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ACHEMA Daily 2022 #3

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22 ACHEMA DAILY #3 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 Mechanical/Thermal Processing Source: Barriquand Heat Exchange Plate Heat Exchanger for Difficult Fluids Platular heat exchanger Az_ Achema 2022 88 x 149 (AchemaDaily).pdf - August 8, 2022 x The Platular is a compact heat exchanger that brings many advantages in terms of the volume of treated fluids and space required for installation. The Platular fully welded plate heat exchanger’s thermal performance and minimal temperature approach is particularly suitable for exchanges on difficult, viscous fluids or fluids charged with suspended materials, says Barriquand Technologies Thermique, the developer of the equipment. The exchanger is also good for the condensation of vapor under vacuum, and thanks to the multi-pass design possibilities on each circuit, the Platular ® is also well suited for lengthy exchanges, Barriquand notes. Barriquand has developed five types of exchange stream with different geometrical characteristics offering complementary thermal and hydraulic performance lev - els and enabling a low thermal approach and minimum pressure drop. Type X is designed especially for dirty fluids. These units can generate important savings on cleaning and maintenance activities, the company says. Type IJS units are part of the first generation of Platular heat exchangers, introduced in the 1960s. Type PCV has been specially developed for district heating networks. The immerged plate type can be made on request in numerous formats. The internal heat exchanger (X type or IJS type) can fit into distillation columns. The Platular smart hybrid welded plate heat exchangers are designed to reduce maintenance costs. scj Barriquand Technologies Thermique Hall 6.1, Stand A78 Kältemaschine Kompakt, leistungsstark, umweltfreundlich Kompakt, leistungsstark und umweltfreundlich: die Kältemaschine 450F Bild: Julabo Trotz ihrer kompakten Baugröße bietet die Kältemaschine 450F von Julabo eine vergleichsweise hohe Kälteleistung von bis zu 450 W. Aufgrund des geringen Füllvolumens kann mit dem Gerät eine schnelle Aufheiz- und Abkühlzeit realisiert werden – je nach Anwenderbedarf unter Verwendung von umweltfreundlichen natürlichen oder synthetischen Kältemitteln. In Kombination mit den Thermostatse - rien Corio, Dyneo oder Magio ist die 450F eine ideale Lösung für umweltbewusste Anwender, die im Labor ein begrenztes Platzangebot haben. bec Julabo Halle 4.0, Stand A24 WELCOME TO Meet us at ACHEMA 2022 22 – 26 August 2022 Frankfurt am Main Hall 3.0 Booth H26 Lauda präsentiert digitale Innovationen aus der Temperiertechnik und gibt einen Einblick in die Möglichkeiten bei der Kühlung von Wasserstoff – eines der Trendthemen der diesjährigen ACHEMA. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich in diesem Jahr auf die Schwerpunkte Verfahrenstechnik und Prozessindustrie, um die eigene Erfahrung und das Portfolio im Bereich der industriellen Temperierung in den Vordergrund zu rücken. „Die Prozessindustrie mit ihren vielfältigen Anwendungen und Industrielle Temperiertechnik Die Prozessindustrie im Fokus Mit Lauda.Live werden alle Temperier- und Laborlösungen zu voll - ständig vernetzten und intelligenten IIoT-Geräten Bild: Lauda zukunftsgerichteten Entwicklungen gehört zu unseren wichtigsten Zielmärkten“, erklärt der für Vertrieb verantwortliche Geschäftsführer Dr. Ralf Hermann. Im Bereich der Reaktortemperierung präsentiert Lauda mit den Integral- Prozessthermostaten leistungsstarke Temperiergeräte mit einer intuitiven Steuerung über mobile Endgeräte. Seine digitalen Innovationen bündelt das Unternehmen unter dem Messemotto „Empowering Excellence. For a Better Future.“ Die smarte Vernetzung von Prozesstechnik und Temperiertechnik schreitet mit Lauda. Live weiter voran. Mit dieser digitalen Plattform werden die Temperierlösungen zu vollständig vernetzten und intelligenten IIoT-Geräten. Die digitalen Produkte bieten Nutzern umfassende Asset-Management- Funktionen sowie intelligente Analyse- und Überwachungstools und optimieren die Betriebszeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung der Lauda-Geräte. Eine Demonstration von Lauda. Live gibt es am Messestand. Für den Einsatz in der Prozessindustrie eignet sich die ITH- Wärmeübertragungsanlage zur Prozesstemperierung. Die industrielle Anlage bietet Arbeitstemperaturen bis zu maximal +550 °C und eine Heizleistung von 3 bis 500 kW und ist damit ideal gerüstet, um individuelle Temperieraufgaben in Anwendungen der Prozessindustrie zu bewältigen. bec Lauda Halle 4.0, Stand C26

