Mark Tredinnick - The Little Red Writing Book-University of New South Wales Press (2006)

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When we’re anxious, we lose our voice.We sound, on the page

as in life, like someone else, like someone we are trying to be, or

like no one at all.

But what is there to be anxious about?

There’s the fact that writing endures, whereas spoken words

pass. Writers get anxious because they know that what they set

down on the page and leave there can be read forever after—all

your triumphs and tragedies of construction get preserved for all

eternity. By contrast, a careless word or phrase uttered on the

phone or a false note struck in conversation can be put right in the

next sentence.When you speak, you can get away with umming and

ahhing and losing your way and finding it again until you say what it

is you discover you want to say. But when you write, no one will cut

you that kind of slack.You need to say what you mean to say—and

nothing else. Near enough’s not good enough.

That’s enough to scare the bejesus out of most of us.

But there are other anxieties—word limits; deadlines; the

feeling that you don’t know what you’re talking about; the fear

of making mistakes, of using the wrong words, of looking

ridiculous; politics (more on this later); bad memories of composition

classes from primary school; grammar phobias; the feeling that

you need to do more research; the certainty that you’re missing the

point; the fear that this has all been said before much better by

someone else; the fear of offending someone, of defaming

someone, of admitting something you’d rather not. Recognise

some of those? There is no end to the anxieties that storm the

writer’s mind.

The gaggle of anxieties can induce panic. And panic makes for

bad prose. If you’re feeling anxious when you write, your writing

will sound anxious. Somehow you need to overcome these fears and

write. Don’t panic—just learn to take care. Be alert, not alarmed!

Compose yourself so that panic does not compose your sentences

and put them in some hectic order.This is so much more easily said

Lore 33

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