 133,545 137,294 141,267 145,33455 25,034 25,560 26,111 26,696 27,322 27,996 28,735 29,535 30,369 31,21556 24,298 24,772 25,244 25,741 26,288 26,910 27,629 28,429 29,276 30,13557 23,552 23,989 24,408 24,845 25,336 25,914 26,603 27,381 28,212 29,05958 22,771 23,194 23,603 24,028 24,500 25,052 25,699 26,422 27,195 27,99059 21,972 22,397 22,821 23,264 23,744 24,280 24,878 25,526 26,215 26,93660-64 98,573 100,625 102,800 105,074 107,427 109,836 112,226 114,612 117,107 119,82360 21,201 21,626 22,061 22,515 22,996 23,514 24,063 24,637 25,245 25,89261 20,451 20,879 21,326 21,793 22,275 22,773 23,269 23,765 24,285 24,85362 19,708 20,130 20,581 21,051 21,530 22,010 22,468 22,910 23,370 23,88163 18,970 19,373 19,808 20,263 20,728 21,193 21,636 22,066 22,512 23,00464 18,242 18,617 19,023 19,453 19,897 20,347 20,791 21,234 21,695 22,19365-69 80,886 82,450 84,138 85,940 87,850 89,857 91,976 94,212 96,546 98,95565 17,520 17,872 18,255 18,664 19,091 19,528 19,971 20,423 20,893 21,39066 16,798 17,127 17,492 17,884 18,298 18,726 19,169 19,632 20,113 20,61067 16,120 16,430 16,772 17,141 17,533 17,944 18,380 18,844 19,326 19,81768 15,509 15,803 16,116 16,452 16,810 17,193 17,607 18,052 18,516 18,99169 14,938 15,218 15,502 15,799 16,117 16,465 16,849 17,263 17,698 18,14770-74 65,635 66,934 68,091 69,214 70,411 71,790 73,357 75,040 76,831 78,72170 14,362 14,628 14,883 15,143 15,422 15,738 16,095 16,483 16,893 17,32171 13,790 14,041 14,265 14,484 14,723 15,007 15,338 15,702 16,092 16,50172 13,181 13,427 13,636 13,835 14,051 14,313 14,622 14,960 15,324 15,71073 12,509 12,767 12,987 13,196 13,416 13,672 13,964 14,274 14,605 14,95874 11,794 12,071 12,320 12,557 12,798 13,061 13,338 13,621 13,917 14,23175-79 48,067 49,603 51,118 52,597 54,027 55,394 56,638 57,768 58,874 60,04675 11,089 11,384 11,658 11,920 12,180 12,446 12,710 12,965 13,225 13,50376 10,395 10,708 11,008 11,296 11,574 11,844 12,092 12,317 12,539 12,77977 9,660 9,983 10,299 10,606 10,899 11,173 11,413 11,621 11,821 12,03778 8,871 9,184 9,501 9,814 10,114 10,391 10,633 10,846 11,049 11,26279 8,052 8,345 8,651 8,960 9,260 9,539 9,790 10,019 10,240 10,46680 y más / and over 54,345 56,363 58,510 60,757 63,071 65,424 67,835 70,324 72,862 75,417Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.122
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029Total 3,520,578 3,549,843 3,580,091 3,610,820 3,641,529 3,671,717 3,701,460 3,731,093 3,760,500 3,789,5670-4 301,569 301,650 301,823 301,785 301,235 299,870 297,396 294,014 290,165 286,2940 60,763 60,633 60,516 60,352 60,080 59,641 58,951 58,051 57,064 56,1171 60,437 60,403 60,396 60,346 60,183 59,837 59,229 58,407 57,487 56,5882 60,293 60,329 60,393 60,415 60,328 60,062 59,553 58,846 58,039 57,2293 60,133 60,220 60,326 60,392 60,359 60,168 59,772 59,212 58,557 57,8734 59,943 60,065 60,192 60,280 60,284 60,162 59,890 59,498 59,019 58,4875-9 294,392 295,199 295,907 296,505 296,985 297,337 297,765 298,275 298,562 298,3195 59,737 59,824 59,855 59,839 59,790 59,719 59,666 59,624 59,531 59,3286 59,341 59,472 59,553 59,597 59,614 59,617 59,653 59,713 59,728 59,6267 58,901 59,072 59,212 59,327 59,419 59,494 59,598 59,728 59,814 59,7878 58,438 58,640 58,841 59,031 59,202 59,345 59,498 59,670 59,798 