Redactor tehnic L. AXINTE - Ion Mereuta

Redactor tehnic L. AXINTE - Ion Mereuta

Redactor tehnic L. AXINTE - Ion Mereuta


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Revistă ştiinţifico-practică<br />

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Actualitatea<br />

Una dintre realizările cele mai remarcabile ale<br />

gineologiei intervenţionale de la sfîrşitul sec. XX a<br />

12<br />

Ştefan GAŢCAN, Elena LUCHIAN<br />



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Ştefan GAŢCAN, d.ş.m., dierector CM “Extramed”, Elena LUCHIAN, medic obstetrician-ginecolog<br />

Centrul Medical”EXTRAMED”<br />



During the last 25 years, the mini-invasive surgery has radically changed the clinical<br />

practice in gynaecology. The minimal traumatic methods, such as laparoscopy and<br />

minilaparotomy arouse great interest. These methods have multiple indications and are<br />

differently interpreted and classified by researchers. In order to obtain more advantages,<br />

a new laparoscopic technology has been proposed – the so-called „laparoscopy without<br />

gas” or minilaparotomy.<br />

Key words: mini-invasive surgery, laparoscopy, minilaparotomy.<br />

<br />

fost dezvoltarea şi punerea în aplicare în practica<br />

medicală a intervenţiilor chirurgivale miniminvazive<br />

pe organele genitale interne.

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