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ACHEMA Daily 2022 #3

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24 ACHEMA DAILY #3 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 Mechanical/Thermal Processing Koneslid intensive mixer with very fast complete emptying contain around 15 to 40 % liquid by mass. This can be water, solvents or mixtures of the two. The suspension is dried under vacuum, as the stability of the substance and its subsequent effect must not be impaired by thermal stress. Some active ingredients may not be heated above 35 °C in this respect. The Amixon vacuum conical mixing-dryers are therefore suitable for rapid, gentle vacuum drying using short cycle times. In the case of vacuum drying, the drying temperature is low - ered, because pure water, for example, boils in the drying chamber at just 21 °C when the system pressure reaches 25 mbar. Ideal Mixing Tools The drying time can be reduced if particularly large amounts of heat are introduced into the mixed material and each particle touches the mixer-dryer’s heated surfaces as often as possible. Three-dimensional flow mixing of the products at a low mixer rotational speed is beneficial here, regardless of their rheological changes. It is not rare to have a well-flowing, pumpable suspension at the start, which then turns highly viscous, tough and pasty – like chewing gum – to gradually form large, crumbly lumps. During the course of the drying progress, these disintegrate resulting in a free-flowing active powder with ideal homogeneity. These changes in consistency can only be controlled if the mixing tools are ideally formed. The thermal fluid is directed to all areas in contact with the product using half-pipe coils or double-shell. This also applies to the rotating mixing tool, whose shaft, mixer arms and helix agitators have internal thermal fluid ducts. The base and top of the mixing chamber are temperature controlled. Uniform temperature control is particularly challenging when the thermal fluid enters as steam and leaves the apparatus as condensate. The enthalpy change of the thermal fluid then allows the introduction of particularly large amounts of heat into the mixed material. Special Mixer-coolers After drying, the mixed materials must be cooled before the filling process. Naturally, the cooling process can also take place in the vacuum mixerdryer. In practice, however, an extra mixer-dryer increases production efficiency. A suitably sized mixer-dryer below the vacuum-dryer can thus considerably increase the output quantity of an installation. It then also takes over the filling of big bags and containers in portions, or also the feeding of automatic filling lines. In this respect, the cooling of large powder masses in batches is not a simple matter, because: The cooling surfaces and dry particles touch each other here and there at best, which does little to support the transfer of heat, the thermal conductivity of the powders is usually low, any stirring/mixing energy introduced increases the temperature of the mixed material, which is actually supposed to be cooled, and the cooling brine used must not be that cold, as condensation is to be prevented. In order to adhere to all these requirements, very large heat exchange surfaces must be available and the mixed materials may only be moved with very little energy – this is where amixon mixercoolers make full use of their design benefits. The Formulation Line The active ingredients are blended, crushed, mixed, moi - stened or agglomerated in the so-called formulation line so that the user can apply them safely and evenly. For blending, the part compositions are up to 1:1,000. Besides water-soluble substances, bentonite, kaolin or powdered limestone can be used as carriers. Air separation mills micronise the active substances so finely that they aggregate with the carrier without segregation. The mixing and wetting process is intensified by the Amixon high shearblades. The more accurately the intensive mixer mixes and empties, the safer the process. The Amixon Koneslid mixer is a vertical precision mixer whose mixing tool is only supported and driven at the top. It is ideally adapted to the cylindrical-conical mixing chamber. The special thing about it is the inverted conically shaped displacer inside the cone. This helps the materials to flow without dead spaces during the mixing process and it also ensures the particularly fast complete discharge of the mixed materials when it moves downwards a few centimetres. Formulation lines are used for small batches. Afterwards the apparatus is cleaned with water. The Koneslid mixer even completes this wet cleaning and drying automatically in just a few minutes using fitted orbital jet cleaners at a water pres sure of 15 bar. These jets are then controlled with pres surised air for drying purposes. Thanks to several particularly large inspection doors, the mixer can be conveniently maintained. After mixing, the powdered pesticides are packed in small containers so that the user can conveniently dissolve them in suitable water feeds. Ludger Hilleke, Technical Manager and Member of the Management Board Amixon Hall 12.0, Stand C21 ENEXIO Water Technologies is now part of Brentwood. We are excited to combine our expertise and leverage each other’s strengths in: • Water & Wastewater Treatment • Stormwater Management • Cooling Towers • Mass Transfer • Aquaculture & Agricultural Engineering Learn more: Visit us at: ACHEMA in Frankfurt /Germany August 22 - 26, 2022 Hall 4.0 – Booth D9 Taking Confidence to the Next Level. Today, Tomorrow, Together.