59,8249 57,975 58,192 58,446 58,711 58,959 59,162 59,349 59,541 59,691 59,75410-14 284,414 284,753 286,108 287,995 289,927 291,422 292,487 293,447 294,286 294,99410 57,571 57,798 58,096 58,423 58,731 58,977 59,177 59,359 59,501 59,57911 57,284 57,529 57,859 58,222 58,562 58,825 59,006 59,142 59,238 59,30312 56,948 57,125 57,447 57,837 58,215 58,502 58,684 58,813 58,912 59,00013 56,509 56,492 56,751 57,159 57,591 57,922 58,145 58,346 58,531 58,70714 56,101 55,811 55,955 56,354 56,828 57,196 57,476 57,787 58,105 58,40515-19 285,149 280,069 277,684 277,125 277,525 278,018 278,931 280,842 283,260 285,69415 55,742 55,205 55,256 55,658 56,178 56,580 56,896 57,281 57,690 58,07616 55,220 54,470 54,494 54,980 55,616 56,091 56,442 56,877 57,340 57,77417 55,718 54,728 54,517 54,788 55,248 55,599 55,896 56,337 56,839 57,32318 57,760 56,494 55,727 55,327 55,158 55,087 55,197 55,579 56,106 56,64919 60,709 59,173 57,690 56,371 55,325 54,661 54,500 54,768 55,286 55,87120-24 333,762 325,314 312,866 299,025 286,398 277,593 273,190 271,451 271,505 272,48020 63,443 61,657 59,512 57,341 55,483 54,273 53,869 54,045 54,567 55,19921 66,232 64,170 61,304 58,219 55,498 53,725 53,109 53,260 53,866 54,61522 68,079 66,024 62,908 59,432 56,297 54,204 53,349 53,266 53,659 54,23223 68,388 66,765 64,131 61,093 58,256 56,228 55,098 54,463 54,187 54,13524 67,621 66,697 65,010 62,940 60,864 59,163 57,765 56,416 55,225 54,29925-29 322,293 326,141 329,001 330,320 329,548 326,133 318,350 306,566 293,370 281,34825 66,908 66,652 65,848 64,670 63,294 61,893 60,246 58,236 56,196 54,46026 66,110 66,553 66,672 66,428 65,780 64,687 62,763 60,034 57,081 54,48427 64,883 65,878 66,740 67,271 67,273 66,546 64,626 61,646 58,303 55,29128 63,198 64,479 65,739 66,726 67,189 66,874 65,382 62,879 59,969 57,25229 61,195 62,580 64,001 65,224 66,013 66,133 65,333 63,770 61,821 59,86030-34 274,903 282,872 291,978 301,149 309,310 315,388 319,755 323,127 324,946 324,65430 59,058 60,574 62,207 63,721 64,880 65,448 65,310 64,623 63,560 62,29231 56,764 58,411 60,266 62,090 63,641 64,679 65,233 65,463 65,326 64,78132 54,659 56,348 58,305 60,301 62,106 63,491 64,590 65,555 66,186 66,28533 52,936 54,563 56,471 58,458 60,321 61,857 63,235 64,590 65,670 66,22234 51,486 52,975 54,728 56,579 58,362 59,912 61,387 62,896 64,203 65,07435-39 237,158 242,187 248,109 254,716 261,799 269,149 277,480 286,933 296,434 304,91135 49,983 51,315 52,887 54,578 56,267 57,832 59,431 61,144 62,735 63,96836 48,470 49,617 50,974 52,470 54,035 55,599 57,320 59,247 61,140 62,75737 47,173 48,148 49,299 50,599 52,020 53,534 55,293 57,316 59,375 61,24038 46,165 47,006 47,994 49,127 50,404 51,822 53,516 55,488 57,536 59,45739 45,366 46,102 46,956 47,942 49,073 50,362 51,920 53,737 55,649 57,489123
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 202940-44 216,377 218,680 221,057 223,792 227,169 231,469 236,834 243,075 249,981 257,34140 44,600 45,219 45,923 46,743 47,709 48,852 50,251 51,888 53,640 55,38741 43,875 44,371 44,918 45,562 46,349 47,327 48,543 49,964 51,522 53,14442 43,220 43,632 44,059 44,560 45,195 46,025 47,068 48,284 49,644 51,12243 42,624 43,007 43,368 43,778 44,307 45,025 45,932 46,983 48,176 49,50744 42,058 42,450 42,788 43,149 43,607 44,241 45,040 