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Free-ebooks-library - Bahar Ali Khan


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mb.DefineParameter (1, ParameterAttributes.None, "value");<br />

ILGenerator gen = mb.GetILGenerator();<br />

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);<br />

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);<br />

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldind_R8);<br />

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, typeof (Math).GetMethod ("Sqrt"));<br />

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stind_R8);<br />

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);<br />

Type realType = tb.CreateType();<br />

object[] args = { 10.0 };<br />

tb.GetMethod ("SquareRoot").Invoke (null, args);<br />

Console.WriteLine (args[0]); // 3.16227766016838<br />

The opcodes here were copied from a disassembled C# method. Notice the difference<br />

in semantics for accessing parameters passed by reference: Ldind and Stind<br />

mean “load indirectly” and “store indirectly,” respectively. The R8 suffix means an<br />

8-byte floating-point number.<br />

The process for emitting out parameters is identical, except that you call DefinePara<br />

meter as follows:<br />

mb.DefineParameter (1, ParameterAttributes.Out, "value");<br />

Generating instance methods<br />

To generate an instance method, specify MethodAttributes.Instance when calling<br />

DefineMethod:<br />

MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod ("SquareRoot",<br />

MethodAttributes.Instance | MethodAttributes.Public<br />

...<br />

With instance methods, argument zero is implicitly this; the remaining arguments<br />

start at 1. So, Ldarg_0 loads this onto the evaluation stack; Ldarg_1 loads the first<br />

real method argument.<br />

HideBySig<br />

If you’re subclassing another type, it’s nearly always worth specifying MethodAttri<br />

butes.HideBySig when defining methods. HideBySig ensures that C#-style method<br />

hiding semantics are applied, which is that a base method is hidden only if a subtype<br />

defines a method with an identical signature. Without HideBySig, method hiding<br />

considers only the name, so Foo(string) in the subtype will hide Foo() in the base<br />

type, which is generally undesirable.<br />

Emitting Fields and Properties<br />

To create a field, you call DefineField on a TypeBuilder, telling it the desired field<br />

name, type, and visibility. The following creates a private integer field called<br />

“length”:<br />

Emitting Type Members | 719<br />


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