TRABAJO DE GRADUACIÓN - DSpace Universidad Don Bosco

TRABAJO DE GRADUACIÓN - DSpace Universidad Don Bosco

TRABAJO DE GRADUACIÓN - DSpace Universidad Don Bosco

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DllMain is called when the dll is first loaded/unloadedBOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule,DWORD ul_reason_for_call,LPVOID lpReserved){switch (ul_reason_for_call){case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:lastUsed = NULL;break;case DLL_THREAD_<strong>DE</strong>TACH:case DLL_PROCESS_<strong>DE</strong>TACH:if(lastUsed) {free(lastUsed);lastUsed = NULL;}break;}return TRUE;}/*** Read a string from the registry, specifically from root\base_key\sub_key\location*/WCHAR * regReadString(HKEY root, LPCTSTR base_key, LPCTSTR sub_key, LPCTSTR location) {LONG lResult = 0;HKEY hKey = NULL;DWORD dwBytesRead = 6000;WCHAR result[6000];WCHAR *ret = NULL;WCHAR full_key[10000];memset(full_key,0,sizeof(full_key));wsprintf(full_key,L"%s\\%s",base_key,sub_key);lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(root,full_key,0,KEY_QUERY_VALUE,&hKey);if(lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) {lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,location,NULL,NULL,(LPBYTE)&result,&dwBytesRead);}if(lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) {if(dwBytesRead > 0) {ret = _tcsdup(result);}}RegCloseKey(hKey);}return ret;/* Removido para eliminar la funcionalidad de phidget *//*int __stdcall RFID_Handler(CPhidgetRFIDHandle RFID, void *userptr, unsigned char *buf){wsprintf(rfId,L"%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x\n", buf[0]/16,buf[0]%16,buf[1]/16,buf[1]%16,buf[2]/16,buf[2]%16, buf[3]/16,buf[3]%16, buf[4]/16,buf[4]%16);return 0;}// This thread runs in the background, executing successive reads until time is upDWORD WINAPI RFID_ThreadedRead(LPVOID lpdwParam){int result;CPhidgetRFIDHandle RFID = (CPhidgetRFIDHandle )lpdwParam;while (1){result = CPhidgetRFID_read(RFID);if (result) break;}return 0;}*/// This is our entrypoint, where the PollGina calls usPOLLIB_API void pollFunction(LPTSTR loginUsername,LPTSTR loginPassword,LPTSTR loginDomain) {- 188 -

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