45,955 46,999 48,18245-49 200,720 203,137 205,022 206,710 208,536 210,835 213,422 216,073 219,067 222,68145 41,513 41,919 42,238 42,551 42,940 43,485 44,165 44,929 45,804 46,82146 41,005 41,429 41,731 41,999 42,315 42,767 43,323 43,927 44,624 45,46047 40,348 40,811 41,139 41,413 41,713 42,116 42,586 43,067 43,620 44,30248 39,454 39,979 40,388 40,742 41,100 41,520 41,956 42,370 42,831 43,40549 38,400 39,000 39,525 40,004 40,468 40,947 41,392 41,780 42,189 42,69250-54 176,141 180,101 184,131 188,068 191,750 195,012 197,638 199,735 201,631 203,65350 37,355 38,035 38,677 39,284 39,857 40,396 40,851 41,218 41,578 42,01051 36,291 37,057 37,829 38,577 39,271 39,881 40,350 40,698 41,010 41,36952 35,219 36,046 36,909 37,757 38,542 39,212 39,716 40,088 40,405 40,74453 34,163 35,010 35,897 36,773 37,590 38,300 38,863 39,312 39,705 40,09954 33,114 33,953 34,819 35,676 36,489 37,223 37,859 38,419 38,933 39,43055-59 149,368 153,405 157,531 161,690 165,826 169,882 173,965 178,112 182,164 185,95955 32,046 32,878 33,729 34,574 35,390 36,154 36,865 37,539 38,176 38,77956 30,972 31,794 32,624 33,452 34,268 35,063 35,856 36,656 37,430 38,15057 29,886 30,694 31,508 32,326 33,145 33,964 34,816 35,702 36,572 37,37958 28,784 29,578 30,391 31,217 32,051 32,886 33,754 34,660 35,556 36,39359 27,680 28,459 29,279 30,122 30,973 31,815 32,673 33,555 34,429 35,25960-64 122,875 126,347 130,164 134,198 138,322 142,409 146,495 150,666 154,867 159,04160 26,587 27,346 28,163 29,014 29,875 30,722 31,570 32,435 33,294 34,12461 25,494 26,229 27,043 27,902 28,773 29,623 30,457 31,299 32,138 32,96562 24,477 25,181 25,971 26,811 27,667 28,503 29,321 30,144 30,971 31,79863 23,572 24,234 24,969 25,751 26,556 27,357 28,159 28,979 29,810 30,64864 22,745 23,358 24,019 24,719 25,451 26,203 26,988 27,810 28,654 29,50665-69 101,420 103,871 106,322 108,877 111,640 114,717 118,186 121,979 125,975 130,05665 21,923 22,487 23,076 23,697 24,356 25,058 25,820 26,637 27,486 28,34466 21,122 21,633 22,145 22,681 23,262 23,910 24,647 25,457 26,310 27,17567 20,310 20,782 21,240 21,715 22,238 22,841 23,544 24,328 25,160 26,00668 19,464 19,918 20,360 20,817 21,318 21,890 22,549 23,276 24,049 24,84269 18,601 19,051 19,500 19,967 20,467 21,019 21,627 22,280 22,970 23,68970-74 80,702 82,787 84,982 87,267 89,623 92,029 94,420 96,809 99,295 101,97670 17,759 18,202 18,654 19,124 19,619 20,147 20,704 21,286 21,897 22,54471 16,925 17,363 17,820 18,294 18,785 19,289 19,793 20,300 20,828 21,39872 16,113 16,540 16,993 17,464 17,944 18,425 18,887 19,338 19,805 20,31673 15,333 15,737 16,169 16,619 17,078 17,536 17,975 18,402 18,843 19,32474 14,573 14,946 15,347 15,766 16,198 16,633 17,060 17,484 17,923 18,39475-79 61,375 62,864 64,453 66,137 67,909 69,764 71,711 73,754 75,878 78,07075 13,813 14,158 14,532 14,925 15,332 15,746 16,159 16,577 17,009 17,46776 13,056 13,376 13,724 14,094 14,479 14,873 15,273 15,684 16,109 16,55177 12,290 12,585 12,906 13,248 13,608 13,980 14,369 14,776 15,197 15,63078 11,506 11,780 12,070 12,377 12,705 13,054 13,432 13,837 14,259 14,68979 10,710 10,965 11,222 11,492 11,785 12,110 12,477 12,880 13,304 13,73480 y más / and over 77,960 80,465 82,952 85,460 88,026 90,690 93,434 96,234 99,114 102,097Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.124
