5. Pedoman Teknis Audit Energi

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Step 6:

Presentation and discussion with the assistancy team

of industry object on the initial ESO lists for findings

and the results obtained. Those steps are done at the

same time to clarify the various data and information

so that at the time of execution of a detailed analysis

is conducted on the correct data basis and information

and also it can be accepted by both parties.

Step 7:

Conduct detailed evaluation and analysis on the

provided ESO.

Step 8:

Develop energy audit report includes a numbers of

recommendation of ESO and management of energy

that delivered to industrial objects.

3.2 Activity Implementation Techniques

Energy audit is a systematic activity / technical

activities, aimed to explore the potential / energy saving

opportunities in the energy consuming facilities

(machinery / equipment contained in a plant). Energy

audit output is energy saving opportunities in the form of

reports on a cost center (centers of energy costs) that

can be achieved after the observation, measurement,

and analysis of energy (energy calculation and


Focus of energy audits is to identify, measure

and calculate the deviations / anomalies of energy use,

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