Schematic diagram of a vacuum mixer-dryer ACHEMA DAILY #3 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 Mechanical/Thermal Processing 23 Careful Handling of Valuable High Concentrates Mixers and Dryers in the Production of Pesticides To manufacture pesticides, modern processing facilities are necessary. This is because the highly effective substances are not only valuable, but also not without hazards for the machine operator due to their high concentration in the process. The term pesticides groups together substances with different effectiveness levels. These are chemical or biological hightech active ingredients, which are used against undesirable organisms found in the agriculture sector with the aim of maximising yield. It takes about ten years of intensive de - velopment work, however, before an approved pesticide can be launched on the market. First of all, a search for suitable substances takes place and pilot projects are tested in the laboratory. Even for these tests, the active ingredients are converted from formulations into products that can be applied in agriculture. For this purpose, so-called carriers – powdered minerals or organic solvents – as well as additives (usually surfactants acting as emulsifiers, wetting or adhesive agents) are used. The job of the coformulants is to make the active ingredients technically safe and usable so that spreading them is safe and their effectiveness is optimal. Different preparation technologies are then weighed up Source: Amixon against each other: for example, micronisation – grinding very finely for a uniform suspension in water and then later safely spraying or dripping it on the crop plants – or encapsulation, which automatically regulates the availability and effect of the substance. Once all parameters and other attributes relating to the application have been optimised, pilot trials are carried out in the test centre. The aim is to synthesise the active ingredient in a way that makes it pure, stable, highly concentrated and reproduc ible. This project phase is particularly challenging from a process engineering point of view, because the piloted apparatus must be adequately capable of being scaled up in order to overcome the subsequent mass flows and batch sizes, which are larger by a factor of 20 to 100 as a rule. Multi-stage Process The synthesis steps for manufacturing pesticides differ depending on the active ingredient and preferred spreading method. The basic process steps are similar, however, for the basic powdered substances. First of all, a solvent is placed in the reactor, powdered reagents are added and dissolved or homogeneously suspended. The first reaction step takes place during this liquid phase. The stirring process can be supported by circulation pumps to enhance the reaction kinetics. Once the reaction has completely finished, the new substance is pre sent in liquid form. It is mixed with additives to trigger a crystallisation of the active ingredient, which is promoted by skilful temperature changes. At the moment of the phase transition, a particularly effective mixing effect is necessary – especially when very rapid, even and gentle cooling is required. The still suspended solids mostly remain capable of being pumped and are now subjected to a multistage washing process. The cleaned product is mechanically separated into a solid and liquid phase. Continuously working centrifuges or even filter presses are also used. As a rule, gastight, sealed systems are preferred. Finally, the thermal drying process takes place. The concluding vacuum drying produces an initial synthesis result, which can act as a starting material for a second synthesis step. Highly effective, modern powdered chemicals are usually the result of several synthesis steps, which nearly always finish with a vacuum mixer drying stage. During the process, the active ingredient becomes more valuable and often more sensitive with each synthesis step. Thermal and mechanical stress must therefore be avoided during drying. Drying and Cooling If, at any point in the process, the method of production is transferred from batch processing to continuous or vice versa, the material flow must be collected in buffer tanks. These buffer tanks for damp materials are also called paste bunkers. Paste bunkers must continue to work perfectly even if the damp materials are thickening or reacting as a dila - tant. They must store the goods gastight according to requirements and discharge them as completely as possible. At the same time, paste bunkers should only agitate the mass as little as possible so as to preserve its granulometric characteristics. Sometimes it is even necessary to slightly adjust the temperature of the wet mass. This is also the case in the manufacture of pesticides. At the end of the filtration process, the product resembles a crumbly, damp bulk material. Actually, it is usually pseudoplastic and its consistency soon changes when it is agitated. It can then become adhesive and sticky. From the paste bunker, the product takes a short route to the contact dryer installed underneath, which dries the product in batches with gentle continuous flow drying. At this point, all components in contact with the product are heated in the amixon dryer: the entire mixing chamber, the mixer shaft, the mixer arms and the helix. If needed, high shear blades deagglomerate the batch or distribute liquid admixtures. When they enter the mixing-dryer, the wet masses Please visit us in HALL 9.1 Stand C3 [ projects and plants for the chemical industry ] SWITZERLAND
