Limitation des rejets azotes et phosphores en élevage de dindes

Limitation des rejets azotes et phosphores en élevage de dindes

Limitation des rejets azotes et phosphores en élevage de dindes


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Hocking P.M., S. Wilson, L. Dick, L.N. Dunn, G.W Robertson, 2002. Role ofdi<strong>et</strong>ary calcium and available phosphorus in the a<strong>et</strong>iology of tibial dyschondroplasiain growing turkeys. British Poult. Sc., 43, 432-441.Hulan H.W. <strong>et</strong> Proutfoot F.G., 1981. Bioeconomic effects of feeding turkeybroilers grower-finisher di<strong>et</strong> combinations differing in protein level.Poultry Sci<strong>en</strong>ce, 60 (2): 358-364.Larbier M. <strong>et</strong> Leclercq B., 1992. Nutrition <strong>et</strong> alim<strong>en</strong>tation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> volailles,Edition INRA, 339p.Leclercq B., 1996. Les <strong>rej<strong>et</strong>s</strong> azotés issus <strong>de</strong> l’aviculture : importance <strong>et</strong>progrès <strong>en</strong>visageables. INRA Productions Animales, 9 (2), 91-101.Ro<strong>de</strong>hutscord M., W<strong>en</strong>dt P., Strobel E., 2003. Reducing the phosphorusconc<strong>en</strong>tration in di<strong>et</strong>s for turkeys b<strong>et</strong>we<strong>en</strong> 10 and 22 weeks of age. BritishPoult. Sc., 591-597.Référ<strong>en</strong>ces bibliographiquesTakemasa M., Murakami H., Yamazaki M., 1996. Reduction of phosphorusexcr<strong>et</strong>ion of chicks by addition of yeast phytase. Japanese PoultrySci<strong>en</strong>ce, 33 (2) : 104-111.Tarkalson D.D. And Mikkels<strong>en</strong> R.L., 2003. A phosphorus budg<strong>et</strong> of poultryfarm and a dairy farm in the south-eastern U.S., and the pot<strong>en</strong>tial impactsof di<strong>et</strong> alterations. Nutri<strong>en</strong>t Cycling in Agroecosystems, 66 : 295-303.Ward N.E., 1993. Phytase in nutrition and waste managem<strong>en</strong>t. PoultryDigest, 52 (8) : 10-15.TECHNIQUETravail cofinancé par l’OFIVAL, le CIDEF <strong>et</strong> l’ADARSci<strong>en</strong>ces <strong>et</strong> Techniques Avicoles - Janvier 2006 - N° 5413

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