Konferencijos “Menas, dizainas, kalbos ir ugdymas: teorijos ir praktikos inovacijos“ pranešimų santraukų ir virtualių parodų leidinys, 2020 ISBN 978-9955-27-593-0

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Theodor Liho

Sofia National Academy of Arts, Bulgaria

Name: Theodor Liho

Webpage: http://nha.bg/en

E-mail: teddy.liho@nha.bg

Institution: Sofia Academy of Arts & Design

Address: The Eggs Studio; 89, Rakovski St. 1000 Sofia,


Phone. +359 888 581450

…The potter‘s clay forms a vessel. It is the space within that serves. A house is built with solid walls. The nothingness

of window and door alone renders it usable, that which exists may be transformed. What is non-existent has

boundless uses. LAO-TSE

Research purpose. To analyse educative application of the on line video & communication platforms/instruments like

Zoom, Webex, Teams, Skype, Google Meeting, etc. All of them became our main connecting tools to work, learn and

socialize. Developing an adaptive methodology for distance and hybrid learning of design and art. We are faced with

the “Dilema” of our reality, which has never existed before: “Health” v/s “Economy”.

Keywords: New Design Nomads, Distance, Hybrid Learning, Sustainable Living, Communication, Art, New Transformer

Heroes, Empathy

Research Methodology. Use existing educational networks for sharing local study cases/experience about actual online

educational process in the field of Design via presentations and online exhibitions platforms.

Results / Findings. All this is about feeling that we miss something important, probably because we can’t see it, but in

fact this invisible vital form takes the lives of human beings. New nomads “@ Home”, “Artist & Designers @ Home”,

“Students @ Home”? Yes, it sounds like an oxymoron. Yes, but no. During the last year “The nothingness” defined

“new life-style” and it seems no way back @ 100%. The “Game Rules” were changed by one of the smallest units of

the material world – “coVIRUS’19” - feeling of fear! The nothingness! Lost in abandoned cities: the social contacts

/practices are in a complete new form of life.

We have New Priorities. While waiting for the vaccine against CoVit’19 Medicine Practitioners / Scientists and

Teachers / Educators are “The New Transformer Heroes”. They are in highly intensive risk and action than usual,

guide the social transformation process as never before. With a vision for the post-pandemic reality our “New Transformer

Heroes” keep hard working with human dignity and devotion to society. Some weeks ago, students in different

European countries were asked: What do they really expect from their teachers /educators in those distance / hybrid

learning forms?

a. To reduce education materials in half size...

b. To be more flexible in education practice…

c. To be more liberal…

d. …………………..

Surprisingly or NOT, the biggest part of them filled in line d: “Empathy”.

Empathy is the “bright side of the earth”. (Figure 1). We see flourishing nature around us: Plenty of animals can be

seen in the cities, and thus remind us that we are not “owners of the planet”. We belong to it…

Originality / Practical implications. Empathy in educational process: numerous online learning opportunities like

the “FutureLearn” platform uniting leading universities and organizations from all over the world. With those have

appeared new social forms of Education Nomads “@home”. Many students are included in the educational process

from their hometowns. Online Pitch Training / Presentations skills “@ Best 3 minutes” (David Becket). (Figure 2).


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