5. Pedoman Teknis Audit Energi

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Step 1:

Planning the overall audit activities that to be

performed. This includes determining the audit

objectives, division of plant facilities to be part of

execution or cost center. The selection of audit team

members and giving responsibilities, and the selection

of the necessary instruments.

Step 2:

Initiation of meetings and technical discussions with

the assistancy team of industry object.

Step 3:

Brief observation of the field (walk through surveys)

that at once can be done also in-house training to

assistancy team of industry object.

Step 4:

Data collection of energy consumption and production

data are taken from a part or a particular cost center

(data sheet form, historical data, etc.). If necessary,

conduct testing system / equipment to obtain

additional data of performance from the specific

equipment and the units or a specific cost center.

Step 5:

Data processing and initial evaluation to obtain the

energy balance, mass balance, energy intensity and to

identify energy saving opportunities (ESO). ESO

identification results is then analyzed to produce a list

of energy saving opportunities (ESO) based on the

amount of savings that might be obtained.

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