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ACHEMA Daily 2022 #3

  • Text
  • Achema
  • August
  • Halle
  • Frankfurt
  • Engineering
  • Digital
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Solutions
  • Innovation
  • Industrial


10 ACHEMA DAILY #3 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 Breaking News Economics of Hydrogen Production Defining What’s Green Aids H2 Investment REMBE ® GmbH Safety+Control Gallbergweg 21 59929 Brilon, Germany T +49 2961 7405-0 © REMBE® | All rights reserved omy” helps to give investors confidence. By addressing issues, such as water, biodiversity, climate change adaptation and the circular economy, the EU system helps cut through “greenwash” in defining the environmental performance of hundreds of types of products and services. “Building a green hydrogen plant in a nature reserve is not an acceptable solution,” Seiter said, and he noted that some US states are starting to adopt similar principles. The current standard for green hydrogen Visit our burst demonstrations at Hall 9.1, Stand C4 REMBE® Pressure Relief and Explosion Safety. allows emissions of 3 kg CO 2eq per kg of hydrogen. As well as electrolysis from renewable or nuclear electricity, this threshold includes steam methane reforming with carbon capture, and methane pyrolysis. Later in the same session, Dr. Max Ellerich, Technical Director with NEA Green, tried to answer the challenging question of which green hydrogen applications already make economic sense for investors, and which may need further legislation before they become profitable. His company, whose parent Neuman & Esser is known for reciprocating compressors, is involved with a wide range of hydrogen applications, including electrolyzers and synthetic fuels. Given the current economics for green hydrogen production, Ellerich sees transportation as an application that may be attractive enough to drive market expansion. A fleet of city buses, he explained, is an example of a distributed application that Source: Photo Credit Mirko Pannwitz ist neuer Geschäftsführer für Vertrieb und Service bei der Auma Riester GmbH & Co KG. Als Chief Sales Officer (CSO) tritt er die Nachfolge von Ferdinand Dirnhofer an, der nach mehr als 30 Jahren erfolgreicher Arbeit für das Unternehmen auf eigenen Wunsch ausscheidet. „Wir danken Ferdinand Dirnhofer für sein langjähriges Engagement und seine besonderen Leistungen und wünschen ihm Max Ellerich: “Transportation is a way into the green hydrogen market” Regulations on what exactly “green” means, in force within the European Union (EU) since 2020, are important in driving the new hydrogen economy, said Robert Seiter of consultancy Ernst & Young WPG (Hall 11.0, Stand C57) at Monday morning’s congress session on hydrogen and power-to-X. Although today’s chemical industry is much less polluting than it was 20 years ago, Seiter said, its CO 2 emissions are not falling. Improving that situation requires capital, and the EU’s environmental “taxonsuits the small size – 5 MW, for instance – of many existing commercial electrolyzers. Distributed production is also one way to work around the high costs of transporting hydrogen by road, Ellerich noted. Hydrogen pipelines and networks, while ideal, will take time and money to build. In the Digital Innovations Wechsel in der Auma-Geschäftsführung Mirko Pannwitz ist neuer CSO beruflich und privat weiterhin alles Gute und viel Erfolg“, sagte Dr. Jörg Hoffmann, CEO des Unternehmens. „Zugleich freuen wir uns, dass wir mit Mirko Pannwitz einen Manager gewinnen konnten, der mit seiner internationalen Erfahrung und seinem spezifischen Know-how zusätzliche Impulse für die Weiterentwicklung der Auma Group setzen wird. le Auma Halle 8.0, Stand C23 meantime, hydrogen’s low density – even when compressed to 400 bar – makes it costly to transport by road for distances above about 200 km. Liquefaction raises the energy density, but needs more investment and suffers higher conversion losses. but “Meeting face-to-face with peers and customers to discuss industry challenges is so important. At ACHEMA, it has been especially fascinating seeing all of the trends in digital innovations that are being developed for the industry.” Louise Palmer, Customer Marketing Manager at John Crane Bild: Auma Mirko Pannwitz ist seit 1. Juli 2022 neuer CSO bei Auma Source: Charles Butcher

ACHEMA DAILY #3 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 Daily Program 11 Today ’s Highlights Get the ACHEMA App and be informed on the go! The ACHEMA app is available for free via the official app stores. 13:30 h, Hall 4.0, Room Europa Perspectives in Laboratory and Analytics It’s a long way from the latest scientific advances in preparation and analysis technology to market implementation. Data from all areas of research and production converge in the laboratory. Modular, automated and fully connected, the digital laboratory is a central component for process development and quality assurance. The Highlight Session and the Congress will complement your visit to ACHEMA on this topic. Eingang Entrance Galleria Eingang Entrance Torhaus Messeturm 9.1 9.0 F2 Freigelände Outdoor Area 8.0 6.2 6.1 6.0 Start-up Area Green Innovation Zone 5 im Bau under Construction Congress Center Messe Frankfurt CMF 4.1 Foyer 11.1 11.0 10 4.1 4.0 4.C Freigelände Outdoor Area F1 Forum Festhalle Eingang Entrance Eingang Entrance Portalhaus 12.0 Fußweg Outside Walkway 3.1 1 City 3.0 AUSSTELLUNGSGRUPPEN EXHIBITION GROUPS Anlagenbau Engineering 9.1 Labor- und Analysentechnik Laboratory and Analytical Techniques 4.1 Mess-, Regel- und Prozessleittechnik Instrumentation, Control and Automation Techniques 11.0, 11.1 Sicherheitstechnik und Arbeitsschutz Industrial and Labour Safety 9.1 Digital Hub 11.0 Literatur, Information, Lern- und Lehrmittel Literature, Information, Learning and Teaching Aids 4.1 Foyer, 6.1 Pharma-, Verpackungs- und Lagertechnik Pharmaceutical, Packaging and Storage Techniques 3.0, 3.1 Thermische Verfahren Thermal Processes 4.0, 6.1 Forschung und Innovation Research and Innovation 6.0 Mechanische Verfahren Mechanical Processes 12.0 Pumpen, Kompressoren und Armaturen Pumps, Compressors, Valves and Fittings 8.0, 9.0 Werkstofftechnik und Materialprüfung Materials Technology and Testing 11.0 ACHEMA Congress Program Bild: JP The ACHEMA congress will cover the entire spectrum of chemical process technology and biotechnology and will also reflect the focus topics of ACHEMA 2022 — Digitalization, Hydrogen Economy, Fossil-free Production and Bioprocesses. This year, for the first time, ACHEMA is fully integrating the Congress into the exhibition events: All lecture sessions will take place either on stages directly in the exhibition halls or close to the exhibition groups. This integration is underlined by the five theme days of the Congress. As a result, none of the topics driving the process industry will be omitted. Daily Highlight Sessions on the respective topics set additional accents.
