Lees hier het hele artikel over Adamas van Janny Janssen

Lees hier het hele artikel over Adamas van Janny Janssen

Lees hier het hele artikel over Adamas van Janny Janssen


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Songteksten tijdens de provings<br />

Tijdens de diverse provings kwamen er bepaalde liedjes naar boven. Diamant kan een groot<br />

probleem hebben met zelfexpressie. Liedjes <strong>van</strong> stilte en depressie (Simon & Garfunkel: The<br />

sound of silence). De andere kant <strong>van</strong> diamant kan echter ook heel assertief, vol met ego,<br />

controle en rijk zijn. Dit kwam weer in een ander nummer naar voren: “Short skirt and a long<br />

jaquet”, houdt alles onder controle. Ander nummer wat bij Peter Tumminello naar voren<br />

kwam was <strong>het</strong> nummer Greatest love of all <strong>van</strong> Whitney Houston. Tijdens mijn eigen<br />

ontdekkingsreis kwam <strong>het</strong> nummer Who’s gonna stop the rain <strong>van</strong> Anastacia steeds naar<br />

voren. Deze CD had ik al jaren in huis, maar ik draaide dit nummer nooit totdat ik diamant<br />

aan <strong>het</strong> tritureren was, toen had ik de behoefte om elke dag dit nummer te draaien. Omdat ik<br />

<strong>het</strong> leuk vind om beide nummers te bekijken en te belichten, onderstaand de teksten.<br />

Greatest love of all <strong>van</strong> Whitney Houston<br />

I believe that children are our future<br />

Teach them well and let them lead the way<br />

Show them all the beauty they possess inside<br />

Give them a sense of pride, to make it easier<br />

Let that children’s laughter, remind us how we use to be…..<br />

Everybody’s searching for a hero<br />

People need someone to look up too<br />

I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs<br />

A lonely place to be<br />

And so I learn to depend on me<br />

I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone’s shadows.<br />

If I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe.<br />

No matter what they take from me, they can’t take away my dignity<br />

Because the greatest, love of all, is happening to me<br />

I found the greatest, love of all inside of me<br />

The greatest love of all, is easy to achieve<br />

Learning to love yourself it is the greatest love of all<br />

I believe that children are our future<br />

Teach them well and let them lead the way<br />

Show them all the beauty they possess inside<br />

Give them a sense of pride, to make it easier<br />

Let that children’s laughter, remind us how we use to be…..<br />

I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone’s shadows.<br />

If I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe.<br />

No matter what they take from me, they can’t take away my dignity<br />

Because the greatest, love of all, is happening to me<br />

I found the greatest, love of all inside of me<br />

The greatest love of all, is easy to achieve<br />

Learning to love yourself it is the greatest love of all<br />

And if I chance that special phrase<br />

That you’ve been dreaming off<br />

Leads you to a lonely place<br />

Find your strength in LOVE……….<br />


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