ACHEMA DAILY #3 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 Pumps/Valves/ Fittings Page 25–30 Besuchen Sie uns auf der ACHEMA 2022 vom 22.-26.08.2022 Sie finden uns in Halle 11.1 Stand E13 25 Dichtungen aus Perfluorelastomer-Werkstoffen Widerstehen auch aggressiven Chemikalien Aus den Isolast-Werkstoffen können Dichtungen in fast jeder Größe für herausfordernde Anwendungen hergestellt werden Bild: Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Trelleborg Sealing Solutions bietet mit einer breiten Palette an Isolast-FFKM und seinem Know-how bei der Verarbeitung von Werkstoffen eine Vielzahl an Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, etwa für chemische Anwendungen. Die Perfluorelastomere (FFKM) widerstehen aggressiven Chemikalien und hohen Temperaturen bis zu +325 °C auch bei langfristiger Exposition. Auf der ACHEMA zeigt das Unternehmen konkrete Anwendungen von Isolast für die Lebensmittel- und Chemieindustrie. Durch ihre Materialeigenschaften sind Isolast-FFKM besonders für den Einsatz in Branchen wie der chemischen Industrie, der Halbleiter-, Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie oder auch der Pharmazie geeignet. In Kombination mit den vielfältigen Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten werden hochspezifische Komponenten möglich. Die Isolast-Werkstoffe stehen für chemische Reinheit und verursachen bei der Verarbeitung kaum Ausgasungen. Darüber hinaus enthalten sie praktisch keine Spurenmetalle. Um die Vorteile von Isolast-Anwendungen möglichst vielen Branchen zur Verfügung zu stellen, bietet Trelleborg Sealing Solu - tions eine umfangreiche Palette von Fertigungsoptionen. „Wir sind in der Lage, hochspezifische Dichtungen von mikroskopisch kleinen bis hin zu nahezu unendlichen Durchmessern zu realisieren, ohne dass dabei Form- oder Gratlinien entstehen. Eine Besonderheit sind vollständig geklebte Komponenten. Dadurch gelingt es, die Leistung der Systeme, in denen sie zum Einsatz kommen, erheblich zu verbessern und den Wartungsaufwand zu verringern. Außerdem können mehrere Funktionen in einem einzigen Bauteil integriert werden, was Fehlerquellen eliminiert und zur Standfestigkeit der Systeme beiträgt“, sagt Marco Schildknecht, Segment Manager Chemical & Processing Europe bei Trelleborg Sealing Solutions. Isolast haftet hervorragend auf einer Vielzahl von Werkstoffen. Fest verklebte Komponenten sind so mit Metallen wie Edelstahl, Baustahl und Aluminium möglich. Diese lassen sich je nach Anwendungsbedingungen mit unterschiedlichen Isolast-Typen kombinieren. Der Klebeprozess von Trelleborg maximiert dabei die Dichtungsintegrität und ermöglicht die Herstellung kosteneffizienter Produkte. Isolast- Materialien können darüber hinaus fest mit einer Vielzahl verschiedener Kunststoffmaterialien verbunden werden, um eine hohe Dichtungsleistung zu erzielen und mehrere Teile zu einem einzigen zusammenzufassen. bec Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Halle 8.0, Stand C62 Transfer Sensitive and Hazardous Gases 05737_cav_dei_php_avl_achema22_anzeigen_88x42.indd 1 27.07.2022 15:55:54 Liquid-ring Vacuum Pumps The Dolphin series of liquidring vacuum pumps and compressors are designed with an operating principle that provides virtually isothermal (cold) compression, which is especially useful for sensitive or hazardous gases or applications that require the evacuation of saturated gases and vapors. The Dolphin series comprises a large variety of sizes and assemblies, including single- or two-stage, with a directly flange-mounted motor or assembled on a baseplate. An eccentrically mounted impeller rotates in a housing partially filled with operating fluid. The impeller blades dip into the This line of vacuum pumps and compressors can handle hazardous gases fluid, and the centrifugal force exerted by their rotation forms a so-called liquid ring within the housing. The pumped medium is transported in the spaces between the blades and the liquid ring. The eccentric rotation of the impeller alters the volume of these spaces. Thereby, the gas is drawn in, compressed and expelled. In the single-stage versions, compression is carried out once. In the two-stage versions, the pumped medium is compressed again to allow higher vacuum levels. mpb Busch Vacuum Solutions Hall 8.0, Stand H38 Source: Busch Vacuum Solutions 03_ARCA Regler GmbH_PV3.2022_ACHEMA_cmyk.pdf - August 8, 2022 x COME Engineering excellence since 1917 / From -196 to 620 o C, -1 to 630 bar, DN 15 to 1200 / Let’s talk about CONTROL THE FLOW / CLOSER:
