AGENDA PAOLINA - Societa San Paolo

AGENDA PAOLINA - Societa San Paolo

AGENDA PAOLINA - Societa San Paolo


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Sabato 17 Marzo–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––FeriaS. Patrizio, vescovo (è consentita la commemorazione)Os 6,1-6; Sal 50; Lc 18,9-14________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________† Sr. Natalia Colavecchio FSP (1949) - Sr. M. Alba Prest SJBP (1967)- Sr. Romana Migliardi FSP (1988) - Rene’e Montes ISF (1998) - Sr.Raffaella Cappai FSP (2008) - Giovanni Cieri ISF (2008) - Sr. TeresaMigliorini FSP (2010).La preghiera dell’orgoglioso è come la preghieradel fariseo, che vantava i suoi meriti e disprezzavail pubblicano che, in fondo al tempio, si batteva ilpetto (RSP, p. 135).La oración del orgulloso es como la del fariseo, quese jactaba de los propios méritos y despreciaba aaquel publicano, allá en el fondo del templo, golpeándoseel pecho (RSP, p. 135).The prayer of a proud person is like the prayer ofthe Pharisee who boasted of his merits and despisedthe Publican who at the back of the templewas striking his chest (RSP, p. 135).

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