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039Total 3,818,178 3,846,413 3,874,348 3,901,865 3,928,846 3,955,172 3,980,860 4,005,988 4,030,533 4,054,4680-4 282,840 279,776 276,806 273,975 271,325 268,900 266,710 264,727 262,934 261,3180 55,334 54,734 54,234 53,805 53,420 53,049 52,694 52,373 52,086 51,8301 55,826 55,210 54,663 54,171 53,720 53,297 52,903 52,547 52,227 51,9412 56,514 55,890 55,292 54,726 54,197 53,713 53,275 52,879 52,523 52,2023 57,230 56,610 55,965 55,325 54,719 54,173 53,692 53,256 52,861 52,5044 57,936 57,332 56,652 55,947 55,269 54,668 54,147 53,671 53,237 52,8425-9 297,240 295,032 291,899 288,281 284,617 281,348 278,440 275,601 272,880 270,3265 58,953 58,323 57,479 56,546 55,646 54,906 54,341 53,871 53,467 53,1036 59,337 58,782 58,010 57,136 56,277 55,552 54,967 54,445 53,974 53,5427 59,577 59,119 58,461 57,698 56,929 56,250 55,656 55,083 54,538 54,0288 59,688 59,343 58,831 58,219 57,575 56,968 56,377 55,758 55,139 54,5519 59,686 59,464 59,118 58,682 58,189 57,673 57,099 56,444 55,761 55,10210-14 295,555 296,175 296,861 297,309 297,212 296,264 294,170 291,135 287,600 284,00910 59,571 59,483 59,330 59,102 58,790 58,385 57,834 57,143 56,391 55,65611 59,343 59,401 59,472 59,493 59,397 59,123 58,594 57,855 57,015 56,18812 59,097 59,269 59,499 59,694 59,759 59,598 59,132 58,422 57,591 56,75913 58,881 59,110 59,390 59,635 59,759 59,677 59,328 58,769 58,091 57,38714 58,662 58,912 59,170 59,385 59,506 59,481 59,283 58,946 58,511 58,01915-19 287,651 289,142 290,494 291,692 292,723 293,571 294,434 295,321 295,936 295,98515 58,394 58,659 58,902 59,099 59,228 59,264 59,214 59,093 58,892 58,60316 58,124 58,385 58,594 58,758 58,883 58,977 59,081 59,190 59,242 59,17417 57,708 57,980 58,193 58,368 58,524 58,683 58,906 59,178 59,409 59,50418 57,082 57,400 57,689 57,953 58,201 58,439 58,722 59,046 59,328 59,48419 56,343 56,717 57,116 57,514 57,885 58,207 58,511 58,814 59,066 59,21920-24 273,504 274,905 277,264 280,090 282,890 285,172 286,939 288,517 289,906 291,10220 55,705 56,117 56,591 57,080 57,540 57,922 58,242 58,530 58,765 58,92721 55,195 55,643 56,168 56,712 57,220 57,635 57,951 58,206 58,408 58,56722 54,689 55,084 55,614 56,199 56,757 57,207 57,535 57,794 58,006 58,19623 54,170 54,379 54,851 55,460 56,077 56,575 56,948 57,282 57,585 57,86624 53,744 53,682 54,040 54,639 55,297 55,833 56,263 56,706 57,142 57,54625-29 273,088 269,170 267,868 268,313 269,638 270,972 272,636 275,208 278,210 281,16325 53,361 53,055 53,320 53,922 54,625 55,195 55,661 56,179 56,706 57,19726 52,823 52,304 52,542 53,226 54,043 54,685 55,186 55,754 56,335 56,87527 53,308 52,550 52,553 53,023 53,663 54,181 54,628 55,201 55,822 56,41028 55,332 54,299 53,751 53,552 53,569 53,666 53,927 54,441 55,083 55,73029 58,264 56,961 55,701 54,591 53,737 53,245 53,234 53,633 54,264 54,95030-34 321,695 314,353 302,998 290,206 278,549 270,601 266,931 265,824 266,426 267,88230 60,993 59,440 57,520 55,563 53,901 52,866 52,611 52,915 53,548 54,27831 63,786 61,955 59,317 56,450 53,929 52,332 51,864 52,140 52,852 53,69532 65,650 63,821 60,931 57,671 54,736 52,817 52,109 52,149 52,648 53,31333 65,994 64,586 62,167 59,336 56,692 54,834 53,850 53,340 53,173 53,21634 65,273 64,550 63,063 