AGENDA PAOLINA - Societa San Paolo

AGENDA PAOLINA - Societa San Paolo

AGENDA PAOLINA - Societa San Paolo


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Domenica 2 Dicembre–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––I di AvventoGer 33,14-16; Sal 24; 1Ts 3,12–4,2; Lc 21,25-28.34-36Anno C - I settVol. I Lit. delle Ore_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________† Sr. Tarcisia Valentini SJBP (2005) - D. Salvatore Caruana SSP(2008).Prepariamoci, con sante aspirazioni e con il mutamentodella nostra vita, alle feste del Natale peressere pronti all’ultimo tribunale, da cui dipenderàla sorte della nostra anima per l’eternità (BM, p.528).Preparémonos, con santas aspiraciones y con elcambio de vida, a las fiestas de Navidad para estarpreparados frente al último tribunal, del que dependerála suerte de nuestra alma para la eternidad(BM, p. 528).Let us prepare ourselves through our holy aspirationsand change in our lives, for the festivities ofChristmas, so as to be ready for the last tribunal,from which will depend the fate of our soul foreternity (BM, p. 528).

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