Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk dk ladVdky - Media and Rights

Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk dk ladVdky - Media and Rights

Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk dk ladVdky - Media and Rights

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ks dqN ns'k bl lewg ls ckgj fudy tk;saxs ;k fQj ladV ls fuiVus dh j.kuhfr ds :i esamUgs ;wjks t+ksu ls ckgj fu<strong>dk</strong>y fn;k tk,xkAtSls fd ge ;g dgrs jgs gSa fd okLro esa ;g ladV vkfFkZd fo<strong>dk</strong>l ds ml cqycqys ds QwVus<strong>dk</strong> ladV gS tks iwathoknh fo<strong>dk</strong>l dh lksp ij Qqyk;k x;k FkkA ;g xqCckjk ckj&ckj QwVrk jgkgS vkSj ladV ds cgko esa dbZ vFkZ O;<strong>oLFkk</strong>vksa <strong>dk</strong>s vius lkFk cgk dj ys tkrk jgk gSA ;wjkst+ksu <strong>dk</strong> ladV Hkh ;gh gSA ;wjksi ds ns'k] ftUgs irk gS fd ;wjks t+ksu ds cus jgus ds <strong>dk</strong>j.k ghos bl ladV <strong>dk</strong> lkeuk dj ldrs gSa] bl <strong>dk</strong>sf'k'k esa gSa fd vHk de ls de nqfu;k vkSjfoÙkh; laLFkkvksa ds lkeus viuh lk[k cpkbZ tk,A blhfy, teZuh vkSj Ýzkal Hkjld <strong>dk</strong>sf'k'kdj jgs gSa fd xzhl] Lisu vkSj iqrZxky tSls ns'kksa <strong>dk</strong>s foÙkh; ladV ls mcjus ds fy, gj laHkoenn nh tk, rkfd ;wjks t+ksu VwV uk tk,A;gh <strong>dk</strong>j.k gS fd xzhl <strong>dk</strong>s ladV mckjus ds fy, 130 fcfy;u ;wjks dh enn tqVkus esa;wjksfi;u deh'ku vkxs vk jgk gSA Hkkjr <strong>dk</strong>s Hkh bu ns’kksa us rS;kj dj fy;k fd Hkkjr HkhvarjkZ"Vªh; eqæk <strong>dk</strong>s"k <strong>dk</strong>s T;knk enn nsA Hkkjr esa Hkh csjkst+xkjh vkSj Hkq[kejh gS] lkekftd<strong>dk</strong>;ZØeksa ij lj<strong>dk</strong>jh [kpZ de fd;k tk jgk gS] ijUrq Hkkjr ds ç/kkueU=h us ;wjksi ds ladVds gy ds fy, 10 vjc Mkyj ;kuh yxHkx 55 gt+kj djksM+ :i, ds ;ksxnku dh ?kks"k.kk djnhA;g ckr Hkh lkQ+ gS fd oSf'od foÙkh; laLFkk,a tSls varjkZ"Vªh; eqæk <strong>dk</strong>s"k vc Hkh vk'oLr ughagSa fd ;wjks t+ksu bl ladV ls mckj ik;sxk] blfy, og ladVxzLr ns'kksa ij vius [kpksaZ <strong>dk</strong>s dedjus dh T;knk 'krsaZ ykn jgh gSaA teZuh vc bl igy ls nwj Hkh gks x;k gSA blds nwljhrjQ ladV ds uke ij lj<strong>dk</strong>jksa us vke yksxksa ij fd;s tkus okys vius [kpZ esa Hkkjh dVkSrhdjuk 'kq: dj fn;kA ;g ekuk tkrk gS fd fiNys 2 o"kksaZ esa ;wjksih; ns'kksa us yksd <strong>dk</strong>;ZØeksaij 550 fefy;u Mkyj <strong>dk</strong> O;; de dj fn;k gSAbl<strong>dk</strong> vlj LokLF;] f'k{kk] lkeftd lqj{kk vkSj jkst+xkj <strong>dk</strong>;ZØeksa ij iM+kA vc yksxksa <strong>dk</strong>s but:jrksa <strong>dk</strong>s iwjk djus ds fy, vius [kkrs ls T;knk [kpZ djuk iM+ jgk gSA blls yksx viuhgh lj<strong>dk</strong>jksa ds f[kykQ xqLls ls Hkj jgs gSaA mu<strong>dk</strong> fo'okl vius dh çfrfuf/k;ksa ij ls mB jgkgSA ;g vkfFkZd ladV dbZ jktuhfr loky Hkh [kMs dj jgk gSA ;wjksi ds ns'kksa us vius vkfFkZdvkSj foÙkh; fgrksa <strong>dk</strong>s ns[krs gq, ,d eqæk viukus <strong>dk</strong> fu.kZ; fy;k FkkA fcuk jktuhfrd,dhdj.k ds eqæk ds ,dhdj.k <strong>dk</strong> fu.kZ; vc xyr lkfcr gks jgk gSAvc rd ge ;g ekurs Fks fd varjkZ"Vªh; foÙkh; laLFkku vkSj cMs <strong>dk</strong>iksZjsV~l dsoy fo<strong>dk</strong>l'khyns'kksa <strong>dk</strong>s gh nckrs gSaA o"kZ 2007 ds ckn mHkj dj vk;s vuqHko crkrs gSa fd bu lewgksa us;wjksih; ns'kksa dh lj<strong>dk</strong>jksa ij Hkh

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