61,185 59,291 57,752 56,498 55,280 54,204 53,38035-39 311,293 315,950 319,598 321,678 321,635 318,911 311,794 300,656 288,065 276,58635 64,607 64,539 63,920 62,921 61,714 60,468 58,964 57,087 55,169 53,54036 63,859 64,475 64,764 64,684 64,193 63,247 61,465 58,873 56,047 53,56337 62,684 63,838 64,856 65,537 65,684 65,096 63,313 60,469 57,253 54,35538 61,049 62,479 63,883 65,009 65,605 65,421 64,056 61,681 58,891 56,28339 59,094 60,619 62,175 63,527 64,440 64,679 63,996 62,548 60,706 58,845125
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 203940-44 264,946 273,506 283,162 292,847 301,494 308,035 312,835 316,605 318,799 318,87040 57,005 58,653 60,410 62,043 63,316 63,993 63,960 63,375 62,408 61,23141 54,760 56,529 58,499 60,430 62,084 63,222 63,870 64,188 64,135 63,67142 52,687 54,493 56,557 58,652 60,551 62,027 63,210 64,252 64,956 65,12643 50,975 52,713 54,724 56,806 58,758 60,379 61,834 63,258 64,402 65,01744 49,519 51,118 52,972 54,916 56,785 58,415 59,961 61,533 62,898 63,82545-49 227,192 232,741 239,143 246,187 253,664 261,362 269,982 279,663 289,357 298,01445 48,008 49,448 51,119 52,901 54,674 56,315 57,980 59,749 61,390 62,67246 46,481 47,735 49,189 50,775 52,421 54,057 55,840 57,817 59,752 61,41047 45,174 46,253 47,500 48,888 50,388 51,972 53,788 55,855 57,951 59,85148 44,163 45,106 46,188 47,407 48,760 50,245 51,993 54,006 56,086 58,03649 43,365 44,200 45,145 46,215 47,420 48,773 50,381 52,237 54,178 56,04450-54 206,128 208,875 211,676 214,802 218,525 223,116 228,709 235,124 242,159 249,61450 42,593 43,308 44,102 45,003 46,041 47,245 48,692 50,365 52,145 53,91351 41,858 42,447 43,081 43,804 44,661 45,698 46,959 48,415 49,998 51,63952 41,183 41,684 42,195 42,774 43,478 44,365 45,452 46,702 48,087 49,58253 40,553 41,021 41,464 41,951 42,548 43,322 44,275 45,360 46,577 47,92654 39,941 40,415 40,833 41,269 41,796 42,486 43,331 44,282 45,351 46,55455-59 189,337 192,087 194,317 196,342 198,478 201,042 203,852 206,698 209,851 213,58355 39,347 39,830 40,228 40,616 41,072 41,673 42,399 43,199 44,103 45,14056 38,785 39,282 39,661 40,002 40,386 40,894 41,496 42,137 42,864 43,72257 38,072 38,603 39,003 39,348 39,712 40,170 40,685 41,205 41,789 42,49558 37,122 37,708 38,182 38,599 39,016 39,487 39,968 40,422 40,916 41,51759 36,010 36,664 37,244 37,777 38,293 38,818 39,304 39,734 40,178 40,71060-64 163,133 167,250 171,428 175,509 179,333 182,741 185,526 187,794 189,856 192,02260 34,902 35,627 36,316 36,967 37,583 38,164 38,658 39,067 39,465 39,92861 33,770 34,574 35,383 36,166 36,894 37,539 38,046 38,436 38,788 39,18162 32,624 33,482 34,373 35,248 36,059 36,758 37,297 37,707 38,062 38,43463 31,487 32,358 33,267 34,164 35,002 35,735 36,325 36,805 37,229 37,65064 30,349 31,208 32,091 32,964 33,794 34,545 35,199 35,779 36,313 36,82865-69 134,102 138,152 142,284 146,443 150,570 154,608 158,655 162,748 166,743 170,49265 29,189 30,035 30,898 31,756 32,583 33,358 34,079 34,762 35,407 36,01866 28,019 28,849 29,688 30,523 31,346 32,145 32,940 33,736 34,507 35,22567 26,834 27,645 28,462 29,282 30,102 30,918 31,762 32,634 33,491 34,28668 25,632 26,424 27,233 28,052 28,877 29,701 30,554 31,440 32,314 33,13269 24,429 25,198 26,004 26,830 27,662 28,485 29,320 30,177 31,024 31,83070-74 