Mark Tredinnick - The Little Red Writing Book-University of New South Wales Press (2006)

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Most writers spend too much time trying to write as someone

else might—as they imagine they are supposed to write as a lawyer,

as a businessperson, as a professional, as a journalist, as a student, as

a mother, as a father, as a writer. And that’s when they drop the ball.

That’s when their writing grows dull. And the person for whom it’s

dullest of all is the man or woman composing it. Whenever your

writing bores you, stop.

What each of us needs is the confidence to write more like

ourselves; like one intelligent human being—this intelligent human

being with the pen—speaking with care to another.As Charles Darwin

did, who appears to have become the hero, suddenly, of my chapter.

Here’s an example of some good contemporary writing from a

psychology textbook:

As I look at the top of my desk, what strikes me is a continuous

field of light, varying from point to point in amplitude and

wavelength. But I see the scene neither as a continuous field nor as

a collection of points, and I certainly do not see it as existing on my

retinas. Instead, I see objects: a word processor, a pencil, a stapler,

and a pile of books. The objects look solid, and they appear to

occupy definite positions in the three-dimensional space atop my


My experience is no illusion. The objects I see on my desk really

exist and are located precisely where I see them. I can prove that:

With vision as my only guide, I can reach out directly to the pencil

and pick it up … Sensation entails the registration and coding of

light, sound, and other energies that impinge on the sense organs …

The ability to interpret this information, to extract from it

meaningful and useful representations of our world, is called


—Peter Gray, Psychology, 2nd edn

Lore 37

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