AGENDA PAOLINA - Societa San Paolo

AGENDA PAOLINA - Societa San Paolo

AGENDA PAOLINA - Societa San Paolo


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Giovedì 20 Dicembre–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––FeriaIs 7,10-14; Sal 23; Lc 1,26-38_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________* 1946 FSP a Lugano (Svizzera) - 1967 FSP a Cali (Colombia).† Sr. M. Lucilla Di Bianca PD (1985) - Mario Ferrara ISF (1997) - Sr.Angela Festari FSP (2000).Maria diede il suo consenso con un atto cosciente elibero, consapevole ed amoroso. Ella rese possibilel’esistenza di Gesù, Dio e Uomo assieme, e di conseguenzala sua opera redentiva (Maria Regina degliApostoli, 84).María dio su consentimiento con un acto conscientey libre, convencido y amoroso. Ella hizo posiblela existencia de Jesús, Dios y Hombre a la vez, yconsiguientemente su obra redentora (María Reinade los Apóstoles, 84).Mary gave her consent with a conscious and freeact, with awareness and love. She made possiblethe existence of Jesus, God and Man at the sametime, and as a result his redemptive work (MariaRegina degli Apostoli, 84).

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