104,951 108,296 111,945 115,784 119,699 123,575 127,445 131,383 135,344 139,27970 23,231 23,974 24,768 25,593 26,425 27,244 28,062 28,896 29,723 30,52271 22,031 22,745 23,527 24,348 25,179 25,991 26,789 27,594 28,396 29,18672 20,900 21,577 22,329 23,125 23,934 24,725 25,500 26,280 27,061 27,84473 19,873 20,504 21,200 21,938 22,695 23,447 24,199 24,964 25,739 26,52074 18,917 19,496 20,120 20,780 21,466 22,168 22,894 23,650 24,425 25,20775-79 80,315 82,559 84,811 87,153 89,666 92,433 95,516 98,861 102,373 105,95975 17,960 18,487 19,042 19,626 20,242 20,892 21,587 22,327 23,094 23,86976 17,013 17,486 17,967 18,472 19,014 19,608 20,271 20,992 21,748 22,51477 16,069 16,500 16,926 17,368 17,851 18,395 19,019 19,706 20,432 21,17278 15,116 15,526 15,925 16,336 16,783 17,288 17,864 18,496 19,165 19,85279 14,157 14,559 14,950 15,350 15,777 16,250 16,775 17,339 17,934 18,55280 y más / and over 105,208 108,446 111,795 115,256 118,831 122,521 126,285 130,123 134,095 138,263Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.126
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050Total 4,077,769 4,100,426 4,122,456 4,143,874 4,164,694 4,184,932 4,204,578 4,223,622 4,242,079 4,259,963 4,277,2910-4 259,864 258,585 257,490 256,560 255,776 255,117 254,597 254,228 253,992 253,868 253,8360 51,605 51,415 51,263 51,139 51,034 50,940 50,862 50,806 50,764 50,726 50,6841 51,686 51,466 51,284 51,132 51,004 50,892 50,803 50,739 50,695 50,663 50,6372 51,912 51,658 51,441 51,258 51,102 50,972 50,869 50,796 50,749 50,724 50,7163 52,179 51,889 51,637 51,419 51,236 51,085 50,967 50,885 50,835 50,817 50,8284 52,482 52,155 51,865 51,613 51,400 51,228 51,096 51,003 50,950 50,938 50,9715-9 267,989 265,877 263,956 262,215 260,644 259,232 257,986 256,914 256,004 255,245 254,6285 52,752 52,416 52,110 51,836 51,592 51,377 51,192 51,038 50,914 50,819 50,7526 53,135 52,756 52,412 52,102 51,824 51,577 51,362 51,179 51,027 50,905 50,8117 53,560 53,137 52,753 52,406 52,093 51,812 51,564 51,351 51,171 51,020 50,8978 54,023 53,557 53,132 52,747 52,398 52,081 51,800 51,555 51,344 51,164 51,0129 54,518 54,012 53,548 53,124 52,737 52,385 52,068 51,790 51,547 51,337 51,15610-14 280,806 277,954 275,159 272,473 269,950 267,642 265,515 263,533 261,748 260,216 258,98710 55,016 54,473 53,976 53,520 53,102 52,718 52,370 52,061 51,787 51,545 51,33011 55,485 54,911 54,392 53,919 53,483 53,077 52,705 52,373 52,073 51,796 51,53212 56,047 55,457 54,909 54,399 53,923 53,480 53,071 52,699 52,359 52,049 51,76613 56,749 56,165 55,572 54,990 54,438 53,936 53,469 53,027 52,627 52,289 52,03114 57,509 56,949 56,311 55,645 55,002 54,431 53,899 53,373 52,903 52,537 52,32815-19 295,173 293,200 290,263 286,811 283,292 280,154 277,098 273,826 270,785 268,424 267,19115 58,219 57,687 57,012 56,272 55,548 54,918 54,329 53,729 53,197 52,811 52,65116 58,925 58,419 57,698 56,874 56,061 55,369 54,725 54,054 53,467 53,077 52,99817 59,372 58,931 58,243 57,430 56,613 55,915 55,254 54,549 53,922 53,495 53,38918 59,433 59,110 58,573 57,913 57,226 56,602 55,981 55,301 54,654 54,134 53,83419 59,224 59,052 58,738 58,321 57,845 57,350 56,808 56,193 55,545 54,907 54,31920-24 292,102 293,099 294,095 294,802 294,930 294,193 292,782 290,889 288,226 284,506 279,43920 