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780 Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium OfficialeIn a world in which so many people have so many questions, it is onlythrough Christ that they can hope to find sure answers. Sometimes, however,the clarity of the response is muddled by a modern culture which reflects notonly a crisis of conscience and of the sensé of God but also a "progressiveweakening of the sense of sin". 13Indeed, only an active and engaged participationin the mystery of reconciliation can bring trae peace and a genuineresponse to the burdens which weigh on the soul. I am pleased to hear that inmany of your diocèses the faithful frequently avail themselves of the grâce ofthe sacrament of Reconciliation, and I encourage you to continue to stressthe importance of this sacrament.7. Dear Brother Bishops, as you return to your respective diocèses it ismy hope that you will take with you a renewed sense of your pastoral responsibilities.I pray that you will be fìlled with the same zeal as the firstdisciples to whom the ascending Christ left the instructions: "Go thereforeand make disciples of ali nations, baptizing them in the name of the Fatherand of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that Ihave commanded you". 14To the intercession of Mary, woman of the Eucharist, I commend thesufferings and joys of your locai Churches and the whole Catholic communityin your country. To ali of you and to the clergy, Religious and laity of yourdiocèses I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing.XAd Congregationem pro Gentium Evangelizatione seu de Propaganda Fide.*SignoriCardinali,Venerati Fratelli nell 'episcopato e nel sacerdozio,Carissimi fratelli e sorelle!1. Accolgo e saluto con affetto ciascuno di voi, che prendete parte all'AssembleaPlenaria della Congregazione per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli. Saluto,in primo luogo, il card. Crescenzio Sepe, Prefetto della vostra Congregazione,e gli sono grato per le parole che mi ha rivolto a nome vostro. Con lui1314Cf.. Reconciliatio et paenitentia, 18.Mt 28:20..* Die 24 Maii 2003

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