Moswavlis kodeqsi

Moswavlis kodeqsi

Moswavlis kodeqsi

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muxli 7.moswavlis qceva skolis teritoriaze,saswavlo procesisa da saskoloRonisZiebebis dros1. moswavle droulad cxaddeba gakveTilze an skolis mierorganizebul sxva saganmanaTleblo RonisZiebaze.2. gakveTilze yofnisas, moswavles aqvs saswavlo procesisaTvisaucilebeli nivTebi.3. moswavle gamoxatavs azrebs da Sexedulebebs sxva pir-Ta uflebebis Selaxvis gareSe.4. moswavle ar iyenebs mobilur telefons an sxva teqnikursaSualebebs saswavlo procesis dros, arasaswavlomizniT.5. moswavle xels ar uSlis maswavlebelsa da sxva moswavleebs,saswavlo procesis mimdinareobisas.6. moswavle pativs scems sxvis azrsa da akademiur naSroms,sxvisi inteleqtualuri saqmianobis SedegadSeqmnil produqts ar asaRebs Tavisad.7. moswavle ar eweva religiur da politikur propagandas.12

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