58,993 58,970 58,870 58,688 58,415 58,046 57,585 57,036 56,393 55,648 54,79521 58,691 58,822 58,953 59,023 58,971 58,737 58,361 57,883 57,244 56,381 55,23522 58,385 58,635 58,929 59,178 59,289 59,173 58,888 58,497 57,907 57,029 55,77023 58,134 58,444 58,790 59,090 59,262 59,225 59,034 58,742 58,268 57,531 56,44924 57,898 58,229 58,553 58,824 58,992 59,012 58,914 58,731 58,414 57,916 57,19025-29 283,587 285,481 287,163 288,637 289,907 290,977 291,844 292,505 292,965 293,227 293,29525 57,609 57,956 58,265 58,519 58,696 58,777 58,776 58,705 58,545 58,277 57,88026 57,319 57,662 57,938 58,158 58,332 58,471 58,567 58,615 58,623 58,602 58,56327 56,889 57,243 57,523 57,753 57,958 58,161 58,346 58,498 58,641 58,797 58,99228 56,256 56,654 57,008 57,327 57,623 57,905 58,166 58,400 58,617 58,826 59,03929 55,513 55,966 56,429 56,880 57,299 57,663 57,988 58,287 58,540 58,725 58,82030-34 269,339 271,112 273,769 276,840 279,851 282,332 284,596 286,959 288,948 290,092 289,91830 54,873 55,362 55,898 56,440 56,945 57,370 57,743 58,093 58,378 58,554 58,58031 54,360 54,883 55,469 56,065 56,617 57,074 57,470 57,840 58,131 58,291 58,26732 53,854 54,322 54,912 55,547 56,148 56,638 57,070 57,494 57,834 58,012 57,95033 53,338 53,620 54,150 54,805 55,463 55,999 56,497 57,037 57,498 57,755 57,68634 52,915 52,925 53,340 53,983 54,679 55,251 55,817 56,494 57,107 57,479 57,43535-39 268,788 265,233 264,210 264,874 266,381 267,887 269,954 273,146 276,618 279,526 281,02535 52,533 52,299 52,619 53,262 54,000 54,604 55,225 56,018 56,753 57,201 57,13236 51,996 51,549 51,838 52,559 53,408 54,080 54,779 55,707 56,560 57,034 56,82537 52,467 51,781 51,835 52,343 53,015 53,564 54,181 55,059 55,910 56,446 56,37738 54,456 53,495 53,004 52,851 52,905 53,037 53,333 53,881 54,549 55,208 55,72639 57,336 56,109 54,914 53,860 53,053 52,602 52,435 52,480 52,845 53,638 54,965127
EL SALVADOR : ESTIMACIONES Y PROYECCIONES DE LA POBLACION FEMENINAPOR AÑOS CALENDARIO Y EDADES SIMPLESEL SALVADOR : POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROYECTIONS BY CALENDAR YEARSAND SINGLE AGES, FEMALES1950-2050Edad / Age 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 205040-44 316,271 309,300 298,323 285,891 274,556 266,872 261,137 255,648 252,959 255,622 266,18940 60,014 58,539 56,691 54,800 53,195 52,206 51,613 51,196 51,286 52,211 54,30241 62,754 61,003 58,445 55,653 53,198 51,653 50,636 49,767 49,616 50,756 53,76042 64,564 62,814 60,006 56,826 53,962 52,098 50,779 49,545 49,084 50,081 53,22443 64,855 63,520 61,178 58,422 55,846 54,044 52,620 51,177 50,311 50,613 52,67944 64,083 63,424 62,002 60,189 58,355 56,871 55,489 53,963 52,663 51,960 52,22445-49 304,585 309,431 313,252 315,506 315,651 313,145 308,349 301,625 292,430 280,223 264,46245 63,363 63,349 62,785 61,841 60,688 59,495 58,149 56,537 54,829 53,194 51,80446 62,557 63,219 63,552 63,517 63,073 62,179 60,862 59,149 56,999 54,372 51,22847 61,331 62,523 63,575 64,291 64,476 63,935 62,798 61,194 58,930 55,808 51,63448 59,659 61,119 62,547 63,697 64,323 64,177 63,424 62,229 60,344 57,524 53,52149 57,675 59,222 60,793 62,159 63,091 63,359 63,117 62,516 61,328 59,324 56,27550-54 257,289 265,872 275,497 285,130 293,739 300,291 305,474 309,976 312,766 312,809 309,07250 55,552 