Enhancing Stability through Sustainable Reintegration of IDPs

Enhancing Stability through Sustainable Reintegration of IDPs

Enhancing Stability through Sustainable Reintegration of IDPs


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JANELA<br />

Aro<br />

Importante parte leten atu halo<br />

ventilasaun.<br />

Janela bele halo ho materail oin-oin.<br />

Importante hanoin mak nia folin i<br />

ventilasaun diak atu uma bele malirin<br />

liu.<br />

Sugestaun ba janela<br />

rede deit triplex ai vidro basculante<br />

Basculante - ezemplo diak liu tamba bele tuir necessidade mak iha Dili. Nia folin<br />

diak, fasil atu monta, ventilasaun diak, fasil i baratu liu bainhira atu troka vidro se karik<br />

nakfera. Udan ben la tama ba uma laran i diak liu tan se iha rede husi liur.<br />

dobradisa metal<br />

dobradisa husi roda<br />

- se karik janela ne<br />

kaman, bele usa<br />

roda atu halo dobradisa.<br />

Dobradisa - bele monta oin-oin. Diak liu monta iha sorin (laos leten)<br />

tamba ventilasaun diak liu. Janela monta husi laran i rede husi liur.<br />


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