5. Pedoman Teknis Audit Energi

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which generally occurs when the energy is interacting

with machines (equipment that uses energy), human,

and methods that are in a process system (production

processes, etc.).

Thus the focus of energy audits operations


Machinaries, take measurements and assessment

of the engine operating performance.

Man, make observations and evaluation of human

characteristics that are interacting in a production


Methods, make observations and evaluation of

optimization methods

used in a production system.

Materials, observation and evaluation of materials

in the production system (productivity)

Mother Nature, observe the conditions of work

environment (whether support or not to the

operator performance).

In the implementation, the steps being taken are

adjusted with technical approach, where data and

information are the input (data driven) that will be

processed with the methods, tools / equipment, as

well as problem-solving techniques to obtain

an accurate energy audit results.

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