57,214 58,978 60,615 61,896 62,592 62,856 62,840 62,315 61,053 58,82551 53,271 55,047 57,014 58,939 60,590 61,736 62,532 63,131 63,302 62,813 61,43352 51,159 52,966 55,021 57,102 58,991 60,466 61,675 62,765 63,515 63,705 63,11553 49,405 51,143 53,141 55,206 57,142 58,757 60,178 61,537 62,637 63,286 63,29054 47,902 49,501 51,343 53,269 55,121 56,740 58,233 59,704 60,997 61,951 62,41055-59 218,168 223,734 230,100 237,071 244,454 252,054 260,001 268,424 277,128 285,921 294,60755 46,340 47,779 49,439 51,204 52,957 54,582 56,158 57,762 59,276 60,586 61,57656 44,755 46,009 47,454 49,022 50,647 52,263 53,915 55,646 57,390 59,080 60,65157 43,380 44,462 45,701 47,073 48,552 50,113 51,774 53,550 55,416 57,348 59,31958 42,291 43,239 44,316 45,522 46,857 48,320 49,911 51,631 53,480 55,456 57,56059 41,402 42,245 43,190 44,251 45,441 46,775 48,243 49,836 51,567 53,451 55,50060-64 194,604 197,423 200,274 203,421 207,131 211,670 216,861 222,527 228,933 236,346 245,03260 40,532 41,258 42,055 42,953 43,980 45,167 46,493 47,940 49,536 51,311 53,29461 39,694 40,297 40,938 41,660 42,511 43,533 44,697 45,973 47,407 49,042 50,92562 38,898 39,415 39,937 40,519 41,220 42,096 43,108 44,220 45,488 46,968 48,71863 38,125 38,609 39,066 39,562 40,160 40,928 41,820 42,794 43,915 45,248 46,85864 37,354 37,844 38,278 38,726 39,260 39,947 40,743 41,600 42,588 43,777 45,23865-69 173,849 176,617 178,894 180,976 183,158 185,737 188,515 191,296 194,374 198,046 202,60965 36,597 37,093 37,507 37,912 38,379 38,982 39,672 40,401 41,242 42,267 43,54966 35,863 36,372 36,769 37,130 37,530 38,044 38,622 39,215 39,896 40,743 41,83067 34,976 35,514 35,929 36,292 36,671 37,137 37,643 38,142 38,704 39,399 40,29668 33,851 34,435 34,914 35,340 35,765 36,239 36,730 37,201 37,705 38,294 39,01869 32,562 33,203 33,774 34,302 34,813 35,334 35,848 36,336 36,826 37,343 37,91670-74 143,142 147,023 150,955 154,800 158,421 161,680 164,669 167,480 169,974 172,016 173,46770 31,273 31,974 32,639 33,270 33,869 34,439 34,976 35,482 35,957 36,403 36,82271 29,957 30,723 31,493 32,239 32,938 33,562 34,130 34,658 35,120 35,492 35,74872 28,625 29,435 30,273 31,097 31,865 32,535 33,135 33,693 34,168 34,516 34,69573 27,304 28,117 28,963 29,800 30,586 31,279 31,908 32,500 33,014 33,407 33,63874 25,983 26,774 27,588 28,394 29,163 29,865 30,519 31,147 31,716 32,199 32,56475-79 109,524 113,098 116,742 120,415 124,072 127,673 131,245 134,816 138,344 141,786 145,10075 24,635 25,405 26,190 26,972 27,730 28,445 29,128 29,795 30,424 30,996 31,49176 23,267 24,012 24,766 25,519 26,263 26,990 27,706 28,416 29,112 29,785 30,42677 21,899 22,616 23,338 24,065 24,795 25,526 26,259 26,996 27,735 28,475 29,21378 20,538 21,225 21,926 22,637 23,355 24,078 24,808 25,546 26,289 27,035 27,78079 19,185 19,840 20,522 21,222 21,929 22,634 23,343 24,063 24,784 25,496 26,19080 y más / and over 142,689 147,386 152,314 157,452 162,779 168,276 173,955 179,831 185,883 192,091 198,434Fuente: CEPAL / CELADE - División <strong>de</strong> Población. Boletín <strong>de</strong>mográfico No. 66 <strong>de</strong> julio <strong>de</strong> 2000.Source: ECLAC / CELADE - Population Division. Demographic Bulletin No. 66, july 2000.128
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